View Full Version : Concord Academy IC

2017-11-03, 12:48 PM
Episode 1, Scene 1
Detention is over now… Olivia Hearn left into the hallways, and so did you. You can see her. Now’s your chance!

The hallways, are, of course, mostly empty, since you were in detention… There are no teachers around, at least not in plain sight. Although, you might be able to find one, if you look hard enough.

Worth noting: in your first post, you should definitely elaborate on WHY exactly you were in detention. Make a story out of it! That’s what people generally look for when they lock up all the player characters in a prison, even if this is much more lighthearted than that.

Allure: Introduce yourself. You’re not likely to get anything out of her so soon, but if the two of you got a bit closer… D8. Gain +1 VP.

Luck: Meet cute. Bump into the protagonist, force the protagonist to save you (for whatever reason), etc. D8. Gain +1 VP.

(Remember that Difficulty=DC, don’t roll a d8, roll a d6 and try to reach the target number. It’s possible when you add modifiers.)

2017-11-03, 01:10 PM
Meghan for her part was in detention for well.

Taking the blame of one of her friends that had did a bad, and needed to go to college and they don't accept you at good colleges if you had detention.

Well that, and flashing her to calm her down. Really mostly the second one.

Not that she wore much anyway, but apparently it was an issue.

So now her friend, and her BFF Amelia were waiting for her outside of detention. "You can't keep doing this, Meg." Amelia started, before Meghan started flying, two large bat wings unfurling at her back.

Did you see where the new girl went?

Strong allure, Supernaturally attractive, School queen, Elemental affinity air, Shameless.

2017-11-03, 01:15 PM
Lilith is rather upset at the moment. She thought that Concord would be different-she wouldn't be picked on, she'd have friends, she'd just have a better time here. But no, this early on, people were already going after her. Did it make them feel bigger than her? Just... Why?

And then, when she finally lashed out at them (verbally, mind you) the teacher only heard her, and wouldn't even listen to her when she explained why! She was okay with getting detention, but her bullies getting off scott-free... It grinds her gears something fierce.

These thoughts consume her as she slithers out. She tries to think of other things-like that cute girl, Olivia. But Lilith wasn't into girls-was she? She didn't really know-she'd never even kissed anyone! But maybe, if she...

As she's deep in thought, she nearly bowls over one of the objects of her mind-Olivia. Despite being significantly larger and probably outweighing Olivia by quite possibly a literal ton, she nearly collapses, the sudden obstruction taking her off guard.

Sorry! Sorry! she says, adding I wasn't paying attention, and I was deep in thought, and I... I... Sorry.

Accident Prone for +2. So I need a 6 to succeed.

Also, I actually ran the math. Assuming Lilith has a similar density to water (closest thing I could find on Wolfram Alpha to compare to flesh) she actually is probably over a ton.

2017-11-03, 01:23 PM
Rose yawns as she stretches out her arms and legs.


Detention is over? Well at least she got a good nap out of it. Of course, she wasn't sure why she got detention in the first place. It's not Rose's fault that that red dot appeared on her desk. She tried to catch it too. But the darn thing kept moving way fast. And then it danced up onto the girl in front of her. What else could she do? She had to get the dot out of her hair, and she tried to catch it.

And so... detention.

But now it's over.

Rose finished her yawn and pushed her glasses back up her nose.

Time to go.

Allure. No mods.

2017-11-03, 01:58 PM
Getting caught out when bringing a few beers for her friends and the beers being confiscated would not make Meghan happy. But being sent to detention for this ? A shining case of power abuse, for sure. Just 'cause she told the teach' to "Get stuffed", I mean, come on !

And so she had to endure the useless speech of the gym teach', stuck in a room full of girlies. Giant snake, demon, whatev'. There was no doubt in Meghan's mind than half of these ladies would faint at the first bruise on their smooth skin, and the other half wouldn't fare much better.

Still, she found herself looking often at the same girl, an Olivia sumthing, without a reason to do so. The girl was quiet, not the kind of girl who would actively bother Meghan. So why Meghan was unable to get this girl out of her mind ?

When the detention ended and everyone got released (but no beers, not than Meghan would hold any hope), the delinquent was still unable to find a explanation for her strange fixation.

Can't hurt to say hello, eh.

After having decided, Meghan went to the girl. Or tried to.

Allure, Boyish Charm, so 1d6+1-1. Should I roll here or in the ooc thread ?

