View Full Version : Anyone got any Creativity kills stories?

Kevin Drake
2017-10-31, 07:50 PM
In a recent session with my old group, I managed to pull off a kill that literally ruined my dm's entire campaign, so before I share my story on it i would like to ask you all to list your best 'creativity kills' in the comments, no matter what enemy it was on, it doesn't matter as long as it was 'unconventional'. So anyways onto my story. I was in a group of three players (not counting the dm). There was a werewolf cleric, a dwarven paladin, and most importantly to the story, a gnome wizard named Namo Wezard (played by me). Namo was a low level wizard with a few spells but two important items, a vorpal scimitar (with a mimic sheath named bob who would more often that not not let me use it), and a satchel of 'happy powder' (the ingame equivalent to cocaine) which would give me free actions if I had enough, which I could harvest from specific types of mushrooms. But anyways, in the campaign two kingdoms were waging war, the good guys and the bad guys. So the good guys sent us to the kingdom of the bad guys as a neutral party to try and work something out with the bbeg (he wasn't to final boss strength yet but he still was many levels above the party) so when we arrived, the cleric and paladin went in through the main entrance, but I didn't. Because I had a plan. Beforehand I had gotten ahold of a map of the castle's layout and found out that there was a side entrance that could be accessed via tunnels and led to a staircase to the throne room, so I snuck in (I had managed to convince bob to let go of the scimitar for a bit) and stuck the scimitar into the ground at the bottom of the staircase so the non bladed side was at an acute angle (this is important later) and went back out and went in through the main entrance. I went up to the bbeg and successfully convinced him to meet with me in that stairwell so we could speak in private. (I had two free actions worth of happy powder so I decided to put it to use) so when we were both in there I put my plan into action, I cast color spray directly into his face, then I cast grease on the top of the stairs (we were at the top, and he was in the area of affect and I wasn't), then I used my last action to spin him around to face the stairs. He then stumbled forward (he failed every saving throw in the next part, and failed miserably), slipped on the grease, started rolling down the stairs and getting injured badly in the process, and then he landed face first onto the scimitar I had stuck into the ground earlier and split his head clean in half. He was completely dead. Switch back to me and the other players around the table. The dm slowly pulls out a huge binder with what I assumed was the story he had planned, and threw it at me. We are still good friends and we still do d&d sessions but now he makes sure the bbeg can tell if something's up like that.

2017-10-31, 08:22 PM
There's a good post on the Angry DM about never letting your bosses meet the players and expecting them to come away alive.

2017-10-31, 08:31 PM
In our world if an immovable rod is activated on your person you can not teleport it.

At level 5 mind you, we were in the midst of a tpk against a Balor. Our Wizard takes the rod and says he plans to install it in the Balor's rectum as an act of desperation.

The DM laughs and says roll well. Ben the wizard goes and nat 20's it. Before dying on the Balor's turn.

The rest of us killed the Balor off at range.

2017-10-31, 08:41 PM
The best one we had was a nice combo move we had against a giant ape. The wizard polymorphed it into a rabbit, my ranger's panther grabbed it to hold it still at which point it was finished off by the barbarian doing an elbow drop from the top of a 40ft tree.

2017-10-31, 08:43 PM
A couple weeks ago I was playing a monk, and we were fighting some enemies who had the ability to throw objects as an attack, in a wizard's study. The combat was almost over, and I hadn't had the chance to use Deflect Missiles yet, so I begged the DM to have the last standing enemy throw something at me. The DM caved, so the enemy threw a book. Nat 20. I use Deflect Missiles, and manage to roll the max possible, and reduce the damage to 0. I then decide to use a ki point to throw the book back. Nat 20. The enemy is decapitated by a flying book, while I turn to the camera and say "Talk about a papercut."

2017-10-31, 08:55 PM
My dm was consolidating 2 games into 1 as players quit. However, this invovled killing off a good amount of pcs so people wouldnt have doubles. My dragonborn tempest cleric sacrificed himself to save others, jumping off a cliff into a spider web so others wouldnt be forced off. Using shatter and thunderwave he collapsed the entire web, dropping himself and the 4 or 5 giant spiders to their deaths... accept he survived with one hp. The dm took control and used him as deus ex machina later on.

