View Full Version : Looking for ideas for encounters with fey in the feywilds

2017-11-04, 01:22 PM
So my party is in the feywilds they have found out a way to get out of the feywilds and that is to get a eye of a Basilisk needed for a potion to pure a a pair of dousing rod. The rods will become a magic item that points to a portal nearest to it. There a hag that lives near by that has a pet Badilisk. So they are going to the hag this next session. But what I need is encounters for the player's come across as they track down a portal to get out

2017-11-04, 01:45 PM
The most important thing to establish here is what is the level of the party? What level of challenge (easy, medium, deadly) are you looking for?

2017-11-04, 01:53 PM
Don't forget about NPCs. You can apply Fey monster traits to things like NPC Mooks. Or look at things like the Pathfinder SRD to get ideas.

Remove the fluff, name and pictures from a monster entry because those only exist if you want them to. You are the person describing everything to your players, have fun with it.

Fey Outlaws exiled from their Court/Clan/Tribe.
Fey 'cannibals', fey are aliens from another dimension. Some may view mortal flesh as a rare delicacy. "I would love to have you for dinner"
An Archfey might control the portal and make the party jump through hoops to get home.
Fey take children, there could be a community of Primes on the way. Or a Mortal Auction House or something like a Dog Show but the pet are humans.

2017-11-04, 01:57 PM
The most important thing to establish here is what is the level of the party? What level of challenge (easy, medium, deadly) are you looking for?

Also worth asking: do you have Volo's Guide to Monsters? It has A whole bunch of new fey plus a big section on Hags, their regional effects and lair actions, plus tables of servants and thugs.

Among their MM servants are flameskulls, flesh golems, helmed horrors, scarecrows and swarms. Thugs include bugbears, doppelgangers, ettercaps, kenku and lycanthropes.

One thing I've done before was have scarecrows tied to stakes in a perimeter. If the party kills one, swarms of crows descend and attack that region.

2017-11-04, 02:36 PM
It a party of 6 all level 4 a paladin, monk, fighter/rogue, warlock, barbarian, druid. Crown, long death, swashbuckler, hexblade blade pact, Berzerker, land.

2017-11-04, 03:25 PM
Monsterous plants would be good; maybe some assassin vines, needle, twig, or vine blights, or a mantrap. They can be "planted" in what seems to be an easy encounter until the party takes movement then they are reveled when they attack the party. Their false appearance makes them undetectable until they want to move.

2017-11-05, 12:15 PM
Monsterous plants would be good; maybe some assassin vines, needle, twig, or vine blights, or a mantrap. They can be "planted" in what seems to be an easy encounter until the party takes movement then they are reveled when they attack the party. Their false appearance makes them undetectable until they want to move.

Seconding this. Everyone worries about dealing with fey creatures when they go to the Feywild. They forget that the plants are just as dangerous!


2017-11-05, 12:30 PM
So my party is in the feywilds they have found out a way to get out of the feywilds and that is to get a eye of a Basilisk needed for a potion to pure a a pair of dousing rod. The rods will become a magic item that points to a portal nearest to it. There a hag that lives near by that has a pet Badilisk. So they are going to the hag this next session. But what I need is encounters for the player's come across as they track down a portal to get out

.....Wondering if this is my DM.....

2017-11-05, 01:06 PM
ToB is thick with fae critters too. I have been running my players through the faewild recently, and i just do a lot of re-skinned NPC types. They say any race after all.
Also, don't forget, not everything in the faewild has to be a fae. I see zero difficulties with using trolls, ogres, or giants

2017-11-05, 01:25 PM
trolls, ogres, or giants

Specifically, fomorians are native the Feydark, per the canon. Though at CR 8, they might be a little beyond this party.

2017-11-06, 07:18 AM
.....Wondering if this is my DM.....

Do you play at a comic store call G33k Out on Sunday night?

2017-11-15, 11:37 PM
Do you play at a comic store call G33k Out on Sunday night?

Nope, in a buddies kitchen like we have for 15ish years. The thread match pretty closely and fey are pretty unusual....at least for people to actually use.

2017-11-16, 01:24 PM
I asked a similar question a long time ago and got some good answers here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?370809-Fey-Tricks

2017-11-16, 01:45 PM
Things are never what they seem in the Feywild, and everything loves to mess with mortals, sometimes fatally, sometimes not. Some ideas:

1. A seemingly endless forest is actually a small grove that is waiting for the party to ask it nicely to get out, and uses illusion and tricks to make it seem bigger than it is.

2. A generous satyr hosting a wild party, with lots of alcohol and delicious food. The trap is, if you refuse to partake, he becomes offended and attacks, but if you accept and feast with him, you might fall under the enchantment on the food and lose yourself in the revelry.

3. A battle is taking place between what appear to be two elves, near a dryad's tree. The dryad pleads for you to stop them from fighting without hurting them, but both elves offer to assist you if you help them kill the other. The trick is, unbeknownst to the players and the dryad, both elves were under a spell by the hag and think they're in love with the dryad, who is friends with them both, and are important to their families. So, if they kill one of the elves, everyone ends up turning against the players, but if they save them all, they gain powerful allies who are in the players' debt.