View Full Version : Ride, Horsemen, Ride

2017-11-04, 10:38 AM
700 years ago, the world's Heroes defeated the final evil. The gates were sealed, the monsters were teleported to other planes of existence, the generals were slain. At last, they were vanquished and the world could be at peace. Upon their destruction, their artifacts were scattered across the world, to be forever sealed and secured so no one else could ever find them or use them.

Ages past. The heroes died in peace and prosperity. The world moved on. People grew forgetting the old tales, and the memories of monsters and evil slipped away into stories of fairy tales and imagination.

But what they didn't know is that evil is required for the world to live. Without evil, the moral essence of the world is unbalanced, and for centuries it's been slowly ripping this material plane apart.

Four young men and women - all from the same [town, city, region, something] have the exact same dream. This dream shows them the planar crack in the world and foretells the world ripping apart. The final conclusion is the destruction of all life on this entire plane of existence. But the dream also tells them how to fix it - it shows them where an ancient artifact is. They must find the artifact and activate it, and upon doing so, they will usher in the new saviour of the world.

Little do our would-be heroes realize that these artifacts will transform them, and that they will be the saviours of the world by ushering in a new era of evil. The scales have tipped to far, and it is time for them to tip back.


This campaign will start at level 1. Everyone must be human (but see below). Your PCs all know each other and are friends.

By Level 3 (which should only be a few weeks), you'll find the first artifact, and you'll transform into your desired race. You get to keep the benefits of being human, plus you'll get the benefits of the new race of choice. It's preferable you pick a race that has a monstrous image, but it is not required.

As of right now there are no monsters in this world. No vampires, demons, orcs, goblins, dragons, faerie, anything. The humans have completely conquered the world. Your PCs will reintroduce them to the world (which ones will be up to you), by seeking out and discovering artifacts, magical locations, portals, gates to other dimensions, etc..

The beginning of the game will be exploration, overcoming traps, and fighting humans. Mid game will be army building and kingdom design, as well as fighting both human "heroes" and some of the monsters you've released (as they have their own plans and ideas and not all of them will follow your orders). End game will be your armies fighting their armies to see who conquers the world. End game may also be about defending certain locales to prevent the humans from removing all evil again, or even finding ways to permanently open certain gates/portals.

Whether your armies actually conquer the world or whether the humans conquer it, finding a way to permanently keep Evil in the world to balance Good is the only way to save the world. Win or lose, you shall bring the apocalypse with you.

This campaign was inspired by the following song:

Megadeth - Blessed are the Dead (https://youtu.be/2VID_KM4dls)

2017-11-04, 10:39 AM
Reserved for later use

2017-11-04, 11:44 AM
Seline woke from her nightmare gasping for breath, drenched in cold sweat.

That was a dream? she asked herself, surprised. didn't feel like one at all.

Logically, she doubted it meant much, of course, and went to prepare her normal spells for the day. But that nagging feeling wouldn't go away.

I should talk to Cerise about it,
This seems like cleric stuff, she might know if I should worry about it. she decided once she was finished. She got her things together, and walked out the door to look for her cleric friend.

2017-11-04, 12:23 PM
In a small inn a short distance away, panicked and bloodshot eyes snapped open. The whispers he heard after his visit to that old cave out in the woodlands, tonight he had a reprise from them replaced instead by a terrible beautiful dream. A dream of a place between the worlds, a way of answering that call that whispered to him ever since that visit. It was not quite the same but this crack promised more of the beloved energy.

Mr. E
2017-11-04, 09:19 PM
Cerise hunches over an anvil in one corner of the blacksmith's shop. The room is almost entirely dark, save for the iron bar currently being worked. This glows cherry red, while she bends over it with a hammer. A drop of sweat falls from her forehead and sizzles on the metal. Her brows drawn together, she concentrates on the work, almost oblivious to the outside world. Eventually, the bar's colour changes from red to black, and she slides it in the furnace to reheat.

Wiping her forehead, Cerise wanders over to a crockery water pitcher in one corner of the shop, and takes a long drink. She looks around, noticing Seline for the first time. "Hey." Going back to the furnace, she removes the bar and places it back on the anvil. "So" There is a loud bang as her hammer comes down. "what" Bang "brings" Bang "you" Bang "here" Bang, she pauses for a moment to turn the bar over and contemplate her next move, "so early in the day?"

2017-11-04, 09:39 PM
Seline blinked with each bang of the hammer. When Cerise stopped to ask about the reason for her visit she spoke.
Well, I had a... disturbing...
Dream. I rarely have extremely vivid dreams and I usually forget them, but this one is stuck in my mind. she starts describing the events of the dream to Cerise.

and I have this nagging feeling that it's completely real. That I have every reason to be worried about this. What do you think?

