View Full Version : Optimization Advice: Druid / Wizard (Unarm Foe specialist)

2017-11-15, 02:38 PM
Hi Everyone, I am seeking advice on a build. I am trying to make use of 0 level spells.

So, I am building a Seedling Druid using the druidic herbalism rule instead of an animal companion. Thus, I am going 4 Druid / 3 Wizard / 10 Arcane Heirophant / 3 Mystic Theurge to take advantage of making arcane and divine potions for free.

For combat, I plan on using the 0 level spell (Unarm Foe) as my primary "attack" by readying an action to cast it when the opponent attacks an ally
(for opponents without weapons, I will use Blowing Dust spell)
I will be in tree form (racial ability), using natural spell and Illusion of Calm spell to hide my spell-casting

I am trying to optimize the Unarm Foe aspect, leaving spell slots open for the OMG moments when the party really needs me, but any other advice or options for standing still and being effective in combat as a Druid / Wiz would be welcomed.

Racial Traits:
Burned One and Dark Root (Resist 5 fire, Darkvision 60 and burrow speed 15)

Specialized spell (Unarm Foe) +2 DC for Unarm Foe
Two world magic : Unarm Foe is on spell list (because I want to use Wisdom as my main modifier)

Unreactive: -6 initiative
Feeble: -2 str, dex, con based skill and ability checks
Bonus Feat: Improved Disarm
Bonus Feat: Combat Expertise

1. Natural Spell (I don't have wild shape, but I can shift into a tree, which the DM allows as a qualification)
3. Craft Wondrous Item
5. Craft Arms and Armor, Scribe scroll (from Wizard)
7. Extend Spell
9. Greater Disarm
10. (Wizard Arcane Crafter) Craft Wand
11. Improved Caster Level
13. Teamwork: Extend the Bulwark
15. Charnel Soldiers
17. Spell Focus Necromancy
19. Undead Master

With the feats Extend the Bulwark and Charnel Soldiers, I summon undead zombies and give them the Extend the Bulwark feat. I give them half plate and have them stand around me. Each one spends a free action to give me +4 AC for a total of +32 AC. They die easy, but easily replaceable.

With the unarm Foe spell, at level 20 I should have a caster level of 20 + 8 (Wis Mod) and have +2 Trait, +2 Improved Disarm, +2 Greater disarm for a total of +34 to my disarm. Against a 20th level fighter, I am figuring a CMD of 10 + 20 bab + 8 STR + 2 Dex

Any suggestions on improvements would be greatly appreciated.