2017-11-03, 04:49 PM
How did Alicia end up in detention? Poor luck, pure and simple. Same as she ended up in the hands of that... no, lady isn't supposed to say - or even think - words like that... (not that she ever was a lady, back then, but a miller's daughter turning into a vampire? Who would believe that?)
Anyway, detention. She got busted for - of all things - bringing alcohol to school. Yes, just like Meghan there, difference being that Meghan, as much as she could tell, did smuggle some alcohol, and Alicia... "Oh please. You must know I don't drink... wine."
Unofrtunately, the teacher who confiscated a vial of red liquid from her didn't appreciate the quote, and decided to taste-test it...
Of course, she didn't mind the detention much. For most actual high-schoolers, an hour was a very long time... for here, it was an eye's blink. Still, it was nice to be free at last.
Wearing a floor-long black dress that covered her body from neck to toes - and was really stuffy, even from the standpoint of someone who technically didn't breath - she stands up, stretches and walks into the hallway, yawning.
Neutral allure means I can't really win this sahort of shenanigans

2017-11-04, 08:39 AM
As a result of Amelia's directions Mills ended up finding Olivia.

After Lilith's routine, Olivia is more than a bit scared, and takes a couple of steps backwards.

This is all that happened as a result of your rolls. You'll be able to reach Olivia now, you just arrived after Lilith did. feel free to talk to Olivia now that your rolls have been processed.

2017-11-04, 01:25 PM
Hey, hey. Meghan replies floating behind Olivia, and blocking her from moving more back.

There, there. Let me just check for injuries. She remarks, starting at the knees and elbows for any rough scrapes.

2017-11-04, 02:11 PM
Hey, hey. Meghan replies floating behind Olivia, and blocking her from moving more back.

There, there. Let me just check for injuries. She remarks, starting at the knees and elbows for any rough scrapes.

"I-I'm fine..." Olivia musters. "She didn't hit me... Although it was close..."

2017-11-04, 04:02 PM
Sorry! I'm really sorry! Lilith continues saying. I just didn't realize where I was going, and... Sorry!

2017-11-04, 11:44 PM
Just pay more attention next time is all. Meghan replies calmly.

You could lose everything in an instant. Meghan says with a snap.

Amelia lets out a noise of frustration and face-palms. "Meghan, seriously?"

Should I play Meghan's Bff, or should you?

2017-11-08, 02:15 PM
Rose’s ears twitch as she hears yelling ahead.

For just a little bit of thought, she wished she had inherited her grandmother’s quick and silent paws, but dismissed it. People were weird enough with her as it was. She didn’t want to know what would have happened to her if she had been more cat.

So instead she prowled as silently as she could to the corner, then peered around it.

What she found was the snake girl, another girl with wings, and the other girl from detention. The cute one that looked to have a really comfortable lap to rest in.

Not seeing anything worth making a scene about, she moved down the hall until she was close enough to be noticed, but not close enough to be caught. And then, resisting the urge to preen, Rose instead pulls out her phone, and pointedly ignores everyone.

2017-11-08, 06:00 PM
I already stated what had happened in the OOC thread and apologized, but I am so so sorry! I really should have put some effort into this a long time ago. I am an awful GM. Really, I apologize.

For now, have a hastily thrown together end of scene. I am beginning to realize my problem is less that I'm bad with ideas and more that I am a perfectionist when it comes to writing. Which I never thought I was, but apparently if I just throw together a ton of cliched **** I feel bad! Who would have thought.

"...It's fine. And, uh, I'll head out now!" Unexpectedly, Olivia runs off.

The next day, you all head over to school around the same time. All of you share classes together, so you all end up going to the same first period class. The teacher is absentmindedly scribbling things on the chalkboard, and seems to be in something of a trance, because you can see other students whispering and APPARENTLY not listening.

Olivia is currently in the back of the room, trying to seem small.

What do you do?

Allure. D6 (so you can succeed at it without bonuses.) Approach Olivia nicely. The reward is, once again +1 VP.

Skill. D5. You've had time to prepare! Do something for Olivia, so you can get a bit closer to her. +1 VP.

2017-11-08, 09:44 PM
Meghan had one of her friends prepare something for her. A list of traveling around and dates and times. The fact that the girl probably wanted a few dates with her kinda flew over Meghan's head. (Get it. Flew. She can fly.)

So there she was presenting it to the new girl.

Now, you're new to the town so I figure if you want to experience it fully you'll need a guide and this paper makes me a perfect guide.

"Sweetie, I think she might want to take her time with it." Alice pipes up.

Neutral skill, Supernaturally attractive, Elemental affinity air (Pun+Travel fitting air)

2017-11-09, 12:19 AM
Easily Forgiven. I WANT A POINT!

Lilith slithers over to where Olivia is. She seems to also be shrinking into herself, despite towering over the other girl. I wanted to apologize for yesterday. Again. Because... Sorry, she says. And... You okay? You seem... Nervous, I guess. I mean, you're new here, right? Well, we all are-new school and all that-but don't worry! There are some nice people! Like... Um... she adds, trying to think of people who've been nice to her so far.


The cafeteria has nice food?