2017-11-05, 05:43 AM
At home, in her exquisite room fit for a noble (which she also was), Camilla woke with a startling scream.... The dream, no, Nightmare... It's been so real!
She could not for the life of her remember the details specifically, but somehow it felt like she knew subconsciously what it all meant... Just not on a conscious level.

Still shook up, she got out of bed and went about her normal daily routines before her final choice to head out for herself for a while. She had Father's permission of course, but it might also have been the Magical Academy's influence that might have added in to her Father's acceptance of letting his priced daughter go out on her own...

Mr. E
2017-11-05, 05:56 PM
Cerise taps away with her hammer while she listens, nodding to herself. She pauses to look at Seline with a concerned expression on her face. "That's bad. Very bad." She places the bar back in the furnace. "Someone's taking an interest in you." A gesture at the sky makes it clear who 'someone' might be. "The god's start messing about with you,
and all hell follows just behind."Taking it out, Cerise grasps both ends with a pair of tongs and bends the bar into a horse-shoe with a grunt. "Trust me, I'd know."

She removes a small steel punch from a rack, and bangs nail holes into the metal. "I'd be very careful who you tell about that." Cerise picks up the complete horseshoe with a pair of tongs, dropping it in a bucket of oil, then water. There is a loud hiss, and steam hides her from sight. Placing the horseshoe on a rack, she walks out to the front of the stall, and leans on one of the wooden posts.

"As a rule, dreams of the apocalypse don't make you popular. That's why I'm working in this dump." She shrugs, then sighs. "I have nightmares, sometimes. Don't tell people, 'cause that tends to freak them out. Still, if you're having the same kind of dreams, maybe I need to do something about them. They just weren't clear enough, at least, not until last night." She massages her forehead, carefully. "Wait, tell me that dream again, slowly, while I'm not trying to do something else. 'Cause it sounds freakily like my last nightmare, now that I think of it."

2017-11-05, 08:49 PM

Four young men and women grew up in the city. They were friends - or at least acquaintances - before The Dream happened.

How did they know each other? What were some defining moments in their lives?


In the prologue, you will each write some stuff about how your PC knew another PC by answering the following prompts:

Roll a d3. Cross your name off the list. Explain how your bond relates to the person you rolled. Cross their name off the list.

Roll a d2. Explain how your flaw relates to the person rolled. Cross their name off the list.

Finally, with the person remaining, explain how your ideal relates to this person.

1) Camilla
2) Seline
3) Sigrun
4) William

They could be vaguely related (e.g. family member of a person associated with your flaw), or they could be the direct cause of your ideal. Whatever it is, explain how they are associated with your ideal, bond, and flaw. Regardless of the story, this person is still someone you consider a friend.

Example: If I'm Camilla, let's stay I roll a 2 on the d3 for step 1. I would write how Sigrun is associated with my bond. Then I roll a 2 on the d2. I would write how William is associated with my flaw. Finally, I would write how Seline is associated with my ideal.

2017-11-06, 12:05 AM
I can't say I've ever been on good terms with the gods. Can't imagine why any of them would choose me to mess with. Seline said and scratched her head nervously. Cerise's words got even worse however, and Seline was beginning to give in to that part of her that was screaming that her dream was important.


Seline takes a few deep breaths to calm herself. She leans on a post just beside the one Cerise is leaning on, and slowly reiterates the dream in as much detail as she can remember.

2017-11-06, 05:19 PM
Camilla - The Connections

With nobility comes troubles. One of these is the fact that the Von Vanderhorn Family is in a sort of cold war commercial feud with the Van Bellum Family, the heir apparent son, Michael, being an major object of affection and attraction by Camilla. Sadly Michael does as of yet not know of her affections for him. However, a Warlock by the name of William have approached Camilla with an offer of collaboration. For him to further HIS wants and needs, and in exchange help her once she sees the opportunity to claim her beloved.

Camilla is of nobility, yet always enjoyed walking into the markets and experience what commoners do, at least in a minor fashion since she could only observe this life from the outside. It was hobby that got started after she'd talked with her religious tutor, a retired cleric of the God Hephaestus, the very same god that Cerise worships.
However the effect of the turoring mixed with such observations by young Camilla, along with slight misunderstandings and preconceived ideas made this hobby turn into her secret way to observe and in her own mind redicule the vermin populous. Even fellow nobles gets the same mental treatment. Yet it's so ingrown that she often needs a second-hand impression of someone to get beyond this rather disturbing flaw of her mindset. It's something she usually doesn't outwardly show or even acknowledge. She loves being adored for kindness, yet the niggling disdain is always there, hidden away.

