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2017-11-15, 01:47 PM
(OOC) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?541894-Turn-Some-Pages-(OOC))

Walker's Pub in Ithaca, New York. Things have quieted down in the last year or so, and some of the supernatural crowd has moved on. A few have simply moved away, but others were not so fortunate. However, new faces have also come into town, and both life and unlife have gone on.

The sun begins to sink below the horizon on a chilly November evening. The usual crowd shuffles in, and takes up their habitual tables. However, rather than the laconic wizard himself being behind the bar, there's a relatively new face. Walker and his family are spending the week in Michigan, visiting his parents, and during this well deserved vacation, he has left Trevor the werewolf in charge of the pub.

Trevor's a big guy, brawny and hairy, who looks like a lumberjack with his beard and flannel. However, he's also a massive goof, and seems to be awkwardly unaware of his size. Shana knows him as a Cahalith, and a Blood Talon. When he sees you four seated at your table, he leaves the bar to walk over.

His voice is surprisingly soft and high pitched for someone who's as huge as he is, and he speaks with a very thick, almost cartoonishly hillbilly accent.

"Hey, uh... Can I, uh..."

He glances from side to side, as if paranoid about being eavesdropped upon.

"Would y'all mind if'n I asked y'all a favor? Walker says y'all're pretty good at solvin' like, mysteries and stuff."

2017-11-15, 01:59 PM
Shana lowers her hood. Her red hair which was pulled back and held by the hood suddenly freed from the confines of the hood falls into her face. ”H-h-hi Trevor.” She looks to the others to see what they say, but he should know that Shana is usually willing to help Uratha out. She brushes the hair out of her face. “W-what do you n-n-need?”. Her voice gets lower as she asks.

2017-11-15, 04:20 PM
"Oh cool, we're famous! Or something!" Emily considers for a moment. "I'll still take it. Sure, I'll help out. What's the problem?"

2017-11-15, 05:09 PM
Nate sits casually at a table, but inside, he's more than a little nervous. No one had really batted an eye when he'd gotten his ears pierced, or bought more jewelry, or even thrown a women's t-shirt or five into the rotation. They probably didn't even notice the difference between those and his normal shirts. There was only so much cross-dressing one could fly under the banner of hipsteric irony before it raised awkward questions. Oh good, Trevor had a problem. Nice kid. Southern...ish. He knew to ask what kind of Coke, so that made him southern in Nate's book. He closes the laptop and turns to face the barman with a small smile, head resting on a fist. "Shoot."

2017-11-15, 05:15 PM

Trevor begins, seemingly relieved at your willingness to help.

"It's my cousin. He an' his friends are really into this uh... vampire LARP thing. An' tonight, I think they're gonna do somethin' what's actually dangerous."

He clears his throat.

"Dave's the only kin I got left, he's why I moved up here. I don' want nothin' bad to happen to him, y'know? But the way they was talkin', it wasn't just somethin' in the game. I think they're gonna tresspass on an actual vampire's territory."

He winces.

"An' I cain't tell him that, cause who'd believe me if I did, right? They'd think I was talkin' nonsense. I'd go after him myself, but I gotta stay here and run the pub tonight. So if y'all could maybe try to stop him from gettin' hurt?"

2017-11-15, 06:38 PM
Nuurgui sips her drink and sighs. "Jesus," she murmurs under her breath. Vampires... well, you don't want people rolling into one's territory uninvited. You also usually don't want to be invited, because vampires have this annoying tendency to want blood. "What's the timeframe on this, Trev? 'Cause this sounds like we need to get on it half an hour ago. Pity time isn't my deal or we could almost do that." She finishes off the last quarter of an oatmeal stout, thoughts of a second round pushed aside for far more pressing---and far less pleasant---concerns.

2017-11-15, 07:10 PM
Shana gives a nod. "Sure." She looks to the others then back. "We all know the importance of k-k-keeping things hush hush."

She starts packing up her drawing stuff. "Though th-th-this means you c-c-can't laugh at m-m-me when I get water eyed over hunting th-th-thumper..."

2017-11-15, 08:52 PM
Nate drums his fingers against the table and takes a look at the darkening sky. "We got 'til dusk, prolly. Know where he an' his l'il friends are right now? Failin' that, you got his cell number?" He opens the laptop again.

2017-11-15, 11:06 PM
"Aw, shoot. I'd never make fun of ya fer that."

He smiles widely at Shana.

"An' I'm much obliged for y'all's help. No idea what it means to me."

He turns to Nate.

"I don't know where he is right now, but I got his number."

He gives Nate the phone number.

"An' I heard him say that they was gonna go to one of those old, abandoned houses. The condemned ones on the outskirts of town? They're owned by one of them vampire lawyers in town. Not the nice one who hangs out here, the other one. Howard."

2017-11-15, 11:11 PM
Shana sighs. ”N-n-not every Howard can be Howard the Duck...”

2017-11-15, 11:28 PM
Nate lets his jaw drop. "Howard? As in John Howard of Howard, Lawrence & Dewane? That Howard? Jesus ****in' Christ." He types like the wind, eyes flicking back and forth across the screen, saying vacantly, "Yanno, fer the record, Trev, ya coulda jus' told yer cuz that house's owned by a dangerous lawyer with mob ties. 'Cause that's way more believable an' also super-true." Nate glances over at the barman, and his look softens considerably. "Relax. Gonna do everythin' we can fer 'im, arrite?" He makes no promises. Merciless machine in Heaven, this could get ugly.

Okay, plan here is to pinpoint Dave's phone with GPS. Somehow. You know. WP for anti-suck. Int (3) + Computers (3) + Specialty (1) + Equipment (3) + 1 WP (3) = 13


4 sux + 2 explodosux(OOC) = 6 sux

2017-11-16, 05:21 PM
"M-mob ties?"

Trevor stands there in shocked silence for several seconds.

"I was so worried about the spooky side o' things that I didn't even think o' that."

The poor big dumb guy seems even more panicked now.

"I've been tryin' to call 'im call day, an' he ain't been answering. So good luck with yer computer hoodoo. Makes me think I shoulda been an Iron Master, eh, Shana?"

He tries to flash a falsely confident grin.

You are, in fact, able to pinpoint Dave's precise location. He's in an apartment near Cornell's campus.

2017-11-16, 06:31 PM
Shana giggles a bit. "T-t-to be fair, you hunt P-P-Pure."

She tilts her head. "d-d-do you have anything of y-y-your cousins? Might help us t-t-track if I can get the s-s-scent if we can't get a hold of em t-t-through Nate."

2017-11-16, 06:39 PM
Nate sighs. Oops. He'd done that thing where he didn't consider other people's feelings. Again. "Got good news. Looks like he's at his apartment, so we got time." He spins the laptop so others can see. Nevermind the kid could have just forgotten his phone. Trev needed a boost. "Rather not risk him leavin' while we're en route, so let's head 'em off. Who's got wheels?" Unfortunately, Carthage's Cadillac was back in the hands of its rightful owner. Tragic.

2017-11-17, 11:47 AM
Nuurgui shrugs apologetically at Nate. "Dunno if we'd all fit in my little truck, and it's a walk from here. But it exists and it has gas if we can't get a better option." She can tell how nervous Trev is---mind you, she could tell from across the room with her head in a bucket.

2017-11-17, 12:27 PM
"Works fer me. Keys." He raises a hand to catch. "Shay, we might need the super sniffer." Nate takes a deep breath. Tonight was going to be interesting, if nothing else.

2017-11-17, 03:29 PM
Shana having finally gotten a phone texts her dad. “https://i.imgur.com/oAUCWxx.png, LAte tonight.”

She then hands nate her bookbag and turns into a small wolf pup.

2017-11-17, 07:24 PM
Nuurgui whips out her keys and tosses them to Nate. "It's in the usual spot." She watches Shana turn into a smal pupper and smiles, then looks to Trevor.
"Your cousin's gonna be fine."

2017-11-17, 08:14 PM
Nate grins cheekily. "Thanks. Lezzroll, Shay." The door opens with a merry little jingle. "So..." he begins, idly stretching a quad. "Wanna race? Threetwoonego!" Nate dashes off toward Nuurgui's apartment the second the word 'go' leaves his lips.

2017-11-17, 08:28 PM
Shana barks then dashes after him. She could go urshul and move faster but that would cause more problems. Instead she settles for giving him sad puppy eyes when they arrive. Just to rub it in a bit.

