View Full Version : Running Interference

2017-11-14, 11:57 AM
I'm toying around with the idea of a pure support character, one that is a team player in the truest sense of the phrase. While maybe not a strict pacifist, I would like ideas on making a character who is truly effective at making my allies shine.

-Deals little or no damage.
-Controls enemies or shapes the battlefield
-sets up other players to have fun doing what they do best

Right now, I'm just looking at what tools would go best in this character's bag of tricks.

Net: weapon attack for no damage that grants the restrained condition. Limited to one attack per round, and has disadvantage at all ranges without a feat or other ability. Target will probably have to spend an action to get free.

shoves and prones to position enemies and provide advantage

Buff spells: Bless, heal, enlarge, enhance ability, ect. At higher levels add Haste, greater invisibility, ect

Debuff spells: Same concept in reverse - hinder the enemy with hideous laughter, hold person, ray of sickness. would look at hitting a variety of saves to cover most contingencies.

Utility/battlefield prep: Cantrips like mold earth and shape water to give ranged fighters cover or create choke points, out of combat diplomacy and charm type spells to cover for your barbarian's dump stats, stealth or divination for intel gathering. Be creative.

Unique Class Features:
Paladin aura gives great save buffs, possibly more with the right oath
War cleric adds bonus action attacks and a great channel divinity
Divination clerics give dice manipulation
Bardic Inspiration
Mastermind Rogues give advantage anywhere
Familiars/Beast companions/Independent Mounts can use help on their own initiative

With so many options, what would you take to be the ultimate support character?

2017-11-14, 12:08 PM
I kind of like the abjurer for this. Wizard spellcasting is awesome for this style of play and the shield and other features of the abjurer are great for letting you act more independently. Maybe it isn't as specialized, but you have someone that can customize their loadout to the needs of the party each day with a variety of powers.

2017-11-14, 12:15 PM
Look for the god wizard guide. I want to say by Treantmonk?

I played one and it was fun as hell. Your major obstacle though is concentration. Most god-spells are concentration so find something to do every round that doesn't use concentration. For most characters that's easy: cantrips ans damage spells. For a god wizard, it's much much harder.

2017-11-14, 12:21 PM
To make the god wizard get creative with your non damaging cantrips. I use minor illusion to drop a bag over the bad guys head. I make a small wall appear between the fighter and his opponent. I put a big juicy looking rack of ribs on the ground next to the orc. Have some fun. And if you have to do damage go ray of frost. Little damage and I get to slow an enemy by five feet. Thank you. Also always remember it isn't how the bad guys die. It is the fact they are dead. Let the bsf and the glass cannon have their fun. They would be dead without you anyways.