View Full Version : Dr. Stone: Stone Age Science fiction? what the heck?

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2017-11-02, 08:37 AM
Anyway, besides the rather strange theme, then the serie is turning out to be surprisingly good. The art is high quality. We get a break from the idiot hero leads, and the humor is pretty sharp.

Besides that the story have been picking up recently and the plot is gathering steam. For those with the time to spare i suggest giving it a look.

2017-11-02, 08:43 AM
It's basically one of those open-world survival game turned into manga, isn't it? Collect wood and stone to make stone axe to make workbench to make pickaxe to mine sulfur to make gunpowder and so on:smallbiggrin:

2017-11-02, 09:11 AM
This series is really good and I'm glad someone else made a thread for it cause I thought I was the only person who read it. It's...very strange, and took awhile to really "hook" me, I think, but it's good.

2017-11-03, 05:12 AM
It's basically one of those open-world survival game turned into manga, isn't it? Collect wood and stone to make stone axe to make workbench to make pickaxe to mine sulfur to make gunpowder and so on

Oh yeah, thats what it is, some fancy mixture of terraria and minecraft, without the monsters :smallbiggrin:

And yes, it also took a while for me to get hooked on the serie. Initially i though the premise would be boring. Nothing exciting happens in the stone age. And my preference usually lies with the supernatural.
But i stuck around because the characters were very well defined. And the art were good as well.

It then eventually won me over with humor and how different it is. Take for example the main characters high regard for the rules in a combat trial. Or the current chapters "Im going to aim for his vitals!"

Reminds me that we likely need to be a little careful with spoilers in the case of new readers. Anyway, did find it interesting how the pov character shifter during the start

2017-11-03, 09:33 AM
Oh yeah, thats what it is, some fancy mixture of terraria and minecraft, without the monsters :smallbiggrin:

And yes, it also took a while for me to get hooked on the serie. Initially i though the premise would be boring. Nothing exciting happens in the stone age. And my preference usually lies with the supernatural.
But i stuck around because the characters were very well defined. And the art were good as well.

It then eventually won me over with humor and how different it is. Take for example the main characters high regard for the rules in a combat trial. Or the current chapters "Im going to aim for his vitals!"

Reminds me that we likely need to be a little careful with spoilers in the case of new readers. Anyway, did find it interesting how the pov character shifter during the start

I wasn't expecting Senku to be the actual protagonist AT ALL, which is actually pretty cool.

Part of why this series is so funny is because it's written by Eyeshield 21's writer, and that guy is genuinely hilarious. He knows how to hit jokes right. I'm...there are some things I'm not 100% down on, but overall I love this series and can't wait to see more of it.

2017-11-03, 05:01 PM
I wasn't expecting Senku to be the actual protagonist AT ALL, which is actually pretty cool.
This also shows how horrible i am with names. Easier to let someone else mention it, and then just copy/paste :P

What i am intrigued by myself though, is if the change of focus were planned or not?
Initially we got the brother, about as stereotypical a protagonist as you can get? good, tough, dumb. Something the audience is familiar with.

Its gradually the focus begins to shift a little, before the brother and his GF is suddenly put on a bus, and Senku takes off on his own adventure.

Part of why this series is so funny is because it's written by Eyeshield 21's writer, and that guy is genuinely hilarious. He knows how to hit jokes right. I'm...there are some things I'm not 100% down on, but overall I love this series and can't wait to see more of it.

Really? Well.. at times the scientist kinda cringes at the abuse of physical laws.. buts its kinda used to be beating by now. After about 10 years of OP..

2017-11-03, 11:02 PM
This also shows how horrible i am with names. Easier to let someone else mention it, and then just copy/paste :P

What i am intrigued by myself though, is if the change of focus were planned or not?
Initially we got the brother, about as stereotypical a protagonist as you can get? good, tough, dumb. Something the audience is familiar with.

Its gradually the focus begins to shift a little, before the brother and his GF is suddenly put on a bus, and Senku takes off on his own adventure.

Really? Well.. at times the scientist kinda cringes at the abuse of physical laws.. buts its kinda used to be beating by now. After about 10 years of OP..

The first chapter's cover page, plus Shonen Jump when the thing first aired, showed Senku front and center. It's even called Doctor Stone, which relates to the soap...but also to Senku himself. It was always intended.

My initial problems with the series is...the initial chapters are kind of a drag because of their desire to do the fake out protagonist. I also felt the fake Senku death scene as part of that was just...it didn't work. But aside from that, basically it's just like...like one out of every ten ANYTHINGS in this manga just falls flat for me. Basically arbitrarily as well, for reasons I don't know why.

Anyway, theory crafting: Magma's gonna get his ass kicked by Kinrou, blindness or not. But SENKU is going to actually get to the end and win as a quasi sort of betrayal so he can learn what it was she was talking about when she first met him.

2017-11-04, 05:24 AM
I kinda felt the fake Sengoku scene were done pretty well. I did like the psychological bit with him rubbing that exact spot on the base of his skull that were petrified, to make his attacker target it unconciously.
But yeah, good point about the title of the manga, i guess the fake-out were planned after all. Funny enough, after the change my interest in the serie grew. As i have already mentioned, Sengoku is one of the more interesting manga protagonist we have had in a while. Last i can think of in this quality were Edward Elric.

As for your theory, as i think this will be Kinrou's moment of glory, he will likely win a phyrric victory that takes them both out of the battle. That suddenly removes all the main fighters from the tournament. But im not certain its Sengoku who wins. Interestingly enough i dont really think he has any interest in girls. I suspect its his apprentic who ends up victor. Or.. as likely.. the tournament is called off again for some reason. Its depending on what progress the story calls for. Will Sengoku get an entire village to aid him at once?

2017-11-10, 11:44 AM
New chapter!

Magma gets his ass handed to him even without Kinrou wearing glasses. Which is what allows him to accept Suika's helmet. It's not a perfect clarity, but it's enough to basically just DESTROY this stupid monkey man. Which...all but ensures that Senku's gonna do a traitor so he can talk to Ruri himself.

2017-11-10, 12:10 PM
So.. was kinda hilarious with Sengoku going "ehhh..." when being told about how strict the judge were, and showing just how much of a amateur the rat guy were when it came to cheating.

Also lovely comment in the end "That was super badass.. but somehow you saying that while wearing the mask is just kinda" :smalltongue:

2017-11-10, 12:17 PM
So.. was kinda hilarious with Sengoku going "ehhh..." when being told about how strict the judge were, and showing just how much of a amateur the rat guy were when it came to cheating.

Also lovely comment in the end "That was super badass.. but somehow you saying that while wearing the mask is just kinda" :smalltongue:

I love that the only reason Senku isn't a bad guy is because he's our protagonist. Good is not nice.

That was a good finish for the chapter, yeah. I hope Kinrou gets a cool hat with glasses in them. Maybe something wolfy.

2017-11-10, 01:47 PM
Hmm.. it so far only seems to be us who are active in here.. guess spoilers might be less important..

I love that the only reason Senku isn't a bad guy is because he's our protagonist. Good is not nice.

But yes, in almost any other manga he would be one of the side antagonists, the extremist scientist whose vision for one reason or another would be taken as "unatural" or wrong.

2017-11-10, 02:21 PM
Hmm.. it so far only seems to be us who are active in here.. guess spoilers might be less important..

But yes, in almost any other manga he would be one of the side antagonists, the extremist scientist whose vision for one reason or another would be taken as "unatural" or wrong.

Or at the very least "he's our team mate, but we don't trust him and will do him a traitor if he steps out of line".

But yeah no dude's the protagonist so his love of science and desire to turn this entire civilization of stone age people into the seeds for his future world are the good guy side.

In all fairness Tsukasa is also...genuinely presented as clearly evil. What're you gonna do when the children become adults you stupid idiot? Are you gonna Logan's Run it where no one lives past 20?

2017-11-10, 02:46 PM
At the same time though, Sengoku, while kinda jerkish, or at least generally uncaring about peoples emotions in general, still does seem like he has a genuine desire to bring people the advantages of science just for the sake of progress.
It seems like the only reason for why he actually wants to build his kingdom of science, is to have the assistance he needs for further progress. Actually ruling is something he dont care about.

But yes Tsukasa is more or less a madman. Or a twisted fanatic who has given himself entirely over to his own idology. Im not even completely certain why he is doing that. I guess he want to kill the seed of civlisation somehow.

2017-11-10, 02:55 PM
At the same time though, Sengoku, while kinda jerkish, or at least generally uncaring about peoples emotions in general, still does seem like he has a genuine desire to bring people the advantages of science just for the sake of progress.
It seems like the only reason for why he actually wants to build his kingdom of science, is to have the assistance he needs for further progress. Actually ruling is something he dont care about.

But yes Tsukasa is more or less a madman. Or a twisted fanatic who has given himself entirely over to his own idology. Im not even completely certain why he is doing that. I guess he want to kill the seed of civlisation somehow.

It's pretty clearly a sister complex. He told us that story about the young girl dying pointlessly because adults are dumb****s. He's capable of killing lions barehanded, but in the previous world he was bound by the laws of mans and the power of science, by which I mean they could just shoot him with a gun. So in this stone world he can finally let loose.

Also yeah, Senku has no desire to rule, he just wants to see how far human civilization can be pushed. He's the leader only because he wants to make things go forward. And it's clear his love of science and how it affects people is genuine, and the manga shows this really well. Especially when Suika gets her glasses, as someone who wears glasses myself that's...100% accurate.

2017-11-10, 06:55 PM
Is it just me, or that pannel where Kinrou wear Suika's helmet strike a large ressemblance to Jinno in Afro Samurai?

2017-11-11, 12:04 AM
Is it just me, or that pannel where Kinrou wear Suika's helmet strike a large ressemblance to Jinno in Afro Samurai?

One million percent correct.

2017-11-17, 12:05 PM
Well piss.

Magma is a **** heel and destroyed Suika's helmet in a sneak attack that took Kinro out. And Chrome's not beating Magma, that's just not happening...and Kohaku couldn't make it in time. Ginrou and Senku are our last hope...and they have to fight each other. It's a good thing Gin want his match though...otherwise we'd be kinda screwed.

But yeah I feel really bad about this. Suika's glasses are broke, they'll need to make her a new pair! And also Magma is utter scum and I can't wait till he gets dunked on.

Gray Mage
2017-11-23, 09:49 AM
I've been following this series from the beginning and it's been steadly climbing my top favorite ranks (well, couldn't espect less from the author of eyeshield 21). It's refreshing to see such a tribute to science, and sound(ish) science at that. It's clear that the autor is doing his research.
Anyway, new chapter hype!

Oh man, Magma is a real jerk, I can hardly wait until next chapter when he caughts fire. :smallwink:
I'm glad this doesn't seem like it's going to be resolved through power of friendship shenanigans or resorting to Senku winning the last match. Chrome deserves a break and the actual tournament
winniner isn't the focus, as long as Magma doesn't win.

2017-11-23, 10:39 AM
I've been following this series from the beginning and it's been steadly climbing my top favorite ranks (well, couldn't espect less from the author of eyeshield 21). It's refreshing to see such a tribute to science, and sound(ish) science at that. It's clear that the autor is doing his research.
Anyway, new chapter hype!

Oh man, Magma is a real jerk, I can hardly wait until next chapter when he caughts fire. :smallwink:
I'm glad this doesn't seem like it's going to be resolved through power of friendship shenanigans or resorting to Senku winning the last match. Chrome deserves a break and the actual tournament
winniner isn't the focus, as long as Magma doesn't win.

I'm pretty sure he's actually setting his own clothes on fire (because that's the only way the lens could be used to direct fire, due to sun positioning and how lens are shaped) but will then jump AT Magma to set him on fire with his body. Either way someone's gonna get set on fire.

Also, a mysterious appeared on the bridge, and looking closely at their face we can see marks of stone petrification. So that's interesting.

Gray Mage
2017-11-23, 10:51 AM
I'm pretty sure he's actually setting his own clothes on fire (because that's the only way the lens could be used to direct fire, due to sun positioning and how lens are shaped) but will then jump AT Magma to set him on fire with his body. Either way someone's gonna get set on fire.

Also, a mysterious appeared on the bridge, and looking closely at their face we can see marks of stone petrification. So that's interesting.

Most concave lenses are symmetric, so it'd diverge in either way, although with the sun's direction it'd be possible. My initial prediction was that Gen (who is the one in the bridge) picked up a convex lense and was the one that was going to burn Magma, but Chrome using it on himself would represent some character growth and represent his knowledge gain, so that'd actually be better from a writting perspective.

2017-11-25, 10:21 AM
So reading this thread convinced me to try it. I have two questions about it.

a) what is this that I'm reading?

b) why haven't I heard about it before?

This is both awesome and hilarious, it's one of those things where I don't care that they're portraying a character as being stupider than they are because it makes sense when you see who they're compared to.

A maths battle? Yeah, I've just finished Chrome's introductory chapter, it's insane. Has how this village came to be been revealed yet?

EDIT: prehistoric bikinis... I suppose they have to keep this suitable somehow, I was just expecting her to keep the dress on.

2017-12-01, 10:39 AM
So it turns out there was a way for Chrome to make the lens set him on fire. Clever! I don't think that'd work exactly, but I feel like it probably would? Of course the issue is keeping Magma in place long enough...though thankfully Gin is here with the plan to keep Magma from moving. I like the tiny detail that the crack on Gin's face looks like a spiky evil mouth.

2017-12-01, 11:18 AM
Dam i loved this chapter. The science is of course more or less bogus, but the "magic" is spot on, everything in the "spell" were brilliant!

And i were kinda surprise that the junior scientist, Gin? were allowed to win after all. And that this were not going to be decided in the finale battle.

2017-12-01, 11:51 AM
Dam i loved this chapter. The science is of course more or less bogus, but the "magic" is spot on, everything in the "spell" were brilliant!

And i were kinda surprise that the junior scientist, Gin? were allowed to win after all. And that this were not going to be decided in the finale battle.

Like I said, the ultimate twist is that Senku's gonna do a traitor so he can get access to Ruri's knowledge, both of the village's lore and her apparent knowledge about him.

2017-12-01, 07:22 PM
Hmmm... no.. i just cant see that.
To start with i really, really dont think Senkugo want actual leadership of the tribe, and all the hazzle that brings. He just want the tribe to actually assist him in building the kingdom of science. He dont want day-to-day leadership.
And at the same time i suspect he is asexual. Senkugo dont care about anything else besides science.
Furthermore, such a betrayal could cost Senkugo vital allies, and it would not win him anything. He can get all he needs as long as one of his allies win.