2017-11-17, 09:03 PM
Nate skids to a halt in front of the white pickup, then turns to face Shana. Much closer behind than expected. "Awww, man. Not the eyes. M'sucha huge sucker fer the eyes." He kneels down and scritches her behind the ears, then clears his throat. "Arrite. Better get ready ta get ready." Nate slides into the truck, adjusting the seat back a few inches, then whistles for Shana. "Gonna vote the back, since ya gotta be a tiny baby or a l'il wolf ta fit back there." Or desperate to pet the latter. Seating managed. With a merry whistle, he pulls out his multi-tool and begins unscrewing the steering column cover. "Wait. Got keys. Force a habit." He looks back at Shana while starting the truck. "If Nuur asks, the screws were always scratched like that, 'kay?" A minute later, Nate parks in front of Walker's, tapping twice on the horn. He administers more scritches to Shana while they wait. That race thing had been kind of a **** move.

2017-11-17, 09:22 PM
Shana climbs in and sits in the back. She lets out a happy bark.

2017-11-17, 09:57 PM
Nate continues to scratch the puppy while they wait. "S'is nice," he mutters. Dog friend. Best friend. Great listener, too.

2017-11-17, 10:14 PM
Nuurgui trots out, swinging herself up into shotgun position and awaiting Emily joining them in the truck.

2017-11-17, 10:19 PM
Emily hops into the back seat. "Ooo, chauffeur? I think you've really found your calling Nate." She extends a hand to Shana, "May I?" It's important to be polite and ask!

2017-11-17, 10:26 PM
Shana lets out a bark and shakes the hand with her paw and then rests a head in emily's lap.

2017-11-17, 10:27 PM
Nate grins (heh) wolfishly. "S'what I do, Gladys." Once everyone's settled in, he pulls the truck out and drives toward the spookiest haunt in town.

2017-11-17, 10:46 PM
Emily begins a thorough, full-body scritching.

2017-11-17, 11:12 PM
Shana's grown to like all ... most of her forms and getting scritches is a benefit of woof form. Happy barks abound.

2017-11-18, 01:21 PM
Nate turns on the radio but shuts it off the second tinny soft rock reaches his ears. On a hunch, he switches on the CD player. Locust Toybox. That'd do. He lets the electronic music play quietly in the background.

2017-11-19, 07:25 PM
Trevor seems very much relieved as the group heads out. Luckily, traffic seems to be on Nate's side as he drives. By the time the truck pulls up to the apartment building, you see a young man bustling out, a bag sling over his shoulder. He seems to be in rather a hurry, and bears a distinct likeness to Trevor. While not as big, or as hairy, he has the same general facial structure. They're not identical by any means, but the family resemblance is there.

2017-11-19, 08:29 PM
Nate hastily parks the truck but he casually steps out and walks to intercept the young man. "You Dave?" he asks. Kid would be more likely to trust a fellow good ol' boy.

2017-11-19, 11:14 PM
The kid, he appears to be about 19 or 20, stops in his tracks when Nate addresses him. He glances him over and frowns thoughtfully.

"Yeah. Who're you?"

His voice has a much less pronounced twang than Trevor's does, but it's still subtly there.

"An' can we hurry this along? I'm sorta running late."

He shifts his bag nervously on his shoulder.

2017-11-19, 11:15 PM
Shana hops out of the truck and comes over sniffing. Looking like someone is a thing, but then smelling lets you know more.

Perception roll 9 dice thanks to pupper sniffer, exceptional successes on 3 instead of 5 thanks to honed senses.

2017-11-19, 11:19 PM
Shana's sniffer can confirm. This guy is definitely related to Trevor.

2017-11-19, 11:30 PM
Pupper tackles and licks acting like a small husky pup. A few happy barks and wagging tail.

2017-11-19, 11:57 PM
"Friends of Trev's. Said ya were in trouble. That house you an' yer buds are breakin' inta? Belongs ta someone. Terrifyin' sonuvabitch. Big-time lawyer. Friend ta mobsters all over New York. So I'd strongly recommend ya call yer buds, an' stay in tonight. Netflix 'n chill. Smoke a bowl. Don't matter. Just stay away from that house."

Feels like I could apply some silver-tonguedness to convince him I'm telling the actual (half)-truth and am not just an insane guy with a tinfoil hat. Man (2) + Subterfuge (3) + Half-Truths (1)


3 sux! Touchdown!

2017-11-20, 11:17 PM
"Whoa, slow down..."

Dave is in total shock.

"Are you serious right now?"

At this point, he's tackled by the pupper.

"Oh! Hey, easy girl..."

He scritches Shana behind the ears as he gets to his feet, seemingly unaware that she's a wolf, and not a husky.

"I... I gotta tell th' others about this."

He tries to make a phone call, but swears loudly when no one picks up.

"****! They must already be there."

2017-11-20, 11:18 PM
Shana wags her tail at the scritches, then barks! She then whines a bit when he says they must be there.

2017-11-20, 11:21 PM
Nuurgui says something she normally avoids saying around Shana. It's barely even under her breath or anything.
"[a swear]. Back in the truck, gang."

2017-11-20, 11:48 PM
"Sit tight. We'll do what we can fer yer friends. Promise." Nate waves his friends back to the truck, then slides into the driver's seat and starts it up again. He drives away once everyone is in.

2017-11-21, 09:36 AM
Shana hops back in and climbs into the back.

2017-11-21, 11:10 PM
Dave is left in the dust, looking exasperated. Traffic is sorta heavy as you all move through the city, but after you get to the outskirts, you're free to move about more easily. The sun sinks below the horizon while you're en route, but you soon reach a dilapidated old house with several cars parked out front. The roof looks like it's in danger of caving in, and the yard is overgrown. Definitely looks like the kind of place a bunch of college kids would think is creepy enough for their vampire LARP.

2017-11-21, 11:55 PM
Shana hops out of the truck when they get there, she looks around before shifting back into human form.

She lets out a sigh. "W-w-well this is inviting..."

She takes a moment to sniff around for signs of humans. Particularly those who might be in heavier costumes. Sweat, fake leather, and since it was a game night, chips or other easily carry able bags of food.

[roll0] Exceptional success on 3 successes for perception

2017-11-22, 09:56 AM
Shana's sniffer leads her in the right direction. There are definitely people inside, it looks like they went around back to the cellar door. She can smell people, the various accouterments of Vampire LARPers, and the scent of several candles burning. The house doesn't seem to have electricity, so that would appear to be what they're using for light in the dark cellar.

2017-11-22, 10:45 AM
Shana turns to the others. "Th-th-they're inside. Around b-b-back through the s-s-cellar." She points as she talks. "they are using c-c-candles for light. May be easy to sn-sn-sneak in."

2017-11-22, 03:28 PM
Nuurgui shrugs. "I'm no actual good at sneaking, but I'm pretty sure I can try making footsteps quieter if we need that---probably could get it on all of us." She takes out her folding cigar-cutter, fiddling with her favorite magical tool. "... Though I'm leadfooted enough that it might be better for me to wait outside if we want to go quiet."

2017-11-22, 03:30 PM
"Well then, time to start moving. I'll go take a look." Emily eases the cellar door open and inches inside.


2017-11-22, 03:36 PM
Shana follows suit and uses her smaller frame to keep hidden behind objects and keep out of the light

2 dex 2 stealth and +2 for small framed

2017-11-22, 03:39 PM
When Emily opens the door, she sees a group of people who look like they walked right out of the mid-90s vampire flick. All dressed in leather and satin, with heavy black makeup, they look like Anne Rice projectile vomited over a college class.

They're standing around a sarcophagus that's set into the concrete floor of the cellar. The lid has been taken off, revealing a smaller coffin within, which has been tightly bound with old looking chains. The coffin rattles slightly, and the LARPers are chanting. One of them, a tall young man with a shaved head, stands at the head of the sarcophagus.

"Oh this night, we release you, Ancient One! I, Sombar Blooddrinker, fain ask thee to vanquish our enemies!"

Another stands by with a pair of bolt cutters. During this somber, dramatic moment, you hear one of the kids whisper to another,

"Jerry really went all out on the props for tonight's game, didn't he?"

The girl next to him giggles her agreement, and the chains on coffin are cut.

2017-11-22, 04:25 PM
Shana lets out a laugh, the hunter in her momentarily lost. "Th-thats such a stupid v-v-vampire name!"

She steps out. "S-s-seriously? Blooddrinker? you m-m-may as well be Vampire M-m-mcDracula!"

The diminuitive girl stands there, her hoodie down just laughing at the scene. "At lease select a r-r-regular name like s-s-say Victor, Sebastian, or heck, Angus..."