Celine and Camilla both studied the Magical arts together at the same time with the same master, and developed some of the same ideals and outward looks on power and knowledge. It's a common interest that makes Camilla at least acknowledge Celine's power and worth as an ally, along with, possibly, even a friend.

Mr. E
2017-11-06, 05:51 PM

Well, she's nobility, which I'd usually find a bit off-putting. I don't like it when people get all this power without really trying, or even asking. However, she's not really much for religion, and that makes her useful. The authority she has as a noble's daughter would make her a possible ally against the temple. If I can find something she wants, maybe we can trade.

Hanging out with Selina is always a lot of fun, but I always feel bad afterwards. I mean, I'm the one who spent their childhood in a temple, and she still knows more about it than I do. It always reminds how badly I fail at being a cleric, and I hate being reminded of that. She's always so nice to listen to, as well, and I know I'm not. It's frustrating, being reminded of my own incompetence.

William's a good friend, even if I don't approve of what he does. People should work hard for their rewards, not just steal it from something else. Someday that'll come back to bite him, for sure. But when it does, I'm going to be there. Not to mock him, or anything, but to show him how to do things properly. There's good bones in him, deep down.

2017-11-06, 07:45 PM
Seline's Connections:

William: He seems to have found some kind of lost demonic power. And he knows some things about history. I have an ancient text that I stole from a drunk wizard when he was leaving the town tavern. It has the names of demons in it, but it's in an old language, so William and I are trying to see if we can find out more about his discovery. This is a complete secret, k? Please don't tell anyone, or I'll have to hurt you.

Camilla: she's a classmate. And she's really smart, too. Mostly we compare notes, and work together to further our magical study. We've had a few fights though. There was that one time I really wanted to make a totally new spell. It was way before we were ready for that, and Camilla was the one to talk me out of potentially blowing myself up, and remind me that we only knew the basics of spellcraft. Not my best moment, I admit, and it wouldn't be the last time I was overly eager to learn something new. But that's another story.

Cerise: Cerise is a good friend who always gives great advice. I've always believed knowledge was the key to power, to unlocking our true potential. Cerise may not know as much as me, but she knows more about what to do with the knowledge she has. Sometimes I wonder if that's an even more valuable form of knowledge.

And forging is fascinating when you think about it. I remember she tried to show me how to forge a simple knife once. The process was easy enough to understand in theory, but I just couldn't get it to turn out the way she did. It's not just knowing, it's being able to do the right thing at the right time, based on subtle signs. Cerise is actually much better at that than me.

2017-11-07, 11:43 AM
Connections f one William Blackridge

Camilla: Once I thought being above the law meant burning through cities until none would stop you, but observing her I found being above the law can be far easier with friends in the right places. I had to offer her a few favours of my own, but the more you get tied in with her lot the less people are willing to challenge you

Seline: Even once I joined up with the military, there was significantly to little slaughter and to much records for my liking. Yet now and again when I caught some gutter thief who no one would ever miss, when I felt the fire rising from beneath or could not bear the ideal of bringing them in I would simply take them to Seiline and learn her way of making people disappear. Combined with our joint interest in the histories a curious friendship soon arose.

Cerise: It was a long time ago when I first met Cerise, I had helped an acolyte under attack by some street thug, in all honesty I'ld considered joining in on the other side for a quick buck.

Nonetheless the help I gave to that acolyte was repaid many times over, with me receiving much help from that temple. That changed when I received my new gifts, with those around the temple acting with bare hostility. However Cerise as an acolyte I soon recognised still helped me get back on my feet and prevented the temple discovering just what it was the were detecting.

2017-11-07, 04:09 PM
Chapter 1 - Acting Upon a Dream

The dream you each have reveals to you secrets long forgotten. It tells of a story about how the world was shaped today - the vanquishing of Evil and the sequesteration of Good in this world. And it shows you the Plane of Existence being ripped apart of nothing is done.

All of it starts at one location, the first of many that you are urged to travel. You shall be the saviours of the world so long as you unlock a series of barriers that is consuming so much universal energy that it's ripping apart space and time itself.

You leave town, with what equipment you have, either solo or in pairs.


For your next post, please describe how you leave town as you head on the Eastern Road. Did you leave alone or in a group, and if in a group, with whom (PC or NPC)? Did you bring extra supplies (whether by purchase or theft?). Is anyone pursuing you? Was your departure with the blessing of your family and friends, done against their wishes, or entirely in secret? You can add in more if you like.

2017-11-07, 11:54 PM
Seline's only living family was her father, who she had many arguments with growing up, and rarely spoke to now. She left without a word to the old man, and didn't know if he'd pursue her or not, though she doubted it.

She did buy ten days worth of rations before she left, wanting to make sure she had plenty of food. She met Cerise at the edge of town and they left together.

