View Full Version : Could you help me balance this standard 5e homebrew class?

2017-11-06, 09:40 PM
So I took a bit of inspiration from several games and classes elsewhere to make a 'Puppeteer' build. My current DM says it looks good to him but that I should have a forum take a look at it to make sure it is in fact balanced properly.

New D&D Class – Puppeteer
Basic Idea – Incredibly fragile fighter that relies on strong minions and spells to keep them out of the fight
Quick build
First, make your highest stat Charisma, followed by Intelligence for magic-focussed builds and stronger puppets or Constitution for more survivability on your own. You might also want to use a high Dexterity for stronger armour. Then, select the Entertainer or Charlatan background.
Class Features
Hit Dice: 1D6 per Puppeteer level
Hit Points at 1st level: 7 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 3) + 1 + Constitution modifier
Armour: Cloth, Light
Weapons: Simple weapons, Arcane Chains
Tools: Puppetmaking kit, Carpenter’s tools, Tinker’s tools
Saving Throws: Dex, Cha
Skills: Choose any two from the following: Stealth, Persuasion, Insight, Perception, Arcana, Sleight of Hand, Performance
You start with the following equipment, in addition to that granted by your background:
• (a) A dagger or (b) a light crossbow and 20 bolts
• (a) Leather armour or (b) Cloth Armour (detailed on next page)
• (a) 1 set of Arcane Chains or (b) a quarterstaff
• A puppetmaking kit

Cloth Armour
As a puppeteer, you have the ability to wear a special kind of armour, called cloth armour. This consists of ordinary clothes, padded out a little to reduce impacts. As a result, it is much better at protecting from bludgeoning hits and damage taken from falling.
Your AC is 10 + your Dexterity bonus. In addition, when taking damage from bludgeoning sources or falling, reduce the damage by 1d6 + your dexterity modifier.
Arcane Chains
These are a finesse weapon which deal no damage. You can extend, contract and manipulate each of the five chains (which are attached to a glove, one chain for each finger). A creature hit with this weapon is considered ‘bound’ but not ‘restrained’ or ‘grappled’ and any flying creature hit will fall 10ft before correcting its flight. A creature may use an action to attempt to escape being bound by the chains by making a Wisdom or Strength saving throw (whichever is lower) against a DC of 10+ your Puppeteer level. If a creature is dropped to 0 hit points while bound, that creature may be reanimated as a new puppet. Only one puppet may be controlled this way, and the hand that wields this weapon must be used solely to control this puppet. Otherwise, the hand that wields this weapon is considered to be empty.
Arcane Chains may be bought from a magic weapon specialist for 100 GP

At level 1, you gain the ability to make Basic Puppets. Using a tinker’s toolkit or a carpenter’s toolkit for building puppets is possible, but you will take twice as long and use double the amount of materials as when using a puppetmaking kit. The materials listed in each puppet’s entry assume you are using a puppetmaking kit. Puppets are controlled using a set of Arcane Chains, or you can spend double the preparation time making them suitable for controlling using magic strings that extend from your fingers. Your puppet can be controlled by using a bonus action on your turn to give it a turn after yours. If you are knocked prone or otherwise incapacitated, your puppet shuts down and cannot take any actions or obstruct any creature until you reactivate it. If the puppet is reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed and you must spend half of its original materials to repair it outside of combat. Puppets are assumed to have proficiency in whatever weapons they are initially equipped with, otherwise they use the owner’s proficiency.

Basic Puppet
A Basic Puppet is just a simple wooden doll that can be animated similar to a human. It can hold things, attack and move, but little else.
Materials: 25 GP, 4 planks of wood, 1 hour
HP: 20 + (Puppeteer level X Constitution bonus)
AC: 16
Speed: 30ft
Strength: 18, +3
Dexterity: Same as user’s
Constitution: Same as user’s
Intelligence: Same as user’s
Wisdom: Same as user’s
Charisma: Same as user’s
Attacks: Unarmed, Shortsword

You are primarily an entertainer, so even while you fight, you like to make a show of it, and maybe even draw from the experience for your next puppet show.
At level 1 you gain the ability to substitute any saving throw with a Performance skill check.

