View Full Version : [Homebrew] New Pact Boon: Pact of the Crown

2017-11-10, 04:31 PM
Hello, Playground! Has been a while since I posted, but I've actually got back to D&D after a years-long break and have decided, after a good while of playing 5e, to start doing what I always do: make my own setting and start homebrewing and houseruling to my heart's content! :smallbiggrin:

So without further ado, allow me to introduce a variant to the Pact Boon class feature for Warlocks.

New Pact Boon: Pact of the Crown

Your patron sends you a magical servant to both obey your commands and slowly influence you to your patron’s way of thinking. Choose one of the following three roles for your servant: Guard, Scout or Consort. Your choice will determine your servant’s abilities. Your servant is engaging and pleasant to be around, even if your otherworldly patron is not, and has the following statistics:

It is a Medium size creature with half as many HD as you (round down, uses d8s and always takes average), has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical, nonsilvered weapons, a speed of 30 ft. and its type depends on your otherworldly patron (Celestial = Celestial, Fiend = Fiend, Archfey = Fey, Great Old One = Aberration, Undying = Undead, Hexblade = Elemental). All its ability scores are 13 and it has the same proficiency bonus as you at all times. Your servant always acts on your Initiative and costs you a bonus action to command it every turn. Its appearance is tailored specifically to whatever you would find most appealing.

Guard: The servant’s Strength and Constitution scores become 17 instead of 13 and gains proficiency on Athletics and Strength and Constitution saves. Additionally, it adds its proficiency bonus to AC and gains a Strength-based natural attack fitting to its form that deals 2d6 damage. At warlock level 11, the damage increases to 3d6, and then to 4d6 at warlock level 19.
Scout: The servant’s Dexterity and Wisdom scores become 17 instead of 13 and gains proficiency on Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Perception, Insight and Survival, as well as Dexterity and Wisdom saves. Its speed increases to 40 ft and it gains the ability to become invisible (as per the Invisibility spell) once per short rest.
Consort: The servant’s Intelligence and Charisma scores become 17 instead of 13 and gains proficiency on Arcana, Religion, Investigation, Deception, Intimidation, Performance and Persuasion, as well as Intelligence and Charisma saves. It gains the ability to cast Charm Person, Enthrall and Command once each per short rest.

Your magical servant cannot be equipped with items or armour, or wield weaponry, and can only handle physical objects for a short time (up to 1 minute, before they phase through its magical flesh). Furthermore, it is unable to leave an area of 1000 feet from you, and is automatically brought along if you are moved great distances or shifted to another plane. Attempts to move the magical servant outside of the zone (including a different plane from yours) automatically fail, but deal 6d6 force damage to it.

As a bonus action, you may allow your magical servant to discorporate and hide within your body. This permission bypasses effects like Protection From Good and Evil and the like. While your servant is in your body, it is nothing but a disembodied voice that may occasionally attempt to influence you towards a certain course of action it feels will make you a better fit for your otherworldly patron. When this happens, you must make a Charisma save against your own Spell DC. On a failure, you are compelled to perform that action, though this compulsion fades away if the action takes more than an hour to complete. The magical servant generally only bothers you like this a few times per day. It takes an action for your servant to reform once discorporated this way.

Should your magical servant be slain, its essence immediately enters your body and remains there for at least 24 hours regaining its strength. You may attempt to resummon it after that time has passed and you have had a long rest. The summoning ritual takes 1 hour to complete.

New Invocations

Acolyte of the Crown
Requires Pact of the Crown.
Your magical servant becomes your loyal acolyte, gaining a suit of spells to complement your own.

Choose two cantrips (from any spell list) that you don’t already have. Your magical servant gains them, using your own spellcasting statistics for them. Choose one spell from the warlock list (including spells gained from your otherworldly patron) that you would be capable of casting, is not a ritual and takes an action or less to cast. The knowledge of that spell is now within your magical servant.

As part of the bonus action required to command your magical servant, you may spend a spell slot. If you do so, your magical servant then spends its action casting that spell as per your commands.

When you gain a warlock level, you may choose to exchange your magical servant’s spell known instead of one of your own, abiding by the conditions outlined above.

Confidant of the Throne
Requires Pact of the Crown, Warlock level 7.
You perform a ritual with your magical servant that binds you closer together, granting it more power but making you more vulnerable to its influence.

Your servant adopts a second role of your choosing, gaining all the benefits of both roles. However, you have disadvantage on your Charisma save when your discorporated servant attempts to influence you. Furthermore, resummoning your slain magical servant takes two hours instead of one.

Wings of Night
Requires Pact of the Crown, Warlock level 9.
You beseech your otherworldly patron to grant your magical servant a boon of flight. It gains a fly speed equal to its base speed, its form shifting to accommodate the new change (such as your Celestial servant gaining beautiful feathered wings, your Fey servant gaining colourful butterfly wings, or your Undead servant becoming more spectral and floating a few inches off the ground).

