View Full Version : Is the Unearthed Arcana today?/ Elven subraces UA

2017-11-13, 12:30 PM
Question is in the title, I think it should be today but I'm not entirely sure

The UA is here http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/elf-subraces

2017-11-13, 12:31 PM

2017-11-13, 12:39 PM

That's a bit uncalled for, to be honest.

2017-11-13, 12:52 PM
So I checked my calendar and today is the second monday, but they do habe a bunch of resumes to look at so my question is valid just for a different reason

2017-11-13, 02:04 PM
According to their scheduling, there is SUPPOSED to be one today.

I’m not expecting much.

2017-11-13, 02:07 PM
Considering they are swamped with applications I wouldn't blame them for releasing something fairly easy for this UA

Waterdeep Merch
2017-11-13, 02:31 PM
*obligatory UA snark*

Actually, I have a weirdly good feeling they'll release something surprisingly nice. This is based on nothing but optimism. Maybe because Mearls and Crawford appear to be really into interesting designs right now thanks to doing Xan's videos?

I can't imagine what they'd focus on right now. I just hope that if it's a new system, it's less like Greyhawk Initiative and more like Traps.

2017-11-13, 02:34 PM
*obligatory UA snark*

Actually, I have a weirdly good feeling they'll release something surprisingly nice. This is based on nothing but optimism. Maybe because Mearls and Crawford appear to be really into interesting designs right now thanks to doing Xan's videos?

I can't imagine what they'd focus on right now. I just hope that if it's a new system, it's less like Greyhawk Initiative and more like Traps.

I hope your optimism is correctly placed, cause I would love to have a good UA to look at

2017-11-13, 02:42 PM
*obligatory UA snark*

Actually, I have a weirdly good feeling they'll release something surprisingly nice. This is based on nothing but optimism. Maybe because Mearls and Crawford appear to be really into interesting designs right now thanks to doing Xan's videos?

I can't imagine what they'd focus on right now. I just hope that if it's a new system, it's less like Greyhawk Initiative and more like Traps.

Another good benefit to releasing a new book - a whole bunch of previously playtest content won't show up on it again, so long as the public opinion of it stays above neutral.

2017-11-13, 04:03 PM
According to Mike Mearls on twitter it should be going up soon.

2017-11-13, 04:06 PM
Stab in the dark, equipment of some sort?

2017-11-13, 04:06 PM
Something to do with the planes...

2017-11-13, 04:07 PM
According to Mike Mearls on twitter it should be going up soon.

Awesome can't wait to see what it is

2017-11-13, 04:25 PM
Stab in the dark, equipment of some sort?

It'll be something linked to planes and their inhabitants.

2017-11-13, 04:27 PM
It'll be something linked to planes and their inhabitants.

Planar equipment?

2017-11-13, 04:29 PM
And so the speculation begins

2017-11-13, 04:31 PM
That's a bit uncalled for, to be honest.

Being honest and being correct are two different things, thankfully.

2017-11-13, 04:32 PM
And so the speculation begins Something about planes?
Hmm, airship construction UA. :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-13, 04:39 PM
Something about planes?
Hmm, airship construction UA. :smallbiggrin:

Ahahahahahahaha! No. That would be awesome, so I think it's safe to say that won't be happening.

Think more along the lines of a half-balanced azer race option and maybe a "planar warrior" fighting style to go with it. And maybe a feat that gives you resistance to a damage type based on the plane your on.

2017-11-13, 04:41 PM
I’m going to be floored if I’m right. And I don’t think I am.

Spelljammer / Gamma World.

2017-11-13, 04:43 PM
Demon Tieflings or Aasimar variants.

2017-11-13, 04:44 PM
Demon Tieflings or Aasimar variants.

We got that last month, at least the tiefling half

2017-11-13, 04:45 PM
I'd like to change my prediction to a playable Giff race. But just that. Nothing else; just the Giff.

2017-11-13, 04:58 PM
We got that last month, at least the tiefling half

Yeah I don't think Moar Tieflings is likely, I just don't like how Tieflings are Infernal by default. GD 4e bull**** is what that is.

2017-11-13, 05:06 PM
I would be happy with an article of rules clarifications and eratta.

Well, no way it will be class based with XGTE just out, so expect something small and mundane like a rules variant.

I would so love adding back lowlight vision as a variant rule.

I would not be surprised if it is the 16 bonus feats that came with the preorder on dndbeyond.

2017-11-13, 05:06 PM
More content for non-PHB races would be nice, like subraces and racial feats.

Or an epic level primer.

But I guess i'll stick with equipment of some variety, see how it plays out.

