View Full Version : Yet another help me build request...

2017-11-04, 11:05 PM
My wife and I are joining a game monday and both need characters. This is the first game we get to both be characters in. her experience is extremely limited and she is ONLY a ROLLplayer. The more dice the more often the better, but don't ask her to do anything other than roll dice and kill people. usually she plays a Barbarian for that reason. I'll play anything, and enjoy the roleplay.

Alright here's what we have:

All level 6
1. wizard*
2. oracle*
3. warpriest*
4. fighter

*"we have 2 people that can heal but one wizard is a tactical blaster and the other is an artificer..." (only see 1 wizard so I am assuming one is an oracle)
fighter and warpriest are both melee.

2 of these are co-DM's switching out when one gets bored but everyone in the same campaign. They justify the shift with an Airship so they can quickly resolve one story arc and proceed to the other DM's campaign. Eventually planning to make the ship planeshift so other players can DM as well and we all keep same characters. I don't know if it will work but we'll see, I have no experience with any of these players.


So we need 2 characters. We're character building Monday because I can't get any info out of the DM's on actual character creation rules being used. Because of this I have no idea what is and isn't allowed as far as sources. I need a few build ideas, mostly 1PP but some 3PP options would be nice too if they allow everything d20PFSRD.com. Wife has opted to try out a ranger since they've already got 2 frontliners.

my ideas so far: (though no builds yet)

tiefling gunslinger and aasimar ranger - both focusing on ranged combat // though wife is not into RP I figured i could ease her into it by having a rivalry over best weapons to kill things with. be a bounty hunter couple or something.
(any) Druid and (any) ranger - Druid is powerful but they've got spells and melee already, so I feel its a mostly redundant option. a nature themed couple could be fun but I always find it hard for a druid to leave their forest to adventure, and have it be plausible.

looking for any other ideas that could be fun to play as a couple.

2017-11-05, 02:28 AM
Take a look at the skald class. It pairs nicely with melee brutes - so definitely the fighter, quite probably your wife's ranger and almost always your wife's ranger's animal companion. You will tempt the war priest, from time to time, but that one has reasons to keep calm.

Go half-orc, and use the 2 handed falchion to go crit-fishing (keen means critical hit threats on rolls of 15-20), and have a blast playing him as Metal as possible (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lHp_ioueUwkoZzxBKYg4ha3uVV07K8RNngL4J5EqtYU). Talk your team into the Outflank teamwork feat if you end up in melee, yourself.

The goal is to for you to have so much fun playing the role to the hilt (while at the same time helping your wife's character be better at the thing she already enjoys doing) that she decides to join in the fun.

2017-11-05, 03:05 AM
I'd say one of you (i.e. you) should make a character who can handle traps and skill checks for the party, maybe Alchemist or Investigator or Occultist.

For your wife, maybe something with a lot of one-liners will get her more into role playing, like a Paladin, probably with one of the oaths. Give her a list of Arthas quotes from Warcraft 3 and other cheesy lines, she should have a great time.

2017-11-05, 05:49 PM
Kinder Rogue/Ranger combo, both great at sneaking and being mischievous. It's an interesting idea I heard about. Pit and Pat were twins that ran around just causing complete mayhem. They were basically psychotic, but in a sweet and lovable way. You can work this in ranged but the main thing is it can be fun to roleplay.

2017-11-05, 10:37 PM
If you have 2 players willing to share, you can always do the dual ratfolk cannon build. Using the artillery-team (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/artillery-team-combat-teamwork/) feat, 3 levels in musket master, and rapid reload, you can become unholy gun wielding terrors on the battlefield. The ratfolk have the swarming ability, meaning you can always share a space and therefore always be able to use your cannons. Simply delay until you are both at the same initiative. The muskets are large, meaning 3d6 damage+enchantment+dex at level 5, and with alchemical cartridges you can reload as a free action. Start throwing on rapid shot, deadly aim, and other ranged feats and the build gets nasty.

Now to really spice it up, you only need 5 levels in gunslinger and then multiclass. You can take inquisitor to be a skillmonkey or face, and wife can go ranger for skills, spells, and more damage. Either or both of you can get an animal companion-my suggestion is something you can ride so you can ride around and shoot things from a distance. Inquisitor is nice because if you both get teamwork feats you both benefit. Caviler is also an option for mount/teamwork feats.

2017-11-06, 11:29 AM
Ravener hunter inquisitor with the wood mystery is a very strong ranged dps. Fairly easy to RP as well - you hate demons and must destroy demons to appease the spirits of fallen mwangi warriors. Can torture demons and such a la inquisitor, etc. Should have quite a few dice with this build. Same with a Zen Archer Monk.

The second person might want to go with a buffer-type class? Skald (as was said), or bard would both have pretty important roles in the party.
