View Full Version : [EMPIRE!4] Festival of the Deeps

2017-11-16, 10:21 PM
The Festival of the Deeps
Autumn, 144 IR

The central square of Samg had been designed for military training. Baek suspected his great-grandfather had only bothered with stone paving stones as a means of one-upping the other barons not out of any actual utility. He was grateful that his ancestor had done so now, since the base lent a measure of grandeur to the square that bare earth would not have sustained. Too many worries regarding the presentation of his domain weighed down upon him as it was. Tales relayed by his cousin and sister of rich southern lands his people could never match chained him in trepidation. Was this gathering wise? He remained uncertain. His initial thought had been to simply invite his neighbors of Regner and the Omanush. Various voices had convinced him otherwise.

There would be no taking it back now.

The wide square, rectangular and with clean lines encompassing a space suitable to hold thousands, had been transformed from its usual openness to accommodate the festival. Long tables piled high with food marched along the sides. The varieties were many, but with the exception of properly polished Amham rice, the rest was entirely drawn from the sea. Baek had never believed there were so many different kinds of fish. Spirits forgive him for the others creatures as well; one of the omanush chefs had stuffed an octopus as large as he was and boiled the creature whole in a cauldron. The Duke had seen less intimidating drawings of demons.

Much of the remaining space was left open, though various performs had claimed circular regions of the flagstones as their own to offer up their art. Most were typical performers out to delight the visitors, but the white robes of jalsi and the sky blue of their jauba counterparts among the omanush flashed here and there. Sacred song and dance filled the air, quivering with power at points. In the center of the square stood a tall column of stone. Pale gray, it had been hauled out of the depths from the side of a mountain beneath the waves. The surface had been carved extensively, covered in names and symbols to honor the spirits that had fought in the struggle with the draoids. Present for the festival, to be taken to Sagi when the celebration was concluded. Jalsi Seung Kyung stood in front of the pillar, the older man having a claimed a position where he was visible to everyone. The duke's own couch, shared with his wife and with chairs for his children and family beside it, was in the northeast corner. Hardly pride of place, but then it had not been spears that one this war.

Thinking on this, the Duke's eyes scanned the square. Where were the heroes of the day? The foreign dignitaries were beginning to arrive, he could tell from the clamor in the direction of the city gates. Honor guards of young warriors provided by the barons would be bringing them here very soon. Chae had better not have run off. He would. Baek stopped that thought cold. I cannot chide my little sister anymore. He recognized with a slight smile that faded swiftly. A moment's pause, and he caught sight of the pale face of Ija, the tall sea elf was easy to pick out in a crowd, and there was Chae with her, of course. Good, everyone was ready.

As guests were ushered into the square Baek rose. Adjusting his armor and taking up his spear – no shield now, it was not a day for martial doings – he let his wife adjust the crowned helm a final time and then turned to address his guests. “Welcome all. We are gathered to celebrate a great victory on behalf of all people of Emjata.” He did not quite understand that part, but the draoids had been real enough. “We thank all who have joined as we honor the fighters and the fallen, commemorate the hands extended from realms beyond, and give thanks. Please enjoy the entertainment and refreshments. All may mingle freely as they wish.”

This event is a festival and is intended to be freeform in structure, meaning no one should feel obligated to introduce themselves to the Duke or even talk to him at all while attending (trust me, he won't mind). There are in fact several characters in the square who visitors might be interested in talking to. Brief list follows:
- Duke Baek Gyeon: the ruler of Amham is seated on the ducal couch in the northeast of the square with his manor behind him. His wife Nari and their young children are with him. Other members of the Gyeon family including his sister Jiu are nearby.
- Jalsi Seung Kyung: the nominal head of Jalyeong-Bo is standing in the center of the square beside the commemorative shrine column.
- Chae Gyeon and Ija Jehin: for those interested in knowing just what this is about straight from the shark's mouth as it were this pair will be wandering about. They don't advertise their presence but anyone local can point them out.

2017-11-18, 05:28 AM
It had been an interesting journey. Not as far as his uncle's expedition into the heart of the empire, but quite a collection of strange places, and prince Khäsglis was glad to finally arrive in Samg. Perhaps it would have been wiser to make the full trip by boat, voyaging south around the end of Regner. But D̨vatla was still landlocked, and neither he nor his father had that much faith in the ships that could be found. Better, they felt, to make the short trip across the gulf and continue by land. That much, at least, had been rather boring. The feared autumn storms and pirates from the collapsed League failed to materialize. The desert was another matter. Hot, dry and endless: the less time spent dwelling on it the better as far as the prince was concerned. Though he would begrudgingly admit that the camels, which he despised so much those first few days, were not so bad in the end. He understood now the interest in acquiring them, and was happy to see negotiations had gone well enough that there was no need for him to linger and seal the deal. Crossing over the mountain pass was difficult, but almost pleasant simply because it wasn't more desert. Taking a heavily armed band of warriors through the rough forests was likely one of the slower ways to travel, though it did spare them much trouble from the bandits they would hear of whenever they came across settlements. A rather unexciting trip, though certainly an interesting one so far. Thank the gods for native guides, they could easily still be lost in the forests (or the desert before, now that would be fitting punishment for the vilest of criminals).

But he was here, finally. Dressed in fine and elaborate silk robes, dyed indigo and purple, he made his way to the duke. Best to pay his respects promptly. As he approached the duke he gave a respectful bow. "Your grace, I am Khäsglis: Prince of Hüpägh, annointed priest of Gë'täkid̨, and heir to Fëkälis of D̨vatla. I bring my father's greetings and some small gifts from him. Silks and works of iron. Proper iron: difficult to find outside D̨vatla or (I would assume) distant Azenhal. Also...a...delicious paste made from the dragon shrimp of the great gulf." Khäsglis thought of the abundant seafood around the festival. With any luck they make shrimp paste here too and will be prepared for the taste and know how to make use of it.

2017-11-18, 09:36 AM
Regno's Arrival

It had been an interesting few years for Viclean. The last decade and a half had seen some remarkable changes for himself and his people. The Conquerors were - firmly - retreated back into their central lands, and the Grand Magus was free to see to the needs of his family and of all Oamenii in Regno. There was even talk that the Five Families would be officially called the Six Families, with the bringing of Iadesh to the fold. Vicelan turned his gaze towards Umbo Iadesh the Sixth. The man rode upon a camel, like Viclean himself, but in contrast to the Grand Magus's subdued clothing with little ornamentation, Umbo Iadesh seemed to revel in showing off his wealth. Opulent layers of clothing, rings on all fingers, and two of his seven wives traveled with the shrewd merchant leader.

Viclean thought, even just privately, that the Iadeshian practice of the wealthy and important marrying multiple wives was - at best - bothersome. He was regretting getting his eldest daughter into such a marriage, but they had been well into the negotiations before Tutum Iadesh - now Tutum Sortis - had revealed he'd already married twice. For years now, Viclean had been chewing on that bit of information, and still would be... if it weren't for the new light of his life, his little hope, Spera. The newborn girl had grown up so quickly in the past couple of years, and was positively doted upon by her Grandfather. The Grand Magus again reminded himself to be sure to bring back a souvenir for his - and Umbo's - granddaughter.

"I do not understand these people," Umbo said, breaking Viclean from his thoughts about his adorable new family member.

"What is to understand, still, Umbo? Those of Amham are a nuances people, yes, but their culture follows the overall practices of Jalyeong-Bo. Much like Speakers enjoy a better life in Regno, in return for their service to all Oamenii, the Jalsi of Amham do the same. Why, Jalsi Seung Kyung has been unifying all Jalyeong-Bo followers on the continent and beyond in recent years. I am much excited to meet him."

"That. That is what I do not understand," the merchant leader said in the same tone of voice that Viclean found frustrating during all their prior negotiations. The tone of voice that said, you are wasting my time. Thankfully, his son Tutum - a clever lad for all his other faults - was more respectful to the Grand Magus. Umbo, however, still saw the world as something that could be bought, given enough time and negotiations. "Why are all the Jalyeong-Bo faithful suddenly more willing to acknowledge the Amham Federation, just because a volcano didn't erupt for several hours? It seems pointless. What if you had claimed that it was the Elements that had helped to hold back to volcano's eruption?"

Then I would be lying, you twit. Viclean thought, but said, "Such a claim would require the support of a wide variety of magi, from all over Emjata. Support I could get, if I had some kind of evidence to show that said claim was possible. As I have attempted to explain, the Principles of Initia dictate that..."

"That proof is providence. Yes, yes, you've said that many times." Umbo's wealth jingled as he was helped down off of his camel. Viclean's own guards gave him their hands, as he slid down off his own riding animal. "It still doesn't make sense to me. As it hasn't many times before. What is proof in the face of wealth? I am wealthy, I can buy this so called 'evidence', so therefore I am right."

Elements help me to not strangle this man. It would be for the benefit of all Oamenii. Tutum is nothing like his father. Viclean allowed himself to roll his eyes at his guards, his back to Umbo Iadesh. Stony faced Captain Carunt showed no reaction, but burly Masiv grinned and immediately looked elsewhere. Turning to face the Iadeshian leader, once again swearing to himself that this man would never be in a place of world-wide political power, the Grand Magus said, "Let us not argue this old argument now. We are guests. Our bickering might insult our hosts."

Besides, if you would just allow me to send Speakers into Iadesh, your knowledge of basic concepts would eventually be expanded. Viclean kept that comment to himself, though, as Umbo seemed to take his advice. For now. They waited but a moment in the line of dignitaries before themselves stepping to the front. Almost in unison, both the Grand Magus and Umbo bobbed their heads in respect for their hosts. Umbo had insisted that he be the one to bring the gifts. There was no fighting the man on this, so Viclean had used it as a way to insist that he be the one doing the talking. "Friend Duke Baek Gyeon!"

Viclean stepped up and embraced the man, as was fitting of an equal. Releasing him, Viclean stepped back and continued to speak, "You honor us by having us here! I could do no less than come myself. May I present my compatriot, Umbo Iadesh. He has a gift for you."

Three Oamenii in Iadeshian style clothing stepped forth, each holding a box. Umbo moved to open each one, and they all held the same thing: intricately carved and lovingly crafted harps. "May these harps bring music to your houses."

"And the men too." Umbo whispered, loudly enough to make it clear it was meant to be overheard.

"And the..." Viclean's eyes widened slightly, as he realized what Umbo had just done. This had not been discussed before.

"You don't give harps without slaves that can play them, Grand Magus. Go ahead, men, play for your new master."

The three Oamenii men gripped the harps, and began to play a lovely bit of music that weaved itself together, and almost made Viclean forget the embarrassment that had just been brought to him. The trip back to Regno and Iadesh promised to be interesting... I will not kill Spera's other grandfather. I will not kill Spera's other grandfather. I will NOT kill Spera's other grandfather.

Looking briefly at Umbo clapping with the music, the Grand Magus tried to convey to Duke Gyeon wordlessly that the slaves weren't part of Viclean's plan. And again, privately thought to himself, Maybe just maim him a little? Spera doesn't need two grandfathers with both legs, right?

2017-11-18, 11:59 AM
Lady Chojo looked into a pool of water. The woman's luxurious blonde hair fell in curls around her face, and her blue eyes sparkled like star gems. Her dress clung nicely to her figure, and though it wasn't noticeable at first, her cosmetics were expertly applied. She smoothed her dress out, trying not to show her anger with him. There was no point. As she began to smile, the woman in her reflection returned it.

It looked fake, as it had the last 20 times she'd tried to look genuinely happy.

She sighed and stood, continuing on. But it was as good as it was going to get.

"What has turned such a fair visage ugly, my friend?" Mumei asked as she suddenly walked up next to Chojo, eyes forward. She wore a figure-concealing black robe that also happened to hide any weapons she might be carrying. She had allowed her black hair to reach down to her shoulders before cutting it, and it heavily contrasted Chojo's long blonde locks.

"Amidasu." She growled in return, not even pretending she was surprised to see Mumei. Rumor had been that she'd personally gone to [region 56], but that just meant it was the least likely place for her to be. "Or more specifically, his behavior has turned me green."

Muemi glanced to Chojo, eyebrow cocked. "Envy looks poor on anyone."

Chojo scowled, turning her own gaze to meet with the enigmatic Satsujin. "The green is not envy, 'tis illness."

