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2017-11-08, 07:18 PM
Okay, everyone's checked in and cleared that they're okay with the opening, so here we go, everybody!

OOC thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?541367-OOC-Nature-will-gradually-erase).

The Wilds, about ten miles from the nearest settlement of Vark:

No one has a name for the forest. It's ever expansive, continually growing, and to set borders or regions on it is just impractical. It is simply the Wilds, and you have been traveling in it for days along the road called the By-Winter, so called because it's one of the southernmost traversible trails and thus can be used even during the season of rain and snow, where the northern roads become impassible, either snowed over or washed out. Winter is one of the safest times to travel in the Wilds - though not all of the foul creatures living in the forests hibernate or otherwise decay during the cold months, a good majority of them do. And so winter has become the season of travel, and there is a steady flow of travelers on the roads. This is the season of trade, and caravans drift between settlements to resupply and trade information. But they require protection, of course. Everyone does, in the Wilds.

Today is no different.

The bushes nearby rustle, and you sense that you are being watched. Stalked, almost. There are others on the road nearby, at least, and that brings a small comfort - maybe whatever is waiting won't attack a large group. But the unease remains.

I will roll group initiative after everyone's caught up over here. Feel free to post describing whether your character was with the caravan or a solitary traveler on the roads. If you don't have anything you want to do or say at this point, just let me know on the OOC thread that you're all right with just moving on to the first encounter!

2017-11-08, 07:34 PM
Darach pushes his way through the brush, muttering quietly to himself as he does so. Splitting up had been an incredibly stupid decision. He really should have known better. Now he couldn't find any of the others, and this gods-forsaken forest had him turned around. Again.

He hears a rustle in the brush. "Brother Mendrion? Is that you?" he calls out, drawing his axe in case the answer is no. The lack of a response does not fill him with hope. He stops and listens intently, scanning the brush for signs of anything hostile. His hands tighten around his axe haft. There! He hears something! Listening more closely, it sounds like... it sounds like several wagons being pulled along. A caravan, perhaps. Sometimes they travel the roads around here. And if there's a road... Darach can use that to find his way back. Maybe they've even seen some other members of his expedition. Keeping his weapon at the ready just in case, he makes his way toward the sound. Sure enough, he finds himself on a dirt road with a caravan moving toward him. "Travelers!" he calls. "I don't suppose you've seen any other members of my church around here?" He indicates the rather prominent symbol on his tabard.

2017-11-09, 12:09 AM
Kayugi, dressed in her usual cloak, shirt, and trousers, all with a positively EXCESSIVE amount of pockets, hears Darach and calls over to him. No, it's not-not unless something REALLY crazy happened-but I promise I'm not here to hurt anyone!

2017-11-09, 12:37 AM
Quickly traveler! Make your way into the light! There are creatures about who would love to snap you up like a holy morsel! Hastur had been walking alongside the wagons, telling a fanciful tale about a humble, magnificent, powerful, and handsome genie who toyed with and swindled a professional card shark. It was meant to lift the spirits of the travelers and guards and ward their courage from the obvious sounds of danger lurking about them. Daedalus had been smiling and playing along with the tale, seeing no harm in the fiction, but now he climbed up onto the wagon with effort and called out to the endangered holy man. Sir, there have been... things... following us in the darkness for some miles now! We haven't seen your companions, but we have seen dark shapes in the underbrush! Quickly, come to us before they strike you in the shadows! His voice is a high quaver, all the distraction of Hastur's boasting falling away, leaving only a cold fear of the nearby unknown. He reaches down and mutters a few words, grabbing a small piece of cured leather from one of his pouches and touching it to Hastur's brawny shoulders. Prepare for the worst, Hastur. This spell should last all night, so I don't feel bad using it now. Hopefully it isn't needed... Your warding is appreciated, Daedalus. I stand ready. The genie draws his falchion as near invisible plates of force coalesce around his body, both eidolon and master keeping a keen eye on the brush.

Casting Mage Armor on Hastur. Seems a worthwhile precaution, since it lasts hours.

2017-11-09, 01:22 AM
Mercuira has been riding along bored in one of the wagons near the rear of the caravan, the low rumble of the wheels and conversation among the other members near lulling her to sleep. She's not even sure exactly where she's going, she got a short description of a town and "you'll know it when you see it" and "I'm pretty sure this next caravan will go there"... It's been a few days and they haven't even seen a town. So much for friendly advice, those idiots from back home. Well, at least she's away from there, and hopefully this...poorly described...town actually has what she's looking for.

She starts as a stranger approaches and asks if they suppose they've seen any other members of his church around here. "No, I don't suppose I have", she mutters to nobody in particular.

2017-11-09, 03:45 AM
Even in the depth's of winter's grip, when the Wilds slumbers, it still shifts restlessly. By-Winter is one of the largest and most traveled routes, but from day to day, portions of it disappears into the Wilds grasp, only to reappear, the paths crooked, leading the unwary away from the settlements and into the heart of the Wilds, never to be heard from again. Guides, experienced (and some say insane or foolish) foresters are at a premium to help guide caravans along the shifting path of By-Winter, and get them safely from settlement to settlement. Jarome has traveled enough to gain a reputation as one such guide, and now leads a small party of people, wagons and pack animals along the trail, bound for the settlement of Vark.

Jarome is at the front of the small caravan, eyes watching the ground and woods warily, his shortbow held before him with an arrow nocked at all times. When Darach crashes through the brush, he is met with the sight of the tall human standing ready, shortbow bent into a U at full extension and arrow aimed squarely at his heart. The human relaxes his bow immediately on seeing Darach and points his bow once more at the ground, a faint expression of relief crossing his face.

"Well met, traveler. That's the symbol of the Cult of the Ascendent Stars, yes? You're the first of your order I've seen in months, so no. If your group was looking to travel to Vark, we're heading there ourselves."

Jarome glances around at the undergrowth and listens to the rustlings around them. More then the light breeze would account for. "Daedalus and Hastur are correct, priest. We're being stalked, and there is more safety in numbers then alone."

2017-11-09, 12:05 PM
Sisqui had been following the caravan's wheel ruts and muddied tracks for a few hours now trying to catch up. Though the road made an easy go of the journey, it also meant whoever was on them was an exposed target for the varied dangers of the Wilds; thus, when she'd picked up the group's trail, Sisqui had decided it would be madness to toss away her good fortune in having fellow travelers on the road. Rounding a bend and hearing voices calling out to one another, she started forward, but her greeting died in her throat as she heard the telltale signs of something in the woods.

Unlimbering her bow from around her shoulders, the stocky dwarven huntress scanned the trees for clues as to the nature of these other followers. As she ran forward on silent feet, she called out as loudly as she dared to the nearest group, a gathering of big people who looked like they had spotted something too. "Hinik aia, utku," she started, before coloring slightly and continuing in the lowlanders' tongue. "Back from the forest, for I think you have guests less polite than I."

2017-11-09, 01:06 PM
The caravan is used to the threat of danger by now, so at the clear signs that combat may be on the way, the carts circle up, the pack animals moving quickly as they have been trained into a defensive position. The creatures pulling the wagons are mostly horses, animals said to have once been part of the stars but had been driven down to earth by one of the Star Gods to serve mankind by carrying their burdens, but a few Moa, a naturally occurring flightless bird native to the Wilds, have also been tamed to lug some of the load. They chitter and chirp anxiously as they peek over the wagons towards the forest. They, along with those who aren't prepared for combat, get in the middle of the circle of wagons as eerie howls echo through the woods nearby. As the distinct sound of rustling brush comes closer, the howls grow more ominous, and soon enough, two beasts leap from the treeline. They are canine in appearance, but they have quills running up and down their spines, which are standing on end aggressively as the creatures circle closer. Red-eyed and mouths frothing with the prospect of a fresh kill, they approach, growling.

Monsters [roll0]
Darach [roll1]
Mercuira [roll2]
Jarome [roll3]
Sisqui [roll4]
Daedalus [roll5]
Hastur [roll6]
Kayugi [roll7]

All right, because the monsters actually have a lower dex than Mercuira, Mercuira and Darach are up first! Then the monsters will act, then everyone else. You don't have to post in a strict order, just so long as the monsters act after Darach and Mercuira and before everyone else. So rs2excelsior and theasl need to post, then I will with the monster's actions, then everyone can go, and I will resolve the round. :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-09, 02:30 PM
Darach joins the caravan as they are circling to defend themselves. He came here to purge the foul beasts of this place, doing so while protecting a group of travelers is even better. "I've heard the creatures too,", he tells them, readying his axe once more. He begins muttering a blessing as the group waits for whatever the creatures are to make an appearance.

When the creatures do come into sight, Darach lets out a roar and leaps toward them, swinging his axe over his head. "Come now! The vengeance of the Star Gods is upon you!"

Casting Bless on the party before we engage, if that's okay. It lasts three minutes, so if we were waiting longer than that it has expired. Assuming those effects are still in play that gives everyone +1 to attacks and saves vs. fear.

Swift action to activate the Destruction judgement, for +2 damage so long as combat lasts. Move up and attack the nearest creature.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Bless is still in effect put an extra +1 on the attack roll

Rolling knowledge (nature) to try and identify the creatures, using monster lore: [roll2]
If I need to roll something different I can as well.

2017-11-09, 02:46 PM
Seeing the creatures finally emerge from the underbrush after the wagon-circling, Mercuira silently drops, picking up her trusty longbow and gathering an arrow. Then, peeking her head and the bow over the side of the wagon and taking careful aim, she fires it off at the nearest one.

move action to draw, standard action to attack with deadly aim
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1] + [roll2] sneak attack

2017-11-09, 03:12 PM
Darach is able to quickly identify these unique looking creatures as Howlers - so called for the eerie sound they make when on the hunt. Truly evil creatures, these strange extraplanar beings don't actually need to eat to survive - they merely go on hunts for the thrill of killing. They move incredibly quickly and their quills are laced with a poison which causes immense pain if they break off into another creature's skin. Bonus "fun fact" for being an inquisitor with the monster lore: They are highly intelligent and can understand human speech, but only Abyssal. This is all you are able to remember at the moment, in the heat of a fight.

The two Howlers seem surprised at the quick retaliation - they were likely expecting you all to break and run, but the large creatures react quickly. The Howler snaps at Darach as he draws close for a swing, able to reach forward enough to try and sink his teeth into him before the axe makes contact.

Bite [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The axe sinks into the creature's flesh and it lets out a sharp cry, but it's quills dig into Darach's arm. Luckily, Darach knew this was coming, and so with surprising deftness, he is able to twist away, not without a few pock marks, but the quills do not become embedded in his skin.


The Howler growls, baring its pointed teeth at Darach, ready to take another bite at him, when the arrow suddenly sails out and embeds into its side. Surprised by the attack, it wheezes and staggers - clearly the arrow has pierced its lung. It still manages to snap at Darach once again, however, before it collapses to the ground, unconscious.

Bite [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Total of 11 damage on Darach between the defensive quills and this bite.

Wow, that was fast. Ruling that the sneak attack goes through since technically it hasn't acted yet. Attack of Opportunity sort of blurs the line, but I'll let you have it just because I think it's incredible you reduced it to EXACTLY zero HP.

Now at -1, needs to stabilize: [roll5] Creature is stable.

The second creature, infuriated by the fall of its companion, lets out a shrill howl, head tipping back for a long moment. It seems ready to take its revenge, and leaps at Sisqui, teeth bared, but lashing at her with its tail instead, as its mouth is occupied with the howl.

Everyone needs to roll a Will Save. DC 12 negates the damage, but anything 11 or lower causes one Will damage. This is a sonic mind-affecting effect, so any bonuses that cover that can be applied.
Quill Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

If the attack connects, Sisqui will need to roll a reflex save as well. Four damage on Sisqui, and she needs to make the Reflex save as well. Pain (Ex) Whenever a creature takes damage from a howler's quill attack or its quill defense, that creature must make a successful DC 14 Reflex save or one quill breaks off in its flesh, causing the target to become sickened until all embedded quills are removed. Removing one quill requires a DC 15 Heal check made as a full-round action. For every 5 by which the check is exceeded, one additional quill can be removed. On a failed check, a quill is still removed, but the process deals 1d4+1 points of damage to the victim. The save DC is Dexterity-based.

2017-11-09, 03:20 PM
Will Save: [roll0]
Edit+4 from Well-Versed, not that it was needed

Jarome raises his voice, his baritone rolling over the howl of the aptly named monster. The song is and old and well known one, said to hail from the early days of the fight against the Wilds. The stirring melody washes over all those who can hear it, inspiring their courage.

Jarome uses Inspire Courage. All party members receive +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. This stacks with the bonuses from Bless, don't forget to add them both to your attacks and damage!

2017-11-09, 03:42 PM
Seeing that the newcoming Dwarf holds a bow, Daedalus points towards the howler threatening her. Hastur! Help her get some space on that creature! And watch out for the spines! Then he reaches down and pulls a lock of stiff hair from his pouch, tossing it over his eidolon with a shout. Hekkah bellarum! The rune of a summoner glows bright red on his forehead, and it lights up on Hastur too as the genie nearly swells out of his vest.

Do not despair, she-Dwarf! Hastur the Glorious comes to your aid! The brutish outsider rushes forward, giving a booming cry in Ignan as he does, slicing with his falchion in a vertical arc to try to cleave the beast in half.

Casting Bull's strength on Hastur before he charges off into battle. With all buffs included, the numbers get quite nice.
[roll0] and damage [roll1] . And for the howler spines, Hastur gets a [roll2].

2017-11-09, 03:43 PM
Eat tanglation, fiend! Kayugi yells as she tosses a sticky bomb at the beast.

[roll0] +8 normally, +1 for Point Blank Shot, +2 from Bless and Inspire. Right?
Make a DC 16 reflex save or be entangled and glued to the ground.

Precise Bombs means no one else is hit.

9 bombs left.

2017-11-09, 04:22 PM
As the beast comes for her, Sisqui calmly nocks an arrow, her eyes never wavering. At the last moment, she steps smoothly away from its tail, grimacing with pain as the tip of a quill slices her cheek shallowly. With the beast momentarily off-balance from the force of the large sword-wielding "man", Sisqui fires once, twice from her bow, arrows aimed for the creature's joints.

Sisqui makes the reflex save (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22553235&postcount=49) and the will save (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22553295&postcount=50). Because she has Point Blank Master she does not provoke for firing in melee, so she will do just that and Flurry of Arrows the 2nd creature (assuming it's not already dead from the genie). Attacks are made Flurrying (-1) with Deadly Aim (-2), but with the bonuses for Point Blank SHot (+1), Bless (+1) and Inspire Courage (+1).

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

Afterwards, if she can and the beast is still up, she will take a 5 foot step into a flanking position, threatening with her unarmed strike.

2017-11-09, 04:41 PM
The Howler steps away from the bomb's sticky clutches, but while it's still following through on the swing at Sisqui's face, Hastur's sword takes a nice slice up it's middle. It's quills stab into the genie's arms, however, inflicting their own damage, and as Hastur twists his blade, one of the quills breaks off and embeds in his arm, filling him with a sickening feeling of pain.

You were so close on the save! [roll0]
Hastur is sickened until the quill is removed, which requires a full round action and a DC 15 heal check, otherwise there will be a little more damage.

Off-balance from the sword, the Howler takes one of the arrows to the chest, while the other flies wide. It hisses and yowls, unearthly sounds echoing around the clearing, but they no longer seem to affect you as badly as they did before. It's badly injured, but it doesn't flee, and Sisqui is able to step forward, both she and Hastur threatening it now.

Everyone passed the save, so you're all immune to the howl for 24 hours. Darach and Mercuira, you're up!

2017-11-09, 04:49 PM
Darach shoves the beast off of him and wrenches his axe free from its side. He takes a moment to make sure it's no longer moving and gives Mercuria a small nod, as a combination "thank you" and "well done." The bite he's taken hurts, but it's nothing serious, so he sprints the distance to the second creature--currently surrounded by the dwarf and the strange outsider--and presses the attack. As he comes near he brings the heavy axe down swiftly, hopefully striking the creature and putting an end to its evils.

Not charging unless I have to cover more than 20 feet to get to it. I'll eat another AoO if I need to.

Attack roll: [roll0] counting +1 from Bless, +1 from Inspire Courage, and +2 from flanking.
Damage: [roll1]

Reflex save for avoiding the quills? [roll2]

2017-11-09, 04:59 PM
The howler yowls as Darach nears, fangs ready to sink into his skin and bared to do so when he gets in range.

Damage [roll1]

Also, quill damage on Darach [roll2]

Total of 11 Damage on Darach, and both he and Hastur need to make a heal check to remove the spine without taking more damage.

Its quills dig in to Darach's skin, however, one burying in his flesh even as he brings his axe down right on the back of its neck. Its spine snaps, severs, and the head of the creature is sliced cleanly away from the rest of its body. Both the head and its body fall to the ground, unmoving.

270 experience to everyone! You can look around for loot if you like.

2017-11-09, 05:12 PM
Jarome uses his sword to finish the slowly dying Howler before switching back to his bow, looking around carefully for any sign of more enemies, and in the faint hope that these two had dragged a fully laden treasure chest along as a gift.

He spares a grimace for the two souls with Howler quills sticking out of them, but knows he doesn't have the medical skills to do much good in extracting the barbed quills painlessly.

2017-11-09, 05:20 PM
Blood sprays across Sisqui's face as the creature falls apart in front of her from the force of the axe blow, and she nods appraisingly at the man who delivered the blow. "Swift and sure, lowlander," she compliments him as she kneels before the beast, withdrawing her skinning knife. She carefully cut her arrow from the thing's flesh, wiped it, and returned it to her quiver; she could replace it if she had some time, but she had no desire to go looking for the right wood again. She stood and surveyed the man more closely. "Looks like it got its clutches in you," she says. "Do you need help with the removal?"

After the man's answer, she went to search for her other arrow, as well as to try and pick up the trail of the beasts and see what may have driven them here.

Sisqui's arrows are Durable Arrows so she takes the time to retrieve them if she can. She offers an Aid Another on Darach's quill wound if he wants:

After that, she goes searching for the beasts trails and anything of interest:

2017-11-09, 05:29 PM
Darach accepts the dwarf's compliment with a nod. "And to you. It takes a great deal of courage to face down a beast like this with nothing more than a bow." He turns to make sure the other monster is being dealt with, and sees that the bard seems to be taking care of it. A sharp pain running through his side reminds him of the creature's dying counterattack and he grimaces. "Certainly. It doesn't look like it will come out easily, I will not turn down the help." Muttering a brief prayer for strength, he attempts to remove the barb without causing further damage.

I don't actually have ranks in heal... because usually that's covered by cure spells. Might be worth some investment.

With the Aid Another bonus: [roll0]

The quill comes out cleanly, if not painlessly. Darach turns to Hastur, seeing that the outsider has also sustained the same injury. "Do you require assistance removing that quill? I can also heal your injuries afterwards."

2017-11-09, 05:40 PM
Any aid would be appreciated. I am many things, but a healer is not one of them. And Daedalus doesn't know the difference between a scalpel and a great sword. My wounds are minor, however. Let us save your healing magics until it is needed, holy warrior or virtue. Hastur gingerly extends his arm, the spine jutting from it like an over sized sliver.

Is everyone alright? That got pretty hairy pretty fast. We should get moving before more of them smell the bluh... the blood. Daedalus goes a bit pale, shaking himself as the spines are removed from Hastur's arm. Damn shared senses worked too well sometimes.

2017-11-09, 05:44 PM
Mercuira returns the nod and prepares to fire again, but before she gets the chance, the creatures are taken down by Jarome, that annoying pet genie, and the religious newcomer. As they heal up from their wounds, she scans around silently for any more signs of danger; the howls could very well alert other beasts on the prowl for victims.

perception I guess [roll0]

2017-11-09, 05:49 PM
Darach turns to Sisqui. "I could use some assistance with this one as well, if you're willing," he says. He begins to work on removing the spine from Hastur's arm.