2017-11-13, 05:08 PM
More content for non-PHB races would be nice, like subraces and racial feats.

Or an epic level primer.

But I guess i'll stick with equipment of some variety, see how it plays out.

I wouldn't mind either of those.

2017-11-13, 05:27 PM
I'm still hoping for a new round of weapon feats.

2017-11-13, 05:29 PM
I'm still hoping for a new round of weapon feats.

That would be nice.

How about a SS/GWM equivalent for other weapon types.

Or just a fighting style or feat specific for versatile weapons.

2017-11-13, 06:47 PM
Anybody seen anything regarding the UA release

2017-11-13, 06:57 PM
Anybody seen anything regarding the UA release

Give it a few minutes and we will get the tweet of, "well, we were busy, so we did not get around to it"


"Veterans day was Saturday, so we will do it next week."

2017-11-13, 07:04 PM
Its up


2017-11-13, 07:06 PM
I don't like bunching Shadar-kai with other elves.

2017-11-13, 07:10 PM
Yeah, it's alright.

I mean, nothing groundbreaking but they are releasing a book right now. Blessing of the Raven Queen is pretty good.

2017-11-13, 07:10 PM
We're definitively getting a Manual of the Planes with planar subraces.

I guess they're UAing the Elves (that bunch+ the Eldarins) first because the elf chassis is pretty modulable

2017-11-13, 07:12 PM
well, can't say i was looking for it, but at least i can believe that someone did. overall, pretty decent i'd say, just not for me.

2017-11-13, 07:12 PM
I don't know much about the Shadar-Kai, but I'm excited to test out all of the subraces shown, and the fact that most of them have ties to another plane definitely points to something to do with the planes coming in the future how far away that future is I do not know but it is definitely in the works

2017-11-13, 07:19 PM
So we have Tieflings, Elves and Gith crossed off, plus we already have Genasi and some variant Aasimar. Should we be expecing more dwarves and other maybe one or two other planetouched races to round it out? Some human subraces would be lovely too.

2017-11-13, 07:23 PM
So we have Tieflings, Elves and Gith crossed off, plus we already have Genasi and some variant Aasimar. Should we be expecing more dwarves and other maybe one or two other planetouched races to round it out? Some human subraces would be lovely too.

More dragonborn variants will please the forums I think. We already had a sneak peek at the warforged, many people want insectoid races or illithid-related playable characters.

2017-11-13, 07:23 PM
Why is it we get sub-race after sub-race of elves but we don't get multiple races of humans?

Seems odd we don't get races of humans.

2017-11-13, 07:26 PM
Why is it we get sub-race after sub-race of elves but we don't get multiple races of humans?

Seems odd we don't get races of humans.

The variant human pretty much covers any wannabee subrace that you may get, not to mention that humans don't have "subraces" IRL, so it would be a bit controversial I think.

2017-11-13, 07:29 PM
Why is it we get sub-race after sub-race of elves but we don't get multiple races of humans?

Seems odd we don't get races of humans.

Not really odd, there is a LOT of elf sub-races in D&D past editions' lore, and few of humans.

Also, D&D generally consider if you modify the base human too much it just makes a different species rather than a sub-race.

2017-11-13, 07:30 PM
Yeah, I would not go after human sub-races. That's a path to doing something very dumb.

Now, maybe human "options", where there's nothing actually hereditary/racial about it. Like brainy/brawny/lithe or something.

2017-11-13, 07:33 PM
I read the title, and I'm not going to lie - I was kinda hoping for Star Elves (I knew that I wouldn't get Lythari, but I was really hoping for Star)

2017-11-13, 07:34 PM
Not bad if you're some sort of pointy-eared fop.

I don't plan to use it, but that doesn't mean that someone else won't.

2017-11-13, 07:38 PM
Well, actually, 4e described the shadar-kai as humans changed by generations in the Shadowfell. I guess this is another return to old school lore?

It makes me wonder if the Raven Queen herself will be treated more as an archfey than as a goddess or something unique to the Shadowfell. My fear is that it will all feel too much like a melancholic area of the Feywild.

2017-11-13, 07:39 PM
Well, actually, 4e described the shadar-kai as humans changed by generations in the Shadowfell. I guess this is another return to old school lore?

It makes me wonder if the Raven Queen herself will be treated more as an archfey than as a goddess or something unique to the Shadowfell. My fear is that it will all feel too much like a melancholic area of the Feywild.

I thought they confirmed her as a goddess

2017-11-13, 07:40 PM
Why is it we get sub-race after sub-race of elves but we don't get multiple races of humans?

Seems odd we don't get races of humans.

Races of Humans is Racist (literally). Elves don't exist so it doesn't matter.