"The thought of two people getting together when you could not makes you feel sick. That is the definition of envy."

"I don't care that Amidasu has found a partner when I could not find one, I'm angered that he sees it as a source of amusement."

"Sure." Mumei rolled her eyes.

Chojo very much wished she could strangle the Satsujin, but she turned her gaze forward again. Mumei would not have revealed herself if she were truly alone here and nothing said that the Satsujin had to wear black cloaks. They could've been anywhere in the crowd.

She dared not voice her other concern: that she was inadequate for the role of Chojo, and Amidasu's constant teasing was only making that fact more apparent. The clan was hers to lead now, but that could very easily change if she did not live up to the name. Sooner or later, her sisters would begin to wonder if it was time for a new leader. She was very, very worried what would happen to her when that occurred.

"... Look. You gave me my brother, over your clan's objections." Mumei whispered, placing her hands on Chojo's shoulders. "So I will give you some advice."

Chojo glared at the woman. "I don't need your advice on how to-"

"Keep your voice down and let me finish." Mumei snapped. "People can tell when your interest is feigned. You screwed up at the games because you were unable to hide that your sole interest in the Grand Magus' children was physical and - more importantly - predatory. Find a man you enjoy being with - genuinely - and show your interest. Just enough to get him to pursue you."

Chojo said nothing. That wasn't as... well, insulting as she'd been expecting.

"Oh, and," Mumei continued, letting her hands fall off of the other clan head, "the idea of bringing one home so all your clan can 'play with him' is not as attractive as you think it is. Most-"

"Shut. Up."


"Hajimemashte, Duke Baek Gyeon. I am called Reaper, of the Satsujin Clan. My comrade here is Chojo, of the Chojo Clan. We-"

Chojo's mouth had fallen wide open. "IS THAT AN OCTOPUS?! It's HUGE!"

"-we are grateful to be here, and honored to be included." Mumei finished, an amused glint in her eye.

2017-11-18, 07:39 PM
But he was here, finally. Dressed in fine and elaborate silk robes, dyed indigo and purple, he made his way to the duke. Best to pay his respects promptly. As he approached the duke he gave a respectful bow. "Your grace, I am Khäsglis: Prince of Hüpägh, annointed priest of Gë'täkid̨, and heir to Fëkälis of D̨vatla. I bring my father's greetings and some small gifts from him. Silks and works of iron. Proper iron: difficult to find outside D̨vatla or (I would assume) distant Azenhal. Also...a...delicious paste made from the dragon shrimp of the great gulf." Khäsglis thought of the abundant seafood around the festival. With any luck they make shrimp paste here too and will be prepared for the taste and know how to make use of it.

"Thank you for your generosity." Baek answered the prince. The words is the strange Dvaltan language made his tongue ache just at listening. He would try to avoid speaking any of them - far too embarrassing. This man was certainly determined, to have marched all this way. "Please enjoy Amham's hospitality and the festival." Considering briefly he added. "Tell me, how did you find the pass at Jin? Not too onerous I hope. My barons have worked hard to rebuild, and they claim that it is not so steep as it was before Ayam's latest display." Baek had gone himself, staring at the mounds of ash - whole hills made overnight - and been stunned at how quickly the forest began to grow back over them.

Viclean stepped up and embraced the man, as was fitting of an equal. Releasing him, Viclean stepped back and continued to speak, "You honor us by having us here! I could do no less than come myself. May I present my compatriot, Umbo Iadesh. He has a gift for you."

Three Oamenii in Iadeshian style clothing stepped forth, each holding a box. Umbo moved to open each one, and they all held the same thing: intricately carved and lovingly crafted harps. "May these harps bring music to your houses."

"And the men too." Umbo whispered, loudly enough to make it clear it was meant to be overheard.

"And the..." Viclean's eyes widened slightly, as he realized what Umbo had just done. This had not been discussed before.

"You don't give harps without slaves that can play them, Grand Magus. Go ahead, men, play for your new master."

The three Oamenii men gripped the harps, and began to play a lovely bit of music that weaved itself together, and almost made Viclean forget the embarrassment that had just been brought to him. The trip back to Regno and Iadesh promised to be interesting... I will not kill Spera's other grandfather. I will not kill Spera's other grandfather. I will NOT kill Spera's other grandfather.

Looking briefly at Umbo clapping with the music, the Grand Magus tried to convey to Duke Gyeon wordlessly that the slaves weren't part of Viclean's plan. And again, privately thought to himself, Maybe just maim him a little? Spera doesn't need two grandfathers with both legs, right?

Baek silently thanked his cousin's wife for the warning about Regno customs. He was prepared for the embrace and thus avoided attempting to run the Grand Magus through. He did his best to return the gesture without dropping his spear.

The offer of the harpists caught the duke off-guard. He said nothing immediately as he let them play. The light and airy music did nothing to hold his attention, it lacked a firm mettle, providing critical time to consider. Viclean had an expressive face, and had not hidden his displeasure regarding Umbo Iadesh's actions. Though he could not have said what it was, the underlying aggression between the two men was clear. It was a pity they were not warriors. He would have cleared a space and let them spill their grievances with blood then. Since they were not, Baek decided he'd let someone else intercede. Turning his head, he whispered to his son. "Go and tell your aunt to come see the harpists."

Seok was a boy of twelve. A steady, stone-faced youth, Baek knew his son burned to prove himself. He would take even small tasks seriously. He ran across the square abruptly, and was blessedly without inhibition in interrupting his aunt. Chae strode over shortly before the harpists concluded their piece. Baek met her gaze - a difficult thing. While her left eye was still proper Amham green, he knew he would never get used to the otherworldly brilliant blue shade the right eye had become. She is not my little sister anymore. Looking into that face made him feel very small. Thankfully the gestures they had used as children remained salient. A quick flick of his fingers toward Umbo and then the harpists sufficed as explanation.

When they had stopped playing Chae turned to Umbo Iadesh and spoke without preamble. "What crime have these men committed? We must know if they are to be Amham's responsibility. A soul may not be held in bondage save in penance."

"Hajimemashte, Duke Baek Gyeon. I am called Reaper, of the Satsujin Clan. My comrade here is Chojo, of the Chojo Clan. We-"

Chojo's mouth had fallen wide open. "IS THAT AN OCTOPUS?! It's HUGE!"

"-we are grateful to be here, and honored to be included." Mumei finished, an amused glint in her eye.

Baek managed to hold his composure, but his daughter Silha - a child of only four years - burst out laughing on her mother's lap. "Her hair is like an octopus! Golden octopus!" The girl chortled until Nari shushed her forcibly.

The duke coughed, loudly. "I thank you for coming." He truly did not know much of these southerners. A few shamans had brought back tales from their expeditions, but they remained mysterious. He could only hope they had a decent sense of humor. "It is indeed an octopus." The woman who had asked certainly stood out. She was going to draw in the sons of barons like flies to honey. "They live in the coastal waters to the north. Difficult to catch, but the omanush consider them a delicacy. I am told," He gestured with a look towards the tall figure of Ija Jehin in the distance. "That there are in fact giant squid that could consume one of those in just a few bites lurking in the depths." The skyswimmer's tales were astounding, but he believed the elven woman. Now, he simply needed to convince her to put on a demonstration once all guests had gathered. Perhaps the interest of these kunai would appeal to her warrior's pride.

2017-11-19, 02:10 AM
Baek managed to hold his composure, but his daughter Silha - a child of only four years - burst out laughing on her mother's lap. "Her hair is like an octopus! Golden octopus!" The girl chortled until Nari shushed her forcibly.

The duke coughed, loudly. "I thank you for coming." He truly did not know much of these southerners. A few shamans had brought back tales from their expeditions, but they remained mysterious. He could only hope they had a decent sense of humor. "It is indeed an octopus." The woman who had asked certainly stood out. She was going to draw in the sons of barons like flies to honey. "They live in the coastal waters to the north. Difficult to catch, but the omanush consider them a delicacy. I am told," He gestured with a look towards the tall figure of Ija Jehin in the distance. "That there are in fact giant squid that could consume one of those in just a few bites lurking in the depths." The skyswimmer's tales were astounding, but he believed the elven woman. Now, he simply needed to convince her to put on a demonstration once all guests had gathered. Perhaps the interest of these kunai would appeal to her warrior's pride.

Chojo stepped closer to the little girl, eyes narrowed. For a few moments she said nothing, letting the silence simply stretch into oblivion. Then she stuck her tongue out at the little girl, tossing her hair back behind her. "Yes it is, dearie."

Chojo loved kids. They were so sweet and innocent.

Mumei glanced to the statue as the duke spoke of the giant squids. "Perhaps." She mused. "It wouldn't surprise me. What is that statue called?"


When Reaper noticed the Regno delegation, she very nearly slipped away to avoid their notice entirely, but stopped herself. That would've been the cowardly way to handle such a situation. Reaper was versed enough in Wordsmithing to get actual answers on the Elements and how their runes functioned.

Unfortunately there was no such thing as a second chance at first impression, and Lady Chojo had bungled that first chance. It was unlikely that the Regno would be happy to see any of the Kunai. At best, they would be neutral.

So she chose instead to approach as any diplomat; from the front, and with clear intent. "Grand Magus Viclean, if I am not mistaken. I am Reaper, of the Satsujin, and I wanted to speak with you on the Elements if at all possible."

Please work.


Lady Chojo had separated from Reaper some time ago, and now browsed the stalls with a keen(ish) interest in the fish.

2017-11-19, 03:22 PM
Baek silently thanked his cousin's wife for the warning about Regno customs. He was prepared for the embrace and thus avoided attempting to run the Grand Magus through. He did his best to return the gesture without dropping his spear.

The offer of the harpists caught the duke off-guard. He said nothing immediately as he let them play. The light and airy music did nothing to hold his attention, it lacked a firm mettle, providing critical time to consider. Viclean had an expressive face, and had not hidden his displeasure regarding Umbo Iadesh's actions. Though he could not have said what it was, the underlying aggression between the two men was clear. It was a pity they were not warriors. He would have cleared a space and let them spill their grievances with blood then. Since they were not, Baek decided he'd let someone else intercede. Turning his head, he whispered to his son. "Go and tell your aunt to come see the harpists."

Seok was a boy of twelve. A steady, stone-faced youth, Baek knew his son burned to prove himself. He would take even small tasks seriously. He ran across the square abruptly, and was blessedly without inhibition in interrupting his aunt. Chae strode over shortly before the harpists concluded their piece. Baek met her gaze - a difficult thing. While her left eye was still proper Amham green, he knew he would never get used to the otherworldly brilliant blue shade the right eye had become. She is not my little sister anymore. Looking into that face made him feel very small. Thankfully the gestures they had used as children remained salient. A quick flick of his fingers toward Umbo and then the harpists sufficed as explanation.

When they had stopped playing Chae turned to Umbo Iadesh and spoke without preamble. "What crime have these men committed? We must know if they are to be Amham's responsibility. A soul may not be held in bondage save in penance."

Viclean nodded politely to Jalsi Chae as she approached, and listened to her question. Honestly, he wanted to scream out, You can accept them and then free them. but the Grand Magus held his tongue. He'd let Umbo explain... or the merchant leader would hang himself, politically speaking. Yet, Viclean had to admit, the reason Umbo Iadesh and the Iadesh family was in charge of an entire region that shared their name was because their 'Umbo' - not just a name, now, but an Iadeshian slang for boss - had always been clever individuals.

It's what frustrated Viclean more than anything. Umbo Iadesh was a smarmy son of a sandboar, yes, for thinking he was better than other people... but he was like that because he was justified in thinking so. Watching the ornately clothed merchant also nod politely to Jalsi Chae, Viclean listened to the explanation Umbo gave.

"So very pleased you have asked! I know my men like I know my camels; which one will buck under strain, which one is too aggressive, and which one is more likely to stubbornly spit in your face rather than be useful." The older Oamenii merchant walked behind the three slaves, and laid his hand upon the one on the left. For others, it might be hard for them to tell the ages of the men now in front of Umbo, but for Viclean, it was easy. The one on the left had ears that were still shock straight and proud, putting him into his first three decades. He had at least a century of good life in him, if fate allowed it.