Mr. E
2017-11-08, 01:44 AM
Cerise nods at Seline, shuffling her pack more comfortably onto her shoulders. She has few connections in town, having already been thrown out of the Temple. She doubts anybody will even notice that she is gone, except the blacksmith for whom she was making horse-shoes. Which is, of course, probably for the best. This way, nobody will really know what I am up to. The two of them start down the road, Cerise settling into a steady pace. It isn't rapid, but she is certain that she could go on for hours without slowing down. Turning to Seline, she decides to start a conversation.

"Know whether anybody else will be joining us?"

2017-11-08, 06:45 AM
When the darkness filled the streets of the city, and all reasonable men and women were slumbering in the night, that was when Blackridge left. In a small bag hosted over his shoulder he held his food, and a few partially translated pages.
On his hip he held his small coin bag and his blade but little else.

He slipped outside of the city, evading most of the guard patrols by virtue of his own expierience with the routes. Once out he continues with a frantic pace, desperate to reach this place within his dreams. He traveled all through the day and throughout much of the night. He wore a black cloak with a hood covering part of his face, while he never had an aptitude for stealth he did his best to hide from those who may interrupt his travels.

2017-11-08, 07:24 AM

Exiting her home, she left behind her family. She was quite happy to do so, because it was getting quite stuffy having to follow 'daddy' and his rules anymore.

As planned she met up with the others, smile on her face, backpack full of her stuff and her Grimoire (spellbook) secured to her hip safely. "Hello everyone.... Ready to go?" She asked, still smirking the same haughty-but-real smile she always did.

2017-11-08, 07:51 AM
You leave town on the Eastern Road, headed towards a long forgotten locale know only to you by a strange dream. While the dream may have altered between each if you, the information and the details it passed on was the same.

The summer morning is warm and cloudless, and traveling is easy. It's not long before the city is behind you. As the day progresses, it gets hot, but you soon find the Eastern Road leading into a forest and the trees provide a respite from the sun.

That evening, you find a hollow tree. The Solider is the first to find it, and already has a small camp set up for one by the time the rest of you arrive.


For those who have ventured into this forest before, this tree is a known camp site and provides shelter from the rain. But tonight, no such shelter is needed, for the skies are clear and the night is warm.

Throughout the night, you hear the chirps, growls, and scuffling of animals, but none seem to be brave enough to disturb your camp site. You pack up in the morning, and the group of three became the group of four. About half a day out, you pass the first village outside the city.

A few days later, you find the first of the landmarks seen in the dream. It looks inconspicuous - a tree that is twisted with branches that make it look humanoid. It doesn't seem completely out of place, but to the right eye it is obviously different.

This sets you off the main road and deeper into the forest. You head down a foot path - one that's well traveled enough - to a small lake. You hear voices. Down at the lake there is a young couple playing in the waters. They wave as you pass.

The lake itself has a river feeding into it, and this is your next sign. You follow the river up until it turns into streams. You follow the stream until you reach the source.

Here, at the source of the stream, do you find your first obstacle.



Please describe some conversation along the way, anything you did at the village you passed (shopping for supplies, stopping to eat, stealing anything, talking to any one, just passing through, etc...), any interaction you had with the swimmers, and what you're going to do about your first obstacle.

2017-11-08, 07:11 PM

So I suppose each of you felt the same dreams as my own? And you found this same treasured campsite as well, how ... fortunate.
And how go your affairs in the city, are those in the temple still able to keep you from your hard work Cerise? Camilla has that Michael fool finally cottoned on? Seline, just let me thank you once more aiding me in my attempt to find that cove. And when did you all depart? Tell me how prepared are you for this journey must we make any more acquisitions from these unfortunates or shall we leave them unhindered for the present.

he speaks in a slow deliberate voice occasionally smiling with a grim malice, much changed from the nervous guard once known, in moments far from the beaten track when he is sure that none but the group, he is constantly create glowing motes of blood red light that swirl around his forearms.

In the village the becomes agitated wishing to hurry through with little conversation, stopping by only to pick up more rations, when sighting the swimmers he smiles gladly as he waves back, his eyes show a momentary consideration of some other course of action but in the end he simply quietly departs. Hoping once more to maintain a fast pace.

Mr. E
2017-11-08, 09:12 PM

The walk is calming, almost soothing. For the first time in far too long, Cerise enjoys a good nights sleep, without dreams of fire and destruction. She is not sure that that is truly encouraging, or just sinister. She ignores the bathers, merely tops up her supplies at the village, but otherwise does not interact the scenery. Occasionally she talks to Seline, but she spends much of the time lost in thought. Indeed, even when they discover the thing, she says nothing for a while.

"What is that?" This question appears more rhetorical than practical, as she immediately moves onto other matters. Cautiously approaching the base of the structure, Cerise searches for a (relatively) safe route up to the source of the water.

