View Full Version : Fighter Build help

2017-11-05, 02:21 AM
Hi so I am relatively new to 5e and would like some help. I am about to start in a campaign and want to make a fighter, can some one help me come up with a build?
Stats have not been rolled and I am playing a Homebrew race that gives me +2 to any stat

Edit: I want to play a mundane fighter that does not use magic, but am open minded if you guys think it's for the best. The only thing I am set on is that I want to duel wield. (2 longswords or 1 longswords and 1 short)

2017-11-05, 04:54 AM
What sort of Fighter do you want to play? There's a lot of options and play-styles open to you; great-weapon, sword&board, archery, str-focused, dex-focused, not to mention three different archetypes to choose from; do you want to play with magic or go completely mundane? What level of complexity do you want? Battlemaster involves a degree of resource management, whereas Champion does not.

Given that you're new to 5ed, a Champion Fighter wielding a Greatsword or Maul is "easy"; go high Str and Con, wear the heaviest armour available to you and grab Great Weapon Master (feat) at the earliest opportunity, paired with the Great Weapon Fighting Style. You can swing away all day and do competetive damage all the way up to 20th level.

An archer Fighter, taking the Archery Fighting Style and Sharpshooter, focused on Dex, is also pretty fun. You can go Battlemaster and pull off "trick-shots", using your maneuvers.

There's literally too many builds to mention, so I'll leave the question with you; what kind of Fighter do you want?

2017-11-05, 10:40 AM
What sort of Fighter do you want to play? There's a lot of options and play-styles open to you; great-weapon, sword&board, archery, str-focused, dex-focused, not to mention three different archetypes to choose from; do you want to play with magic or go completely mundane? What level of complexity do you want? Battlemaster involves a degree of resource management, whereas Champion does not.

Given that you're new to 5ed, a Champion Fighter wielding a Greatsword or Maul is "easy"; go high Str and Con, wear the heaviest armour available to you and grab Great Weapon Master (feat) at the earliest opportunity, paired with the Great Weapon Fighting Style. You can swing away all day and do competetive damage all the way up to 20th level.

An archer Fighter, taking the Archery Fighting Style and Sharpshooter, focused on Dex, is also pretty fun. You can go Battlemaster and pull off "trick-shots", using your maneuvers.

There's literally too many builds to mention, so I'll leave the question with you; what kind of Fighter do you want?

I did not realize there were so many options. Thank you for bringing that up, I have amended the original post to answer your question.

2017-11-05, 10:53 AM
Do you know if the dungeon master (DM) allows feats?

If so, with what you want in mind, and knowing that you’re new to 5e, then I would say go Champion Fighter for the simplicity. Take the two-weapon fighting style, and at level 4, make sure to take the Dual-Wielder feat. Until this point, you won’t be able to dual-wield with a long sword, since it’s not light. But after level 4 you’ll be able to.

2017-11-05, 11:25 AM
Do you know if the dungeon master (DM) allows feats?

If so, with what you want in mind, and knowing that you’re new to 5e, then I would say go Champion Fighter for the simplicity. Take the two-weapon fighting style, and at level 4, make sure to take the Dual-Wielder feat. Until this point, you won’t be able to dual-wield with a long sword, since it’s not light. But after level 4 you’ll be able to.

The DM does allow feats

2017-11-05, 12:20 PM
Hi so I am relatively new to 5e and would like some help. I am about to start in a campaign and want to make a fighter, can some one help me come up with a build?
Stats have not been rolled and I am playing a Homebrew race that gives me +2 to any stat

Edit: I want to play a mundane fighter that does not use magic, but am open minded if you guys think it's for the best. The only thing I am set on is that I want to duel wield. (2 longswords or 1 longswords and 1 short)

Well, I'd be usually partial on a STR build for a dual-wielding Fighter, but since you are set on those weapons and STR build can be a bit of a chore for range management, let me instead suggest this.

Starting stats: 16 DEX (including racial bonus), 14 CON, 14 STR, 11 WIS.
Build a Battlemaster. Fighting Style: Defense or Dueling are both great, Archery can be an alternative.
Lvl 4: Dual Wielder
Lvl 6: +2 DEX
Lvl 8: Sharpshooter or Mobile or Martial Adept or +2 DEX
lvl 12: Resilient: Wisdom
lvl 14: +2 DEX or any previous suggested feat or Defensive Duelist or Mage Slayer
lvl 16: +2 DEX imperative if not yet 20, otherwise whatever you didn't pick already among suggestions.
lvl 19: whatever you didn't pick already among suggestions.