"This fine young man was found by one of my caravans some twenty years ago, when he was little more than a boy. While he wouldn't say where he was from, he had been beaten, bruised, and left for dead in the desert. We saved him from certain death, clothed him, fed him, educated him, and he swore a life debt to my family." The young slave nodded, un-coerced. There was a hint of a smile on his face as Umbo continued with praise, "It was my pleasure to see him grow into a skilled musician. He has committed no crimes, and my gifting him to you is a chance for his freedom... though I personally think it a waste to let talent like his slip away."

Umbo moved to the man in the middle. This Oamenii's ears were still straight, but the tips were drooping slightly. His skin was also not as pure tanned, and was showing signs of turning more leathery, with the occasional darker spot here and there on the arms. Viclean had a hard time placing the exact age, but it was clear this slave was at least a decade older than the first, if not several decades older. Umbo Iadesh placed both hands on the man's shoulders, and spoke, "This man's father and mother were in life debts to my own father. He was born into a slave family, and treated as any other child in my house for a decade and a half, save that he always knew he'd have to make a choice on his fifteenth birthday: remain a part of his slave family, where he'd continue to have a warm place to sleep, food at least twice a day, continued education, and masters that cared about his health and his skills... or try to make it on his own, though he would be a free man. His only crime is perhaps making the lazier choice, but freeing him now would be a cruelty. Especially with his harp-playing abilities."

Viclean looked over at the last Oamenii man, and saw the graying hairs and the drooping ears. The leathery skin was a testament to how long this older Oamenii had spent alive, kissed by the harsh desert sun's touch. The Grand Magus placed his age at close to a century, with likely less than four decades to live, if the man's health continued to be good. Yet, unlike the other two, Umbo was a little rough as he gripped the older Oamenii's shoulder. "This man, though... this man was a bandit. A thief, a rapist, and an accused murderer. Had we been able to prove the last, he would not be playing music for you today. He would have died decades ago, when I was merely the heir to my father's fortune. It took decades of servitude to bring him to where he is today; a man whom has accepted that he must atone for the sins of his youth, by using the one gift he has that isn't crime. Music. He stands before you as a man whom knows that if he is ever free of his slavery, there are those whom would hunt him down, even to this day, for the misdeeds he committed almost a lifetime ago."

"Together, however," Umbo waved his arms grandly as he took his place in front of the three Oamenii once more, "They are the best harp playing troupe in my stable, and though I am loathe to see any of them go, music and merriment is the best gift that Iadesh and Regno can provide at this time."

Viclean didn't quite wince at that statement. He did privately admit that Umbo was handling this well. Well enough, at least. Yet, the Grand Magus knew that bags of Bani and a well cooked Sandboar probably would have been better received. It would have been the gift Viclean had chosen, had he pressed harder on the issue. There was only one thing to do, though, and that was to see if Duke Baek Gyeon and his family would take this better than the Grand Magus thought.

Well... that and perhaps find a private moment to speak with Jalsi Seung Kyung. But Viclean had been hoping to do that anyways.

When Reaper noticed the Regno delegation, she very nearly slipped away to avoid their notice entirely, but stopped herself. That would've been the cowardly way to handle such a situation. Reaper was versed enough in Wordsmithing to get actual answers on the Elements and how their runes functioned.

Unfortunately there was no such thing as a second chance at first impression, and Lady Chojo had bungled that first chance. It was unlikely that the Regno would be happy to see any of the Kunai. At best, they would be neutral.

So she chose instead to approach as any diplomat; from the front, and with clear intent. "Grand Magus Viclean, if I am not mistaken. I am Reaper, of the Satsujin, and I wanted to speak with you on the Elements if at all possible."

Please work.

"Ah! The Satsujin!" The Grand Magus smiled. He'd heard that the Kuniumi delegation was here. "More than possible! Like many from the Three Towers, I am interested in Wordsmithing. The few reports that I have been able to find suggested some possible similarities to are own Initia runes, to a lesser degree. Considering that a great deal of focus for an Aspect Scholar is finding new ways to use the limited runes we have, you can imagine how excited many Magi would be - myself included - in the prospect of more runes to study."

"But here I am rambling. What is it that you'd like to know about the Elements?"

Jalsi Seung Kyung

After a time, once the Festival got underway, a tall Oamenii guardsman in Regno dress - Masiv - made his way through the crowd to find Jalsi Seung Kyung. Waiting his turn to be recognized and deemed... mostly... not a threat, Masiv eventually would salute respectfully, and say in halting but passable Avakonian, "Jalsi Seung Kyung? Grand Magus Viclean want speak with you. When good time?"

2017-11-19, 09:05 PM
"Ah! The Satsujin!" The Grand Magus smiled. He'd heard that the Kuniumi delegation was here. "More than possible! Like many from the Three Towers, I am interested in Wordsmithing. The few reports that I have been able to find suggested some possible similarities to are own Initia runes, to a lesser degree. Considering that a great deal of focus for an Aspect Scholar is finding new ways to use the limited runes we have, you can imagine how excited many Magi would be - myself included - in the prospect of more runes to study."

"But here I am rambling. What is it that you'd like to know about the Elements?"

"Primarily, how the Initia runes function. As I understand, you use bani to fuel your... spells, for lack of a better term. You have runes for specific elemental aspects, and for different individual effects. However... I'm less clear on how, precisely, their functions are determined." She reached into her robe, pulling out a rock. "Kanji - a 'rune', I suppose - acts in accordance to its name when written in Enku. This is one such kanji. Do you know its name?"

She held out the stone, and more importantly, the carving (http://kanji-symbol.net/common/images/txt/pea0006-kai.gif) on the stone. It had been clearly and deliberately carved onto the rock as carefully as possible, and a square drawn around it.

2017-11-19, 10:13 PM
Chojo stepped closer to the little girl, eyes narrowed. For a few moments she said nothing, letting the silence simply stretch into oblivion. Then she stuck her tongue out at the little girl, tossing her hair back behind her. "Yes it is, dearie."

Chojo loved kids. They were so sweet and innocent.

Mumei glanced to the statue as the duke spoke of the giant squids. "Perhaps." She mused. "It wouldn't surprise me. What is that statue called?"

Baek felt a measure of relief at the Kunai woman's willingness to play along with Silha. He never could tell with foreigners. As to the question he was asked, he blinked momentarily. "You mean the column?" It had to be that. "It does not have a name, specifically. There are many such monuments at Sagi. This one commemorates the various spirits that answered the call to fight against the draoids. Sharks and whales mostly, and the Lord of the Depths Iliru." The latter was the jagged-shaped vaguely humanoid carved figure at the top. Baek was still unclear on exactly how a spirit of the bottom of the ocean had been responsible for victory. Chae kept refusing to explain in detail. He accepted that it was perhaps better if he did not know. Nothing good came of pressing shamans for their secrets. "Jalsi Seung Kyung can explain far better than I."

Viclean looked over at the last Oamenii man, and saw the graying hairs and the drooping ears. The leathery skin was a testament to how long this older Oamenii had spent alive, kissed by the harsh desert sun's touch. The Grand Magus placed his age at close to a century, with likely less than four decades to live, if the man's health continued to be good. Yet, unlike the other two, Umbo was a little rough as he gripped the older Oamenii's shoulder. "This man, though... this man was a bandit. A thief, a rapist, and an accused murderer. Had we been able to prove the last, he would not be playing music for you today. He would have died decades ago, when I was merely the heir to my father's fortune. It took decades of servitude to bring him to where he is today; a man whom has accepted that he must atone for the sins of his youth, by using the one gift he has that isn't crime. Music. He stands before you as a man whom knows that if he is ever free of his slavery, there are those whom would hunt him down, even to this day, for the misdeeds he committed almost a lifetime ago."

Chae listened to the merchant drone on regarding these oamenii as if they were livestock. She found it difficult to care. The whole thing seemed so very petty; as did the speaker. The entire affair lacked majesty, depth. She knew this was unfair, that these were important matters of state, played out through carefully chosen proxies, but knowing it intellectually wasn't enough to make her feel as if it matter anymore. The scales continue to shift. She thought. She ought to be sad about that, that was also something she knew, but she wasn't.

It did not, ultimately, matter. Her brother hadn't asked her over to render some reasoned judgment fully aware of the political considerations. He would have asked for Seung Kyung to do that. He wanted a dramatic gesture. That suited Chae just fine, and the tale told regarding the last of the harpists provided an opportunity. It was time to show these dignitaries - and no small number of the inland barons - just what they were celebrating today.

She stepped in front of the oldest harpist. "He says you are a murderer?" Chae spoke the words in Regno, not Avakonian. "I wonder." Taking her right hand, she reached up to her face taking her thumb and forefinger together and placing them to the very edge of her right eye, brushing the edge of the pupil. [Keo, care for a taste?] The response was not in words, but in a thrashing series of sensations that cascaded through the tissues, shuddering and trembling in affirmation.

Chae took a deep breath and closed her left eye. Then she reached through the to the world within, grasped, and pulled. As her hand came forward purple-green flesh began to emerge from within her pupil. It hurt, of course. The pain of a thousand needles being torn out from inside one's face. Chae's knees shook and her left hand jerked violently, but she remained standing. A single move, extending the arm, and then Keollo seu flopped free onto the paving stones.

It was not a massive draoid, only about the length of her leg and perhaps as heavy as a plump salmon, but it was not size that mattered. The creature had a roughly fish-shaped profile, but it's head was a featureless mask. There were no fins. Instead, in the center of the body there were girdled joints on each side and from each of these sprouted three arms in circular formation. Thin and sleek, they hugged down the body, elbows bent inward. They did not have hands, the arms split at the end into six short tentacles, each coming to a sharp conical point covered in sharpened, hardened violet cones. At the elbows and wrists there were eyes - orbs with square pupils of darkness that floated freely in a ball of fluid, continually rotating as the creature moved. Whitish protrusions, hardened and sharp, rising into ridges, formed armor along the back, vaguely resembling bone. There was no tail, only a mass of twelve short tentacles, moving in concert.

Keo sculled along the paving, moving in a freakish up-down undulation pattern that used head and tentacles to propel it while the arms hung free. It's skin was a sleek, layer scored with strange ridgelines in an eye-tormenting pattern. The draoid wrapped about the elderly slave's feet, and then began to climb up his body. As it rose, the mouth appeared. A trio of partially overlapping ridged plates pressed together, it sawed at the air with slow pulsing motions. Over the knees, then around the waist, and then up to the shoulders, leaving the poor harpist to stare into those unfixed alien eyes.

For her part, Chae kept her eyes closed. Otherwise she would be forced to see through those of the draoid, and even with all the privileges she possessed as the namer that was too much for the human mind to take. It did not matter. There were other senses. Strange crackling bits of perception that rippled from the ends of tentacles to crash against her mind. "This is a draoid." She enunciated the words clearly. "A life from beyond Emjata. It has...unusual traits." She turned her face toward the harpist. "Tell me." She whispered into the expanding silence. "Are you a murderer?" In that moment Keo's mouth bit down, piercing easily through the cloth over the shoulder to rasp into skin and muscle. Terror spiked, but Chae felt beneath, felling the currents that alien mouth tasted, reaching as deep as she dared. Resignation, but not guilt; loss and despair, not rage.

The draoid's mouth relaxed. It dropped down and raced up Chae's flank. The manifested spirit thrust the blind head capsule forward and plunged back within. That part hurt so much worse; so very, very much worse. The shaman fell to her knees. "It seems." She pressed out the words between clenched teeth. "You are not a murderer. Complicit in deaths I have no doubt, but the decades you have served meet the measure of any punishment." Moving slowly, reasserting control over her limbs, she managed to stand once again. She turned her head to her brother, nodding slowly.

The duke addressed the three harpists. "It seems your master has given you into freedom, as the spirits forbid any in Amham to hold you in bond. You are free to do as you will, though if I may, I would suggest speaking to Baron Hwasi." He gestured with his spear to a man standing across the square. "He has been granted lands in the mountains of Yemur. There is much territory to reclaim there for willing hands, and oamenii live nearby." Turning back to the visiting dignitaries he added. "A gracious act, well suited to this celebration of life. We will of course keep the harps, with many thanks."

