View Full Version : Interesting Lizardfolk builds?

2017-11-15, 04:16 PM
As the title says-- what are some fun classes/builds for lizardfolk you've seen? I love the lizard-man trope unconditionally, but I'm still sort of casting around for what to do with the mechanics. Most of the features say front-line; the Wis boost says "Cleric/Druid/Ranger," though not that strongly. The bite and Hungry Jaws say "str-based melee," but the natural armor says "dex." (Hunter's Lore is awesome, and Hold Breath and Cunning Artisan are fluff). Mostly, it feels like whichever way I go, I'll wind up abandoning something... Are there any fun ideas that jump to mind and really make use of the Lizardfolk's strengths?

(Also, let's assume that I know that race/class matchup isn't hugely important in the long terms and that 5e's balance is tight enough that optimization isn't necessary)

2017-11-15, 04:27 PM
I believe moon druid is what you're after if you want to maximize the effectiveness of all the Racials.

Beast Forms can utilize the Hungry Jaws and get an AC boost (technically consult you DM). You can easily use shillelagh in Humanoid Form with clubs you craft from fallen foes.

Other than that whatever you are feeling bro! Starting with a 15 or 14 in an 'Attack Stat' isn't a death sentence. Especially if you decide on ranged & can grab Archery Style.

2017-11-15, 04:31 PM
You could make a savvy Barbarian, or a strange Monk?
Those 2 should be able to benefit from the racial traits pretty well, and give you a middle ground for not abandoning some of them completely.

The Lizardfolk's alien mind and Barbarian should work together pretty well for flavor. Who would br surprised at the 'savage' Barb breaking off a finger or 2 from a slain foe to nibble on while they travel?
Or turning a slain beast into a comfy cloak or blanket?

2017-11-15, 04:58 PM
I don't know what it is about Lizardfolk, through various editions, but I've always liked the idea of a Lizardfolk Druid. 5ed very much supports this, but as much as Moon Druid supports their racial abilities, I think I'd prefer to see a Land Druid (Swamp, obviously!). Just the notion of some beefy, scaly dude playing a support/control role with a nature theme appeals to me. Maybe add in a little Ranger for a more martial feel, but I in no way see that as necessary.

On the flipside of that, playing a Lizardfolk Rogue as the ultimate survivalist/scout might be interesting. Likewise, a druid-y Lore Bard might also suit, playing bone pipes or even playing up a kind of witch-doctor feel. On the subject of witch-doctors, a lizardfolk can really rock the stereotypical Creole Voodoo Priest thing; Warlock perhaps, or even Death Cleric?

2017-11-15, 06:12 PM
I was running a Lizardfolk Land Druid of Grasslands not long ago. It wound up being a blast as he went around in only a loincloth but had 18 AC and could smack things with his stick pretty hard and with haste he got 20 AC and could cause lots of shenanigans with the extra action and speed.

Using Thorn Whip to pull an enemy close then using the Hungry Jaws BA bite was fun too.

2017-11-15, 07:22 PM
Sun Soul Monk Lizardman... basks in the glory of the sun all day, and then spits out radiant bolts.

2017-11-15, 07:45 PM
Sun Soul Monk Lizardman... basks in the glory of the sun all day, and then spits out radiant bolts.

I love the image, though I'm not a big fan of Sun Soul. (Without the non-Flurry bonus action attack, it feels like their damage would be unsatisfying.) Druid definitely seems like the leading contender; maybe Circle of the Shepard? The buff-spirits seem fun. Or Cleric... Forge Cleric would double down on the quick-and-dirty crafting bit, and Nature would be thematic and fit the stats perfectly.

2017-11-15, 07:58 PM
Lizardfolk Drunken Master!

2017-11-15, 09:20 PM
Seems to me that lizardfolk make for good grappler/brawlers. Especially if you use a build with lots of bonus action options that Tavern Brawler would compete with.

Grog Logs
2017-11-15, 11:10 PM
Sun Soul Monk Lizardman... basks in the glory of the sun all day, and then spits out radiant bolts. You Win, 8wGremlin!

Additional Ideas:

What about a Beastmaster Ranger who has a Giant Poisonous Snake or Flying Snake as its animal companion? Reptile carnage! Since you say front-line, the Giant one can be fighting right alongside you. They both have swimming speed, so you can engage in stealthy water-based adventures together.

Or, you could go for a Nature Cleric and refluff as a shamann? Then you can abandon both str-based and dex-based and go Wisdom-based with Shillelagh - resutling in abandoning nearly all of your race-based features. :smallamused:

2017-11-16, 12:20 AM
It's a little niche, but I made a lizardfolk Totem Warrior barbarian for the purpose of an NPC who basically runs up to a vulnerable member of the party, knocks them prone for their first attack, grapples with the second (Bonus points for doing it with teeth), then drags them away 20 ft. ((30+10 Unarmored Movement) / 2), then Eagle dashes away another 20 feet to isolate a target and beat on it. I kind of was inspired by the whole idea of a crocodile dragging it's targets underwater and drowning it, so I was going for something along those lines.

