View Full Version : Movie/TV Declarations (random spoilers likely)

2007-08-17, 02:28 PM
I'm looking for those dramatic lines delivered either so over the top that they're funny, or dramatic revalations delivered as single lines. Not really long speaches that reveal plot points, but those lines designed to turn the plot upsidedown.

Babylon 5
Delenn: "Because Morden is never alone!"

Star Wars:ESB
Vader: No. I am your father!

Logan's Run
Logan 5: There is no Sanctuary!

Soylent Green
Soylant green is people!

Planet of the Apes:
Taylor: Oh my God. I'm back. I'm home. All the time, it was... We finally really did it. You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Taylor: Its a Madhouse! A madhouse!

Leonides: Maddness? This is Sparta!

(just as an aside, the rifftrax for 300 is freaking hallarious. "THIS IS 'SPART OF THIS NUTRITIOUS BREAKFAST!!!!")

2007-08-17, 02:34 PM
Heston wins every time.