After a time, once the Festival got underway, a tall Oamenii guardsman in Regno dress - Masiv - made his way through the crowd to find Jalsi Seung Kyung. Waiting his turn to be recognized and deemed... mostly... not a threat, Masiv eventually would salute respectfully, and say in halting but passable Avakonian, "Jalsi Seung Kyung? Grand Magus Viclean want speak with you. When good time?"

Seung Kyung nodded his head to the guardsman. "At any point is fine." He recognized the leader of Regno from illustrations. A meeting of singular importance. "I am at our honored guest's disposal."

2017-11-20, 02:27 PM
Baek felt a measure of relief at the Kunai woman's willingness to play along with Silha. He never could tell with foreigners. As to the question he was asked, he blinked momentarily. "You mean the column?" It had to be that. "It does not have a name, specifically. There are many such monuments at Sagi. This one commemorates the various spirits that answered the call to fight against the draoids. Sharks and whales mostly, and the Lord of the Depths Iliru." The latter was the jagged-shaped vaguely humanoid carved figure at the top. Baek was still unclear on exactly how a spirit of the bottom of the ocean had been responsible for victory. Chae kept refusing to explain in detail. He accepted that it was perhaps better if he did not know. Nothing good came of pressing shamans for their secrets. "Jalsi Seung Kyung can explain far better than I."

"Lord of the Depths Iliru." Reaper repeated. "I will have to ask Jalsi Seung Kyung about it, I suppose. Where could Chojo and I find him?"

Chojo waved Reaper off without turning away from the child. "Go on without me, Mumei, I got this."

((That took hours to type up just from how often this damn thing froze. F$#% it, I nmeed to restart.))

2017-11-20, 04:02 PM
After a long sea journey and a bit of a hassle convincing the guards that they really were foreign dignitaries, Odenege and his companions finally arrived at the central square of Samg. For him it wasn’t too big of a surprise that they weren’t immediately recognized. Kadanga wasn’t a nation of great deeds or renown, and the delegation’s appearance was humble at best: their clothing was made of simple leather and cloth with barely any additional decorations. Still, now that they were in the square they stood out of the crowd like a sore thumb and gathered a lot of attention. It was no surprise, as the Seretse very rarely had reason to venture so far out of their homeland. That meant that the situation was weird to them as well. Most everything seemed exotic and different. They were particularly impressed by the large-scale use of stone, as most things were built with wood back in Kadanga.

Soon they appeared before the duke, Odenege in the lead. While no longer young, vigor hadn’t disappeared from the way he carried himself. He stopped before the Duke and knelt down on one knee, as did most of his party. But one of them seemed intent on staying up. "That damned fool", Odenege thought as he glanced at his red-scaled brethren, Kodora. Some of the council had insisted that he would accompany Odenege on this trip, but the young chief was way too proud for his own good. This was an important diplomatic opportunity for Kadanga, and the youngster seemed intent on jeopardizing it. Thankfully a nudge from the old man beside him got Kodora down on one knee as well. Odenege let out a sigh of relief. He was once again thankful for shaman Jakla’s presence, as he had been many times during their journey. Even the most foolish of chiefs would have to have respect for the elderly shaman.

"Honorable duke Baek Gyeon, we thank you for your invitation and congratulate you on your victory", Odenege started. He wasn’t quite clear on the specifics of this victory or even who it had been against, but didn’t really concern himself with that. It had given them an opportunity for this diplomatic visit, and that was enough cause for celebration for him. ”As representatives of the people of Kadanga, we wish that your reign will from now on be peaceful and that your lands will prosper under the guidance of you and the spirits. We would also like to offer you this humble gift as a sign of our goodwill.” He nodded at one of his companions, who presented the duke with a small wooden box full of pearls. While the box had been carefully crafted and decorated by an artisan from Njinkat, the pearls had been purchased in [Region 74] during the trip. While some would have preferred to gift the duke with the finest fish of their homeland, the pearls smelled a lot less bad after such a long journey.

Shortly after delivering their greetings to the duke, shaman Jakla approached Jalsi Seung Kyung. "Greetings, honorable Jalsi Seung Kyung. I know this is a festival, but could I have a little of your time?" The old lizard asked while leaning on his wooden staff. "I would like to discuss some matters regarding our faith."

2017-11-20, 07:06 PM
"Thank you for your generosity." Baek answered the prince. The words is the strange Dvaltan language made his tongue ache just at listening. He would try to avoid speaking any of them - far too embarrassing. This man was certainly determined, to have marched all this way. "Please enjoy Amham's hospitality and the festival." Considering briefly he added. "Tell me, how did you find the pass at Jin? Not too onerous I hope. My barons have worked hard to rebuild, and they claim that it is not so steep as it was before Ayam's latest display." Baek had gone himself, staring at the mounds of ash - whole hills made overnight - and been stunned at how quickly the forest began to grow back over them.

Khäsglis gave a disinterested shrug. "Oh, it wasn't the easiest crossing, but I grew up in the mountains around Hüpägh. I'm used enough to mountains not to be intimidated easily."


Lady Chojo had separated from Reaper some time ago, and now browsed the stalls with a keen(ish) interest in the fish.

Khäsglis tried to slide smoothly up beside the interesting, if strange, southerner. He mostly failed, uncomfortably aware that his formal robes were about as un-stealthy as possibly. "So...fish, huh? Of all the interesting people and things going on, you are paying attention to the fish?"


Khäsglis waited for an opportunity to approach Viclean and Umbo. As he finally made his way to them, he gave a small, though respectful, bow. "Your excellencies. I am Khäsglis: Prince of Hüpägh, servant of the Lady of the Dead...and so on." Turning towards Umbo, "I am pleased to have heard that negotiations are going well between our people concerning the camel trade. It is our hope that we may enjoy mutually profitable business for years to come." He gives Umbo a slight nod of his head before turning to Viclean, "...Speaking of business, we have heard that merchants from Regno have taken an interest in dragon shrimp. We wish you well in this venture, and have no intention to disrupt the trade once we have established more firm control of the coastal regions."

2017-11-20, 09:40 PM
Khäsglis tried to slide smoothly up beside the interesting, if strange, southerner. He mostly failed, uncomfortably aware that his formal robes were about as un-stealthy as possibly. "So...fish, huh? Of all the interesting people and things going on, you are paying attention to the fish?"

"We don't see many squid and octopi in Kuniumi." Chojo said nonchalantly, turning to look at the Prince. For a brief moment, he would see surprise flicker in her eyes before melting into a warm smile. "But if you wish to tear me away," She purred, "You are certainly welcome to try~"

2017-11-20, 10:14 PM
Chae listened to the merchant drone on regarding these oamenii as if they were livestock. She found it difficult to care. The whole thing seemed so very petty; as did the speaker. The entire affair lacked majesty, depth. She knew this was unfair, that these were important matters of state, played out through carefully chosen proxies, but knowing it intellectually wasn't enough to make her feel as if it matter anymore. The scales continue to shift. She thought. She ought to be sad about that, that was also something she knew, but she wasn't.

It did not, ultimately, matter. Her brother hadn't asked her over to render some reasoned judgment fully aware of the political considerations. He would have asked for Seung Kyung to do that. He wanted a dramatic gesture. That suited Chae just fine, and the tale told regarding the last of the harpists provided an opportunity. It was time to show these dignitaries - and no small number of the inland barons - just what they were celebrating today.

She stepped in front of the oldest harpist. "He says you are a murderer?" Chae spoke the words in Regno, not Avakonian. "I wonder." Taking her right hand, she reached up to her face taking her thumb and forefinger together and placing them to the very edge of her right eye, brushing the edge of the pupil. [Keo, care for a taste?] The response was not in words, but in a thrashing series of sensations that cascaded through the tissues, shuddering and trembling in affirmation.

Chae took a deep breath and closed her left eye. Then she reached through the to the world within, grasped, and pulled. As her hand came forward purple-green flesh began to emerge from within her pupil. It hurt, of course. The pain of a thousand needles being torn out from inside one's face. Chae's knees shook and her left hand jerked violently, but she remained standing. A single move, extending the arm, and then Keollo seu flopped free onto the paving stones.

It was not a massive draoid, only about the length of her leg and perhaps as heavy as a plump salmon, but it was not size that mattered. The creature had a roughly fish-shaped profile, but it's head was a featureless mask. There were no fins. Instead, in the center of the body there were girdled joints on each side and from each of these sprouted three arms in circular formation. Thin and sleek, they hugged down the body, elbows bent inward. They did not have hands, the arms split at the end into six short tentacles, each coming to a sharp conical point covered in sharpened, hardened violet cones. At the elbows and wrists there were eyes - orbs with square pupils of darkness that floated freely in a ball of fluid, continually rotating as the creature moved. Whitish protrusions, hardened and sharp, rising into ridges, formed armor along the back, vaguely resembling bone. There was no tail, only a mass of twelve short tentacles, moving in concert.

Keo sculled along the paving, moving in a freakish up-down undulation pattern that used head and tentacles to propel it while the arms hung free. It's skin was a sleek, layer scored with strange ridgelines in an eye-tormenting pattern. The draoid wrapped about the elderly slave's feet, and then began to climb up his body. As it rose, the mouth appeared. A trio of partially overlapping ridged plates pressed together, it sawed at the air with slow pulsing motions. Over the knees, then around the waist, and then up to the shoulders, leaving the poor harpist to stare into those unfixed alien eyes.

For her part, Chae kept her eyes closed. Otherwise she would be forced to see through those of the draoid, and even with all the privileges she possessed as the namer that was too much for the human mind to take. It did not matter. There were other senses. Strange crackling bits of perception that rippled from the ends of tentacles to crash against her mind. "This is a draoid." She enunciated the words clearly. "A life from beyond Emjata. It has...unusual traits." She turned her face toward the harpist. "Tell me." She whispered into the expanding silence. "Are you a murderer?" In that moment Keo's mouth bit down, piercing easily through the cloth over the shoulder to rasp into skin and muscle. Terror spiked, but Chae felt beneath, felling the currents that alien mouth tasted, reaching as deep as she dared. Resignation, but not guilt; loss and despair, not rage.

The draoid's mouth relaxed. It dropped down and raced up Chae's flank. The manifested spirit thrust the blind head capsule forward and plunged back within. That part hurt so much worse; so very, very much worse. The shaman fell to her knees. "It seems." She pressed out the words between clenched teeth. "You are not a murderer. Complicit in deaths I have no doubt, but the decades you have served meet the measure of any punishment." Moving slowly, reasserting control over her limbs, she managed to stand once again. She turned her head to her brother, nodding slowly.

The duke addressed the three harpists. "It seems your master has given you into freedom, as the spirits forbid any in Amham to hold you in bond. You are free to do as you will, though if I may, I would suggest speaking to Baron Hwasi." He gestured with his spear to a man standing across the square. "He has been granted lands in the mountains of Yemur. There is much territory to reclaim there for willing hands, and oamenii live nearby." Turning back to the visiting dignitaries he added. "A gracious act, well suited to this celebration of life. We will of course keep the harps, with many thanks."

Part of Grand Magus Viclean was horrified at the mounting embarrassment that this situation was bringing to Regno and Iadesh... the region, not the man. Another part of Viclean was quietly exalting in seeing Umbo's face transform from cocksure and haughty to uncertain and terrified. The majority of the Grand Magus's thoughts, however, were focused on the display of faith-based magic that he had seen. There was a great deal of the inexplicable here that could be further explored, in the right environments, and with appropriate levels of testing. It wasn't that the Grand Magus didn't believe in the spirits that Jalyeong-Bo practitioners commonly dealt with; far from it. He believed they were real, just as he believed that there were higher beings (calling them "gods" was perhaps a stretch of the imagination) that others drew their powers from in other parts of Emjata.

Viclean just accepted that he currently lacked the appropriate... language to speak with the spirits, to use an analogy. This display of prowess from Jalsi Chae was incredibly interesting, and it took considerable effort from the Grand Magus to stop himself from asking questions here and now. He decided to save it for when he had a chance to speak with the more Senior Shaman. For now, he simply stepped forward, nodded respectfully once more to the Duke, and said with little subtlety, "We are pleased that you like the harps. Aren't we Umbo?"

"Uh-huh." The formally verbose merchant was significantly subdued, and apparently reevaluating many things. If Viclean made the appropriate measures, he might be able to capitalize on this situation. Certainly, it seemed like the Iadesh family head had learned a lesson here.