2017-11-16, 03:38 AM
It's a little niche, but I made a lizardfolk Totem Warrior barbarian for the purpose of an NPC who basically runs up to a vulnerable member of the party, knocks them prone for their first attack, grapples with the second (Bonus points for doing it with teeth), then drags them away 20 ft. ((30+10 Unarmored Movement) / 2), then Eagle dashes away another 20 feet to isolate a target and beat on it. I kind of was inspired by the whole idea of a crocodile dragging it's targets underwater and drowning it, so I was going for something along those lines.

I really like this idea as an NPC (as a player, the tactic might get a bit stale after a while, I think), but we can probably do better...

Elk Totem Barbarian 5/Rogue 2
Feat: Mobile

Speed: 30+10 (Barbarian) +15 (Elk Totem) +10 (Mobile) =65ft (base) x2 (Cunning Action) =130ft

Start in hiding up to 40ft away. Roll out, prone and grapple target (w. Advantage from Rage, Expertise Athletics). Drag target 45ft+ (whatever remaining movement you have divided by 2). You also ignore difficult terrain (Mobile), so putting an NPC like this in hard-going (say...a swamp?) would seem appropriate :smallamused:

Against most parties, they're going to have to Dash themselves to get you in melee (in rough terrain, they won't even be able to do that) and with your speed, you can even target squishy back-line casters. If the terrain is particularly concealing or you can get your target under (murky) water, you might even be safe from ranged attacks; you won't be hidden, but you'll be out of LoS.

Nasty :smallwink:

2017-11-16, 09:29 AM
I don't know what it is about Lizardfolk, through various editions, but I've always liked the idea of a Lizardfolk Druid. 5ed very much supports this, but as much as Moon Druid supports their racial abilities, I think I'd prefer to see a Land Druid (Swamp, obviously!). Just the notion of some beefy, scaly dude playing a support/control role with a nature theme appeals to me. Maybe add in a little Ranger for a more martial feel, but I in no way see that as necessary.

On the flipside of that, playing a Lizardfolk Rogue as the ultimate survivalist/scout might be interesting. Likewise, a druid-y Lore Bard might also suit, playing bone pipes or even playing up a kind of witch-doctor feel. On the subject of witch-doctors, a lizardfolk can really rock the stereotypical Creole Voodoo Priest thing; Warlock perhaps, or even Death Cleric?


2017-11-16, 11:55 AM
I've always wanted to (and still want to) make a lizard-folk grappler barbarian with shield master. Grapple with one hand, wield your shield in the other, and use your mouth for attacks.

2017-11-17, 09:58 AM
I'm kinda toying with the idea of going with a Dex-based Monk 1/Cleric build. That gives me a solid two-handed Dex weapon (spear/quarterstaff), bonus-action bites all day long, and Unarmored Defense that'll grow solidly throughout my career. That way I get to be scaly and bitey from 1-20...

2017-11-17, 10:10 AM
Light cleric. You can have a 15 unarmored starting AC using point-by and use a holy symbol emblazoned shield. Your other hand can remain free for casting and you have your teeth for physical attacks.

Also you can dress like the pope because screw armor. Lizardpope!

2017-11-17, 01:14 PM
I had been debating a light cleric lizard, grumpy and slow first thing in the morning. But Now? LIZARD MAN DRUNKEN MASTER ! Stumbling around biting folks on the face. Role play him as a hunter who has become addicted to hooch and he trades pelts and crafted corpse gear for more rotgut

2017-11-17, 01:41 PM
I had been debating a light cleric lizard, grumpy and slow first thing in the morning. But Now? LIZARD MAN DRUNKEN MASTER ! Stumbling around biting folks on the face. Role play him as a hunter who has become addicted to hooch and he trades pelts and crafted corpse gear for more rotgut

I was thinking brewer's supplies and making Klingon Bloodwine.

2017-11-17, 01:56 PM
I've always liked the idea of a Lizardfolk Cleric from a roleplay perspective. The whole not really processing emotions thing is a neat racial trait, I imagine it being a case of seeing someone injured and thinking "That is broken. I will fix that now." Not from any desire to help, but just because people shouldn't be broken.

2017-11-17, 04:28 PM
I had been debating a light cleric lizard, grumpy and slow first thing in the morning. But Now? LIZARD MAN DRUNKEN MASTER ! Stumbling around biting folks on the face. Role play him as a hunter who has become addicted to hooch and he trades pelts and crafted corpse gear for more rotgut

That does sound really cool!

Also the dragonborn ability says you can make a club out of a carcass from dead enemies. Since nunchuck's are just reskinned clubs in 5e your DM may let you make bone and ligament nunckucks from enemies!