Puppet Modding
At level 2 you become able to upgrade your puppet. You may purchase mods, or attempt to build them from a blueprint, or attempt to experiment and build one without a blueprint. Each of these methods have varying degrees of success. Each puppet may only have one of each type of mod, it takes one minute to insert a mod, one hour to create one, and only one mod may be created per day.

Level Required Mod Name Details Cost Build from Blueprint Experimental Build
2 Claws Damage +1 20 GP Int vs. 4 Int vs. 10
4 Poison 1d4 Poison affliction damage 30 GP Int vs. 8 Int vs. 14
On Fail: take 1d4 poison damage every minute until cured
4 Armour Plating +5 AC 50 GP Int vs. 12 Int vs. 16
6 Flamethrower Fireball Spell (once per day free action) 60 GP Int vs. 14 Int vs. 20
On fail: take 2d10 fire damage
9 Motor +10ft speed 40 GP Int vs 12 Int vs. 18
9 Transportation Gain a fly, climb or hover speed equal to the puppet’s speed (choose one) 80 GP Int vs. 16 Int vs. 22

School of Performance
At 3rd level you may choose a school from which you are learning techniques. The choices are: The Eloquent School – this school prefers to use less combat ready puppets in favour of beautiful productions that they practice until their hands bleed. The War School – this school prefers to make strong puppets that are battle-ready and useful, but are not very attractive and have little to no theatrical appeal. The Noble School – this school prefers to balance beauty with effectiveness. They will make beautiful puppets with an assortment of hidden weapons, and will primarily use them for combat, but perform shows as a pastime.
The school you choose will grant you a feature at the levels: 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th, and will grant you new puppets to use that are typical of that school.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Master’s Shield
Beginning at 10th level, you may choose to have your puppet intercept any attack aimed at you. As an immediate reaction, your puppet moves towards the attacker, and if it reaches a location where the attack can hit it, the puppet takes the attack instead. The puppet then shuts down for a turn.
Puppet Master’s Quirk
When you reach 14th level, you may reanimate a second puppet using the Arcane Chains, and each hand that wields one may be used as if it was free. The chains may also be used to restrain a hit creature.
Puppet Master’s End
At 20th level, you may choose to modify yourself using your puppetmaking skills. If you do so, you gain the following permanent benefits:
• You are treated as a puppet for all purposes relating to that keyword
• Your health becomes double your current health
• Choose an armour from the Heavy Armour section. You gain proficiency with this armour and are treated as wearing this armour when wearing no armour. You gain the effects, but not the AC, of any additional armour you wear
• You gain proficiency in one weapon of your choice, and can produce a copy of it from within your own body
• You are treated as undead for all purposes relating to that keyword
• You no longer need to eat, sleep, drink or breathe, but you can choose to do so if you wish.

The Eloquent School
Arcane Theatre
When you choose this school at 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast spells from the Puppet Spellbook, detailed at the back of the book. All your spell slots are at the same level, and your spell slots and known spells are as follows:
Player Level Cantrips Known Spells Known Spell Slots Spell Slot Level
3 4 5 3 2
7 6 6 4 3
11 6 8 6 4
15 8 9 8 5
18 8 10 10 6

Spellcasting Ability
Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Cha modifier
Spell Attack Bonus = your proficiency bonus + Cha modifier