"We shall take our leave and allow you to greet your other guests. Thank you for your time. This has become a most..." Viclean allowed himself to smile widely again, once again in control of the situation to some extent, "...enjoyable event."

Seung Kyung nodded his head to the guardsman. "At any point is fine." He recognized the leader of Regno from illustrations. A meeting of singular importance. "I am at our honored guest's disposal."

Masiv nodded, waved to the Grand Magus, and the leader of Regno and Initia disengaged himself from another conversation - with what seemed to be the D̨vatla prince - to move towards Seung Kyung. Masiv moved away, taking his place near other guardsmen, away from the guests. His tall height made it easy for him to keep an eye on the Grand Magus, and his excellent hearing picked up what was being said, easily enough.

"Senior Shaman Seung Kyung!" Grand Magus Viclean clapped both of his hands together, keeping them touching. Masiv knew this was a sign of respect among Magi... considering that it covered the tattoos on the palms, which were generally very powerful. "I have been looking forward to meeting you. Especially after your well thought out and written rebuttal to my own Treatise on magic and faith."

Viclean leaned in and whispered, "May I first say, though, that I am deeply sorry for the way Umbo acted earlier with the Duke. It would be very rude of me to say this of my companion, so I most certainly won't tell you that it was masterfully handled, nor will I ask you to pass along both my apologies and my thanks to the Duke and Jalsi Chae. I wouldn't want to be rude, after all."

"I believe though," the Grand Magus said, in his more boisterous voice, "that I was promised a demonstration! Now, Jalsi Chae did an excellent job, but I wonder if we might have a follow-up? Perhaps, you might be willing to answer a few questions from an old, curious, scholar?"

"Primarily, how the Initia runes function. As I understand, you use bani to fuel your... spells, for lack of a better term. You have runes for specific elemental aspects, and for different individual effects. However... I'm less clear on how, precisely, their functions are determined." She reached into her robe, pulling out a rock. "Kanji - a 'rune', I suppose - acts in accordance to its name when written in Enku. This is one such kanji. Do you know its name?"

She held out the stone, and more importantly, the carving (http://kanji-symbol.net/common/images/txt/pea0006-kai.gif) on the stone. It had been clearly and deliberately carved onto the rock as carefully as possible, and a square drawn around it.

Grand Magus Viclean looked upon the rune, and was silent for a second. His mind was racing at the prospects here. If this is what he thinks it might be, then Wordsmithing was very similar to what Oamenii did with tattoos. Almost reverently, the scholarly part of him took over, and pointed at pieces of the carving. He said, much more softly then his otherwise boisterous voice, "The tips here at the top, the spreading of the lines... if I were looking at this as an Initia rune, I'd say that this is from the Aspect of Fire... though the lines are more solid, almost older in some ways. I'm uncertain, but I'd hazard to guess that there's also some emotional connection to the stability of the Stone, which is an unusual combination. Given the appropriate level of energy..."

Viclean muttered to himself silently, bent over the rock and this 'kanji' in front of him, before looking up at Repear again.

"Light? This is a rune for light?" Viclean felt young again, like he was asking one of his old teachers if he had the answer right. Yet... if he was...

Khäsglis waited for an opportunity to approach Viclean and Umbo. As he finally made his way to them, he gave a small, though respectful, bow. "Your excellencies. I am Khäsglis: Prince of Hüpägh, servant of the Lady of the Dead...and so on." Turning towards Umbo, "I am pleased to have heard that negotiations are going well between our people concerning the camel trade. It is our hope that we may enjoy mutually profitable business for years to come." He gives Umbo a slight nod of his head before turning to Viclean, "...Speaking of business, we have heard that merchants from Regno have taken an interest in dragon shrimp. We wish you well in this venture, and have no intention to disrupt the trade once we have established more firm control of the coastal regions."

"Ah, yes! Prince Khäsglis! A pleasure to meet you." Umbo watched as Viclean talked his fancy words. The Grand Magus grated on Umbo's nerves sometimes, but there was no denying that the man was both smart and powerful. An hour ago, Umbo might have thought to himself that he was of equal strength of character, but... he was rethinking things at the moment. Magic might have it's uses. Such as protection from giant spirit monsters.

And then the prince from D̨vatla mentioned camels. It was as though Umbo had been in sinking sand, but now suddenly he was on firm rock. Business. Wealth. The familiar tones of mercantile endeavors. Viclean seemed to see something in the distance, and nodded towards Umbo. "Master Iadesh here is the merchant. I too wish for a prosperous and friendly relationship, but Umbo is the man to talk to about camels, shrimp, and such. If you will excuse me, the Senior Shaman has a moment for me."

Umbo quickly collected himself as Viclean walked, and soon looked considerably less shaken. One of his two wives brought him a drink, while the other offered a similar beverage to the prince. They were good to Umbo like that. He would thank them both later. "It is good to hear that you'll soon have the more disruptive elements of that area under control. We tried to speak with some of the fishers across the mountain from Regno, but they were vehement that their shrimp was to support the armies that oppose D̨vatla. We offered them more and more Bani and Sapphires in trade, but they were too stubborn. So we went south, and the islanders were much more agreeable. Once your family gets things under control, I'd recommend dealing with the islanders instead of the mountain men. Apparently, they consider themselves one people, even with ocean between them."

2017-11-21, 12:41 AM
Grand Magus Viclean looked upon the rune, and was silent for a second. His mind was racing at the prospects here. If this is what he thinks it might be, then Wordsmithing was very similar to what Oamenii did with tattoos. Almost reverently, the scholarly part of him took over, and pointed at pieces of the carving. He said, much more softly then his otherwise boisterous voice, "The tips here at the top, the spreading of the lines... if I were looking at this as an Initia rune, I'd say that this is from the Aspect of Fire... though the lines are more solid, almost older in some ways. I'm uncertain, but I'd hazard to guess that there's also some emotional connection to the stability of the Stone, which is an unusual combination. Given the appropriate level of energy..."

Viclean muttered to himself silently, bent over the rock and this 'kanji' in front of him, before looking up at Repear again.

"Light? This is a rune for light?" Viclean felt young again, like he was asking one of his old teachers if he had the answer right. Yet... if he was...Reaper honestly hadn't expected him to get it right in one go, nor to figure it out so quickly. She was learning a lot from his initial analysis, as well. Emotional connections could affect a rune's function. It was also possible for a rune to come from an Aspect, suggesting a library of different runes to combine and control.

"Indeed. The kanji's name is hikari - 'light', 'shine', 'gleam'." She tapped her finger against the stone, excitement palpable. "When written in Enku, it grants light without heat. Tell me, how does its shape differ from your sun runes? You said that there may be an emotional connection to the stone's stability, does the material used affect a rune's function?" Reaper's eyes were bright and excited now.

2017-11-22, 02:06 AM
"We don't see many squid and octopi in Kuniumi." Chojo said nonchalantly, turning to look at the Prince. For a brief moment, he would see surprise flicker in her eyes before melting into a warm smile. "But if you wish to tear me away," She purred, "You are certainly welcome to try~"

Khäsglis returns the smile, before throwing up his hands and assuming an expression of mock seriousness. "Ah, but my home is so far from the ocean. I'm afraid I have nothing that can compete with squid and octopus."

"Ah, yes! Prince Khäsglis! A pleasure to meet you." Umbo watched as Viclean talked his fancy words. The Grand Magus grated on Umbo's nerves sometimes, but there was no denying that the man was both smart and powerful. An hour ago, Umbo might have thought to himself that he was of equal strength of character, but... he was rethinking things at the moment. Magic might have it's uses. Such as protection from giant spirit monsters.

And then the prince from D̨vatla mentioned camels. It was as though Umbo had been in sinking sand, but now suddenly he was on firm rock. Business. Wealth. The familiar tones of mercantile endeavors. Viclean seemed to see something in the distance, and nodded towards Umbo. "Master Iadesh here is the merchant. I too wish for a prosperous and friendly relationship, but Umbo is the man to talk to about camels, shrimp, and such. If you will excuse me, the Senior Shaman has a moment for me."

Umbo quickly collected himself as Viclean walked, and soon looked considerably less shaken. One of his two wives brought him a drink, while the other offered a similar beverage to the prince. They were good to Umbo like that. He would thank them both later. "It is good to hear that you'll soon have the more disruptive elements of that area under control. We tried to speak with some of the fishers across the mountain from Regno, but they were vehement that their shrimp was to support the armies that oppose D̨vatla. We offered them more and more Bani and Sapphires in trade, but they were too stubborn. So we went south, and the islanders were much more agreeable. Once your family gets things under control, I'd recommend dealing with the islanders instead of the mountain men. Apparently, they consider themselves one people, even with ocean between them."

Khäsglis gives Viclean another bow as he leaves, slightly disconcerted by his hasty exit. So much for establishing stronger diplomatic ties. Perhaps it means nothing and is for the best, trade is what his father, the king, wants. If Iadesh is the one to talk to, then well...

As Khäsglis is thinking things over, Umbo speaks, prompting an amused snort and a few moments of chuckling from the prince with his last sentence. "I would be careful saying that around them. The islanders are khlëʂik gäkhëgh: the old people. My ancestors' people were never able to conquer the island, you know, even before Dejan. They are likely not to be too happy about anything that fails to properly recognize their long and 'glorious' history. They are definitely the way to go, though. The mountain tribes don't care much for strangers, and much of the mainland coast is more inward focused: not likely to care too much about the far side of the gulf. The islanders, though, they'd be more than happy to take your money, for sure." He continues after another chuckle, "As for who we'll deal with, at the moment we are more concerned with the mainland. Once our rule there has been secured, no doubt the islanders will be happy enough to pay us enough tribute to stay away. Saves us the trouble of trying to conquer an island filled with people much more skilled at sea than ourselves."

2017-11-22, 02:54 AM
The Grand Magus, Reaper, Shaman Jakla, & anyone else who was going to speak with Seung Kyung

OOC: In the interest of coherency this semi-participatory bit will include anyone who was going to speak to Seung Kyung.

Seung Kyung discovered he had gathered up quite the group of interested dignitaries. Prominent among them was the forcible Grand Magus of Regno. The man was very...loud. Well, he had anticipated the desire for something dramatic and had planned accordingly. Thankfully Chae had restrained herself to simply playing with that alien terror she had somehow bonded - he still could only barely sense those things - and not done anything actually drastic. He'd been worried she would feed the Iadeshian noble to Ayam or something equally absurd.

"I do thank you all for your attendance." Seung Kyung spread his arms to address the assembled dignitaries. "I know it will comfort the fallen and please the spirits that such lofty personages acknowledged their actions. I will of course be happy to take specific questions from all interested parties in turn, but the Grand Magus is correct that I promised him a demonstration." He had not entirely expected to be taken up on it, but thankfully he'd been able learn just how literal Regno's ruler could be from the ducal household's newest member. He had begun preparations as soon as it was known the oamenii was coming. "I have a small effort prepared as part of the festivities, and I hope that the experience may prove enlightening to those not familiar with our rituals."

"Such things are not completely without risk, and so I confess I must restrict participation somewhat." He began to signal by gesture for only the leaders themselves to step forward, leaving various retinues behind, directing each to a point around the column. He aligned the first few with the cardinal points - the Grand Magus to the east, Reaper of the Satsujin to the East, and so on. Beyond these an acolyte marched out a circle, pouring a steady stream of white sand to demarcate a barrier. "I will be calling upon the Seashore Countess Haekyu." He put his hand over a face carved into the column, a vaguely female image. "Upon whose domain the draoids made their only massed landfall in Regner. She fought with us that day and is a suitable guest on this one."

Once the outer circle was complete, Seung Kyung pressed a small packet into the hands of each observer - save for the Seretse shaman, who he would not insult by the implication that he needed such defenses. Solidly shelled but squirming slightly, they were live barnacles carefully detached from the rocks of nearby beaches. "Hold tight to those." He cautioned, voice stern. "And there is no chance that you will be swept away. Otherwise you may find yourself the focus of the Countess' affections, a perilous ecstasy."

