View Full Version : Question about the new spell Dragon's Breath

2017-11-13, 11:04 AM
I'm afb (work) but I remember reading that it a Concentration. Range is touch. And it say you touch a creature and it gain a breath attack that it can use it action to breath.

So if I have a familiar say a owl or hawk. Can I cast this on them and they can use there action to breath.

2017-11-13, 11:10 AM
A familiar can't attack but can take other actions as normal. I'm not sure if activating the spell falls to "attacking", though. Probably not.

2017-11-13, 11:14 AM
I'm afb (work) but I remember reading that it a Concentration. Range is touch. And it say you touch a creature and it gain a breath attack that it can use it action to breath.

So if I have a familiar say a owl or hawk. Can I cast this on them and they can use there action to breath.

I don't see why not. A familiar "cannot attack, but can take other actions as normal" and dragon breath "until the spell end a creature can use an action to exhale energy of the chosen type in a 15-foot cone." The familiar is using an action that is not an attack, so it seems legit to me.

Question then, if you have this spell with an animal companion that gets the "if you cast a touch spell on yourself, you also cast it on them too" feature, would you effectively twin this spell with only using on slot?

2017-11-13, 11:15 AM
I'm at work right now so I can't look at my book right now. But I remember it say the creature use it action to exhale a breath of the choosin type in a 15ft cone the creatures in the cone makes a dex save it deal XdX of damage type or half if pass the save.

So that leads me to believe that a familiar can because it just using it Acton to active this ability. It not casting the spell and it's not making a attack .

2017-11-13, 11:20 AM
Thats great you cast summon familiar summon a rat or a cat cast dragons breath on it and tell it to find the enemy and use it breath attack. While you sitting in a cafe sipping your tea. Lol

2017-11-13, 11:55 AM
Question then, if you have this spell with an animal companion that gets the "if you cast a touch spell on yourself, you also cast it on them too" feature, would you effectively twin this spell with only using on slot?

Forget animal companion, that’s like 15 levels deep into a weak subclass. Find [Greater] Steed shares spells!

My Pegasus and I both breath rainbow fire! Hehehe

2017-11-13, 12:03 PM
Forget animal companion, that’s like 15 levels deep into a weak subclass. Find [Greater] Steed shares spells!

My Pegasus and I both breath rainbow fire! Hehehe

There you go, I didn't remember if the Find Steed spells also allowed that. It would be killer to have a Pegasus dive bombing and both of you breathing fire at once on a pack of mooks