View Full Version : DM Help A Question for Fans of the Sultanate of Zeif (World of Greyhawk)

Duke of Urrel
2017-11-07, 05:10 PM
I am a Greyhawk fan and have recently been reading the very flavorful and entertaining PLAYER'S GUIDE TO ZEIF, which is available for free online (http://mendahu.tripod.com/pgtz2.pdf).

In it, three of the sultans of the Sultanate of Zeif have names that are divided by slashes. They are:

Ayusen/efez the Serene (who reigned from 2577 to 2608 of the Baklunish Hegira)

Sayim/efez (2625 to 2668 BH)


Garod/efez the Reviled (3019 to 3041 BH)

My question is this. Can anybody tell me what this "slash-efez" means? Or failing this, can anybody tell me how to pronounce this, other than saying "Ayusen-slash-efez" "Sayim-slash-efez," and "Garod-slash-efez"? This seems to me so ... inelegant as a way to speak of royalty.