2017-11-22, 04:31 PM
Emily shrugs and stands up beside Shana. "Alright, game's over heckos. When small children are laughing at you means it's time to go home."

2017-11-22, 05:32 PM
As the outer chains are cut away the face of the coffin falls away, revealing a emaciated corpse, wrapped in rusting chains. The chains are barely holding on the faded scraps of a skirt and a thin linen shirt. The corpses arms are crossed, each a withered claw. The face contorts in a sneer as the corpse speaks, its voice a faint rasping wh
"Oh, Aye it's a bit ****, but for ****s sake I cannae call them all Angus, can I? If a man's going to talk to himself he may as well try to give it a voice, a motive force, some ****ing weight to it. And it's nae like I can keep using the same old names. Howie for a decade, Charlotte for few years, old Sean and Shawna from the village." The body shifts a little, dust and detritus falling off the chains as it twists and turns.
"And pardon my ****ing focus if I've got blood on the brain, Charles. You try being locked in a ****ing box for a few decades with naught to nosh but a stray vole or rat every few months and see if you don't start to focus on fresh human..."



The corpse's eyes creak open at first bleary and faint but sharpening in an instant. The corpse lunges snapping and straining at the iron holding it in place. Fangs sprout in its gnashing maw as it screams.


The chain's links begin to creak, the high keening wail of failing steel.

2017-11-22, 07:08 PM
Hell. Howard would have almost been better than... whoever this was. Okay. One problem at a time. First, the Masquerade and the delicate humans who were about to be destroyed along with it. Nate laughs, walking out of his dark spot in the back. He snaps a picture of the assembled fops with his phone. "Oh wow. The look on y'alls faces. You," Nate points at Angus, "did an awesome job, buddy. Whatever Dave paid ya, it ain't enough." He casts a glance at the LARPers. "S'why he ain't here. Didn't wanna give away the surprise early. Buuuuuuuut, he did promise to getchy'all pizza ta make up fer it. Better hurry. S'gettin' cold. 'Sides, ya can't stop ol' Butch here from actin' once he gets inta character. Go on. Git!" Meanwhile, he taps out a text to Dave, whose phone should now be on. Nate will send it once the geeks have left the building.

Hey, it's Trevor's bud. Got your friends to leave without getting hurt. Get pizzas ASAP and tell them you're sorry about your wicked good prank. ;) [scarednerds.jpg attached]

Trying to hurry these guys outta here before Angus can devour them. Man (2)+Subterfuge (3)+WP(3)

Oh, thank heck. One success.

2017-11-23, 11:07 PM
Nuurgui barrels in, flicking out the shears of the cigar cutter. She points them at the clamoring vampire, ready to drop a spell on his tartan-clad ass.
Suddenly, his efforts to burst his chains become harder as gravity very specifically pulls him down with increased force.

And for some reason, she attempts to Scottish at him. It sounds like somebody trying to imitate a Scottish accent, though she isn't not having fun in the process.
Well, at least she succeeded at one thing.

2017-11-24, 12:12 AM
For a moment, a sense of calm returns to the room. As the humans flee the corpse seems at first cowed and then as Nuurgui's spell settles it seems as though it may simply lay back into its coffin.

And then it hears her accent.


With a heave of muscles and sinew the corpses snaps the bonds holding it back, loose links of chain flying about the room in rusty shrapnel. Still, the effort seems to take something out of the its sails and it sinks to a knee. Taking a moment it looks round the room, faintly sniffing the air. It finally settles, rocking back into a seated position, one leg splayed out, the other tucked back to its chest. Taking a moment to peer at Shana it pulls some of the scraps of fabric closer to itself, creating at least a semblance of modesty.

"I... I am Angus Dunsirn. If you will excuse the presumption, might one of you have blood I? Or at least a coat?"

2017-11-24, 12:18 AM
Shana shakes her head. ”I h-h-have blood but i d-d-don’t think you want it, it’s w-w-werewolf. Also m-m-my hoodie is a b-b-bit too small for you”. She Decides to turn around until someone hands him something to decent himself with.

”I’m Shana b-b-by the way.”

2017-11-24, 12:20 AM
"... My apologies for referring to you by another's name, Shana. You are the spitting image of an old friend of mine."
He stops for a moment as a thought percolates through his mind.
"What is a hoodie?"

2017-11-24, 12:22 AM
She flips up her hood and flips it back down. ”It’s a t-t-type of warm garment we kids l-l-like to wear.”

2017-11-24, 12:24 AM
Emily slowly shifts from a fighting stance into befuddlement. "...is no one going to ask what the **** just happened? Okay, I'll do it: what the **** just happened?"

2017-11-24, 12:25 AM
"Big scary dracula keeps a bigger scarier dracula chained in his basement. Duh." Nate bounces his head from side to side, then decides that it's worth the risk of arrest to get this guy covered up. "Here." He strips off his green jacket and hands it to Angus. It's clear that he has a holster under each armpit now.

2017-11-24, 12:28 AM
Shana turns back around after he gets covered. ”H-h-how lon.... no wait y-y-you don’t know when we are... When were you p-p-put down here?” She doesn’t know much but she knows vampires can be real old and if he didn’t know what a hoodie was he’s probably pretty old.

2017-11-24, 12:30 AM
Angus slowly gets to his feet, tying the jacket around his waist in a makeshift kilt.
"The last coherent thought I have prior to my imprisonment would be in the winter of the year of our lord, 1785. Also, not to be a nag but would it be possible to get some blood? I... Controlling myself when this starved is particularly-"
He stops short as he sees the weapons cradled under Nate's arms.
"Those... Are not flintlocks. How long have I been interred? And what member of the Ordo holds this property?"

2017-11-24, 12:31 AM
"The year is 2040. Our president is a plant.....sorry, couldn't resist. um, you've been in there, let's see, 242 years? Oh boy, you're gonna love computers. no idea what's up with ordos."

2017-11-24, 12:39 AM
Shana gives a look to Emily. ”It’s 2017, you are in Ithica. And it will t-t-take a bit of time to g-g-get you used to things, as for b-b-blood. If you can drink animal b-b-blood.”

She closes her eyes and sniffs, old houses like these alwyas have rats and such.

perception 6 dice in human form
[roll0]. Exceptional on 3

Pinpointing the location she heads over and finds a small hole with what is probably a nest of rats. She feels bad but better some rats then some poor sap. ”Rats over h-h-here if you can feed off them.”

2017-11-24, 07:59 PM
Springing across the room like a cat the vampire rams his arm into the hole in the wall up to the shoulder. A brief frantic struggle later and he leaps to his feet with a claw wrapped around three fat squirming rats. Pulling one free he tears it’s head loose with his teeth and drains the blood from its body with three thirsty gulps. Repeating the process twice more he finally settles again, blood splattered around his mouth.
“... Many thanks, lass. If I might presume upon you kind folks again I may need shelter until I can contact my colleagues in the Ordo... Does the Ordo still exist?”

2017-11-24, 08:20 PM
Shana looks to Nate while answering the second half. ”i’m not even in a w-w-wolf tribe, Not sure what the O-o-ordo is. Nate?”

2017-11-24, 08:31 PM
"Sweet. Get ta geek out ta somebody else about guns." Nate scratches the back of his neck. "Guess as our lone basement dweller, puttin' ya up falls ta me." He nods at Shana. "As fer the Ordo, they still exist, but they ain't a huge presence in Ithaca. This here's Carthian country. Sure there's a member or two around ya can link up with."

2017-11-25, 12:05 AM
"That's our Nate, knows stuff about your uh... vampire clubs. I'm Nuurgui by the way." She smiles not un-nervously. "From Ohio. And Mongolia. Not England, at all, ever."

2017-11-25, 11:05 AM
Angus quirks an eyebrow at Nuurgui’s announcement.
“... Did Ghengis’s heirs conquer the continent?” Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he gestures to the exit with the other.
“Shall we away, then? Not that another few minutes will be counted against centuries but I feel sick of this place.” He takes a few steps before stopping to look back at the group.
”Also, did anyone bring a torch or some lamp oil? Gunpowder would also work.”

2017-11-25, 11:08 AM
"How, um, precise do you need?" Emily asks eagerly.

2017-11-25, 11:13 AM
A brief contemplation predates Angus’s response.
“... Within a city block? I wish to destroy the house in a dramatic fashion. It seemed the best way to make my escape known.”

2017-11-25, 11:27 AM
Emily grins."That I can do."
The Spines on her back start to glow in a bright blue, she arches her neck slightly, and unleashes a concentrated beam of radioactivity.
Emily's mouth opens, and a long jet of flame leaps out, washing over the walls, ceiling, and floor until a massive conflagration erupts. She breathes deeply, basking in the fires of destruction.

and potentially picks up a willpower point for her Legend, not that she needs it atm

After a moment, she adds, ""Um, you guys should probably leave real quick."