Manoeuvers: Trip Attack, Menacing Attack, Evasive Footwork (especially if you didn't pick Mobile), Precision Attack, Manoeuvering Attack, and any other you like (Commander's if you have a Rogue or Paladin in party).

Basic idea is simple really: Dual Wielder helps you with defense and allows you to wield 1d8 weapons in both hands. You want to bump DEX to 18 fast, then when maxing it to 20 depends mainly on how you play.

In that regard, the suggestion of Sharpshooter and Archery are here only for if you want your character to excel at both melee and ranged attacks (dropping swords to get bow against far targets or covered targets). You could also just pick Sharpshooter because it also works with thrown weapons, or pick neither because you don't care about ranged attacks and accept that there will be some fights in which you will be limited (no shame in that, everybody has its fortes and weaknesses).

The only feat you really want is Resilient: Wisdom because many effects can just cripple you out of a few turns (worse, turning you against friends).
Everything else is bonus. For example...
- I am in love with the Mage Slayer + Sharpshooter combination on ranged characters, but Mage Slayer on a melee one means you would have to stick pretty much in the middle of enemy camp, so it's a very risky plan... Unless you have someone that can use Warding Bond and Bless on you (so it's "only risky" if I may say so).
- I suggest Defensive Duelist only late, because it's when you get at least a +4 that it can start being relied upon.
- I also suggest Mage Slayer only late, because from what I read here casters don't get common until second half generally. Of course YMMV wildly (in my games casters are much more common early, but I admit that's really my group ;)).
- Depending on how often you generally manage as a party to get short rests, Martial Adept may be "worthless" (compared to other feats) or "good" (at least recommended short rest numbers) to "great" (party has a habit of trying and getting short rests after each encounter, and DM lets it be for some reason).
- Mobile is one feat I'd definitely get if you don't see yourself as a frontliner, but rather as a skirmisher, dashing in and out. Extremely great to get if you have someone that canat least Longstrider you, better even Fly/Haste you in addition to your own speed.

Compared to a STR build, you have lesser specialization choice in regard to weapon feats, but (especially if you pick at least Sharpshooter) you'll be as dependable in melee and throw/archery alike.

2017-11-05, 01:28 PM
Starting stats: 16 DEX (including racial bonus), 14 CON, 14 STR, 11 WIS. at

Where did you get these stats, point buy, array? Also what about int, and char

2017-11-05, 01:33 PM
Sounds like dex isn’t the choice for the OP, as he wants to dual wield longswords. That’s strength only.

So be a variant human so you can take dual wielder feat at level 1 and do what your main concept is from the get go.

Take the TWF fighting style and make you sure you start with a 16 in str and con. You can put your other stats in wisdom and/or dex. If you have any interested in multiclassing, a single level of Barbarian wouldn’t be bad, but you’d want a 14 dex for that.

Champion is a fine choice for beginners, but if you understand the game quickly you’ll become bored with it. Either be a champion or battlemaster if you want some more complexity.

Spend your ASIs at levels 4 and 6 on strength and after that you can get creative and take more feats.

2017-11-05, 01:39 PM
To dual wield long swords (even with one short sword) you'll need to pick up the dual wielder feat (I'd suggest grabbing this at level 4 and using your level 6 ability score improvement to boost strength, which ought to be your primary stat since long swords are strength only) and the two weapon fighting style.

2017-11-05, 03:44 PM
Where did you get these stats, point buy, array? Also what about int, and char
Point buy can give you 14 14 14 10 10 10. With your +2 racial you'll get a single 16 (for Str I guess).

TWF only works with light weapons (shortsword, handaxe). You need the feat dual wielder to use other weapons.

If you start in heavy armor, you can reach AC20 with plate(AC18) + DW (+1 AC) + defense style (+1 AC). In that case Dex is only useful for initiative, you switch around to Dex12 / Wis13 to prepare for feat resilient(Wis) as Citan mentioned.

If throwing javelin isn't your style (or 30' won't cut it), you might prefer archery style and maybe keep Dex14 to shoot arrows.