View Full Version : Optimization The Grim Reaper

2017-11-13, 11:28 PM
So I built a STR-based Fighter 1/Fiendlock X for Adventurer's League the other day, and I played in my first AL session (probably won't ever again, but that's mainly because I'm moving back in with my DM).

The plan was to go with the traditional PAM-GWM-Darkness Build. Great Weapon Fighting Style, and build up from there.

Looking at the Hexblade, I think that this can be achieved a lot faster, and to greater effect. For the purposes of calculating DPR, I'm going to assume each attack hits, just to show the devastating potential of the numbers.

So you wanna go half-elf, because half-elves rock, and we're using the standard array, so we want those racial ASIs. Our priorities are: CHA > CON > DEX > Everything Else.

STR 10
DEX 14 (13 + 1)
CON 16 (15 + 1)
WIS 12
CHA 16 (14 + 2)

If you don't pick the Sailor background, you'll wanna snag Athletics and Perception for your racial skills.

We're gonna don whatever Medium Armor the DM is willing to give us to start off with, and save up for that wonderful Half-Plate.

Our first two invocations:
- Devil's Sight
- Any other Eldritch Invocation. It doesn't matter, it's getting swapped out at 3rd.

At 3rd level we take Pact of the Blade. And now that we have that, we're swapping out that second Invocation for Improved Pact Weapon. This is important, as we're going to be delaying in boosting our Charisma until later. For now, this is taking the place of a +2 Charisma so that we can take a feat at the next level.

For our Pact Weapon, we want to manifest it as a scythe (let's reskin a glaive, shall we? 1d10 slashing damage with heavy/two-handed sounds delicious. And the latter are necessary for the build).

At 4th level, we're taking Polearm Master. We now reliably deal 16 (5.5 (1d10) + 4 + 2.5 (1d4) + 4) damage a round, 25.5 if we can make an Attack of Opportunity. This of course goes up if we use hex, or other resources. You'll notice we've not taken the darkness spell, yet. The thing is, we don't need it yet. Not until 8th level.

At 5th level, we take Thirsting Blade for our 3rd Eldritch Invocation. Our DPR just jumped from 16 (25.5) to 25.5 (35 if we get that AoO).

At 7th level, you can take the Eldritch Smite Invocation for some free advantage when you knock a creature prone. It's not necessary, because we're either going to take darkness or shadow of moil soon.

8th level. You've survived this long. Now this build finally gets the second feat that makes its DPR insane: Great Weapon Master. At 8th level, you also want to swap out one of your lower-level spells known for darkness or shadow of moil. Both spells create darkness, but I don't remember if shadow of moil's darkness is magical. If not, you probably want to go with darkness, even though shadow of moil gives you free damage whenever you get attacked.

Either way, now you cloak yourself in darkness, and you swing with advantage to counteract that -5 from GWM.

The next big ticket item you want is Lifedrinker. You now add damage equal to your Charisma modifier to every attack. The other big thing that happens at this level is that you get your 3rd ASI. There's two different things you can do here. You can either boost your CHA by +2, or you can opt into Elven accuracy. And if you choose the latter, then you won't be numerically behind any other character's +X to hit when we hit 20, and it's because of Improved Pact Weapon.

This build is basically finished now, and you'll want to bump your Charisma at 16th level, making it a 20 (or 18) and then bump your Constitution modifier at 19th level.

Okay, so I promised some crazy numbers earlier.

Remember, for the display of how crazy this build's damage potential can be, I'm assuming every attack hits. I will, however, still be using the average of the die.

In one round, you will deal 76.5 damage. (5.5 + 1 IPW + 5 CHA + 5 Lifedrinker + 10 GWM*2 + 2.5 + 1 IPW + 5 CHA + 5 Lifedrinker + 10) You'll be dealing 73.5 damage, if you went with Elven Accuracy, but going with that feat will also make these numbers a lot easier to hit. If you manage to make that Attack of Opportunity 76.5/73.5 jumps to 103/100. All this for the price of a single spell slot per combat, 3 Eldritch Invocations, raising a single stat, and a pair (potentially a threesome) of feats.

An alternative to using the darkness spell is to kill something quickly, and then raise them as a specter, and have the specter do nothing but give you the Help action.

I give you, Ladies and Gents, and everyone in between or neither, the Grim Reaper of Xanathar's Guide to Everything. :smallbiggrin:

(Also, for the Adventurer's League players out there: I made sure that this follows the AL + 1 rule.)

EDIT: And yes, I realize that this build is a case of what happens when some options are better than others, and you take all the best ones.

2017-11-13, 11:37 PM
Cool idea. Xanathar's Guide has really broken a lot of balance in 5e. How did your play through with AL go?

Also, had you taken account accuracy, EA would come out on top there because of the increased chance to crit (highest of 3d20, crit on a 19).

Edit: Never mind. You were brewing a Fiendlock, not a Hexblade, so you still only crit on a 20.

2017-11-14, 01:26 AM
Cool idea. Xanathar's Guide has really broken a lot of balance in 5e. How did your play through with AL go?