2017-11-25, 11:38 AM
Nuurgui hustles out the door. "That was suboptimally cash money of you, Em. Errbody in the truck. Uh," she glances back at Angus as she clears the door. "Horseless carriage, combustion engine, whatever in the truck now."

2017-11-25, 11:43 AM
Angus bounds from the doorway to the bed of the truck with a single inhuman leap.
“Mechanized transport. Away from fire. Sounds... Optimally Cash Money?”

2017-11-25, 11:44 AM
Shana pats Angus on the back as she climbs in back but before turning into a pup. ”Exceedingly c-c-cash m-m-money”

2017-11-25, 11:55 AM
W-what had just happened? Why would anyone do that? Idiots. Later. He could chew their little arsonist out later. "The cash moniest." Nate sprints for the truck, gripping the edge of the roof at the last second and swinging his legs through the open window. His landing is less than optimal (Nuurgui almost catches a foot to the stomach), but it would do. He starts the truck and screams out the window, "Ya got ten seconds ta be in here or yer stayin'!"

2017-11-25, 12:00 PM
"Don't even worry. I'll catch you up at Walkers." Emily strolls casually to the door, reveling in her carnage. It's warm and cozy!

2017-11-25, 03:00 PM
Emily doesn't get past "don't" before the truck leaves. Once they've turned off Colonial Road, Nate drives under the speed limit and obeys all stop signs. "Christin' ****. Girl's gotta be the dumbest goddamn super I ever met, an' I've met Zoe." He drives to Walker's. Not that he wanted to meet Emily there (or anywhere ever), but it was the safest place to be in the face of this much supernatural blowback.

2017-11-25, 03:44 PM
Hopping off the bed Angus strolls nonchalantly in through the front door.
“Good evening. Does Scotland still produce whiskey?” Inquires the dirt covered, blood splattered, halfback naked, wild eyed Scot.

2017-11-25, 04:15 PM
Nate follows on Angus's heels. "Yo, Trev. Yer cuz is fine, an' so're his little buddies. Even," he waves his hands and in an affected spooky voice says, "SOMBAR BLOODDRINKER!" Nate lets his composure slip but clears his throat and continues, "Anywho, we ah... picked up this guy along the way, an'... ya got a spare set of clothes we can put him in? 'Cause uh... my jacket just ain't up ta the task at hand." He frantically thumbs out two texts. One to Dave, the dopey yet lovable cousin, and one to David, the vampire lawyer who might be able to provide guidance on their particular situation.

<Oh, and keep what I told you under your hat, all right? They don't know anything about any scary lawyers. https://i.imgur.com/JAGual2.png>

<Had to sneak into an abandoned property of Howard's to keep Trev's cousin + his friends alive. That went fine, but Emily burned it down. Any suggestions?!>

2017-11-25, 04:24 PM
Nuurgui deftly puts a large beach towel, old and worn but clean, around Angus's shoulders for the time being. "Why can't people just LARP in the park or something?"

2017-11-25, 04:34 PM
Shana laughs as she comes out of wolf form in the bar. ”Seriously S-s-sombar Blooddrinker...” She giggles as she takes up a seat. She gives Trevor a high five.

2017-11-26, 05:50 PM
Trevor seems incredibly relieved, but keeps an eye on Angus as he pours his whiskey. It's top shelf stuff, the sort that Walker himself usually drinks when he's after something harder than his usual beers.

"I mean, I cain't thank y'all enough. I really owe y'all one. My li'l cousin means the world to me, doofus though he is."

Trevor himself being a big doofus, the irony seems to be lost on him.

"As for clothes..."

He heads behind the bar and hands over a long coat.

"Walker foun' this left behin' one night. No one's claimed it in months, so I reckon it's yours now."

Dave shoots back an affirmative reply, and thanks you again for the warning.

Meanwhile, David's text comes a few minutes later.

<If there's any evidence you were there? Run.>

Meanwhile, at the fire, Emily hears the sounds of sirens approaching. Seems the fire department has been called.

2017-11-26, 07:12 PM
Shana gets one of the steak sandwiches the place is known for. She needs a bit of food.

She looks up at Trevor. ”S-s-so have you done a Siskur Dah lately? I n-n-need to do one soon. Was wondering if you heard a-a-any news about any prey...”. She didn’t want to cut in on his turf and was looking for something maybe in her neighborhood. Spirits, gangs, whatever.

She abolutely could use a spirit to get some new gifts.

2017-11-26, 07:30 PM
Figures that tonight everyone'd be prompt and serious about civic duty. Oh well. Emily jogs into the night, back to Walkers.

2017-11-26, 07:41 PM
Nuurgui gets a Shirley Temple. On a night like this, if she has another drink, she'll have another, and another, and... so she has a Shirley Temple.
"So, Natters. You have at least enough fingers for countin' on. You know math, how deep in crap are we? You guys know about Howie better 'n me."

2017-11-26, 07:41 PM
Coat donned Angus stares into his whiskey silently as color slowly returns to his cheeks. Once his grim pallor is replaced with a ruddy blush he shoots the glass back with a grimace and a gulp. Stares into the empty glass. Nods once.
“... Howie?”

2017-11-26, 08:20 PM
Nate smiles a little at the text from Dave. Kid had potential. With the right guidance, he could flourish on the spooky side of life. His expression turns grim when the text from David arrives. Two little sentences spelt a metric ****ton of trouble. He types back. <There isn't but we already did. Camping out at Walker's while we figure out our next move.> As an afterthought, Nate casually walks over to the door and locks it, flipping the sign to 'Closed. "Sorry, Trev, but we're kinda layin' low fer a bit. Ya don't wanna know, ta be honest." He lowers the blinds then turns to Nuurgui. "Depends if Howard thinks we," he gestures at the assembled supers, "are involved. Response could be brutal, but he trends towards precision. Fer a certain value thereof. Might all just fall on Emily. Hell, he might not even kill 'er. She'd end up with a buncha prison time, sure. But we'd all get ta live." Nate shrugs. Not the worst outcome, if he had to be perfectly honest with himself.

2017-11-26, 08:37 PM
Angus stares at his drink for a moment before calmly closing his fist. His expression doesn’t waver from calm as the glass explodes and shards jut out through the flesh of his hand.
“She. Howie is a lass.”
He looks up at Nate and a faint ring of red is forming at the bottom of his eyes. The closest a vampire can do to tearing up.
“Howie did this?”

2017-11-26, 08:45 PM
Nuurgui blinks, comments about 'girl trouble' dying on her lips. "Sorry, bud." She tentatively pats his non-lacerated hand.

2017-11-26, 09:06 PM
"She?" Nate glances up at the hi-hats. Hopefully, Walker wasn't recording this. There was a conspiracy theory that one of the Partners was a woman. Not that he could tell anyone about it. Not if he wanted to live. He runs a hand through his hair, then turns to Angus. "S'hard ta say. Maybe someone else did it. Someone she couldn't take a run at direct, not without catchin' all hell, so she buys up the house an' sits on it." Nate rubs at his eyes. "I can check it out more, if ya want. Not sure if I can find anythin' tonight, but I'll try."

2017-11-26, 10:50 PM
Trevor scratches his beardy chin.

"I reckon I can talk to th' other Blood Talons, see if'n we can work somethin' out. Been a while since we done a proper Hunt."

Then the conversation turns to the worse.

"What uh... What'd y'all do?"

Trevor shifts nervously from foot to foot.

Meanwhile, in Emilyland, the sirens are getting louder. Not just fire trucks, but the red and blue of police cruisers are approaching while she jogs.

2017-11-26, 11:01 PM
Nate groans quietly, peeking through the blinds. Someone had cottoned onto the fire. "Us? Nothin'."

2017-11-26, 11:04 PM
Dang it. Firefighters is one thing but police are just trouble. Emily turns to get away from the lights from the street.


2017-11-26, 11:05 PM
Shana nods. She was still waiting to be approached with a trial, but the tribes locally had been nice enough to let her join in on hunts. A rarity in the wolf community, but she was a bit of a special case given how young she was.
”Well, You m-m-might notice there are l-l-less of us than when we started... well not less, more t-t-traded in. Emily k-k-kinda sorta burned a house down...”