2017-11-01, 07:39 AM
When an old group of mine played CoS, they snuck into Castle Ravenloft and made their way down to the kitchens. Knowing that they were far to low level to actually face Strahd, they somehow ran into a suit of animated armor that was preparing Strahd's dinner. After spiking his food, they disguised themselves as waiters and brought it up to the vampire lord. After Strahd tasted one bite, he spat it out in disgust. "What's in this?" he demanded to know. The bard put on a fancy French accent. "Sangue avec l'ail, monsieur," he said in an awful monotone. Strahd paused for a second. "Doesn't that mean... blood with garlic?" "Oui, monsieur. Ees it not to your liking?" Strahd coughs, crosses his eyes, and falls over dead. I have banned French accents permanently from my game.

2017-11-01, 09:46 AM
Hmm. I have had a couple actually. While running a game 4e level 30 as a send off one shot as two of my six players were moving away. The fighter/something/prince of hell used arcane lock on an extra dimensional coffin that was protecting people from the moment between a time when truly evil people had run over the world and good people were protected. Stole it from a persona game for reference. Well since he was a prince of hell he was allowed to do stuff for that hour. They had been chasing a lead on the god slayer who was the big bad and managed to board his spelljammer. However the moment hit and combat got "paused" with everyone except the fighter warlord and an npc shade kind of guy moving. The shade was the shadow of the god slayer and would merge with the guy they were chasing to become the god slayer and had been leaving his good half with the party to spy on him. Well with the arcane lock keeping his two halfs seperated and he was a shadow when the coffins left his body got drug into another plane leaving the shadow to wither and die screaming in agony. Good news for me is it tore a portal open to the other realm and now they were fighting the old gods. Good times.

Another as a player in 5e we were exploring some crypts cause undead were attacking the town. So I bought all the lamp oil they had and filled a 55 gallon barrel full of it. Took it into the dungeon with us. While the party chided the rogue on stealing from a small shrine/alms box. The EK and myself (battle master) explored further. We roll up on three vampires and we're like ****. I told the other fighter to run and she did. Meanwhile I held them off still with the barrel strapped to my back. So as I get dropped I ask can I have one last line. Dm says sure. I tell her to shoot the barrel with firebolt. She does and kaboom! I barely stay alive at like one from permadeath and immolate all the vampires to ash. Cleric and the rest of the party rush to save us and get there just as I fail a death save. Heal me up and then the whole place starts coming down on us cause we set off a bomb. Mad dash to get out but hell of fun. Now my dm gets super curious when I buy anything mundane in large quantities.

2017-11-01, 11:02 AM
the floor of a dungeon had collapsed into a lake of lava. the party had to traverse narrow ledges and cross several gaps while being harrassed by creatures with the monster equivalent of the mobile and athlete feat. leaping freely from ledge to ledge and stopping op attacks. Wizard readied an action to cast force-wall. trigger being the creatures jumping off a ledge. because the DM was running all the creatures on the same initiative he ruled that they all leaped off at about the same time. every single one of them face planted into the force-wall and fell into the lava.

Player had been collecting single use items for a long while. acid, Alchemists fire, poison, ball bearings etc. we were at a level where most of the items either didn't do enough damage or the DCs were so low that it would be a waste of an action to use them. I nearly forgot about this for several months. the enemy in question was a tunneling creature that would attack the spot it last heard noise (usually the guy in full plate.) and hit a 15 foot diameter area with a devastating bite attack. the fellow in question was up in the rafters and readied his action to turn his bag of holding inside out.
12 alchemists fires, 2 potions of poison,18 vials of acid (I was using acid as a component for alchemy projects that the wizard was doing) 4 sacks of caltrops 20 flasks of oil (soon to be mixed with alchemists fire) and 4 POUNDS of common poison. (the party had an alchemy jug and he said at the start that any day they didn't use the jug for other purposes, he would gather the poison from it. there were months of downtime he had enough flasks) and a gem of earth elemental summoning. there were also spare daggers and lanterns and such in there but I wasn't counting those. all of these being dropped into the maw of a creature that didn't know they were coming. we ignored the non-stacking nature of burning oil and it became a race to get out of the building before it collapsed in a fire.

2017-11-01, 11:31 AM
Well, this one is not in 5e, but in 3.5.

Was playing a Half Dragon Sorcerer/Warlock/Eldritch Theurge. I didn't have a lot of spells/invocations, but I sure had eldritch Glaive, fell flight and flee the sceen.

We were facing a Red Dragon (my half dragon Ancestry was also Red). Since negotiations failed, I teleported into it's stomach, leaving an illusion of myself behind, levitated above the acids of his stomach, and started butchering him from inside going above, 'till I found the heart and cut it off from the arteries... When I teleported out, as an invisible vaguelly Dragonic mass full of blood, everyone thought I was the dragon's spawn/reincarnation and were ready to attack me... It took a wile to convince them it was me :P