When you choose this school at 3rd level, you gain the ability to build a Marionette puppet.
A Marionette is a humanoid wooden puppet with fine features. It can wear clothes, hold items, attack, move and perform acrobatics.
Materials: 50 GP, 4 planks of wood, 1 bundle of cloth, 1 reel of string, 3 hours
HP: 25 + (Puppeteer level X Constitution bonus)
AC: 16
Speed: 35ft
Strength: Same as user’s
Dexterity: 20, +4
Constitution: Same as user’s
Intelligence: Same as user’s
Wisdom: Same as user’s
Charisma: Same as user’s
Attacks: Unarmed, Rapier, Feint, Flourish
Feint: Moves in a hypnotic manner, making the opponent think an attack is coming a fraction of a second earlier than it is. Advantage on attack
Flourish: Flicks the blade at the end of the strike, showing off while also cutting into flesh a slight bit more. Add Performance Bonus to damage roll

Battle Rehearsal
At 7th level, you’ve trained for your battles while rehearsing your shows, allowing you a small yet extravagant advantage. After an attack roll, but before the DM decides if it hit, you can roll a performance check with disadvantage and add the lower result to your attack roll.

At 11th level, you’ve learned to make more elaborate puppets. You gain the ability to craft Witch puppets.

A Witch puppet is a complex joining of wood, cloth, magic and skill. It can wear clothes, hold items, attack, cast spells, move and perform acrobatics.
Materials: 100 GP, 6 planks of wood, 1 bundle of cloth, 2 reels of string, 1 enchanted needle, 6 hours
HP: 22 + (Puppeteer level X Constitution bonus)
AC: 15
Speed: 30ft
Strength: Same as user’s
Dexterity: Same as user’s
Constitution: Same as user’s
Intelligence: 20, +5
Wisdom: Same as user’s
Charisma: Same as user’s
Attacks: Unarmed, Quarterstaff, Spell
Spell: The Witch can cast any spell from the Wizard cantrip list, as well as any spell with the ‘Puppet’ keyword in the Puppet Spellbook.

Power from Independence
At 15th level, your puppets become more sentient due to the magic they’ve absorbed. When your puppet is more than 45ft away from you, it gets its own turn without you needing to sacrifice a bonus action. In addition, it becomes proficient in Performance if it wasn’t already, and gains a +3 bonus to Performance.
Mastery of Performance
At 18th level, you have perfected the art of puppetry. You may use your Arcane Chains to manipulate inanimate objects below 210 lbs. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to craft new mods with or without a blueprint.

The War School
Prepared for War
When you choose this school at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and medium armour.

At 3rd level, you learn how to make a Soldier puppet.
A Soldier puppet is a practical, solid and tough construct, able to wear armour, hold items, attack, move and push.
Materials: 50 GP, 4 planks of wood, 2 sheets of steel, 4 hours
HP: 32 + (Puppeteer level X Constitution bonus)
AC: 18
Speed: 15ft
Strength: 18, +4
Dexterity: Same as user’s
Constitution: Same as user’s
Intelligence: Same as user’s
Wisdom: Same as user’s
Charisma: Same as user’s
Attacks: Greatsword, Sentinel
Sentinel: Stand guard, don’t let anything through. Anything that passes within 5 feet of a sentinel unit has its speed slowed to 0 and takes an attack of opportunity.

At 7th level, you’ve learned to keep to the strict honour code that your school adheres to. Any Poison or Claws mods equipped to your puppets are replaced with Chivalry mods.
Chivalry: Increase damage through strength and training, not cowardly means. Add proficiency bonus + Wisdom bonus to damage rolls.

Suit Up!
Starting at 11th level, you can step inside your armoured puppets to protect yourself. While sheltering in a puppet, you cannot perform any action yourself or control any other puppets. In exchange, any enemies must first destroy your puppet before they can affect you in any way.

At 15th level, you’ve learned to build Warrior puppets.

A Warrior puppet is a practical, solid and tough construct, able to wear armour, hold items, attack, use multiple weapons, move and push.
Materials: 100 GP, 4 planks of wood, 3 sheets of steel, 12 hours
HP: 35 + (Puppeteer level X Constitution bonus)
AC: 20
Speed: 10ft
Strength: 20, +5
Dexterity: Same as user’s
Constitution: Same as user’s
Intelligence: Same as user’s
Wisdom: 20, +5
Charisma: Same as user’s
Attacks: Sentinel, Triple Wield
Triple Wield: Use a longsword, a shortsword and sawblade together. Treat as dual wield, longsword then shortsword then dagger attacks.