2017-11-08, 09:44 PM

Well I'm glad out of anyone it's the three of you that shared these dreams, Seline said with a smile. and William I told you I was happy to help.

During the journey Seline chats with Cerise and William when they're feeling talkative, and waves back to the couple as they pass by. As they sleep in the camp by the hollow tree seline takes longer than usual to fall asleep, not being used to the woods, but finally manages to get some rest.

When they reach the obstacle Seline gets a little frustrated, Now how are we supposed to get up there?

Seline thinks for a moment about whether she's ever heard of anything like this structure.

2017-11-08, 10:11 PM
You don't recall any information about this locale. This is part of the forgotten past, and you only knew about it from your dreams.

You don't see any safe and easy way up. For scale, you can see some birds in the picture. The structure is fairly big. That opening by itself can easily be walked in fully standing up with your arms stretched upwards, and still be several times your height wide.

2017-11-09, 03:48 AM

Camilla clearly enjoyed leaving her home. It was a blissful exit and the exploration have finally begun.
"In my opinion, it's rather irritating to have the gods interfere in our lives. I personally never asked for their help, guidance or anything like that. They are nothing to me, thus i should be nothing to them." Camilla added in conversationally to the others as the walk continued onwards past that man-like tree.

"Yeah that dream... It was rather vivid and no, William, not yet. I do have a plan though." She said, swapping from conversation to reply on William's question rather easily. As to her plan, well she had no intention on voicing it out. Not yet anyways.

She passed through that village without need or want for shopping, having taken along all she needed for now when she left home.

Intelligence checks to see if Camilla might recognize or remember some info about that source-thing.

Int: Arcana [roll0]
Int: History [roll1]

2017-11-09, 08:01 AM
By "the source" I meant the source of the water that feeds into the stream and eventually the river.

Your path lies in following the water, so you must figure out a way to get up there and into the cavernous mouth of that giant contraption, whatever it is.

It's quite high up, ranging in the tens of meters/yards just to reach the bottom. The whole structure looks to be hundreds of meters tall, jutting out of the side of a cliff.

If you're wondering why no one has been here, it's because you're in dense wilderness, where no human has traveled in a long time. You long ago left the trails made by human feet. For some portion of the time you followed deer trails, and then had to push past brush on your own.

Pop out some ideas. If you don't have the proper gear, you can always turn back to that town that was a few days back.

You may try to climb, you may try to find the top of that cliff and come down. You may make use of your spells or any equipment you have. But whatever you try to do, you have to come up with a way to get in.

2017-11-09, 08:32 AM
William Blackridge

After a short moment looking at the side of the cliff, Blackridge raises his hands and seeks to Blast handholds in the cliff face a smile spreading across his face as he unleashes the Eldritch force, after a short effort he turns to a dress the rest of the group

I don't suppose anyone has anything particularly clever to do?

2017-11-09, 08:41 AM

With a cough, Camilla took attention towards herself. "Well.... the only thing i got is a contingency in that i can, with a little time, do a spell called featherfall... but it's meant to be used to descend steep surfaces or avoid dying from falling from a great height. It's not meant to make it easier to get up that cliff."

2017-11-09, 10:37 AM
Seline shook her head as William sent an eldritch blast into the structure, leaving little more than a scorch mark. okay, let's all take a breath and think. Most of my spells are more suited to damage things. I have some for other situations, but none for climbing or flying. And I don't feel confident in my climbing skills.

We could try to see if there's an easy path to the top of that cliff and then Camilla can feather fall us down, but that might take a while. Or we could go back to that village and try to buy climbing gear, I'm not seeing any other good options. Seline suggested.

Mr. E
2017-11-09, 09:07 PM
"At this point I am forced to agree with Seline." Cerise finishes her analysis of the structure, shrugging to herself. "I suspect, out of those two options, to approach from the top would be easier. Even if we did climb up from underneath, the water would make it challenging to approach. It would be far easier if we could come down from the top, lower somebody down by rope to show us how to avoid wading in the stream, than by going in blind. That being said, I have one last thing to try." Approaching a the face of the rock, places her tools on the ground. Extracting her smith's tools, Cerise cautiously tests the hardness of the metal. If it is soft enough, maybe I can make us handholds, and thus make the climbing easy.

2017-11-10, 06:46 AM
The metal itself isn't soft, but it is covered in thick Vines and branches, meaning you could use them to assist in climbing.

The blasts cast by the warlock at the side of the cliff does produce some divots, which could assist in the climb.

Making your way to the top could take hours or days or weeks. You don't see an immediate route up; however, you know there must be one simply based on the nature of geography.

