View Full Version : Derelicts and Dreadnaughts (IC) (Badger)

2017-11-13, 05:19 PM
You blink several times.

How long has it been?
Flickering readout in the drop pod says 2100 hours local time... Drop happened 7 hours ago. The sky is dark, what lights you see in the city are stuttering on and off. You appear to be in the market district of the topside. You are 3 clicks off mark.

Your pod's door hasn't opened, you will have to perform a manual override to get it to unseal. Looking down the window you can see that the drop is about 20 feet, might hurt a bit but there appear to be various bits of debris piled up you might be able to aim for. The radio in the pod is emitting static.

The manual pull lever sits to your right.

2017-11-13, 05:33 PM
With a grunt Badger unstraps himself and drops to the door. Gives his arm a few experimental twists and turns to see if it's still functioning. Once he's satisfied that it still has full range of motion he cracks the shell with the tip of a claw, peeling back the white panel that covers the guts of his forearm. Fishing out the cord he runs his earpiece up and with a few button presses calls up the frequency for this operation.

"Badger. 3 clicks off mark. Proceeding to first regroup. Acknowledge."

He waits for a few minutes to see if he receives any acknowledgement from the team before trying to gauge if it's worth taking the time to have his rig extrude enough line to lower him to the ground.
Using his rig's integrated Comm unit. Physical Science roll to gauge the jump. [roll0]

2017-11-13, 06:02 PM
Badger sees a car overturned nearby, it appears to be about 7 feet off the ground. If he jumps right he should be able to tuck and roll on it and take very little to no injury. Wouldn't be hard for him. Worst he might get is a little bit of bruising.

Athletics check to make the jump. If you fail you will be treated as only falling from 10 feet.

2017-11-13, 06:13 PM
With a few quick reworkings Badger moves from a corded to a wireless earpiece. Should be able to hear if the team checks in without losing mobility. Now to time this right. Bracing his paws against the back of the pod he curls himself tight before wrenching the manual release and springing at that waiting debris. He tucks as he flies, leading with a rolling shoulder.

Athletics [roll0]

2017-11-13, 06:18 PM
Badger lands with a small thump and roll but is basically unscathed. The lights in the area make the deserted shopping district make for an eerily haunted local. The sounds of advertising kiosks can be made out.

"Buy Nutrifast today! shed the weight while eating great!"

"Do you need a loan? Apply for one at Kitracks and Kitsacks today!"

"New OpCell 10! The most advanced communication device for the modern consumer!"

2017-11-13, 06:22 PM
Opcells. That'll do nicely. Lots of advanced circuits that his recycler could pulp for UPBs. Scampering to the sign Badger scans to see if he can tell where the correct kiosk would be.

2017-11-13, 06:24 PM
The image of the OpCell creator on the sign is gesturing towards a a small station nearby. Several of the devices have been taken, and a few are broken. But perhaps you can find some inside the kiosk itself.

Perception to see what you can discover.

2017-11-13, 06:27 PM
Badger digs through the kiosk for a moment, feeling for all the world like his cousin Rocket. Notable family of scroungers and scrappers Rocket comes from.

Perception [roll0]

2017-11-13, 06:31 PM
As you scrounge you find several usable parts, but one thing catches your eye. The Demo unit is still there and intact!

2017-11-13, 06:38 PM
Badger gives it a quick look to determine its capabilities and if he'll need to jailbreak it.

Not sure why it's exciting that it's here. Is it better in some notable way then his built in one? Engineering [roll0]

2017-11-13, 06:41 PM
The Demo Unit isn't any better than his, but its got one thing going for it, its connected on a secure VPN specifically for demo units in the store. The connection is weak but holding.

2017-11-20, 07:01 PM
Oooh. A possible direct line. Useful. With a little work he might be able to get into the city network proper.
Taking twenty on a computers roll to hack into the Demo unit. If that's not an option, taking 10. If that's not an option, Computers [roll0]

2017-12-10, 08:12 PM
Badger manages to make connection to the city super. Many functions offline but he is able to aee functions such as traffic, some video systems, and communication arrays among the city.

2017-12-13, 09:35 AM
Badger begins going through the cameras and speaker systems, trying to find their locations and the nearest speaker to each of his troops.