View Full Version : Help with changing some mechanics to fit roleplay - City of Brass

2017-11-16, 10:04 PM
I'm playing a Sorcerer with the draconic bloodline, but it doesn't match the fluff I'm going for. The DM gave me permission to change some of the mechanics to match the fluff.

My PC is from the City of Brass on the Plane of Fire. His sorceries mechanics needs to match the fluff of that plane.

What would be mechanically equivalent to this for the fluff of my PC?

"You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check."

My PC already knows primordial because he's a fire genasi. What would be another common language spoken in the City of Brass? What would be a good creature for the charisma checks other than dragons.

I'm not worried about any of the other abilities.


2017-11-16, 10:20 PM
My PC already knows primordial because he's a fire genasi. What would be another common language spoken in the City of Brass?


There's a rule under backgrounds that most DMs would allow you to use for other reasons, that if you gain the same skill, language, or tool proficiency from more than one source, you can swap it out for another proficiency of the same type. A bonus language period has more flexibility than a bonus language that can't be elemental, but that you have to justify coming from hanging out around a bunch of elementals.

If you're looking for a thematically appropriate language and nothing in your background gives you any ideas, I'd guess that after elementals the next most common creatures around would be devils. So infernal.

What would be a good creature for the charisma checks other than dragons.

For a part elemental who grew up on on an elemental plane, surrounded by other elementals? Let's go undead. It's not like there's an obvious choice jumping out at us.

2017-11-16, 10:27 PM
Elemental isn't a language listed in the list of languages, whereas primordial is listed as the language of the elementals.

Also, elementals have an Int of 6 and I'm not sure that would make for a good conversationalist. I was thinking maybe genie-kind? Aren't efreet popular on the plane of fire?

Puh Laden
2017-11-16, 10:32 PM

There's a rule under backgrounds that most DMs would allow you to use for other reasons, that if you gain the same skill, language, or tool proficiency from more than one source, you can swap it out for another proficiency of the same type. A bonus language period has more flexibility than a bonus language that can't be elemental, but that you have to justify coming from hanging out around a bunch of elementals.

If you're looking for a thematically appropriate language and nothing in your background gives you any ideas, I'd guess that after elementals the next most common creatures around would be devils. So infernal.

For a part elemental who grew up on on an elemental plane, surrounded by other elementals? Let's go undead. It's not like there's an obvious choice jumping out at us.

As also said by mghamster, Primordial is the elemental language in 5e. However, I agree that Infernal would probably be appropriate. I'm pretty sure that devils, yugoloths, and/or other non-demon fiends are known to do trade in the City of Brass.

2017-11-16, 10:42 PM
Arguing the difference between "elemental" and "primordial" is splitting hairs. The point I was trying to make was that your class feature absolutely should give you a redundant language, which could then be turned around and "cashed out" for a general pick. Trying to justify speaking to devils directly because of your elemental ties is a much harder sell.

And genies all speak dialects of elemental primordial anyways. They have the elemental type, as do lots of critters besides the basic four that come immediately to mind.

2017-11-16, 10:48 PM
I agree that Infernal is a good language choice.

"Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with elementals, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check."

That seems pretty reasonable overall.

2017-11-16, 11:22 PM
And genies all speak dialects of elemental primordial anyways. They have the elemental type, as do lots of critters besides the basic four that come immediately to mind.

That's a good argument for picking elemental as the monster in general. Thanks!