2017-12-08, 11:18 AM
We expected it to go this way, but not to go the way it happened, if that makes sense.

Ooooh Ginrou. So silly. Hope you enjoy married life you antisocial science boy.

2017-12-14, 03:01 PM
I think the funniest part of this thread is Yodi being wrong a lot... Sorry :smalltongue:

Yeah, I guess I let myself be talked into this series and it's pretty fun. Well, I guess as a scientist I have to feel that way :smallconfused:

Hm... not sure how much I feel like saying right now... it's enjoyable, maybe once in a while a bit more perverted than necessary (so many shots of Kohaku keeping her decency because of speech bubbles...) and the latest victory by tenacity... eh, fine. (Also, not sure of author or translater screw up, but of course not all glasses are concave, since there are also far sighted people. But I guess it's uncommon enough and didn't apply there...)

Eh, yeah, next up... Wedding? And... story time?

Oh, right, also: If you have sulfur, make your own goddamn sulfuric acid instead of nearly killing yourself.

2017-12-14, 03:58 PM
I think the funniest part of this thread is Yodi being wrong a lot... Sorry :smalltongue:

Yeah, I guess I let myself be talked into this series and it's pretty fun. Well, I guess as a scientist I have to feel that way :smallconfused:

Hm... not sure how much I feel like saying right now... it's enjoyable, maybe once in a while a bit more perverted than necessary (so many shots of Kohaku keeping her decency because of speech bubbles...) and the latest victory by tenacity... eh, fine. (Also, not sure of author or translater screw up, but of course not all glasses are concave, since there are also far sighted people. But I guess it's uncommon enough and didn't apply there...)

Eh, yeah, next up... Wedding? And... story time?

Oh, right, also: If you have sulfur, make your own goddamn sulfuric acid instead of nearly killing yourself.

I'm not a very funny person so I can't accurately predict what goofy solution they'll come up with to solve a problem. I'll note that I was right about THE FINISH, Senku wins. Just the path to get there was...lets say "trodden incorrectly".

2017-12-22, 11:52 AM

Divorce to avoid the night long celebration. Antibiotics obtained, as well as COLA. Senku's on a roll.

I will say, I like this series but things come a bit too easy to our heroes with regards to the science collection.

2017-12-22, 05:27 PM
I'll join in : SCIENCE!

Senku totally skips over the very invention of divorce.. In order to fix the relationship issue. And the party problem.
I wish I was better at organic chemistry so I could follow his exploits here but I will admit that I don't even understand his carbonated water generator. Didn't he have chalk already?
Also... I feel like this would make a pretty poor cola.. But if Gen is happy I won't complain.

... BTW, please someone tell me it's not entirely MY mind that thinks the last panel looks... Suggestive.

2017-12-22, 07:41 PM
Omg that was hilarious!

Only Sengoku would go "then i guess.. i will need a divorce" a few minuttes after winning the hand of the gorgeous priestess and the position of chief that follows, just to get his hands on some vinegar and booze, and be able to return to work.

Also.. yes thats horrible cola.. but.. its as believeable good as the chemistry Sengoku did to make his wonder drug. This is stone age science fiction :smallbiggrin:

Also.. no.. here once you have mentioned it.. then i cant see it. You dont need to sit in that position to do that thing normally. You cut cut that into a hentai without anyone registering.

2017-12-23, 12:53 AM
Omg that was hilarious!

Only Sengoku would go "then i guess.. i will need a divorce" a few minuttes after winning the hand of the gorgeous priestess and the position of chief that follows, just to get his hands on some vinegar and booze, and be able to return to work.

Also.. yes thats horrible cola.. but.. its as believeable good as the chemistry Sengoku did to make his wonder drug. This is stone age science fiction :smallbiggrin:

Also.. no.. here once you have mentioned it.. then i cant see it. You dont need to sit in that position to do that thing normally. You cut cut that into a hentai without anyone registering.

Reminder that the artist for this series did...****in'...korean fight man series. Bell something or other. It has lots of porn bits in it.

2017-12-27, 10:58 PM
Yes, the artist is infamous for his softcore-porn action manga, but he's also famous for his sci fi. Check his sci-fi short story manga collection "Hotel" which features the very beautiful, heartbreaking, titular short sci-fi manga (also there's a sillier sci-fi manga there about Tuna in that collection).

I can also recommend his manga "Origin," it's still somewhat fanservicey but less than his other manga, but it's a very solid sci-fi action manga about an advanced robot who tries to hide himself and live amongst human, because of his creator's final wish. It's a combination of silly sci-fi logistic series about him trying to pretend to be human (you'd feel familiar with it if you read Dr Stone), and intense action scene, because he's actually the prototype of six (or eight or whatever arbitrary number) of very advanced combat robots who are made based on him and also are trying to hide themselves but are less scrupulous about human life. So... yeah, it's megaman.:smallcool:

Interestingly, eventhough Boichi is korean, he's pretty much a full-fledged japanese manga artist. IIRC he lives in japan and most if not all of his manga that I know are actually published in japanese magazine?

2018-01-02, 05:25 PM
New chapter I missed aaaah oops sorry work in like 8 minutes fast reading go!

They heal Ruri of her pnemonia! The end. And we finally learn the name of the village...it's Senku's last name I think? Ishigami can mean "the stone god/the doctor god". The village of science was waiting for him.

It's interesting, I just wonder what's gonna happen next!

2018-01-03, 04:33 PM
New chapter I missed aaaah oops sorry work in like 8 minutes fast reading go!

They heal Ruri of her pnemonia! The end. And we finally learn the name of the village...it's Senku's last name I think? Ishigami can mean "the stone god/the doctor god". The village of science was waiting for him.

It's interesting, I just wonder what's gonna happen next!

It just felt like there was little to say... A bit of medical discussion and the twist(?) at the end.. I didn't feel like commenting last week, sorry.
I guess I could wonder whether men and mice catch the same type of pneumonia... But eh.

2018-01-12, 01:00 PM
New chapter!

So remember how Senku's dad sacrificed everything for him? Yeah Senku...returned that favor in spades. SPACE DAD!

And since he was off planet when the stone wave happened, he and the rest of the ISS were safe from harm. And so, the stone village was formed after he returned from space. I'm...curious as to how they got back safely (my guess is that they DIDN'T because there was no infrastructure left, which is why so much is lost). But yeah um...it's a good thing Senku divorced Ruri cause she's his great great great grand niece! Add in a few more greats though time takes awhile. Also this kills all ships Senku could have if anyone was trying to do that.

2018-01-12, 01:11 PM
New chapter!

So remember how Senku's dad sacrificed everything for him? Yeah Senku...returned that favor in spades. SPACE DAD!

And since he was off planet when the stone wave happened, he and the rest of the ISS were safe from harm. And so, the stone village was formed after he returned from space. I'm...curious as to how they got back safely (my guess is that they DIDN'T because there was no infrastructure left, which is why so much is lost). But yeah um...it's a good thing Senku divorced Ruri cause she's his great great great grand niece! Add in a few more greats though time takes awhile. Also this kills all ships Senku could have if anyone was trying to do that.

It... is a bit weird we get this story only now... I mean... Damn, man, your dad is a astronaut. And nobody bothered to tell us? But otherwise it's a fun story and I have hopes we will learn something about the light soon, then.

In regards to science stuff... I think the ISS has some emergeny landing system? *check* Ah, they just keep a Soyuz capsule at hand. Stupid me. I guess they... decided to go to Japan with it? Or landed somewhere and dad walked to Japan? I guess there are still some questions open... But considering the time span it is a) likely Senku is related to EVERYONE either in the village or on Earth and b) it really does not matter in the slightest. From any biological point of view. There are so many greats in between any of his DNA is so washed thin I'm shocked they still have blonde hair, unless they had some damn strict breeding rules. Honestly, Senku should be proven wrong on that if the manga wants to keep it's scientific image.

2018-01-12, 01:20 PM
It... is a bit weird we get this story only now... I mean... Damn, man, your dad is a astronaut. And nobody bothered to tell us? But otherwise it's a fun story and I have hopes we will learn something about the light soon, then.

In regards to science stuff... I think the ISS has some emergeny landing system? *check* Ah, they just keep a Soyuz capsule at hand. Stupid me. I guess they... decided to go to Japan with it? Or landed somewhere and dad walked to Japan? I guess there are still some questions open... But considering the time span it is a) likely Senku is related to EVERYONE either in the village or on Earth and b) it really does not matter in the slightest. From any biological point of view. There are so many greats in between any of his DNA is so washed thin I'm shocked they still have blonde hair, unless they had some damn strict breeding rules. Honestly, Senku should be proven wrong on that if the manga wants to keep it's scientific image.

Well remember, the rest of the family have that weird black and blonde mix, so maybe Senku's genetics are just weird. Also given he was only an astronaut for three days before the world ended I don't think it's that bad he didn't mention it. He probably thought space people were hit by the wave as well until he saw the Naxa logo on the village.

2018-01-13, 03:09 AM
New chapter!

So remember how Senku's dad sacrificed everything for him? Yeah Senku...returned that favor in spades. SPACE DAD!

And since he was off planet when the stone wave happened, he and the rest of the ISS were safe from harm. And so, the stone village was formed after he returned from space. I'm...curious as to how they got back safely (my guess is that they DIDN'T because there was no infrastructure left, which is why so much is lost). But yeah um...it's a good thing Senku divorced Ruri cause she's his great great great grand niece! Add in a few more greats though time takes awhile. Also this kills all ships Senku could have if anyone was trying to do that.

if it worked out for aragorn and arwen they will be fine

2018-01-22, 06:51 AM
Flashback time!

Not much to say... iirc couples are actually not allowed on the iss, but I could be wrong there. Otherwise I guess nice enough even though I don't really have an idea where this is going now. But we do know where the gene pool of Isayama village Comes from... apparently they do have some rule about keeping the Idol blood line pure?

2018-01-22, 10:17 AM
Flashback time!

Not much to say... iirc couples are actually not allowed on the iss, but I could be wrong there. Otherwise I guess nice enough even though I don't really have an idea where this is going now. But we do know where the gene pool of Isayama village Comes from... apparently they do have some rule about keeping the Idol blood line pure?

"No couples on the ISS" feels like something that they probably attempted but realized was impossible. I do think they...probably do enforce "no boning in space" though.

Yeah, it's...gonna be interesting to see how Byakuya manages to play all this out.

2018-01-22, 10:59 AM
"No couples on the ISS" feels like something that they probably attempted but realized was impossible. I do think they...probably do enforce "no boning in space" though.

Yeah, it's...gonna be interesting to see how Byakuya manages to play all this out.

Wait... why would that be impossible? I mean... honestly, why?
Also: Apparently Byakuya is going to be one sixth of humanity's gene pool. Hooray...? But now I wonder why they haven't repopulated Earth already if they were around for ... about 4000 years. At least Japan should be pretty full by then.

2018-01-22, 11:15 AM
Wait... why would that be impossible? I mean... honestly, why?
Also: Apparently Byakuya is going to be one sixth of humanity's gene pool. Hooray...? But now I wonder why they haven't repopulated Earth already if they were around for ... about 4000 years. At least Japan should be pretty full by then.

You spend a year or two up in a metal box in the middle of the hell void, you either learn to never be in the same room with someone or become their best bud. Relationships are gonna propagate in space. It's like sailing only more.

And that's a good question. Maybe their community is just really insullar? Or maybe they just sucked at survival.

2018-01-22, 12:59 PM
You spend a year or two up in a metal box in the middle of the hell void, you either learn to never be in the same room with someone or become their best bud. Relationships are gonna propagate in space. It's like sailing only more.

And that's a good question. Maybe their community is just really insullar? Or maybe they just sucked at survival.

Okay, that would be a good point but you don't spend a year in space... I think? Nah, half a year, at worst, with a few exceptions. I guess tiring but not impossible. Also, good buds are not quite a couple. Well, not always. *insert discussion about "men and women can't be friends"*

Well, they came from six astronauts, I feel they can't have been idiots... Even if they were not Senku level genius and not survival experts, they must have been decent to start with... though maybe the inbreeding did take a toll on them.
I feel like repopulating Earth and expanding would have been my main goal in their situation. And that's not a poor joke.

2018-01-23, 06:17 AM
Well.. as i recall.. to avoid inbreeding you need something along the line of at least 50 individuals. And thats while running a strict breeding program. Even if all 4 of the guys had a child with each of the 2 womens, then it would at most take a couple generations before siblings began to pair. Only way this would have been possible is if very early on other people began to break free of the stone curse.

2018-01-23, 07:12 AM
Well.. as i recall.. to avoid inbreeding you need something along the line of at least 50 individuals. And thats while running a strict breeding program. Even if all 4 of the guys had a child with each of the 2 womens, then it would at most take a couple generations before siblings began to pair. Only way this would have been possible is if very early on other people began to break free of the stone curse.

It's 3/3, actually. And depending on how we look at half-siblings, inbreeding can be avoided for at least a while.. Sibling inbreeding can be avoided for quite a while. With 2/4 it would be far more difficult, yes, requiring definite break ups or three-people relationships. But then we could get four to eight distinct... er, gene lines (?) with no overlap. Of course once we reach grandchildren they would have to have only two grandmothers as opposed to the normal four. Then we can't avoid it, but assuming they don't have just two kids each, the next generation already has a far larger number of available grandparents.

Of course the dangers of inbreeding are usually exaggerated by cultural ideas and a healthy pair of siblings is far more likely to have healthy children than not. Long term inbreeding can go either way but if you are willing to do trial and error you should come out on top.

2018-01-23, 08:53 AM
Plus it's always possible that they managed to free some of the stone encased to boost their numbers, but never managed to get to the point where they had the resources to expand far enough to find Senku and company.

Until proven otherwise, my view is that there are other villages of a similar population that bring the local population up to a couple of hundred, but communication has broken down overt the intervening few thousand years.

2018-01-23, 09:19 AM
Well one of them is kinda androgene, so its a bit hard to tell. But alright, with 3 available mothers, If each of them then have a kid with each available father then they can begin with 9 different population lines. In those each line would have 4 other lines they dont share any lines with.

