View Full Version : Comics Need Help remembering a Sci Fi Comic

Scowling Dragon
2017-11-04, 09:35 AM
I need help remembering a sci fi comic I read once. It was a big ol tome so it wasn't just a oneshot or the like. I don't know if its a adaptation of a book.

The story was about some super genuis kid in the far future, who is super great and super smart about everything. The framing is him reflecting in the future where he is an old man carrying a bunch of hibernating people to a new planet.

The feeling was very "Dune" like in the sense the sci fi scale was super massive.

He also had somekind of trial involving 12 loosers or something?

A recurring thing everybody says was something like "Value genuine human interaction over ____ technology".
Then at the end he...becomes part animal and young again? I think?

2017-11-06, 06:51 PM
Try gingko biloba.

2017-11-06, 11:24 PM
Sounds like it could be Franco-Belgian, based on the brief description. You might take a look at this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Franco-Belgian_comics_series)list.

Lvl 2 Expert
2017-11-07, 02:35 AM
It doesn't happen to be the comic that semi-recent Valerian movie was based on does it?

Scowling Dragon
2017-11-07, 08:01 AM
It doesn't happen to be the comic that semi-recent Valerian movie was based on does it?


What caused me to remember it was reading All Star Superman. I liked the Animated movie, but reading the series just made me very annoyed as it felt like it changed from a Celebration to a nearly aggressive self ********n of superman and I remembered how that reminded me of the comic, and so I wanted closure by getting its name.

Edit: Got it. Its the Technopriests. I knew it was part of one of those "Mega super duper"scale sci fi stories where the heroes mainly just spend their time demolishing everything in their way with ease.