Throw an extra +2 on there if Sisqui manages to aid again. Although she's actually better than I am, perhaps she should make the roll--if you want (and if the DM's okay with it) I'll make this an Aid Another roll instead.

2017-11-09, 06:14 PM
As the party regroups and scans the local area, the forest returns to a state of oppressive silence. The feeling of being watched doesn't leave, but the trees have eyes everywhere. Still, the immediate feeling of danger is gone, and gradually birdsong returns to the area. Mercuira is able to make out a couple of the sparrows perching in the trees, returning to the area as the most oppressive aura of danger deserts them. The Moa seem a little less easy to calm than their avian cousins, and the caravan hands are anxiously trying to soothe them so they don't break and run off into the woods.

Unfortunately and despite Jarome's wishes, the two creatures were not lugging a treasure chest around behind them. However, in the throat of the creature whose head Darach sliced off, there is something shining - a silver, jeweled ring, probably from a previous victim. Perhaps they had survived the creature's bite, perhaps not. Their tracks lead back into the woods, Sisqui can make them out despite the thick underbrush, since the entire forest is muddy at this time of year. The tracks are as large as the dwarf's forearm, and are deep in the ground, showing how much the creatures weighed. They're rather unmovable for now, but maybe the sight of dead creatures this size will ward off anything else that wants to attack - after all, if you could take these down...

The quills are safely extracted from Hastur and Darach's arms without substantial pain caused. The caravan hands calmed their horses and Moa, looking around to Jarome to see if it's safe. After all, he is their guide.

2017-11-09, 08:24 PM
Darach notices the glint of silver in the creature's severed head and examines it, recovering the ring. "Hmm. Interesting." Without saying much else, he draws a long dagger from his belt and slits the creature open. "Looks like this thing might have eaten some poor soul. If there are remains I would like to put them to rest properly,", he explains, in case anyone is curious about why he is suddenly dissecting the monster. As he does so, he mutters some words to himself, and his wounds begin to close.

Survival roll to see if there's anyone (or anything of value) inside the creature: [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds: [roll1]

2017-11-09, 11:49 PM
Whew, Kayugi says, seeing the beasts felled. Everyone okay? Yeah, everyone okay. What were those?

2017-11-09, 11:58 PM
Satisfied that there's no more threat, Mercuira joins the crowd of gawkers. "I've got no idea what they are. Just another nightmare that the Wilds conjured up to wipe us all out, I guess."

2017-11-10, 12:41 AM
Whew, Kayugi says, seeing the beasts felled. Everyone okay? Yeah, everyone okay. What were those?

Howlers. Evil creatures from the far reaches of the abyssal realms. They hunt mortals for sport, seeing as they have no need to eat. They've been more and more common in the Wilds as of late. Their brand of savage evil suits the predatory nature of the place quite well, I'm afraid. There may be more out there, but they are intelligent enough to recognize the threat we present. Hopefully we won't have problems with any more. Daedalus blinks, having released that gush of information in one long breath. He takes another one to steady his nerves. He looks around at the newcomers and the other members of the caravan. How impolite of me. My name is Daedalus Frow. I'm something of a scholar in the nature of other planes, and the beings that reside on them. My companion is...

Hastur on Red Sands. I am a Djinni, one of those outer planar beings Daedalus spoke of, and one who has made a pact with him. We are also, luckily enough, great friends and allies. Do not worry, mortals. I am far kinder and more noble then these beasts. Not to mention more beautiful. The eidolon flexed both his bulging biceps and kissed first one, then the other.

Yes, yes. Not to mention brash, arrogant, and boastful. We were both simply travelling with the caravan for safety.
I'm thankful to Hilal that we had guards to aid us in circumstances like this, and even more thankful that other travelers who could help were with us or nearby. Are all of us heading to Vark? If so, we should travel as one, to avoid encouraging any other packs or beasts to confront us. Daedalus raises the small wooden butterfly kept on a thong around his neck, giving it a kiss to show reverence for the god of change.

2017-11-10, 12:47 AM
Darach is able to successfully cut open the creature as the other members of the uneasy crowd speak to one another. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately, depending on a particular person's viewpoint) all that is inside the creature's stomach is a hand, not a full body. There is something else glinting inside the beast, though, when Darach pulls out the hand - a charm bracelet is attached to it, held on by steaming blood. The band is silver, and so are the beads, exactly like the ring. Darach is able to retrieve the two items for closer inspection, once the blood is cleaned off.

2017-11-10, 12:57 AM
Darach studies the hand for a moment. It appears that the person it belonged to was relatively lucky. Or, maybe, he'd find the rest of them in the other howler. Regardless, the hand wasn't enough to bury, and the two items seemed rather valuable. He stands up and cleans the blood from his arms as best he can as Daedalus introduces himself. "I am Darach Starwalker, adherent of the Church of the Stars Ascendant. I was not headed to Vark, in particular. I was..." he hesitates for a moment. "I was a part of an expedition with several other brothers and sisters from my church, tasked to hunt down beasts such as these." He gestures toward what's left of the howler. Darach is many things, but a surgeon is not one of them. His attempt to search for a body had been effective, but not particularly clean. "However, we became... separated. Perhaps some of them made their way to town. In any case, it would probably be good for me to leave word there, should they come looking for me. I will accompany you, if you will have me." He glances at the ring and the bracelet. "I am... not aware of the custom regarding such items, but I found these in the body of the beast. Likely belonged to some other poor soul it attacked. If we cannot find an owner, I am not sure what should be done with them." Almost as an afterthought, he looks down and mumbles a few words over the items.

Casting Detect Magic on the bracelet and ring.

2017-11-10, 01:12 AM
The Charm Bracelet reads of two distinctly different magical auras, both illusion and enchantment. The ring gives off a faint aura of illusion magic.

"Well, regardless of where the rest of y'all are goin', I reckon on getting to Vark before the sun sets, and more of 'em creatures come out of the woods!" pipes up one of the caravan hands, a half-elf who has his hands full - literally - with a shivering Moa. The bird seems to be trying to climb up him, not that he's much of a perch, the bird is already eight feet tall. The other caravanners murmur in agreement, starting to get their wagons in order. But after that, they're not about to leave without guards.
"I reckon we could give each of ya a share of the profits we make once we get there, like we already promised the folks escorting us, if you were to walk with the horses an' keep a keen eye on 'em woods," another man, this one, a human, says. It will take quite a bit of hustling to get to Vark before nightfall with this load, it's already past noon and there are miles to go, but it can be done. And it seems like the caravan is more than willing to pick up the pace after this encounter.

2017-11-10, 01:17 AM
Darach frowns at the items in his hand. Daedalus, these items are enchanted. Illusion and Enchantment. I can't really tell anything more specific. Perhaps you could take a look?
Or if any of the rest of you have experience with these things?"

My spellcraft is crap, but I can try and Aid whoever makes the roll.
Spellcraft: [roll0]
Good enough to give someone a +2 to their roll, it seems.

2017-11-10, 01:32 AM
Daedalus immediately steps forward to appraise the jewelry carefully. Whispering Tercep pawnah the rune on this forehead turns a lime green, followed by his eyes becoming luminescent for a moment. Running his fingers over them, he tries to divine the nature of the enchantments residing within the charms and ring. The rune on Hastur's head glows the same color, signaling him to approach and add his eyes to his summoner's for a different angle.
Casting detect magic, then attempting to identify the items. Takes 3 rounds per identify, so give Daedalus a moment. For the charm bracelet- [roll0] and for the ring- [roll1]. Let's see what Darach butchered a howler for.

2017-11-10, 03:09 AM
Jarome returns from scouting the trail ahead, bow once more carried loosely and much of the tension gone from his shoulders. He catches the end of the conversation and nods at the caravan master's offer. "It looks like these two were the only ones working together, I see no signs of a larger pack. It also sounds like the local wildlife is back as well, so we're safe to move."

He studies the jewelry curiously as Daedalus pours over it with his magical senses. "I doubt you'll find a legitimate next of kin for those, unless they happen to have an inscription to them. I think it's a case of 'you keep what you kill'. If you have no use for it, perhaps one of us will be willing to barter for it, and otherwise there's always a market for enchanted items."

2017-11-10, 08:48 AM
Sure, I'll hang around, Kayugi says in response to being offered a position as guard.

And lemme take a gander at them too, she adds, nabbing the jewelry when she gets the chance.



In their respective order.

2017-11-10, 10:59 AM
Between Daedalus and Kayugi's inspections, they are able to agree on a couple things. First, that Darach's assessment of the items being enchanted was correct. Second, that the ring seems to be very valuable, when it comes to concealing the position of whoever's wearing it. The spell attached to the ring is Invisibility, though if someone puts it on, they don't immediately become invisible. Instead there is a command word to activate the effect, which, after a couple minutes of looking it over, is found as an inscription on the inside of the ring - "Cloak." The bracelet proves a bit harder to identify until, with Darach's help, Kayugi is able to distinguish that the spells in effect are on individual charms, not the bracelet itself. Most of the charms are simply glass-blown beads, but there are two silver charms - one a sword and the other a heart. The sword charm has "Shadow Weapon" attached, and the Heart, "Charm Person." There isn't a command word anywhere to be found, and it isn't immediately obvious to either of the two casters how to activate the effects of the charms. Unlike the glass beads, however, the silver ones seem easily detachable.

The caravan master nods to Jarome, and motions for the others to fall in line. They don't want to spend any more time than necessary here, especially not after the attack. They climb back onto their wagons, mostly - the half-elf stays with the Moa, petting them occasionally and trying to keep them calm - but they start moving down the road again as soon as Jarome is back in the lead. The rest of you fall into line with the caravan at its increased pace, making headway towards Vark.

If you all want to carry on some conversation as you go down the road, feel free! In order to get things rolling, however, I'm going to go ahead and set up Vark, where you arrive.

Vark, Population 743 Survivors:

The small hamlet of Vark stands on a stone plateau overlooking the forest. A solitary, narrow switchback path is carved up the face of the rock, a mile high. As is the case everywhere, vines climb up the sides of the cliff, but the people of the settlement set fire to them every evening, to burn back the encroaching forest. The first indication that you have arrived at the city, just before sundown, is the smell of smoke. It takes some careful coaxing and even more careful footing to get the carts, animals, and people up to the settlement despite the fires licking around the sides of the cliff, but eventually, you reach the summit.

As fellow Survivors, you are quickly welcomed in past the clay walls of the town. Stone is their commodity here, and there are tunnels beneath the city, carved down into the plateau and even extending out into the forest for miles. Other than the quarries for clay and sandstone, there is also a vein of legendary mithril running below the city, which makes it such an attractive location for caravans - despite its small size, the place is flush with wealth, due to the beautiful and durable metal it exports. Most of the population is dwarven, drawn here by the need for miners, but a few humans and halflings have set up here, as well, mostly running businesses such as inns, smithys, and jewelers which appeal to travelers and caravans alike. There is no shortage of places to stay the night here - though the entire town is no more than two miles square, there are no less than five inns. And with the trading season at its peak, all are open.

The caravan master thanks you all for delivering them there safely, and promises to find you once they have unloaded their wares and give you the cut they promised. As a show of good faith, he has one of his caravan hands bring forward one of the fittest looking horses from the group, as well as enough money to pay for its stabling tonight, and says that if he doesn't make good on his promise, the horse is yours. "I reckon we can meet y'all back here at the gate in the mornin'. You bring my horse back to me, and I'll make sure that we get all settled up." The reins and small amount of coin is handed over to Jarome by a human caravan hand, who also recommends the tavern for a group like yours.

"I reckon we'll be bunking down at the Winking Star, it's got the largest stable complex and is mighty well designed for caravans like ours - by which I mean, it's all one communal room, cheap hay mattresses, and filling, if bland, meals, but, well. It's cheap and that's where we usually run into all our contacts. But folks like you, adventuring sorts, usually head to the Mithril Vein Inn. Attractive name like that, and it lives up to expectations, nicest place in town, run by this Halfling, Grim, who acts nothin' like her name might lead you to believe..." he's rambling at this point, but carries on for those who care to listen. "Of course, if you're interested in mingling with the locals, there's always the Iron Mug. Best ale in town, it's more of a tavern than an inn, I don't reckon anyone sleeps there unless everywhere else is filled. But if yer looking for dwarves, good mead, or any interesting local news, that's the best bet." He looks like he could carry on for quite some time - clearly, this isn't his first trip to Vark, but the caravan master calls him back, telling him to get the horses over to the Star and settled in for the night. The caravan hand tips his hat to you and hurries off to do as he's told, leaving the fine black steed in your care until the caravan master comes for him in the morning, hopefully with your pay in tow.

2017-11-10, 11:52 AM
Darach takes in the little town as you enter. These folks must be rather determined to live within the Wilds themselves--he is impressed by their ability to keep the encroaching forest back. "I believe I am going to the inn," he tells the others. "If anyone has seen sign of my expedition, I believe that will be the best place to begin.
As for the items we found, I will leave them with you. If none of you feel you can use them, I'm not sure I know enough to sell them for a fair price. I will trust your judgement in that manner," he says, nodding toward the more magically knowledgeable members of the party. With that, he makes his way toward the Mithril Vein, and makes himself comfortable. "I would like a mug of whatever ale you have, and something hot from the kitchen, please," he requests of the halfling. "And if you don't mind, I'd like to ask if you've seen some people I am looking for. Members of my church travelling through the wilds. They would be dressed similarly to myself."

2017-11-10, 12:18 PM
Invisibility is a particularly strong spell, but not necessarily suited for one such as myself. If it is more fitting to someone else's style, I'd suggest they take it and make good use of it. Perhaps one of you who wield a bow could use it as a way to gain ground on enemies and attack from stealth? As for the charms, I wouldn't mind keeping them simply in order to work out how they are utilized. Your skill with diving magical properties seems quite strong, Miss, so I would certainly appreciate the help. Unless YOU would prefer to hang onto them. My claim is certainly no better than your own. He flashes the female hobgoblin a winning smile, extending the charms between his fingers to offer them to her.

Closer to town

Daedalus. We are close to your place of rest, but as you know, I have none. Please heal my wounds, minor as they are,
or I fear I'll have this pincushion hole in me from now until when the stars wink out.

Absolutely, my friend. Hold still a moment... tankum tellard The summoner pricks the tip of his finger with a small blade, dripping two drops of his own blood onto the wound, which seals up immediately, stopping the flow of magical energy that passed for blood in his eidolon's veins.

A simple evening sounds lovely. Which way is it to this Winking Star...

WE will be going to the Mithral Vein Inn as well. Come now, Daedalus. You have just survived a brush with mortality itself! What better time to celebrate with some luscious luxury! Besides, it sounds as if this place will be the home of beautiful women who could tantalize our fantasies, if nothing else. Hastur wraps an arm around Daedalus in a motion that almost knocks him over, causing the mage to give a barking sigh with the impact.

Let us move quickly then. If we hurry we can accompany our new acquaintance Darach to the bar. If anyone else is interested, please, follow us.

I, Hastur, will buy the first round for all who would see fit to indulge in my generosity. Daedalus will purchase the second! The genie strides in the same direction as Darach, while Daedalus follows him muttering some weak-willed protests.

At the Mithral Vein

Do you mind if we join you, Mr. Starwalker? Daedalus gives a small bow, while Hastur simply slides to a seat that gives a small creak under his massive weight. If you wish, we can also ask around about your missing companions.

2017-11-10, 12:31 PM
Kayugi goes with the group to the Vein. Along the way, she keeps up a steady stream of largely unimportant chatter.

Once at the inn, she gets herself something strong, and swigs it down.

2017-11-10, 03:20 PM
Mercuira's eyes light up when it's mentioned that the ring is magical - and grants invisibility. Vanishing into thin air was one of her brother's most used...and most annoying...powers, and one she hopes to one day figure out herself. When, or if, she does manifest magic, that is. And it seems like nobody else wants it! Well, she'll gladly take it off their hands then, with a word or two of thanks.

After they've reached town, Mercuira follows the group going to the Mithral Vein. Not the town I was looking for, unless those idiots truly are idiots and can't even get the description right. I guess it'll have to wait till another day. Once inside, she proceeds to get herself a stiff drink as well, making a silent toast to Kuthba for her safe travels.

2017-11-10, 03:51 PM
Jarome nods to the caravan master as he takes the reins, this sort of exchange being common along the routes. As the others gather around, he nods towards the Mithril Vein Inn. ”I’ll stable the horse there, and I’ll be playing there tonight. I’ve been there before, and it’s a decent place to drink and sleep.

Putting deeds to words, Jarome leads the way there, and after a short discussion with the owner, makes his way onto a small stage. He snaps his fingers and suddenly holds a beautifully crafted guitar. With an easy smile, he begins playing a ballad, accompanying the music with his voice.

(Performance - Guitar [roll0]
Performance - Singing [roll1])

2017-11-10, 05:51 PM
You all make your way down a column-lined street known to locals as The March - apparently this is considered one of the safest parts of town. Not that any part of the town is particularly unsafe, but this is the street where, every evening, the Dwarves that set fire to forest line up, say a prayer to Anbay that their attempts to protect the town will be successful that night, before they march out to set the fires. The inn is a two-story stone-walled building, with vaulted ceilings. Accommodations consist of several large rooms with beds and feather mattresses. An attached three-story tower suite is reserved for more wealthy patrons. As the group files in, you are greeted by a halfling woman - if your information is correct, this is Grim, who meets you with a warm smile as she beckons you in and gets you comfortable at a table. "Come in, come in!" she calls. "Just got the venison coming off the spit, you all are just in time to get it fresh and hot- Jarome, lovely to see you, will you be playing for us tonight? Yes, we've mead, it's specially spiced, nothing like it anywhere else-" she carries on, easily entertaining all the questions as she motions for one of her workers, a stocky male dwarf wearing a chef's hat, to serve everyone a sizable helping of deer. "Haven't seen any Ascendant Stars, I'm afraid. You may inquire at the local temple, though, group like that might have gone there..."

2017-11-10, 06:28 PM
Darach tears into the venison heartily. He has a great appreciation for a good, hot meal at the end of a long journey. "Quite delicious," he says around a mouthful of venison. "My compliments to the chef." He washes down the meat with a long pull from the tankard of mead. "I will stop by the temple and see if anyone has been there, thank you. If any of them come here looking for me, could you let them know I was here?"

2017-11-10, 11:02 PM
Darach... Daedalus had slipped into a seat near him, gingerly taking a knife and fork to the venison, but enjoying it greatly. I may have a way to help you search for your people. I can't make any promises, but my... abilities... lend a certain versatility to things such as "scouting". I would have to dismiss...
I hate that word. You mean REPLACE. Grumbles Hastur, taking a massive chunk of deer on his fork and barely managing to get it in his prodigious mouth.
Dismiss Hastur, but I could summon creatures to aid you in your quest. They wouldn't last long- just four minutes, but I could send them out on the wing to search the forest. As I said, I can make no promises- twilight is actually their WORST time for senses, but they could travel out for four minutes, search for anyone in the wood baring your livery and symbol, and return to me if they do. Their range would be... approximately... He takes a moment to calculate. between a fifth of a mile to a half, depending on the focus of their search. I know it isn't much, but I suppose that before we get settled down I could try... if you'd like. Would you like me to try, Mr. Starwalker?
I would be willing... grumbles Hastur, chewing his meat slowly.

2017-11-11, 12:34 PM
"I would appreciate that, if you do not mind, he replies with a nod to Hastur. "I doubt they will be that close, honestly, but it wouldn't hurt to look. We were ranging in the wilds to clear out some creatures that had been causing a nusciance and split up to cover more ground. Of course the forest is treacherous and we became separated. Still, I feel that they will have where they are needed. As I did, apparently.

