View Full Version : Comics Bendis moving to DC comics

2017-11-09, 07:35 PM
So this is it, the decompressed cueball has finally want to try DC comics.
Well, not sure how it will go, but definitely not good after he missed the point when he made Civil War 2, namely the lack of nuance (also the "heroic" Inhumnas commiting corporate theft too).

2017-11-09, 08:00 PM
So if I understand correctly Bendis is wonderful from 2000 to 2004 when he launched Ultimate Spiderman and lots of other stuff in the Ultimate Universe. But ever since roughly 2004 when he was moved over Marvel 616 Bendis is now pure evil with all his shake ups and events and just being a general mess? Is this correct?

2017-11-10, 07:37 PM
So if I understand correctly Bendis is wonderful from 2000 to 2004 when he launched Ultimate Spiderman and lots of other stuff in the Ultimate Universe. But ever since roughly 2004 when he was moved over Marvel 616 Bendis is now pure evil with all his shake ups and events and just being a general mess? Is this correct?
Yep, he isn't known for following continuities and get to do his own ways on MCU (You know why GoTG no longer had a lesbian couple and why majority of them are Earth humans).

2017-11-10, 10:45 PM
To be fair a lot of the really bad decisions come from a lot higher up. He just tries to do his best with what he has. Still, he just hasn't struck the kind of lightning that made Ultimate Spiderman a high point of comics in the 2000s a second time.

2017-11-12, 04:15 AM
Bendis just goes with whatever the trend at the time is.

Though he was the one who flat out stated on behalf of Marvel that Iron Man was Morally 100% right, in the right, and the hero of Civil War all along, start to finish, period, end of story, never even was in question or was a debate.

And I will likely never forgive him for that short of a massive public apology.

2017-11-12, 07:37 AM
I always found that statement interesting because the story itself said almost the exact opposite and turned him into a huge monster.

2017-11-12, 11:25 AM
Bendis just goes with whatever the trend at the time is.

Though he was the one who flat out stated on behalf of Marvel that Iron Man was Morally 100% right, in the right, and the hero of Civil War all along, start to finish, period, end of story, never even was in question or was a debate.

And I will likely never forgive him for that short of a massive public apology.

Kinda the point of CW was supposed to be that both sides had a point.

And then they got Mark Millar to write it and he's about as subtle as a brick to the nads and so Iron Fascist happened.

2017-11-12, 11:33 AM
Kinda the point of CW was supposed to be that both sides had a point.

And then they got Mark Millar to write it and he's about as subtle as a brick to the nads and so Iron Fascist happened.
And didn't help that entire Aesop came off as "accountability is bad," which didn't bode well with current events (you know, the idea of having some internal affairs or civilian control to not go overboard, like having a norse god clone attacking an unarmed giant IN THE BACK).
At least what a Finn told me based on her country's conscription and mandatory checkups that seem oppressive but beneficial.

2017-11-12, 11:45 AM
Bendis has his strengths. I've seen people praise his street-level characters, and he did manage to elevate the Avengers from a B-level franchise to A-Lister status.

(Though, obviously, the movies helped with that.)

But I just don't like him. His style just doens't work for me. The decompression is obnoxious, and I have never liked his Ultimate Spider-Man run. His X-Men run was insultingly bad to me, in how aimless and wasteful it was, and the fact it ruined the potential for resolution of the Cyclops arc.

(I actually like Schism, so seeing it end on such a damp note is disappointing)

There are books at DC he could maybe write well. Blue Beetle is the obvious one. A Renee Montoya The Question series might work out well, since that's the noir style he seemed to like with Jessica Jones, but...

... but let's be real. He's ehading to the Justice League. That title has just be floundering for so long now, that getting "the Avengers guy" on it is going to be a big marketing push.

I am... not looking forward to this, frankly. But hey, maybe I'll be proved wrong.

2017-11-13, 03:30 AM

You could argue that, right up till Iron Man's side threw the first couple of attacks. (Maybe you could argue that was just Maria Hill getting to big for her britches or being in too big a hurry to assert she was the big boss lady in charge and didn't need Stark, but if there was any merit for that he'd had lead with "Look, I know Hill was out of line, and I've already fired her very unceremoniously for it, I even video'd it for you if you want to verify that. Can we please try to talk about this?" when he got his chance to talk to Cap, and he didn't do that. She never so much as got told off for it that I'm aware in the decade since it happened. )

And if you didn't, also, have The X-men, who were the company flagship for 2+ decades, who have been fighting registration for even longer then that and seen multiple possible futures were that happened and it was decided 100% a bad thing that it did. You know, because making actual human beings register is different from, say, cars or fireworks. Particularly when your doing it over circumstances of there birth or biology or having had an accident, and not, say, simply a professional license.