Of course it dont really matter. From what i could find on the matter
Article on space colonisation (http://www.popularmechanics.com/space/deep-space/a10369/how-many-people-does-it-take-to-colonize-another-star-system-16654747/)

Then it takes around 10.000 people to be somewhat certain of a stable beginning.
So the only scientific solution is that they have either managed to free people, or in previous generations allowed random breakthoughs to join in.

2018-01-23, 09:52 AM
You know maybe the inbreeding is why their as tribal as they are?

2018-01-23, 11:26 AM
Well one of them is kinda androgene, so its a bit hard to tell. But alright, with 3 available mothers, If each of them then have a kid with each available father then they can begin with 9 different population lines. In those each line would have 4 other lines they dont share any lines with.

Of course it dont really matter. From what i could find on the matter
Article on space colonisation (http://www.popularmechanics.com/space/deep-space/a10369/how-many-people-does-it-take-to-colonize-another-star-system-16654747/)

Then it takes around 10.000 people to be somewhat certain of a stable beginning.
So the only scientific solution is that they have either managed to free people, or in previous generations allowed random breakthoughs to join in.

Which one looks androgene? The one that starts out saying the other man is their husband? :smallconfused:
I feel we might be getting a bit off-thread and could move that into an science thread instead... but if we don't want to continue I'll at least add that yes, of course a larger population is better for all kinds of reasons, be it surviving catastrophes or genetic diversity, but we don't really have a choice here. My argument isn't related to whether a small population is btter but whether it's feasible.
It seems my google fu isn't quite up to date, as I would have expected to find some curious biologist who put a few mice in a cage and let them bang for a few generations to see what happens, I can't find anything on it.
The best I could find are a few works from a Robert C Lacy, University of Chicago, who wrote a few pieces related to genetics of endangered species, but I guess it's close enough to our problem. Though, he hasn't done any experiments on it, his outlook is much more pessimistic than mine, apparently, concerning bottlenecks in populations.
Of course a real repopulation endeavor would be exhausting in any case, even if we... well, let's say exhaust the women's ability to create as much offspring as possible, but four thousand years / 160 generations seems like a time when there could have been made some progress if they wanted to.
Or maybe the most kind assumption at least towards the scientists was, they never intended to repopulate but to cure and they failed because they never stumbled across Senku's cure. Still, it seems to me at some point their descendants would have set off on their own.

You know maybe the inbreeding is why their as tribal as they are?

You mean they just look (mostly) fine but are in fact genetically doomed to remain cavemen? Well, cavemen able to perfectly speak a 4000 year old language but still. :smalltongue:

2018-01-23, 06:01 PM
No.. the small one with short hair and no visible breasts.

And yes, i were also considering long term survival. And finally found the source i had been thinking about.
Franklins 50/500 rule Link (https://nctc.fws.gov/courses/csp/csp3157/content/resources/pop_viability.pdf) says a population needs 50 individuals for short term survival, and 500 for long term survival. Its also being contested for not being enough, but thats a minor detail.

So other people must have broken out of the stone shell earlier, the astronaouts just could not figure out why.

You mean they just look (mostly) fine but are in fact genetically doomed to remain cavemen? Well, cavemen able to perfectly speak a 4000 year old language but still.

And besides a large potion of them being closer to greek demi-gods than inbreed freaks? :P

2018-01-24, 02:48 AM
No.. the small one with short hair and no visible breasts.

And yes, i were also considering long term survival. And finally found the source i had been thinking about.
Franklins 50/500 rule Link (https://nctc.fws.gov/courses/csp/csp3157/content/resources/pop_viability.pdf) says a population needs 50 individuals for short term survival, and 500 for long term survival. Its also being contested for not being enough, but thats a minor detail.

So other people must have broken out of the stone shell earlier, the astronaouts just could not figure out why.

And besides a large potion of them being closer to greek demi-gods than inbreed freaks? :P

OK, there are three females : the diva, the one with pigtails and the, yes, short haired and not extensively busty one, who nonetheless introduced herself with something along the lines of "don't worry about my husband". Of course they might be a same-sex couple but...

Ah, that's a very nice paper. I don't have the time to read it right now and I'm much more interested in the cited works since it's more a review than a work on its own.
On a short skim I found box 2 most interesting, concerning a population of birds shrunk to about 60 but regrown up to 2000. Of course those are birds and ten times as many as our astronauts and birds but still a ray of hope.

My guess is the author did not put too much thought into that part of the story. But it's not like it's easy to predict.

2018-02-03, 11:08 AM
New chapter.

Well.. I kind of expected a bitt more backstory? Assuming that is the end. But honestly, I'd expect more from five astronauts in respect to scientific revival of humanity..........

2018-02-03, 11:38 AM
New chapter.

Well.. I kind of expected a bitt more backstory? Assuming that is the end. But honestly, I'd expect more from five astronauts in respect to scientific revival of humanity..........

Yeah the story is a little strained, but I feel like some of the details were probably lost along the years? Also I like how they make that little aside of "also Senku isn't blood related" because they want to make it very clear that Senku can be shipped with them without it being a little gross.

2018-02-03, 02:58 PM
Yeah the story is a little strained, but I feel like some of the details were probably lost along the years? Also I like how they make that little aside of "also Senku isn't blood related" because they want to make it very clear that Senku can be shipped with them without it being a little gross.

Huh, I totally skimmed over that... did we get any prior notion of that? I wonder why they put that in... Really for the ships? Not that the shipping bit would have bothered me... considering the ratio of incest that must have happened among the six' descendants...
Also... so... who decided to leve that island after all? And why is Ishigami village were it is..

Sidenote: Girl... I appreciate music too, but I'm sure you could somehow help out to preserve it... maybe by, I don't know, effing writing it down! Also: I'm afraid I'm the only one who hesitated wen she was talking about "pleasures" even in this world..

2018-02-03, 04:52 PM
I meanwhile was actually annoyed by the inclusion of Sengoku not being blood related to his father. It felt very forced to me. Like something that was only put in so that Sengoku could be shipped with the villagers.

2018-02-04, 06:20 PM

It's not perfect, but I'll roll with that. It's implausible, but not any more than the feats of strength depicted in the same story.

And if you're going to try repopulating the Earth from an insufficiently large group, a bunch of highly diverse individuals fit enough to be astronauts is the best you could hope for.

2018-02-04, 09:59 PM
I think the obvious thing people are forgetting is that there were several towns displayed and odds are those weren't actually the only six people this whole time. It's entirely possible other people either came from stone, somehow didn't petrify, or were somehow woken up by other means.

2018-02-05, 02:11 AM
I think the obvious thing people are forgetting is that there were several towns displayed and odds are those weren't actually the only six people this whole time. It's entirely possible other people either came from stone, somehow didn't petrify, or were somehow woken up by other means.

Which "several towns"? I mean, no, it's not unlikely some other people were as lucky as senku and got accidentally revived by nature; and some might have avoided petrification somehow, albeit we have no indication how that could be possible, as far as I can recall we have seen no indication of settlements apart from the village.

2018-02-05, 05:56 AM
I think the obvious thing people are forgetting is that there were several towns displayed and odds are those weren't actually the only six people this whole time. It's entirely possible other people either came from stone, somehow didn't petrify, or were somehow woken up by other means.

While this has been theorised, along with 'the original astronauts discovered how to break people out of stone, but the knowledge was lost', it isn't actually canon because it hasn't appeared in the manga.

In all honesty, the science is bad enough in this series that I'm willing to overlook inbreeding problems or just come to a headcanon about how they were avoided.

2018-02-10, 05:33 AM
Nothing too exciting but a decent end of the "chapter". Next time they're off to war, I guess...

I still feel the astronauts could have done a better job conserving human knowledge but whatever.
Also... I guess kudos portraying pneumonia for the threat it is/was.

2018-02-16, 11:03 AM
New chapter!

Rip Ginrou v_v. The Stone War begins, and sadly our lovely blind man is PROBABLY going to bite it due to it. Thankfully, Senku's bluff on having guns is a thing, but it won't last for long and Tsukasa is definitely smart enough to see through most of this ruse, I imagine.

Science can both improve and destroy, and Senku focusing on the former may of been a good idea for gaining allies, but will cost them in the long run. My prediction is that they won't ever actually beat Tsukasa and instead he'll become old and realize "...I'm an adult now" and face an existential crisis and kill himself.

2018-02-16, 11:25 AM
New chapter!

Rip Ginrou v_v. The Stone War begins, and sadly our lovely blind man is PROBABLY going to bite it due to it. Thankfully, Senku's bluff on having guns is a thing, but it won't last for long and Tsukasa is definitely smart enough to see through most of this ruse, I imagine.

Science can both improve and destroy, and Senku focusing on the former may of been a good idea for gaining allies, but will cost them in the long run. My prediction is that they won't ever actually beat Tsukasa and instead he'll become old and realize "...I'm an adult now" and face an existential crisis and kill himself.

Eh... I don't expect Ginrou to die. This doesn't at all feel like what would happen, if the story continues to follow any kind of normal rules.

But yeah, the war has begun. Intelligence vs power? Hm... I don't expect things to end the way you suggest, but I don't have any idea of my own. Obviously, Tsukasa realizing the error of his ways and giving in might be the best... but he seems rather stubborn. So maybe instead he'll just lose all his minions to the lure of cola and then he'll have to retreat.
Good thing for the village is... they have a good defensive position. Let's hope they're equipped for a siege. But then they do have boats and fishing rods, probably.
We'll see.

2018-02-23, 10:37 AM
This was a logical development the moment Senguko arrived. Suposedly its pretty easy to make iron as soon as you know how to.
All the same the repeated rubbish about japanese swords being superior makes me want to vomit.

2018-02-23, 01:21 PM
This was a logical development the moment Senguko arrived. Suposedly its pretty easy to make iron as soon as you know how to.
All the same the repeated rubbish about japanese swords being superior makes me want to vomit.

Eh, I feel too little progress. Also it seems to me this is a skill someone in the kingdom of power should also have.. Not mastery of but the basics.
And.. It's a manga. They had to say they are better :smalltongue:

2018-02-23, 03:37 PM
Eh, I feel too little progress. Also it seems to me this is a skill someone in the kingdom of power should also have.. Not mastery of but the basics.
And.. It's a manga. They had to say they are better

That its a manga does not excuse it for lying.
Anyway, as such not really. I doubt any of those young bodybuilders recruited into the kingdom of power would have the knowledge and skill. It is kinda obscure, perhaps mainly possesed by survival nuts and geologists?

If they are smart though, then they might manage to find some of the metals that dont corrode in the ruins of a city. Alluminium Should be a viable pick. Or Bronce.

Alternatively they can just stick with spears. Those are a superior weapon anyway.

2018-02-24, 12:06 AM
I get the intimidation factor seeing as how these are all goobers from our time period so they think katanas are awesome.

But man. That's really dumb. At least Ginrou is alive (though I feel like that's entirely ridiculous) and looks cute as heck in those glasses.

2018-02-24, 02:12 AM
That its a manga does not excuse it for lying.
Anyway, as such not really. I doubt any of those young bodybuilders recruited into the kingdom of power would have the knowledge and skill. It is kinda obscure, perhaps mainly possesed by survival nuts and geologists?

If they are smart though, then they might manage to find some of the metals that dont corrode in the ruins of a city. Alluminium Should be a viable pick. Or Bronce.

Alternatively they can just stick with spears. Those are a superior weapon anyway.

Alluminium isn't really a metal you want to use as a weapon, is it? :smallconfused:
And they are not all body builders... maybe the soldiers are, but Tsukasa's limit was "young people" not "dumb people".
Also, I'm not even talking about folding metal, but basic metalllurgy. Smelting and smithing to get any kind of metal weapons which seems like something they haven't figured out.

2018-02-24, 04:29 AM
Alluminium isn't really a metal you want to use as a weapon, is it?

Likely not if you got access to good steel. But the central premise is that these suckers likely dont have that. Its not like there is anything getting in the way of using this for a weapon though. Its strong enough. You already make bats out of it.

And they are not all body builders... maybe the soldiers are, but Tsukasa's limit was "young people" not "dumb people".

Makes him sound like a dark, stupid version of Peter Pan. But it still means he is extremely unlikely to have access to that skill then. Its not something young people know about in general.

Also, I'm not even talking about folding metal, but basic metalllurgy. Smelting and smithing to get any kind of metal weapons which seems like something they haven't figured out.

Funny enough, if you start with even basic quality steel then folding it just ruins it.
But its a challenge in itself to get a fire varm enough to melt the ore, and even more of a challenge to find the ore without a reference.

2018-03-02, 12:27 PM
New chapter but little to say... Gen gets a few nice moments and we talk more about swords. I mean, there's clearly progress but little feel the need to talk about.

I've come to realize... Dr Stone slightly reminds me of Nadia, an anime from the 90s that while not as focused on it sparked my early interest in science. I don't think Stone manages it quite as well because it's a bit too focused on it's sciency prowess to deliver on overall entertaining story (not saying it's bad but the focus seems clearly elsewhere). Maybe when we get an anime of Dr Stone I'll reconsider?

2018-03-05, 01:24 PM
What hurts the most is that you could come up with more plausible reasons why katana and folding steel are the most suitable in this situation. But essentially Senku has been used to speed up the time making them and they're just superior because raisins.

Having access to metal is a massive boot for the village, but honestly metal spearheads and knives would have made a lot more sense.

Although I'm a sabre fanboy, so I'm not exactly unbiased here :smalltongue:

2018-03-05, 06:27 PM
Dr Stone is a silly series. I have nothing to say but the fact I didn't see the hidden details from last chapter show that I'm really not invested in this. I enjoy it, but still.

2018-03-10, 05:27 AM
Well... I guess the diversion worked... I feel like really blaming the guards on this but... eh, it happens.

Also: Wow, they actually killed the henchmen. I mean, not actively but still. I'm shocked.

And... what is that great weapon? I feel like "information/knowledge" but that might be too meta for this war... Guns are too obvious... and I don't think they had time to built a nuke....

2018-03-12, 08:32 PM
Well... I guess the diversion worked... I feel like really blaming the guards on this but... eh, it happens.

Also: Wow, they actually killed the henchmen. I mean, not actively but still. I'm shocked.

And... what is that great weapon? I feel like "information/knowledge" but that might be too meta for this war... Guns are too obvious... and I don't think they had time to built a nuke....