2017-11-26, 11:09 PM
Angus smears the blood from his eyes with the back of his sleeve and pulls some of the shards from his hand. He smiles gratefully at Nuurgui and then fixes Nate with an expression with a little more steel in it.
"I was imprisoned for two centuries, so you'll excuse a little impatience I hope. You get a year, English. And then I get to killing whoever seems like they need it."
Impatience is relative, it would seem.
"As for those sounds... Constabulary? Shouldn't we be heading them off for the nice lass with the draconian tendencies?"

2017-11-26, 11:40 PM
"Honestly," Nate mutters vacantly, still peeking through the blinds, "the best place fer us ta be's here. Even if we could get there an' find 'er before the cops do, boppin' 'round in a bright white truck's just gonna do their job for 'em. If she can't skirt 'em herself, ain't nothin' we can do, an' if she can, then she'll come here. Oh, an' by the way, my name ain't English," he continues in a louder voice, coolly turning to meet Angus' gaze, "It's Nate Hale."

2017-11-27, 06:43 AM
Angus eyes go wide for a moment before his head drops into his hands and he groans.
“**** me, I’m still in the box.”
He looks up at Nate and groans again.
“Why am I hallucinating a **** spy? Why not someone successful?”

2017-11-27, 07:42 AM
"Uh... What?" Oh. The Revolutionary War era spy which he'd likely been named after, not by his "parents," but by the Machine itself. It had been known to self-plaigarize in the past. Pity that part of being a good spy was not telling everyone about it. Another time, perhaps. "That ain't me, my guy. Hand ta God. This," he gestures about the room, "is really life in the future, such as it is."

2017-11-27, 09:27 AM
Angus grumpily waves off Nate’s claims of personhood.
“Buuuuuuuuuull****. You don’t even have a new face, ‘Nate’.”

2017-11-27, 03:43 PM
Nuurgui shrugs. I'll vouch for Nate being real and also, y'know, not a time traveler or whatever. Probably. My sight's pretty consistently pegged him as standard."

2017-11-27, 03:50 PM
Shana pauses her conversation with Trevor. "Y-y-you aren't hallucinating." She slides over to Angus. "It r-r-really is 2017, The U.S. is n-n-now a superpower, there's fifty states, and m-m-most people in the country care m-m-more about the new iPhone than p-p-politics." She holds up a cell phone with wikipedia opened to United States. "And th-th-that is not the same Nate you knew."

2017-11-27, 06:34 PM
Angus peers at Shana’s phone intently. Letting his eyes slide over the small section displayed, then the phone itself, then making eye contact with the girl herself. He stares for an uncomfortable silence and then nods slightly, not breaking the gaze.
“... You aren’t Charlie. Bit more cruelty in her eyes. Had a purpose, but it was still cruelty.”
He glances over to Nuurgui.
“And I don’t think I ever knew a Mongolian.”
He finally settles on Nate, suspicious but clear.
“So maybe you’re not Nathan Hale. But I’m not sure I trust anything wearing his face.”

2017-11-27, 07:26 PM
Nate shrugs. "That's yer prerogative, but my offers still stand. But hey, if yer right, an' I am an immortal shapeshiftin' time travelin' hallucination, that means I don't gotta pay fer drinks." He reaches over the bar, grabs a tumbler and the Maccallan bottle, and pours himself a glass. Nate takes a thoughtful sip. "Tastes real enough."

2017-11-27, 08:09 PM
"... Eh, **** it. Hume's an *******." Taking the bottle from Nate, Angus pours himself another glass.
"... Was an *******, I suppose. If no one decided to keep him around." He peers at the label.
"Oh, **** me. This probably costs money, doesn't it?"

2017-11-27, 08:46 PM
"I got it." Nate throws three twenties onto the bar, then takes another sip. "So, Hume's dead. What else d'ya wanna know?"

2017-11-27, 08:55 PM
Reassured that it’s not accruing debt Angus sips his second drink.
“The easiest way to anonymously update my knowledge of science. Chemistry and Biology especially. And where to get money and blood. Possibly not in that order.”

2017-11-27, 09:04 PM
Shana holds up her phone again. "The i-i-internet!"

She slides up next to him giddy to show him the world wide web and how it works. "C-c-catalogs of all worldy kn-n-nowledge!"

She shows him wikipedia of course, then biology websites, forums, and locations of libraries.

"W-w-we need to get you a t-t-tablet or computer." She looks over at Nate and the others. "w-w-wanna pitch in to g-g-get him one?"

2017-11-27, 09:28 PM
Angus nods thoughtfully before grabbing a third glass and pouring some whiskey for Shana. He offers her the glass as he speaks.
“And you can teach me how all that works?”

2017-11-27, 09:41 PM
Shana nods as he asks. She politely holds up a hand when offered the whiskey though. "I'm t-t-too young for whiskey, but th-th-thank you."

"But y-y-yes. I c-c-can help t-t-teach you how to use these."

startin to lean iron master.

2017-11-27, 09:53 PM
“... You’re old enough to delve into an evil crypt that houses a mass murdering monster but too young for a dram? **** off. We’re celebrating my emancipation.” Angus somewhat insistently offers the glass again, although a thought occcurs as he does.
“Say, did the blacks ever rise up?”

2017-11-27, 10:09 PM
"Much as she'd love ta celebrate, her parents'd lock her in a room til she turned eighteen if she came home smellin' like booze." Nate casually intercepts the whiskey glass. He was about to volunteer his own services as a computational instructor, but Shana beat him to it. Good. She'd really come a long way in the past year. "I actually got a spare laptop back at the apartment y'all can use." Not like Dr. Worthington needed it anymore. "What OS d'ya wanna teach him? Windows 7? 10? Linux? Mint's up to 18.2, I believe." Nate takes a sip from his second glass.

He sucks air through his teeth at Angus's latest question. "Here? Not really. Couple small rebellions, but nothin' ever stuck. Mid-nineteenth century, Congress was 'bout ta outlaw slavery altogether, an' so a buncha states seceded. They had a big ol' war over it, an' when the dust settled, the U.S.A was back together an' slavery was (mostly) illegal."

2017-11-27, 10:23 PM
Angus throws up his hands in a little gesture of triumph.
"Well fantastic. She can tell them we were celebrating emancipation. And then they'll just assume she meant of the blacks. Flawless cover story."

2017-11-27, 10:41 PM
In Emilyland, she sees the cops and fire trucks arrive just as she ducks into her hiding spot. The officers start sweeping the area with their flashlights while the firefighters start to fight the fire. A beam of light illuminate's Emily's position, and one of the officers hurries over to her. Seems her hiding spot in the bushes wasn't so great after all...

"Miss! I need to ask you a few questions."

The cop has clearly gone to seed. He's someone who was probably muscular ten years ago, but has since gotten too used to his desk job. He has a black mustache, and luckily he left his gun holstered.

2017-11-27, 11:00 PM
Shana thinks about it. "Windows is probably the b-b-best bet right now. It's what I have and I h-h-haven't had time to sit with you t-t-to learn linux."

She looks at Angus. "It's a-a-actually illegal f-f-for me to drink. I'm n-n-not allowed til I turn 21."

2017-11-27, 11:03 PM
oh galloping turdnuggets.

Emily quickly flips her hood up for what little disguise it gives.
"Yes Officer? Do you know what's going on? How can I help?" she asks as she steps forward. Stay passive, polite, and obedient, and maybe this ends nice and simple.

probably not tho

2017-11-27, 11:03 PM
"Lassie, I'm a psychotic terrorist. What need have I for laws and strictures of man? Besides, English ****s write the laws. So it falls to all people of good character and moral fortitude to break them with vigor and gusto."
Angus holds up a hand placatingly.
"But I understand your reticence. Bartender, something non alcoholic for the lass. A cider, or perhaps a beer."

2017-11-27, 11:11 PM
"Well, this may sound odd, but did you happen to see anyone come out of the building before it started to burn? He'd look gaunt, and be dressed in rags. Big bushy beard."

The cop pauses.

"He's a known fugitive, ma'am. Very dangerous."

Back at Walker's, Trevor gets Shana a ginger ale.

"Th' only thing we got what ain't hard. 'sides water."

He shrugs his massive shoulders.

2017-11-27, 11:15 PM
"I saw some people leave, but I think they were just college students. I didn't see anyone who looked dangerous to me, but I was pretty focused on the fire more than people, I'm afraid."

Not technically a lie. Hopefully not pushing it enough to be suspicious either.

2017-11-27, 11:16 PM
Nate switches to the glass in his left hand for a while. Poor neglected thing. "Well, ya might wanna make the jump ta Linux or least stay with Windows 7, 'cause the later versions harvest yer data somethin' fierce." He shrugs. "I mean, if there're anonymity concerns, Microsoft ain't great on that front."

