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2017-11-17, 12:19 AM
The Reaping Stone

Whether you traveled to Maerh-Varza or have lived here all your life, you all have made your way to The Stirge and Hammer on this night. The modest two-story building in Maerh-Varza’s Market Hill district has an easily-recognizable 'shingle' depicting an oversized insect next to a blacksmith's hammer and is known as a favorite of locals known for its excellent brew and respectable nature.

Upon your entry, you find yourselves in the taproom of the Stirge and Hammer Inn. The inn’s fieldstone walls are adorned with dozens of hunting trophies and war mementos—including a collection of two dozen gnoll heads mounted over the large twin fireplaces and the well-preserved body of a snarling gnoll chieftain clutching a rusty and dented great axe. The taproom has an L-shaped bar well and a dozen or so tables and benches, and is welllit by the roaring fires in the fireplaces and several oil lamps hanging from the walls. Steady rain since mid-afternoon has produced a slow evening for The Stirge and Hammer, in fact there appears to only be six of you that are currently here.

A tall, lean man with grey hair and hawk-like features nodded genially in cognizance of your entry from behind the bar - but it is plain as the fading sun he keeps a careful, watching eye of over the dark-eyed and voluptuous young woman who smiles at you in greeting. As you each take your seats she makes her rounds to each of your tables.

"Greetings, I am Basila how may we of the Stirge and Hammer be of service?"

Using Roll20 for the maps, Please join it. Once you join it let me know OOC and I will give you access to move your token.


2017-11-17, 02:23 AM
"Brrr. Wet one outside. Hot mulled wine, if you please!" The first to order was the smallest of the group: A ruddy halfling with a still-damp mop of blond hair, who'd chosen the seat nearest to a fireplace. "And if you've a soup or stew on, that'd be grand."

2017-11-17, 03:11 AM
Placing her helmet and plate gauntlets on the table, and leaning her greatsword against the wall, the blonde woman with ridiculously fine features clears her throat. "Um. Same for me, please."

2017-11-17, 08:33 AM
A tall thin man, wearing indistinct mottled grey clothing positions himself in the corner, so he can see everyone entering the inn and have no one at his back. He props his longbow in the corner, within easy reaching distance. "Just stew and water for me, and bread if you have it.", he says, as his eyes scans the room.

2017-11-17, 12:23 PM
"Mulled wine and some soup does indeed sound like a wonderful idea." The voice coming from a lightly tanned elf, dressed in odd black and white outfit that seems like a cross between robes and more traditional clothing. When she turns to sit at a table near the wall a sickle can be seen at the small of her back.

2017-11-17, 06:15 PM
"Mayhaps, I twould partake in thy soup and mead?" says the rather richly dressed woman. Her clothing having a rather dainty look about it, yet there were areas of her dress that were far too tough looking. Perhaps the most out of place for her was the store sign hung on one of her arms annoucing the Book Bell and Candle, the other with a rather heavy looking metal gauntlet.

2017-11-18, 01:05 PM
The Stirge and Hammer Inn

Basila made her rounds to each of your tables and having taken your orders she heads back towards the bar stopping in front of the barkeep and relaying your drink orders to him. As the barkeep pulls out some mugs and begins filling them, Basila makes her way through the door behind the bar. The barkeep delivers your drinks to your respective tables informing you that the food will be out shortly and that if you have need of anything else to just ask. Moments later Basila returns with a tray full of bowls and several small bread rolls delivering them to your tables before heading back towards the bar. The warmth of the fireplaces seeps into your bones and warms you up, a sense of contentment settles into you as you relax in the tavern as you begin eating your meals. During this time Basila had picked up a violin and slowly playing it, adding a beautiful melody to the tavern.

2017-11-18, 08:34 PM
The large woman had sat silently at her table, face in hands, far too distracted to even have heard the girl passing by. With one of her scarves she wiped the small drops of blood from the side of her face. It wasn't hers. Three times she had doubled back on herself while meandering through the streets of Maer-Varza, scanning the darkness to see if they had followed. Why was misfortune so spiteful, could it be her only friend? Finding company in others was to court death, and now it had come for Thurzen's champions, drowning them in the maze of catacombs below her feet. Her friends were dead, some had even risen again. The emotions threatened to overwhelm her senses. With great effort, she stilled the shaking in her shoulders and re-plastered the calm facade upon her face from beneath her hands. This wasn't right, but it was the captain's order... his last order. It had become near-impossible to make it back and report what had befallen her allies.

