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View Full Version : New system for a BSG game

2007-08-18, 03:29 PM
My DM is hoping to run a Battlestar Galactica game, but none of the systems we've thrown out there are really capable of working with it, at least, that's what he says. SO, we turn to the folks at GitP, as always. :smallsmile: We're hoping to come up with a completely new system here. I don't know if this is in the right board, though. If it isn't lemme know. If it is, ok.

Anyways, our primary problem is with combat. We have NO IDEA what we're gonna be doing when it comes to fighting. We're trying to compare Colonial and Cylon weapons, as well as what kind of stats characters should have, and how this will effect their capabilities in combat.

Rob Knotts
2007-08-18, 03:51 PM
Which systems have been rejected already?

2007-08-18, 04:00 PM
What are you trying to do? Don't worry about relative power level until you know what you want out of your system. Do you want a quick system to just tell you if doing X will succeed or not? Do you want a detailed system for choices and planning? How often do you want people to succeed at their tasks? How much social interaction will there be with NPCs in such as way you need a system for success (such as interrogation, manipulating statements, and conning)? Will combat be primarily in space or in person or a mix of both? How much in the way of "super powers" will there be?

I've found the best way to work on a system is deciding what the PCs will generally do during an adventure and some common adventure frameworks.

That said, if you want a light cinematic system, I'll recommend non-d20 Star Wars as a base. If you want a heavy spaceship tactical game, reworking a good space miniature game might be in order and then make some light rules for NPC interaction. If you want a mix of crunchy human and spaceship interaction, Hero will carry you far especially with Star Hero (which is a book focused on using Hero for Science Fiction games).

2007-08-18, 04:16 PM
Which systems have been rejected already?

We've rejected Hero, standard DnD rules, and d20 Future(for some obscure reason. I'm still mad about that. :smallmad: ).

What are you trying to do? Don't worry about relative power level until you know what you want out of your system. Do you want a quick system to just tell you if doing X will succeed or not? Do you want a detailed system for choices and planning? How often do you want people to succeed at their tasks? How much social interaction will there be with NPCs in such as way you need a system for success (such as interrogation, manipulating statements, and conning)? Will combat be primarily in space or in person or a mix of both? How much in the way of "super powers" will there be?

We're trying to come up with a detailed system for choices and planning, and we'd like successes and failures to be 'realistic', but not completely and utterly against the player. Combat would be a mix of space and in person, and superpowers would be dropped to nada.

2007-08-18, 04:36 PM
I have a PDF file that is all about BSG. Lemme find the link to it.

EDIT: ADD-on for D20 Future. (http://www.nadaka.us/battlestar%20galactica%20d20.pdf)

Show your DM this, and maybe he will change his mind about d20 Future being the basis for the game.

2007-08-18, 04:45 PM
:smallsmile: Hey, thanks. I'll see what he thinks, and if he likes it, we'll go with that. If not, we'll resume brainstorming.

2007-08-18, 04:55 PM
I ran a cross-over SciFi game in which one character was a Cylon. Others included a Spartan from Halo, a human weapon with Zerg mutations (StarCraft), and a Jedi. I used the BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth) 2nd Edition system, with my own modification. The system is very unbalanced, and amazingly easy to break, but with a few house rules and a sane GM that can make sure things stay balanced, it works very well. It's simple, generic, and can be used for almost any setting, though SciFi is where it shines, due to its very simple mecha system. Most people don't know about the system, and it's not for everyone.

GURPS seems like it's a pretty good system, but you'd probably need a lot of books for it. Generic, but not simple.

Alternity is a system based on SciFi, and I'm sure it could handle Battlestar just fine.

[Edit]: I'm pretty against D20 Modern/Future. It's unrealistic in all the wrong ways for SciFi. Most SciFi setting don't work on a class/level-based system, nor does a modern setting.

2007-08-18, 05:04 PM
I'm guessing that's why my GM just said 'no' to it again. :smallannoyed:

We don't have any BESM books, and no GURPS books to boot. :smallfrown: And this is between the whole group, which is just plain SAD. Looks like it's back to the drawing board.

Personally, I'm actually slightly excited. I get to help make a completely new system. Feel free to pitch in. :smallbiggrin:

We're trying to come up with a ruleset that utilizes several types of dice. We're working on NPC interaction right now.

Irreverent Fool
2007-08-18, 05:11 PM
Cyberpunk 2020! That is all.

2007-08-18, 05:12 PM
I would suggest looking for a PDF of Alternity. I'm not sure if they have them available normally though. It may require pirating, which I donno if you want to do.

2007-08-18, 05:14 PM
There's always Spacemaster. (Good luck finding it) Or, what about the ol' standby of Robotech? Different ships, same explosions.

2007-08-18, 05:16 PM
:smallconfused: That could work, I'll run it by him.

2007-08-18, 05:29 PM
Cyberpunk, Spacemaster, and Robotech have all been denied. The GM is very adamant about coming up with this system. :smallannoyed:

Monney Dhoo
2007-08-18, 05:41 PM
In case you didn't know there is a new Battle Star Galactica system due out next month from Margaret Weis Productions (http://www.margaretweis.com/). It seems to be based on the same system as their Serenity RPG which from what I have seen seems to be quite a good system.

*edit* Link fixed.

2007-08-18, 05:42 PM
:smallconfused: The link doesn't work.

2007-08-19, 02:50 AM
When I find where I saved it on my computer, I can send it to you via email, if you prefer.

2007-08-19, 03:20 AM
:smallconfused: The link doesn't work.The full stop right behind the URL probably made the board hick up. Try this one: Battlestar Galactica Role Playing Game (https://ssl.perfora.net/s112415939.oneandoneshop.com/sess/utn;jsessionid=1546c7f705ed5f4/shopdata/index.shopscript)

Some other sources for inspiration on your game system:
d6 Space (http://www.westendgames.com/d6_space.asp)
EABA (http://www.btrc.net/html/eaba.html)
Silhouette (http://www.dp9.com/Products/dp9-909.htm)

Those all are good SciFi RPGs, perhaps you will find them useful.

2007-08-19, 03:37 AM
uh, i have the BSG rpg on preorder at amazon... should be arriving some time in mid to late september. i hope.

2007-08-19, 08:13 PM
Looked 'em all over. Good.

Well, we're kind of deadlocked on the basic rules here. So, back onto the original topic. Time to do some brainstorming, ladies and gents. :smallbiggrin: Any suggestions on how to run stats?

2007-08-19, 08:25 PM
Not really the type of thing I'm ready to start brain storming. A D20-esq Battlestar Galactica game will be on the shelves in two weeks. The quick version should already be on the shelves at your local store.


I say D20 esq, because it will unfortunatley be based on the same rules as the Serenity RPG. I don't personally know anyone though who was able to figure out what the rules were in the Serenity RPG.

It'll be more like old school original D&D. If you want to know if you can do somethign you just ask the GM. Great if you have a good GM. Crap if you have a bad one.