2017-11-11, 12:38 PM
Daedalus waits for Hastur to finish his bite of meat, reaching out to open a window when he does so. With a few muttered words, Hastur, arms crossed and face unimpressed, vanishes in a gust of warm air, leaving a small dust devil of loose sand when he does. Daedalus continues murmuring Tavus avius somen, a sharp eagle's cry cutting into the sound of Jarome's song as a small flock of five eagles appears at the table. Daedalus gives them mental commands to fly out, search for anyone wearing clothing like Darach, and return immediately. He sends each out in a different direction, hoping to cover the most ground and make it obvious which direction they are returning from. He sends them out the window one at a time, watching the celestial animals take flight into the darkness.
Hilal, please help this work. May these men and women not pass into winter without us finding them.
So the eagles can move 80 ft a round while taking a move action to search, and last for 40 rounds. They can move much faster (400 ft) if they find something and return. Not a big chance of finding any sign, but Daedalus is going to do what he can to help.

2017-11-11, 06:54 PM
Grim seems rather unfazed by the appearance of five eagles in her inn. It seems she's used to adventuring sorts, and she just sort of glances over with an expression that reads 'huh, would you look at that?' before returning to greeting the next round of patrons who come into the pub. Jarome's singing and playing actually attracts more attention than the eagles do, and seems to be pulling in people off the street - probably why Grim greeted him so happily before. Good music meant good business. Jarome is tipped a healthy amount in copper and silver for his performance that evening, and is even given a sum of gold when he performs a request for a rather bashful young lady who seems quite taken with him.

Chatter rings throughout the tavern despite the music, though there is a smattering of applause when Jarome finishes a song. It seems many travelers are in the town that evening, and with travel being so rare between settlements anytime except winter, various rumors are flying around the room.

"Yeah, so I heard Faraiz boasting that he slayed a dryad yesterday - with nothing but a lantern! In completely unrelated news, also heard he bought Iron Mug out of Firewhiskey and his brother's face looks like a horse's arse this morning, all bruised up-"

"Mm. Well, you know, I heard they mined out a new vein of mithril down in the mines, but ain't nobody supposed to go down there, they're saying it's got a fungus infestation nastier than anyone's ever seen, apparently killed one of the workers-"

"Saw a falling star on the way into town. Bound to be good fortune over the next couple weeks."

"Heard a rumor that a group of sidhe are holding court just outside of town. Bit worrying, them being so close and all..."

The conversation is only mildly interrupted when Daedalus' eagles return. Four of the five don't seem to have found anything interesting - though one does bring back a mouse and shows it to Daedalus as if they're expecting him to be proud. The fifth, however, simply doesn't return, and after four minutes have passed, there wasn't really a point in waiting for it, regardless.

Jarome makes about 70 cp mixed between copper and silver pieces, as well as 4 gold on top of that.

2017-11-12, 04:14 AM
Daedalus sighs, nods appreciatively to the eagle who brought a mouse, and throws said mouse in the ear for the eagles to fight over before dismissing them. Sorry, Darach. Luck is not on our side this time. Oh well. I couldn't rest till it was tried, I must admit. He takes a large drink of ale, finishing off the last of Hastur's dinner while he is away and can't protest. I'll resummon Hastur in the morning. He doesn't like to be away, but the ceremony to do so is... strenuous, and he wouldn't be able to stay when I fell asleep anyway. I wish I could have done more, Mr. Starwalker. Maybe tomorrow you'll find them.

At this point Daedalus, not used to pacing himself without the assistance of his genie, grows a bit drunk. Nothing terribly unreasonable, but he becomes very talkative, flirtatious, and animated, ironically becoming like the eidolon he dismissed earlier. He makes sure to stop in with anyone from the caravan and give an enthusiastic hello, at points taking out a sheet of parchment and writing down some of the rumors he hears to make sure he'll remember them tomorrow when this alcohol catches up with him.

2017-11-12, 12:28 PM
Darach frowns a bit when he hears mention of the Sidhe court outside town. Could just be the idle chatter of villagers... but out here he is less inclined to think so. He goes over to where they are speaking. "Excuse me," he asks, waiting for a break in their conversation. "You mentioned something about a Sidhe court. Do you know where, by chance? I would be greatly interested in finding it."

When the eagles return, Darach returns Daedalus' apology with a shrug. "What will come, will come. I do hope that they are simply lost, or that they have found their way back safely, but if they fell in battle with the creatures of the forest... well, I can think of few better ways to die than with my axe in my hand, surrounded by the bodies of my foe." Darach seems largely unconcerned, but he does mutter a quiet prayer for their safe return. He does take note of the direction of the fifth eagle, the one that did not return, just in case.

At the end of the night Darach has a fairly respectable array of empty mugs before him, but doesn't seem particularly drunk aside from a very slight unsteadiness in his gait and his speech. He pays Grim for a room and turns in for the night, planning to rise early and visit the temple in the morning.

2017-11-13, 10:09 AM
Jarome makes sure to buy a round for his companions between songs and mingles with the others. He laughs at the rumor about someone managing to slay a dryad with a lantern alone, and takes note of the rumors of a richer vein of mithril, and the troubles along with it.

For all that his time singing or playing his guitar, the long night does little to slow Jarome down, and he is still up, playing softly for the few patrons remaining awake at that time when the last of them turns in for the night.

2017-11-13, 06:17 PM
Please roll a fortitude save to see how hungover you are. Result won't have any affect on combat or anything, just interested to see from a roleplay standpoint. :smallwink:

You are all able to bed down for the night safely and pass it in relative comfort in your rooms. Morning comes and breakfast is another cut of venison, leftovers from the night before, as well as some stewed oats which will stick well to your ribs and stomach through the day. You make your way towards the front gates to meet the caravan master - most of you, anyway, Darach heads off towards the temple instead. But after finding that no one there has reported seeing anyone from his group, he isn't too far behind you in meeting the caravan. The man gladly takes back his horse and hands over a pouch of coin to each of you - 100 gold each, quite a healthy sum. Whatever they had been transporting must have been lucrative. They mention that they're headed back and would love for you all to supply an escort once again, though the return trip wouldn't pay as well. But there are also the rumors you heard last night, some of which still pique your interest. The decision on how to move forward is up to you.

Literally, up to your guys! I've tried to hand you a few leads which you can chase down, but you all can come up with something, as well! Whatever sounds like it would be fun to the party. The most immediate options for me seem like following rumors, escorting another caravan, or perhaps trying to find what happened to Darach's companions. Just let me know your preference!

2017-11-13, 07:14 PM
Darach returns from the temple, having left word there as well in case any of his companions also come looking for him, in time to get his share of the pay for the trip. He thanks the caravan master for his generosity, then turns to the others. "I came here to hunt the creatures of the wilds; I see no reason I cannot continue to do so. Some of the townsfolk here spoke of alarming things. I, for one, would be in favor of investigating the truth of those rumors. Should they be true, this town might be in significant danger."

I'm game for most anything--escorting the caravan back or pushing on further. If the party decides to go back, that works for me as well.

2017-11-14, 12:41 AM
The next morning...
YE GODS MY HEAD! Daedalus rolled over in bed, going face down, holding his head to keep the thudding drum beat from leaking out his ears. It took him several painful minutes to realize he was hearing his heartbeat in his pain drenched head. Extended his tongue, he coughed and gagged, trying to get the flavor of long drunk ale and wine from his palate. The coughing and gagging didn't want to stop, however, and he promptly found himself hanging his head out the window into the morning air, loosing what remained of his venison dinner out to splash on the ground. I'm dying. I must be dying. Hilal, if I am, please, let it be brief and to the point... He could almost hear Hastur's booming laugh, and he cursed the eidolon by proxy. Still, he erected his ritual summoning circle, gingerly and gently moving so as to not set off a new cavalcade of thumping pain.
At the front gate
Daedalus, green in the face and walking slightly off kilter, stumbled to the front gate, leaning on a wide-smiling Hastur. Poor thing. Without my wisdom and guidance, you've drunk yourself sick. This should serve as a warning to you- summon me as soon as you were done with the birds, and your face would not be the color of your eyes! Hastur palmed the coin purse, bounced it a few times, then pocketed it. Shut. Up. Hastur.
Hearing Dachar speak of the next steps, he managed to stand a bit straighter. I'm sure... that the miners... would be quite appreciative if we were to delve into their tunnels and clear up their latest mithral vein. He consults his notes from the night before, struggling slightly to interpret them. Some sort of fungal infestation. If we had everyone who protected the caravan yesterday, we should be able to handle anything fungi can throw at us.

2017-11-14, 02:26 AM
Unlike Daedalus, Mercuira emerges from the inn well-rested and prepared for the next day. She has nothing to do here, but now that she's away from home, she doesn't particularly want to go back...not that going with the caravan would necessarily force her to go all the way back, but it's nice to have a change of scenery every once in a while. "A fungal infestation in the mines? That sounds different from all the monster-killing we've been doing recently...unless the fungi grow in the form of monsters..." She shakes her head, smiling. "Well, I don't particularly care what we do, though I'd prefer not to head back immediately."

2017-11-14, 03:06 AM
Jarome gives the others an easy grin as they gather around, discreetly using prestidigitation to freshen up Daedalus's clothing, which looked as if he had slept in it. "That was actually something I wanted to discuss with you all. You were all very impressive yesterday with those Howlers, and there's a number of opportunities - whether for profit or to aid fellow survivors, whatever your motivation - that are far safer to tackle as a group than attempting to go it alone. As our master summoner there said, the dwarves here are worried about a fungal infestation in the mines. If not handled, there's the potential it spreads upwards and cuts off all mithril mining. Losing those veins would kill this town. While I couldn't show off my skills yesterday, I'm a fair shot with a bow, I know how to swing a sword and I dabble in magic. How do you all feel about working together to handle this job?"

2017-11-14, 12:13 PM
"An excellent idea," Darach agrees. "I am more than willing to help this village out. This is a bastion of civilization in the midst of the wilds; I would rather not see it fall." He turns to Mercuria. "You'd be surprised at the horrors this place can conjure up. Creatures which appear to be harmless plants... until it's too late. Stay alert when we go, and don't trust the plants."

2017-11-14, 07:47 PM
Mercuira nods in acknowledgement, and says, "sounds good".

2017-11-15, 01:09 PM
Since this is a good breaking off point for our leaving and MIA party members, I'm going to go ahead and have Sisqui and Kayugi split from the party here.
If it turns out that either of them wants to join back in, we'll retcon this!

"More's the pity," the caravan master says with a shake of his head. "We would have loved to have you all accompany us back out into the wilds, but I suppose we will make do..." he's cut off, suddenly, as two members of the group speak up, volunteering to accompany the caravan.

"It is less for the pay, and more to aid my own journey, you see," Sisqui pipes up, looking to the others. "But I am on a search for my tribe. I don't think what I need will be found in the mines, though I wish you the best of luck," she says in her accented Common, giving the group a small nod.

"I'll be going with the caravan, as well, I think," Kayugi puts in, looking to the group. "I don't think it would be right to leave them undefended, and Sisqui could use the help, I bet. I think you lot will be capable without me... as interesting as the mines do sound," she says, and seems a bit regretful, but she's made up her mind. The caravan master seems all too glad to have the two guards joining him, and he bids you all a farewell, but not without one last piece of advice:

"If you're looking to get access to the mines, you'll want to talk to a miner. Iron Mug is your best bet, especially if they've closed down a couple of the veins. It's where they all go to drink when they're not on the job," he advises, before moving off, reassembling the caravan to get them moving en route to home.

You all are able to find the Iron Mug quite easily, in the residential district, southwest of a major crossroads. The street outside is lined with a low stone wall. You hear the place before you see it - the inn is unusually noisy, with a group of carousers singing drinking songs despite the early hour. Maybe the drinkers from last night haven't yet realized it's morning. The patrons are largely townfolk, but a couple of outsiders do catch your eye - literal outsiders, there's a tiefling plunking at a harpsichord in the corner and singing along with the dwarves, as well as a ginger-haired young man wiping down tables who doesn't seem quite human, but you can't place your finger on what it is about him giving you that feeling. The rune of a summoner stands out on the boy's forehead, which at least Daedalus will immediately notice. It's mostly dwarves in here, but there is a bird-folk as well, sitting at the bar, quiet in comparison to the other patrons. There's no one manning the bar officially, but that doesn't seem to matter - it looks like the patrons are free to pour their own drinks and just leave gold on the counter - it's probably totaled up when the inn goes quiet, but considering how busy it is even this early, who knows when that will be?

2017-11-15, 01:24 PM
Taicho had not been here long. A day or two. There were many rumors of danger in the area. Most recently there had been talk of some fungus in the nearby mines. It had made it difficult to access the latest find.

Dropping a few coins on the bar he found himself a clear spirit, the darker and drier kind always went to his head.

He had been wondering if anyone else here would be willing to go into the mines and investigate. Flexing his scarred left hand he sipped some of the fine liquor he had managed to discover. It was smooth and sweet.

A group of capable looking outsiders came through the door and Taicho gave them an appraising look from the bar. Thinking perhaps they would be fine help. He would stay at the bar and listen. If they were aware of the infestation he would approach them. Any help beating back the encroachment into civilized lands would be welcome.

He took another slow sip, pondering his next move.

2017-11-15, 01:43 PM
Darach listened to the tiefling play for a few minutes. He even sings along a bit, if he knows the song. Well, he would call it singing. Fortunately for everyone else the raucous bar drowns most of it out. Between songs, he goes up to the tiefling and drops a few silver coins among the small pile that invariably builds up around musicians at these establishments. "That was very good," he tells the musician. "Are you from here? We have just arrived, and we heard the locals are having some fungus problems in the mine."

2017-11-15, 02:00 PM
For a little bit of fun:

We'll just imagine a harpsichord on the piano bit. Catchy! :smallbiggrin:

The tiefling nods politely to Darach as he offers the tip, already starting to play another song that's something between a rag and a swing. It doesn't seem as familiar to the dwarves, who look at the tiefling in perplexity for a moment, but they start making up words to the song and a couple start to drunkenly dance to it, enjoying it all the same. He grins at Darach's question and continues to play, since the music seems to be the life of the party right now, but he has skill enough to play and talk (read: yell over the noise) to Darach to answer his question.

"From here? No, me and Vec over there," he tilts his head towards the red-head clearing tables, "Just on our way through. Well, I say that, but we've been here about a month. Inns are always looking for extra help this time of year, you know," he says, running his fingers over the keys in a long trill, to the enjoyment of the patrons. The tiefling grins over his shoulder at the dwarves for a moment before looking back to Darach. "Travelers, you know. But, yeah, I've heard about the mine. Mushrooms everywhere and all that. Lost a couple miners down there, apparently. Doesn't sound like much fun, but a living's a living."

2017-11-15, 02:22 PM
The Half-Orc wearing the symbol of Theandrios piqued Taicho's interest. He even asked about the mines. It was as though the Star Gods had moved at his thought and presented an opportunity.

Hail, friend. He called out over the cheery tune and raised the hand holding the bottle. Sit with me. Enjoy a drink. Fellow traveler's should stick together and I too am interested in the mines. It perhaps came off as a bit awkward. Taicho was unsure how to introduce himself and was very forward. Anyone can tell his people skills are not stellar. But he is well meaning. I have drink to share. The early hour does not occur to him. I am Taicho, Who might you be? Some priest?

2017-11-15, 02:38 PM
Darach nods to the Tengu stranger. "I am Darach Starwalker. A priest, and a warrior." He sits with the stranger and accepts the offered drink with a nod of thanks. "I am not particularly interested in the mines, exactly, but I was sent here by my church on a mission to drive back the monsters of the wilds. Anything I can do to help these people seems like it would do well in furthering that goal. I have become separated from the original members of my expedition, but these companions I have found on the road"--he indicates the rest of the party milling about--"are also interested in helping these people out. I, for one, would not mind having another at our side when we go to cleanse the mine.

2017-11-15, 02:50 PM
Daedalus and Hastur enter the bar to the intoxicating tune of the tiefling, immediately with two different things on their mind.
This fiend blood knows music! Daedalus, come and dance! Perhaps we will find you a pretty Dwarven woman! Hastur opens his vest a little more and makes his way to the dance floor, completely ignorant of Daedalus staring across the room, near dumbfounded by the redhead with the rune on his forehead. Another summoner? I hadn't thought anyone else in the world had access to the knowledge required to become one! Did he find a puzzle cube too? There is no hint of jealousy in Daedalus' thoughts, only a keen interest in this not-quite-human, who either shared his craft or had a very odd sense of adornment. Daedalus crossed the room, avoiding jumping Dwarves and the swinging elbows of Hastur well above the heads of his dancing partners to stand before the potential outsider who bussed the tables. He bowed deep, his rune glowing a steady, welcoming green. He yells to be heard- Hail,
fellow summoner! I'd thought I may never see another of my profession, and certainly didn't expect them to be waiting tables in a place like this! He realizes that might sound rude, but cannot stop himself.
I'll roll whatever may be needed to try to identify the race of this interesting person.

2017-11-15, 03:16 PM
It'll be planes or religion, I think. DC 10 for either. He's a Dark Folk - in this setting Dark Folk are rumored to be direct children of the star gods or simply fallen stars themselves, having dropped right from the sky. Sometimes they're seen as guardian angels, or at least good sources of Ether knowledge. DC is low because bright hair and dark eyes make them fairly recognizable.

The redhead looks up as he's addressed, flashing a bright smile when he sets eyes on Daedalus, or, more precisely, on the rune on his head. His eyes are dark, like the space between stars, but his skin is alabaster pale, and he's quite fair to look at, even if he seems a bit out of place in such a busy, loud, bright place. He seems happy enough, and if the tiefling is his company, it's very likely he's used to settings like this. "Hello!" he chirps, tone chipper as he straightens up from the table and approaches Daedalus. "May darkness ever elude you, friend," he says, a typical greeting for worshipers of Ruda. At the comment that it's surprising to see a summoner here, the youth merely smiles, a secretive sort of expression. "Why should it be so strange? You're here, too, after all," he points out. "My name's Corrin. Might I have the honor of knowing yours?"

2017-11-15, 03:46 PM
Mercuira walks into the bar behind the others. Situating herself in a less-energetic corner of the room as they fan out to speak to the more...unusual...patrons, she scans around looking for anyone that seems like a leader among the dwarven miners.

perception [roll0]

2017-11-15, 04:01 PM
The first thing Mercuira notices upon glancing around is the sheer number of empty tankards laying around on tables in the room. Second to note, laying around the room, was the number of shovels and pickaxes - clearly they were in the right place for looking for miners. All of the ones in here wore worker's clothes, none seeming particularly more important than another, but it would be a fair assumption to make that any one of these dwarves could point you in the general direction of a supervisor. They may not have been in the bar because of the new trouble in the mine, which they had to find a way to deal with, but any of these dwarves could tell you where to find their homes or get you entrance to the worksite - considering how wealthy the mines made Vark, the entrance was kept under guard.

2017-11-15, 04:04 PM
It'll be planes or religion, I think. DC 10 for either. He's a Dark Folk - in this setting Dark Folk are rumored to be direct children of the star gods or simply fallen stars themselves, having dropped right from the sky. Sometimes they're seen as guardian angels, or at least good sources of Ether knowledge. DC is low because bright hair and dark eyes make them fairly recognizable.

The redhead looks up as he's addressed, flashing a bright smile when he sets eyes on Daedalus, or, more precisely, on the rune on his head. His eyes are dark, like the space between stars, but his skin is alabaster pale, and he's quite fair to look at, even if he seems a bit out of place in such a busy, loud, bright place. He seems happy enough, and if the tiefling is his company, it's very likely he's used to settings like this. "Hello!" he chirps, tone chipper as he straightens up from the table and approaches Daedalus. "May darkness ever elude you, friend," he says, a typical greeting for worshipers of Ruda. At the comment that it's surprising to see a summoner here, the youth merely smiles, a secretive sort of expression. "Why should it be so strange? You're here, too, after all," he points out. "My name's Corrin. Might I have the honor of knowing yours?"
Daedalus Frow, humble tailor and summoner. My companion... he gestures towards Hastur, who is currently double fisting mugs of ale while he dancesIs Hastur on Red Sands. He is my eidolon and best friend. Daedalus looks around, trying to spot Corrin's partner if he can. I discovered the means to summon him in an ancient technological puzzle cube that imparted the knowledge into my mind. I wonder how you came across your set of powers, sir? I apologize for being forward,
but I was never sure if I would meet another summoner in my lifetime. As he is speaking, Hastur takes a particularly large drink, flexing his oiled muscled for a dwarven female miner with an audible ripping pop. Damn, there goes another stitch.
If I'm lucky he'll let me mend it and not request ANOTHER new vest...