2017-11-10, 10:16 AM
Camilla can find a path up, but it is dangerous. You'll need ropes and hooks at a minimum. Some spells to generate hand/foot holds will help. Safety tie lines to prevent each other from plummeting to your death. Pitons or something akin to them can help secure rope where you can't hook it. It is certainly possible.

Whatever gear you don't have on you, please explain how you're going to get it, or if you'd rather risk simply going without. We have four magic users in the group, I'm certain you can figure something out. :)

2017-11-11, 03:06 PM

Giving the situation a deeper mulling-over, Camilla spots that harsh-but-hopefully-easier pathway via the vines and such.
"Hmm... I wouldn't recommend any of us climbing up there unless we got the right gear for it. Better safe than sorry,
am i right?" She said to the others, clearly hinting at heading back to town to get the right sort of equipment needed, maybe give it a day's time there as well if need be.

Mr. E
2017-11-11, 03:31 PM

Cerise nods quietly. "I still suspect that we would better detouring round and coming down from the top. I struggle to visualise us surmounting the overhanging sections without extensive detours, and I do not wish to have to try and camp atop that." She gestures at the bare and shelving sides of the thing.

Looking at the picture, I can't see an easy and straightforward route, even with climbing gear. The angle it's on means that there are extensive section which would be very challenging to climb, at least without going up to the top of the structure and coming back down.

2017-11-11, 03:34 PM
William Blackridge

Let's just see how hard it is before we pointlessly delay. I do not wish to tarry on this endeavour.

After dropping his bags and fixing the rope to his belt, then further ado William begins climbing the strongest vine available, stabbing a dagger into larger growths to pull himself up or unleashing blasts into the surfaces to create footholds and handholds where they did not previously exist.

2017-11-12, 12:21 AM
William starts climbing up, and between his rope, dagger, and blasting out hand and footholds, he manages to make slow progress. It takes the better part of an hour, but he manages to get to the first "leg" at the bottom of the structure, where he can actually stand.

The leg itself is overgrown and a little slippery, due to the water running down. It's a little larger than 10 feet across, meaning that he's at least not physically climbing while he's on it.


In the image, you can see several legs sticking out of the structure. If you look closely enough, you can see a secondary leg beyond the first. These are all around the structure.

The bottom most secondary leg is where William is. You can't see it on the picture, but based on the other legs you can get a good visualisation.

From here, William can investigate further, or figure out a way to get the rest of the team up.

Mr. E
2017-11-12, 07:52 PM
"Do you think you can get up to the second spur?" Cerise shouts up to him. It looks like the rest of the journey would require minimal climbing from there on." She starts to remove her armour at the bottom, preparing for the ascent. "But first, if you can drop us a line, I can easily climb up and then we can haul the others up together."

2017-11-12, 08:36 PM
[ooc]Why didn't I think of this before?! If I rotate the image 90° and crop, I can simulate the leg you're on. You're at the bottom of the screen, on a ledge that's just outside of the picture. You have to go up.


Cerise: With the rope tied in knots and secured, it's relatively easy for you to climb up. (DC 5 Athletics, and if you have a +4 to your roll, you automatically succeed).

Mr. E
2017-11-12, 08:41 PM

Cerise finishes removing her armour, and her pack, then begins to climb the rope. It's an easy enough climb, although still long enough to be a little challenging. Once at the top, she turns to William with a nod. "Lovely view, less convinced about the wet." She smiles a little, more because she prefers to have ground under her feet than because her comment was particularly funny.

Rolling to climb, then: [roll0]

2017-11-16, 08:07 AM

With a slow, sloppy and ardous climb, Camilla finally managed to get up that rope'n'surface to join the others.
She'd barely managed it, having almost slipped 3 times and lost her grasp on the rope so it was of course shown in her heavier breathing and flustered expression and overall bodylanguage since she was literally having a minor overdose of adrenaline from the shocks of nearly falling from the rope 3 times in rather short successions.

Mr. E
2017-11-16, 01:28 PM

Cerise nods at Camilla as the other breasts the top of the spur, extending a hand to tug her over the edge. Turning her attention back to the problem at hand, she hands William another coil of rope. "Ready for another climb?" She pauses, then continues, "I would go myself, but you can't heal me if I fall."

2017-11-16, 07:42 PM
As the last of you make it to the top, five of the birds flocking around the entrance come flying down, claws extended. They do not look like the normal birds you've seen before, they seem infused with something. A crackling energy is imbued within them.

As they get close, you can see five of them aiming for you.

(Let's do some combat! All PCs up! You're on a ten foot wide ledge).