There was no one left. No one left, again. This time it would be different, this time she would uplift the veil of suffering and death which fell upon the shoulders of those who crossed her path. The veil that crushed those beneath it; their ashes scattered to the winds. Another city would not fall to madness and hatred, not again, not if she could help it. The shimmering silver of the woven metal threads which fabricated the illusion of the armored skirt of psychokinetic energy obscured that legacy, and the viscera of the Rovers who had been butchered mere hours ago. The neat and tidy appearance and lavender-scent from her flowing gray mantle was as much a lie as the face of calm she nailed to her skull. A hand slid down into her deep pocket within the folds of her cloths, producing an intricate ring of plated gold, weaving threads like vines holding King Thurzen's crest accented by the crossed swords of Maer-Varza's honored military order; the Rovers. Holding the tarnished thing filled her mind with disquieting thoughts, the freshly congealing blood from Haukin's severed hand caused her to visibly flinch.

Sundown. The last rays of light had flickered out before the dive beneath the Reliquary of Saint Naratha. They had no idea they would not return. The chaos which quickly followed was as a storm. Flickers of sparks lit the way, as monstrous faces emerged from the darkness with the screams. Crashing through the thrashing limbs and blood, they broke through behind the wall of the woman's massive blade. The maze below had grown twisted and distorted beyond recognition. Paths abruptly ended, new ones began and tunnels of recent excavations sprawled off in every direction. Inhuman beasts ran madly through the blackness and they met the charge, entrapped in the impenetrable darkness. A cancerous blight had festered beneath the city and birthed a beast, now it was upon them. The last of them found their way to the outer wall of which marked the beginning of the lower city's drainage system. The attacks had ceased just long enough for them to emerge back upon street level, but beneath the pouring rain and nightfall were cloaked figures left in waiting. They descended upon them with cruel hooked knives and a gibbering insane laughter...

Cringing at the memory of those last moments, she gripped the signet in a white-knuckled fist. She had ran with Captain Haukin's hand and last orders through the extinguished-lantern roads of low town, dodging her pursuers with all haste. Now only one Rover remained from the Hrazhad-Kul Delvers. They had spent weeks together surveying the ruins around the city, never expecting an attack from directly below. It had only been three weeks since she had found her way to the city as a member of the order, and it had already spun out of control. One soul had no hope of reaching the palace alive, not when their face was known by the enemy. Thus, she had come seeking out the man the company had once called The Steel Hound, an old Rover from days long past. Haukin and her companions often spoke of the exploits and cunning of the now retired ranger. How he had infiltrated the enemy, or sniped a cultist from an impossible distance; that was Vasaro the Hound. He earned that name after the skirmish at the breach, so they said; developing an unrivaled hatred for gnolls after what they did to the villagers in the east.

Looking around herself once again at the particular choice of interior decoration of this place, she was sure that she had the right place, yet... Once again her gaze drifted to the man behind the bar. 'That's the 'Steel Hound'?' He looked like a Rover to be sure, lean and light of foot, but he didn't look like so legendary a man. While she didn't doubt that he had been a surgeon with a bow, the rust from years in retirement was thick upon his figure. He was old now and who could say how much of the stories were true, or how much remained. Still, it wasn't her place to question the confidence Captain Haukin still held in the man. The playing of Basila's violin slowly brought her back to her senses. Regardless of how much was or wasn't true, her being here was an unnecessary risk to the Hound's livelihood, family and patrons... She squinted at the dangling sign of the Book Bell and Candle, shaking her head dismissively a moment later. There was no time to idle, she needed to complete her task here and make her best attempt to break through the encirclement which was keeping her from the palace, or draw them away. Even if she failed, it should be enough to throw suspicion off their contingency which came in the form of... him.