His warnings expressed, Seung Kyung proceeded to pour out two jugs of rice wine, one bucket of salt water, and one sealed jug of whale blood over the image. The air was filled with a complex, sticky coppery scent evoking the blood tide of battle. Dropping down to the paving stones, he sat before the drum placed on a small platform by the acolytes earlier. The deerhide janggu was a simple hourglass of maple, polished smooth and bearing the many nick marks of years of service. He had carried the drum for four decades and wholly intended to use no other.

Taking up the two sticks, mallet-headed in the left and bamboo rod in the right, he began to play.

Thoom. Thoom. Slowly at first, with low pitch. The mallet in an easy rhythm. Waves coming in, building in the surf. Snap. The bamboo striking. Waves crashing. Clouds spun above, and the vision of the world shifted. The platform of the square beyond vanished as the song continued, and in its place there was sandy beach extending out into crashing surf and dark blue waves beyond.

The face in the column disappeared. From the gap in stone water and sand poured out, mixing and swirling together. They spilled across the square, drenching Seung Kyung's boots and the hem of his robes. Wrapping into a tiny little maelstrom before the drum, they spun faster and faster as the song accelerated. Rising up, a finger's width with each beat. Higher, higher, taking on form and curve, bending and twisting sinuously into a united presence.

Both drumsticks struck as one; then silence.

A woman stood before those gathered, but no human creature of flesh and blood. She was made of white sand built around a skeleton of rounded pebbles. Her eyes were bright blue rock marked with wavy lines and crushed red shells formed crimson lips. Her hair was a miraculous coiffure of golden foam rising twice the height of her skull. A glamorous sleeveless gown of clinging blue water, frilled with white spray cling scandalously to a thin but deliriously feminine figure. [Well.] A melodious voice burst into the minds of those assembled. [How glamorous. A festival.] She spun about, lasciviousness bleeding through with every motion. Her eyes scanned the assembly and she extended a delicate hand, quartz granules flashing in the light. [Seung, do keep playing. Who will do me the honor of the first dance?]

2017-11-22, 12:10 PM
Reaper honestly hadn't expected him to get it right in one go, nor to figure it out so quickly. She was learning a lot from his initial analysis, as well. Emotional connections could affect a rune's function. It was also possible for a rune to come from an Aspect, suggesting a library of different runes to combine and control.

"Indeed. The kanji's name is hikari - 'light', 'shine', 'gleam'." She tapped her finger against the stone, excitement palpable. "When written in Enku, it grants light without heat. Tell me, how does its shape differ from your sun runes? You said that there may be an emotional connection to the stone's stability, does the material used affect a rune's function?" Reaper's eyes were bright and excited now.

The Grand Magus was delighted. Not only had he the right structure down for the rune - this kanji - but he had himself a curious student. He began to roll up the sleeve of his robe on his left, showing more and more of his tattoos, until he got to the one closest to his clavicle. It was a spiral shape, with a lengthy tail, like a tadpole. There were multiple independent tipped lines coming from the top, like beams of light. "This here is the Rune of the Sun. It is affiliated with the emotional connections to both Passion and Wrath, though some argue there are other emotional connections as well. It shares shape and similarities to the Rune of the Flame, but is often found to be both more balanced and harder to... accept into the skin, for lack of a better term. I also have two more Runes of the Sun, one on each palm. They are smaller though, and showing them to you is often seen as... aggressive and offensive in Regnan culture."

"As to the emotional connection to stability that I mentioned, I am afraid that you may have misunderstood. Along with the Aspect of Fire that the Runes of the Sun and the Flame are categorized under, there is also the Aspect of Water, Air, Spirit... and Stone. Each Aspect has had testing and experimentation done, and the gathering of power inherent to the Elements for the Runes has been proved to be more - or less - closely linked to certain emotions. Often a positive and a negative. Passion and Wrath for Fire. And for Stone? Sloth is the negative, while Stability is the positive."

Viclean was just warming up to his favorite subject, and noticed he was gathering a small crowd of his own. He endeavored to explain further, as he had been doing for the past decade and a half to those outside of Regno. "When I said that I thought the hakari... excuse me, hiakari... kanji rune was likely emotionally connected to the stability of the Stone, I meant that it was a possible mixture of the Elements, in relation with the rock that you hold. I am uncertain, because kanji are new to me. Think of it like this: you could probably put the Light based kanji on a scroll of parchment, but it wouldn't hold the same level of emotional connection, and - were this Initia Runes - likely only work for a brief time compared to the same rune on something more permanent. Such as a rock. Yet the parchment would still have some of the same emotional connection to stability, based on the person writing it, as well as perhaps, the ink in use."

"There is a great deal to explore here," the Grand Magus said, sure himself that it was an understatement, gesturing to the kanji on the rock, "Especially if Wordsmithing is a form of... again, lacking a better term... alphabet to runes that Initia has not yet stumbled upon. I would be interested in having a group of Speakers, led by a Magi, come to visit Kuniumi. Mostly to learn more about Wordsmithing, but also, if the Satsujin were interested, to teach your people about Initia."

Viclean rolled down his sleeve, slowly going past the Rune of the Sun, then the Rune of the Swirling Wave, and a private rune that the Grand Magus himself developed as a Speaker, that he called the Rune of Metal's Might. His eyes didn't waver from looking upon Reaper, and he thought privately to himself that whomever he sent to Kunimuni would become very well known in Regno. Perhaps it was time to test his son-in-law and heir, Tutum?

Khäsglis gives Viclean another bow as he leaves, slightly disconcerted by his hasty exit. So much for establishing stronger diplomatic ties. Perhaps it means nothing and is for the best, trade is what his father, the king, wants. If Iadesh is the one to talk to, then well...

As Khäsglis is thinking things over, Umbo speaks, prompting an amused snort and a few moments of chuckling from the prince with his last sentence. "I would be careful saying that around them. The islanders are khlëʂik gäkhëgh: the old people. My ancestors' people were never able to conquer the island, you know, even before Dejan. They are likely not to be too happy about anything that fails to properly recognize their long and 'glorious' history. They are definitely the way to go, though. The mountain tribes don't care much for strangers, and much of the mainland coast is more inward focused: not likely to care too much about the far side of the gulf. The islanders, though, they'd be more than happy to take your money, for sure." He continues after another chuckle, "As for who we'll deal with, at the moment we are more concerned with the mainland. Once our rule there has been secured, no doubt the islanders will be happy enough to pay us enough tribute to stay away. Saves us the trouble of trying to conquer an island filled with people much more skilled at sea than ourselves."

"This makes sense to me." Umbo stroked his lengthy, thin braided beard, as he looked at the Prince some more. This Khäsglis seemed disappointed that Viclean had just left like he did. Umbo debated internally as to whether it would make sense to try and drive them further apart, but decided that - as annoying as he found Viclean sometimes - his loyalty to Iadesh and Regno was worth the effort to try and make nice. Looking over at Viclean, and swallowing the ill feelings Umbo had for the other grandfather of his little Spera, he said to the Prince quielty, "He does want to speak with you, you know."

"I didn't like him at first, and Viclean and I still argue quiet a bit, but we're both smart enough to realize that it's because we're both so similar. So I know he wants to talk with you, because I enjoy the idea of talking with you more. Not just for Iadesh and Regno's mercantile needs, but because D̨vatla presents for both of us the chance to make a strong ally. Viclean will likely bore you with his talk of Initia, if given the chance," Umbo realized he wasn't doing a great job of being nice, but sometimes the truth was important. So he let himself admit it aloud, "but that's... probably not a bad thing. I have seen his City of Sortis, and the average citizen there is smart enough that I'd trust them at counting my camels. Or my bags of bani. My own people in Cataracta? Only one in five of them can count higher than the fingers on their hands, and each of those is a merchant. I'm probably going to let Viclean do what he wants in a couple years, and see just how efficiently Iadesh improves when over half of the population can actually read and write, like in Regno."

"So please don't be offended that he walked away. Magic... distracts him, like only a second wife can." Umbo waved his hand over towards where Viclean was now, talking with the Senior Shaman, and suppressed a shudder. If the girl wasn't the Senior Shaman, what can this one do if angered? Yes. Viclean's Magi will be very welcome in Cataracta, if they can protect us from THAT.

Back to business, though. It is, after all, what Umbo is here for. "I understand, Prince Khäsglis, that D̨vatla has a large quantity of Iron? I know many people in the Five Cities and in Cataracta whom would like to get their hands on more metal, especially with visiting dignitaries from the Concordance being prominent guests. Their way of working Iron is quite interesting to my merchants. Sells quite well."

Almost certainly, Viclean would swing back around and speak with Khäsglis. Please don't see his exit as an... affront or a diplomatic snafu. IC, he would be very pleasant, and very friendly... but the writer has more than one character here, and I was getting tired of just using Viclean. You approached both the Grand Magus and Umbo, so it gave me the opportunity to use a different character. I, the writer, took that chance to develop a different character. I'd be very happy to have the Grand Magus be his... boisterous and happy self for you, if you really wanted to speak specifically with him.
OOC, I just... needed a break from him. And, IC, while he very much does want to be friendly with you... he's an academic at heart. Magic is his "Ooooh, Shiny!".

The Grand Magus, Reaper, Shaman Jakla, & anyone else who was going to speak with Seung Kyung

OOC: In the interest of coherency this semi-participatory bit will include anyone who was going to speak to Seung Kyung.

Seung Kyung discovered he had gathered up quite the group of interested dignitaries. Prominent among them was the forcible Grand Magus of Regno. The man was very...loud. Well, he had anticipated the desire for something dramatic and had planned accordingly. Thankfully Chae had restrained herself to simply playing with that alien terror she had somehow bonded - he still could only barely sense those things - and not done anything actually drastic. He'd been worried she would feed the Iadeshian noble to Ayam or something equally absurd.

"I do thank you all for your attendance." Seung Kyung spread his arms to address the assembled dignitaries. "I know it will comfort the fallen and please the spirits that such lofty personages acknowledged their actions. I will of course be happy to take specific questions from all interested parties in turn, but the Grand Magus is correct that I promised him a demonstration." He had not entirely expected to be taken up on it, but thankfully he'd been able learn just how literal Regno's ruler could be from the ducal household's newest member. He had begun preparations as soon as it was known the oamenii was coming. "I have a small effort prepared as part of the festivities, and I hope that the experience may prove enlightening to those not familiar with our rituals."

"Such things are not completely without risk, and so I confess I must restrict participation somewhat." He began to signal by gesture for only the leaders themselves to step forward, leaving various retinues behind, directing each to a point around the column. He aligned the first few with the cardinal points - the Grand Magus to the east, Reaper of the Satsujin to the East, and so on. Beyond these an acolyte marched out a circle, pouring a steady stream of white sand to demarcate a barrier. "I will be calling upon the Seashore Countess Haekyu." He put his hand over a face carved into the column, a vaguely female image. "Upon whose domain the draoids made their only massed landfall in Regner. She fought with us that day and is a suitable guest on this one."

Once the outer circle was complete, Seung Kyung pressed a small packet into the hands of each observer - save for the Seretse shaman, who he would not insult by the implication that he needed such defenses. Solidly shelled but squirming slightly, they were live barnacles carefully detached from the rocks of nearby beaches. "Hold tight to those." He cautioned, voice stern. "And there is no chance that you will be swept away. Otherwise you may find yourself the focus of the Countess' affections, a perilous ecstasy."

His warnings expressed, Seung Kyung proceeded to pour out two jugs of rice wine, one bucket of salt water, and one sealed jug of whale blood over the image. The air was filled with a complex, sticky coppery scent evoking the blood tide of battle. Dropping down to the paving stones, he sat before the drum placed on a small platform by the acolytes earlier. The deerhide janggu was a simple hourglass of maple, polished smooth and bearing the many nick marks of years of service. He had carried the drum for four decades and wholly intended to use no other.

Taking up the two sticks, mallet-headed in the left and bamboo rod in the right, he began to play.

Thoom. Thoom. Slowly at first, with low pitch. The mallet in an easy rhythm. Waves coming in, building in the surf. Snap. The bamboo striking. Waves crashing. Clouds spun above, and the vision of the world shifted. The platform of the square beyond vanished as the song continued, and in its place there was sandy beach extending out into crashing surf and dark blue waves beyond.