Also there are some in the Innistrad plane shift.

2017-11-13, 07:40 PM
Silverbrow humans, Rilkan, Hellbred, Elan... there are examples of alternate humans out there.

2017-11-13, 07:48 PM
I thought they confirmed her as a goddessIn the 5e DMG description of the 4e default pantheon? I would say that doesn't count in regard of this new 5e Raven Queen they seem to be cooking up.

But I haven't got XGtE yet, so maybe there is something there.

2017-11-13, 07:51 PM
In the 5e DMG description of the 4e default pantheon? I would say that doesn't count in regard of this new 5e Raven Queen they seem to be cooking up.

But I haven't got XGtE yet, so maybe there is something there.

She's in the DMG under the Dawn War section. Pg10.

2017-11-13, 07:52 PM
She's in the DMG under the Dawn War section. Pg10.Which is the aforementioned 5e DMG description of the 4e default pantheon.

2017-11-13, 07:53 PM
It would be a good place for thri-kreen as well

I’m glad to see aquatic Elves... one more race with swim speed and water breathing and we can make a while undersea party! (A monster race like sahaugin, kuo-toa, or bullywug? Locathah or Shalarin?)

2017-11-13, 07:53 PM
Lythari would of been cool but we know that aint gonna happen. However I was STOKED to see Avariel Elves.. and they dont get a stat increase. Just 30ft fly speed. What the HECK!?!? Oh and the Auran Language.

2017-11-13, 07:54 PM
Lythari would of been cool but we know that aint gonna happen. However I was STOKED to see Avariel Elves.. and they dont get a stat increase. Just 30ft fly speed. What the HECK!?!? Oh and the Auran Language.

They would still get the +2 from being elves.

I would take flight over +1 to a secondary or tertiary stat every day.

2017-11-13, 07:58 PM
They would still get the +2 from being elves.

I would take flight over +1 to a secondary or tertiary stat every day.

I'm slightly annoyed by Avariel

I've always thought that If I got to play in a campaign with a heroic array, or lucky rolled stats, I'd make a monkadin

Now I'm going to have to decide between that, and the awesomeness of a polearm weilding Avariel hexblade.

2017-11-13, 08:32 PM
Avariel is really good as it is with 30 ft flight and nothing else. At-will flight is really, really powerful. I still don't see this making into AL legal just because of the capacity of flight to disrupt campaigns.

Grugach is interesting but not speaking Common will quickly become very annoying logistically for most DMs and parties. I bet most groups would either ignore it or quickly have the Grugach PC learn some amount of Common (stereotypical Tarzan speak maybe?)

Sea Elf seems decent--in general swim isn't as game-breaking as flight.

Shadar-Kai looks cool, but getting +1 Cha, a cantrip (even if chosen from a limited list), and a bonus action short-range teleport with resistance to ALL damage is a bit overpowered. If you dropped the resistance part (or made it resistance to nonmagical B/P/S weapons) then it would probably be ok.

2017-11-13, 08:44 PM
It would be a good place for thri-kreen as well

Don't put those bugs in my game. I am against banning things in general but i will ban those monsters outright by principle if i see them.

On another note im pretty happy we are clearly getting some planar stuff. Shadar-Kai is something ive wanted to play but....not really as an elf. Still should be perfect character for my hexblade as an alternative to the drow or half elf.

2017-11-13, 08:48 PM
Interesting. I'm in the process of writing an adventure in which 13 elven champions watch over the tomb of a god, and Raven Queen herself having taken action to remove their existence from the knowledge of the whole multiverse, forging their mortal bodies into eternal guardian vessels, and their souls into the First Hexblades.

I think I just might refluff them as Shadar-kai.


Well, actually, 4e described the shadar-kai as humans changed by generations in the Shadowfell. I guess this is another return to old school lore?

Apparently, your guess is correct:

As can be seen below, shadar-kai used to be a race of shadow fey, which in turn makes sense that they'd be elves above anything else.


2017-11-13, 09:29 PM
So the race with the most subraces gets more subraces, including flyers. They can now get +2 to Dex and, depending on subrace, +1 to any other stat, making them the most flexible demihumans.

Between this and the new Elven racial feat in XGtE, I can only guess the Complete Book of Elves is going to be reprinted next.

2017-11-13, 09:42 PM
So the race with the most subraces gets more subraces, including flyers. They can now get +2 to Dex and, depending on subrace, +1 to any other stat, making them the most flexible demihumans.

Between this and the new Elven racial feat in XGtE, I can only guess the Complete Book of Elves is going to be reprinted next.

Eh. 2 Subraces a lot of people won't let you play, 1 you probably don't want to play, & Sea Elves.

