View Full Version : The beautiful simplicity of the Battlerager Barbarian

2017-11-10, 04:56 PM
Jumped into an all-dwarf Roll20 campaign this week with a level 5 mountain dwarf Battlerager with the Mobile feat.

The mechanics were so beautifully simple and effective that I could really concentrate on roleplaying. I don't know why people don't play this subclass more often. So much flavor!

The crunch isn't bad either. Assuming all my attacks hit, my base damage while raging is 15 (attack, attack, bonus action spiky armor chest bump). With a battleaxe, that's 2d8+10 and the spiky armor for 1d4+5. It's on par with a polearm master duelist fighter or paladin.

Like any barbarian, I'm a grappling beast, but I can inflict a flat 3 damage for each grapple. I also took the Mobile feat because I thought it fit his personality better. I was highly tempted to do the same old GWM/Greataxe trope, but I think this will be a lot more fun.

I had a lot of fun writing his background story. Meet Balor "Rocks for Brains" Bluebeard:

Balor "Rocks for Brains" is a young upstart member of Clan Bluebeard. A battlerager in the classic mold, clan leaders give him an "A" for effort, but an "Incomplete" for intelligence. Balor is frequently at the front of the vanguard, whether his leaders put him there or not.

Despite his impetuous nature, there is no other dwarf they'd rather have at the head of the charge, and sometimes, he IS the charge. His battle frenzy is a growing legend in the dwarven holds of the north. Headstrong in every sense of the word, he once convinced his platoon leader to launch him from a trebuchet at the main gate of an orc stronghold that just wouldn't fall to their siege.

The Bluebeard army threw wave after wave of warriors at the main gate, unable to break through to enter the stronghold. One poorly-aimed flying dwarf later, Rocks for Brains smashed through the weakened stone wall next to the gate they were trying to break down, entirely missing the gate he was aiming for. Nonetheless, the breach provided the opening they needed to swarm and overwhelm the orc stronghold, earning Balor the nickname Rocks for Brains--hardheaded, headstrong, and now something inside rattles when you shake him.

2017-11-10, 05:10 PM
Sounds great!

Barbarian is fun class! :thog:

2017-11-10, 05:12 PM
I've always thought Battlerager was like a distilled Barbarian. To me it's similar to the Champion in the sense that it didn't really get anything new to do, as much as it got better at the things it already did well. In this case Raging, Recklessly Attacking, and Grappling.

Glad you're enjoying it.

2017-11-10, 05:14 PM
A lot of competition for that Bonus action though

2017-11-10, 05:15 PM
I've always thought Battlerager was like a distilled Barbarian. To me it's similar to the Champion in the sense that it didn't really get anything new to do, as much as it got better at the things it already did well: Raging, Recklessly Attacking, and Grappling.

Glad you're enjoying it.

I've always disliked the Champion's lack of action economy. I inevitably take lots of feats in my Champion builds to have bonus actions and reactions to use. It makes a great chassis, but needs a lot of add-ons to be mechanically interesting.

A lot of competition for that Bonus action though

Not at this point in my build. I'm almost always chest bumping someone with my spiky armor.

I'm conflicted as to whether I should continue as straight barbarian or MC into something else. I haven't decided if anything else fits his backstory as well as more barbarian.

2017-11-10, 05:34 PM
I've always disliked the Champion's lack of action economy. I inevitably take lots of feats in my Champion builds to have bonus actions and reactions to use. It makes a great chassis, but needs a lot of add-ons to be mechanically interesting.

True, although PM on it's own covers it for me.

I'm conflicted as to whether I should continue as straight barbarian or MC into something else. I haven't decided if anything else fits his backstory as well as more barbarian.

Hmm. Fighter could get you action surge, Gloom Stalker Ranger could get your more movement and one more attack in the first round of combat. Rogue could get you cunning action, but you'll get Dash as a bonus action (while raging) anyway.

2017-11-10, 08:40 PM
I'm conflicted as to whether I should continue as straight barbarian or MC into something else.
If you're really enjoying the rager play style, why change it?

I haven't decided if anything else fits his backstory as well as more barbarian.
What? Multiclass doesn't have to stem from backstory. I think it makes MORE sense when it's done as a turning point, like Imoen in Baldur's Gate, with plot-wise character growth guiding the game-wise character build.

2017-11-10, 10:19 PM
If you're really enjoying the rager play style, why change it?

What? Multiclass doesn't have to stem from backstory. I think it makes MORE sense when it's done as a turning point, like Imoen in Baldur's Gate, with plot-wise character growth guiding the game-wise character build.

Yeah, no doubt. I think after two years of building characters, there's a strong compulsion to MC all the time, but I forget how satisfying single-classed characters can be.