The face in the column disappeared. From the gap in stone water and sand poured out, mixing and swirling together. They spilled across the square, drenching Seung Kyung's boots and the hem of his robes. Wrapping into a tiny little maelstrom before the drum, they spun faster and faster as the song accelerated. Rising up, a finger's width with each beat. Higher, higher, taking on form and curve, bending and twisting sinuously into a united presence.

Both drumsticks struck as one; then silence.

A woman stood before those gathered, but no human creature of flesh and blood. She was made of white sand built around a skeleton of rounded pebbles. Her eyes were bright blue rock marked with wavy lines and crushed red shells formed crimson lips. Her hair was a miraculous coiffure of golden foam rising twice the height of her skull. A glamorous sleeveless gown of clinging blue water, frilled with white spray cling scandalously to a thin but deliriously feminine figure. [Well.] A melodious voice burst into the minds of those assembled. [How glamorous. A festival.] She spun about, lasciviousness bleeding through with every motion. Her eyes scanned the assembly and she extended a delicate hand, quartz granules flashing in the light. [Seung, do keep playing. Who will do me the honor of the first dance?]

Grand Magus Viclean watches with rapt attention, even as he held his packet of barnacles and was told where to stand. Mentally, he was absorbing this information, and the practiced way that the Senior Shaman was handling things. Clearly, there was some science behind this, or the ritual being performed would be, as Seung Kyung hinted, dangerous. Like a new Aspect Scholar experimenting with a personal Rune, something expressly forbidden without supervision of an experienced Magi. Too many Aspectus had caused explosions, harmed themselves, or worse, harmed others.

The drums began to sounds, and the world shifted to what appeared to be a sandy beach. Transportation, or just a hallucinatory effect caused through association?

Viclean didn't know, but he could feel the Elements of Air and Water strengthen. They were being playful, almost... talkative, which was not how Initia worked. The third rank of Initia was called Speaker for a reason, and it wasn't because the individual was good at talking to other Oamenii. One had to find their own way towards communing with the Elements, and Viclean always thought of it as calling out to old friends who were just down the lane. They would then walk his way, answering his call, but they never spoke. This was the first time those old friends were the ones calling to him, and it took some effort to avoid answering. Viclean didn't know what would happen if he did respond, but it likely would not be good for whatever ritual was happening.

A figure was forming of sand and the seashore, and the drums went silent. As the sandy beach disappeared and the festival reasserted itself, Viclean could... hear something. But it was like it was both muted, and in a different language. It was apparent the figure was speaking, moving her crushed sea shell lips, the being in front of him was clearly there, but it was like listening to someone while plugging his ears. Some noise, but hard to make out the sentences. Still, the Grand Magus smirked as the feeling more than the words came through to him clearly. This 'Seashore Countess Haekyu' was hinting that she wanted to dance.

With a spry step belying his years, Viclean moved forward, and the closer he got to her, the more he could feel the Air, the Water, and the Stone within her. Taking a formal bow, before standing in a dancing pose in front of this... Haekyu... Viclean called to the Elements - as ever - like calling to an old friend down the lane, and aloud, still smiling, said in Regnan, "Shall we?"

2017-11-22, 04:09 PM
Khäsglis returns the smile, before throwing up his hands and assuming an expression of mock seriousness. "Ah, but my home is so far from the ocean. I'm afraid I have nothing that can compete with squid and octopus."

Chojo giggled, turning to face him in full. "Oh don't sell yourself short." She held out a single dainty hand for him to take. "I'm sure you can think of something..."

The Grand Magus was delighted. Not only had he the right structure down for the rune - this kanji - but he had himself a curious student. He began to roll up the sleeve of his robe on his left, showing more and more of his tattoos, until he got to the one closest to his clavicle. It was a spiral shape, with a lengthy tail, like a tadpole. There were multiple independent tipped lines coming from the top, like beams of light. "This here is the Rune of the Sun. It is affiliated with the emotional connections to both Passion and Wrath, though some argue there are other emotional connections as well. It shares shape and similarities to the Rune of the Flame, but is often found to be both more balanced and harder to... accept into the skin, for lack of a better term. I also have two more Runes of the Sun, one on each palm. They are smaller though, and showing them to you is often seen as... aggressive and offensive in Regnan culture."

"As to the emotional connection to stability that I mentioned, I am afraid that you may have misunderstood. Along with the Aspect of Fire that the Runes of the Sun and the Flame are categorized under, there is also the Aspect of Water, Air, Spirit... and Stone. Each Aspect has had testing and experimentation done, and the gathering of power inherent to the Elements for the Runes has been proved to be more - or less - closely linked to certain emotions. Often a positive and a negative. Passion and Wrath for Fire. And for Stone? Sloth is the negative, while Stability is the positive."

Viclean was just warming up to his favorite subject, and noticed he was gathering a small crowd of his own. He endeavored to explain further, as he had been doing for the past decade and a half to those outside of Regno. "When I said that I thought the hakari... excuse me, hiakari... kanji rune was likely emotionally connected to the stability of the Stone, I meant that it was a possible mixture of the Elements, in relation with the rock that you hold. I am uncertain, because kanji are new to me. Think of it like this: you could probably put the Light based kanji on a scroll of parchment, but it wouldn't hold the same level of emotional connection, and - were this Initia Runes - likely only work for a brief time compared to the same rune on something more permanent. Such as a rock. Yet the parchment would still have some of the same emotional connection to stability, based on the person writing it, as well as perhaps, the ink in use."

"There is a great deal to explore here," the Grand Magus said, sure himself that it was an understatement, gesturing to the kanji on the rock, "Especially if Wordsmithing is a form of... again, lacking a better term... alphabet to runes that Initia has not yet stumbled upon. I would be interested in having a group of Speakers, led by a Magi, come to visit Kuniumi. Mostly to learn more about Wordsmithing, but also, if the Satsujin were interested, to teach your people about Initia."

Viclean rolled down his sleeve, slowly going past the Rune of the Sun, then the Rune of the Swirling Wave, and a private rune that the Grand Magus himself developed as a Speaker, that he called the Rune of Metal's Might. His eyes didn't waver from looking upon Reaper, and he thought privately to himself that whomever he sent to Kunimuni would become very well known in Regno. Perhaps it was time to test his son-in-law and heir, Tutum?

Reaper chuckled. Viclean claimed she had misunderstood, but judging from his description, she'd gotten it exactly right. The material could affect a rune's function, and from the sound of it, rather drastically.

"This stone's carving is meant to help teach our future wordsmiths how hikari is written; it is not strictly necessary to write it onto a stone. In fact, kanji does not require it be written on anything in particular; only that it be written in Enku, and that it be..." She hesitated. "Mostly unbroken. Hikari could be written on the deck of a ship, for example, and the small gaps between the wooden planks would not affect it. I could just as easily write it onto my dagger."

"Permanence is not generally an issue with the kanji. Enku will eventually fade, as any ink or paint, but so long as the kanji does remain intact, it will function. The bigger issue is keeping the kanji itself properly preserved; to return to the ship metaphor, it is unlikely the hikari kanji would last through a storm."

As he took his clothes off to show off his runes, Reaper's eyes brightened. The runes he was showing bore some similarities to the kanji she knew, but as she ran her hands along his muscles, she noted that the ink was not coming off of his skin. She rubbed her thumb a bit harder, and noted that the ink seemed to be beneath the skin. These were the 'tattoos' she'd heard so much about, it seemed. "Truly fascinating, but these seem to be... 'inactive', I believe would be the word. Perhaps I could try writing one of these with Enku... no, no, too dangerous at this size. Perhaps when I can make it smaller... Can you show me an active one? Do you have any Bani with you?"

As he brought up the possibility of a student coming to Kuniumi, she nodded enthusiastically. She felt like a child again. "Certainly, we'd love to teach of the honmyo! I could send someone to learn of Initia in your own lands as well!"

The Grand Magus, Reaper, Shaman Jakla, & anyone else who was going to speak with Seung Kyung

OOC: In the interest of coherency this semi-participatory bit will include anyone who was going to speak to Seung Kyung.

Seung Kyung discovered he had gathered up quite the group of interested dignitaries. Prominent among them was the forcible Grand Magus of Regno. The man was very...loud. Well, he had anticipated the desire for something dramatic and had planned accordingly. Thankfully Chae had restrained herself to simply playing with that alien terror she had somehow bonded - he still could only barely sense those things - and not done anything actually drastic. He'd been worried she would feed the Iadeshian noble to Ayam or something equally absurd.

"I do thank you all for your attendance." Seung Kyung spread his arms to address the assembled dignitaries. "I know it will comfort the fallen and please the spirits that such lofty personages acknowledged their actions. I will of course be happy to take specific questions from all interested parties in turn, but the Grand Magus is correct that I promised him a demonstration." He had not entirely expected to be taken up on it, but thankfully he'd been able learn just how literal Regno's ruler could be from the ducal household's newest member. He had begun preparations as soon as it was known the oamenii was coming. "I have a small effort prepared as part of the festivities, and I hope that the experience may prove enlightening to those not familiar with our rituals."

"Such things are not completely without risk, and so I confess I must restrict participation somewhat." He began to signal by gesture for only the leaders themselves to step forward, leaving various retinues behind, directing each to a point around the column. He aligned the first few with the cardinal points - the Grand Magus to the east, Reaper of the Satsujin to the East, and so on. Beyond these an acolyte marched out a circle, pouring a steady stream of white sand to demarcate a barrier. "I will be calling upon the Seashore Countess Haekyu." He put his hand over a face carved into the column, a vaguely female image. "Upon whose domain the draoids made their only massed landfall in Regner. She fought with us that day and is a suitable guest on this one."

Once the outer circle was complete, Seung Kyung pressed a small packet into the hands of each observer - save for the Seretse shaman, who he would not insult by the implication that he needed such defenses. Solidly shelled but squirming slightly, they were live barnacles carefully detached from the rocks of nearby beaches. "Hold tight to those." He cautioned, voice stern. "And there is no chance that you will be swept away. Otherwise you may find yourself the focus of the Countess' affections, a perilous ecstasy."

His warnings expressed, Seung Kyung proceeded to pour out two jugs of rice wine, one bucket of salt water, and one sealed jug of whale blood over the image. The air was filled with a complex, sticky coppery scent evoking the blood tide of battle. Dropping down to the paving stones, he sat before the drum placed on a small platform by the acolytes earlier. The deerhide janggu was a simple hourglass of maple, polished smooth and bearing the many nick marks of years of service. He had carried the drum for four decades and wholly intended to use no other.

Taking up the two sticks, mallet-headed in the left and bamboo rod in the right, he began to play.

Thoom. Thoom. Slowly at first, with low pitch. The mallet in an easy rhythm. Waves coming in, building in the surf. Snap. The bamboo striking. Waves crashing. Clouds spun above, and the vision of the world shifted. The platform of the square beyond vanished as the song continued, and in its place there was sandy beach extending out into crashing surf and dark blue waves beyond.

The face in the column disappeared. From the gap in stone water and sand poured out, mixing and swirling together. They spilled across the square, drenching Seung Kyung's boots and the hem of his robes. Wrapping into a tiny little maelstrom before the drum, they spun faster and faster as the song accelerated. Rising up, a finger's width with each beat. Higher, higher, taking on form and curve, bending and twisting sinuously into a united presence.

Both drumsticks struck as one; then silence.

A woman stood before those gathered, but no human creature of flesh and blood. She was made of white sand built around a skeleton of rounded pebbles. Her eyes were bright blue rock marked with wavy lines and crushed red shells formed crimson lips. Her hair was a miraculous coiffure of golden foam rising twice the height of her skull. A glamorous sleeveless gown of clinging blue water, frilled with white spray cling scandalously to a thin but deliriously feminine figure. [Well.] A melodious voice burst into the minds of those assembled. [How glamorous. A festival.] She spun about, lasciviousness bleeding through with every motion. Her eyes scanned the assembly and she extended a delicate hand, quartz granules flashing in the light. [Seung, do keep playing. Who will do me the honor of the first dance?]

Grand Magus Viclean watches with rapt attention, even as he held his packet of barnacles and was told where to stand. Mentally, he was absorbing this information, and the practiced way that the Senior Shaman was handling things. Clearly, there was some science behind this, or the ritual being performed would be, as Seung Kyung hinted, dangerous. Like a new Aspect Scholar experimenting with a personal Rune, something expressly forbidden without supervision of an experienced Magi. Too many Aspectus had caused explosions, harmed themselves, or worse, harmed others.