2017-11-13, 09:53 PM
Eh. 2 Subraces a lot of people won't let you play, 1 you probably don't want to play, & Sea Elves.

Perhaps, but the Legolases of the world are still getting an inordinate amount of attention. Comparative attention to, say, Dragonborn would be each color/metal getting a different stat bonus, skill proficiencies, etc etc etc.

2017-11-13, 10:03 PM
well, it isn't like a million different elf subraces is anything unusual. it's almost odd that it took them this long.

2017-11-13, 11:38 PM
Well, I can use the aquatic elves to flesh out my Underwater Eberron.

I think any UA short of "Eberron 2.0" would have been a bit of a whimper this month, considering we're all either reading/discussing or anticipating XGtE. But eh. Elves aren't my favourite.

Subraces of humans: Sea kin, Sharakim (technically orcs), mongrelfolk, illumian... Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

2017-11-13, 11:48 PM
The Shadar Kai, plus the new short range teleport spells in XGtE, makes me REALLY want to play a Nightcrawler rip-off.

2017-11-14, 12:46 AM
Grugach is interesting but not speaking Common will quickly become very annoying logistically for most DMs and parties. I bet most groups would either ignore it or quickly have the Grugach PC learn some amount of Common (stereotypical Tarzan speak maybe?)You can still pick up Common from a background language.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-11-14, 01:23 AM
I was ho-hum on the idea, not too plussed by the rules, but they're actually rather well balanced (possibly over the top with the shadar-kai) and I know I have players that would like to play a few of these. This is a very usable UA that will definitely get brought out at some point near me.

Likely often, as my groups trend elvish a lot.

2017-11-14, 01:28 AM
So Shadar-Kai are an elven subrace instead of human.

2017-11-14, 01:38 AM
Now, all we need is an edgy background, and our Shadar-Kai - Elven Accuracy - Hexblade combo is perfect.

Feels like someone on the design team has seen too much anime lately.

2017-11-14, 01:42 AM
Now, all we need is an edgy background, and our Shadar-Kai - Elven Accuracy - Hexblade combo is perfect.

Feels like someone on the design team has seen too much anime lately.

Check out the “Haunted One” background from around the time Curse or Strahd came out.

2017-11-14, 02:15 AM
Check out the “Haunted One” background from around the time Curse or Strahd came out.

I dunno. Does it have proficiency instrument (organ)?

2017-11-14, 02:20 AM
Do elves need more subraces? They already have three, and I often find the wood elf/high elf split to be onerous to work into a campaign setting already. I know a lot of these are old D&D traditions, but I have my issues with them. Sea elves, for instance, bug me, because living by the sea does not give one the ability to breathe water. Aquatic versions of terrestrial creatures don't look like the terrestrial ones with gills stuck on.

30 foot fly speed is... I understand why balance considerations would make them want to keep the speed limited, as flying is by itself quite good, but the idea that a large flying creature can only fly at the same rate as a person can move on foot is kind of silly. Think of your own brisk walking pace, now think of almost any flying creature that is not a fly of some sort. How many of them moved as slowly or more so than you? Unless you live in an area with a lot of woodcocks, I'm guessing not many.

Teleportation, even short-range teleportation, combined with a free, very potent defensive bonus, seems kind of unnecessarily powerful, though I suppose some games might do better with a usable-at-will sort of bonus.

2017-11-14, 03:41 AM
So Shadar-Kai are an elven subrace instead of human.

I'd rather not put any weight on 4th edition lore. It made a mess on multiple levels.

Shadar-Kai were a race of fey from shadow plane back in 3rd edition, and elves make thematically more sense than "humans".

I dunno. Does it have proficiency instrument (organ)?

Not sure if your intent was to emulate dracula, but Inheritor (SCAG) could potentially work, and be as edgy as you want to. It even gives proficiency to a musical instrument.

2017-11-14, 04:42 AM
My intent was to be funny and reference to the gothic pipe organ TV trope. :)

After reading Haunted One I belive we have a winner. It screams GUTSOOO!!!

EDIT: what's the stats for a katana again?

2017-11-14, 04:51 AM
My intent was to be funny and reference to the gothic pipe organ TV trope. :)

After reading Haunted One I belive we have a winner. It screams GUTSOOO!!!

EDIT: what's the stats for a katana again?

From DMG, "use longsword"

2017-11-14, 05:00 AM
Alright. There we have it. The darkest of dark elves. Haunted by the past and haunted by too many piercings. With only his trusty family katana to keep him company. Sits in the corner at the tavern, even if his charisma is through the roof.