The heavy bags she picked up from the floor were the only equipment immediately visible which hinted at the recent massacre. The mud and foul bloody stains which soaked into the thick canvas couldn't be so easily washed away. Still it wasn't absurdly unusual, a Rover's traveling bags often showed signs of wear and battle, just usually not ones so fresh. Donning the bags, she made her way to the bar. Though she was an unusually tall woman, standing nearly six and a half feet tall, the sword belted on her side was sized for someone who perhaps stood at double her height. The massive blade was held in place by multiple belts thick enough to be armor in their own right, then bolted upright by a sturdy chain from the scabbard's end. The thing's length extended at least two feet over the woman's own stature, and despite the chain which balanced it, its scabbard's end still tapped and rasped along the floor with every-other step.

Leaning on the counter looking at some of the bottles of liquor, she addressed the man. "Haukin said that you settled down to serve mead and raise a family. Can't say I much believed him after the stories he told of the things you two did together. That old fool could've retired too..." The last bit was spoken with something of a pained sigh. She spoke in a low voice as to diminish the likelihood of being overheard. "I know we have no right to ask this of you, however his majesty requires your service one last time." Placing down a worn sealed letter and Haukin's ring on the other side of the counter, she spoke clearly but as low as she could to not draw attention. "He's dead. We found evidence of Hrazhad-Kul. I'll be leaving in five minutes to draw pursuers out of the Market Hill district. After you close the bar, deliver that directly to King Thurzen; no one else."

✥ (Pre-Tavern Entry) Full Round Action - Gain Psionic Focus
✥ (Pre-Tavern Entry) Move Action - Don Astral Suit (Armor)

2017-11-18, 09:44 PM
Recognizing Kas'Llyn'Ryel's face as one of the new recruits, and the fresh blood stains on her travel bags, he thought she might be in need of some assistance. He waited until she was done talking to the barkeep to approach. "I'll have whatever she's having, and put her bill on my tab." he says, and waits for the barkeep to turn away to get his drink. Pitching his voice low, Aethyr says "Looks like you ran into a bit of trouble" nodding at the bags by her feet. "If you need a hand with anything, I'm at your service." He pulls up his sleeve for just a moment, to let her see the intricate white scars from being branded running down his forearm, indicating he was a member of the King's royal assassins. Very few outside King Thurzen's service even knew about the brand, and he hoped her training had covered it already. It was a death sentence for any outside of the cadre of assassins to have that brand, though it would be very foolish to anger the assassins by imitating them.

2017-11-18, 11:05 PM
The woman glanced at the man's brand in passing, trying not to draw attention to the gesture. Patting the man on the back, she spoke but traced a word on the counter out of sight at the same time. "Many thanks for the drink friend. I just so happen to be in dire need of fine company." It read 'Hrazhad-Kul'. "I myself have recently discovered that it's better to drink alone, everywhere except... here." She spoke the last word in a stressed tone. The message was clear; though it had been centuries since it had vanished, they had uncovered evidence of the profane vaulted caverns of Hrazhad-Kul, here directly within the city. The enemies of Maer-Varza - the enemies of the king, the wicked loyalists of Maramaga had returned. They were under attack.

2017-11-19, 12:59 AM
Wary of all these armed and rough-looking people, Slithein stares intently at the small group conversing by the bar. Her eyes glow visibly with golden light for a moment.

OOC: Detect Evil as a spell-like on the three people at the bar.

2017-11-19, 01:44 AM
Nairiyn gives a small word of thanks to the barkeep as he brings the elf her drink. Taking a moment to hand him the appropriate coinage for the drink and meal. She doesn't even need to wait long before Basila comes out with the food and another word of thanks is exchanged before tucking in. As she eats Nairiyn's thoughts turn towards that of her companion forced to wait outside in a nearby alley. Despite being quite well behaved the tiger's presence tended to unnerve most they had met, making the elf yern briefly for the days he'd been but a kitten, but still there'd been a dry spot under an overhang and the big cat's barding marked him as being no wild animal.

The trio at the bar are given a glance but Nairiyn can hardly be bothered to pry with good food, good music, and her thoughts occupying her.