2017-11-15, 04:27 PM
Corrin seems highly amused by the antics of Daedalus' companion. His own eidolon wasn't near anything like that. "Hastur," he repeats, to remember the name. "And Daedalus. Pleasure," he says with a nod. He lets out a light, amused laugh as Hastur flexes, trying to impress the patrons. "Not sure if his efforts are going to be rewarded, here. Even for dwarves, they're particularly drunk and I'm not sure if they'll remember this in the... well, but it is morning, isn't it?" he questions. "I should probably see if Finch is awake," he muses, and smiles at Daedalus. "My own companion. She's a bit wary of all the noise, but I'm sure she won't mind me bringing her out to meet you," he decides. "It is rare, to meet another summoner, after all, and she would probably like it. I know I'm one of very few - but I studied, there's a school for conjurers in one of the ruins far north of here... an old master who divined the secrets by Ruda's blessing. I was mentored by him," he explains. "Just a sec, I'll get Finch." Instead of wandering off, however, he motions to the bag at his side - a satchel with several animals embroidered into the leather in neat stitching. Corrin flips back the front and coaxes his eidolon out onto his arm - a small creature, barely the size of a familiar, but intelligence shows in her eyes as her ears prick forward and her tiny wings flare.
"Cor," she hums, flitting to his shoulder, but her eyes are on Daedalus. "Who is this?" she asks. Corrin grins.
"A friend. Daedalus Frow."


2017-11-15, 05:11 PM
Knowing the intelligence of eidolons, Daedalus in no way treats this creature like a pet. He bows to Finch. Daedalus Frow,
a fellow summoner and new acquaintance of your companion. Good to meet you. My friend Hastur is busying himself with jocularity. He orders a drink of wine, something sweet and BARELY alcoholic, and takes a ginger sip. Feeling much better than earlier, his stomach gives only a frustrated grumble. An entire school of summoners... I may have to make a trip there. I've only been self... well... artifact taught... and I would relish the opportunity to learn from others. An entire school... I'll be damned... The very prospect of it set his mind spinning in all directions. He looked over at his companions, nodding and trusting them to scare up information on their new goal themselves. He can't stop himself from gushing for a moment- admiring Corrin's companion, complimenting the creature himself, bemoaning the sometimes aggravating nature of his own eidolon, asking questions at rapid speed about his school and their teachings. It is obvious this is a moment he has dreamed of.

2017-11-15, 05:39 PM
Darach nods to the Tengu stranger. "I am Darach Starwalker. A priest, and a warrior." He sits with the stranger and accepts the offered drink with a nod of thanks. "I am not particularly interested in the mines, exactly, but I was sent here by my church on a mission to drive back the monsters of the wilds. Anything I can do to help these people seems like it would do well in furthering that goal. I have become separated from the original members of my expedition, but these companions I have found on the road"--he indicates the rest of the party milling about--"are also interested in helping these people out. I, for one, would not mind having another at our side when we go to cleanse the mine.

Extending his right hand to shake Darach's. It is a pleasure to meet you. A bit rehearsed in tone but he means it, like he knows that the phrasing is supposed to be just that way. I was just wondering whether I should ask some of the others here if they might be willing to assist me with the fungus problem. Less then confident he sighs. I do not know that much about such spaces or the monsters that trouble them and do not think myself capable to solve this on my own. You are a blessing, I have made it a bit of a personal mission to beat back 'nature' wherever I can.

He takes note of the others that arrived with Darach. The two half-elves, the demon (perhaps some sort of large tiefling), and a musician. You certainly have some interesting companions. I suppose I wouldn't stand out all that much compared to... He points at Hastur. Strength in numbers is also the first lesson any warrior should take to heart, if you'll help me I am more than willing to repay the kindness with future assistance.

2017-11-15, 10:11 PM
Darach smiles widely, returning the handshake. "Our goals are aligned, it would seem. Come, let's go speak with the others. Best you introduce yourself to them as well." Darach goes to see what the others are up to. "Daedalus!" he calls, seeing the summoner conversing with the red-headed... human? "Made a friend, have you? I've found someone who is willing to help us clear the mines." He offers a hand to the stranger. "Darach Starwalker, of the Church of the Ascendant Stars. Pleased to meet you."

2017-11-16, 01:05 AM
Darach smiles widely, returning the handshake. "Our goals are aligned, it would seem. Come, let's go speak with the others. Best you introduce yourself to them as well." Darach goes to see what the others are up to. "Daedalus!" he calls, seeing the summoner conversing with the red-headed... human? "Made a friend, have you? I've found someone who is willing to help us clear the mines." He offers a hand to the stranger. "Darach Starwalker, of the Church of the Ascendant Stars. Pleased to meet you."

Oh! Excellent! My name is Daedalus Frow, and my friends here are Finch and Corrin. My friend Hastur is dancing over there.
And you are? Daedalus has to suppress an instinct of annoyance at his conversation being interrupted, knowing it to be unreasonable and impolite.

2017-11-16, 01:36 AM
Still a bit taken aback by Hastur and extending a hand to Daedalus. Taicho. It is good to see that Darach here has strong friends. The mines have become quite dangerous as I understand.

Looking over at Finch and Corrin. A pleasure to meet you both as well. Again in that somewhat rehearsed but genuine tone. This is the most he has spoken to strangers in some time.

When do all of you intend to strike out? Eager and a bit unsure if that was the right question so early in their meeting. Being too forward was something Taicho needed to work on. Being around people might be a good change for him. I am eager to test my skills alongside other warriors. His eyes smiled, though it was less obvious than on Darach's toothy jaw.

2017-11-16, 11:25 AM
Corrin eagerly answers Daedalus' questions, and when he seems so interested in the school, offers to give him directions - but before he can, their conversation is interrupted as Darach and Taicho come over. The redhead gives them both a smile and a nod. "A pleasure," he says, and Finch flares her wings in a short greeting, as well. When the mines are mentioned, Corrin quirks his brow. "You'll need to find Boris if you want to go in there, I think. He's one of the supervisors, usually comes in here once a day... but since the news about the fungus, I haven't seen him. He's probably trying to figure out how to get rid of it," he says.

2017-11-16, 02:44 PM
Mercuira can't seem to find a dwarf who isn't singing and dancing, but she does notice that the others from the caravan have made some friends. She walks over to the group just in time to hear the human...thing mention a mining supervisor by name. Jutting in without introducing herself, she suggests "We could probably ask one of the miners to show us the way, unless they're too busy here..." Then turning to the newcomers, "unless you know how to take us there? I'm Mercuira, by the way. I'm with Daedelus and Darach here."

2017-11-16, 04:27 PM
"Yes, I can tell you where to find- Mal, that's very good playing, but you're a bit loud!" Corrin calls, to the tiefling's barking laughter. Corrin rolls his eyes and looks to the group. "If you want to step outside with me, then, I can show you where to go... I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding him. But, ah, don't tell him who sent you. Mallow decided it would be a good idea to cast a couple spells down there to 'help' with the miners' progress and, er, we started a mudslide... so, yeah, he won't let us anywhere near the place and you probably won't want to say we sent you," Corrin explains, leading the group outside. Finch stays perched on his shoulder, ears laid back a bit to block out some of the drunken laughter.

2017-11-16, 04:44 PM
I'd be happy to join you outside.
There we can also discuss the location of your school. And as soon as I have the time I'll set to making Finch a set of earmuffs to help drow out some of this noise, as a way of thanking you both. Daedalus tries to get Hastur's attention, pointing to him and then the door.

2017-11-17, 09:15 AM
Jarome followed after the summoners, content to listen to the conversation and with little to interject. He was happy to leave the bar however - while the miners make an enthusiastic audience, their tendency to get rowdy and start brawling at the best of times had driven him to perform at the Mithril Vein after he nearly lost his prized guitar when a group of brawling dwarves had spilled onto the stage and crashed into him. He guessed that the brawling was only going to get worse the longer the mines were closed as the bored dwarves had little to do other then drink.

Outside, Jarome offered Taicho his hand in greeting. "Jarome Windhurst, traveler, guide and bard by trade. As for when we intended to strike out, unless the others need to make preparations, I'm ready to get started once we have some official clearance to head into the mines."

2017-11-17, 12:00 PM
Finch's ears prick forward at the idea of earmuffs, and to show her thanks she preens herself a little bit until a loose feather from her wings comes out, and she insists that Corrin give it to Daedalus. Corrin does so with a faint smile - "It's lucky," - she insists, before Corrin looks over at the rest of the group. "Okay, so you're going to want to go back over to the March," he instructs pointing towards the area where the Mithril Vein is, "And keep going all the way to the end of the street, there's this stone building and the door has mithril inlay on it, you can't miss it. That's where all the supervisors are. As I say, ask for Boris, but don't tell who sent you," he says.

2017-11-17, 11:40 PM
My thanks. I'll wear it proudly, then. Daedalus takes the feather, and with remarkable dexterity begins forming a braid at this temple that quickly wraps down, incorporating the feather into his hair style. If he'd had a hat things would be simpler, but he didn't have time to make one of those. And thank you for the direction. We'll make sure to keep your names out of the matter.
Thank you again for everything, Corrin. I'll be back for those directions to your school, but I will come baring gifts for the two of you and victory over the fungi! He laughs, extending a hand to both of them in parting. Hastur also does the same, but he tilts an eyebrow when looking at Finch. Far too small for service... He grumbles as the two of them are turning away to find the building housing the mining supervisors.

2017-11-18, 04:37 PM
"Thank you, and your small friend," Darach says solemnly as Corrin offers Daedalus the feather. He's either humoring the eidolon very well, or he seriously believes that the feather will bring them luck. He follows Daedalus and the rest of the group in the direction Corrin indicated, looking for the building he described. Shouldn't be too hard to spot, he thinks to himself.

2017-11-18, 11:37 PM
Assuming everyone is okay with moving on, then :smallbiggrin:

"But ears quite large enough to hear for miles," Finch pipes up, looking directly at Hastur. It's clear enough that she heard the comment, but she doesn't seem to have taken offense - she looks more amused than anything else. Flicking her tail a couple times, she gently reaches up with her delicate paws and grooms the hair by her Summoner's ear. Corrin beams at Daedalus, and nods to the rest of the group.
"We'll probably be here for a while yet," he says. "If you need anything, swing by. Not sure how much use we'll be, but," he trails off with a shrug, leaving the implied ending of the sentence hanging in the air.

You all move on, following the directions Corrin has given you, and are easily able to find the gilded building at the end of the March. It's quiet from the outside, but once inside, you see several dwarves clustered around a table, pooling over maps of the mines' tunnels and discussing strategies for getting rid of the fungus. They look up in quiet surprise as you enter, and one clears his throat. "Well, I'll be derned. Look like adventurin' sorts. Boris, y'know they may be able to-"
"Absolutely not. Not after the last group caused that huge cave in..." the eldest-looking dwarf in the room curls his lip as he looks all of you over. "What're you here for?"

Might help if you all wanted to go ahead and roll diplomacy for this one :smallwink:

2017-11-19, 12:41 PM
Taicho faded to the back of the group. It would be for the best if he stayed quiet. Talking people into things has never been his strong suit. Instead he took a quick look around. Hoping to get a feel for the mood. He understood feelings. Persuasiveness was another issue entirely.

Sense motive [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2017-11-19, 07:15 PM
Gods grant ye good day, sirs. My name is Daedalus Frow, and my companions and I had indeed hoped to speak to you about clearing the infestations from your mines for the good of the town and for a bit of coin to keep us in business adventuring. I do hope we'll be able to work something out to aid you- we have no desire to see anything befall this bastion of civilization in the darkness of the wilds.
Daedalus smiles warmly and gives a bow to the assembled miners, putting his best foot forward.
Yes, my friends! We hope to slay your foes and free your trade from your fungal fiends! Don't deny us the right to lend aid,
with magic and blades, to free your town from poverty and infestation!
Diplomacy for both Hastur and Daedalus- [roll0] for summoner and [roll1] for summonee.

2017-11-20, 08:23 AM
Jarome coughs as the summoner and his companion both begin talking at nearly the same time. Once they finish their speeches, he interjects as well, hoping to reinforce their position.

"As Daedalus and the redoubtable Hastur have stated, we have heard in the Mithril Vein and again from your miners at the Iron Mug about the troubles to be found in the mines. While we do not live here, Vark is known as a bastion of safety and trade in these hostile Wilds. Anything that threatens Vark needs to be dealt with swiftly and severely. To my knowledge, none of us have the ability to damage the mines themselves, so anything we can do to force back or eradicate the fungal infestation is only for the good."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2017-11-20, 12:52 PM
As a few members of the group step forward to speak, Taicho takes a long look around the room, to gather any information he can about this place and the situation. The hall here itself displays all the wealth Vark is known to have - mostly in the rather prominent display of finely crafted mithril arms and armor which have been used to decorate the room. The walls themselves even have a bit of the expensive and rare metal inlaid, making them seem to shine in the torchlight which illuminates the place from the inside. There are also works of art around the room which have been presumably gotten in trade, several fine wooden sculptures made of darkwood hewn from the forests farther north. There are also two shrines in the room, interestingly enough, to opposing deities: Nuha and Sa'd.

The dwarves gathered around the table are all eyeing you with varying degrees of relief and suspicion. It seems that whatever's going on down in the mines is quite serious, and they're not sure how to deal with it on their own, but at the same time, they are protective of the mines and the riches within, seeing it as their duty to keep the wealth flowing into the town and not wanting to jeopardize its safety with outsiders. After the group finishes speaking, the dwarves look back to Boris, who is clearly in charge.

The old dwarf harrumphs and gives you all a second look over, the suspicious glint still in his eyes until it lands on Hastur, after he finishes speaking. The djinn certainly cuts an impressive figure and that seems to make Boris think that maybe, just maybe, you can handle something like this without destroying everything down there. He considers it for a long moment, before finally giving a small nod. "All right, well. maybe. You clear that place out and we'll be in your debt... but it would be remiss of me not to ask you going in what you're expecting to get out of this. What do you want?" he questions once again.

2017-11-20, 03:25 PM
Taicho blinked at the grand treasures and care of craft he saw in the mining office, hearing Boris' question he could not help but blurt out an answer. What you have built here in Vark is lovely, incredible. Civilization like this deserves every chance to thrive. Looking at the shrines at the end of the room. Staring at them a bit. With a bit of luck we should be able to put this industry to rights. That remark was nearly a prayer. All I desire is ensuring your mines return to operation and this village continues to prosper. No payment beyond what you are willing is needed for myself. He realizes he has just spoken quite plainly to everyone in the room and again returns to silence. If he could blush in embarrassment, he would.

2017-11-21, 12:22 AM
Darach is content to let the others take the lead in parleying with the supervisor. He was never unduly skilled with his words, and Dwarves are usually quite stubborn. He is relieved that they are able to convince him, however, and when Taicho speaks he gives a solemn nod. "And for me as well, though I cannot speak for my companions one way or the other. Doing the work of the gods by cleansing this place in their name is reward enough for me, although some sort of financial compensation would not be unwelcome. We are mere mortals, of course, and must eat. Whatever your conscience directs will be sufficient."

2017-11-21, 01:40 AM
I tend to agree that we can leave the matter of reward up to you, Master Miner. Judge us by our deeds and what we accomplish, and I'm sure that your honor will dictate what our reward should be. If we did our work simply for the coin, we would seek profitable jobs, not righteous ones. If you see fit to make this one both flavors, I'm sure it would be appreciated.
Hastur raises an eyebrow, about to say something more about reward, but in an odd moment of tact he shuts up. It seems altruism would outvote him this day no matter what he says.

2017-11-21, 03:00 AM
Mercuira can't find anything to add, so she nods along. It would be best, after all, for the mithril to flow freely from the mines, as the usefulness of her own armor attests to, and unnecessarily saddling the miners with an unreasonable payment wouldn't exactly be the best way to do that.

2017-11-21, 07:41 AM
Jarome nods his agreement with the others. While he would have preferred to make the matter of reward a bit more concrete, he trusts that the miners will be reasonably grateful if they succeed. After all, gaining a reputation for greed and shortchanging adventurers would only harm the town in the long run. With everyone in agreement to let the miners choose the reward, Jarome directs the conversation towards the mission at hand.

"We all seem to be agreed, so what can you tell us about the infestation? The Wilds is varied in its horrors, and the more we know the better prepared we can be to handle this particular type.

2017-11-21, 12:16 PM
Boris seems, at the very least, surprised by your offer. No up front demand for payment for such a dangerous job? He's shocked. But your insistence to only be paid if you succeed seems to put him a little more at ease. If you fail, after all, at least the company won't be out anything. He clears his throat and finally nods, motioning you all forward to see a map of the mines, which he and the other dwarves have been pouring over. The laying of the mines is fairly strategic, seems like it would be hard to get lost down there if you knew what turns to take, and it's clear enough where the problem is, as well. The most recently drown-on part of the map is covered with red x's. "Here is where we first ran in to the problem. Didn't think much of it at first, when we opened up the vein and there was already a natural cave down there. Thought it was good fortune, we didn't have to tunnel it out ourselves. There was a bit of mold on the floors and walls, but it certainly didn't seem active, we burned it back and set to work... however, first batch of miners we sent down there ran into something awful. 'Parently there's a room down here, somewhere," he says, indicating a less detailed part of the map in the new vein, "Filled with spores and such. Apparently a few of 'em went in to try and clear it out and found the place full of fungi. What sort, we're not entirely sure - the ones that escaped did so because they barely poked their head in and fled as they heard the screaming of the others," he said. "Wish there was more to give you, but you know how seeing in the dark works. No color," he adds, tapping at his own temple for a moment. "Couldn't tell you even what color those mushrooms were, just that they were large and hungry."

If anyone would like to roll a knowledge nature check, you might be able to deduce a little more of something from this description, but don't get your hopes too high -
after all, it's not a very great description. :smallredface:

2017-11-22, 11:15 PM
I know of a number of molds and fungi that fit that description, but unfortunately without knowing the color I'd have little idea what kind of flora we face. Daedalus goes over what he knows of these foes with Jerome, giving him a short rundown of what he understands in this area of knowledge.

2017-11-23, 10:27 AM
Jarome nods in agreement as he discusses the possibilities with Daedalus, but ultimately also recognizes the futility of trying to prepare with so little information. "I think we'll need to be prepared to scout the mines first before we do anything definitive. Without knowing what exactly we're dealing with, it can be difficult to eradicate the infestation. Does anyone else have any questions beyond which mine entrance we should take?"

2017-11-23, 09:25 PM
Darach also discusses the possibilities with Jarome and Daedalus, coming to largely the same conclusion as the other two. The lack of color while using darkvision does have some drawbacks at times. "I believe we have about as much information as we are going to get. We can scout for ourselves, if you will be so kind as to point us in the correct direction," he says, with a nod toward Boris.

2017-11-24, 10:43 AM
Boris grunts and nods, straightening up from the table. He scoops up the map they'd been looking over and offers it to Hastur for safekeeping - "you make sure nothing happens to that, bring that back," he says, before he's motioning for the group to follow him towards the rear of the room. There is a door back there which enters the mine. There are several through the town, but the one closest to the vein of mithril is kept under more secure guard. And, Boris gives you another reason to let you use this one. "Had some of your lot try and 'help' us down here about a week ago. Still haven't cleared up all of the damage, some parts of the tunnels have caved. But this vein should take you all the way down," he says, indicating on the map where you all are going in. It does appear to be a straight shot, the main vein is about a mile inside the earth, and so long as you don't miss taking the left branch - which appears to be the only left branch on this tunnel - you shouldn't get lost.