2017-11-09, 05:14 AM
Weak Allure '-1), Boyish Charm (+1) ... and Down And Dirty (+6).
Because if I never get to say hello, it will be hard to successfully court Olivia. :P
Still one use of DAD for the episode.

Meghan Darwick came late into the classroom. She had no backpack with her schoolbooks, so either we got caught and sent to class, either the delinquent had her own reasons to come. Which weren't related to learning.
Glancing a look at the teacher, Meghan then ignored them and went for her objective, Olivia ... which was currently assailed by monsters, as it seems. Well, slight change of plan. Meghan went straight to the small girl and slammed her hands on Olivia's desk. The tomboy smiled, and look straight at the girl face.

Hey, I'm Meg'. Are these guys bothering you ? Need some help to throw them out ?

2017-11-09, 05:36 AM
That sight, one of a girl so obviously lost and alone, it was familiar - oh so familiar - to Alicia. She was like that herself, the first couple... dozen... times she had to move. Let's see if she could do something to alleviate that...

A note, written in calligraphic handwriting, lays onto Olicia's desk, I know how you feel. I had similar experiences myself, more often that I'd like to. Honestly speaking, I'm relatively new here myself, so I still have that outsider's perspective... even if I don't let it influence me. So, if you need any help fitting in, please don't hesitate asking. It's really no trouble.

-Sincerely yours, Alicia (accompanied by a small drawing of a girl in Alicia's trademark Victorian dress, as a clue in the likely case Olivia hadn't remembered all her classmates' names yet)

Strong Skill +1, Renessaince Lady +1

2017-11-09, 08:08 AM
Rose leans back in her chair, absentmindedly stroking her ear.

When the teacher loses focus on the world around him, she looks over at Olivia.

He does this all the time. Fortunately for you, he gave me an advance copy of the curriculum for the year. Want an easy A? Just use my easy to follow study guide.

Rose pulls out a notebook, and sets it on Olivia’s desk. The notebook is filled with notes, reminders, and various tips on things to remember.

Long as you use that, you can’t fail.

Strong Skill, Connections, Honor Student. +5 total.

2017-11-11, 04:06 PM
...Olivia is quite clearly caught off guard by everyone's kindness.

"Uh, thank you... Your name is Meghan, right?" Olivia says as she nods. She was just here yesterday, so she remembers her name from the role call. "I really don't need the help, though..."

As Lilith approaches, Olivia coils up in fear, but as she very clearly does not begin to smother her her shoulders loosen. "N-no, it's fine! I shouldn't have been so nervous anyway... You're a nice girl." She says.

As the other Meghan approaches, Olivia flails her arms in embarassment. "N-no, it's fine! You girls aren't bothering me."

As Alicia passes over the note, Olivia quickly scribbles a note on the back and hands it over to Josh, who hands it over to Card, who gives it back to Alicia. It says:

"Yes, yes, that's pretty much exactly what my problem is! I mean, there are a couple of other things... But moving is hard. It's really hard to adjust to being in a whole different school with so many people...
Especially when you're as shy as I am. Thank you for lending me your ear. Signed, Olivia"

Finally, Rose hands over to Olivia another gift. Olivia smiles nervously.

"Thank you, everyone... I really feel like I don't deserve this, but it's nice that you're trying to make me feel welcome."

...Of course, then the teacher notices.

"...What is that ruckus over there? Please, for the love of God, get back to work."

Everybody earns 1 VP.

Since I'm actually in the proper frame of mind right now, I've decided to elaborate a bit more and add a bit more detail. You can maybe expect the teacher's name. Maybe. Last names are hard.

2017-11-11, 07:39 PM
Well, if they don't annoy you ... just tell me if you need help for sumthing or another.

Butter, the teach' was now paying attention to the class. And Meghan wasn't supposed to be here. Well, according to the school she was, but Meghan wasn't planning to come, at first. The brunette just wanted to chat a bit with the new girl, since she couldn't get an hold of Olivia yesterday.
So when the teacher told them to go back to their desk, Meghan tried to pull a fast one.

We're just saying welcome to the new girl, that's a crime now ? But fine, as you want, I'm not supposed to be here anyway.

Without lingering, the young girl went to leave the room, hoping that the teacher wouldn't remember that she was, in truth, in this class. Or at least that he wouldn't before she got away.

2017-11-11, 08:11 PM
Lilith blushes a little when she receives the compliment, but nods and smiles.

2017-11-11, 10:51 PM
Meghan smiles, before curtsying. Just trying to make a new student feel welcome, my apologies. She remarks.

2017-11-11, 11:26 PM
Mew. You know me, sir. Always trying to help the new students acclimatize to your classes.

2017-11-12, 10:49 AM
Amelia, reading the note, just smiles subtly. And did it in a way that didn't attract Prof's attention, as well...