I really have no idea! Dr Stone's level of quality is...weird.

2018-03-17, 06:47 AM
I really have no idea! Dr Stone's level of quality is...weird.

In how far?

So that was a lot this chapter... we get some glipses into Tsukasa's empire and more"morality" discussion... Thanks, Gen, for pointing out the obvious hypocrits.
We are reminded of the two people whose names I've genuinely forgotten again already... I guess because I binchread that part?

And... I wasn' too far off with information. Senku is still crazy for going after phones... I mean, I guess radios more like. But even that is totally bonkers.

2018-03-17, 01:05 PM
Phones... Well I suppose radio transceivers aren't impossible with what they've got, although they'll likely want access to copper and/or gold* instead of iron. Overstating the value of communication a bit, but the logic of getting them to the people who have been within the empire from the beginning is sound. Almost makes me think Senkuu was thinking ahead.

* People get really shocked when you mention that gold is an important part of modern electronics, asking why we don't just use another cheaper nonoxydising conductor (haha, good one).

2018-03-17, 03:45 PM
Phones... Well I suppose radio transceivers aren't impossible with what they've got, although they'll likely want access to copper and/or gold* instead of iron. Overstating the value of communication a bit, but the logic of getting them to the people who have been within the empire from the beginning is sound. Almost makes me think Senkuu was thinking ahead.

* People get really shocked when you mention that gold is an important part of modern electronics, asking why we don't just use another cheaper nonoxydising conductor (haha, good one).

Don't underestimate the ability to communicate over large distances.. Nowadays it's hard to imagine but seriously, if you left hand doesn't know what the right does it's a serious problem in warfare. Though, this does matter more if you have more hands...

2018-03-18, 04:52 AM
Don't underestimate the ability to communicate over large distances.. Nowadays it's hard to imagine but seriously, if you left hand doesn't know what the right does it's a serious problem in warfare. Though, this does matter more if you have more hands...

[spoler]True, and I'm also likely assuming the Tsukasa empire has more people than it actually does. I'm not underestimating the ability to get warning of plans and movements, just saying that if the village is fifty people and Tsukasa is seriously trying to increase his number of subjects then simply having the ability to communicate over distances won't be as vital as it is.

I'd argue that the actual weapon is, as was said earlier, information, and that Senkuu is just phrasing it in a strange way. Knowing what the other members of your forces are doing, and what your enemy is doing, as well as what weapons your enemy has access to, is all information.[/spoiler]

2018-03-19, 04:58 PM
In how far?

So that was a lot this chapter... we get some glipses into Tsukasa's empire and more"morality" discussion... Thanks, Gen, for pointing out the obvious hypocrits.
We are reminded of the two people whose names I've genuinely forgotten again already... I guess because I binchread that part?

And... I wasn' too far off with information. Senku is still crazy for going after phones... I mean, I guess radios more like. But even that is totally bonkers.

I mean sometimes it seems really really good and sometimes it's just kinda bleh.

I also liked seeing a bit into Tsukasa's realm. It was neat, and I mean ignoring the mass murder and anti intellectualism Tsukasa's got some interesting ideas. Which I feel like is part of is. Also am I the only one concerned we didn't actually SEE the other two leads in that scene?

Also Senku for ****s sake you're not making a cellphone. There is no way in hell you're making a cellphone. How do...communication tower?

2018-03-19, 05:23 PM
I mean sometimes it seems really really good and sometimes it's just kinda bleh.

I also liked seeing a bit into Tsukasa's realm. It was neat, and I mean ignoring the mass murder and anti intellectualism Tsukasa's got some interesting ideas. Which I feel like is part of is. Also am I the only one concerned we didn't actually SEE the other two leads in that scene?

Also Senku for ****s sake you're not making a cellphone. There is no way in hell you're making a cellphone. How do...communication tower?

Eh... Tsukasa's idea are as simple as he it. And as simple as his army. I'm shocked he thawed out Gen, but I guess he assumed he could keep him in check. Honestly, in the big battle between Tsukasa's strength, Senku's science and Gen's silver tongue, Gen would come out high on top if if was armies against armies. The best way to make people follow you is tell them what they want to hear.

Ah, you don't need a cell tower, just stick a metal rod in the ground...
But seriously, I've been thinking what you need to make a rudimentary radio,,, a mic, a speaker, an antenna... power. I mean, it's not that bad.. You won't have any luxury but... Okay, half of these are still way too hard,

edit: new chapter...

Oh, it's as easy as making cotton candy! Good to know :smallbiggrin: I guess the explanation is decent enough but... I guess I need to read up on vacuum tubes..
Also: Turning the enemy with sweets. This girl must be really dedicated to her mission if that is all it takes :smalltongue:

2018-03-27, 09:40 AM
The laymans terms explanation for how phones work actually was rather nice, since I genuinely have no ****ing clue how phones work at all.

Also...what a fascinating turn of events. Cotton Candy, the simplest of sweets. If that actually convinces the pyromaniac to switch sides I'm going to be surprised.

2018-03-27, 01:13 PM
The laymans terms explanation for how phones work actually was rather nice, since I genuinely have no ****ing clue how phones work at all.

Also...what a fascinating turn of events. Cotton Candy, the simplest of sweets. If that actually convinces the pyromaniac to switch sides I'm going to be surprised.

I think many people don't and my understanding goes as far as Senku's explanation... except I'm pretty sure we don't use vacuum tubes anymore (? No, I haven't read up on it yet. Procrastination, yay!)

I'm a bit surprised where he got the sugar from exactly... I mean, I guess there must be some in sake, okay, but... how much exactly?

2018-03-27, 02:33 PM
I think many people don't and my understanding goes as far as Senku's explanation... except I'm pretty sure we don't use vacuum tubes anymore (? No, I haven't read up on it yet. Procrastination, yay!)

I'm a bit surprised where he got the sugar from exactly... I mean, I guess there must be some in sake, okay, but... how much exactly?

The sugar is from the yam wine. Yams are super sweet, so them being all burnt up would make sugar crystals. It actually makes perfect sense, especially since cotton candy was made basically so stretch a very small amount of sugar a long distance. Get a lot of bang for your buck.

2018-03-27, 02:51 PM
The sugar is from the yam wine. Yams are super sweet, so them being all burnt up would make sugar crystals. It actually makes perfect sense, especially since cotton candy was made basically so stretch a very small amount of sugar a long distance. Get a lot of bang for your buck.

Ah, that makes more sense. I must have mixed something up. Of course zam would be sugary. Also, considering Gen was turned by cola it seems ot unlikely to turn someone with the offer of sweets.

2018-03-27, 03:22 PM
I think many people don't and my understanding goes as far as Senku's explanation... except I'm pretty sure we don't use vacuum tubes anymore (? No, I haven't read up on it yet. Procrastination, yay!)

Yeah, the core explanation is sound, although aerial design is a bit more complicated than it appears (it has to be at least half the wavelength of the longest wave you want to send, to start), and in practice you'll be wanting to modulate waves to various (potentially arbitary) frequencies if you don't want everybody talking to everybody (an important part of phones), although for Senkuu's process modulating everybody to the same degree to just make transmission and receiving easier is probably sufficient.

The modulation would probably be the killer here, IIRC human speech has crazy long wavelengths compared to a phone. Therefore you'll have to modulate them if you want the aerial small enough for your phone to fit in your hand (these days aerials can be built into microchips, although generally the packaging). Modulation is rather simple, I believe you can do it with just a resistor and an inductor (or was it a capacitor? Been a while since I did it), but the problem will be having all the radios close enough that they can call each other. Even better if you can use a variable resistor (or some form of variable inductor) so you can change the frequency you're modulating to.

Oh, and we amplify via transistors instead of valves these days. Mainly CMOS, which if my memory serves is a way of making NPN and PNP MOSFETs* on the same bit of silicon. Again, a while since I did they way you make them, but the NPN should be within the PNP unless I'm very much mistaken. Of course a valve is much easier to make than a transistor, which is why they're using it.

*Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistors for those who don't know. Field Effect is to do with the fact that there's no connection between the gate (where you pump in your signal to be enhanced) and the main body of the transistor. Unless I've completely forgotten the Metal Oxide is what the barrier is made of.

2018-03-30, 02:22 PM
New chapter with a few developments...

The timing for the future warfare is set... I really would just put up a siege here.. They might be able to fish but otherwise they're pretty screwed during winter so I guess they might not even last that long.
Also, Tsukasa is not totally gullible it seems.

Also, we get a gear which.. I don't quite see the point of... don't you also need to constantly turn this? What's the difference, really? For the funny scene conerning Kohaku's shield?

And finally... how did Senku not come up with bulding a water wheel if they have a river that's good enough for it? Oh well... time to harvest the power of water!

2018-04-02, 10:32 PM
New chapter with a few developments...

The timing for the future warfare is set... I really would just put up a siege here.. They might be able to fish but otherwise they're pretty screwed during winter so I guess they might not even last that long.
Also, Tsukasa is not totally gullible it seems.

Also, we get a gear which.. I don't quite see the point of... don't you also need to constantly turn this? What's the difference, really? For the funny scene conerning Kohaku's shield?

And finally... how did Senku not come up with bulding a water wheel if they have a river that's good enough for it? Oh well... time to harvest the power of water!

Okay so the problem is that with the original rope method, they'd run out of length to make the thing spin. They HAD to go back and forth to do the twisting required. However, with a gear, all you need to do is crank it. It goes in one direction at a constant speed, allowing for a more consistent thread that doesn't have the minor stopping point of having to switch directions. The gear does all the turning for you now.

Honestly, I'd have to assume the fact that it took three days and nights of working straight. He didn't think of doing it because he probably figured it'd take longer than that, and better to start on the more important stuff first. I actually like it, having Chrom come up with inventions on his own is something I want to happen more often because it speaks to the idea that science cannot truly die.

2018-04-03, 03:20 AM
After the eye rolling GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL scenes, I'm glad we're back on track with vaguely plausible (and far more narratively sensible) science.

2018-04-03, 06:12 AM
After the eye rolling GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL scenes, I'm glad we're back on track with vaguely plausible (and far more narratively sensible) science.

Yeah, using candy floss to test your wire making machine is good, the science is now mostly back to accurate but simplified, and does legitimately make sense.

2018-04-07, 07:52 AM
We're continuing with the logical progress of tech (kind of), making the world a little brighter. But a) that timing is ridiculous and b).. So... You try to be hard science and then you throw jolly old Nick at us? Screw you, guys :smalltongue:

2018-04-07, 07:01 PM
I'm chuckling at that battery. The only reason it's working so well is that they don't have to deal with the levels of power modern civilisation requires, building efficient batteries is hard and leakage will be a problem with any battery (what's the bet on that coming up in the story?)

Really the crank is probably still better for generating decent amounts of power, although I can see how a gear system might make the water wheel efficient enough (which is the first upgrade it should have been given, not storage).

I think the Saint Nick is just a bit of artistic licence, unless proven otherwise I'm just assuming that Senkuu is imagining it.

Also, you go Chrome. Making logical deductions of how to apply the inventions you see, you'll be a proper engineer after this is over.

2018-04-08, 04:38 AM
Glad im not the only one who though a gear system would be better for upgrading the watermill :smallbiggrin:

But of course, i guess batteries are something they will need further down the line anyway. Might as well tech further up, and leave the improvements to chrome.

i stille think radios are a waste of their options though. Its not going to help in a head on clash with the might tribe. Crossbows, tower shields and pikes would.
Especially the crossbows. But i guess its just once more Senguko making one of his rare mistakes, or not knowing about them since they as i recall were mainly a european weapon that filled the niche before gunpower weapons became reliable.

2018-04-09, 02:36 AM
Yeah, those batteries are probably very... inefficient. But better than nothing? Though, while I'm a terrible engineer and have little imagination as to how to optimize use of their new power I will agree just NOT using it to make electricity is the better option. But it's still sci-fi, so...

I am curious what they hope to find now, though. I mean, large scale mining might be a possibility to get more ressources but spelunking..?

2018-04-10, 09:28 AM
I really like this series when it just takes a step back and does goof ass comedy with science. I love how Senku, science man, has difficulty actually making the gears so the actual craftsmen have to do it. That's like...one of the only times he's failed? And he actually has minor errors and faults in this entire chapter, showing that we're slowly getting to the point where he own actual physical skills are running out. It's cool.

I'm 100% certain that Senku MAY IN FACT JUST BE LYING to **** with...name forgotten, the fancyboy. Like, it's not even close to Christmas and he's just doin' him a tease.

Also, like with last chapter, I'm incredibly happy to see Chrome having more science ideas for himself. I love that Senku continues to be surprised by him. and I love the gag that as he has his idea, his "wires touching" mental picture changes to the regular idea lightbulb, because NOW HE KNOWS WHAT LIGHTBULBS ARE. That's a good gag.

2018-04-10, 10:12 AM
Yeah, the lightbulb thing was cute. I mean, the whole story is full of good things, and Senku not being able to do everything (on his own) is important. Human society is based on people helping each other after all, and human advancement relies upon that.

Fine, Senku could be lying, but nonetheless, it's one of the more stupid jokes in my book.

More on the side... I'm sure that panel with the girls making wine in skimpy clothes was totally necessary :smalltongue:
I'm a bit surprised nobody invented bottling before... I mean, they had clay pots, so...
And.. not totally convinced it's really that easy to make a working light bulb. But fine, whatever!

2018-04-10, 02:57 PM
More on the side... I'm sure that panel with the girls making wine in skimpy clothes was totally necessary :smalltongue:

I'm just waiting for a shirtless Chrome. Only reason I'm reading the series, honest.

And.. not totally convinced it's really that easy to make a working light bulb. But fine, whatever!

Oh, certainly not. This series has got to a point where the basics are sound, but a lot of the problems are being ignored.

Totally agreeing that Senkuu should probably be getting the villagers to be armed with crossbows (or potentially matchlocks, they have the requirements if they can make more gunpowder), it would give them a serious range advantage over most of Tsukasa's mooks.

2018-04-10, 04:33 PM
Eh... Crossbows are way OP and using them en masse would be too gruesome... Matchlocks maybe, he has been working on guns.

Why would you want shirtless chrome with all the Tsukasa you're getting? :smallconfused:

2018-04-10, 05:11 PM
Well yeah.. it is the whole "insanely OP" and "better than a lot of early gunpowder firearms" that made me suggest crossbows initially :smalltongue:
Especially since a large part of their problems is that they dont have access to the nitrate the need for gunpowder. Or for the ressurection potion.