War School of Puppetry
At 18th level, you’ve been selected to represent your school, but to make them proud, you need to make your puppets even more practical. You must replace mods (min. 1) with additional martial weapons. Puppets with these additional weapons use the triple wield rule, with the new weapons being added to the last place in the chain. A puppet with 5 or more total weapons no longer has room for you to hide in it.

The Noble School
Danse Macabre
When you choose this school at 3rd level, you learn how to act both on and off the stage, and this transfers into battle. You may use a Performance skill check as your attack roll for any finesse weapon attack, and may add your Performance bonus to your AC instead of Dexterity for such armours that use Dexterity.

When you choose this school at 3rd level, you learn how to build the Harlequin puppet.

The Harlequin puppet is a flamboyant, multipurpose puppet. It can wear cloth armour, hold items, conceal weapons, attack, move and perform acrobatics. It also has an additional slot for either a Claws or Poison mod.
Materials: 50 GP, 4 planks of wood, 1 sheet of steel, 4 hours
HP: 28 + (Puppeteer level X Constitution bonus)
AC: 17
Speed: 30ft
Strength: 18, +3
Dexterity: 18, +4
Constitution: Same as user’s
Intelligence: Same as user’s
Wisdom: Same as user’s
Charisma: Same as user’s
Attacks: Dagger, dagger (dual wield), Sneak Attack
Sneak Attack: If the Harlequin is behind an enemy or otherwise hidden from them, the attack is considered to be a critical hit.

Arcane Performer
At 7th level, you have learned to do some moderate tricks with your Arcane Chains. You may choose one cantrip with the ‘Chain’ keyword from the Puppet Spellbook.

At 11th level, you’ve learned to create stronger, more versatile puppets. You gain the ability to build a Troupe Leader puppet.

Troupe Leader
The Troupe Leader is a strong puppet designed for personal use by the nobles of the realm. It can entertain just as well as it can fight. It is able to wear armour, hold items, conceal weapons, attack, cast simple spells, move and perform acrobatics. It also has two additional slots for any combination of Claws and Poison mods.
Materials: 110 GP, 6 planks of wood, 1 sheet of steel, 24 hours
HP: 28 + (Puppeteer level X Constitution bonus)
AC: 18
Speed: 30ft
Strength: 18, +3
Dexterity: 18, +4
Constitution: Same as user’s
Intelligence: Same as user’s
Wisdom: Same as user’s
Charisma: Same as user’s
Attacks: Dagger, dagger (dual wield), Sneak Attack, Spell
Spell: This puppet knows Magic Missile and Cone of Frost.

Arcane Performer
At 15th level, you have had some practice with both the performance side and the battle side of puppet magic. You may choose another 4 cantrips from the Puppet Spellbook, and you have a number of spell slots equal to your performance bonus, at spell slot level 2.

Noble Puppeteer
At 18th level, you are the pride of your school. You carry yourself with grace and dignity, and are confident in your skills both on stage and on the battlefield. You gain one Noble Dice. This is a d10, and can be added to any roll you wish. You may spend 30 minutes at the end of a short rest to regain this dice, or it is regenerated during a long rest. In addition, you gain 5 spells of your choice from the Puppet Spellbook, and your spell slots increase by 2 and become spell slot level 5.