Also, had you taken account accuracy, EA would come out on top there because of the increased chance to crit (highest of 3d20, crit on a 19).

Edit: Never mind. You were brewing a Fiendlock, not a Hexblade, so you still only crit on a 20.

Eh, my conclusion about AL after playing it was the same as before I played it: it’s great for people who have no other option for playing at a table.

If I were to continue in AL, I would take advantage of the rule that allows you to rebuild your character below 4th level, and right the course for me to build the Grim Reaper.

2017-11-14, 02:38 AM
Daaaaamn, son.

2017-11-14, 03:57 AM
I 100%, honest-to-goodness do not feel that this is too strong. Bladelocks needed to a boost, a reason to go into melee. Otherwise, why did I bother with the pact? Pew-Pew! (that's me casting eldritch blast all day, because I'm not a Hexblade and I picked Pact of the Blade)

2017-11-14, 03:59 AM
Pew-Pew! (that's me casting eldritch blast all day, because I'm not a Hexblade and I picked Pact of the Blade)

Oh my god! I gotta sig! :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-14, 04:02 AM
Oh my god! I gotta sig! :smallbiggrin:

Go ahead. I bet your wondering how I made a post with less than 10 characters. The truth is I didn't, I just changed the text to white. My entire post is a lie, because you thought that I managed to publish less than 10 characters. Well, everybody lies. Especially wizards like me. We lie to everyone about everything. Do you think we're all as cool as we say we are? Not a chance. 3.5 wizards were based on the propaganda we wrote about ourselves and fed to the developers.

2017-11-14, 04:06 AM
Go ahead.

Thanks, much!

2017-11-14, 05:42 AM
I've gone a different route, with the same premise.
I went Silver Dragonborn Death Cleric, and refluffed a Halberd into a Scythe. Same stats, different name.

Started a level in Fighter so I could soft-dump my Dex, then 2 levels of Cleric. I plan on going Cleric for the rest of my time, though I -might- grab 2 more levels of Fighter and ping Champion for some fun.
I'll have to see what everything in XGtE gives at 3rd to make a final call. Might grab EK for giggles and being an 18th level caster.

But, my dude is more the 'Death is inevitable, so just STAY dead' kind of undead hunter of sorts, than a fear-inspiring Avatar of Death.
Helps that the God of Death in the homebrew pantheon is a nice guy that just doesn't like it when people balk the natural order of things.

2017-11-14, 06:48 AM
If you're using the point buy variant for stats I'd make cha 15
(17 with racials) and take elven accuracy at level 4

You know have +4 to hit and damage with your polearm using cha. you can then use levels 8 and 12 for GWM and polearm master or you can go fighter and use levels 8 and 10, with level 12 going to cha to 20.

Bonus by going fighter if the dm allows ua (assuming you can escape adventurers league) is the ability to pick up tunnel fighting.

Even if stuck in adventurers league you can still have defensive which is a good boost for any great weapon user.

I'd go battlemaster so that you can gain trip attack for extra advantage goodness in addition to darkness and eldritch smite.

2017-11-14, 10:15 AM
I've done grim reapers as well, but I went a different (non-Xanathar's) route. I made a Dex-based half-elf Death Cleric, took all the necromancy spells I could find, and never looked back. My scythe was more a reskinned spear than a glaive: 1d6 (1d8 if two-handed) slashing damage. My DM allowed me to swap out the thrown property for finesse, which suited my character just fine.

2017-11-14, 10:24 AM
Why no love for Undying Warlocks from SCAG? Also I think Oath of Vengeance screams reaper

2017-11-15, 05:07 PM
I too have an idea for a reaper. I love psychopomps.

My plan was to go 6-7 Hexblade - Eldritch Smite, Thirsting Blade, Improved Pact Weapon, (Devil sight if I go 7 levels)
The rest were going to go into, and this is the hard part for me, Shadow Sorc or Divine Soul Sorc.

Shadow Sorc brings about the options that make me more reaper than anything else as it's more on the offensive side. This guy would be more about bringing death than upholding a balance between life and death.

Divine soul allows access to cleric spells, makes the character more like someone who's about preserving life to an extent, but no hesitation on killing undead. But is capable of saving lives as easily as taking them. Think a more offensive Grave Cleric.

Both ideally serve Kelemvor or Raven Queen I haven't read enough about either yet, I just know they're both the psychopomp type of deities, residing over death and afterlife.

I'd at least take polearm master, reskinning a glaive to scythe. I was thinking of making him an Elf or Half-Elf for Elven Accuracy. And using combination of Darkness or Eldritch smites for prone to get advantage.

My issue really lies in going 6 or 7 Warlock for devil sight. As if I go the shadow sorc route I can see in darkness I create with my sorc points. I also really like the 14th lvl darkness teleportation ability, but it sounds kool, I haven't seen it in action. Anyone have any opinions on shadow sorcs 14th level teleport ability and is it worth it?

If I go the divine soul route, I have no issue going 7/13 as I like the wings, but they wouldn't be necessary to me.

I'm all ears on advice with the build!