Since we are now entering a dungeon, I need to know a couple things - marching order, perception, stealth (if you want). The corridors are about ten feet across, room enough for two of you to walk side by side at a time.

2017-11-24, 06:41 PM
Taicho pulls an ioun torch reflexively from his pack and makes a motion to move in front of the group. Eyes attentive. He also draws the shortspear from his back. Seeing Mercuira move towards the front as well he nods, appreciative of the company. We should be wary of any natural dangers.
Pitfalls. Loose earth. A recent cave in may have shifted many things. I wish I knew better what to expect. Would fire be a good idea?

2017-11-24, 08:05 PM
I think I'd be best within reach of as many people as possible so I can cast a spell to enhance your abilities. I have low endurance when it comes to spellwork, but they can come in handy. Does anyone wear little to no armor? I have a little spell I can whip up for protection of those who don't. I know Hastur favors it.

I would be best in the lead, charging in to carry our standard into battle! Or... if we have enough warriors for the front line... He's grumbling now to show his distaste with the recommendation floating around his mind. I can cover the rear,
just out of the light of your torches. I will defend your juicy, appealing backsides from surprise attacks from these fungoid monsters who would seek to nibble them. And if one of you in the lead needs a break, I will be there in scant seconds to fill the gap!

2017-11-24, 11:06 PM
"I have little familiarity with caves or mines, but much with these creatures. I will stay near the front in case we run into them unexpectedly." Darach takes up position behind Mercuria, eyes alert for any sign of hostile plantlife, greataxe clasped ready in both hands.

2017-11-27, 10:00 AM
With the dwarves watching you all, the group takes a moment to gather itself and arrange how to best approach this mission. With Darach and Taicho in the front, the rest of you fill in the middle, and Hastur takes up the rear, his darkvision helping him out immensely whenever he checks over his shoulder.
The first few hundred feet is pretty easy going, especially once the torches are lit and everyone can certainly see. The light means that you will have a harder time getting the jump on anything down here, but it will work the other way around, as well. It's a steady downwards incline for about half a mile, then the tunnel suddenly takes a sharp turn, leading down in a spiraling fashion far deeper into the earth. The soil underfoot is marshy and slippery, and you struggle to keep balance without holding on to the walls.

Everyone, please make an acrobatics check to avoid slipping. If you're holding on to the wall, you get a +5 bonus to avoid falling. With a 15, you move at half speed. With a 20+ this is easy for you. Anything less than 15 and you're going to end up with a mud covered backside.

Note if you have Stability or something similar, you can add your bonus from that to the roll, as well.

2017-11-27, 11:55 AM
Jarome feels his boots skid in the muck and hops a few times as he hops almost instinctively from one stable spot to another. Looking around, he speaks quietly to the others. ”I wonder if this is a constant problem or a result of the other group’s actions? If it’s normal, they must have to pump the lower tunnels constantly.”

2017-11-27, 01:58 PM
You all slowly start to make your way down the slope, when suddenly Darach just sort of slips out and away from the group. Not because he's seen anything and is rushing ahead, but rather that his feet have just sort of run away with him and he's skidding down the tunnel like it's a slide. There's no time for any concern or laughter because right then Hastur also goes, his sword is flung about ten feet backwards into the tunnel behind you and the large djinn manages to take several of you out when he falls - Mercuira and Taicho dance pretty easily out of the way but Hastur lands practically on top of Daedalus and Jarome. Thankfully with the three of you combined you don't get treated to a free slip-and-slide experience down the tunnel, but Hastur's weight is far from comfortable as he breaks his fall against you.

Each of you take [roll0] nonlethal damage from being slightly squished.

Darach, meanwhile, speeds down around at least three turns of the spiraling, steel tunnel before he's finally able to grab onto a crag in the wall and jerk himself to a halt. You can still hear the others as they recover from their own slip, and thankfully you're still armed and can see into the darkness, but you're a bit sore from your 'trip' down here.

You take [roll1] nonlethal damage from your roller coaster ride. And you probably want to make a perception check.

2017-11-27, 02:04 PM
Cursing slightly under his breath, Darach gingerly pulls himself to his feet and glances around. He loosens the death grip he had on his axe, grateful that it made the trip down with him, and readies it in case he is attacked. "I'm all right," he calls back up the tunnel to the others. "Can you hear me?"


2017-11-27, 02:20 PM
Let none of your bard's tales include this, Jarome! DAEDALUS! I AM IN NEED OF NEW PANTS! And my glorious sword escaped my grip. Could someone please return it to my sullied magnificence? Perhaps you, maiden half-elf? You look... dexterous enough to make your way back up this muck ridden hill...

Big baby, asking for a new pair of pants every time you get a little muddy. Get OFF US! Hastur's bulk was certainly useful in defense and offense, but on top of him it was just a ton of weight. When the eidolon hauled his bulk up, it was shown that Daedalus, who was underneath the others on their slide down, was much more "sullied" then his companion. Drenched in muck, he utters a few choice curses.

If no one wants to risk the hill to get Hastur's sword I'm sure I can summon something to get it back for him, but it will take a couple of minutes of concentration to do so. He is quite partial to it... WE CAN HEAR YOU, SIR!

2017-11-27, 02:36 PM
Jarome pulls himself to his feet and starts to try to brush the mud off before remembering himself with a chuckle. With a few minor cantrips, all three are mud-free once more and he checks his bow and arrow for damage - luckily, neither took any damage in their tumble together.

"Sorry, I'm not so steady on my feet that I want to risk going up and down this slope more then I have to. Perhaps one of the scouts would do better?"

2017-11-27, 03:11 PM
Taicho makes his way back up the slope.

We can hear you Darach. Are you alright down there? The rest of us will be along shortly. Do you see anything?

He quickly returns Hastur's sword. There you are. Now let us all continue on.

Taicho is very focused on the task at hand and a little worried about Darach being off on his own.

Acrobatics:[roll0] Is that enough?

2017-11-27, 03:47 PM
After recovering from the shock, Mercuira looks towards the sword but the tengu is already halfway there, so she starts to head down slowly after Darach instead, but she's heading down towards where there's no light...

2017-11-27, 04:53 PM
Jarome follows after Mercuira, bow at the ready once more and ioun torch orbiting with stately elegance around his head, undisturbed by his fall.

2017-11-27, 05:03 PM
Good enough for a controlled slide, you can move as if you're running, but none of you can make a charge right now. Unless you would like to be very associated with mud haha.

The fact is, yes, Darach does see something. It's kind of hard to miss when four arms just suddenly start beating against your armor and low, unliving groans are right next to your ears. It's two humanoid figures, and they were once clearly dwarves, but they've got strange vines knotted around and growing out of them now. Their eyes are void of intelligence and their teeth gnash as they try clumsily to attack Darach, but his armor wards off the attempts long enough for him to get his footing and tighten his grip on his axe.

Darach: [roll0]
Mercuira: [roll1]
Jarome: [roll2]
Daedalus: [roll3]
Hastur: [roll4]
Taicho: [roll5]
Monsters: [roll6]
Very good job, monsters. Everyone, you may go rip their heads off now.

2017-11-27, 05:11 PM
Darach lets out a relieved breath when he hears the answer from the rest of the party. He must not have fallen too far, then. "I'm fine, just a bit scraped-- GAH!" The... creatures manage to catch him off guard, but he quickly recovers his footing. "There's something down here!" he shouts back at the others, lining up with a wide, horizontal swing that he hopes will end the fight before it even begins.

I'm guessing from the vines it's a knowledge (nature) roll to identify them?
Knowledge (nature) plus monster lore: [roll0]

Going to cleave at the critters.
Attack on the first one: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Attack on the second: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2017-11-27, 05:14 PM
No one else worry about attacking, Darach's got it.

Darach's momentary panic quickly ends when he severs the heads off of both of the creatures thwacking at him. The heads roll away into the darkness but the bodies are just left laying there, sort of slumped at his feet. Even with the heads gone, most of the vines and the strange, tapered flowers are still in tact, so the group can take a clear look at them once they're down there.

Everyone, 400 exp for either making the acrobatics roll not to fall down (Hastur excluded, but he doesn't get his own exp so that doesn't matter) OR for beheading two zombels.

2017-11-27, 05:31 PM
Darach catches his breath for a moment, glancing back and forth for a moment to make sure no one saw his wild flailing when he was first startled by the creatures. "Never mind, he calls, seeing no further threats for the moment. "I got them." Glancing at the bodies, he sees that they are--or were--dwarves, probably the missing miners. He mutters a brief prayer, commending their souls to the stars, as he watches the darkness for any sign of more of the zombies and waits for the others.

2017-11-27, 06:03 PM
Taicho slows and steadies himself next to Darach. Good job friend. You have quite the arm.
Surveying the bodies before him Taicho also gives a solemn nod and utters a brief prayer. As the others file in behind him. This is some cruel fate. Does this help anyone else identify what we may be facing? Whatever it is is threatening in a way I had not expected.

Keeping his composure, just barely, Taicho stretches his scarred hand and looks out into the tunnel, his Ioun Torch still hovering by his side. If there are more like these they will need to be put to rest as well. When we are done here we should return their bodies to their comrades. They deserve whatever burial rites the other miners and their families see fit. This was more a statement to Darach than the others, though it is telling of Taicho's feelings on the subject of burial and death.

2017-11-28, 12:27 AM
Daedalus and Hastur are about to leap into action when Darach gives the all clear. Hastur looks dissapointed, and Daedalus gives him a knowing shrug, understanding the eidolon's eagerness to meet battle, but not holding it himself. They carefully begin making their way down to the others, with Daedalus doing his best to avoid Hastur's direct path.

Upon reaching the lower level, Daedalus gets a little closer than he is comfortable to the headless dwarven plant beings. Running his heatless torch over them to get a good look, he mumbles to himself as he begins to make observations and comparisons to his extensive knowledge.

Probably going to be an assist to Jerome, but here goes nothing- Nature Knowledge [roll0]

2017-11-28, 08:15 AM
Ha, looks like Jarome will be backing up Daedalus on this investigation. Good roll!

Jarome chuckles as he catches up to Darach. "Keep this up, and I'll have to work on a good song for you and that axe of yours! First that Howler, now two vine zombie things in one blow? If I wasn't already standing back, I'd do so and let you deal with whatever is stupid enough to rear its head around you."

With a muttered cantrip, he waves his fingers at Darach and cleans the stinking mud off of him with a wave of magic. While he was doing so, Daedalus has already started inspecting the corpses, and Jarome joins him, calling on his own learning to point out a thing or two the summoner may have missed, though his inspection is methodical and thorough as it is.

2017-11-28, 10:49 AM
Beautiful roll, Daedalus
Giving you a +2 from Jarome, ofc
And Darach's roll was high enough to aid, too, so I'm just going to assume he does. So you've got a 31 now. :smallsmile:

With that kind of check I should just link you to the page, haha. You're able to tell that these are a variant of undead, but not quite - while mindless and certainly already deceased before Darach beheaded them, they had been animated by living plants, so you doubt that any sort of negative energy would work on them. As you inspect the flowers, you suddenly decide it'll be a much better idea to lean away and certainly not smell the pointed yellow petals - you recognize it as a Yellow Musk Creeper. The yellow musk creeper's method of procreation is singularly frightful—it slays the living, infests them with its seeds and pollen, then animates them as zombies. These zombies serve the plant as a guardian for several days, but when new zombies are created, older ones wander off into the surrounding wild, collapsing and breaking apart within two weeks to give seed to a new yellow musk creeper. It is therefore probably going to be best to melt the poor dwarf's body with acid, because even with fire there's a chance that more spores will escape. And the spores are the most dangerous bit - a yellow musk creeper can bore dozens of tendrils into the brain of a helpless creature within reach, such as a creature entranced by its pollen, which is known to daze creatures who inhale or even see it, sometimes, depending on the age of the plant. The tendrils destroy a creature's intelligence and will to act on its own, and once having full control, the tendrils break off inside its brain. One hour later, the creature animates as a yellow musk zombie.

2017-11-28, 01:43 PM
Once the three experts have each weighed in on the nature of this threat, Daedalus takes a piece of cloth from his pack and begins expertly snipping at it with a pair of silver shears. After only a few moments, he's made a face mask for everyone in the group (made of some fine emerald cloth). Taicho's is extra long to accommodate for a beak. Each one is treated with water to help it catch any spores from the air.
We're all going to want to stand back. Unfortunately, the nature of these creatures means we won't be returning these bodies for burial. Yellow musk creepers are insidious with their sporing, and we'd put the whole damn town at risk pulling these two up to hand them off.
It is distasteful, but I think I should use my basic acid summoning spell to destroy the bodies. It will take time, but it is the safest way to dispose of the infected material with the least risk. I wouldn't judge anyone who doesn't want to watch... this will be distinctly ugly.

2017-11-28, 03:00 PM
Darach curses slightly. He had his suspicions, but wasn't certain about the creature that had caused this. He was not happy that the others had confirmed what he thought. "Just one more horror this damned forest has conjured up..." He shakes his head and accepts the cloth from Daedalus. "At least they are below the earth, where dwarves are most comfortable. I believe I too am familiar with the spell you speak of. I will assist you." With a grim determination, Darach sets about the grisly task, still muttering prayers under his breath as he does so.

Turns out Inquisitors get acid splash. I'm assuming that's what Daedalus is planning on using (should've read the OOC thread before i posted); in any case Darach's going to help dispose of the bodies safely.

2017-11-28, 11:47 PM
Taicho turns his back to this grim task, understanding it has to be done bu visibly unhappy. Peering ahead and graciously accepting the mask from Daedalus. It seems that with each day this cursed forest finds more insidious ways to destroy us. May the Gods usher these souls where they deserve to be. Anything is better than being puppeted so grotesquely. Keepimg his attention fixed forward he waits for the others to finish. Perhaps unaware his tone was less then comforting. Bitterness in his voice.

2017-11-29, 11:12 AM
Between Darach and Daedalus, the bodies are destroyed and the plants utterly obliterated. You all even remember to do the heads, as well, which Daedalus is able to remind you is where the roots of the plant embed themselves in their new host. That done, your descent is almost complete - after a couple more turns, the corridor breaks into a natural cavern, opening up above you for hundreds of feet, but the pathway itself has narrowed, and you must squeeze through the passage ahead.

Escape Artist, this time. You need at least a DC 10 to squeeze through. If you roll lower, you're going to get stuck and have to make a DC 15 to get loose, or a DC 10 Strength check to get loose. You can aid one another with the strength check, if you need to.

2017-11-29, 11:31 AM
Darach eyes the narrow passage ahead distrustfully. Seeing no other way forward, he takes a breath and attempts to squeeze through the gap... and promptly becomes stuck fast."I hate caverns," he mutters, as he attempts to pull himself forward through brute strength.


It takes some time and a few curses, but eventually Darach manages to haul himself through the narrow crevasse.

2017-11-29, 11:45 AM
Taicho slips through the narrow passage. Continuing to look ahead, more wary then ever after the abominations they just encountered. We need to keep our wits about us. Looking up cautiously. You should never forget to look up. We must keep an eye out for the plant that caused this. Being underground made Taicho a bit uneasy. After all he was a bird, and he belonged far above the earth, at least some part of him did. He stayed near the passageway in case anyone else needed help, though Darach could likely handle it.

2017-11-29, 01:28 PM
Mercuira slips through easily as well, then scans around for any threats before turning back to help anyone who may need it.
escape artist 22 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22616009&postcount=159)
perception [roll0]
strength check aid (if needed) [roll1]

2017-11-29, 03:14 PM
Everyone manages to slip through the passage with relative ease (except Darach, but by the time he's through the gap might actually be a bit bigger, judging by the amount of mud that's come with Darach on his armor once he muscles through). The cavern air is chill and damp, and somewhere nearby you can hear the trickling of water. The floor underneath you here is all mud, but it's somehow easier to walk on than before - probably because in the carved tunnels above it was mud over hard rock, which made it easy to slip. Here, your feet just kind of squelch in a couple inches, and the ground beneath is spongy, but you have a little more traction. You seem to have entered into a large room, about twenty feet wide and fifty feet across. For a moment, you all are alone, but then, there's some shuffling and moaning and stepping towards your lights is a small horde of the same types of zombies you have faced already - only this time, there are about a dozen of them, lumbering towards you with dead, empty eyes.

We're treating this room as rough terrain. No need to make checks to avoid falling, but you can only move at half speed and cannot perform a charge.

Darach: [roll0]
Mercuira: [roll1]
Jarome: [roll2]
Daedalus: [roll3]
Hastur: [roll4]
Taicho: [roll5]
Monsters: [roll6]

Everyone except Darach, go! We can fluff it and say Darach's still squeezing through the door.

2017-11-29, 04:07 PM
Mercuira spots the plant zombies as soon as she crosses through the gap, and looses an arrow at the nearest one, hoping to buy time for Darach to cross through the gap safely.

move to within 30 ft if possible/needed
attack [roll0] (+1 if within 30 feet)
damage [roll1] (+1 +[roll2] sneak attack if within 30 feet) edit: oops, should be 2d6 on the sneak attack...

always nice when the initiative rolls line up nicely with the action, eh? :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-29, 04:14 PM
”We found the rest if the mining crew it looks like! Darach, there’s plenty of business for your axe!” Jarome warns, moving alongside Mercuira, though he holds his shot and begins singing to bolster his allies.

(+1 bonus vs. charm and fear effects, +1 to hit and damage)

2017-11-29, 05:43 PM
Taicho crouches down and readies himself for attack. Drawing his sling and loosing a stone at the nearest zombie.

damage [roll1]
if sneak attack [roll2]

2017-11-30, 12:21 AM
Ready, Hastur? Daedalus' heart starts pumping faster as he steadies his crossbow and aims at the nearest fungus infected miner. Ready, Daedalus. Hastur slogs through the mud to take a position in front of his summoner, and hopefully closer then the others to try to draw the enemy to him. COME, INFESTED ONES! LET THE GREAT AND MIGHTY HASTUR BE YOUR WELL DESERVED END!

Daedalus is going to level his crossbow and fire- [roll0] to hit and [roll1] damage. Hastur is going to double move to be in closer to the enemy and try to cover the party. EDIT- I'm on a roll with these natural twenties.

2017-11-30, 01:57 PM
Two of the zombies are taken down, one stopped right in its tracks by Mercuira's well placed arrow. Taicho and Daedalus punch out the eyes of another and it collapses onto the ground, unmoving for now - presumably the arrow and stone have punched right through into what's left of its brain.
The other creatures stagger forwards slowly, sloshing through the mud. They're slow and the only one actually close enough for them to swing at is Hastur, but not all do, instead focusing their attentions on lumbering slowly up to the rest of the group.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4] (this one moves so it is flanking. Hastur can take Attack of Opportunity on this one if he likes.)
Damage: [roll5]
Hastur will take 17 damage unless his AoO manages to take out the second one that hits. There are three currently around him and seven approaching the rest of the party, within 10 feet, now.

2017-11-30, 02:07 PM
When Darach extricates himself from the crevice, he moves forward with a shout, winding up a blow with his axe as he does so. "Hastur! Hold those off and I can sort out these!"

Moving forward to attack, going to cleave if possible. Prioritizing those who might be threatening our casters/archers.

First attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If the first attack hits and there's another target adjacent to it:
Second attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Edit: forgot the bard song, so that would've been +1 to both attacks and damage rolls. Not that I think it'd make a difference :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-30, 02:11 PM
In what is quickly becoming Darach's signature move, he rushes forward and cleaves two more of the creatures in twain, slashing across their bodies and unseaming them from stomach to sternum each. Five now groan and stare at the party with dead, empty eyes, while the ones surrounding Hastur continue to focus on him.

Go ahead! Eight left, unless Hastur gets one with AoO. PPP, you can include the AoO in with the rest of your actions.