Puppeteer Multiclassing
Should you wish to multiclass into Puppeteer, the prerequisites and proficiencies gained are listed below.
Puppeteer Multiclassing Prerequisites
Ability Score Minimum: Dexterity or Intelligence 13, and Charisma 13
Puppeteer Multiclassing Proficiencies
Proficiencies Gained: Cloth Armour, Arcane Chains, Simple Weapons, Carpenter’s Tools, Tinker’s Tools

Puppet Spellbook
Cantrips Level 1 Spells Level 2 Spells
Arcane Blast Arm of Blades Arcane Shot
Barrier Assassination Strike Greater Chain Whip
Blink Eldritch Chain Greater Piercing Chain
Chain Whip Greater Fel Blast Improved Blink
Charge Rain of Chains Starlight Chain
Fel Blast Starlight Shot
Fey Fire
Piercing Chain
Starlight Energy
Level 3 Spells Level 4 Spells Level 5 Spells
Energy Drain Fel Shot Reinforced Chain
Reanimation Portal Grab Starlight Blink
Warp Slide Starlight Warp
Warp Strike Teleport Winching Chain
Level 6 Spells
Fey Slide
Greater Reanimation
Starlight Warp Strike

Arcane Blast
Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: S
You make a sign with your hand and a great ball of arcane energy erupts towards the target, dealing 1d10 damage if it hits.
Range: 20-60ft
Keywords: Puppet

Arcane Shot
Level 2 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You cast an Arcane Blast, channelling the power into a more precise beam and thus focussing the energy into a higher pressurised form, providing range and strength. If it hits, it deals 1d12 + Int damage
Range: 20-120ft
Keywords: Puppet

Arm of Blades
Level 1 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You pull a string, causing a cluster of blades to spring from your puppet’s arm. When it next attacks, it will have advantage to hit and will deal 1d8 extra damage.
Keywords: Chain

Assassination Strike
Level 1 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You silently order your puppet to carry out an assassination against one target. The target must make a dexterity saving throw against your Puppeteer level. If it fails, it takes 3d10 piercing damage. Else, it takes 3d6 piercing damage.
Keywords: Chain

Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: V
You speak a word and your magic forms a barrier around you. All attacks against you have disadvantage for 3 turns.

Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: S
Either you or your puppet (your choice) is pushed or pulled a distance up to your speed.
Range: 120ft
Keywords: Chain

Chain Whip
Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: S
You swing your chains as an attack, the ends slicing through skin and flesh. Choose up to five of your chains on one equipped Arcane Chain. Those become unusable for one turn. In return, make an attack vs. any creature. The damage of the attack is 1d8 per chain used, and if you used all five chains, you may bind the creature for one turn as if it was a standard attack.
Keywords: Chain

Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: S
You silently command a puppet to charge. The puppet immediately makes the Dash action towards the nearest enemy and makes an attack. If it moved more than 20ft before making the attack, it gains +4 to the attack roll. Your puppet cannot move or attack on its turn until your next turn.
Keywords: Chain

Eldritch Chain
Level 1 Puppeteer
Materials: V
Duration: 1 minute
You charge your chains with eldritch energy, causing any creature bound by them to take your Int modifier damage on each of their turns.
Keywords: Chain

Energy Drain
Level 3 Puppeteer
Materials: V
You drain your enemy’s life force through your chains. Target one bound enemy. Deal 1d8 + Int damage, then heal for 1d8 + Int health.
Keywords: Chain

Fel Blast
Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: V
You fire a large blast of fel energy at the opponent. If it hits, they take 1d10 fire damage
Range: 20-80ft

Fey Slide
Level 6 Puppeteer
Materials: V, S
You Slide through the Feywilds, allowing you to move a potentially incredible distance. Teleport a distance equal to your speed + 1d100 ft. You can take with you any creature or object that is physically touching you. You may choose to stop at a random place in the Feywilds instead of reappearing in the mortal plane.

