View Full Version : OOTS time line: is there one?

Baby Gary
2017-11-13, 08:51 PM
Hi guys.

after reading the newest strip (1105) I started having some questions about the time line in this world, more accurately I started wondering if there was any time lines that have been made that mostly up to date? If there are could someone give me a link. If there isn't one then I think that someone, or a group of people, should try to make one just to help out the people eho need to know when this stuff is happening (like me!).


2017-11-14, 10:26 AM
There is a couple floating around the internet. One on the forums here somewhere and at least one more out in the wild internets. There is a OOTS Wikia fandom page that includes a timeline. It gives the whole story thus far takes place over 1.5 to 2.5 years. The forum timeline was more accurate, and was the basis for things like Belkar's death bit.

On a semi-related note - Kazumi is probably gonna have a baby at some point... probably.

2017-11-14, 01:13 PM
According to this old timeline thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?153099-How-much-time-has-passed-since-the-beginning-of-OotS), it looks like we're at a little more than 16 months (give or take) since the beginning of the story. This would put Durkon's son at 7 months old, given human-like gestation periods. I think Kazumi's about 5 months pregnant by this timeline.

2017-11-14, 11:05 PM
I think Kazumi's about 5 months pregnant by this timeline.

Can't be. Something like 106 days after the Battle of Azure City, Daigo says she's 8 weeks pregnant. The Battle of Azure City was, what, a week into the New Year? So Kazumi ought to give birth about a month before the end of the year, which means it could be any day now.

2017-11-15, 04:14 PM
There is a couple floating around the internet. One on the forums here somewhere and at least one more out in the wild internets. There is a OOTS Wikia fandom page that includes a timeline. It gives the whole story thus far takes place over 1.5 to 2.5 years. The forum timeline was more accurate, and was the basis for things like Belkar's death bit.

On a semi-related note - Kazumi is probably gonna have a baby at some point... probably.

The wikia timeline was originally lifted from RMS Oceanic's timeline in this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?35936-The-Order-of-the-Stick-Un-Official-Timeline!-Origin-of-PCs-Spoilers). So it IS a forum timeline, for things prior to the OOTS main story anyway. It used to credit RMS Oceanic, but it looks like that got edited out. As far as the main story timeline, the wikia timeline puts the events taking place over 387 days, which is 1 year and 3 weeks and 1 day, starting some time after April 1183 (but actually much closer to the end of 1183, given that the Southern New Year occurs on day 37). According to that timeline, 7 weeks from #666 would be day 407. The current day is day 387, so Belkar's death is 20 days away, pretty much in-line with the countdown to Belkar's death thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?361715-Countdown-to-Belkar-s-Death-Scene) (which hasn't been updated for one in-universe day since the Godsmoot).

In the end, such a project is bound for frustration, since the Giant himself has said there are inconsistencies in the source material, the amount of time between Northern and Southern new years is unknown, etc.

edit: by that same timeline, Kazumi is 284 days pregnant, which is 4 days past her due date. Any day now indeed!