View Full Version : Evil Dictator Vs. Thread

2007-08-17, 11:09 PM
Who's the most evil dictator, Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars or Ming the Merciless of Flash Gordon fame?

2007-08-17, 11:37 PM
No contest — Palpatine wins by a mile. He incited a civil war that killed millions and effectively wiped out the Jedi Order. Ming the Merciless was more comic than diabolic.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-08-17, 11:42 PM
Seriously? You think there's a contest? While I must admit my knowledge of Flash Gordon is subpar, we are talking about a man who destroyed a planet, killed thousands of Jedi, enslaved entire races, and created Darth Vader.


2007-08-18, 01:12 AM
Palpatine wins.

(But Vetinari beats them both)

2007-08-18, 08:52 AM
(But Vetinari beats them both)The Patrician isn't evil. Unless you happen to be a mime.

2007-08-18, 10:18 AM
There's no way Palpatine is less evil. Ming may be treacherous, but he only controls one planet. Palpatine controls and oppresses an entire galaxy. Palpatine is an inter-planetary Hitler.

2007-08-18, 10:24 AM
There's no way Palpatine is less evil. Ming may be treacherous, but he only controls one planet. Palpatine controls and oppresses an entire galaxy. Palpatine is an inter-planetary Hitler.

That doesn't necessarily mean Palpatine is more evil, though, just that his evil affects more people. I haven't seen Flash Gordon, though, so I don't know anything about Ming.

2007-08-18, 10:26 AM
Ming = Corporate Evil (in his newest incarnation, anyway, which is way more evil than the 80's movie incarnation if you ask me)

Palpatine = Manipulative, evil-for-its-own-sake Evil.

I'd say Palpatine wins against any incarnation of Ming.

2007-08-18, 11:41 AM
The Patrician isn't evil. Unless you happen to be a mime.

At best he's Lawful Neutral with very evil tendencies.

He has scorpion pits.

2007-08-18, 11:44 AM
I'm putting my money on Evil Dictator, I mean, this thread may be okay as threads go, but it's not even on its second page; while Evil Dictator has people writing down what he says.

2007-08-18, 02:50 PM
I will place bets on John Baptist Emanuel Sebastien Zorg or Dr Breen because I hate his calm, steady and gently smiling face on Combine televisions.

2007-08-18, 03:59 PM
I will place bets on John Baptist Emanuel Sebastien Zorg or Dr Breen because I hate his calm, steady and gently smiling face on Combine televisions.

Zorg does not have the name Sebastian in his name.

Its just Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg.

2007-08-19, 02:39 PM
Hmm I thought their was more to it. It must have simply been his pretentiousness that made it seem like their should be more.