Except that that was never it. The point of Civil War was to have a diatribe about how utterly impossibly Evil the at that time administration was, and then at the end to make a political statement about ANOTHER political issue that's still on going, specifically of a statement that his and Joe Quesada's position on that issue is moral and pure and wholly good and all other positions on it are corrupt and wholly unsaveably evil and that your a horrible, monstrous evil person if you support his and Quesda's position.

Before you say they wouldn't print it if that were the case or some other defense along that line of thinking, Joe Quesada, the Editor In Chief at the time who backed this as well, would, not that much later, write a Spiderman Book were in an Alternative Universe Peter Parker, who didn't get the spider bite, told the Audience, that by virtue of reading comics, they are all, categorically, losers. Period. No if's, and's, buts, or exceptions.

GloatingSwine :

No that's just what people who think the idea had merit or who agree with Tony Stark claim.

Bendis has made it 100% inescapably clear in that statement exactly what the point was. It was not that both sides had a point. It's that individual rights don't' actually matter, no one should ever thing anything except horrible things about the USA ever for any reason, that the president that was in office at the time is an authoritarian dictator who just hasn't seized the last of power juuuuuuuuuuuuuust yet and everyone in his political party is inherently evil by virtue of being in that party, and that anyone who doesn't agree with his and Quesada's politics is just too evil or too stupid to talk to.

That's the meaning of Civil War, per it's Edititor in Chief and it's Lead Writer, who were the two who were in charge of it start to finish.

That all said, the move to DC could work. See, here's the thing, as mentioned, there are characters he can write well. (I seem to recall that Mark Miller drops his super angst and rage against everything when he writes Superman, and actually writes a solidly understood, hope filled, optimistic Superman. It World can be weird about that sort of thing at times.)

Further, DC, unlike Marvel, currently have 3 other things going for them.

1: They have mostly a cast of people working on there books who don't actively hate comics, hate the comic book fans, hate the public at large, and only care about being political activists for there pet cause, like Marvel presently does. (Making it company policy that the most important thing to getting hired at Marvel is to NEVER EVER EVER EVER have said ANYTHING even remotely negative or critical in relation to ANYTHING marvel has EVER done EVER will create environments like that sadly. )

2: They are actively making an effort to push characters right now, and not to push politics. In fact, they have several things going that they Could have made All about modern Politics, but didn't. (The Event with Nightwing were he's getting rid of all the super powered people, and Super Son's being about half way believable kid super hero's being kid super hero's and not going on none stop at length about politics both spring immediately to mind.) There making there people control themselves on politics or outright put personal politics aside in there work.

3: Because DC is fresh off a reboot right now, and are DESPERATE to get back old fans and draw in newer readers again, there really trying to do solid and frankly, interesting stuff, but to respect canon while doing it. Meaning again, Bendis will likely be held to task and not permitted to go Angst happy again. Particularly cause DC's sales are UP since they dropped the Angst ridden angle and they seem to have learned from that. Darkness were needed (New Mister Miracle Book.) but not more then needed (Super son's.).

So, this Could work. We shall see.

Through frankly what amuses me about it most is that he had a LOT to do with making the ship Marvel is, and seems to be doing this cause he's realized that ship is not one any sane person who means to have a prosperous career should want to be within visual range of.