2018-04-11, 05:21 AM
Eh... Crossbows are way OP and using them en masse would be too gruesome... Matchlocks mazbe, he has been working on guns.

Oh, I certainly agree that crossbows are heavily OP for this world, but this series already has Senkuu assuming he'll be able to develop guns superior to crossbows with a little effort. Plus crossbows would be much easier for them to build right now.

Whz would zou want shirtless chrome with all the Tsukasa you're getting? :smallconfused:

Are you implying shirtless men is something you can have too much off? Thems fighting words.

Plus eh, I'm honestly not really one for Tsukasa's body type, Chrome's much more my style.

2018-04-11, 05:41 AM
Why are half my Ys Zs? Ugh, stupid switching between keyboards.. Sorry.

Oh, I certainly agree that crossbows are heavily OP for this world, but this series already has Senkuu assuming he'll be able to develop guns superior to crossbows with a little effort. Plus crossbows would be much easier for them to build right now.

Are you implying shirtless men is something you can have too much off? Thems fighting words.

Plus eh, I'm honestly not really one for Tsukasa's body type, Chrome's much more my style.

I totally agree that from an outside perspective crossbows would be the way to go but narratively, it's far too easy and not half as interesting as making guns (I think). Yes, he could very easily win this war by going that route but it would make for a worse story. Or the author is saving the idea for something.

Eh, fanservice can get too much. But I guess the amount of men in suggestive poses is still far lower than the women here.

And, I'll admit it's personal preference but I'm not that into Chrome's body type, maybe because I'm pretty much the same. Though, Tsukasa might be a bit much. Somewhere in the middle would be better, I guess. I mean, if we talk about "the male form" with that intent.

2018-04-11, 06:13 AM
I totally agree that from an outside perspective crossbows would be the way to go but narratively, it's far too easy and not half as interesting as making guns (I think). Yes, he could very easily win this war by going that route but it would make for a worse story. Or the author is saving the idea for something.

Eh, fanservice can get too much. But I guess the amount of men in suggestive poses is still far lower than the women here.

And, I'll admit it's personal preference but I'm not that into Chrome's body type, maybe because I'm pretty much the same. Though, Tsukasa might be a bit much. Somewhere in the middle would be better, I guess. I mean, if we talk about "the male form" with that intent.

Oh sure, from a story perspective the problems of firearms make them much better. I suspect after Tsukasa's post-winter attack is repelled the next arc will be searching for the missing gunpowder ingredients.

Plus yeah, fanservice easily gets too much. It's half the reason I don't tend to watch Harem Comedies. I probably should have used blue text.

The problem I have with Tsukasa is that to me he starts to get into 'stick figure with melons' territory, in that he manages to be incredibly thin and yet incredibly muscled and incredibly tall. Nothing against tall thin muscly men, but he kind of takes it to extremes.

Then again one of my hobbies is annoying a friend by asking if he knows any hot single Chinese boys (problematically he refused to be annoyed at it), so I'm probably not the best judge on majority-appealing fanservice.

2018-04-11, 08:19 AM
I'm incredibly happy to see someone this thirsty for male fanservice. Props to you, Anon Wizard, for being a shining example of greatness.

I cannot overstate how genuine I am about this. The world needs more people who are open about stuff like this.

2018-04-11, 10:35 AM
I'm incredibly happy to see someone this thirsty for male fanservice. Props to you, Anon Wizard, for being a shining example of greatness.

I cannot overstate how genuine I am about this. The world needs more people who are open about stuff like this.

Hey, you're welcome to ask for more fanservice if you want to :smallbiggrin: nobody will blame you considering how lopsided the market is. it's just that asking here probably won't help. And that SHOUNEN jump is kind of unlikely to respond, even though there are likely lots of women reading but old habits die hard. And the general assumption is women want a different kind of fanservice, I guess. But opening up that bottle is not a good idea, I think.

2018-04-11, 10:52 AM
Sun Ken Rock (drawn by the same artist) also has its fair share of male fanservice, though not as much as on the female end if youw ant to check it out.

It stops juuuust shy of being porn on either side.

Bonus for the main character looking like Senkuu if he got jacked and became a delinquent instead of a scientist.


Warning: It is a seinen, and takes full advantage of the loosened restrictions on what themes and acts can be explored in detail (for better or worse is up to interpretation), and it deals a lot with mafia.

2018-04-13, 09:42 AM
Omg.. that does look like Senkuu's evil twin... :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-13, 02:53 PM
New chapter.

I'm... kind of sketical you need tungsten to make vacuum tubes.. but then I'm not that knowledgable about this. But I am pretty sure they just did this to have a fancy metal in the story :smalltongue:

Also: Did not know about Tungsten glowing in UV light. Kind of cool, I guess.

2018-04-14, 05:19 AM
Actually i think their explanation for why they need tungsten for this was pretty believeable.
Its certainly more realistic than almost everything else involved in those vacum tubes :D

2018-04-14, 11:59 AM
Can't really comment on the specifics of valves, I started electronics relatively soon so I've always worked with MOSFETs and the occasional BJT. I really do think Senkuu is kind of rushing ahead, it would likely be more effective for him to concentrate on both weapons and agriculture developments rather than rushing towards radios (although I'll admit they'll be really useful).

I'm honestly shocked Senkuu hadn't worked out that the bamboo would likely be too inflammable. But then again I don't know anything about valves, maybe you need a nonconductor in there.

2018-04-14, 01:47 PM
I'm honestly shocked Senkuu hadn't worked out that the bamboo would likely be too inflammable. But then again I don't know anything about valves, maybe you need a nonconductor in there.

I'm going to guess he assumed it would work like early light bulbs which iirc only had a cotton string (?)
In this way, valves are really just jacked up light bulbs.. Both are vacuums where you send a current through to superheat some material. It's just one serves to reach the point where it emits light, the other emits electrons. (okay, after this they become more complicated)

2018-04-17, 07:47 AM
I enjoy the fact that we're forcing Magma to play ball next little arc of the story. Lets make sure he's actually loyal.

2018-04-20, 08:49 AM
This was kind of weird... like, the images kind of indicate Magma wasn't trying to kill him and he acted as he did to make Senku drop hi... but so far no proof of that. Maybe we'll get it later or I'm wrong or.. whatever.
Also: Did Chrome just sit there and wait for six hours?!
And most importantly: Gen is up to something..... hm....

2018-04-20, 09:11 AM
Going to make the prediction now, Gen will not betray Sengoku.. he is just planning something stupidly trolly

2018-04-20, 01:12 PM
Going to make the prediction now, Gen will not betray Sengoku.. he is just planning something stupidly trolly

I find it very hard to read him.. I would not be surprised by any possible outcome. Though, a prank at such a serious time seems a bit irresponsible.

2018-04-20, 01:57 PM
Though, a prank at such a serious time seems a bit irresponsible

While at the same time, it might be just the thing the village needs. You can't expect people to be always serious and worried for months, no matter how dangerous the situation is. Considering how hard everybody's working, Gen might have figured out that in the long run, it's worth it to sacrifice a bit of time to do something of no practical value that boosts morale.

(It's strange that Gen didn't mention it to Senkuu, since he's good at letting people do their "thing" without micromanaging, but maybe there's a surprise in store to boost Senkuu's morale too?)

2018-04-20, 01:59 PM
I do think i have a good reading of him.
He isnt a follower.. he does not want to be a leader.
He is a trickster. He admires intelligence.
I dont think he easily gives his loyalty away.
But he might have done so towards the smartest man in the word.
And he long for the comfort of the previous world. Sengoku is the only one who can restore that.

Taking that into consideration. And his stupid grin.
And i think a prank is the most logical explanation.

2018-04-21, 02:35 AM
Ugh, maybe I should have used spoilers for that last post...

I'll agree to the part that they need some light heartedness and he's mischievous enough to do it behind Senku's back but I won't agree with

He isnt a follower.. he does not want to be a leader.

We don't have proof of that. We know he is smart enough to know he can't beat Tsukasa or Senku, but I don't think he wouldn't take the reigns and just "rule" himself if he could (having others do the work)
But it's true that

And he long for the comfort of the previous world. Sengoku is the only one who can restore that.

so he might be just joking anyway.

2018-04-22, 10:14 AM
We don't have proof of that. We know he is smart enough to know he can't beat Tsukasa or Senku, but I don't think he wouldn't take the reigns and just "rule" himself if he could (having others do the work)
But it's true that

Well.. its mainly because i think the day to day work of ruling is hard. (im pretty certain most people in a leadership position will agree it includes solving a lot of petty drama).

Its a lot easier to let someone else handle all the day to day work of ruling or leading, and harvest more or less the same rewards just by being the spindoctor of whoever are in charge.

2018-04-24, 09:17 AM
Well that was a chapter. I liked it.

As has been said, Magma definitely did try to save Senku and ****ed up, and he's acting like a **** to cover up his failure because Magma's not a BAD guy, really, he's just a ****ty person who hates himself. It was a fine chapter.

2018-04-24, 11:55 AM
Well that was a chapter. I liked it.

As has been said, Magma definitely did try to save Senku and ****ed up, and he's acting like a **** to cover up his failure because Magma's not a BAD guy, really, he's just a ****ty person who hates himself. It was a fine chapter.

Good to know I'm not the only one. Also, what's your take on Gen here, if I may ask?

2018-04-24, 04:04 PM
Good to know I'm not the only one. Also, what's your take on Gen here, if I may ask?

Gen is 100% just ****ing around. He's not evil he drank a soda pop.

2018-04-28, 03:11 PM
Gen is 100% just ****ing around. He's not evil he drank a soda pop.

Convincing endorsement :smallbiggrin:

Not much in the new chapter, but fun and success and the reveal of Gen's plan. Well, my paranoia was not justified. It's actually really really sweet.

2018-04-28, 04:13 PM
As predicted. Gen is loyal. And even, surprisingly enough, looking out for Sengoku.
I guess there is a kind of friendship there. Sengoku is likely the only person Gen looks up to for being smarter than himself.
And Sen still also respect Gen for having the people skill he misses.

2018-05-07, 03:23 PM
That was a sweet chapter. Very nice. I like that Magma wasn't really won over by anyone but himself. He was planning on killing them, but when Senketsu was about to fall he acted on instinct. And for a big guy like Magma, instinct means a lot, so he must of realized that means he does care for them. It's neat.

Also I like that they responded the same way to Chrome's gushy feelings. That was kinda funny.

2018-05-15, 10:51 AM
New chapter! They do a science and get some tungsten coils.

Important: CHARACTER POLL TIME! Vote here: Viz.com/stonepoll

2018-05-15, 11:16 AM
Ah, why do I feel like I replied already? I'm getting old.

Yes, nice chapter. Good to see Senku give responsibility to Chrome. I feel he came up with better ideas before but I guess this works..
So how close are we to smartphones now? :smalltongue:

Also : fanservice? Well, it is summer and I guess some girls in bikinis are OK.
Also also : poll? But who do I pick...

Edit : another nice chapter, though it's just a bunch of stuff happening on the last stretch to the cell phone. Although.. Not sure this abomination deserves the name :smalltongue: we'll see how they put it to use.

2018-05-22, 10:43 AM
New chapter!

A pretty simple one, wherein we get all the things we need for a phone. The important bit is the mention that, while science might not be focused towards helping you directly all the time, it will inherently bring positive changes to the world. It's a cute sentiment, and I one I like.

2018-05-22, 11:50 AM
New chapter!

A pretty simple one, wherein we get all the things we need for a phone. The important bit is the mention that, while science might not be focused towards helping you directly all the time, it will inherently bring positive changes to the world. It's a cute sentiment, and I one I like.

It's a nice sentiment but a bit idealistic. Though, I guess it applies to a few people who have made huge leaps in science, but in general it's more a "if I do this I can make lots of money/be really famous!" Well, that makes it sound worse than it is :smalltongue: I mean, clearly that's not every great scientist ever. But yes, science is awesome.

I'm mostly curious how they will get that thing to their spies...

2018-05-29, 12:07 PM
Phone get!

But of course you need two. But hey, fun little moment with the land line phone. Chrome is dense as rocks, but the end result reveals a secret message in the stories! I wonder what the record will hold.

2018-05-29, 04:45 PM
I mean, clearly that's not every great scientist ever.Of course not.

That's every great engineer ever. :smalltongue:

2018-05-30, 01:26 AM
Phone get!

But of course you need two. But hey, fun little moment with the land line phone. Chrome is dense as rocks, but the end result reveals a secret message in the stories! I wonder what the record will hold.

Oh, how hard could making a second one be... ha...ha...
But yeah, the landline was Kind of cute. I'm not sure if it was about density, maybe either his passion for science being greater or him being still not brave enough.
Anyway, the bit with the record is really sweet. I guess since we are so used to it we don't appreciate the fact that seeing and listening to dead people is something science allows us to do for not such a long time. Then again, I'm not really an emotional Person so I don't care that much about it.

2018-06-05, 06:55 PM
Sometimes the art in Dr Stone is really good. Sometimes it's ****ing terrible. Today is one of the latter times. Except for the bits with Gen he looks fantastic and his rock scar twisting like a demon mouth is cool.

That aside, the revelation of "music" to people is really sweet...though I wonder what exactly Gen is getting at. My best guess is that they're going to try and trick Tsukasa's dumb idiots into thinking Gods are real and stuff.

2018-06-06, 12:59 AM
Sometimes the art in Dr Stone is really good. Sometimes it's ****ing terrible. Today is one of the latter times. Except for the bits with Gen he looks fantastic and his rock scar twisting like a demon mouth is cool.

That aside, the revelation of "music" to people is really sweet...though I wonder what exactly Gen is getting at. My best guess is that they're going to try and trick Tsukasa's dumb idiots into thinking Gods are real and stuff.

Really? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.. :smallconfused: then again, I know nothing about art.

Also, Tsukasa's henchmen might not be the brightest but falling for a speaker as deity..?
Then again, I will admit it was my first thought as well and it makes the most sense with the talk about gods.. We'll see.

2018-06-06, 02:02 AM
Really? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.. :smallconfused: then again, I know nothing about art.

Also, Tsukasa's henchmen might not be the brightest but falling for a speaker as deity..?
Then again, I will admit it was my first thought as well and it makes the most sense with the talk about gods.. We'll see.

Everything about the singer lady looks wrong, basically. It's kinda offputting.

The other idea I had is instead of tricking Tsukasa's henchmen...tricking the villagers. Nothin' gets peoples blood flowing for war than religious fervor.

2018-06-06, 06:36 AM
That aside, the revelation of "music" to people is really sweet...though I wonder what exactly Gen is getting at. My best guess is that they're going to try and trick Tsukasa's dumb idiots into thinking Gods are real and stuff.

Except everyone one of them is a revived present day person. They would know what recorded message is.

The other idea I had is instead of tricking Tsukasa's henchmen...tricking the villagers. Nothin' gets peoples blood flowing for war than religious fervor.

Also unlikely. Religion likely goes against everything Sengoku stands for. And there is also a high risk Chromo would see though the deception.

2018-06-06, 11:00 AM
Everything about the singer lady looks wrong, basically. It's kinda offputting.

The other idea I had is instead of tricking Tsukasa's henchmen...tricking the villagers. Nothin' gets peoples blood flowing for war than religious fervor.

Hm... maybe she looks a little off but I don't think it's too bad.

While i agree wuth that it would go very much against the spirit of the story. And the village is already very much in awe of Senku / fighting to survive. I feel that is even less likely.
I assume we will actually use some trick against the henchpeople, either religion or just superstition based. I mean, Senku and Gen are smart enough to make it work, I guess. But I'm opn to them having an even better plan.

2018-06-08, 03:44 AM

So yes it was a trick, and no it wasnt superstitious based. But it honestly is a really good plan.
It is the sort of vile deception no hero would dream up. And it is really smart. Taking advantage of those hencment all being modern people.

2018-06-12, 08:57 AM
Yeah, that was a far more interesting plan than anything I came up with.

I also think it's doomed to failure because I doubt they'll care that much? But...we'll see. The one thing that changes if this plan works or not is if they're capable of understanding "everyone from the old world should be dead due to how long it's been". If they don't catch on that, it'll be fine.

2018-06-12, 09:36 AM
I could have sworn I posted something about the new chapter... Getting old sucks.

Yeah, fun chapter, not what I expected. Certainly nothing to go to hell for. Not sure if they will pull through with it / if it will work. But we will see how smart the enemy is..
Also, you really couldn't walk around the watch woman at a larger distance? Seems unnecessarily complicated to me... But fine.

2018-06-18, 04:30 PM
New chapter!

In this one, our heroers head off to deliver the phone. And also we have a bit of a fight scene with Kohaku, which I feel like is all part of Senku's plan here, since he clearly planted that dripping shiny stuff on her.

2018-06-19, 12:28 AM
Hm.. Well, I don't see the point in letting her get away. But I also don't see the point in not warning Kohaku about his plan, so...
Also, not sure what the shiny stuff is. First thought was magnesium from flash but then again, I don't think it's luminescent. Dang, I need to fresh up on my chemistry. But I don't know when he had a chance to mark her otherwise.

2018-06-26, 07:45 AM
As it turns out the point to letting her get away was so they could capture her using telecommunication tactics. That's fine. This was...an alright chapter. I liked Kohaku's talk about killing.

Cormac Mac Art
2018-06-27, 01:21 PM
Can't say that I don't enjoy it. But then again.......

2018-06-27, 07:30 PM
I am very certain that she were not allowed to get away. Sengoku is a scrawny nerd. He just wanted able to hold her down.
But as always he had a backup plan for handling her realising that he was to weak to hold her.

2018-06-27, 07:33 PM
I am very certain that she were not allowed to get away. Sengoku is a scrawny nerd. He just wanted able to hold her down.
But as always he had a backup plan for handling her realising that he was to weak to hold her.

That's the thing though. He know he's a scrawny nerd. So he knows she'll escape. That feels like it's less "planning for a just in case" scenario and just plan planning.

2018-06-28, 05:42 AM
That's the thing though. He know he's a scrawny nerd. So he knows she'll escape. That feels like it's less "planning for a just in case" scenario and just plan planning.

She could have failed to realise it. The other villagers could have stopped standing around like morons and instead piled down upon her.
The important bit is he did not allow her to leave.

2018-07-02, 08:16 PM
New Chapter!

A pretty decent one all things considered. Surprised hawkeye was so accurate as to fire an arrow at them like that, but not well sighted enough to...see them. Ah well.

2018-07-10, 05:50 PM
New chapter!

Everything goes off without a hitch, though it's unclear if Chrome or Magma are okay after setting fire to the underbrush. All in all, a good outing. Let's see next time if the phone plan actually works.

2018-07-12, 04:39 PM
Yeah... Magma and Chrome are toast. Sorry, guys, but otherwise it was a decent plan. Also Gen is FAST. Unless we've cheated with the timeline here.
But apart from that, yeah, I'm curious how this will go.
I mean, I still don't see the point of letting Homura get away in the first place, unless Senku actually planned so far as to use this to prove the worth of information warfare to the reader village but... But I'll let it slide.

Also... girl, can you dress a bit less 20th century tween? I mean, did you tailor those knee high socks and miniskirts yourself?

Also, new chapter.

Surprising turn of events but good chapter, I think.
Senku doesn't know what a Fermi calculation is I guess but still. Though, the measurements joke was slightly creepy.
btw... does the record have actual music? Who made that? Dad? :smallconfused:

2018-07-16, 06:26 PM
Remember Kato, the singer lady WAS THERE. She sung out that final song there, to BE recorded and preserved forever. That's how they have, it's literally her singing.

But yeah this chapter was...alright. They succeeded...by failing. But they succeeded! Yay science?

2018-07-16, 06:48 PM
Oh, I know. I'm just wondering if the recording is a capella (?) and if nobody will wonder about that. Because it seemed like there was music? :smallconfused:
Don't get me wrong, I liked it. Even if the Calculations were a bit... Well, lucky, I guess. But the plot moves on.

2018-07-23, 05:06 PM
I forget how we beat Homura, what happened again? Also oh man, arrow guy didn't want to kill them for reasonable reasons. Though he was GOING to kill Magma.

Chrome meets Tsukasa, and Senku begins operation: make a car. Decent chapter all around.

2018-07-24, 01:11 PM
I forget how we beat Homura, what happened again? Also oh man, arrow guy didn't want to kill them for reasonable reasons. Though he was GOING to kill Magma.

Chrome meets Tsukasa, and Senku begins operation: make a car. Decent chapter all around.

Information warfare. Telling the three chased to turn around and pincer her between both teams, basically.

I really wonder what will happen between Chrome and tsukasa... realistically? Torture to get information? But unlikely.
Also, going by Senku's smartphone he will invent the cart. Or maybe a really inefficient engine to go along with it. Okay, probably the latter. He has his crazy craftsman, so he can likely do it.

2018-07-30, 04:25 PM
And then Senku made a steam engine. It probably took more than a few days to be honest, talk about condensed time.

The stuff with Chrome was real good though!

2018-07-30, 04:54 PM
And then Senku made a steam engine. It probably took more than a few days to be honest, talk about condensed time.

The stuff with Chrome was real good though!

I'm surprised they apparently skipped over most of the details of the engine... Thebn again, it's super simple and inefficient, better gloss over that latter part. But it works.

Also, slightly unimpressed by both sites of the Tsukasa / Chrome meeting. The former doesn't employ torture, only threats, even almost wasting his prisoner, the latter doesn't even attempt to mislead him. Oh well. Curious about the archer, though.

2018-07-30, 04:57 PM
I think it'd be hilarious if it turned out, at the end of the day, behind all his bluster and strength, Tsukasa was actually just stupid. He read a lot of manga so he knows how to come off as this super cool enigmatic powerful villain, and his strength definitely helps with that, but he's the type of guy who read the Overlord's List and was like "yeah sure I'd never do this **** if I became evil" and then immediately forgot it was even a thing.

2018-08-04, 09:56 AM
Well, he isn't a genius, neither in Senku's nor Gen's sense of the phrase, but this is still... Okay, he's also not a textbook villain. He aims to be a good king... Kind of. And I guess murder is less evil than torture?

Not much new.. Acknowledgement of the "car's" problems, improvements and instantly plans to make it more crazy!

2018-08-06, 02:35 PM
Honk honk it's the gorilla mobile. Gonna turn this baby into a tank. I like that Chrome is an active participant in his eventual escape, Suika is a good scout.

Dr Stone is a manga that is fine.

2018-08-17, 11:53 AM
Senku is crazier than I thought... Also, I guess, good thing making playstic is super easy (?)
And... Geez, Chrome, I'm sure this will work out great... But I guess he has little choice because Tsukasa is actually kind of smart. Let's hope this jail cell is remotely secure and the guards are not idiots. Or rather, hope for the opposite?

2018-08-20, 04:15 PM
Senku is crazier than I thought... Also, I guess, good thing making playstic is super easy (?)
And... Geez, Chrome, I'm sure this will work out great... But I guess he has little choice because Tsukasa is actually kind of smart. Let's hope this jail cell is remotely secure and the guards are not idiots. Or rather, hope for the opposite?

New chapter!

Honestly aside from the unhardened plastic, I think even I could make this invention. It's really kinda cool!

Also yeah I don't believe for a second Senku doesn't think there will be traps. It'll be nice to see what Chrome tries though!

2018-08-27, 04:26 PM
New chapter!

Aside from the whole "just found a battery out of nowhere" bit, this chapter was pretty great actually.

also I really like this bad cop mother****er as a villain. Interesting he's got a chunk of rock still on his face.

2018-08-28, 12:55 AM
Well, they have more than one ally in the camp by now. My guess would be fangirl helped him out..
But while my chemistry high point is a few years away, I don't think you get hydrochlorite by electrolysis with an archaic battery.. But I might have to check. But good job.. And good luck the rest of the way.

Yeah, he has a cool design and an amusingly evil character.

2018-08-28, 02:24 PM
The chemistry of what he is doing is actually correct. Im mostly doubting if you can get the battery strong enough to drive the reaction at any meaningful speed.

2018-08-29, 01:13 AM
The chemistry of what he is doing is actually correct. Im mostly doubting if you can get the battery strong enough to drive the reaction at any meaningful speed.

Yeah, I was mixing up chlorite and chlorate.. Though I could be as wrong on that. I think they mentioned the voltage of the batteries at some point and it was decent (?)
Eh, best to not sweat the details too much.

2018-09-03, 07:22 PM
New Chapter!

...well. Okay. Sure.

They make it WORK, it feels EARNED, but...it also feels easy at the same time. If that makes sense.

2018-09-04, 12:30 AM
Yeah.. But I guess they do explain the steps he takes : distracting the guards, pole vaulting the pits, outsmarting Yo(?). I guess my biggest complaint is actually how turning liquid red makes you spit a fountain of liquid.
But it's fine, I'll chalk it up to the guards massively underestimating him.

2018-09-04, 07:40 AM
Yeah.. But I guess they do explain the steps he takes : distracting the guards, pole vaulting the pits, outsmarting Yo(?). I guess my biggest complaint is actually how turning liquid red makes you spit a fountain of liquid.
But it's fine, I'll chalk it up to the guards massively underestimating him.

I mean he spit a fountain of liquid by before hand shoving all that plant matter in his mouth and chewing it to make a huge amount of the red paste. All he had to do was spit a lot and bam, instant fake blood.

2018-09-07, 12:28 PM
Well, yes, but... I don't think I could gather enough spit to spit a fountain like that. Though, I will admit I never tried.

Plan Idol Impersonation is working well, except against perfect hearing guy, but he is kind of on their side. (Which we could suspect for a while)
But... damn, Senku, get your priorities straight! Ignoring whether or not trying to revive crumbled statues (or whether you will just cause people to suffere terribly) this is not the time for that! You're in the middle of a war, you can fix statues afterwards.

2018-09-10, 05:10 PM
Well, yes, but... I don't think I could gather enough spit to spit a fountain like that. Though, I will admit I never tried.

Plan Idol Impersonation is working well, except against perfect hearing guy, but he is kind of on their side. (Which we could suspect for a while)
But... damn, Senku, get your priorities straight! Ignoring whether or not trying to revive crumbled statues (or whether you will just cause people to suffere terribly) this is not the time for that! You're in the middle of a war, you can fix statues afterwards.

To be fair it's not like she can do anything to HELP the war effort, she's not actually very skilled beyond her sewing she's just very determined.

I liked this chapter actually, I suspected one of the baddies gave him the battery. But yeah, onto the next arc I suppose!

2018-09-11, 12:46 AM
To be fair it's not like she can do anything to HELP the war effort, she's not actually very skilled beyond her sewing she's just very determined.

I liked this chapter actually, I suspected one of the baddies gave him the battery. But yeah, onto the next arc I suppose!

Eh, she's not Senku but she's a smart and capable girl. I'm sure there's loads of things to do for her. But it's not like it's a major problem. It's just an instance of "showing how good a guy Senku is, is more important than being practical".
I also liked the chapter but it starts to look like noone with half a brain actually wants to work with Tsukasa (which makes sense)

2018-09-11, 06:32 AM
Eh, she's not Senku but she's a smart and capable girl. I'm sure there's loads of things to do for her. But it's not like it's a major problem. It's just an instance of "showing how good a guy Senku is, is more important than being practical".
I also liked the chapter but it starts to look like noone with half a brain actually wants to work with Tsukasa (which makes sense)

I actually kinda like that aspect. Like you said, it makes sense! Tsukasa is hedging his bets and only reviving the dumb idiots and the evil *******s he is confident will stick with him. It's backfired a bit in two ways, the idiots easy to manipulate and the right nasty bastards not wanting to serve under him entirely. It's interesting to see play out.

2018-09-17, 05:26 PM
New chapter!

We learn that the archer is actually a pacifist, which is interesting. I wonder how true it is, but still. We also see that...Hyouga and Tsukasa aren't as aligned as we think. Tsukasa, for all his genuine evil...really does truly care about every single person he's unearthed. Hyouga could care less.

And of course it's time for TANK SHOCK AND AWE. I wonder how well it'll go...especially given Yo's cowardice allowed Tsukasa to learn Senku still yet lives.

2018-09-18, 12:35 AM
Ah, totally forgot to comment here.
But yes, while we knew Tsukasa wasn't all bad, this was a good humanizing moment for him, caused by the flaws of two of his subordinates. Hyouga had been established as ruthless earlier, so... I guess we'll see where that takes him. And how the runaway features into future events.
Also, what impact Tsukasa's discovery will have on things.