The drums began to sounds, and the world shifted to what appeared to be a sandy beach. Transportation, or just a hallucinatory effect caused through association?

Viclean didn't know, but he could feel the Elements of Air and Water strengthen. They were being playful, almost... talkative, which was not how Initia worked. The third rank of Initia was called Speaker for a reason, and it wasn't because the individual was good at talking to other Oamenii. One had to find their own way towards communing with the Elements, and Viclean always thought of it as calling out to old friends who were just down the lane. They would then walk his way, answering his call, but they never spoke. This was the first time those old friends were the ones calling to him, and it took some effort to avoid answering. Viclean didn't know what would happen if he did respond, but it likely would not be good for whatever ritual was happening.

A figure was forming of sand and the seashore, and the drums went silent. As the sandy beach disappeared and the festival reasserted itself, Viclean could... hear something. But it was like it was both muted, and in a different language. It was apparent the figure was speaking, moving her crushed sea shell lips, the being in front of him was clearly there, but it was like listening to someone while plugging his ears. Some noise, but hard to make out the sentences. Still, the Grand Magus smirked as the feeling more than the words came through to him clearly. This 'Seashore Countess Haekyu' was hinting that she wanted to dance.

With a spry step belying his years, Viclean moved forward, and the closer he got to her, the more he could feel the Air, the Water, and the Stone within her. Taking a formal bow, before standing in a dancing pose in front of this... Haekyu... Viclean called to the Elements - as ever - like calling to an old friend down the lane, and aloud, still smiling, said in Regnan, "Shall we?"

"'Haekyu'." Reaper repeated to herself, memorizing the exact pronounication as best as she could. She felt no interest as the water began to swirl and the sand began to coalesce into a womanly form that she felt a pang of jealousy for.

But when Haekyu began to speak, the Satsujin's mouth fell open in shock. Though the words were not Trade, nor Kunai, nor any language that Reaper had ever learned, she understood every word.

The true language. It was speaking the true language! The very words spoken by the gods themselves when they made the world had reverberated within her mind!

Reaper's mind had always had a talent for recollection, but the words this creature spoke seemed to slip through her mind like sand between her hands. She grasped her head, frantically trying to recall (though she wasn't foolish enough to release the barnacle). "Yreg sthgink?... no no, it was... 'esta buena'? Urgh, no, I- ... Ash nazg thrakatuluk... krimpatul?! No, that wasn't it either..."

2017-11-22, 08:16 PM
"This makes sense to me." Umbo stroked his lengthy, thin braided beard, as he looked at the Prince some more. This Khäsglis seemed disappointed that Viclean had just left like he did. Umbo debated internally as to whether it would make sense to try and drive them further apart, but decided that - as annoying as he found Viclean sometimes - his loyalty to Iadesh and Regno was worth the effort to try and make nice. Looking over at Viclean, and swallowing the ill feelings Umbo had for the other grandfather of his little Spera, he said to the Prince quielty, "He does want to speak with you, you know."

"I didn't like him at first, and Viclean and I still argue quiet a bit, but we're both smart enough to realize that it's because we're both so similar. So I know he wants to talk with you, because I enjoy the idea of talking with you more. Not just for Iadesh and Regno's mercantile needs, but because D̨vatla presents for both of us the chance to make a strong ally. Viclean will likely bore you with his talk of Initia, if given the chance," Umbo realized he wasn't doing a great job of being nice, but sometimes the truth was important. So he let himself admit it aloud, "but that's... probably not a bad thing. I have seen his City of Sortis, and the average citizen there is smart enough that I'd trust them at counting my camels. Or my bags of bani. My own people in Cataracta? Only one in five of them can count higher than the fingers on their hands, and each of those is a merchant. I'm probably going to let Viclean do what he wants in a couple years, and see just how efficiently Iadesh improves when over half of the population can actually read and write, like in Regno."

"So please don't be offended that he walked away. Magic... distracts him, like only a second wife can." Umbo waved his hand over towards where Viclean was now, talking with the Senior Shaman, and suppressed a shudder. If the girl wasn't the Senior Shaman, what can this one do if angered? Yes. Viclean's Magi will be very welcome in Cataracta, if they can protect us from THAT.

Back to business, though. It is, after all, what Umbo is here for. "I understand, Prince Khäsglis, that D̨vatla has a large quantity of Iron? I know many people in the Five Cities and in Cataracta whom would like to get their hands on more metal, especially with visiting dignitaries from the Concordance being prominent guests. Their way of working Iron is quite interesting to my merchants. Sells quite well."

Khäsglis listens to Umbo speaking of Viclean, nodding politely and chuckling at the mention of being bored by Initia. As the conversation turns to iron he smiles, which turns to a grimace at the mention of the Concordance. "Yes, iron, of course. By all accounts the Azen are quite skilled at ironworking...No doubt some arrangement can be made. My people will be eager to demonstrate that we know a few tricks the southerns haven't worked out yet."

After a momentary hesitation and a couple furtive glances around, the prince continues more quietly. "There is...another matter. There was some concern about the voyage across the gulf. Arrangements had been made with the islanders, so we had no fear from them, but the chaos in the League cities was another matter. We had reports that many had turned to piracy, and there was some thought that they might be bold enough to push north and cross our path as we angled south to shorten the land journey. Yet we saw nothing of the sort. It was not until we landed that we learned the reason. Other sailors reported that not long before we set sail the empress bestirred herself and crossed from the peninsula with her armies. We thought, well, that it was not that surprising. Surely the piracy from the former League cities would threaten imperial trade heavily. Then, while crossing the deserts, we heard more. Other caravans brought us rumors from the south, saying that in a bold and unlooked-for move armies out of Varjik swung wide around Ortassa and landed south of Izbefe. This...was harder to dismiss. While I admit we have little interest in the politics of Regner, this two-pronged movement cannot be ignored. The implications are too...dire. If the empire has taken an interest in the northwest again..." Another couple furtive glances, and the prince leans in close to whisper, "...it must be stopped, no?"

Don't worry, Khäsglis is pretty young, so this is really his first time outside D̨vatla or Region 10, and his first real independent diplomatic job. I just pictured him watching Viclean suddenly wander off, and thinking "Nooooooo, come baaaack, I'm supposed to do diplomacy at you..."

Chojo and the prince with the entirely sensible and easily spelled name

Chojo giggled, turning to face him in full. "Oh don't sell yourself short." She held out a single dainty hand for him to take. "I'm sure you can think of something..."

Khäsglis looks contemplative for a moment. "Well, maybe there is something. In most peoples' hands iron is too soft to be very useful." He reaches out to take Chojo's hand, "But most people are pleasantly surprised by how hard D̨vatlan iron is...would you care to see for yourself?"

2017-11-22, 10:27 PM
Chojo and the prince with the entirely sensible and easily spelled name

Khäsglis looks contemplative for a moment. "Well, maybe there is something. In most peoples' hands iron is too soft to be very useful." He reaches out to take Chojo's hand, "But most people are pleasantly surprised by how hard D̨vatlan iron is...would you care to see for yourself?"

"I believe I would." Chojo stepped closer to him as he took her hand. "But what shall I do for you in exchange?"

2017-11-25, 09:51 AM
The spiritual demonstration
Jakla soon found that Seung Kyung didn’t have time to talk, as he needed to address several other guests as well. He didn’t mind, as he felt that in his age there was no need to rush anything. And he had to admit he felt some youthful excitement resurface upon hearing what the Jalsi was about to do. He didn’t often get to see another shaman call for a spirit to physically manifest, and he was eager to see how Amham rituals would differ from their own.

It was for this reason that he tried to take note of everything that was happening: how the dignitaries were aligned, how the barrier was formed, what kind of protection was given (although he had to squint for a while to make out what the others were holding in their hands), the face on the column, and the offering all the while enthusiastically counting all the similarities and differences between this ritual and the ones he was used to. But what really impressed him was the use of the drum. He had never, in all his years, considered the use of music to call for a spirit. Writing the spirit’s name on their domain and calling out to them had always felt so natural that he hadn’t even thought of an alternative.

As Haekyu began to take her physical form, Jakla watched intently. This was a marvel he never grew tired of seeing. His feelings were a curious mix of both nostalgia and excitement, fond memories and the joy of seeing something new. Discreetly he wiped a single tear from his left eye. He of course wasn’t familiar with this spirit, but he started to have a faint idea of what to expect from her presence. A trickstery type, perhaps?

When Haekyu finally stood before them, Jakla dropped to one knee, as he had done upon meeting the duke before. [Greetings, venerable Seashore Countess Haekyu.] Even though he knew everyone in the vicinity had heard what she said, conversating with a spirit always felt more intimate to him than talking with other people. Probably because it happened entirely within his mind, instead of being an exchange in a way a “normal” conversation was. If only he could call to his peers like this! However, now was not the time to be lost in these thoughts, as someone approached Haekyu. It was the Grand Magus, Jakla believed. ”Bold. Perhaps too bold.” he thought, stroking his chin while observing with a keen interest.
Somewhere in the festival area
Elsewhere, Odenege and Kodora were bickering, as had become habitual for the two. ”So you insist on coming to a diplomatic mission, but won’t even bother with basic courtesy?” Odenege asked, annoyed by the incident upon meeting the Duke. He knew that Kodora had not volunteered for this and was primarily there to keep an eye on Odenege, but that wasn’t something he was going to acknowledge aloud. ”’Give as you are given unto’, my father always said. No respect from them means no respect from me.” Kodora immediately shot back in his usual fashion. ”We are not in Kadanga anymore. Respect is still respect, even if offered in a different way.” Odenege was thoroughly tired of dealing with the man, but still tried to reason to him. ”We aren’t, but we should be. What benefit is there to dealing with these foreigners? The Seretse do fine on their own.” This was a sentiment Odenege had heard many times before. But the times were changing, and they had to as well. ”And what if someone like Dejan once more invades us? Will you still think we don’t need anyone but ourselves?” From the grimace of the young chief Odenege knew he had struck a nerve. It was well known that Kodora’s tribe had disdained the Avakonian occupation. From then on the two spent time becoming familiar with the names and appearances of the various dignitaries, one gladly and the other begrudgingly.

2017-11-25, 07:28 PM
Grand Magus Viclean, Reaper, and Jakla

Haekyu danced. First with the Grand Magus, then with those to follow. As Seung played she shifted from one style to the next, without pattern, fluid. She dominated the steps, regardless of partner, but whether or not anyone might protest it would be impossible to keep up. She was astoundingly, impossibly, good at it. Seung struck out the beat as rapidly as he dared, barely able to keep up.

Tendrils of sand crept out from Haekyu's fingertips, reaching and grasping, slender ropes in the air. They tightened unseen, searching to bind, to grasp and drag those partnered with the countess into the undertow. Wrapping around, only to slip away, powerless. Barnacles defeated this ploy. The spirit noticed this, of course, but kept going until Seung had to give in. He dropped the sticks from his hands at once, bringing her dance to a close.

[Hmm...] She purred. [Not bad, but it seems Seung objects to any of you coming home with me today.] She flashed a girlish pout. [Ah well, the tide shifts, there will be other days.] Her gaze passed over those assembled within the circle. [I suppose you all expect some grand declaration of wisdom, as if I was some mountain in the depths with nothing to do but spend the ages in contemplation. Very well, I suppose it was a good dance after all.] She spun about, water swirling up until her humanoid form vanished and there was nothing but a spinning pillar of white sand and dark water. [All of you face mystery. You.] A liquid tendril extended to the Grand Magus of Regno. [Seek to pierce them.] It vanished and a second wave-whip pointed to the Kunai. [You seek to contain them.] Next two tendrils encompassed Jakla and Seung. [And you seek to bargain with them.] Her voice rose like a crashing wave. [Being mortals, none are wholly correct, but.] And her face suddenly reappeared, facing in all directions at once, winking. [Those who talk to us are the most courteous.]

There was a blast of swirling spray, water and sand together, waves falling over all. Then Haekyu was gone, and all stood on the paving stones once more, surrounded by the festival.

Seung struggled to his feet, knees aching. He was getting too old for such long exertions before the drum. "I thank all our participants deeply. Clearly we have been given something to consider. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the festival."