2017-11-27, 11:20 PM
Shana accepts the drink. "Th-th-thanks Trevor."

She sits with Angus a moment before finally mustering up the courage to ask.

"W-w-what was Alexander Hamilton l-l-like?" She has her chin in her hands as she looks intent to hear the answer.

Maximum Dorkness Achieved.

2017-11-27, 11:20 PM
"...You're a learned man who knows infrequently the touch of a woman, aren't you?" Angus peers at Nate as he realizes he now has this English bastard figured out. He stops when Shana asks about history.
"He's a cocky little **** and if he gets his way the banks will own every man woman and... Wait, do the banks own you all?"

2017-11-27, 11:29 PM
"W-w-well he was the f-f-first secretary of treasury." She shrugs since she's a wee lass who is ignorant of the horrors of the future of student loans and terrible debt.

"Aaron Burr shot him."

Then she pulls up youtube. "Then Lin-Manuel Miranda made a musical about him."

2017-11-27, 11:37 PM
Angus seems at best confused by the video.
“... Burr seems... Burr-nt.”

2017-11-27, 11:41 PM
"'Fraid so, comrade." Nate ignores the first question. Strictly speaking, the big guy wasn't wrong since Lizzie had been off in China for several weeks now. They still chatted, sporadically, but he missed her.

2017-11-27, 11:44 PM
Shana blinks at that and looks. "Oh... the a-a-actor for Burr is an african-a-a-american." She looks back at him. "I-i-i know he wasn't actually. It's j-j-just the actor."

2017-11-27, 11:54 PM
Angus perks up slightly at the idea of another possible English killing spree.
“Has anyone risen up to fight the banks, then?”

2017-11-28, 12:03 AM
The cop narrows his eyes.

"Uh huh."

He appears to be thoroughly unconvinced.

"Miss, I'll remind you that lying to a police officer is considered Obstruction of Justice."

He clears his throat and reaches for his handcuffs.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

He continues to rattle off the Miranda rights while he attempts to cuff you.

Opposed grapple roll. Strength+Brawl: [roll0]

Roll yours too, and if yours is higher, you break free! If not, you're cuffed...

2017-11-28, 12:16 AM
called it.

Emily groans, the cuffs are on her before she's able to react. Not how this was supposed to go. But maybe, if she could just reach a claw in the right place, these things were only meant to hold humans...


2017-11-28, 08:51 PM
Nate swirls his drinks while mulling over Angus's question. "Kinda? Folks're more 'bout social action nowadays than killin'."

2017-11-29, 04:12 PM
It is now Angus's turn to ponder.
"Well I'm a pacifist at heart. Has non violent social action worked against the banks? Or has it led to a society bent over a barrel and roughly buggered by Hamilton's ghost?"

2017-11-29, 04:28 PM
Nuurgui waggles a hand. "I mean... it isn't not that, exactly... there's a bunch of stuff that's terrible and bad and the worst, but we've gotten better about some things... and then some people kind of totally took like eight steps back on things we thought we were done with." She pauses. "... So, like, I dunno. Dental care's better though."

2017-11-29, 04:38 PM
Angus grins at Nuurgui and lets his canines sprout to their full vampiric pointiness.
"Dental care has never really been a problem of mine. Perk of the condition."

2017-11-29, 05:51 PM
Shana takes a big bite of the sandwich she has. The meat was all that mattered, but whatever, she could still taste. "D-d-dad has spent several nights c-c-cursing at the TV about news."

She swallows. "It's w-w-why I focus on art. C-c-comics mostly." She pulls out from her bag some of her sample pages. "I'm in c-c-control of that, w-w-well me and my friend."

2017-11-29, 06:09 PM
Angus gestures for the pages, and rifles through them quickly once they're handed over. Grunts his approval.
"Woodcuts. Without the wood. Some other method of reproduction?"
Not sure what to make of the content he focuses on the method instead.

2017-11-29, 06:10 PM
Shana pulls out her pencils and pens. "G-g-graphite on paper. I p-p-plan to color them using a c-c-computer."

2017-11-29, 06:14 PM
This causes a suspicious glare to be leveled at the paper and then at the artiste.
"... The paper can go in the computer, then?"

2017-11-29, 06:25 PM
Shana shakes her head. "The c-c-computer takes a scan and copies it." She then takes some napkins to illustrate a concept. "T-t-then I am able to trace over my work w-w-with clean lines without damaging the w-w-work below. I can apply a l-l-layer of color..." she puts one napkin on top. "L-l-lighting and shadow..." She slides another napkin on top. "And a-a-add the speech bubbles and t-t-text."

2017-11-29, 06:28 PM
Angus is clearly trying to process as quickly as he can, but seems... Very calm. Perhaps the calmest he has all night. The strength of his accent even fades, a deep brogue lightening, becoming almost continental at the edges.
"... Light. A method of detecting light. A method of applying changes to remembrance of the detected light. Yes?"

2017-11-29, 06:33 PM
She smiles and nods. "Yes." She shows with her phone a small album she has of work she's done. It shows the rough drawing, then clean lines, then full color piece. "I l-l-like drawing heroes. I w-w-want to tell stories of them when I g-g-get older." There is just an absolutely sweet sincerity in there. Hard to believe this girl can turn into an 8 foot tall engine of death. (assuming what she said about being a werewolf was true).

2017-11-29, 06:35 PM
"Stories are important. If we don't lie that things can be better then they can't be."
Angus has no idea he's ripping off Terry Pratchet. But we know. We know.

2017-11-29, 06:38 PM
She smiles and nods again. "Our Cahalith, l-l-like Trevor over there, are very into s-s-stories. Sometimes m-m-my love of them makes me wonder w-w-why I'm R-r-rahu." She blushes a bit.

2017-11-29, 08:16 PM
Angus thinks for a moment and then startles, looking aghast at Shana.
“Rahu?!? The cannibal concubines? How do you handle it without drink?”

2017-11-29, 08:22 PM
Shana blinks...

She mouths cannibal concubine.... looking rather hurt at that. "Is th-th-that w-w-what v-v-vampires th-th-think o-o-of u-u-us? Her stutter kicks in a lot as shes now super embarrassed and not sure what to make of it.

She seems to get a lot smaller and lowers her head.

2017-11-29, 08:27 PM
Nuurgui stares from Angus to Shana.
"... Rahu are the fighty ones," she states simply before scooting over to put an arm around the disheartened child. "I'm sure he wasn't intentionally super terrible, just accidentally."

2017-11-29, 08:56 PM
Nate chuckles. "Ta be fair, guy's been in a box for almost two hunnerd an' fifty years. Prolly not firin' on all cylinders just yet. Try not ta take it too personal, okay Shay? I mean, dude's been draggin' me all night. S'how he shows affection." He nods, peering over her shoulder to check out her art. "Looks nice, kiddo."

2017-11-29, 09:10 PM
Shana nods at her friends and takes a few moments to compose herself. "Ra-r-rahu mean's Full Moon. We are the w-w-warrior auspice."

She looks up at Nate and smiles. "Th-th-thanks. I'm t-t-trying to be ready in t-t-time for New York C-c-comicon. I want to g-g-get a booth there with T-t-taylor."

2017-11-29, 09:24 PM
“Ah, **** me. Apologies, lass. Been a while since I had to hunt with a hound. Although in my defense a warrior still ought be able to drink.

2017-11-29, 09:26 PM
Shana giggles. "Legally I c-c-can die for this country b-b-before I can drink in it..."

She points to the sign at the bar that says the drinking age.

2017-11-29, 09:37 PM
“Oh for the love of Christ on the cross. Ye cannae ****ing expect me to believe that reasonable ****ing people... Did Jefferson design a fair amount of the finished product?”

2017-11-30, 06:02 PM
With the aid of her claws, Emily is able to tear off the cuffs. The chain snaps with the shrieking sound of metal tearing, which frees up her hands. The cop, hearing the sound, turns around and shouts in alarm.

Roll initiative!


2017-11-30, 09:02 PM
"Well, if she kills herself drinkin', she can't go off an' kill fer the powers that be in some war. S'what they want, when it all comes down ta it.' He sighs thoughtfully. "Order of operations. Though uh, I can tell ya that jus' cause they don't letcha drink in the military don't mean ya can't."

2017-11-30, 10:46 PM
Faster than you would think possible, the cop immediately goes for his service revolver. As a ghoul, he's in the know about supernatural threats, and seems to be ready in the event of a spooky monster.

He pulls the trigger, firing from point blank range.