While your servant is within your body, you can spend a spell slot and gain a fly speed equal to your servant’s for a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell slot times ten (or until your servant leaves your body).

Pinnacle of Servitude
Requires Pact of the Crown, Warlock level 15.
Your power uncontested, you demand your otherworldly patron to release its grip on your magical servant, making you its sole master and allowing it to unlock its full potential.

Your magical servant acquires a fully physical form, though it can still discorporate into you. This allows you to give it physical items for it to wear and wield. Its HD now equals yours, instead of half. Furthermore, it no longer obeys your otherworldly patron and its innate personality is reinforced by this freedom. It is unquestionably loyal to you and you alone, and any attempts to influence you while discorporated are towards what it thinks is your best interest. Each role gains a specific additional benefit:

Guard: It becomes proficient with all armours, shields and weapons, and its natural attack instead becomes bonus damage on successful weapon attacks. It also gains the ability to change itself as per the Alter Self spell once per short rest, with the added benefit of being able to grow to Large size (as per the Enlarge/Reduce spell) as part of the “cosmetic” option of the spell. It has advantage on any rolls to maintain concentration on this Alter Self effect.
Scout: Its speed increases to 50 ft. and gains the ability to cast True Seeing once per short rest, as well as Misty Step a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per short rest.
Consort: It gains the ability to cast Legend Lore and Mislead once per short rest. Furthermore, its appearance becomes so otherworldly enthralling that attacks against it are made at a disadvantage unless the attacker is immune to the charmed condition.

As usual, comments and criticism are more than welcome!

2017-11-11, 09:43 AM
Oh gods... What a wall of text for one boon. The other boons can be explained in one or two paragraphs. This is too complex.

Your invocations are also invocation taxes in the pact. You cannot be a Devil's Sight user with Pact of the Crown. There is almost no creative space these invocations provide.

2017-11-11, 10:29 AM
Completely agree with LeonBH. Also, feels slightly invalid with a Pact of the Chain, or rather completely invalidates Pact of the Chain as the Warlock Pet Build enabler. Why not just make a Pact of the Chain only Invocation, which lock you out from taking the others, which applies the things you do to it?

So you have Pact Boon (Melee Dude), Pact Boon (Stealthy Dude), Pact Boon (Party Face Dude).

The "two role" Invocation needs to go IMHO. It invalidates the reason you have a choice of which one to take. The Cantrip stealing from any list steps on the toes of the Pact of the Tome. No. Not a fan whatsoever, sorry.

2017-11-11, 11:50 AM
Oh gods... What a wall of text for one boon. The other boons can be explained in one or two paragraphs. This is too complex.

Your invocations are also invocation taxes in the pact. You cannot be a Devil's Sight user with Pact of the Crown. There is almost no creative space these invocations provide.

Well, have you considered how much text would it be if one were to transcribe all the information you need for Pact of the Chain? The text of the Find Familiar spell and the stat blocks for all the familiar options? It'd be even longer than this! :smalltongue:

Do the invocations really come off as taxes? It seems like the only one you'd really want is Pinnacle of Servitude, the others feel pretty optional to me.

Completely agree with LeonBH. Also, feels slightly invalid with a Pact of the Chain, or rather completely invalidates Pact of the Chain as the Warlock Pet Build enabler. Why not just make a Pact of the Chain only Invocation, which lock you out from taking the others, which applies the things you do to it?

So you have Pact Boon (Melee Dude), Pact Boon (Stealthy Dude), Pact Boon (Party Face Dude).

The "two role" Invocation needs to go IMHO. It invalidates the reason you have a choice of which one to take. The Cantrip stealing from any list steps on the toes of the Pact of the Tome. No. Not a fan whatsoever, sorry.

I understand the concerns, but Tome and Chain are getting their own boosts as well, so I'm not really concerned about outshining or stepping on any toes. That said, if I have to fold it into Chain, I'll probably go with what you're suggesting here.

Would the two roles invocation make more sense if there was a fourth role that basically did what the Acolyte invocation does? So less overall spells for the other roles but moving them to the Acolyte role?

2017-11-11, 11:55 AM
The fact that Pact of the Chain uses find familiar is irrelevant. Find Familiar is a spell other casters can take, too. It is a modular component.

I'm saying, this adds too much complexity for not much depth. What creative innovations were you trying to homebrew? It's not clear.

(Not that creative innovations are always required for homebrew, but then again, why the complexity?)

Also, IMO, any invocation tax is bad.

2017-11-11, 11:56 AM
Roger that, thanks for the feedback! :smallsmile: