View Full Version : Price of Silvered Weapons without the work?

2017-11-02, 11:26 PM
I just started Curse of Strahd tonight and am playing a Forge Cleric. I was thinking of a way to use their channel divinity and am not sure what side RAW will fall. I realize as usual this may come down to "ask your DM" but I was wondering how much a silvered weapon is worth. The part of PHB that talks about silvered weapons talk about the work that goes into it and Artisan's Blessing requires you "out metal, which can include coins, with a value equal to the creation". Is the value of a silvered weapon the market price after the work or the price of the silver needed? Just figured it'll be an easy way to upgrade our weapons at the low level we are at assuming we can get the metal needed.

2017-11-02, 11:32 PM
I interpret the value as being the market value of a completed silvered weapon. But note, the value of the unsilvered weapon counts toward the cost of the material requirement. Put another way, if you're silvering a weapon that already exists, you can deduct the value of the weapon from the silver requirement.

2017-11-02, 11:35 PM
I interpret the value as being the market value of a completed silvered weapon. But note, the value of the unsilvered weapon counts toward the cost of the material requirement. Put another way, if you're silvering a weapon that already exists, you can deduct the value of the weapon from the silver requirement.

Mm ok, I thought that was going to bite me as their is a 100 gold worth limit on the item and so if the price of silvering it is 100 gold wouldn't the total product cost 100+weapon?

2017-11-03, 12:31 AM
You can silver a weapon for 100 gp, so in my mind that translate to increasing the price by +100 gp.

IIRC you pay half the cost of the item when you're trying to make it yourself. So if you wanted to silver your own weapon it would cost 50 gp and take 100 / (5 * x) days ; where x = number of crafters.

So 20 days for one dude, 10 days for 2 dudes, 5 days for 4 dudes, 4 days for 5 dudes, 2 days for 10 dudes, 1 day for 20 dudes.

2017-11-03, 07:00 AM
You can silver a weapon for 100 gp, so in my mind that translate to increasing the price by +100 gp.

IIRC you pay half the cost of the item when you're trying to make it yourself. So if you wanted to silver your own weapon it would cost 50 gp and take 100 / (5 * x) days ; where x = number of crafters.

So 20 days for one dude, 10 days for 2 dudes, 5 days for 4 dudes, 4 days for 5 dudes, 2 days for 10 dudes, 1 day for 20 dudes.

I kind of like the image of 20 smiths trying to silver 1 dagger. Haha

2017-11-03, 12:49 PM
I kind of like the image of 20 smiths trying to silver 1 dagger. Haha

Right? Like at some point it can't work. But I also don't like the idea that silvering a weapon would tae 1 smith 20 days. If he dedicated himself to just the one item, I can't imagine it take more than 1 or 2 (provided he has all the right tools and supplies ready).

2017-11-03, 01:55 PM
Right? Like at some point it can't work. But I also don't like the idea that silvering a weapon would tae 1 smith 20 days. If he dedicated himself to just the one item, I can't imagine it take more than 1 or 2 (provided he has all the right tools and supplies ready).

D&D land just has really good unions, that's all.

Very well-funded too, since it seems like every guild-house can afford to post a 3000 gold bounty every time a monster problem comes up.

2017-11-03, 03:25 PM
D&D land just has really good unions, that's all.

Very well-funded too, since it seems like every guild-house can afford to post a 3000 gold bounty every time a monster problem comes up.

And that's why no one likes fantasy unions. They really get in the way when you're trying to get work done.

And when people are compelled to join them, then have to pay for them, then the people running the unions make a salary, it's like there's another fantasy company that exists purely to leech productivity and money off of your own fantasy company!

I heard the next kingdom over doesn't allow unions. How are we supposed to compete with them when we're handicapping ourselves? Honestly, every merchant in town is going to be out of business within a few years...except the royally-appointed union-exempt merchants. Maybe the thieves guild had a point when they went underground...

I'll see myself out.

2017-11-03, 06:06 PM
The book says:
You can silver a single weapon or ten pieces of ammunition for 100 gp

Cut out the unnecessary words and you get:
You silver a weapon for 100 gp

It's 100gp to do the silvering.
The cost of the weapon isn't included.

Absolutely this. Forge Clerics would be able to "forge" a "silvered" weapon as it costs 100 + the weapon cost to forge said weapon.