2018-09-18, 12:40 AM
Ah, totally forgot to comment here.
But yes, while we knew Tsukasa wasn't all bad, this was a good humanizing moment for him, caused by the flaws of two of his subordinates. Hyouga had been established as ruthless earlier, so... I guess we'll see where that takes him. And how the runaway features into future events.
Also, what impact Tsukasa's discovery will have on things.

I feel like Senku's entire strategy involved Tsukasa staying on his throne while he intimidated everyone else. Knowing he's alive means Tsukasa will stop at nothing to go to where he is, and no amount of tank is going to scare him.

2018-09-22, 04:10 AM
Well, those were twenty exciting seconds. With a few parts taking the series loose grasp of science a little too far. But it was still fun.
Also, another girl who somehow either glues her clothes on or knows some other fashion magic I'm unaware off.

2018-09-24, 05:22 PM
This is a fun, interesting chapter. Definitely felt cool anyway.

Also yeah that girl's definitely got some rocks stuck in her body to keep those clothes up. It's hard to tell sometimes, but sometimes not so much, that the artist for this used to do porn.

2018-09-25, 12:53 AM
I think we've talked about this before.. The art is definitely good, but it's clear once a chapter or so there has to be a glamor shot of a girl. And while pelt bikinis kind of lend themselves to that, if your series is about science, the clothes should also follow the laws of physics.
Then again, I guess they kind of have to bent them anyway...

Also, any guesses where the story will go next?

2018-09-25, 07:55 AM
I think we've talked about this before.. The art is definitely good, but it's clear once a chapter or so there has to be a glamor shot of a girl. And while pelt bikinis kind of lend themselves to that, if your series is about science, the clothes should also follow the laws of physics.
Then again, I guess they kind of have to bent them anyway...

Also, any guesses where the story will go next?

Tsukasa shows up and has his own twenty seconds of kicking the ever loving **** out of everyone.

2018-09-25, 10:51 AM
Tsukasa shows up and has his own twenty seconds of kicking the ever loving **** out of everyone.

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I mean where will the story go after this arc is over. It's not like Tsukasa is likely to be killed. And what with leagues of people about to be resurrected?

2018-09-25, 05:22 PM
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I mean where will the story go after this arc is over. It's not like Tsukasa is likely to be killed. And what with leagues of people about to be resurrected?

Hmm. Probably creating civilization proper and the difficulties with that? Hyouga attempting to take over the world through Tsukasa?

2018-09-26, 01:12 AM
Rebuilding the world / society properly, I guess too. But once you mass produce the potion and have loads more people, the whole thing kind of has to move away from the "use science to build simple machines" angle which is kind of the focus. Or at least with a bunch of other smart people it is not all up to Senku, and soon adults would likely take over...
Also, I'm not sure about the fate of the enemy commanders after all this is done.

2018-10-01, 05:19 PM
New chapter!

An option for where this series could go from here that we didn't think of: it just ends! It seems like the actual final battle is about to begin, and that'll be interesting to see. Will science win out over strength? Will Blue find a way to counter Green? We'll see, next time!

2018-10-02, 01:31 AM
New chapter!

An option for where this series could go from here that we didn't think of: it just ends! It seems like the actual final battle is about to begin, and that'll be interesting to see. Will science win out over strength? Will Blue find a way to counter Green? We'll see, next time!

Ah, forgot to say anything..
Hmpf... I mean we know Tsukasa is crazy strong, but he / they are up against half a village. Numbers matter in these things, if they are also trained fighters..
Also, I'm not sure, short of a gun, what Senku could make to decide this fight. Then again, I'm not that creative.

I actually feel like ending (soon) would be a good move, but I don't think we'll not learn what caused the petrification. So it'll likely last a while... maybe while rebuilding Japan with adults continues a few people will set sail to revive / discover the rest of the world.

2018-10-08, 03:48 PM
New chapter!

The power...OF DYNAMTE! Pretty interesting, though I'm curious how this will win the fight.

2018-10-09, 03:18 AM
Yeah, we're playing real loose here with the science... I don't think it's that easy to make nitroglycerin - which is what they made, not dynamite, but nitpicking. But it's fun nonetheless. So now... we will blow up the bad guys? Rocks fall, everyone dies? I don't know...

2018-10-09, 05:38 PM
Yeah, we're playing real loose here with the science... I don't think it's that easy to make nitroglycerin - which is what they made, not dynamite, but nitpicking. But it's fun nonetheless. So now... we will blow up the bad guys? Rocks fall, everyone dies? I don't know...

TO BE FAIR, the author comments directly said "hey so I removed...a lot of the process for doing this so you couldn't do it at home. It's dangerous kids!" so I'll forgive them on that.

2018-10-12, 10:58 AM
TO BE FAIR, the author comments directly said "hey so I removed...a lot of the process for doing this so you couldn't do it at home. It's dangerous kids!" so I'll forgive them on that.

Ah, I missed that. Makes sense, even though we live in the age of the internet, so....

Also, weird twist in the new chapter. It's not... Terrible, it just feels out of nowhere and terribly convenient.
Also also, Archer boy has some serious balls.

2018-10-15, 05:37 PM
I mean we know what Tsukasa's motivation was early on, we just thought his sister was dead so he was a nihilistic *******. As it turns out she's not, so he doesn't.

I do absolutely love Hyuga's face scars though, those rule. Also yeah Ukyo is ballsy and stupid as hell, the way arrows work he'd probably blow his damn self up doing that.

Also, another idea for where this series goes next: why did the Petrification happen?

2018-10-16, 12:31 AM
Did we? I totally forgot. I just remembered him hating adults for being jerks. I guess that makes it better.. Still very convenient she's still whole.
Also, as with many designs, Hyuga's is nice.. But he seems to have a weird fascination with fire. :smallconfused:

Also, yes, the source of the petrification would be a likely plot point at some time.. Depending on how long the story goes.
But it seems priorities should be elsewhere, most likely reviving as many people as possible to bring back society.

2018-10-16, 12:58 AM
Did we? I totally forgot. I just remembered him hating adults for being jerks. I guess that makes it better.. Still very convenient she's still whole.
Also, as with many designs, Hyuga's is nice.. But he seems to have a weird fascination with fire. :smallconfused:

Also, yes, the source of the petrification would be a likely plot point at some time.. Depending on how long the story goes.
But it seems priorities should be elsewhere, most likely reviving as many people as possible to bring back society.

I mean looking at her statue, she's got some pretty major cracks on her lower torso it seems.

Hyoga is definitely gonna turn out to be a serial bomber of some sort.

2018-10-16, 01:22 PM
Yeah, we're playing real loose here with the science... I don't think it's that easy to make nitroglycerin - which is what they made, not dynamite, but nitpicking. But it's fun nonetheless. So now... we will blow up the bad guys? Rocks fall, everyone dies? I don't know...

Well the structure of it is stupidly simple.
Making it should be a -lot- more simple than some of the other things they produced.

2018-10-22, 05:13 PM
New chapter!

Hyouga successfully does a traitor, as we suspected. Unexpected; Candyfloss Girl is still on his side, and Average Cop is joining him as well. Rip Tsukasa.

Also Mirai is super cute with her eggshell rock ontop of her head. That's cute.

2018-10-23, 12:43 AM
How do I keep forgetting this thread?

Ahem.. "curse your sudden and inevitable betrayal!" I'm not sure what Hyouga's long term plans are here... He's not still among the idiot empire where the strongest rules and killing the boss makes you the boss. He's a murderer now and far less likely to find an army to command.
Also, it seems he got pretty lucky with the timing of the distraction.
But, no more miracle water so the obvious plans for the future need to be delayed.

Also I'm skeptical about Tsukasa's death and yeah, I guess sis' design is pretty cute.

2018-10-29, 04:46 PM
New chapter!

Tsukasa's alive, though clearly heavily wounded. Senku and him have joined forces for good now, it's time to face off against Hyoga! Who gives us a bit of a rant about his own motives.

Mostly in that he's a ****ing moron.

2018-10-30, 01:45 AM
New chapter!

Tsukasa's alive, though clearly heavily wounded. Senku and him have joined forces for good now, it's time to face off against Hyoga! Who gives us a bit of a rant about his own motives.

Mostly in that he's a ****ing moron.

Well, it's not like Hyouga's ideas are in any way unique or I dare even say rare. It's what you hear from a lot of 'smart' people who are not limited by 'petty morals'.
But obviously, even if Senku gave in with that attitude he'd be dead once he went to sleep. Senku should have just dropped his honesty and back stabbed him the first chance he got... Which is what Gen would have done. (Gen needs a bigger role)

2018-10-30, 07:33 AM
Well, it's not like Hyouga's ideas are in any way unique or I dare even say rare. It's what you hear from a lot of 'smart' people who are not limited by 'petty morals'.
But obviously, even if Senku gave in with that attitude he'd be dead once he went to sleep. Senku should have just dropped his honesty and back stabbed him the first chance he got... Which is what Gen would have done. (Gen needs a bigger role)

Exactly what I mean. The idea that the Earth can't sustain a large population like that is entirely predicated on the idea of everyone being as garbage as possible. Senku's right, if we really CAN'T survive on the planet with that many people...it's up to us to figure out how to manage it anyway. But the reason why Seku phrased it the way he did is because Hyouga's beliefs are actually bull**** nonsense.

Gen has a pretty big role I'd think?

2018-10-30, 08:51 AM
Well, I guess you could run a very different kind of humanity the way Hyouga wants but its about as efficient as our way... Minus, well, being what we consider humane. But yeah, for most intents and purposes, especially given the Manga's premise, he's an idiot.

Well, I guess he is in the top five or top ten characters but I wouldn't mind a story focused on him or somebody like him.

2018-11-05, 10:18 PM
New chapter!


I still don't think Tsukasa dies here, but...maybe. We'll see!

2018-11-06, 01:25 AM
New chapter!


I still don't think Tsukasa dies here, but...maybe. We'll see!

No, I'm pretty sure he doesn't. I don't know if he'll be just that badass or if Senku will science him back to health but I'm quite confident he'll stick around.
I'm a bit baffled by the conceit that Senku had that stun gun around the whole time and by whatever he blew up there but.. It's fine.

So I guess the arc is over now? Or do we get another twist?

2018-11-06, 08:30 AM
No, I'm pretty sure he doesn't. I don't know if he'll be just that badass or if Senku will science him back to health but I'm quite confident he'll stick around.
I'm a bit baffled by the conceit that Senku had that stun gun around the whole time and by whatever he blew up there but.. It's fine.

So I guess the arc is over now? Or do we get another twist?

Minor confusion due to how I phrased that. I think Tsukasa will live as well!

I feel like we'll get one last chapter to sort of epilogue Hyouga and show what the rest of those who follow him are up to, but this'll be the end of the arc pretty soon.

2018-11-10, 04:37 AM
Sorry, I wasn't disagreeing, just... Language is stupid sometimes.

New chapter stuff.
No, Senku, you won't convince me that your stun gun would work. Your battery just isn't good enough. Also, again, you did not have time to prep that :smalltongue:
Everything is wrapping up mostly nicely and we go straight to arc three..
Say.. Didn't they keep the shards sorted before or am I misremembering things? But... Interesting first revival. I feel like mangaka often allure to their work if they can. Usually in a negative way. Poor guys.

Also, wow, you're trying really hard to redeem what amounts to a mass murderer, story... :smallsigh: I checked if it might be because of the popularity poll but he didn't rank that high there.
Also also, I kind of suspected that hook for the next arc but honestly, it felt too unlikely for me. I guess I was wrong. So we get an expedition next?

2018-11-10, 05:35 AM
Also, wow, you're trying really hard to redeem what amounts to a mass murderer, story... :smallsigh: I checked if it might be because of the popularity poll but he didn't rank that high there.
Also also, I kind of suspected that hook for the next arc but honestly, it felt too unlikely for me. I guess I was wrong. So we get an expedition next?

Can't really murder something that's already for all intents and purposes dead.

2018-11-10, 05:50 AM
Can't really murder something that's already for all intents and purposes dead.

Except they're not really dead and he knows they can be brought back... otherwise he'd not waste time destroying them but leave them alone.

2018-11-10, 05:59 AM
So.. it is progressing a lot faster than i would have expected, the pace of the story that is.
It feels like the setting is suddenly going to make another drastic shift.

And yeah, the sudden redemption does feel.. a little forced.

2018-11-12, 06:09 AM
So.. it is progressing a lot faster than i would have expected, the pace of the story that is.
It feels like the setting is suddenly going to make another drastic shift.

I'm sad they will likely skip over a large part of the rebuilding but I guess it would make for not-so-exciting chapters... I'd still be interested but I don't think many others would be.

2018-11-12, 02:12 PM
New chapter!

She was sorting MOST of the shards, but there's still so many possible-dead to worry about. She's only one person, and she was working under secrecy after all.

but yeah I'm conflicted. On the one hand Tsukasa is REALLY extreme a person. But on the other...Senku's theory is right, he can revive people from a shattered state and if he can master the petrification process, he could even cure pretty fatal wounds. We know most people aren't conscious in the stone form, but only due to time dragging on for so long that they basically go brain dead/comatose...so yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about redeeming Tsukasa.

2018-11-16, 08:45 AM
So... We get an anime next summer. I'm kind of stoked but I also think Dr Stone is a difficult story to adept.. We'll see.

Also, new chapter. So Senku kind of has a plan... And we will likely go away for a while and miss a chunk of the rebuilding.
But we got a freezer now. It's weird but mechanical cooling, despite understanding it, remains one of the most magical feats of modern science.
(also, debate about Mario's drug abuse. He's totally high on shrooms, herbs and whatever a fireflower is)

2018-11-19, 08:13 PM
It's ****ing hilarious that Senku is one of those "aahahaha he's really on druuuugs" guys, but for purely scientific reasons.

Also yeah cryogenics doesn't...actually really work, but Senku's idea that it miiiight keep him alive just enough to be petrified and then healed by the way is a solid one. I wonder if it'll work out.

2018-11-26, 05:52 AM
Somehow forgot about this one again...

Well, the petrification is magic enough. I guess if the body looks fine it just works (?)

We get a few shenanigans with the ship building but no real surprises.. Except Yo being just accepted as part of the group. I.. Guess he was just doing his job (?)
It's a bit amazing how they gloss over how hard it must be to include hundreds of new people in their society.