"You guys will just never understand how it's like. So just, like, leave me alone... but LFG. Ok?"

2017-11-14, 08:37 AM
Wow they did not give avariel an ability score increase making the famed winged elves worse than filthy bird mutants. -.-

2017-11-14, 08:45 AM
Alright. There we have it. The darkest of dark elves. Haunted by the past and haunted by too many piercings. With only his trusty family katana to keep him company. Sits in the corner at the tavern, even if his charisma is through the roof.

"You guys will just never understand how it's like. So just, like, leave me alone... but LFG. Ok?"


Well, Charisma doesn't mean everything about a character's demeanor, while it sure does affect it. Personality, however, affects more, and charisma only carries the personality to the chosen direction. :smallcool:

2017-11-14, 08:53 AM
Wow they did not give avariel an ability score increase making the famed winged elves worse than filthy bird mutants. -.-
They have the ever-powerful ‘ability to not be banned as often’ compared to other flying races...

2017-11-14, 08:55 AM
Wow they did not give avariel an ability score increase making the famed winged elves worse than filthy bird mutants. -.-

They have the ever-powerful ‘ability to not be banned as often’ compared to other flying races...

Well, elves tend to live a "bit" longer than Aarakocra for example, so there's that.

Joe the Rat
2017-11-14, 09:30 AM
Nothing killer in this one: Stats, not terribly insane.

The reason we see so many elves is because Our Elves are Different. Everybody likes to do their own version of Not-Tolkein-estate elves. It's a minor miracle that Sun and Moon elves were simply two flavors of High elf. Grugach are more Wood Elf than Wood Elf - and came with Cooshee (Cu Sidhe) when introduced in Dragon, so that's a plus. Sea elves have snuck into every TSR era world (and were already in SCAG). Flying elves because why the flumph not. The Shadar-kai should've stayed in service to the Padishah Emperor, but whatever.

Wow they did not give avariel an ability score increase making the famed winged elves worse than filthy bird mutants. -.-

They have the ever-powerful ‘ability to not be banned as often’ compared to other flying races...

Well, elves tend to live a "bit" longer than Aarakocra for example, so there's that.
Plus the whole "not looking like a filthy bird mutant," but I suppose the After the Bomb - style bald eagle is a lot nicer than the half-plucked parrot design they had back in 2e.

So we have:

Bird Race who can fly
Bird Race who cannot fly
Elf Race who can fly
Elf Races who cannot fly (but do everything else)
Tiefling variant that can fly
Tiefling variants that don't fly
Draconic race who cannot fly
Draconic race who fits in a catapult pre-ordered Xanathar's Guide

Am I missing anything?

2017-11-14, 09:31 AM
Nothing killer in this one: Stats, not terribly insane.

The reason we see so many elves is because Our Elves are Different. Everybody likes to do their own version of Not-Tolkein-estate elves. It's a minor miracle that Sun and Moon elves were simply two flavors of High elf. Grugach are more Wood Elf than Wood Elf - and came with Cooshee (Cu Sidhe) when introduced in Dragon, so that's a plus. Sea elves have snuck into every TSR era world (and were already in SCAG). Flying elves because why the flumph not. The Shadar-kai should've stayed in service to the Padishah Emperor, but whatever.

Plus the whole "not looking like a filthy bird mutant," but I suppose the After the Bomb - style bald eagle is a lot nicer than the half-plucked parrot design they had back in 2e.

So we have:

Bird Race who can fly
Bird Race who cannot fly
Elf Race who can fly
Elf Races who cannot fly (but do everything else)
Tiefling variant that can fly
Tiefling variants that don't fly
Draconic race who cannot fly
Draconic race who fits in a catapult

Am I missing anything?

If the bonus racial feats that came with preordering XGTE are legal for your games, there is a feat that gives Kobold's +1 dex and flight.

Joe the Rat
2017-11-14, 09:42 AM
Good catch. I'll add that one.

2017-11-14, 09:43 AM
So we have:

Bird Race who can fly
Bird Race who cannot fly
Elf Race who can fly
Elf Races who cannot fly (but do everything else)
Tiefling variant that can fly
Tiefling variants that don't fly
Draconic race who cannot fly
Draconic race who fits in a catapult

Am I missing anything?

Some of the Aasimar can fly, iirc.

2017-11-14, 09:46 AM
Do elves need more subraces? They already have three, and I often find the wood elf/high elf split to be onerous to work into a campaign setting already. I know a lot of these are old D&D traditions, but I have my issues with them. Sea elves, for instance, bug me, because living by the sea does not give one the ability to breathe water. Aquatic versions of terrestrial creatures don't look like the terrestrial ones with gills stuck on.Neither do flying mammals grow bird wings on their back. But I think avariel and sea elves go well with the idea of elves as a kind of "druidic" race that radically changes under the magic of one environment or another.