2017-11-17, 06:02 PM
Blackridge crouches low, placing a knee and grasping the vines with one hand to ensure stability, from the palm of his other hand comes a swirling bolt of dark energy,


2017-11-17, 06:13 PM

Upon seeing those nasty birds flap their way in a clearly hostile attack pattern, Camilla grabbed a firmer hold on the vines and such on their platform and made the right hand-moves and utterances to send a small bolt of searing flame at one of the other birds that wasn't attacked by her party members to ensure max spread of damage.

Fire Bolt Spell Attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Nice hit and nice damage! I seriously doubt they got more than 22 AC.
And nearly top damage on that firebolt as well, woohoo!

2017-11-17, 06:19 PM
Seline sent a fire bolt of her own at another of the hostile birds.


Mr. E
2017-11-17, 10:16 PM
Cerise swears as she shuffles a little, trying to get a firmer grip on the slippery surface. Raising her hammer in one hand, she begins to chant, divine power swelling through her. A corona of divine light encircles her comrades, while her scale-mail sparkles and glows in the light.

Casting Bless on everybody else, then using my blessing's of the forge feature to make my armour +1 till the next long rest.

2017-11-18, 09:44 PM
Between Camilla and Seline, they fry one of the bird right out of the air.

William's magic just barely misses as the bird barrel rolls right around it.

Cerise casts bless on everyone.

The birds dive in, on on each of you.

[Roll]If hit]1d4+3

[Roll]If hit]1d4+3

[Roll]If hit]1d4+3

[Roll]If hit]1d4+3

If you're hit, make a DC 12 Dex Save. If you fail, you get knocked off the ledge and you start to fall.

If you start to fall, anyone can take an action to catch you. Make a DC 10 Dex (Acrobatics) check to catch someone, followed by a DC 8 Str (Athletics) check to not be pulled off with them.

If you're falling, you can make a DC 10 Dex (Acrobatics) check to catch the rope. You can make two attempts, the first is 20 feet down (no damage), the second is 40 feet down (1d6 burn damage from rope burn, you roll it).

Fail all of these, and you take 4d6 falling damage.

2017-11-18, 09:46 PM
And that's what I get for not proof reading my copy/pastes.





2017-11-19, 06:32 AM
His lips curling into an ugly sneer William slashes at the birds with both his rapier and his dagger.

Rapier Attack: [roll0]

Rapier Damage [roll1]

Dagger Attack [roll2]

2017-11-19, 11:01 PM
Cerise gets pushed off the edge by the bird slamming into her, but thankfully Seline is there to catch her friend.

(Willam attacks, Seline uses action to save Cerise. Cerise and Camilla can still go).

Mr. E
2017-11-19, 11:37 PM
Cerise swears, adrenaline surging through her system as she stumbles off balance. Somebody catches her hand, and she manages to brace a foot against the slippery stone. "Thanks," the cleric calls over her shoulder, as she crouches down, then lashes out at the incoming birds. Her heavy mace moves with surprising speed while she raises her shield against attack.

Right then, sadly bless goes as my concentration rolls where absolutely terrible. Instead,
I go for plan B (hit everything).

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage (if I hit): [roll1]

Alright, what do people recommend as an appropriate sacrifice to assuage the wrath of the dice roller?

2017-11-20, 07:36 AM

With a grimace from the pain caused by the attacking bird that hit her, Camilla, with an anger-filled expression, extends her hand once more and sends another firebolt at one of those damn birds!

Firebolt Attack

Firebolt Damage

If the above roll misses, then if Camilla still counts as being blessed (and the miss is between 1-4 away from hitting, then I'll be using that bless-bonus 1d4 to add to the attack roll.

2017-11-20, 09:26 AM
William stabs another bird and then Camilla fries it!

(No more push tactics, that was a special first round move).

Two birds hover over Cerise and Seline, while one bird scratches at William.




Mr. E
2017-11-20, 02:29 PM
Cerise fights in grim silence, lashing out at the hovering birds. The three remaining creatures prove frustratingly difficult to kill, and those claws are sharp. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Seline go down, and steps sideways to stand over her, while continuing to attack. Changing tactics, she raises her mace, a bolt of searing fire leaping from it to attack the nearest bird.

Okay, going to try something different. Casting Sacred Flame on the nearest bird.

It needs to make a Dex save, or take 1d8 radiant damage.


2017-11-20, 02:34 PM
Sick of fighting these Viscous beasts Blackridge changes tactics in the hope of having them bend to their natural instincts. First he uncleashes another crackling holt of hellfire. Before creaming the cry of demons long lost to this world. Back you foul cretins!

Eldritch Blast=[roll0]
Intimidate Roll? [roll2]

2017-11-20, 02:35 PM
Surprised by her own strength for the second time this day, Seline manages to drag Cerise back up. Her excitement at this is short lived as one of the stupid manages to sink it's claws into her neck, and she collapses.

Let's go ahead and roll my first one I guess.

