View Full Version : Player Help new player help

2017-11-14, 01:30 PM
i would like to preface this by saying if Im posting this in the wrong section if someone could kindly point me in the direction of the subcategory i should be posting in i will gladly delete this post if thats possible and repost it in the appropriate place. and also that im attempting to keep my spelling mistakes at a minimum and i apologize if any of this is hard to read.

all that being said, here is my problem. I was invited to play D&D with some friends of mine recently, whom Ive played many other table top games with, specifically the hero system and rifts. my only experience with 5e was a knowledge cleric i played til level 6 with a different group of people, before i had to drop out of because my hours changed and it wasn't fair to my party. what I do know is that I dont want to play that class again. the spell system makes the most sense to me, which is why I picked it, but as the only one capable of healing, and not very well as I had been anticipating way more skill checks than battle rolls when building, it was really boring for me. now that im back playing with people I know, i want to do something fantastical, or as fantastical as 5e lets you get (since playing a dragon is still a rifts only kinda thing smh) and i know from previous experience with the DM that one of his house rules is "thematic experience" which just means that we get more xp when we try to do cool things whether it works out or not.

I had an idea while talking to him about a death knight/reaper thing. like the variant teifling with wings, a sythe and a butt load of cold damage.

the problem with this is that i dont know 5e well enough to know how multi classing works or which class would be best for that concept. some kind of warlock/Sorcerer/fighter? the winged tiefling loses innate spell-casting abilities for some relatively op flight ability. I think i need pole-arm master for the scythe? the group i'll be joining is stuck in a dungeon and the DM wants to wrap that up before i join so currently they're at level 5, and my character will start at whatever level they finish as when they reach a city. the stats i rolled were 15 15 14 14 11 8. i was thinking of putting the 11 in wis, the 8 in int, the 15's in char and str and the 14's in dex and con.

the reason i was thinking these three classes is because i know nothing about fighter but it seems fighty and that seemed helpful, i think the great old one pact would make sense thematically for a reaper themed toon and sorcs get more ice magic. warlocks get a pact of the blade or something that lets them, at a certain level, have a life drinker weapon?

I'm not even sure if this is even the place to ask this type of question to be honest, my DM's only free time is during the RP so i'd rather have a done character ready for him to say, sure i can fit this in or, we can tweek these things and then we can make it happen, so I don't take time away from his game? if that makes sense?

I'm sorry if this is a bit all over the place, I'm really just asking for help trying to build a character to the concept that I have, if its easier to simply say, thats impossible come up with a new concept, please do rip[ that band aid off right away.

thank you for taking the time to read this,

2017-11-14, 01:40 PM
Your looking to play the hexblade warlock that just came out in Xanathar's guild to everything.

2017-11-14, 01:45 PM
Your looking to play the hexblade warlock that just came out in Xanathar's guild to everything.

and here i was hoping i wouldn't have to buy a new book. silly me considering ive played rifts orz

2017-11-14, 01:59 PM
Chances are your dm wont ok the whole wings thing as flying can be trivializing .

As you are new i wouldnt necessarily start out with multiclassing, but the option is of course yours. Consider taking conquest paladin with a polearm master. Polearms are most easily refluffed as scythes, conquest paladin gets armor of agathys, a spell that gives you ice armor, and the heavy armor for the death knight feal. Youll probably want 6 levels into paladin, as the aura is pretty amazing. From there on you could go sorcer or warlock to pick up those cold spells and more slots for you to pump into the paladins smite.

Another good route is hexblade-pact of blade warlock. In this case you will be more magical, and rely on charisma for all things. However without a dip you wont get heavy armor and will be stuck with medium

2017-11-14, 02:41 PM
Variant Tieflings UA found here (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/fiendish-options). (Scroll down past the Video)

You want the Levistus Variant. Comes with Ray of Frost & Armor of Agathys.

Paladin, Oath of Vengence. Use your imagination & fluff, Hold Person chills someone leaving a a layer of Frost on them. Ask if you can Smite Cold Damage, that isn't really a big deal (at least to me its a fairly even trade)

You can also MC into Sorcerer for Blasty Ice spells as you see fit.

Just an idea that doesn't require you buying a new book. Requires imaginative descriptions, Counts As, and a minor DM caveat.

2017-11-14, 03:13 PM
That Variant actually makes much more sense thematically than the things did, i didnt even know it existed thank you.

i"ll see if I can find someplace that would explain the canon Conquest Paladin, maybe D&Dbeyond will have just that class, 2 dollars is better than 30 and im sure all the spells will be on the wiki at some point. and compare it with Vengeance. ive heard from the research I just did that paladin/sorcs are pretty powerful, and ive been assured that the party already has a "tank" and a "healer" so i dont have to worry about filling a role more than having the character I want.

thank you for all of your input!

2017-11-14, 03:31 PM
You can download the free pdf unearth arcana version of the hexblade. Or ask anyone at the table if they have the book with it in.

Tesla Dragon
2017-11-14, 04:16 PM
If your DM or other players at the table, have access to Volo's Guide to Monsters, you may also be interested in the Fallen Aasimar as your race. Fallen angel type race, ghostly skeletal wings (once per long rest at least) and statistically lends itself to being a Paladin, which, as mentioned by previous posters, fits the ideas presented well. Conquest or Vengeance would likely be the Oath you'd be aiming for. Fluff up a Greatsword or polearm as a scythe and you're golden.

2017-11-14, 08:12 PM
the problem with this is that i dont know 5e well enough to know how multi classing works or which class would be best for that concept. some kind of warlock/Sorcerer/fighter? the winged tiefling loses innate spell-casting abilities for some relatively op flight ability. I think i need pole-arm master for the scythe? the group i'll be joining is stuck in a dungeon and the DM wants to wrap that up before i join so currently they're at level 5, and my character will start at whatever level they finish as when they reach a city. the stats i rolled were 15 15 14 14 11 8. i was thinking of putting the 11 in wis, the 8 in int, the 15's in char and str and the 14's in dex and con.
Half-elf fighter 1 / bladelock 3+, start Str16 Dex14 Con16 Int8 Wis11 Cha16 with racials.
You can use heavy armor and shield, your pact weapon can take any shape, and you get extra attack at bladelock 5. Pick a patron.
This is all in the PHB.

Otherwise you'll have to look in Xan.

2017-11-15, 12:30 AM
thank you all so much for your help