2017-11-13, 09:54 PM
Well, I think you might need to calm down, Metahuman1. It's just sounded just as "biased".
However, comics do made bad contexts for their satire, other than the "mutants as minorites" and recently "some Inhuman tie-in who regularly gas people and sterilized them, like Tau except Tau are good guys as minorities".
But still, I get peeved at Marvel's attempt at realism after Civil War. Like I understand that most people do dumb things like making Norman Osborne as heroes, but somehow they decided to condemn the Avengers as "war criminals" like even those who knew them or the fact that they just saved the world like yesterday. Sometimes, I feel that they conflate realism with negativism too much.
Even worse in Secret Empire, other than the infamous Cap Hydra, which for some reason all of the people are obedient drones FOR LIKE A WEEK AT MOST. I mean Avengers are the only one opposing them. Sometimes, they don't even need to cover up and definitely doing evil things in front of their eyes. And definitely not "I'm scared" loyalty. I mean you might expect a large scale revolt after they blew up Las Vegas....and NOPE! Even for a satire, this felt dumb. I mean even Imperium of Men have revolts inspite, or rather from, its oppresive nature.
No wonder why I like Zeta Gundam better. Like CIVILIANS ACTUALLY DO FIGHT BACK! (Titans responded with G3 gas), ENTITY OTHER THAN THE HEROES DO HELP! (like Titans being dissolved by Federation), and HEROES WITH MOSTLY CLEAN SLATE! (Let's compare Bright Noa and Tony Stark, the former is a honest captain while the latter gets to be a rebel leader inspite of the fact that he done the same thing as Rogers)
It's like the stupid scene in The Last Airbender movie where the Earthbenders need a kid to tell them that they can use the ground in prison camp underneath their soles. I swear that Marvel need to rethink their position for civilians in order to make "look how persistent" mindset.

2017-11-13, 11:32 PM
I have a bias against blatant attempts at character assassination, blatant if unintentional but successful character assassination, all in the name of serving fringe real world political views.

And against One More Day which literally only was allowed to happen because Civil War made such a mess of Spiderman. (Frankly, I think that was deliberate on Quesada's part. Make a mess so he can "fix" it. )

and Secret Empire is Nick Spencer and a few others (Including Quesada, who's gone out and defended it to the public when Nazi Cap was first shown.) Having a blatant months long temper tantrum as a grown man about the last United States Presidental election going against the candidate he wanted to win. Nothing more. Frankly, between that, Generations and Legacy all flopping, and now that the Last arguably profitable major name they had in the writers area is leaving, and the fact that were seeing the Disney earning reports and sure enough, Disney is bleeding money right now and Marvel Comics is a particularly bad wound, and that we know that Retailers are increasingly fed up with Marvel as a brand and increasingly trying to figure out how to walk the hell away from them, I can just hope that it's a matter of time before Disney forces marvel to get rid of there current crowd of hacks and to fix the mess they've made.

t209 :

Something I think you especially will find interesting. Marvel is in talks to buy a bunch of 20th Century Fox's TV and Movie rights and property's, due to 20th Century Fox apparently being interested in moving in a more News and Sports focused direction with there company.

It may not be that much longer before Disney owns X-men and Fantastic Four property's again.

Meaning, they own Mutants, and don't need the Inhumans for anything except outer space game of thrones.

2017-11-14, 01:15 AM

And it sounded a bit too grating in my opinion, but it is your own.
I also want you to get on with Bendis on DC, and guess what kind of good (or possibly damage) he'll do. Also the fact that it didn't help that Marvel's marketing keep doing the same mistakes (like Legacy being more like "look how cool our new kids are when they are mocking the old one through time travel, which we say on bill-board that we won't".
Maybe I might make a post about Gundam+Marvel+MLP crossover, which involved fixing and making things better (Like Marvel Civil War beginning with Skrull actually pulling off a massive attack ala Stardust Memories with Speedball and Rainbow Dash teaming up).

2017-11-14, 03:01 AM
If your going to do a Marvel/MLP team up, then do Deadpool And She-Hulk meeting Pinkie Pie. XD!

More to the topic however, I'm kind of in a wait and see moment with marvel. For the first time in quite awhile however, I am actually optimistic that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel, at long, long, LONG last.

Disney get's those rights, does a sweep in the comic book department and get's actual freaking talent in there in there place, and has a separate studio that does more experimental movies like Fox has been doing ala Logan or Deadpool 1 and 2.

They can fix the mess made of the canon, and I can go back to being an actual marvel comics fan, not a fan who has to boycott there comics as a matter of principle.

As for Bendis at DC. DC have been rather smart of recent. I Legitimately think there smart enough to keep tight enough reins on Bendis to keep him from making a mess that they can't swoop in and clean up. And I sight the Mark Miller example. Guy has a list of characters tall as either of us that he has proven he does not get and can not write, to the point that many people feel he's only got something when he's working exclusively with characters he himself as invented, in a setting he himself has invented.

And yet, he freaking GET'S Superman! Against all logic, Superman is the character he can put his own baggage aside for and write for in a way that's worth a crap.

Maybe Bendis has a character like that over at DC they'll put him on. We don't know.