View Full Version : Races for a Shield Master Fighter

2017-11-04, 01:45 PM
Any fun/different ideas are welcome. I'm open to subclass suggestions too.

2017-11-04, 01:46 PM
Btw, I'm going for a chivalrous crusader/knight vibe.

2017-11-04, 02:22 PM
Honestly you can make any race work for that so to give a more complete answer is there anything else we should try to include when we pick a race?

Your second post helps slightly though when you want a knight feel would you like heavy armor and perhaps use a str based weapon? Do you have any considerations for your character's size or special abilities? Are you rolling stats or point buy (or something else)? Cultural concerns or common character tropes you want to emphasize or subvert?

Right now I could recommend almost any race so in order to narrow down the list for me I would need more info.

The only really obvious one would be to go variant human only because that would let you pick up the shield master feat right at level 1.

2017-11-04, 02:27 PM
Honestly you can make any race work for that so to give a more complete answer is there anything else we should try to include when we pick a race?

Your second post helps slightly though when you want a knight feel would you like heavy armor and perhaps use a str based weapon? Do you have any considerations for your character's size or special abilities? Are you rolling stats or point buy (or something else)? Cultural concerns or common character tropes you want to emphasize or subvert?

Right now I could recommend almost any race so in order to narrow down the list for me I would need more info.

The only really obvious one would be to go variant human only because that would let you pick up the shield master feat right at level 1.

So long as I'm medium, humanoid, use heavy armour, and have str as a primary stat, I'm in happy.

2017-11-04, 02:30 PM
Btw, I'm going for a chivalrous crusader/knight vibe.

I played an Orc Banneret (Purple Dragon Knight) with Shield Master.

Each round of combat I was able to use the character's bonus action to either Dash toward an enemy, knock them prone or Rally/Second Wind. At low levels it was really effective; it was like a combination of Mass healing Word/an extra attack/cunning action.

2017-11-04, 02:32 PM
So long as I'm medium, humanoid, use heavy armour, and have str as a primary stat, I'm in happy.

Are you going Battle Master or Champion?

I found the half-orc was an excellent race choice for my Champion. For one, they get a bonus to strength, but more importantly, orcs have a racial feature that gives extra damage on top of the double damage of a critical hit. And Champions with a shield have the opportunity to crit more than average, since they can use their bonus action to make their opponent prone with a shield bash/shove.

Of course, this only works if your GM allows everyone a feat at level one. If not, then variant human would seem to be your only option if you want to start out with shield master.

2017-11-04, 03:05 PM
So long as I'm medium, humanoid, use heavy armour, and have str as a primary stat, I'm in happy.

Variant human is the only race that by default can get shield master at level one so if that is important then go with that.

If that is not the big concern I would say that the other more common choices would be half orc or either drarf. Half orc has some features that you do not control but when they come up are nice (extra damage on crits and the ability to to ignore going below 0 potentially 1/day) while each dwarf is really solid one having more HP while the other has the better stat spread (+2 to str and con is nice). All are excellent for a shield based fighter. Technically the half orc is even better with a weapon with a bigger damage die but even with a long sword the race still gives you a nice boost. The dwarves probably have the best defenses of the bunch with the hill dwarf being the toughest but the mountain dwarf trades some HP for slightly higher starting str.

2017-11-04, 03:11 PM
Minotaur from Waterborne UA has both a sense of nobility and advantage on any shove you make plus a 1d10 natural weapon. Not sure if that will be allowed at most tables but other than that, Half-Orc making Champion and variant human giving you a 1st level feat there is no real reason to favor a class for this role other than +2 str (Goliath, Dragonborn, Mountain Dwarf, Bugbear).

2017-11-04, 04:01 PM
I would do a BM Fighter with Maneuvering Attack, Trip Attack and Distracting Strike. Human gets it going from 1st level. Wanting to do the Knightly feel you could go with Dueling or Protection Fighting Styles. Depending on how you wanted to play. With these Maneuvers you already have some decent Control types so Protection fits that theme.

Alternatively there is another option to this and its going to sound weird. Spell less Ranger Revised Beast Master with a Wolf. Pick the same Maneuvers but you now get to add on the Wolf Trip as well every time he/she hits. A noble Huntsman Protector of the Forests using his/her Weapon and Buckler to trip up his/her opponents and his/her Wolf Companion fighting along side him/her creating openings and pouncing upon those created by his/her master.

Of the two ideas I like the Ranger More! and am going to build one now!

2017-11-04, 08:34 PM
Any fun/different ideas are welcome.

My first thought was a 400m race.
Then I decided that hurdles or the Marine obstacle course would be more amusing.
But I'm leaning back towards a 400m race...the 400m freestyle swim.

2017-11-04, 08:37 PM
So long as I'm medium, humanoid, use heavy armour, and have str as a primary stat, I'm in happy.

Well damn. I was going to suggest halfling.

It's technically suboptimal but you get the amusement of the tiny person repeatedly shieldbashing all those smug humans to the ground so he can reach to stab them in the face. :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-04, 09:01 PM
Well damn. I was going to suggest halfling.

It's technically suboptimal but you get the amusement of the tiny person repeatedly shieldbashing all those smug humans to the ground so he can reach to stab them in the face. :smallbiggrin:

Sweep the leg!

2017-11-04, 09:45 PM
Any fun/different ideas are welcome. I'm open to subclass suggestions too.

I used Variant Human so I could have SM at 1st level. As Champion.

2017-11-04, 10:00 PM
Well damn. I was going to suggest halfling.

It's technically suboptimal but you get the amusement of the tiny person repeatedly shieldbashing all those smug humans to the ground so he can reach to stab them in the face. :smallbiggrin:

I was going to suggest something similar until I saw that too.

2017-11-04, 10:00 PM
I'd go variant human if only so you can get Shield Master at level on. Though any race will work fine depending on how fast you can get to level 4.

I have a variant human Shield Master with one level in Rogue for the obligatory expertise in Athletics. It's more fun than should be allowed. Other characters appreciate the opportunities to attack in melee at advantage on a prone foe. I took Precision, Riposte, and Parry to give my guy the vibe of an expert duelist. I also have something to do on my Bonus Action and Reaction.

It's very fun and I do piles of damage. Yay!

Lance Tankmen
2017-11-04, 10:06 PM
goblin or kobold