View Full Version : Pathfinder Any other way for Stat to AC?

2017-11-03, 02:26 AM
Aside from a Soulknife, using Focused Defense in conjunction with Combat Expertise or Defensive Fighting, is there another way to get a statistic to AC, while wearing full plate armor?

We're using anything Paizo, plus Dreamscarred Press (Psionics/Path of War) and Spheres of Power, if that helps.

So far, my only idea is Mythic plus the abilities where you can ignore max Dex to AC and Armor check penalty.

Is there anything else?

2017-11-03, 03:48 AM
Well with Mithral Armour your Max Dex Bonus goes up by 2.

The Lore Oracle can use Charisma instead of Dex, so there is a rather great Synergy, if you are playing something Cha based.

Other than that there are Defnsive Feats.
Dodge of course gives + 1
Orc Weapon Expertise gives one option with + 2
Ironhide Feat gives also +1 if you are one of a few certain Races.
Armor of the Pit gives +2 for Tieflings
The Fighter has an Advanced Armor Training option, with wich you add one Quarter of your Fighter Lvl to Ac,
but that means you would have to invest heavily into Fighter.

Of course you can also pick up a Tower Shield, that means + 4 AC and +2 Max Dex Bonus

The Swordlord Fighter gets an AC Bonus if he Full Attacks, but he is locked into the Crappy Duelist Sword, (Also he decreases the Penality for Defensive Figting)

Cautious Fighter (Halfling) + 2 Dodge to AC while Fighting Defensivly.

I hope i could help you,

2017-11-03, 08:59 AM
This guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o91Z-s0R7Vf2Ujj1lFqGC5W--9JOyU0I6uC9XRIR5to/edit) has most of them.

In addition to lore, Lunar and Nature oracles can also pull off CHA to AC instead of Dex. Kensai magus and duelist can add INT to AC. Scaled fist monks can add CHA to AC instead of wis, which normal monks add to AC.

2017-11-03, 03:53 PM
Thank you.

2017-11-03, 05:34 PM
This guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o91Z-s0R7Vf2Ujj1lFqGC5W--9JOyU0I6uC9XRIR5to/edit) has most of them.

In addition to lore, Lunar and Nature oracles can also pull off CHA to AC instead of Dex. Kensai magus and duelist can add INT to AC. Scaled fist monks can add CHA to AC instead of wis, which normal monks add to AC.

Note that most of these won't work in Heavy Armor as requested.