Not that it works well with this new planar business of eladrin and shadar-kai. Like, how about elves who live in the skies or watery depths of the Feywild? Oh, oh, elves who live in the Underdark of the Shadowfell? Or any other such combo.

Joe the Rat
2017-11-14, 09:53 AM
Some of the Aasimar can fly, iirc.
Aasimar are Tieflings with good publicity

2017-11-14, 10:18 AM
I am surprised more people are not talking about this. I personally think this is a pretty cool UA, except the Grugach. They are more how I pictured Wild Elves and RPd them myself so to me they are kind of pointless but I like the rest.

2017-11-14, 10:32 AM
I am surprised more people are not talking about this. I personally think this is a pretty cool UA, except the Grugach. They are more how I pictured Wild Elves and RPd them myself so to me they are kind of pointless but I like the rest.

I guess people are swollen by devouring the bits of information from or the whole XGtE and can't handle more for now :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-14, 10:40 AM
I guess people are swollen by devouring the bits of information from or the whole XGtE and can't handle more for now :smallbiggrin:

I do not get mine until the 21st so I guess I forgot about that. But it really looks to me (and others apparently) like we are going to get some sort of book related to the planes. This is exciting!

2017-11-14, 10:56 AM
When I initially saw Shadar-Kai, I was somewhat upset that they were made an Elf subrace. I'd much rather see them as their own race.

However... I do agree with the mechanics. +2 Dex certainly falls in line, immune to magical sleep, resistance to Charms, and their teleportation power.

I'd like to see Necrotic resistance on there, personally, though I do think that getting that would be a bit too much.

After some thought, I like it. I do. Though honestly, it's the ONLY subrace in this UA that I like. I care little to nothing for the other options.

2017-11-14, 10:57 AM
Neither do flying mammals grow bird wings on their back. But I think avariel and sea elves go well with the idea of elves as a kind of "druidic" race that radically changes under the magic of one environment or another.

Personally, this is my reasoning for the different types of elves. At least, frnthe difference between land elves (wood and high are specialisations, not genetic subraces in my book), drow and sea elves. The drow were forcibly changed, the other elves escaped, and the sea elves came about after they decided to secure their borders from underwater raiders as well as those above the water. It's a neat way to handle the sahuagin-sea elf conflict; the sea elves drove the sahuagin out of waters they once owned, so the sahuagin (or at least a faction of them) want those lands back and will kill/drive off the sea elves to do so.

2017-11-14, 11:01 AM
I am surprised more people are not talking about this. I personally think this is a pretty cool UA, except the Grugach. They are more how I pictured Wild Elves and RPd them myself so to me they are kind of pointless but I like the rest.
Wild Elves (especially Greyhawk ones) traditionally have high Str and use spears. I mean, if you mod the Wood elf with that, you've got something close enough.

What jumped out at me is how damn short and light they are. I don't remember that from Greyhawk. Doesn't mean it wasn't the case, but that's not how I had them pictured in my mind's eye.

2017-11-14, 11:06 AM
I do not get mine until the 21st so I guess I forgot about that. But it really looks to me (and others apparently) like we are going to get some sort of book related to the planes. This is exciting!

Agreed, this is very promising in regards to a new book about (hopefully) different setting than Forgotten Realms (although I'm beginning to doubt that they're willing to go too far)

2017-11-14, 12:54 PM
Wild Elves (especially Greyhawk ones) traditionally have high Str and use spears. I mean, if you mod the Wood elf with that, you've got something close enough.

What jumped out at me is how damn short and light they are. I don't remember that from Greyhawk. Doesn't mean it wasn't the case, but that's not how I had them pictured in my mind's eye.

Easier to jump from trees and use momentum toadd to damage? Not mechanically of course.

2017-11-14, 01:01 PM
So the race with the most subraces gets more subraces, including flyers. They can now get +2 to Dex and, depending on subrace, +1 to any other stat, making them the most flexible demihumans.

Between this and the new Elven racial feat in XGtE, I can only guess the Complete Book of Elves is going to be reprinted next.

D&D has a long history of love-fetish when it comes to elves.

2017-11-14, 02:29 PM
I just want warforged with an intelligence-based alt like in 4e.

2017-11-14, 02:31 PM
I just want warforged with an intelligence-based alt like in 4e.

Psiforged? The Warforged were built to be obedient soldiers, so I could see a variety with an Int bonus. Warforged Commander, maybe?

2017-11-14, 03:14 PM
I just want warforged with an intelligence-based alt like in 4e.