2017-11-30, 02:44 PM
Hastur gives a loud grunt as the zombies tear away at him, red sand that is blistering hot pouring from his wounds in place of blood. He slashes with his curved blade, attempting to decapitate the zombie making it's way around him. Daedalus gives a small grunt of pain himself, feeling an echo of the eidolon's pain through their link. He doesn't bother firing the crossbow again, instead rushing forward to just out of the range of the zombies, touching a hand to Hastur and throwing a small piece of leather in the air. Felicium Kator! Hastur, dodge them! The same plates of ethereal armor spring up around the eidolon, giving him a greater measure of protection. Hastur doesn't respond, continuing to swing his blade like a scythe through wheat.
First, Hastur's attack of opportunity- attack [roll0] and damage [roll1]. Then Daedalus will cast Mage Armor (honestly should have done that earlier) and Hastur will attack again- attack [roll2] and damage [roll3]

2017-11-30, 02:56 PM
Taicho tumbles forward, hopefully creating a flanking position with someone. Following through on his roll with a kick to the small of one of these creatures backs.

Acrobatics [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
if sneak attack [roll3]

edit:forgot the bard song. +1s I guess

2017-11-30, 05:32 PM
Emboldened by her success and Jarome's song, Mercuira launches an arrow at the closest surviving plant zombie, aiming for its left eye to penetrate through to the brain as the others had done.

using deadly aim this time, also including bonus from point-blank shot and the bard song
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

edit: a 1 on damage, really? :smallannoyed:

2017-12-01, 02:50 AM
Jarome stops singing, but some trick of his magic causes the song to linger in the air without his adding to it, and its magic continues to empower the party.

Freed from singing, he focuses on taking aim and firing at the nearest zombie.

Assuming Point Blank Shot and taking into account bard song:

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Bard Song: 1/13 rounds used, Lingering Performance causes song to linger for 2 rounds

2017-12-01, 11:00 AM
With two mighty swings of his greatsword, Hastur is able to dispatch two of the zombies - one as it runs by him, ready to swing, and another once he re-balances from the first strike. The remaining zombie in front of him groans and swings at him once more.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

With Darach drawing the attention of another of the zombies, Taicho sneaks up behind it and delivers a swift and devastating blow to the back of its head, crushing its skull and bringing it to the ground. Jarome and Mercuira take aim and fire at another of them, but the arrows thunk into its flesh and it hisses. It seems the piercing damage of the arrows is far less effective than Darach and Hastur's slashing. The damaged zombie lumbers toward the pair of archers, while the other remaining three take their swings at Taicho and Darach.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Two misses!

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Crit does not confirm. 7 damage.

One in front of Hastur, three by Taicho and Darach, and the damaged one right in front of Jarome and Mercuira.

2017-12-01, 11:42 AM
Grunting from the hit, Darach recovers his footing and winds up another swing, shouting a warning to Mercuria and Jarome. There isn't much he can do for now, so he focuses on finishing off the remaining enemies in front of him before going to assist.

Going to cleave again, if I can, starting with the one that hit me.

First attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Second attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Dang, I think the first one missed, which invalidates the second hit. Ah well, can't get them all.

2017-12-01, 11:46 AM
Recovering from being hit, Darach's axe swings wide - he was going for another decapitating blow, but the slash flies over the heads of his enemies. Neither go down.

2017-12-01, 01:38 PM
Tacho steps to one side and unleashes several strikes. A kick at the zombie he steps behind and attempts to follow through with an elbow for a nearby enemy.

Flurry of Blows
Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]
if SA [roll2]
For second zombie.
Attack 2 [roll3]
Damage 2 [roll4]

2017-12-01, 02:46 PM
Mercuira carefully steps back and launches another arrow at the zombie's face.

5ft step away from the zombie, then attack with same modifiers as before
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2017-12-01, 03:33 PM
Jarome steps back as well, noting that his arrow hadn’t done much damage, he instead focuses on magic to take down the zombie threatening himself and Mercuira. He opens his mouth, and a rippling wave of sonic energy smashes into his target.

Fortitude DC 13

Daze (immune, I know)
Damage [roll0]

2017-12-01, 05:05 PM
Hastur gives a roar mirrored by a sympathetic grunt from Daedales as he is harmed again, then brings his falcon down in a slice meant to part the zombie's body in two. Daedalus whispers a few words and sends a spray of acid at one of the creatures menacing Jerome and Mercury, hoping to lessen the threat to them.
Rolls and sheets are harder to do with my phone, so I humbly request the GM make my rolls for me if it isn't too much trouble.

2017-12-02, 11:07 AM
The combat rages on, and the party has the upper hand, it is clear. Taicho's kick takes down another of the zombies, as he once again aims for the kick and cracks open the creature's skull. His elbow does smack into a zombie, as well, but it doesn't seem affected. Hastur easily slices down the last zombie threatening him, and between Daedalus and Mercuira the damaged one is taken down. Jarome's scream manages to take down the zombie that Taicho's elbow didn't affect, which only leaves one zombie up, right in front of Darach. It hisses, seeming vaguely conscious of how it is the only one left, and once again slams into Darach.

Damage: [roll1]

Crit does not confirm. 6 damage.

2017-12-02, 12:19 PM
Darach rolls with the blow, letting out a shout as he sweeps his axe around once more, hopefully putting the last miner to rest for good.

Not cleaving this time, obviously

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

I guess I've used up all my luck already :smalltongue:

2017-12-02, 12:28 PM
Darach lets out a mighty yell as he hefts his axe once again. This time, this time for sure! he's thinking as he throws his axe at the zombie.
Oh, no, wait.
He's using his greataxe. Not a throwing axe. Seems the adrenaline of the moment got to him, however, and the momentary lapse leaves him unarmed with his axe thrown clear across the room. At least he looked a little bit cool doing it, that really was a loud and triumphant battle cry, but the zombie is still standing.

2017-12-02, 03:18 PM
Taicho again attempts to dodge and roll behind a zombie and bring down a hammer blow to the top of it's head.

Acrobatics [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
If SA [roll3]

edit:hopefully flanking and jarome's song gives me the +3 and a hit.

2017-12-02, 05:22 PM
Hastur does his best to slog forward and engage the remaining enemies, while Daedalus tramps after him and reloads his crossbow.

Here's hoping Taicho kills the last of the bastards while Hastur and Daedalus reposition.

2017-12-02, 05:23 PM
Mercuira continues to fire away at the last remnant of the zombie horde as Darach somehow foolishly discards his weapon.

attack once again with same modifiers as before
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2017-12-02, 07:58 PM
Between Taicho and Mercuira's attacks, the final zombie goes down and does not move again. There is now a small pile of bodies laying in this chamber, which you likely need to take the time to see to putting at rest. There is not any movement that you can see in this room, and in the quiet, you can hear the running water again, up ahead. You don't directly see a way forward from here, however, out of this room, other than an even smaller passage than what you have just come through. It appears dwarves aren't claustrophobic or wary of getting stuck underground.

500 experience to everyone!

2017-12-02, 09:56 PM
Somewhat sheepishly, Darach recovers his greataxe, taking a brief moment to examine the small tunnel before returning to the fresh pile of corpses. "Same as before, Daedalus?" He does not relish the task, but if it will prevent this infection from taking more members of the town, it's worth it.

Perception check while I'm near the tunnel; not examining in great detail, just to see if I see/hear anything. I do have darkvision.

I guess we're melting these with acid splash too...

2017-12-02, 10:05 PM
It's that time again. Thank you for your aid in getting rid of these hazards... Daedalus wrinkles his nose and goes to work. We should search the chamber, even if it appears empty. Perhaps find the source of that running water sound?
It could be the source of the infestation. He does his work with disdain, but he does it thoroughly.

2017-12-03, 12:00 AM
Taicho steps away from the bodies and begins going over the area, wary of whatever might be lurking deeper underground but also searching for anything the miners or previous adventurers may have dropped here.

Perception 1d20+10

I don't know what happened...will put in the ooc.

2017-12-03, 12:10 AM
As the bodies are melted away, Mercuira also takes the time to look around for any more danger.

perception [roll0]

2017-12-03, 04:05 AM
Jarome aids the others in searching the room to take his mind off the sight and smells of the work with acid. After they are done, he approaches the wounded with his wand of cure light wounds and starts patching them up.

Perception - [roll0]

Use wand of cure light wounds on the wounded until healed.

2017-12-03, 11:33 AM
Just so everyone knows, Hastur can't be healed with Cure Light Wounds. Just kidding. But everyone else can go back up to full health, -6 charges on the wand.

Looking more closely around the room, you are able to see that, besides the small crawlspace on the other side of the chamber, there actually is a larger path forward - about twenty feet off the ground is an opening that seems promising. It looks like the dwarves used it, as well, in their original expedition down here, because there are already pitons in the cave wall as evidence that someone climbed it recently. At the bottom of this way forward are a few small packs, apparently from the expedition, as well. There are a few items inside that may be of interest or use to you all as you progress.

Vial of Alchemist's Fire x2
Masterwork Pickaxe x1
Potion of Detect Animals or Plants x3
Scroll of Blight x2

I'm assuming you take the time to Detect Magic/Read Magic/Spellcraft what the scrolls and potions are.

2017-12-03, 05:31 PM
Darach takes note of the packs scattered around the tunnel. "Seem to be on the right track, still. I wonder if these belonged to the miners, or that other group of adventurers. Could come in handy later on." He doesn't move to take any of the items for himself, however, instead examining the tunnel ahead for a way forward, or for signs of any further creatures.

If I need it: [roll0]

2017-12-04, 03:12 AM
Jarome gathers up the items, and pulls up his right sleeve to reveal a clockwork mechanism attached to his arm. He opens it to reveal a potion, which he slips into his belt pouch, replacing it for one of the scrolls of Blight. Finished, he lets his sleeve drop down again and looks around to the others. "I'm more then happy to pass around the items. I think most of them will be very handy dealing with the plants ahead... and I think someone will want that pick back. I think these were supplies from the miners."

2017-12-04, 10:02 AM
It may take some luck, but I should be able to use that other scroll. It certainly could be useful against any further fungus ridden enemies. A lot of use for one of them, at least. Daedalus rolls up the scroll and ties it to his belt in a knot strong enough to keep it from falling to the muddy ground. Hastur takes a moment to clear his blade of any blood or ichor against his already messy pants, checking it over in the dim light. Let us press on, up into this tiny tunnel. It would be shameful to return to the dwarves with the job half done.

2017-12-05, 11:44 AM
Looking ahead, Darach is able to see that the path 20 feet off the ground is likely the way you want to go. The narrowest passage on ground level looks like it will need widening if you want to go down that way, but the sound of running water is definitely coming from that direction. Taking a few steps back to get a better angle to see upwards, Darach is able to see evidence of activity up on the ledge ahead. As far as he can tell, it's an opening about 10 feet tall and 20 feet wide, with a narrower 10 foot wide passage heading off farther underground from there. There are more packs up on the ledge which he can see, and the glint of mithril embedded in the wall up there. You're very close, you've discovered the vein.

DC 10 to climb up the wall using the pitons.

2017-12-05, 02:20 PM
"Looks like this is the way." Darach rummages around in his pack and brings out a set of climbing gear. He can use the pitons already in place, but the harnesses and other tools will help him keep steady on the climb. He slings his axe across his back. "I can drop this down for the rest of you once I'm up. Hopefully there's nothing immediately at the top of the ledge, but if there is I'll try and hold it off. Shouldn't be hard if it's more of those zombies."

Using a climbing kit for a +2 climb check.

If I can take 10, I will pass automatically. If not:
Climb check: [roll0]

I'll drop the climbing kit back down if anyone else wants to use it.

2017-12-05, 03:16 PM
Easy does it, Hastur. We don't want another incident like that muddy hill. Daedalus readies himself to move forward, securing his gear and putting on a small pair of gloves for the climbing at hand.

If you bring that up again in the future I will ridicule you mercilessly for a month each time. Grumbles Hastur as he sheathes his falchion and prepares to climb as well.

I think both of them will take their time and take a 10 to climb. No need for further slap stick, if you know what I mean.

2017-12-05, 04:20 PM
Jarome follows suit, taking his time and using the pitons to climb carefully, trusting Darach to call out if they are needed faster. Once on top, he assesses the tunnel to see if his bow is usable in the area ahead.

Taking 10 on my climb check as well.

2017-12-05, 04:35 PM
Taicho is quiet and focused. Keeping an eye out for danger. He waits to go last.

Take 10=17

2017-12-05, 09:37 PM
Mercuira follows the others up the cliff, climbing carefully and hoping that there aren't more zombies to meet them on top.

take 10 on climb for 16

2017-12-06, 11:10 AM
You all take your time and are able to climb up to the new level. There are more packs up here, presumably belonging to the miners, but these have been absolutely flayed to pieces, nothing salvageable except for a few more picks like the one you've already found down below. What did this isn't in immediate sight, but Darach, as the first one up, was able to glimpse movement for a moment down the corridor to your left. The vein runs along one wall, and the other is simple stone. The floor here is even and not as slick as it was below you, the passage ahead ten feet across. Who goes first?

2017-12-06, 03:10 PM
Darach stands ready with axe in hand as the others come up. "I saw something down that way," he says as everyone gets their bearings. "Look sharp. I think we will find our prey soon." Once the rest of the party is prepared, he begins moving cautiously down the corridor, muttering a prayer as he does so.

Casting Bless, everyone gets +1 attack and +1 to saves vs fear for the next 4 minutes.

2017-12-06, 10:52 PM
Taicho moves to cover the rear this time. Nervous about the water source and the potential of other zombies behind them. His Ioun torch floating beside him he draws his broadsword. Perhaps it will be a bit more effective than my fists. He says quietly not even realizing he spoke aloud.

2017-12-07, 04:35 PM
Daedalus and Hastur resume their positions in the party, eyes searching and alert. Hastur looks eager, Daedalus looks worried, but both are prepared.

2017-12-08, 10:04 PM
Mercuira stays near the center of the party, keeping her eyes open and an arrow ready.

perception [roll0]

2017-12-09, 10:20 AM
Jarome joins his fellow archer in the center, prepared to support their more melee focused allies in whatever direction trouble comes at them from.

2017-12-09, 01:02 PM
Darach: [roll0]
Mercuira: [roll1]
Jarome: [roll2]
Daedalus: [roll3]
Hastur: [roll4]
Taicho: [roll5]
Monster: [roll6]
Monster: [roll7]

Going to go ahead and let Darach tell the party what he's noticed, since he's in front and I have a feeling he wouldn't just let you all walk right into this. Everyone, go!

The group heads forward into the tunnel, Darach in the lead. As soon as you round the corner, the inquisitor holds up his hand to halt the group. Ahead are three distinct patches of bright yellow flowers, which seem to shudder for a moment in the light, before vines spring up from the ground and curl threateningly towards you. But that isn't what Darach has his eye on the entire time.
"Watch the floor," he says. Beneath your feet is a thin layer of what seems to be mold and mushrooms, all sorts of different colors. And as Darach speaks, it animates as well, lifting off of the ground slowly.

2017-12-09, 01:29 PM
Darach catches the mold out of the corner of his eye, just before it begins to animate itself. He glares at the tendrils creeping forward. "Void take this bloody forest," he mutters. Deciding the patch of flowers is the greatest threat, Darach charges forward, avoiding the slime by the door and chanting a litany as he goes.

Activating the Purity judgement, which gives me a +1 on all saves, +2 from creatures of the Plant type. I don't wanna be a plant zombie... Going to charge if I'm able. Also gonna cleave, if I can. If I have to pick cleave rather than charge.

Attack: [roll0] (subtract 2 if I can't charge)
Damage: [roll1]

2nd Attack: [roll2] (again, -2 without charge)
Damage: [roll3]

...wow, these nat 1s. Can I get them on things other than attacks please?

Remember, Bless gives everyone +1 attack and save vs. fear!

2017-12-09, 08:09 PM
Daedalus drops behind Hastur as the eidolon makes it's way up to the growing carpet of plantlife and hacks at it with his sword, leaving the flowers for Darach. As he tries to block and kill the heaving mound, Daedalus unravels the scroll from his side and begins to impress his will on it, focusing his mind on the magic held within the inks as well as the yellow flowers and it's vines. Agentius umbre! He uses the full extent of his magical talent to attempt to "push" the magic of the blight scroll into their foe.

Hastur swings his sword for [roll0] and [roll1] damage. Daedalus rolls a use magic device check to activate the scroll of blight- [roll2].

2017-12-09, 09:43 PM
Mercuira looses her arrow at the middle patch of flowers, then retreats, hoping there isn't anything approaching from behind them.

attack, then move back as far as she can to still be in the light.

attack [roll0] (+1 if within 30 ft)
damage [roll1] (+1 if within 30 ft +[roll2] sneak attack if applicable)

2017-12-10, 10:30 AM
Taicho breathes deeply. Exhales slow. His arm swaying. His posture begins to change. He crouches low and mimics the movements of a stalking cat. His eyes slightly glazed over and far away. Getting as close as he can to thoe far plant. Stopping just outside reach of the mushroom and moss. Looking ready to pounce.

Entering Tiger trance. It takes my standard.

2017-12-11, 03:41 AM
Jarome flicks his wrist, the mechanism dropping the scroll of blight into his hand. He focuses on another of the plants as his will battles with the foreign magic of the scroll in an attempt to force its magic to activate anyway.

Use Magic Device Roll: [roll0]
Assuming that works, and assuming it's a CL7 Druid spell of Blight, Damage is 7d6.
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-11, 03:10 PM
As the party advances, the plants spring into motion, as well. The arrow fired by Mercuira sinks solidly into the vines of one of the Creepers, and it almost seems to flinch before lashing out, a tendril flying towards Darach. The other Creeper does the same, a vine launching itself at Taicho. Meanwhile, the slime squelches as Hastur's blade digs in, and it retaliates my bodily launching itself at the eidolon.
Neither Jarome nor Daedalus is able to get their scrolls to activate. The parchment grows warm in Daedalus' hands for a moment, but the feeling quickly dims - he was very close, at least.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
No damage anywhere.

The Slime is attempting to engulf him. He can either take an attack of opportunity against it and be engulfed without having the chance to save, or he can try a reflex save DC 14 to get out of the way. If he attacks or does not make the save, he will take damage.

2017-12-11, 03:53 PM
Darach stumbles as the mold catches him. Cursing, he throws it off and continues forward toward his intended target. He approaches a bit more cautiously this time, closing in with the animate flowers before taking a wide swing with his axe.

Not charging, just moving up and cleaving.

First attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Second attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-12-11, 07:01 PM
Mercuira isn't quite sure where to aim to hurt the plants - the first arrow had just flown off at the first sign of movement, but wherever it had hit did cause a reaction. Seeing Daedalus and Jarome fail to trigger the blight scrolls, she calls out as she fires off another arrow at the same plant she'd hit earlier, "Let me try a scroll if you can't get them to work!"

attack the thing again - probably not within 30 ft this time

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

edit: wow, exact same rolls as I just made in a different game, but with different modifiers :smallconfused:

2017-12-12, 02:28 AM
Jarome grimaces as the magic fails to even react to his efforts. Instead, he raises his voice in song to magically assist his allies that way.

Bard Song in effect, +1 to hit and damage, +1 vs fear affects, stacking with Bless as usual!

2017-12-12, 03:03 PM
Here! Try your luck! Daedalus rolls the scrolls up, cinches a knot, and tosses it to the rogue, hoping her skills can unlock it's potential. Hastur gives an indignant roar, swinging her sword as the slime envelops him. Daedalus speaks to him, using his mind as well as his voice. Hastur! Unlock your true potential! Enuck chuck!. The roar grows into laughter that bubbles up through the slime as Hastur grows, filling the chamber with his newly expanded bulk, and hopefully bursting out through the slime. Daedalus then fires his crossbow at the plant, trusting his newly humongified eidolon to thrash the slime.
Hastur takes the attack of opportunity, [roll0] and [roll1] damage. Daedalus will attempt to fire a bolt at the plant [roll2] and [roll3]. Daedalus is also calling on Hastur's power to grow large. Eat that, slime!

