View Full Version : Roleplaying First meet a success!

2017-11-11, 05:42 AM
We just had our first get-together last night and it was a blast and success!

Haven't played in over a decade and this was my (our) first foray into 5e. It went very well, I think. There was some sticking points as we were all new, even the DM. No matter, we all worked together to make sure the encounters were exciting and not too easy.

We were six people, including the DM playing a character he rolled up. The party were:
A human monk;
A tiefling bard;
A dragonborn druid;
A halfling rogue;
A half-orc barbarian;
A pixie.

I played the monk and almost immediately was hit and knocked down to 0 hit points! Thankfully, the bard had some healing so I wasn't out for long. The pixie was my 14-year old daughter whose sole condition for playing was that should could be a fey/pixie. My wife played the barbarian and really started out well with two naturally-rolled 20s in a row, killing the creatures (can't even remember what they were...I was at zero hp) with a war-hammer on the head.

We played for about 4.5 hours and all had fun. We're trying to figure out when to meet again to continue the adventure, as we're only about half-way through according to the DM.

Missed this game so much!

2017-11-11, 06:43 PM
Good to hear, and cool that your whole family can play together.

It’s a hobby like no other :)

2017-11-12, 06:25 AM
Good to hear, and cool that your whole family can play together.

It’s a hobby like no other :)

So true! So far the only hobby the whole family can enjoy as not all of us like weight-lifting (wife, one son, one daughter) or competitive swimming (me, other daughter) or building computers (other son).