Psiforged? The Warforged were built to be obedient soldiers, so I could see a variety with an Int bonus. Warforged Commander, maybe?

I would love - since they seem to be doing races - for them to go back and polish up the Warforged.

2017-11-14, 03:18 PM
I was already merging drow and shadar-kai in my homebrew setting, so this more or less fits. I'll probably steal the teleport ability, but maybe change the stat bonus to something else. IMO int or wis would be a better fit for a morose, off-putting, shadowfellish bunch.

2017-11-14, 03:45 PM
I would love - since they seem to be doing races - for them to go back and polish up the Warforged.

Agreed! I'd love to see them do that for Shifters and Changelings as well. And give us Kalashtar (I could see them being a sub-race for aasimar, perhaps)

2017-11-14, 03:59 PM
Agreed! I'd love to see them do that for Shifters and Changelings as well. And give us Kalashtar (I could see them being a sub-race for aasimar, perhaps)

I would love Kalashtar Aasimar! :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-14, 04:02 PM
I would love Kalashtar Aasimar! :smallbiggrin:

Volo's guide did set them up rather well for that, because the angelic guide could work as the chassis for quori

2017-11-14, 04:26 PM
Volo's guide did set them up rather well for that, because the angelic guide could work as the chassis for quori

...that never occurred to me, but that's brilliant. I mean, the crunch doesn't quite match up (all of the aasimar subraces have that transformation feature) unless they're changing up the way kalashtar work this edition. Honestly, I'd love an Eberron: Revised UA.

2017-11-14, 06:36 PM
Volo's guide did set them up rather well for that, because the angelic guide could work as the chassis for quori


...that never occurred to me, but that's brilliant. I mean, the crunch doesn't quite match up (all of the aasimar subraces have that transformation feature) unless they're changing up the way kalashtar work this edition. Honestly, I'd love an Eberron: Revised UA.

And change isn’t a bad thing, so long as the changes made are interesting and the mechanics intrigue both new and veteran players alike. But sometimes grognards gotta grumble.

Yes. We should all assail Mike Mearles’ twitter and demand a Revised Eberron! :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-14, 07:39 PM
Do elves need more subraces? They already have three, and I often find the wood elf/high elf split to be onerous to work into a campaign setting already. I know a lot of these are old D&D traditions, but I have my issues with them. Sea elves, for instance, bug me, because living by the sea does not give one the ability to breathe water. Aquatic versions of terrestrial creatures don't look like the terrestrial ones with gills stuck on.

30 foot fly speed is... I understand why balance considerations would make them want to keep the speed limited, as flying is by itself quite good, but the idea that a large flying creature can only fly at the same rate as a person can move on foot is kind of silly. Think of your own brisk walking pace, now think of almost any flying creature that is not a fly of some sort. How many of them moved as slowly or more so than you? Unless you live in an area with a lot of woodcocks, I'm guessing not many.

Teleportation, even short-range teleportation, combined with a free, very potent defensive bonus, seems kind of unnecessarily powerful, though I suppose some games might do better with a usable-at-will sort of bonus.

Maybe the slow fly speed can be narratively explained by maneuverability. In tense combat situations, avariel and Tiefling maybe aren’t very maneuverable and lose a lot of speed to direction changes, elevation changes, stops and starts.

2017-11-15, 10:14 AM
Avariel are a worse Aarakocra, who were already a better Wood elf. Grugach are a nice representation of wild elves, but a +1 to strength on a +2 dex race is mechanically weak in 5e, and the lack of Common is odd, if easily corrected through background. Sea elves seem cool, a con bonus fits with anything, swim speed and water breathing is useful but not game changing (which is a good thing) Friend of the sea lets you be Aquaman. Shadar-Kai seem a little overpowered.

2017-11-15, 10:45 AM
Grugach are a nice representation of wild elves, but a +1 to strength on a +2 dex race is mechanically weak in 5e…

They’re competing stats, but I think it’s actually decent for Strength-based martials. Take 15 Strength; dump Dex. Boost Str to 16 and Dex to 10 to eliminate the AC/Initiative/Save penalty.

Not optimal, but still useful along with the other Elf perks. Making a Strength-based martial out of them seems fitting by my very limited understanding of them.

2017-11-15, 11:04 AM
I was already merging drow and shadar-kai in my homebrew setting, so this more or less fits. I'll probably steal the teleport ability, but maybe change the stat bonus to something else. IMO int or wis would be a better fit for a morose, off-putting, shadowfellish bunch.