Fel Shot
Level 4 Puppeteer
Materials: V
You focus your fel energy into four shots. Make a four spell attacks on one opponent, and deal 1d10 for each hit.
Range: 20-100ft

Greater Chain Whip
Level 2 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You swipe your opponent with fel-charged chains. Choose up to five of your chains on one equipped Arcane Chain. Those become unusable for one turn. In return, make an attack vs. any creature. The damage of the attack is 1d10 per chain used, and if you used all five chains, you may bind the creature for one turn as if it was a standard attack.
Keywords: Chain

Greater Fel Blast
Level 1 Puppeteer
Materials: V
Pouring a massive amount of destructive energy into your standard Fel Blast, you overload the spell and send a colossal ball of green fire hurtling towards your opponent. Make a spell attack and if it hits deal 1d12 fire damage in a 10ft radius. If it misses, deal half damage instead. Afterwards, take psychic or fire damage (if you have a resistance to one, the damage is that type and if you have a resistance to both, the damage is both types) equal to the total damage the enemy took. If the distance between the caster and the target is less than 20ft, it detonates early and hits both the caster and the target.
Range: 40-60ft
At higher levels: If this spell is cast in a slot of 4th level or higher, the caster cannot be damaged by it.

Greater Piercing Chain
Level 2 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You infuse your Piercing Chain with Eldritch energy. Make a spell attack, and on a hit the target takes 1d4 + Int + Prof. bonus damage and becomes restrained for one turn.
Keywords: Chain

Greater Reanimation
Level 6 Puppeteer
Materials: V, S
You infuse some of your puppet magic into a corpse, allowing it to remain under your control without requiring strings. Target one dead creature. That target is reanimated and fights for you for one day, all decomposition being halted until the spell wears off. This spell can only be used once between visits to an arcane source. When you learn this spell, you may choose to spend 1000 gold to have a monolith built inside any form of permanent residence you might have, which serves as one such arcane source, but cannot be moved from the location. If the surface it is built on collapses or is removed, the monolith simply falls to exactly the same location at the new ground level.

Improved Blink
Level 2 Puppeteer
Materials: S
Either you or your puppet (your choice) is pushed or pulled a distance up to your speed + 10ft
Range: 140ft
Keywords: Chain

Piercing Chain
Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: S
You manipulate your index finger chain to shoot through an opponent’s heart. Make a spell attack, and on a hit the target takes 1d4 damage and is restrained for one turn.
Keywords: Chain

Portal Grab
Level 4 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You reach through a portal and grab something or someone. Target an object or creature you can see. Place the target on the floor 5 feet away from you.
Keywords: Puppet

Rain of Chains
Level 1 Puppeteer
Materials: S
Duration: 30 seconds
You fire all five Piercing Chains from above. One Arcane Chain is unusable for the duration, and the target makes a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is trapped in the Chain. The trapped creature takes 5d4 damage and cannot move until it passes a Perception check or until the duration is over.
Keywords: Chain

Level 3 Puppeteer
Materials: V, S
You infuse some of your puppet magic into a corpse, allowing it to remain under your control without requiring strings. Target one dead creature. That target is reanimated and fights for you for one minute, all decomposition being halted until the spell wears off.

Reinforced Chain
Level 5 Puppeteer
Materials: V, S
You reinforce your Arcane Chain with pure magic energy. Any creature bound, restrained or trapped by your Arcane Chain may not take any checks to escape. This effect is an enchantment and lasts for 1 minute.
Keywords: Chain

Level 4 Puppeteer
Materials: V, S
You Slide through planes, allowing you to move a potentially incredible distance. Teleport a distance equal to your speed + 1d100 ft. You can take with you any creature or object that is physically touching you.
Keywords: Puppet, Chain

Starlight Blink
Level 5 Puppeteer
Materials: S
Either you or your puppet (your choice) is pushed or pulled a distance up to double your speed
Range: 160ft
Keywords: Chain

Starlight Chain
Level 2 Puppeteer
Materials: V
Duration: 1 minute
You infuse your chains with Starlight energy, a combination of fel, arcane and eldritch that appears as a bright, shining blueish purple light. This energy type was given to you through a rock that emanates it and enhances every aspect of your being. For the duration, you gain a +3 bonus to every action with the chains.
Keywords: Chain

Starlight Energy
Puppeteer Cantrip
Materials: S
You reinforce your body with Starlight energy, adding a +1 bonus to every stat, skill and defence.