2017-12-12, 08:33 PM
Taicho sinks low on his feet and takes several quick leaps forward his eyes focused like a predator on the creeper ahead of him. He becomes a fury of claw and beak and foot.

Attack Unarmed [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If SA [roll2]
Claw [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
If SA [roll5]
Claw [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
If SA [roll8]
Damage [roll10]
If SA [roll11]
Attempting to end charge flanking if possible. If so +2 to all attacks.

2017-12-13, 05:00 PM
Between the flurry of blows, arrows from Mercuira, and slashing from Darach, the two flowering plants are completely shredded. They wilt to the floor and begin to curl in on themselves, withering and dying.
When Hastur grows large, he is unfortunately unable to shake off the slime, which has completely engulfed him and rendering him unable to breathe or even properly move. However the attack of opportunity does take, as well as Daedalus' bolt. As the slime engulfs Hastur, its body deals crushing damage, and the foul spores settle on to Hastur's skin.

Hastur takes [roll0] damage and he needs to make a fortitude save, please.
If it matters, the save is vs. disease.
The slime continues to slide forwards, and seeming to sense the closest target, it slides over towards Taicho, trying to engulf him, as well.

Either take the AoO and get engulfed or make a DC 14 reflex save to get out of the way!

2017-12-13, 05:24 PM
Taicho, a bit too focused on the foe he had just attacked does not move fast enough to evade being engulfed.

2017-12-13, 05:27 PM
All of the flowers are down, yes?

Darach looks approvingly at the withering plants, and turns to see how his allies are dealing with the slime. "Oh no," he mutters, seeing Hastur engulfed and the slime rolling toward Taicho. Lifting his axe and repeating a litany to cause his blow to strike true, he charges back toward the slime and brings his axe crashing into it.

Swift action to change to the Destruction judgement (+2 to damage rolls). Going to charge and power attack (for a -2 attack and +6 damage, since BAB is 4 and I'm attacking two-handed).

Attack: [roll0] (+2 charge, +1 bless, +1 bard song, -2 power attack)
Damage: [roll1]

Monster lore for any resistances/weaknesses: Should be dungeoneering for a slime? [roll2]

2017-12-13, 05:42 PM
It's dead.

Both need to make those Fortitude saves. Taicho also takes [roll0] damage.

With one mighty swing of Darach's axe, the slime seems to dissolve before your eyes, releasing both Taicho and Hastur from its grasp, but leaving them in a sickly, sticky sort of mess. But there doesn't seem to be any more movement in the area around you, at least.

500 experience each!

2017-12-13, 07:55 PM
Darach takes a moment to make sure the slime doesn't seem to be a threat anymore before lowering his axe and helping Taicho and Hastur to their feet. "Is everyone okay?" he asks. "Does anyone see anything else down here?" he scans the area for any sign of other creatures in the area, or for any sign of more missing miners. "We should probably dispose of those flowers as well. In case they are still carrying spores."

To see if there's anything else down here: [roll0]

2017-12-13, 08:59 PM
Taicho's trance ends rather abruptly. I do not feel well.What did that slime do to me? Panting a bit and obviously having exerted himself. He takes a moment to breathe.

2017-12-14, 12:53 AM
"I'm fine". Mercuira hands the scroll of blight back to Jarome, then scans for more danger as well.

perception [roll0] edit: since I rolled a nat 20, there's probably nothing more to see here, eh? :smallbiggrin:

2017-12-14, 01:31 PM
Right now you just feel a bit off, a sort of malaise that you can't really put your finger on. You're not entirely sure what's wrong as of right now.
Looking around the chamber, there is no more movement that Mercuira is able to see. The plants have withered away and died, and the slime mold is dissolving away into nothing. The dripping and sound of running water is still up ahead, but if the rogue pokes her head down the hallway, all she is able to find is a natural underwater creek bubbling by, water dripping down from the ceiling to feed the brook.

If you'd like to know more about this particular landscape.
The area is quiet other than the brook, and all that lays about are the abandoned packs behind you. You can certainly go through them to see what might be salvaged from them, or simply leave them for the mining company to gather up later. It seems your job is done and you can happily go collect whatever reward the miners want to give you.

2017-12-15, 02:39 AM
Jarome drinks one of the potions of Detect Animals or Plants and starts checking the room and any nearby locations carefully while the potion is in affect. After all, they want to be sure of a clean sweep before they accidentally send more miners to their deaths.

2017-12-15, 02:45 AM
knew it, whenever I roll a nat 20 on perception, there's literally nothing to be found. ever! :smallannoyed::smallbiggrin:

I don't have knowledgeography, so let's have a look at those packs, I guess. probably won't take anything if we don't need to.
"I don't see anything else around here except the water out there". Mercuira gives the area one last lookover as Jarome begins using the potion, then doubles back towards the abandoned packs, looking for anything that might help them on the way out.

2017-12-15, 03:46 AM
While Hastur is cleaning his sword, Daedalus takes time to look at the chamber around him, taking a few moments to sight see in this unique space, especially around the running water.
Rolling knowledge geography. Only you can prevent spore fires. [roll0]

2017-12-15, 03:26 PM
It is Jarome who is the first to notice something in the cavern beyond, where the water is running by, but Daedalus also hears a sort of soft, dark chuckle when he goes in to investigate the stream. Daedalus is able to pretty clearly tell that a stream of this size could support any number of creatures in an underground ecosystem, and from the look of the water, it seems to be springing up right from the earth at a pure source. It's certainly very clear.

Which gives Jarome a very good look at the two creatures who seem to have an aura of life around them when he drinks the potion.

"Hee. Adventurerssss. Curiousss onessss."

"Certainly more curioussss than thosssse dwarvessss, they didn't come this far."

"Hey, Killy. You want to hear a joke?"


"They ssssay curiosity killed the cat. Heee. It'ssss funny, because the cat issss dead."

"Heee. Hee, you're right, that issss funny."

As they speak, Jarome and Daedalus are able to precisely pinpoint the location of small creatures. They are six-legged and surprisingly bright-colored for living underground, which may indicate that they are in fact surface dwellers, having crawled down here by another passage when they heard all the commotion. Their laughs are breathy and monotone, and one flicks out its tongue at you. It approaches a bit, flicks its tongue again, and this time it actually licks Daedalus' cheek.

"Heee. Magic blooded. Issss it an elf? Issss it a human? It's a mongrel, hee heee. But I bet it bleedssss the same as a human, hee hee heee..." Its friend chortles along with it, edging closer to Daedalus and Jarome. They certainly seem to hold no fear of the group, though whether that's because they think that they could take you or simply because they haven't run into a group like yours before is unclear.

2017-12-15, 03:40 PM
Darach moves in closer, axe in hand. The creatures definitely are intelligent, if their humor seems somewhat... odd. And they don't appear immediately hostile. Still, he's on edge enough to keep his weapon close at hand, just in case. "Who are you?" he asks the strange creatures. "What are you doing down here?"

Darach racking his brain to see if he recognizes them as something that needs smiting.
Arcana: [roll0]
Dungeoneering (untrained): [roll1]
History: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]
Planes: [roll4]
Religion: [roll5]

obviously take whichever one actually fits the category they fall into :smalltongue:
Monster Lore is a really useful ability for these kinds of thing

2017-12-15, 03:47 PM
Mercuira keeps a tight grip on her bow, but doesn't draw an arrow. Trying to find a spot to hide, she racks her brain for any information on the approaching creatures as well.

stealth [roll0]
arcana [roll1]
dungeoneering [roll2]

2017-12-15, 03:50 PM
Daedalus reels back when he feels that tongue on his cheek, obviously horrified for a moment at the sight of these creatures and their odd behavior. Then he collects himself, puts a fairly fake smile on his face, and laughs along with them. Well, it's red and warm and I'd prefer it stay in my body, if that is what you mean. Well met, my friends. What brings you into this cavern today? It may be obvious he's uncomfortable, but he tries to be sociable while getting a good look at these creatures. He can feel resentment building in Hastur, who has his blade at the ready and takes a grim opinion of anyone but him mocking his friend.
Knowledge Planes is first, [roll0], and then any other knowledge check is the same modifier (unless local or history work) at [roll1]

2017-12-15, 04:07 PM

The small amphibians tilt their heads this way and that as they spot the rest of you wander in, their voices having got the party's attention. One hops up on a large rock outcropping, which Mercuira had been attempting to hide behind as she slipped in, but the creature blinks down at her, tail twitching. "Oooh, another mongrel, brother. They're everywhere thessssse daysss."

"I remember when they usssed to keep to their citiesss, don't you?"

"Oh, yessss, ssso long ago... our misssssstressss did not like the citiesssss..."

As they speak, the party has time to wrack their brains for what these creatures might be. At the current moment, they still seem to be sizing you all up, and are determining whether you pose a threat or if they should stick around and answer your questions.

Ten or higher, you know they're magical beasts. Twelve or higher, they're called Voonith. Higher than fifteen, you know that they're naturally surface dwellers,
and live usually in bogs or swamps. However, with it being winter, they may have moved underground where it is actually warmer for brumation. They are said to possess a blood curdling howl which can freeze blood. Above twenty, they are actually rather intelligent. Though certainly not as smart as humans, they are curious and can carry on a conversation. While not evil, vooniths have a decidedly dark sense of humor, and take great pleasure in concocting violent poems or grisly jokes. Punch lines in which non-voonith creatures—particularly humans, cats, and gnomes—meet gory and ironic fates are the most entertaining to vooniths. Some tales speak of canny travelers who manage to strike up unlikely conversations with lurking vooniths. In truth, vooniths are quite social, and when one breeches the awkwardness arising from interspecies conflict, a friendship with a voonith can be an unexpected reward. Vooniths who befriend travelers often escort them, quietly and unseen, through dangerous bogs, and when such travelers fall prey to other dangers of the swamp, a friendly voonith will provide what aid it can.

Ten or higher, if you can also identify these as Voonith (with a ten in arcana) you know that these creatures are said to be part of Anwat's court. From the Pantheon Info: Deceptively beautiful, Anwat is a goddess which takes pleasure in watching the suffering of others. Like the wilds, with their flourishing greenery and beautiful flowers, Anwat is said to be a temptress that leads the unsuspecting into danger. Her symbol, the Hawthorn tree, is meant to be taken as a warning – though its berries are edible and enticing, its gnarled branches reek of death when cut. Despite her cruel nature, however, Anwat is still revered for her cunning, and it is said that those who brave the forests should pay wary respect to this goddess, lest her anger fall upon them. She has been known to trap the unsuspecting in labyrinths of greenery, from which the only escape is death. Like her other symbol, the Flytrap, she is almost impossible to escape once in her clutches. However, Anwat is also an avid practitioner of riddles, and many do not go into the forest without being armed with a few, as it is said that Anwat will release any who trespass in her domain unscathed if they ask her a riddle which she cannot answer. She is said to greatly enjoy debate with Hubal, and will sometimes grant his followers free passage through her domain – a courtesy which is, strangely, not extended to followers of her own.

2017-12-15, 04:44 PM
When he recognizes the creatures, his face hardens and his hands tighten around his axe. "Creatures of Anwat," he says to no one in particular. "Don't expect to get a straight answer on anything from them." He did not have much respect for the goddess--she seemed too much aligned with the goals of the forest gods for his liking--but it did well not to cross her if you could help it. "Trust me, I would rather not be in this accursed forest. But I have come here to deal with anything which might pose a threat to the people of this town." He sizes up the creatures to see how they react. If they take it as a threat, so be it... but if they mean no harm he would just as soon be done with the creatures as soon as possible.

2017-12-16, 01:35 AM
Mercuira says nothing as she stares back unflinchingly at the creature with a somewhat comical look of annoyance. She remembers hearing of them before - voonith, was it? - but nothing of what they are or what they can do. Still, they're probably dangerous; everything is, nowadays.

2017-12-16, 07:46 PM
Taicho brushes himself off and stands ready. Tired but being prepared for the worst. Should we be worried? He whispers to the nearest ally. Obviously concerned at their appearance.

2017-12-17, 08:25 AM
Jarome narrows his eyes. His knowledge of religions rankles at him that he should know something about these creatures, but nothing was springing to mind at the moment. Either way, they didn't appear to be directly hostile, and he decides to see if they were willing to be kept talking, and perhaps give some useful information.

"Well met, you two. As my companion asked, what brings you to these tunnels? You're not so far from the city above us, so I think its more what brings you to the city? Speaking of killing cats, or anything else for that matter, have you seen more of the zombie-making plants around?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2017-12-18, 04:15 PM
The creatures turn their attention to Jarome when he speaks, looking him over. The larger one settles atop its rock, keeping an eye on Mercuira, but the other speaks. "The Wildssss creep in everywhere, even so clossssse to a city. You road-walkerssssss should take care not to tresssssspassss on the lady Anwat's landsss." The other Voonith seems to agree, bobbing its head seriously. Its tail flicks before it speaks.

"You come for the sssssshiny ore beneath the earth. We come for the pure water of the cavesssss. We hunt in the Wildsss during the night. During the day, here we ressssst," it finally answers your question. "The yellow-flower bloomsssss usually above the earth. A sssspore-creature - zombie, as you sssssay - wandered in by the natural passssage above ussss."

The passage above your heads seems to be another twisting tunnel, about forty feet above the ground. The Voonith, with their taloned feet, can probably scale that wall easily, but you all might have some trouble with it. However, their words pretty clearly indicate there is another way into this cavern somewhere outside the city.

2017-12-19, 08:15 PM
"So long as you mean no harm to the villagers here we have no quarrel with you. Do you know where the plants that spawned the zombie that wandered down here is? I would be interested in destroying it." Darach still does not trust the creatures, but they seem like they aren't actively hostile. Although the miners should probably know about the other exit to the caves in case something else wanders in here.

2017-12-20, 12:33 AM
Daedalus nods at Darach's question, also eager to make sure that this threat is put down for good. The miners may need to seal the tunnel, but hopefully they could do so and still allow the outside tunnel access to the water here. No reason to aggravate creatures so innately tied to a vengeful god.

2017-12-20, 03:53 PM
Mercuira relaxes as the creatures don't seem to be...well, as hostile as usual, standing slowly and not bothering to try and hide anymore. She looks over the cavern at the tunnel - too high up for us to climb, probably, but I wouldn't want to head out into the wilds to try and find where it goes...

2017-12-21, 11:38 PM
"Sssso long as the villagerssssss mean no harm to ussss, we have no quarrel with them," one of the Voonith speaks, tail flicking once again. The other, atop the rock, rests its head on two of its legs.

"Where the plant itssssself issss, we are not entirely sssssure. I sssssuppose we could show you the opening to the cavesss above," it hummed. "Though, what issss it you intend to do with sssssuch information?"

2017-12-22, 12:23 AM
Darach raises an eyebrow. "We intend to destroy them, of course," he says matter-of-factly. "To prevent something like this from happening again. These plants are destructive things--I doubt even you are immune to their effects. And if they are allowed to remain, they will only continue to spread their infection and cause the death of more innocent people."

2017-12-27, 04:09 PM
Both of the Voonith chuckled in response to Darach's words, a wheezy sort of chortling between them. "Innocent... dead. Heeee," one purred, but the other rested its head on its finger-like appendages, seeming thoughtful.

"More dead onessss... meansss likely more coming down to try and ssssstop the yellow-bloomss. Meansss more disssturbancessss," he said, tail twitching. He looked up at the group. "If the mongrelssss wish to meet usss outside their wallsss, we will lead them to the Ssssanctuary."

2017-12-27, 04:15 PM
That sounds quite reasonable. That would allow us to make sure that the threat is ended and we can all go back to living peacefully. Daedalus was hopeful this could all be worked out without troubling these creatures, while Hastur continued to grumble and growl at their choice of language.

2017-12-27, 04:24 PM
"Very well. We will meet you outside. And will tell the dwarves to leave you in peace." Darach turns to the others. "I don't like the sound of this 'Sanctuary.' But it sounds like something worth investigating. I'm not sure how much we can trust these creatures... but I'm willing to risk it, at least."

Just in case, to see if they're leading us into a trap: [roll0]

2017-12-27, 04:34 PM
"Yesssss, yesss. We will meet you," the creatures agreed, before getting up. They climbed up the walls and over a ledge and out of sight, but before they were completely gone, their voices called back. "We wait for your arrival two daysss! Come out to the road, and we will find you," they almost sang.

You seem to think they're being honest. They do intend to lead you to this Sanctuary place. But you're not entirely sure if it will be good or bad for you once you get there.

2017-12-27, 04:49 PM
Jarome relaxes as the two creatures depart peacefully, and unstrings his bow now that there is no further combat to be expected.

”Well, that was an odd encounter. Either way, we can report to the miners that the threat that claimed their kin has been dealt with for now. Perhaps the city will be willing to pay us a new contract to deal with this ‘Sanctuary’ those two spoke of. Though contract or no, I think we have to deal with it.

Now, did everyone come out of that healthy? Or should we find a priest to check us over to be safe?”

2017-12-27, 05:14 PM
"Well. We'd better prepare for more plant-killing, then. I think the miners will be interested in what we found." Mercuira stashes her bow on her back as the creatures leave and they prepare to head back up.

2017-12-27, 08:42 PM
Darach gives a half-smile. "Plant killing is why I'm here. Let's get going." He slings his axe across his back and follows Mercuira back up toward the surface. He's not looking forward to telling the dwarves the fate of their comrades, but hopefully they'd understand it was necessary.

2017-12-28, 01:18 AM
I must say, well done all. I've been involved with far less professional endeavors. Hopefully the miners feel the need to reward us well for such a thorough job. Daedalus follows, smiling wide and basking in the feeling of victory.

Comrades, we stand united in victory! Let us go eat, drink, and enjoy other more sensual libations!

2017-12-28, 12:49 PM
On the Surface:

The party is able to make it back up to the surface quickly enough. It does take some work to get back up the slippery corridor with which Darach, Daedalus, Jarome, and Hastur became well acquainted with on the way down. With the use of pitons from Darach's climbing kit, however, you all successfully make it up without any broken limbs and no wounds (except, perhaps, some damage to your pride).

When the party emerges back into the room where the miners and overseers are waiting, they seem surprised to see you. It has been only a few hours since you descended, and some of their shock is just at seeing you back so soon. However, it's pretty clear that a couple of the supervisors are surprised to see you back at all. Boris is one of them, but he simply shakes his head in disbelief. A small smile is on his features however, and he leans back in his chair. "I assume that, since you're all back in one piece, the job's been a resounding success?" he asks.

2017-12-28, 01:22 PM
Jarome has waited until the miners has seen them come into the room, covered in dirt, mud and disheveled from the fighting and climbing around in the pits. Now, he murmurs a few words as he flicks his fingers at each of his companions and them himself, letting a minor act of magic clean them up as fresh as they had been that morning.

"We were indeed, good sir. We put to rest your lost kin, and found the plant abominations that had turned them into zombies. In the course of our explorations, we retrieved some of their gear, among them this pick." the human retrieved the masterwork pick from his bag and set it on the table in front of the foremen. "We also found that the caverns below are inhabited by creatures that Darach identified as Voonith. Unlike the inhabitants of the Forest, they are not innately hostile, though their sense of humor is quite... odd. Through them, we discovered that the lowest caverns have another entrance in the wilds outside the settlement. The Voonith use this entrance themselves, to rest in the safety of the caverns, but a spore zombie found its way through that entrance, which is what led to the infestation below.

The Voonith have offered to guide us to what they call a "Sanctuary" where more of these plants can be found. It might also be in the town's interests to see if perhaps a partnership can be struck up with them. Perhaps your miners can make expansions to the tunnels for the Voonith, and they can help guard against further incursions into what is their home as well."

