View Full Version : Speculation The dropkick monk

2017-11-12, 02:01 PM
The monk has a class ability called slowfall which reduces falling damage by 5x monk level as a reaction(does not actually slow speed of descent). Some dm's have ruled that damage dice you take for falling would be added to damage to opponent. Lets take for instance a lvl20 monk wanted to dropkick a dragon from 200ft in the air. An extra 20d6 damage would be added to the dragon (recommended on the first attack as to not become too op)due to the momentum of the monk. After which the monk's reaction at lvl 20 would negate most all if not all falling damage. For non monks using featherfall the damage would be capped at 6d6 if falling 60ft as you can't go any faster using that spell. I hope this thread gave you fun ideas and inspiration for your games. Also any critique would be appreciated.

2017-11-12, 02:15 PM
Both you and the target would recieve the same damage in my game. If you slow your fall to not get damaged yourself, you don't have the momentum to cause any extra damage to the enemy. That is true for both monks and anyone using Feather Fall. If you want to do any extra damage, be ready to go splat yourself.

2017-11-12, 02:34 PM
If it's a flying creature, why not stun it out of the air? Assuming you can get to it.

Like JackPhoenix, I'd certainly rule a Monk slowing it's fall doesn't do damage equal to the full damage before recursion to a creature it lands on. And that's assuming you can control your fall enough to actually land on something in the first place. At the minimum, that should take an attack.

2017-11-12, 02:46 PM
"Some DMs have ruled" is not a great point of origin for optimization.

2017-11-12, 03:15 PM
I would not allow a character with slow fall to add any damage to a dropping hit as they have no added speed. I also see falling characters as having a very difficult time actually hitting an opponent. If falling from 200 feet, it would take over 3 seconds to hit the ground. That is a lot of time for somebody to react. I would think such would generally only work from surprise.

2017-11-12, 08:27 PM
The monk has a class ability called slowfall which... (does not actually slow speed of descent).
This seems to be the part others disagree with. The description does not state it slows speed, but the name implies it. I think the viability of this maneuver depends on this ruling. It does seem like a fun idea if ruled as not slowing descent, though it still has some issues for dropping from very high.