He's only shooting once. :smalltongue:

Since he's using a heavy revolver, he gets to roll dex+firearms, and you take a number of lethal damage equal to his number of successes+2. (Although if he gets no successes, he just misses)


2017-11-30, 11:34 PM
"Ow **** AAAAAGH!!"

Wings, wings, now. Have to get away. Height, height is safe, find a perch, those buildings, the roofs

stamina +athletics [roll0]

2017-12-02, 10:35 AM
Shana decides to change the subject. "S-s-so, you study ch-ch-chemistry and b-b-biology?" She smiles. Genuinely interested. "Are you a d-d-doctor?"

2017-12-02, 02:00 PM
The question gives Angus a moment's pause.
"I was, yes, bit I suspect that both my accreditation has lapsed and that my knowledge is woefully out of date. Surgically, I may still be up to snuff, however. It would remain to be seen."

2017-12-02, 02:16 PM
"Maybe we can find you some medical textbooks. How are you on germ theory?" Nuurgui wonders if he'll like all the fun new disinfectants that exist.

2017-12-02, 07:06 PM
Nate suppresses a roll of his eyes. Great, another insane doctor. He needed one of those like a hole in the head. Nate offers a small smile. "I can prolly getcha inta Cornell's medical library, if ya'd like."

2017-12-03, 12:52 AM
Computers, new theories, libraries. So little time to make up for so much time lost.
"After hours?"

2017-12-03, 06:34 PM
When Emily takes off, the cop seems stunned into silence for a moment. He fires a few more times, all of his shots going wild as she takes to the skies. It would seem, for now, that Emily has escaped...

Up on the rooftops, she can hear more sirens approaching, and the sounds of shouts. The cop is trying to organize a search for her, but the other officers can't be told to search the skies for a flying fugitive. It's probable that she isn't going to be found.

2017-12-03, 11:44 PM
"Til midnight, but..." Nate winces, "they won't letcha in lookin' like that. I got stuff at my place ya can use, though." Nate had a few things of Carthage's that would fit the bill.

2017-12-04, 07:04 PM
Angus finishes his most recent drink and gestures to the door.

2017-12-05, 11:28 PM
Emily staggers back up the street to Walkers, holding the wound on her side. Her mental state could roughly be compared to a lion who has just discovered that all zebras know krav maga now.

2017-12-07, 10:52 PM
Nate ponders a moment, then shrugs. "What the heck. Let's do this." He foots open the front door with a merry jingle. "Now, uh, try an' stay quiet. We gotta keep a low profi-" They don't get far before stumbling across Emily. "Well, look what the cat dragged in. How ya been, Baby Bop?" Nate asks in a chipper and light tone while taking note of Emily's injury. "Ouch. Ya'll wanna apply more pressure. Here." He reaches into his bag for a spare black undershirt and tosses it to Emily.

2017-12-08, 04:44 PM
Angus steps forward to inspect the wound, peering in to see what exactly a gunshot looks like these days.
"If you got a good look at them and could point us in the right direction me and English here could go give them what for."
Angus realizes that his vocabulary may be slightly out of date.
"I mean we'll rip their ****ing arms off."
Not sure if Int or Wits so we'll roll this kind of funky. Starting with Medicine 3 + Wits 2 [roll0] Plus one if actually int [roll1]

Aspect skill for professional training so here's a whole mess of possible explosion [roll2]

2017-12-08, 08:50 PM
Shana seeing the others make their way out looks at the clock and then packs up her things. "I g-g-gotta get home t-t-trevor."
She waves as she makes her way out and heads down the street toward her home.

She has to get home before its TOO late after all.

2017-12-08, 08:52 PM
Nuurgui pops out after Shana and decides to head home herself. Feeling sufficiently sober, she hops in the truck.

2017-12-10, 07:16 PM
"Ugh, don't start, Squishy." Emily listlessly catches the shirt and presses it to her side, "...but, uh, thanks. Um. Angus. Sounds great, but not now." Emily grimaces against the pain. "I gotta feed. Badly."

2017-12-10, 07:43 PM
From what Angus can tell, Emily was hit with what appears to be a .45 caliber round. The wound is messy, and painful, but as long as she safeguards herself against infection, she'll survive. Though, given that she's a dragon, infection probably isn't as much of a threat to her.

Back at the pub, as Shana and Nuurgui are leaving, Trevor says a couple of quick goodbyes. It doesn't take them long to get to their respective homes, either. Seems things are going to be uneventful for the two tonight, unless they decide to make some trouble of their own.

2017-12-10, 08:38 PM
Violence forestalled Angus's demeanor shifts into his gentler persona.
"It's not as bad as it looks. Not sure what you are, miss, but if it's any sturdier than a human you'll be fine with a little rest and feed. Anything we can do to help on that later front?"

2017-12-11, 09:31 PM
"...happen to know any *******s who are really cowardly?"

2017-12-11, 11:19 PM
Nate snorts. "S'been almost three hunnerd years, dummy. Guy won't know anyone who ain't similarly mortality challenged."

2017-12-11, 11:24 PM
“... Do you still have brothels? Or at the least flesh peddling sorts of shows? Alternatively any large gathering of the English.”

2017-12-11, 11:38 PM
Nate ***** his head to one side. "Brothels're illegal. There's a strip joint though. Kuma Charmers on Route 79, but uh, no way're they gonna let either of you in. Seein' as how yer visibly bleedin'," he gestures at Emily, "an' you look like yer fixin' ta expose yerself ta girls." Nate snickers to himself. Guy probably wasn't familiar with 'flash' in that particular parlance.

2017-12-11, 11:50 PM
"We don't need to enter. We approach, wait for a gentleman, or rather a brigand, to be dispensed out the door for his behavior. Pick him off, feed."
Angus looks a bit put out at the snigger.
"I'm mad, not daft. And I have done this before. We had a Masquerade when the nation was young. Judging by tonight it is still expected to be kept."
He appraises Emily's wound again.
"Do you have a carriage or its mechanically driven equivalent? That seems as though running with it would be a poor plan."

2017-12-12, 08:14 PM
"I got a piece of crap back at my apartment, but it works. Not really big on this plan but it beats bleeding out, let's go."

2017-12-12, 10:03 PM
"... Do people in this time often state their intent to go to a place without actually moving? Is that a cultural thing I missed?"
Angus shrugs at the noncommittal attitude.
"Well, by all means lead the way. Although if your hunger isn't of a biological sort you could just... Go home to heal. I could provide a bandage and a quick removal of the bullet if you have a pen knife."

2017-12-12, 11:23 PM
Nate smiles beatifically. "Well, sounds like ya got everythin' under control, so I'll leave y'all to it. I hope ya find yer trip... educational." He inclines his head slightly, then wanders off back to his place, making sure he isn't followed. It's a quick few steps through the front door and into his computer chair. "Well, until I get a frantic call, guess I can smoke up an' start in on this ****show of a mystery." Start small. See what historical records accessible via the web without breaking several cybercrime laws and courting death.

Int+Computer (9-again): [roll0]
Explodios: [roll1]

2017-12-13, 05:59 PM
Shana texts Nate. "Any word on our dragon?" She takes a few shortcuts she's found in her hunts to get home. Figure she may need to at least show her face before she gets up to anything else.

2017-12-13, 07:25 PM
Nate glances over to his phone and smiles. <Yeah. Got shot by a .45, so I think she ticked off some super-savvy cop. If not one of Howard's. She'll be fine. Or rather, the bullet won't be what kills her. She and MacCraycray ran off to find "food." Didn't wanna babysit that dumpster fire, so I'm at home if you wanna come over. Trying to figure out what I can about the big guy without... attracting any unwanted attention.> It doesn't take a genius to figure out what his issue is.

2017-12-13, 07:54 PM
Shana sighs. <"I just gotta check in with my folks first. Keep up appearances.">

She starts speeding up her way home.

2017-12-13, 08:44 PM
"It's not literally biological exactly but... that's not the only problem. Well anyway, come on,
my home's this way." Emily turns and starts walking towards the apartments.

2017-12-14, 12:03 PM
Angus and Emily head off towards Emily's apartment, and seem to avoid running across any trouble. Luckily for them, it would seem, the police haven't expanded their search to this part of town. Yet. Outside the building there are a few people bustling about, mostly neighbors of Emily's, or others who just happen to be walking by.

Shana's parents are both home when she comes in. Her father is watching the news, while her mother works on finishing up dinner. Both of them acknowledge her entrance, though her mother goes right back to cooking afterwards. Peter waves her over, to join him in the living room.

"How was school today, ma chere?"