4th Edition's Shadar-Kai were emo thrill-seekers who were that way to stave off the stagnation and depression of the Shadowfell. I imagine the 5e version is borrowing from that model - the idea that the shadar-kai are epicurean extroverts only to protect themselves from the cloying drain of the Plane of Shadow.

At least, that's what I'd do with them.

2017-11-15, 11:57 AM
Race is mechanically weak in 5e, and the lack of Common is odd.

I just felt aggravated about this in particular.

Mechanical power isn't everything. Maybe it's for you, but it's definitely not for everyone. Try to take it into account before you go to judging new design. Some designers (and players) value flavor over function.

2017-11-15, 12:23 PM
I just felt aggravated about this in particular.

Mechanical power isn't everything. Maybe it's for you, but it's definitely not for everyone. Try to take it into account before you go to judging new design. Some designers value flavor over function.

Eh no, sorry, stuff that. It's not a dichotomy of "this race is mechanically sound but lacks interesting flavor" OR "this race is mechanically below par but has good flavor. The ideal state is "this class is mechanically sound AND has awesome flavor.". Most classes released thus far manage to do that, anything that's UA and doesn't, is a clear work in progress. As for the "no common" thing, that's just a glaring design inconsistency, every PC race thus far can by default speak common (except Kenku, for obvious reasons). Even PCs from races that, in the Monster Manual, aren't expected to be speaking it, like Lizardfolk and Aarakocra can speak it as PCs, it's way too late in the product's evolution to be going "well actually..".

Fluff is mutable, mechanics are ironclad.

2017-11-15, 12:28 PM
I dunno. Does it have proficiency instrument (organ)?

No, but it does provide "dark eye makeup" as equipment.

2017-11-15, 12:53 PM
No, but it does provide "dark eye makeup" as equipment.

Proficiencies. Make-up Kit and Charisma (Angst).

2017-11-15, 01:13 PM
They have advantage against detect thoughts, because nobody understands their pain.

2017-11-15, 01:16 PM
Is a tasteless joke about being Vulnerable vs slashing damage to tasteless?

2017-11-15, 01:29 PM
Is a tasteless joke about being Vulnerable vs slashing damage to tasteless?

Incredibly so.

2017-11-15, 01:32 PM
Is a tasteless joke about being Vulnerable vs slashing damage to tasteless?

Wouldn't, by the laws of D&D, being a cutter give you Resistance to Slashing? Unless I completely missed what you were going for.

2017-11-15, 01:40 PM
Wouldn't, by the laws of D&D, being a cutter give you Resistance to Slashing? Unless I completely missed what you were going for.

Nah, being a cutter just means you're from Sigil.

2017-11-15, 01:59 PM
Shardminds were another interesting race with lots of flavor. Never got the chance to play one and would like to see them return as well.

2017-11-15, 02:01 PM
Nah, being a cutter just means you're from Sigil.

That's a Cager ya berk.

2017-11-15, 02:19 PM
That's a Cager ya berk.

Wasn't delivered well, but the intention was that if you're a cutter, you must be from Sigil; not that a cutter means someone from Sigil. ;)

2017-11-15, 02:31 PM
A grugach barbarian with elven accuracy sounds fun. Sure, you would be a bit lower on str and con than a half orc, but with at will 3d20 advantage, you wouldn't miss that 1 attack bonus.

2017-11-15, 02:34 PM
A grugach barbarian with elven accuracy sounds fun. Sure, you would be a bit lower on str and con than a half orc, but with at will 3d20 advantage, you wouldn't miss that 1 attack bonus.

The problem is that Elven Accuracy feat works only when you make an attack roll using Dex, Int, Wis, or Cha, while Reckless Attack still requires a melee attack roll using Str.

2017-11-15, 02:56 PM
Ah, well nevermind then. I don't have my copy of Xandathars yet.

2017-11-15, 03:07 PM
Wasn't delivered well, but the intention was that if you're a cutter, you must be from Sigil; not that a cutter means someone from Sigil. ;)

I was just takin piss, all good. =)

2017-11-15, 03:45 PM
I was just takin piss, all good. =)

Figured. :)

2017-11-16, 09:10 PM
Neither do flying mammals grow bird wings on their back. But I think avariel and sea elves go well with the idea of elves as a kind of "druidic" race that radically changes under the magic of one environment or another.

Not that it works well with this new planar business of eladrin and shadar-kai. Like, how about elves who live in the skies or watery depths of the Feywild? Oh, oh, elves who live in the Underdark of the Shadowfell? Or any other such combo.Answering myself here. I failed to consider the connection between avariel and the Plane of Air, or between sea elves and the Plane of Water. So there is a lot more planar business, and I guess sea elves in the Feywild would still be Water creatures first.