View Full Version : Optimization The best improvised weapon wielder?

2017-11-15, 11:36 AM
In pathfinder, there's Spheres of Might. In Spheres of Might, there's the Lancer sphere. And in the Lancer sphere, there was something very amusing, the Ragdoll Swing.

Ragdoll Swing (impale)

As long as you have martial focus, you may use a creature you are currently impaling with a wielded weapon as an improvised weapon of that creature’s size, taking no penalties on attack rolls for doing so. Each successful attack you make while using the impaled creature as a weapon deals damage to the impaled creature equal to half your base attack bonus.

Hilariously, this does mean you can toss around an impaled colossal dragon as a fine beetle, if you impale it on a stick first.

But, let's ignore the hilarity, and focus on the uses. So, it's got 2 parts.
First: attack as though the creature were an improvised weapon of the creature's size.
Second: You also damage the impaled creature by 1/2 BAB.

Any ideas?

Well, maybe the Double Impale talent would be particularly applicable?

If you successfully impale a creature with a weapon wielded with two hands, you can expend your martial focus to make an additional attack roll against a creature adjacent to that creature with the same penalty. If this attack is successful, that creature takes damage and is also impaled. While they are impaled, both creatures are forced to act on the same initiative count (whichever is lower between the two) until they are no longer impaled, and both can only move if both agree to move using both of their move actions, using the slower of their speeds to determine movement between the two using a movement type both share. The creature who was impaled first cannot remove the weapon impaling them as long as it is still impaling the creature who was impaled second, but both can make a combat maneuver check to remove it, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus on this check. The creature who was impaled second can choose to attempt to free only themselves from the impaling weapon.

I mean...depends on how lenient the DM is, but I believe 2 medium characters would be considered a large character, for teleportation magic. So, you could make an argument that by using a shish kebab of 2 people would be a larger improvised weapon than 1 person. AND It would damage both of the impaled creatures!

...But that's all I can particularly think of. Maybe if you pick up Terrifying Pierce along with a Rogue (Thug) dip, then that might be cool? Doesn't have too much particular impact on the use of the actual dragon on a stick...

OH! There's the Surprise Weapon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/combat-traits/surprise-weapon/) trait, for +2 on your attacks. And there's Improvised Weapon Mastery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/improvised-weapon-mastery-combat-final/) (unfortunately, on a tax for a feat we don't need).

Anything else?

I guess you can take Blacksmith (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/blacksmith) levels. At level 3, you essentially get rogue sneak attack progression, but only when you sunder, rather than when you flank.

2017-11-15, 11:46 AM
OOOOOOH! I forgot about the sphere specifically designed for improvised weapon fighting, Barroom! Well, to be fair...yeah. But still. I'll read over it and see what jewels can be found.

.....Well, the base sphere is hillarious, considering most creatures don't have at least 5 hardness. Gain a bonus twice, and instantly destroy them. lol! (Definitely intended, and every DM will totally rule that the creatures, not the impaling weapon, are destroyed.)

And then Barroom Expert. +1 die size, increased crit, and apply a weapon trait or two (such as reach) to the improvised weapon. Respectable.

Magic in the Spirits enchants your improvised shish kebab. Not many ways to otherwise enchant them.

Improvised Shield could be good if you also pick up the Shield Sphere, and Bashing Shield. This essentially means you're just cleverly parrying blows by placing the giant dragon in harm's way....which...again...hillarious. The best use of 3 talents? Probably not.

Further, if you're an Armiger, you can take Sacrifice Weapon as a prowess. Unfortunately, it only procs when someone in your reach is about to die or go unconscious.

...Of course, the Shield sphere does this better anyway. Sacrificial Shield redirects the damage of an attack that would hit you to the "shield".

2017-11-15, 09:13 PM
I don't know anything about Spheres of Might. But since you're using 3pp stuff, maybe you use Dreamscarred Press stuff too. The Night Terror Vigilante archetype can get the Magic Tricks vigilante talent to quickdraw alchemical items and use them as improvised weapons. So they can smash an alchemist's fire right in someone's face for improvised weapon damage in addition to the fire effect, and not suffer the effect themselves. They also apply the effects of Amulet of Mighty Fists and Bodywraps of Mighty Strikes (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/body-wrap-of-mighty-strikes/) to improvised weapon attacks. Oh, and add on Gloves of Improvised Might (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/gloves-of-improvised-might/). That's a lot of effects piled on to your improvised alchemical weapons!

2017-11-30, 09:11 PM
Hrm. Well. I guess there are actually two ways of interpreting it, because the talent does not inherently allow you to wield the improvised weapon (the colossal dragon), merely treat it as one. If it's too large for you to use, then you probably can't use it, even though it's an improvised weapon.