View Full Version : Stronghold

2017-11-08, 10:52 AM
I have a group right now, they just finished up an Arch freeing a small town, talking town of <50 people. And the town is going to offer them an opportunity to run it and protect them, so I see prices and what not, the question is, how many points should they have to do stuff, like what would be a reasonable amount of points or space to build new buildings and things like that should I give them?

2017-11-08, 11:26 AM
I have a group right now, they just finished up an Arch freeing a small town, talking town of <50 people. And the town is going to offer them an opportunity to run it and protect them, so I see prices and what not, the question is, how many points should they have to do stuff, like what would be a reasonable amount of points or space to build new buildings and things like that should I give them?

Idk if i understood your question.
Does the town want you to protect them by building a Stronghold?
Do you want to know how much the space of a Stronghold costs?

2017-11-08, 12:20 PM
Do you intend to use printed mechanics for this, and if so, 3.5 Stronghold Builder's Guide or Pathfinder's system? Either way, a "town" of 50 people is barely large enough to even register, the entire net worth of the town being quite possibly less than the value of a single proper stone keep. They can afford to build you a small house of a few rooms with basic furnishings.

Captain Kablam
2017-11-08, 12:27 PM
If by points you mean gold, not up to speed on the economics of castle building to know what would be a fair range to price this project at starting out.

However, for space, at least starting out, I'd give them a plot of land around 100x100ft to start with and maybe enough cash to design a simple guard barracks/jail. And as the campaign goes on given 'em opportunities and big cash to make more buildings (not just at the fort but in town too in order to attract more people who they can then tax), traps, treasure hoard, minions. All the way up until they have a castle of their own design surrounded by a bustling city their efforts built. That's how I'd do it.

Honestly from a campaign standpoint a sim city/D&D campaign would be pretty cool. Not just contending with bandits and dragons as the amass more wealth, but having random events like revolts over taxes or having to combat a blazing fire and save people as the flames slowly leaps from building to building sounds really fun.