2017-11-20, 07:39 PM
One thing you do notice is that the crackling energy in the birds seems to be eating them up, making them a bit clumsier and weaker with each passing moment.

2017-11-21, 02:48 PM

Camilla hotheadedly fired another bolt of fire at the be-damned birds!

Firebolt Attack


2017-11-21, 04:01 PM
Camilla and William each both blast a bid out of the sky.

Cerise tries to cook the bird as well.

If it fails, it still has 1 HP remaining.

(They have reduced Dex and HP due to the crackling energy eating them up.)

The last reasoning bird is scared away, and as it flies, it crumbles into ash as the energy completely consumes it (how long it takes for that to happen depends on whether it failed its save or not, but either way, it will happen).

(Combat over, everyone gain 100 XP).

Mr. E
2017-11-22, 05:37 PM
Cerise looks over the group, taking in their injuries. "Well, let's not stay here. I don't want to run into any more of those things, whatever they were." She reaches down to give Seline a hand up. "William, you good for more climbing? I want to get somewhere we can rest,
that doesn't lose our progress so far."

2017-11-22, 05:59 PM
Cerise looks over the group, taking in their injuries. "Well, let's not stay here. I don't want to run into any more of those things, whatever they were." She reaches down to give Seline a hand up. "William, you good for more climbing? I want to get somewhere we can rest,
that doesn't lose our progress so far."

Grinning with a rush of euphoria William replies quickly.

Perhaps, I'll endeavour to find a way up. Try to hold me steady so I don't fall all the way to the floor.

William looks over the cliff, searching in advance for areas which have handholds and those that require their creation. He ties a rope around his waist and gives it to Cerise. Then he steadily begins to ascend.

Don't fail me now!

2017-11-23, 03:47 AM

Looking rather scuffed up and scratched, Camilla exhales with annoyance and wishes she had found a way to incorporate healing magic into her Wizard-trained abilities. Alas, up till now she hadn't found a way to do so.

2017-11-23, 11:31 AM
With Cerise's help Seline pulls herself to her feet. I really thought I was done there for a second. I wonder what was up with those birds, she says with a sigh of relief.

2017-11-24, 12:25 PM
William grabs more rope and starts blasting holes and finding things to grab to climb up to the next tier.

Just as he's about to reach the next level, his hand slips, and he loses his grip. He starts to fall away from the cliff side.

DC 12 Dex Save or free fall back to the first platform.

2017-11-26, 05:23 AM
There is no time for thought more articulate than F*CKING HELLS as he desperately scrabbled for handholds at the cliff edge.

I hate these rolls

2017-11-27, 09:30 AM
Falling, you land hard back on the platform.

You take [roll0] falling damage.

Someone can catch you with a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check, granting you resistance.

Mr. E
2017-11-27, 02:49 PM
Cerise watches William's progress from below, waiting to see the results of his climb. She sees him scrabble for balance, then topple backwards. Dirt and pebbles fall onto the platform and Cerise leaps forward. Nearly slipping on the metal surface, she attempts to catch him before he strikes the 'ground'.

Alright then, let's try and avoid unnecessary damage. Using athletics:


And yeah, time to head back down. I've got one cure-wounds spell left, but that's probably not going to be enough to get the whole party safely up. Also, I don't think I've passed a single roll this game :smallfrown:

2017-11-28, 12:48 PM
Ok, so everyone climbs back down and sets up camp?

Or do you try to camp on the tier 1 ledge?

2017-11-28, 08:17 PM
The party carefully climbs down the knotted rope and spends the next hour or so setting up camp.

(Mark off any rations or roll for survival to hunt and gather food. Background feature may substitute if someone has outlander or a similar feature).

Who has what watch?


2017-11-29, 03:50 AM
The party carefully climbs down the knotted rope and spends the next hour or so setting up camp.

(Mark off any rations or roll for survival to hunt and gather food. Background feature may substitute if someone has outlander or a similar feature).

Who has what watch?



Camilla decided to take first watch, mostly since it's easier to stay up two extra hours, than wake up 2 hours earlier.

Mr. E
2017-11-29, 02:39 PM
Cerise nods at Camilla, then rifles through her pack. Extracting a light crossbow, she moves quietly away from the camp, looking for a bird or similar creature that could be eaten. Might as well make our rations go a little bit farther, if I can.

Okay, I'll bite: [roll0]

Also I have one cure wounds left, which I think William needs the most, having the least HP of our frontline warriors.

2017-12-02, 08:11 PM
Groaning in pain Blackridge lays still on the ground as his bruises begin to fade

So I heal for: [roll0]

2017-12-03, 12:51 AM
"I guess I don't mind taking second or third watch. Goodnight everyone." Seline says, then immediately lies down, feeling exhausted.