Meanwhile, at Nuurgui's place, she gets a text from Palmer, a Mastigos she knows both from the Consillium and as Walker's young apprentice.

<Yo, you head anything about that fire outside town? Seems it might've been on the spoopy side of things.>

2017-12-14, 01:04 PM
Shana smiles and sits down. <French> ”It was good. I’m really liking my art classes. Mr. Trapinch says if I keep at it I could definitely make it as a comic artist.” She always felt more at home speaking french, though she was trying to make it sound more like its from France like in class. She calls Ace over and gives him all sorts of scritches. ”Taylor and I want to get enough pages done to have an issue 1 of The Gifted for the upcoming con.”

She hoped her mom was listening, namely since Shana really wants to get a comic published and her mom knows who to talk to about that.

“How was your day?”

2017-12-14, 10:33 PM
You're not able to find out a whole lot, unfortunately. Any records of Angus simply say that he was presumed dead in the aftermath of the American Revolution. All you can find about Howard is stuff that would be available on the law firm's website. You can tell that the records are faked, but you already knew that, seeing as how you're aware Howard is a centuries-old vampire. The building, however, is where you find the most. It was owned by a shell corporation that's owned by some other company that's only indirectly related to Howard. But the lines clearly draw to a conclusion that someone who wasn't as well-versed in intrigue and conspiracy as Nate wouldn't see.
It's a shame you already knew that Howard owned the bulding, and has owned several buildings that have been built and demolished on that property under various identities since the late 18th Century.

2017-12-15, 01:23 PM
Nuurgui sighs. On one hand, admitting everything is a good way to catch Consilium flak. On the other hand, lying and getting found out is a fantastic way to catch hella Consilium flak. She decides to be... pretty truthful.
<moron dragon cacked up a perfefctly good rescue mission>
<helpin out trev's cousin's friends to not get murderde for larping in bat country, but unfortunaetly, an accicident happened and WHOOPS SORRY VAMPS HOPE YUO HAD INSURACNE>
<*assorted typos w/e>
<at that point it was time to get everyone the hell out safely>
She flops onto her couch, says to hell with it, and turns on the vidya machine.

2017-12-16, 10:38 PM
Nate taps the mouse in contemplation. If Howard wanted Angus to stay locked away, she'd have found a nice grave site in the historical cemetery, evicted the present tenant, and never have to worry again. Demolishing and then rebuilding houses over and over again... that was just begging for a construction worker to stumble over the corpse. Then again, old leeches were always eccentric. Could be a way in on this whole she-bang. He takes a deep breath, then fires off a text to Nuurgui. <Might want to start on damage control and mystery solving tonight, before things get out of hand. Least figure out what's going on. Come on over?>

To Shana, he types, <You need me to come pick you up?>

2017-12-17, 11:13 PM
Shana texts Nate back as she listens to her father. <"When?">

2017-12-18, 11:16 PM
Nuurgui rolls her eyes and turns off the PS4. All these boys blowin' up her phone like it's a... thing that explodes.
<bokay then>
<i mean i was ALL KINDS OF going to waste a bunch of time doing nothing in video games but that's cool too>

She gets back into her truck and starts heading out.

2017-12-18, 11:23 PM
Nate types back to Nuurgui. <Cool. If you could swing by and grab the kid on your way, that'd be swell.>

Then he replies to Shana. <Five, maybe ten minutes. And I'll have Nuur swing by, since she's in better shape to drive than I am.>

2017-12-19, 10:33 PM
When Emily and Angus get to the strip club, there's a whole lot of nothing going on. It's around 8:30, so it's not exactly crowded.

At Shana's house, Marianne smiles.

"I'll keep asking around, of course."

Her parents continue to make small talk, while Marianne keeps making dinner. Since she's almost done, Shana will probably have time to grab a quick bite before Nuurgui shows up.

Meanwhile, in Nuurguiland, Palmer texts back.

<Uh... Tell me you guys didn't go to the Pub after that? The vamps have ghoul cops... If they tracked you back there, Walker's gonna be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed.>

2017-12-19, 10:36 PM
Shana plinks a quick text into her phone. "<Fifteen, that way i can make it look like i forgot something at school after dinner... tell her to park at the end of the block.>"

2017-12-19, 11:22 PM
<Roger.> Nate texts back to Shana. Then to Nuurgui, he types, <Kid'll be ready in fifteen minutes. Park at the end of her block, and she'll come meet you.>

2017-12-21, 06:45 PM
Nuurgui decides that for now, there's nothing to be said to Palmer to make this situation less worse. She heads out to Shana's, figuring she can talk this over with the woof and the Texan.

2017-12-21, 07:12 PM
Shana eats with her family. Tells them her day and then when she's mentioning homework, she sits up startled. "I f-f-forgot my book at school!" She nudges her dad with her foot to let him know its woof business. "I m-m-may be late when I take A-a-ace for his walk."

When she excuses herself and rinses her plate off she calls for Ace. Then with her dog in tow she says some quick see you laters and makes her way out.

She waves to Nuurgui when she gets to the end of the block.

2017-12-22, 07:58 PM
Nuurgui nods at Shana as she gets in, making sure not to pass the girl's house as they go---best to keep low on the family radar.

It's not long before they're at Nate's, and she's wondering how to bring up the additional layer of poo they may be in.

2017-12-22, 08:29 PM
"So," Emily turns to Angus, "While we wait, I should warn you:
the police are looking for you. The guy who shot me was a ghoul, probably belonging to whoever chained you up,
and he started by asking if I'd seen you. So be careful."

2017-12-23, 12:26 AM
"... I will do my best not to kill them until Nathan has confirmed that I should."
Angus stares at the front door for a little while before he starts to fidget, drumming his fingers on the door handle softly.
"What do you need from them?"

2017-12-23, 09:28 PM
Shana hops in. ”C-c-crazy night huh?” She smiles at Nuurgui.

“I r-r-really hope we avoid t-t-trouble. Won’t l-l-look good for potential tribes if I h-h-have a record already...” She looks down at her knees.

2017-12-23, 09:34 PM
"You'll be fine. If need be, I'll make sure you don't catch flak." Nuurgui figures that since it's not unlikely she'll be taking crap from the Consilium---or at least Walker---it won't kill her to catch a little more for the pupper.

She soon arrives at Nate's, pulling in and parking.

2017-12-23, 09:44 PM
"Fear." Emily shifts in her seat. "Well, I need them to acknowledge me as more powerful than them. Someday it'll just be tribute and worship, but right now I'm hungry and a little desperate, so fear works."

2017-12-23, 11:13 PM
Nate opens the door and waves. "Evenin', ladies." He steps aside so they can enter, and once they do, continues, "So, Superfriends, we find ourselves in a bituva spot. Howard's pissed. The cops're pissed, an' we got no idea what the hell Angus's deal is. Public info's thin, so if I wanna know more, I'd hafta get it from the firm's mainframe." Nate scratches the back of his neck. "Which ta translate from Geek, s'like a digital vault, an' the punishment fer gettin' caught'll be 'bout the same." He mimes a gun at his temple. "If you guys got any better ideas, I'm all ears." He kicks back on the futon (now demoted to couch status at Lizzie's insistence) and reaches for the joint still burning in the ashtray.

2017-12-23, 11:15 PM
"Does it have to be specifically fear of you? Because I could walk over and terrify someone quickly without breaking any rules of the mask."

2017-12-23, 11:21 PM
"Heh, nice offer. But no. Like I said, it's all based on them considering me powerful. Though,
if you wanna take a drink, that works too. But don't kill anyone, alright?"

2017-12-27, 03:06 PM
Shana scratches her neck. "We'd b-b-be sneaking right?"

She thinks about it. "We c-c-could reach and sneak in through the Hisil..." She looks to the others. "It's d-d-dangerous, spirits are n-n-not exactly keen on Forsaken... b-b-but we'd bypass any guards. At least getting in a-a-anyway. Getting out would b-b-be a different matter."

2017-12-30, 11:22 PM
Nate nods, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Well, that's in covered, but s'always out that's the hardest. Ideally 'out where nobody knows we were there,' but I'd take 'out where nobody tracks us down an' kills us' too." He raises an eyebrow in Nuurgui's direction. "Either of ya got any ideas on that front?"

2018-01-05, 10:23 AM
Shana thinks about it. She shakes her head. "I m-m-mean I c-c-could possibly make like a s-s-stray and lead security a-a-away." She thinks about it. "b-b-but then again they m-m-might already think to put d-d-down strays..."

She looks again to Nuurgui. "D-d-do you have any m-m-magic that can help?"