Next time, we need a captain! I wonder what kind they will pick.
(also, reporter lady, your body looks crazy unnatural, still. How does your dress stay in place?)

2018-11-26, 06:23 AM
(also, reporter lady, your body looks crazy unnatural, still. How does your dress stay in place?)

Remember Boichi started as a hentai artist, some habits stay, I guess

2018-11-26, 09:55 AM
Also yeah cryogenics doesn't...actually really work, but Senku's idea that it miiiight keep him alive just enough to be petrified and then healed by the way is a solid one. I wonder if it'll work out.

Well.. actually the petrification/reversal effect, is the missing piece to make cryogenics work. At the moment the problem is cell damage from ice crystals.
But since reversing petrification has already shown to bring magical whole-body healing, then thats suddenly not an issue.

2018-11-26, 06:03 PM
Right, it's the defrosting that matters. I forgot about that.

Also, new chapter!


2018-11-27, 01:40 AM
Well.. actually the petrification/reversal effect, is the missing piece to make cryogenics work. At the moment the problem is cell damage from ice crystals.
But since reversing petrification has already shown to bring magical whole-body healing, then thats suddenly not an issue.

Well, we know that we need to prevent the ice crystals, we have no idea how many more problems will come after that...

Also, re earlier, just because you used to draw hentai doesn't mean you have to keep doing it :smalltongue:

2018-11-30, 05:49 AM
"If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe"

2018-11-30, 11:18 AM
"If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe"

And if you want to go sailing, you need to bring in another eccentric character?
No, but this is fun. I feel like Captain might have a bit too many eccentricities but we'll see. No big science but... I want to see where Senku goes with this new endeavor.

2018-12-01, 07:57 PM
Well, we know that we need to prevent the ice crystals, we have no idea how many more problems will come after that...

We do have a decent idea from observing those animals that can survive being frozen.

And if you want to go sailing, you need to bring in another eccentric character?
No, but this is fun. I feel like Captain might have a bit too many eccentricities but we'll see. No big science but... I want to see where Senku goes with this new endeavor.

He isnt even that bad by anime standards.
I also kinda loved how Senku ignored everything else after hearing that guy were the best :smallbiggrin:

2018-12-03, 06:37 PM
Not big on this chapter, but that's because I don't find this sailor man very funny personally. Senku continues to be great. But yeah, fine chapter.

2018-12-08, 12:05 PM
The whole mess with inventing money reminds me of Liar Game. That was a weird manga.

2018-12-08, 02:32 PM
I hope we don't get too much economics but it is an important part of a growing society.... But... Where the hell do they get their paper from? That stuffs expensive early on! And I always thought Japan was lacking in resources....

2018-12-10, 06:38 PM
What's the ****ing point of money when you're the only person in the entire stone world with it.

I really don't like this stupid ass boat captain mother ****er. I get it, he's preparing for the eventual future, but...this is really dumb, in a way I don't find very enjoyable.

Japan is low on resources, but after all that time a lot of fresh oil likely exists. It's just mulched carbon and stuff, and Mt Fuji's eruptions probably assisted in replenshing the supply by punching the plants into car blood.

2018-12-11, 01:34 AM
While I agree it doesn't make any sense, I'm not that angry at the little economics 101. I guess I have to remind myself that Jump is still aimed at kids, who have no idea how money really works so this is a good... er, sufficient... acceptable explanation. At least it doesn't make me as angry as Zodiac.

Also, while four thousand years is way short to make more oil, apparently Japan does have some oil, so... They didn't make that up. Yay?

2018-12-11, 08:21 AM
While I agree it doesn't make any sense, I'm not that angry at the little economics 101. I guess I have to remind myself that Jump is still aimed at kids, who have no idea how money really works so this is a good... er, sufficient... acceptable explanation. At least it doesn't make me as angry as Zodiac.

Also, while four thousand years is way short to make more oil, apparently Japan does have some oil, so... They didn't make that up. Yay?

I'll be honest, I'm not THAT mad, it's just...it's frustrating, you know? Money is bull****, and I mean Senku's basically an antihero so him wanting to create money explicitly to exploit the things that make it bad is totally in character, it's just...I don't know, it's weird. It just doesn't work for me.

2018-12-11, 10:33 AM
Well, money isn't exactly bull****, they're just getting a little bit ahead of themselves..
I guess as with the usual science we're taking some liberties and it's not for any good reason but just because. We'll get through it :smallbiggrin:

2018-12-11, 06:53 PM
I'll be honest, I'm not THAT mad, it's just...it's frustrating, you know? Money is bull****, and I mean Senku's basically an antihero so him wanting to create money explicitly to exploit the things that make it bad is totally in character, it's just...I don't know, it's weird. It just doesn't work for me.

i got the same feeling i get when i'm about to drop an anime when the whole money thing came up. Money brings out the worst in people, senku has been shown as not that moral, but i just thought he'd stray away from something so obviously bad.

i think the whole situation just sheds light on that fact that outside of making cool gadgets, senku really doesn't have a relatable driving force behind his character. his antics before where justified by wanting to save those getting crushed to bits by tsukasa, now the justification is to speed up the creation of a boat...

it's small but with no real tension in the story (atm), it's hard to not focus on it.

2018-12-15, 09:51 AM
I've never felt any tension in Stone, but this goes for most other stories, too. It's about making whacky gadgets and being crazy about it.

Anyway, new chapter.
Flying with a hot air balloon really is crazy simple if you know the basic science of it. And have a huge amount of cloth, ideally airtight. And dare fly in a stoneage balloon.
Also, looms are another of those crazy things that are incredibly useful and at the same time weirdly complicated and simple to me.
Also also, more money! If you have all that paper, can't you fix up your balloon with that? Also also also, who the hell makes all that money?!
Also also also also those are some damn scary / funny faces at the end.

2018-12-16, 08:35 PM
I've never felt any tension in Stone, but this goes for most other stories, too. It's about making whacky gadgets and being crazy about it.

what do you define as tension?

Also also, more money! If you have all that paper, can't you fix up your balloon with that?

i was thinking the same exact thing...

kind of nice that the money is being used against money guy (his name escapes me) but i kind of wanted to see the other characters dressed-up. :smallannoyed:

2018-12-17, 02:12 AM
what do you define as tension?


kind of nice that the money is being used against money guy (his name escapes me) but i kind of wanted to see the other characters dressed-up. :smallannoyed:
Hm... I'm curious about what will happen next but I'm never (or rarely) on the edge of my seat and really excited, e.g. whether someone will live or die.

I'm sure we'll get some new costumes in the future. But we'll see.

2018-12-17, 07:14 PM
New chapter, using the fancy new reader they made that isn't garbage!

Okay this chapter had me laughing. I like this. Those cute modern outfits are really nice, and I do like how comedic this all is. We need a break from the drama, even if Gin's creepy mouth scar is back again.

2018-12-18, 07:51 AM
It took me way too long to figure out you mistyped Gen there... Slow Kato is slow today.
But what creepy mouth scar? I mean, yeah, the last panel is genuinely disturbing but I don't see a particular mouth scar. Somewhere else?

Also, I forgot, considering nobody made a sewing machine... This is some crazy tailoring there. (seriously, make a sewing machine, it's not much harder than a loom... Is it?)

2018-12-18, 08:52 AM
It took me way too long to figure out you mistyped Gen there... Slow Kato is slow today.
But what creepy mouth scar? I mean, yeah, the last panel is genuinely disturbing but I don't see a particular mouth scar. Somewhere else?

Also, I forgot, considering nobody made a sewing machine... This is some crazy tailoring there. (seriously, make a sewing machine, it's not much harder than a loom... Is it?)

More like slow Zodi, forgetting Gen's name again. And I mean the stone line crack along his face. Whenever he gets serious it starts looking like the fangs of an evil smile.

The boys don't know how to do things in small terms. I actually genuinely imagine Senku doesn't actually know how to build a sewing machine, but does know how to make a massive loom.

2018-12-18, 10:04 AM
More like slow Zodi, forgetting Gen's name again. And I mean the stone line crack along his face. Whenever he gets serious it starts looking like the fangs of an evil smile.

The boys don't know how to do things in small terms. I actually genuinely imagine Senku doesn't actually know how to build a sewing machine, but does know how to make a massive loom.

Nah, it's me.
Ah, I think we had the same misunderstanding before (?), just because I don't think mouth. But I feel he'd look creepy even without the scar, Boichi is really good with his distorted funny faces, kind of like Hirano-sense.

Hm... I'm trying to remember. I think there was one ingenious trick about sewing machines that might need something more complicated but I'm not sure. But really, like looms, they're incredibly useful, and it's weird they're pretty recent tech.

2018-12-20, 11:43 PM
Also, I forgot, considering nobody made a sewing machine... This is some crazy tailoring there. (seriously, make a sewing machine, it's not much harder than a loom... Is it?)

the sewing machine would have to either be really complicated or everyone got there own personal machine to man. it probably just made more sense for them to sew by hand.

i'd personally like to think they had the jokes in mind, with them sewing by hand, and went with humor > logic.

2018-12-21, 06:24 PM
New chapter!

Well that was nice. Hot air Balloon!

2018-12-21, 06:37 PM
New chapter!

Well that was nice. Hot air Balloon!

Well, that's... concise. No amazement at Gen's genius? Or the freakin' superhuman stitching technique? I mean, I said they should make a sewing machine, but I guess that'd slow her down...

Also: Damn, Senku, at least invent parachutes, just to be safe...

2018-12-21, 08:45 PM
Well, that's... cincise. No amazement at Gen's genius? Or the freakin' superhuman stitching technique? I mean, I said they should make a sewing machine, but I guess that'd slow her down...

Also: Damn, Senku, at least invent parachutes, just to be safe...

Honestly things have been a little stressful today so I had little to say because I've been a bit distracted.

I do love Gen's use of magic though here, it rules. I like how all our modern day people are ridiculous at their skills.

2019-01-06, 07:29 PM
New chapter!

On the one hand it's a little annoying they beat the threat immediately...but I also think dragging the threat out would be bad as well. So this is fine. And it IS funny, I'll give it that.

2019-01-07, 02:46 AM
New chapter!

On the one hand it's a little annoying they beat the threat immediately...but I also think dragging the threat out would be bad as well. So this is fine. And it IS funny, I'll give it that.

Yeah but... How long can you fight a storm? I guess they could have padded it with more scenery of stone age Japan and bickering, but I don't mind this.
Also: goddammit, make parachutes!

2019-01-20, 04:51 PM
Manga time!


2019-01-20, 05:52 PM
I think I already forgot what the chapter was about... Something... Map making? And ressources.
I guess food supply is an issue for primitive civilizations but you are the only people in Japan! You should be good enough at foraging to feed a village! I mean, with the new reborn people it's another issue, but a famine should have been really unlikely.. I think.
But Yay, agriculture could make for some good science chapters.

2019-01-20, 06:09 PM
I think I already forgot what the chapter was about... Something... Map making? And ressources.
I guess food supply is an issue for primitive civilizations but you are the only people in Japan! You should be good enough at foraging to feed a village! I mean, with the new reborn people it's another issue, but a famine should have been really unlikely.. I think.
But Yay, agriculture could make for some good science chapters.

YEah, they had enough food to feed a village. Not enough to grow one.

It's time to 4X this stone age.

2019-01-20, 06:29 PM
But.. I mean, I don't know anything about hunting or foraging (that's not video game related) but they have literally no competition because in three thousand years they never expanded (which is a terrible strategy in 4x). They should be drowning in wildlife and at least simple fruit to gather, and fish. It's Japan after all. There's really no reason for them to have food shortages, short of some disaster. I mean, lacking medical knowledge might be hindering their expansion but them sticking to one village for a thousand years is just... Crazy. But that's been discussed before.

Anyway, yes, expansion time! No barbarians, no other civs, it's all free for the taking! Go grab it, build as many settlements as possible and in a few hundred turns you can go to Mars! Or Alpha Centauri.

2019-01-21, 10:33 AM
This is how I usually roll in 4X games. Heavily focus on science, and then realized I should have expanded several hundered turns before. Still, tanks crush barbarians (aside from spearmen on hills) so expansion shouldn't be that hard.

2019-01-21, 11:05 AM
Fact: one of the next chapters should be a big Civilization II shout-out with the whole village - science, tanks, gunpowder and everything - not being able to deal efficiently with a single lancer on a hill. :smalltongue:

2019-01-21, 05:54 PM
Fact: one of the next chapters should be a big Civilization II shout-out with the whole village - science, tanks, gunpowder and everything - not being able to deal efficiently with a single lancer on a hill. :smalltongue:

This was literally last arc with the pipe spear dude.

2019-01-22, 03:33 AM
It... it was? I really need to re-read this from the beginning.

2019-01-22, 08:29 AM
It... it was? I really need to re-read this from the beginning.

Admittedly, they didn't have a GUN for their gunpowder, and their tank was shooting a dummy round since Senku legitimately does not want to kill people, but they did HAVE a tank, and they more or less finished the fight with weapons grade TNT after everything else failed and almost all of them nearly died because this one dude is just real good with a pointed stick.

2019-01-27, 05:19 PM
New chapter!

Bread's not that ****ing hard to bake you guys jesus ****.

2019-01-27, 05:57 PM
Well, I never tried it in a stone oven, but I'm not sure how much that matters... maybe they forgot to add yeast... wherever they got that from.
Also, ultra fast growing wheat! :smalltongue:

But nice callback to Senku's agriculture lesson, nice tricking by Gen and with their knowledge they should be way ahead of actual stone age farmers, because they know about things like... fertilizer.

2019-01-27, 05:59 PM
Well, I never tried it in a stone oven, but I'm not sure how much that matters... maybe they forgot to add yeast... wherever they got that from.
Also, ultra fast growing wheat! :smalltongue:

But nice callback to Senku's agriculture lesson, nice tricking by Gen and with their knowledge they should be way ahead of actual stone age farmers, because they know about things like... fertilizer.

Yeah the callbacks and science in this episode was pretty good!

And I mean their bread didn't rise at all, it's just burnt. You don't need YEAST, you just need wheat. You end up with some crap bread even if it's cooked well, but it's serviceable.

Also yes this series plays...fast and loose with time.

2019-01-28, 03:22 PM
My dad once tried to bake bread. It didn't end well.