2017-12-28, 01:34 PM
Darach nods in agreement with Jarome's assessment. "We regret we could not recover the bodies of the deceased minors, but the danger of worsening the infestation was too great. Hopefully we will be able to find this "Sanctuary" and prevent this from happening again. As far as the Voonith..." He scowls. "I would not trust their loyalty too far. Their goddess is far too sympathetic to the forest for my liking. But if you could strike a deal with them which they would honor, they could be valuable, I will admit."

2017-12-28, 01:55 PM
Boris leans forward at once when the pick is placed down on the table, looking it over. You are able to see in the better lighting that there is some Dwarven script engraved in the wooden handle of the pick. One side says Nuha, and the other is presumably the name of the crafter, Skoggi Smith. Boris hums. "This was Arengar's," he says, taking it back gratefully. "His family will be glad to have it back, and to know that he and his fellow miners are at rest," he says. He stands up from his chair then, giving a nod to several of his workers, who come forward with pouches of gold, as well as a scroll box. Each of you receives 200 gold, as well as a scroll of paper from the box. Upon unrolling them, you find lineage papers of a rare breed of strong horse native to New Ceres - the hybrid of domesticated horses and a wild, striped equine found out in the wilds, called Quagga. "I trust that the gold and these mounts are an agreeable payment?" Boris asks, settling back down once he sees that the reward has been handed over. He strokes a hand over his greying beard in thought. "I will send down a new group of men into the mines to see if we can find these Voonith. But if you were able to go to this Sanctuary and clear out any dangers, then-" he is interrupted suddenly as the doors of the room slam open. Standing there is another dwarf, whose dress and jewelry indicate he is probably fairly high up on social scale here in Vark.

"Boris!" he calls, completely cutting off the current conversation. "Trouble in the forest - something's approaching the cliff face, quickly!" he says in a panic. Boris rises to his feet, and from under the table, draws out a beautiful mithril hammer. A frown is on his features.

"Calm down now, Hrothran," Boris speaks, keeping his voice even. "Vark has stood strong for three centuries, now. Isn't anything going to knock us off easily," he says. His gaze turns towards you all, and there is a questioning look in his eyes. He doesn't ask aloud, but each of you is sure the look is requesting aid.

2017-12-28, 01:59 PM
Darach needs no further invitation. He draws his axe from across his back and nods toward Boris. "How can we help?"

2017-12-28, 03:12 PM
Jarome tucks away the pouch and the papers of ownership for the mount, and swiftly strings his bow once more.

"No rest for the wicked, and the righteous need none. The former covers myself, the latter Darach. Let's go see what new monstrosity the Forest has cooked up and send it into the Void." he says with an easy grin, though the humor doesn't fully reach his eyes, which hold a worried glint.

2017-12-28, 04:25 PM
Daedalus swallows and nods to the rest of his companions. In for a copper, in for a platinum, as they say. Let's go see if this is something that we can help handle for the community. Hastur nods, but he is looking over the scroll for the mounts they would receive and nodding happily. Yes, let us go and fight these new monsters. Perhaps this will lead to even greater rewards when we vanquish our foes.

2017-12-31, 12:52 PM
Taicho had been long quiet. The Voonith unnerved him and he got the impression they looked at him like a bit of food and not like a person. He was glad to reemerge from the cavern and complete their mission so far. Two Hundred gold seemed more than fair and a horse was worth near its weight in gold. This 'Sanctuary' needed to be dealt with. Taicho was more than up to the task.

When the other person came crashing in speaking of an attack Taicho seemed to come out of a daze. Where do you need us?

2018-01-01, 11:57 AM
Boris gives a nod as you all leap to action. "Follow me," he says, leading the way out to the walls. The streets are mostly deserted at this point - a few dwarves are ushering younger ones inside, either into inns or their houses, whichever is closest. But out by the wall where Boris leads you, looking in the direction of the forest, is the tiefling and summoner from before. Both look alert as they stare out over the forest.

You all can see, in the distance, what looks like a mass of swirling, sentient leaves twisting and writhing in the air, swarming so thick that its blocking out the light beneath them to the trees below. The swarm is moving slowly, but ever closer to the settlement.

"Leaf Rays," the tiefling murmurs, a bit of a growl in his voice, but he sounds a bit... excited, at the prospect. He snaps his fingers a couple times, and sparks come off of them. "Nothing a little heat can't handle," he says, before Corrin speaks up.

"Lighting ablaze a swarm like that would be a catastrophe for the forest below," he murmured. "And while I'm sure pressing back the woods wouldn't be a bad plan, a fire like that could choke out the entire city. We need another angle..."

It is at this point that the pair notice the party approaching. The tiefling's tail twists and he smiles welcomingly at the group, while Corrin's gaze is still on the swarm. Finch stretches her wings and shakes herself, before lifting into the sky, a few feet above Corrin's head. This seems to get the tiefling's attention again.

"You mean that sort of angle?" he asks, and Corrin nods. He glances, finally, over to the party.

"You here to help?"

2018-01-01, 12:19 PM
Darach nods, sizing up the situation. "Not that much I can do against flying creatures, but if they come low they'll meet my axe. And I can offer you a bit of help, as well." He begins muttering a prayer, while trying to remember anything he can about the leaf rays.

Casting Bless on the party+Corrin and the tiefling, just in case. Lasts for 3 minutes.
Knowledge (Nature) roll with monster lore: [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]

2018-01-02, 02:46 PM
Jarome nods to the other adventurers. "Gentlemen, good to see you again. I agree that fire is likely effective against them, but aside from a few potions of alchemist's fire, I have precious little on my person that's well suited to handling such swarms. We might be better off herding everyone into the mine entrance and holding the entrance against any that investigate as they move by."

Knowledge (nature) check to know more about the creatures - [roll0]

How wet has it been recently? Is the Forest in a wet or dry season currently? Basically, how likely are we to start out of control forest fires if we do start torching the enemies?

2018-01-02, 04:03 PM
If someone comes up with a strategy, count Hastur and I in. Neither one of us is particularly adept at fighting opponents in the air, but if there is some way to negate that advantage we'll do whatever we can to help the town. Daedalus reloads his crossbow with nervous fingers, more to keep him occupied than out of any hope it will have an effect. Hastur eyes the swarming creatures and nods his agreement, fingers flexing on his sword in frustrated impotence.

2018-01-02, 04:29 PM
Mercuira simply shrugs as she looks over the wall and draws her bow. Arrows probably won't help against that, though...

2018-01-02, 06:49 PM
Those nature checks were pretty high, haha. You all know that, individually, leaf rays don't present much of a problem. But in a swarm, they can be quite troublesome. Growing in the upper canopies of massive trees, leaf rays fly through the air in search of food. Barely sentient, leaf rays have just enough intelligence to find nourishment and pick out creatures suitable for harboring their seeds. These creatures are hardly picky in their quest for either, merely requiring a warm-blooded living creature, preferably mammalian, for each purpose. Leaf rays begin their lives as buds in the tops of deciduous trees, and form a symbiotic relationship with these trees, often leaving the husks of their victims under their host trees to decay and fertilize the soil. During its budding stage, a leaf ray spends its time flexing its body in reaction to blowing winds in order to prepare itself for flight. Once a leaf ray has matured, it can separate its stingerlike stem from the parent tree and soar through the air. A leaf ray measures 3 feet across and weighs only 2 pounds.

As for the weather, it is winter. This far south means it's chilly and rainy all the time. For leaf rays to be acting like this probably hints at a bigger problem, because they are normally dormant in winter.

"Something's troubling them," Corrin murmurs after a moment. He looks to the tiefling, who quirks his eyebrow in response.

"Well? What are you waiting for, Vec? Permission? You're the one that wants a different angle. Just don't get too close," he says, and Corrin nods. With that, Finch swoops down, seeming to dive right into Corrin's chest, but he doesn't even flinch at the impact. She disappears for a moment, and a silver-blue glow surrounds the summoner until it extends from his back, where two glowing wings, exactly like Finch's, but larger, settle. Corrin rolls his shoulders and stretches a bit.

"Aaah... I forgot how good this feels," he hums, smiling a little bit as he stretches his wings. He looks to the party, gaze settling on Taicho. "Can you take to the air with me?" he asks the Tengu, before looking to Daedalus. "And Daedalus, have you the strength to summon a hawk or two right now? I know you all just got back from the mines, but... well, if you can't, I won't get too close anyways."

"Vec" means red in Abyssal. Anyone who speaks that language would know what the tiefling keeps calling Corrin.

2018-01-02, 07:29 PM
Darach raises his eyebrows. He didn't know what he expected from the summoner... but that certainly wasn't it. "We can handle any that get past you. May the Stars guide you." With that, he turns back toward the town, looking for anyone who hasn't made it inside yet and moving to defend them.

If anyone is still trying to reach shelter, Darach is going to move toward them, otherwise just positioning himself in the way of the swarm. Either way, readied action to attack with the axe when one comes within reach.

2018-01-02, 07:48 PM
Daedalus turns to Hastur, who gives a sigh, but nods. I will summon you back as soon as I can, my friend." Hastur dissapears in a swirl of red sand and hot wind, causing Daedalus to exhale loudly. He shakes himself, feeling his link grow distant and quiet, but refocuses himself to summon a swarm of hawks to cover Corrin in his flight.

[roll0] Celestial hawks ordered to cover Corrin and intercept anything that goes after him.

2018-01-04, 10:08 AM
Jarome stays close to the summoner, bow ready. He calculates the distance to the swarms and prepares to start shooting when they come into range.

Jarome will start firing at 4 range increments (280') out, which is a -6 penalty to hit I believe?

And I honestly never thought I'd have to fire at the edge of one range increment.

2018-01-04, 05:13 PM
Taicho blinks at Corrin. I wish that I could but my feathers are not so developed. Were you to get me on the air I could glide. It seems I will have to stay put and see what I can hit with my sling. Taicho looks towards the swarm thinking about what it would be like to fly. He readies his sling.

When the swarm is within 90 ft Taicho looses a stone.
Atk [roll0] Dmg [roll1]

2018-01-04, 06:31 PM
Corrin gives a nod to the group, before moving to perch on the wall. He smiles as the eagles join him. "At the very least, perhaps I can kite off some of the leaf rays, or whatever it was Mallow called them, so you can address them in manageable groups. Wish me luck!" he says, before diving off the wall and letting Finch's wings carry him to the edge of the swarm. As predicted, a group breaks off to chase him and the eagles, while the rest keep flying for Vark. But with the combined efforts of everyone's ranged abilities, they quickly start to fall before they can reach the city.

Going to actually speed through this encounter, unless you guys want to use it for the experience points, but these things are really weak compared to you all and this is mostly for a plot hook anyways... but if you guys want the combat, I will give you combat!

What remains of the swarm hangs back for a little while, before something altogether different shakes the forest. A tremendous roar sounds from the jungle, and the leaf rays scatter, flying towards Vark once more, but not actually stopping. Instead, they fly right over, fleeing whatever made that horrible noise. But the sound isn't the only effect of the roar. There is a sharp scream from above as the two eagles Daedalus summoned are knocked from the sky and disappear - as do the wings on Corrin's back. The tiefling is up on the wall, then, scrambling to try and do something, but he can only watch as the summoner crashes down through the trees, falling out of sight into the forest below. "Anbay, Basamum, Anwat- oh, divines-" he curses - or is that a prayer? - and then he's sliding down the other side of the wall, scuttling down to the narrow path carved into the cliff face.

2018-01-04, 06:42 PM
Head snapping toward the roar, Darach searches for any other sign of whatever caused it as the rays flutter overhead. His eyes widen as he sees Corrin fall from the sky. Stowing his axe, he follows Mallow down the cliff. "What wasthat? It certainly didn't sound good." He doesn't say anything directly, but mentally he tries to judge how high Corrin was and how bad his injuries might be from the fall... assuming whatever is out there didn't get to him first.

Did he fall, like a spell dismissed the summoning, or was he knocked out of the sky by something hitting him?

2018-01-04, 07:19 PM
"Whoa, that can't be good." Mercuira racks her brain, trying to figure out if she's seen or read about anything like this, as she prepares to follow the tiefling over the wall.

knowledge (arcana) [roll0]
spellcraft [roll1]

2018-01-04, 07:30 PM
Taicho immediately heads towards where Corrin fell. The sound was of much less concern then the summoner's safety. Attempting to scale the wall, leap, and glide as close to the impact as possible. Any one can see there is a bit of recklessness in his movements. He looks concerned but also excited. Taicho feels much more confident above ground and it shows.

Acrobatics [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2018-01-04, 10:24 PM
TAICHO! PLEASE SAVE CORRIN! I CAN'T SCALE THE WALL LIKE YOU! Daedalus is in a panic, hands clasping either side of his face. He turns suddenly- Hastur, do you think you... before realizing his companion is in his home plane. He hurriedly begins assembling the mystic reagents to summon him back, fingers trembling and spilling the rare sands across the black velvet he uses as a mat during the ritual. Come on, come on, comeon,cmon! His mind races back and forth between the ritual and the fearsome noise that send Corrin tumbling to the ground, trying to do something, anything useful.

2018-01-05, 09:23 AM
Jarome, like the others is concerned about the flying summoner's fate, but unlike Taicho, waits impatiently as Daedalus hurriedly tries to re-summon his companion.

"Calmly, calmly, Daedalus. Care now saves more time then trying to make haste. As soon as Hastur is back with us, we can rush to follow Taicho."

While he waits, he racks his brain for any idea of what could have created that noise, or cause the effects they just witnessed. Whatever it is, it certainly frightened the Forest creatures to no end.

2018-01-05, 01:27 PM
Despite his haste (or perhaps knowing this is the cause of such concern) it's Daedalus that recognizes the noise. I wasn't actually sure which knowledge you technically are supposed to use for abberations when I made the initial post, so sorry for asking for so many! (Though at the same time, I feel like asking you guys for all the checks keeps you guessing as to what it might be, so let me know if you minded terribly or I might do something like that again).

Anyway, as you might now have guessed, the Nature, Arcana, and Spellcraft checks are enough to tell you whatever that noise was, it wasn't magical in nature, and while this planet is strange and the monsters it can conjure up are absolutely alien, that noise didn't sound natural, either. It sounded like some sort of unholy shriek, and even at the distance you all were, it certainly seemed like it could be deafening.

Daedalus would have ample reason to believe (with an above 20 in Dungeoneering) that noise was something known as Destructive Harmonics, an ability unique to a creature called a Destrachan. Despite its bestial appearance, the destrachan is in fact a creature of cunning and cruel intellect that enjoys inflicting pain and viciously toying with its prey. It has no eyes, and is completely blind, but possesses a pair of complex, tripartite ears it can adjust to different levels of sensitivity to sound, allowing the destrachan to hunt in absolute darkness as if it were able to see. Destrachans are carnivores, preferring to stalk and kill live prey, although they also feast on carrion. This habit serves them well, since they often kill more than they can immediately consume. They often hunt in packs, using a complex series of clicks, shrieks, and whistles to communicate with each other. While destrachans cannot speak, they are capable of understanding spoken languages like the common tongue, and often take pleasure in their victims' cries and pleas for mercy.

By this point, climbing like a natural, Mallow is already halfway down the cliff. Taicho, nimble enough to keep up and using his ability to glide quite effectively, is right there with him, while the others carefully pick their way down the path in pursuit. It's at this point that another of the shrieks echoes through the wilds, but the call sounds different this time. More surprised than aggressive. And by the time the tiefling and the tengu are on the ground, the forest has gone quiet again. Mallow hesitates for a moment, tail flicking in impatience as he looks back up the cliff to see the party following.
"You don't have to come, you know," he says after a moment, speaking mostly to Taicho. "Whatever's out there might kill us."

2018-01-05, 02:26 PM
Daedalus takes the time to center himself, following Jerome's advice and concentrating on one thing at a time. Still, it is a nerve wracking 60 seconds while he lights the mystical incense and says the words to summon Hastur from his home plane and bring him back to the mortal realm. Hastur on Red Sands, friend and ally, I summon thee to our world. The sand swirls into a small cyclone and a booming laugh sounds out as Hastur steps out of the tornado and gives a small flourish with his falchion. Is it time to test ourselves in combat again, my friend? Yes, Hastur. And lives are depending on it now, in the immediate sense.
We're going to have to run to catch up, I hope you're ready. We need to gather our friends so I can share information on what we face with them. Daedalus quickly but meticulously puts the summoning tools away, then begins to run down to meet with those who ran off initially.

2018-01-05, 03:43 PM
Darach scrambles down the cliff side, catching up with Taicho and Mallow. At Mallow's comment, he lets out a little laugh. "Not much out here that won't kill us. If I was afraid of dying I wouldn't have followed the path I did. I will help you find your friend." He catches his breath for a moment, and tries to get his bearings now that he's descended below the treeline. "We should move quickly. Chances are whatever that thing is won't be content just knocking him out of the air."

Survival check to make sure we're heading the right direction: [roll0]

2018-01-05, 04:36 PM
One does not grow by playing it safe. Besides Corrin is as important to this settlement as anyone. Taicho shifts his head to one side listening for more screeches or for Corrin. Besides there is strength in numbers. No one should go alone.

Perception [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

2018-01-07, 09:46 PM
As she catches up to the rest of the group, Mercuira hears the last shriek, then the following calm. "Hopefully that means that whatever did that is gone..." She readies her bow, then looks around for signs of anything else.

perception [roll0]

2018-01-08, 07:22 AM
Jarome follows behind Darach, content to let the heavily armored holy warrior take the lead. He keeps his eyes and ears alert as he likewise looks for threats and their missing companion.

Survival - [roll0]
Perception - [roll1]

2018-01-08, 12:28 PM
Mallow meets eyes with Taicho, giving him a meaningful, grateful look. "Thank you. You've no idea how much that means to me," he says. He waits for the rest of the party to regroup at the base of the cliff, looking antsy all the while but knowing he shouldn't rush off on his own. The forest has gone silent save for the group's footfalls. Darach easily takes to the lead, ready to defend his friends, but it takes Jarome's guidance to get them headed the right direction. It takes a bit of walking, near twenty minutes, to actually reach the site where Corrin crashed to the ground - he was a bit farther out than it seemed from above the treeline and the undergrowth is inhospitable, but eventually Taicho, Mercuira, and Jarome are able to see the dent in the forest above, several broken branches indicating something large came crashing down here recently, and it was likely the summoner. The tiefling hops into the lead, then, picking over the site and moving through the brush with a nimbleness that seems almost unnatural. The rough terrain doesn't seem to be much of an impediment to him. He furrows his brow and his eyes seem to glow for a moment, before concern flashes on his features.
"He's not here. He's not anywhere nearby," he reports, tail flicking with unease. "Where could he have gone...?" He starts looking around again, trying to pick out a trail or some other thing, eyes flashing sporadically. After a moment, however, he freezes, staring into the treeline. "What... is that?" He goes quiet. "...neither alive nor dead..."

For those interested/those that make a Knowledge: Planes check above 15, that was the Soul Seer ability that the tiefling just used.

2018-01-08, 01:14 PM

Daedalus spends the time marching through the undergrowth huffing and puffing, insistent on relaying the information he has recollected on the destrachan to his companions before they may face such a creature. He also spends the time mentally chalking off the spells he has used already. Not good... I didn't think we'd be facing foes so soon after delving into the mines... but we have a few tricks left to us,
don't we Hastur? The run through the forest has him gasping and struggling to catch his breath when they finally reach Corrin's landing spot, but he quickly collects himself, hanging onto Hastur's shoulder. He doesn't really catch the tiefling's ability, but the words strike him with fear anyway. Hastur grips his falchion with one hand, the other squeezing Daedalus to impart him some of the eidolon's bottomless courage.
Sounds threatening. Let's all prepare ourselves. It could be something horrible and destined to be slain out there in the underbrush. Daedalus, a protection spell if you please. Daedalus nods, whispering the words to a protective charm and enshrouding the eidolon in plates of force to protect him.
Darach, if you'd like I can enhance your formidable strength. Normally I use this on Hastur, but I think it may compliment your martial skills as well. Would you like me to cast it on you?