View Full Version : Character audit request (Pathfinder)

2017-11-15, 01:50 PM
Well I'm starting a Red Hand campaign and someone is using third party content. I don't have the content and while I could learn most of it I'm not an expert so I am soliciting some assistance in auditing this character. :smallbiggrin:


Basically a duergar tyrant (I get the feeling this was not intended as a PC race but whatever) from Occult Adventures that is a Mage Knight 3/Sentinel 2 (looks like he retrained to get more prestige levels). He used Supplements called Spheres of Power
/ Might(?) which I have never read so could use some confirmation that the build, while powerful (evasion for all 3 save types, SR, fast healing, 13 temp hp per round, at-will telekinesis) is legal.

32 point buys. Standard wealth by level (10.5k at level 5). I gave bonus feats but not for 3rd party content which he used so that will have to change.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: some of the things I don't get (not saying wrong but I don't know the rules/options used to do this):
Spiked chain with Tower Shield.
Ectoplasmic skin (3.5) enchantable? (My understanding is no)
Lesser Ward of Absorption. Where it's from (source) and what it does.
All of the drawbacks. *(source, trigger, and what they do)

2017-11-15, 03:47 PM
That race...yeah, I hope this is a high-power game and others are doing similar things with races/templates. Using 3.5 content also? Hmm.

Practiced spellcaster (3.5 feat) doesn't apply to SoP casting unless the DM allows it specifically. Things that boost normal spell CL do not automatically apply to spherecasting.

Mageknight 3 has 4 magic talents (2 free from having a level in a caster class, 2 from class progression). Looks like the player is using drawbacks heavily to get bonus talents. Drawbacks are part of your casting tradition and the casting tradition should be approved by the DM.

-Alteration (beast soul + lycanthropic drawback): can't use blank form or affect others. 2 additional talents (2 of these are 'paid' for by the two drawbacks). Net cost is 3 magic talents. Additional limbs is a wasted talent since elemental transformation explicitly CANNOT gain extra limbs. Greater transformation allows an extra trait (limited options given the talents here), size change will let you spend a trait to become large or small (won't stack with other actual size changes, increases to huge or tiny at CL5). Gear merges when using this form also

-Warp with personal warp drawback takes another talent. Emergency teleport is an immediate action (note that if used to avoid attacks/effects it grants AC/reflex bonuses, not an 'auto-miss). Thats 4 talents spent.

Not sure where the extra talent for divination comes from. I don't see any extra magic talent feat.

SoM material, should have 11 talents (4 tradition, 2 levels, 2 bonus from class, 3 feats) plus those gained from feats. Lists active defense as rolled right into the shield bonus (active defense uses AOOs, this character gets a lot of them via Muscular reflexes but its not unlimited). The humble combatant drawback removes the ability to use the gladiator sphere boast but the sheet shows a boast. 4 talents spent on shield sphere, 2 on gladiator (drawback issue not counted), 6 on guardian, 1 berserking, 2 equipment. I don't see what is giving spiked chain proficiency. Looks like it should be simple weapons, all shields (including tower) and heavy armor. 15 talents total, 11 actually available (may be off 1 or 2 but definitely an issue).

Not sure how to use a spiked chain 1-handed.

The spell section is a lot easier to use for sorting spheres then the way the sheet shows it. Making it harder for me to track down exactly what is going on.

Definitely some issues with the sheet. Running something like this by a DM that is unfamiliar with the materials smells fishy.

2017-11-15, 04:42 PM
if you are first timer with spheres I suggest telling him to single class and not mix might and power. ultimately the system is fairly balanced to T3, but things can get weird when multiclassing to stack abilities. plus it let's you learn what he can do too. spheres of power essentially turns every caster into a Warlock, so he'll not have to worry about the 15 min adventuring day.
spheres of might is almost like tob but instead of a ton of abilities that boost damage you get abilities that let you do things in a different way. it seems to focus more on giving fighters utility instead of raw damage.

2017-11-15, 05:08 PM
I agree that you should request that the player stick to a single class. I don't have anything against SoP or SoM, infact I encourage the use of both of them. However, this limitation should help in letting you as the GM get a better grasp on the system used. Also, incase you were interested, here is Spheres of Power / Spheres of Might (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/) wiki.