Starlight Shot
Level 2 Puppeteer
You create an Arcane Shot using Starlight energy instead. Due to the nature of Starlight energy it is not as powerful but much more refined, making for a great practice for Arcane Shot. If it hits, deal 1d12 force damage.
Keywords: Puppet

Starlight Warp
Level 5 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You use Starlight energy to complete your warp instantly. Appear at a location 1d100 ft away and receive +1 to AC.

Starlight Warp Strike
Level 6 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You Starlight warp at a target, intending to unleash a lethal hit. Roll a spell attack. If it hits, appear directly behind the target and continue with a melee weapon attack as if you had already rolled and succeeded. (If you rolled a critical hit on the spell attack, treat the weapon attack as an instant critical hit.) If the spell attack fails, appear at a location 1d100 ft away, and if you are within range of a melee attack you may make one for free.

Level 4 Puppeteer
Materials: S
Teleport up to your speed
Keywords: Puppet

Level 3 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You disappear and then reappear in a different location. Remove your character from the game world for 1 turn, then place it back at a location 1d100 ft away from its original location. Enemies have disadvantage to attack you until your next turn after reappearing.

Warp Strike
Level 3 Puppeteer
Materials: S
You warp at a target, intending to unleash a lethal hit. Roll a spell attack. If it hits, appear directly behind the target one turn later and continue with a melee weapon attack as if you had already rolled and succeeded. (If you rolled a critical hit on the spell attack, treat the weapon attack as an instant critical hit.) If the spell attack fails, appear at a location 1d100 ft away after a turn instead.

Winching Chain
Level 5 Puppeteer
Materials: S
Choose a location that you can see. Either pull yourself to that location, pull any object or creature at that location towards yourself, or pull any object or creature at that location towards another location you can see.

I've reduced a lot of the formatting as well because it's a large document and I don't want to be going through putting tags on everything.
Edit: I'm really sorry about the tables, they're not easy to read like this at all, but the table BBcode function is giving me cancer.

2017-11-07, 12:29 AM
Hit Dice should be d8 for anything expected to melee.
Hit Point progression shouldn't have the extra 1. Increase Die size and therefore the "average" if you're worried about padding the score.

Entertainer is completely ridiculous and should not be a thing.

while you could have a skill to reduce fall damage, I wouldn't make it armor. (Especially armor that doesn't improve your AC) Offhand, you could make it a reaction with the chains.

Arcane Chains- I would make this an actual class feature, not a weapon that could be bought. As a weapon, it's a bit much. I'd probably make it a spell like Hunter's Mark, Hex, and the like (most notably witch bolt) that has the "if the creature dies, etc. Rider" As a weapon, there's nothing preventing other characters from taking it as a proficiency and using it.

Puppetmaking- It's too chaotic to properly evaluate. if it's doing more work than an animal companion or maybe the Artificer's Mechanical servant, it's probably too much. (I like the idea of the armored puppets, and wearing them)

Spellcasting- Generally, one should stick to at least one of the established spellcasting tables. There's nothing to justify "Stronger Magic than a Warlock" Especially when it's simple a school, and not the focus of the class. The 1/3rd progression classes, such as Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight, seem to be more appropriate.
Most of your listed damage is not typed.

In short, it seems like a class that isn't sure what it wants to be. You've got some good ideas in there, but I think it will benefit if you focus on building the core of the class first, and then see what you can emphasize with your schools. I'm not going to lie to you, it needs a lot of work, but it's not bad.

I'd like to offer you more detailed notes and recommendations, but I really can't offer that sort of service at this time.

2017-11-07, 01:01 AM
Word of advice...

Learn to use Hombrewery! :)

Here is something I recently did with homebrewery, makes it look 143.7% more legit and easier to read.


2017-11-07, 01:48 AM
Hey that's a neat thing. yoink.

2017-11-07, 02:08 AM
Entertainer is just straight up broken

Puppets have way too much HP

You gain too many options, Classes are generally much simpler.