2017-11-19, 03:44 AM
Candlekey, for the moment, concerned herself not with the others the moment her food was brought out and presented to her. Rather, as always, it was important to eat before you couldn't eat. Giving a small silent prayer for the food, she began to work on the soup. Only she wasn't using her hands in the slightest, and likely the reason she didn't take off the heavy glove and buckler, as a crude spoon made of magical energy floated about to scoop up her soup and bringing it to her mouth. She was always practicing after all, even something as simple as a meal could help increase her abilities.

2017-11-19, 03:50 AM
Once he'd been sufficiently warmed, dried, and fed Amin finished his stew and took his wine and empty bowl to the bar, hopping up onto a stool. "Couldn't help but overhear you were in dire need of fine company," he said to the large woman he found himself sitting next to. "And I've found it's never better to drink alone."

2017-11-19, 05:19 AM
The woman grinned at the new face. The halfling was peculiar in just about every way and outfitted to travel, but one couldn't overlook the aura of competence he extruded. His stature didn't detract from the grace of his well honed physique or gnarled hands hardened from years of training. The little man looked perfectly capable of holding his own. Her gaze briefly paused on the dancing spoon feeding its master. The liberal use of magic provoked a raised brow. The magicians under the employ of the court were usually far too busy drowning in their own ego to ever be caught dead using their craft publicly, least it involved turning men to ash or something equally dramatic and foul. Seeing a magician without those stagnant ideologies was... unusually refreshing.

Patting the short man on the back she spoke, "...And a pleasure to find company as fine as yours, friend." She extended a hand in greeting, "I'm Kas'Llyn, a humble ranger under his majesty's employ. You've got the air of a fighter, if you're ever looking for a job that could use those skills come and find me. The Rovers could use more men like you." That may have perhaps been more true now, than a few hours ago but she tried to keep those thoughts to herself. There wasn't many of them, but they were all good men and the job did pay well. The soldiers in the imperial army, the rangers in the Rovers, even the kings spy's and assassins; it had shown her a different face to the city and the crown's rule. A far cry from the bitterness and cruelty she'd known in days past. The men and women who served Maer-Varza were some of the finest folks she'd met, she honestly believed that. It was a strange thought, an unusual feeling, to be in service to a monarch once again. Had she ever felt that way before? Had the eyes of the men she served with in Korvosa ever elicited such a sense of honest respect? A memory of grim faces, crooked grins and the Hellknights she tolerated came to mind.

She knew the answer.

2017-11-19, 02:18 PM
"The more the merrier in my humble opinion." Aethyr says, as he follows Kas'Llyn's lead, drawing out "FOLLOWED?", using the ring of moisture from his mug to spell it out, then hastily erased the word.

2017-11-19, 03:38 PM
The ranger chuckled feigning merriment to follow up with the assassin's words. "That's the spirit! In this city one can never be certain when they'll find the pleasure of unexpected company." With so many more eyes upon the bar, she felt it was no longer safe passing notes and simply decided to pass her message to the assassin in a more cryptic fashion: She couldn't be certain if they had tracked her to here, but unexpected company lingered still in the city. Her gaze occasionally drifted towards the windows and doors, but not in an unusual manner. After all, she couldn't be sure if her pursuers had been able follow her this far out in Market Hill, in the pouring rain no less. Even still, she couldn't shake the feeling that she should have kept moving rather than risk drawing unnecessary attention to this place. At the very least, perhaps with a royal assassin and Vasaro's letter one of them might have a chance of reaching the palace alive. It was an uneasy hope.

2017-11-19, 07:53 PM
Vasaro looked at the large woman that approached him with a quizical eye, looking down at the letter and signet ring he sighs heavily. "Haukin was a good man, I had tried to convince him to retire several times but he just couldn't leave the job to you youngsters." His face shows no suprise at the news you provided him with but he does seem a bit worried. Filling two small glasses with a dark, vile looking liquid he sets one infront of the woman as he places the other infront of an empty seat. (Sleight of Hand DC20) Grabbing the letter and slipping it into his pocket, "I will always be inservice to his Majesty." Nodding in acknowledgement to Aethyr, Vasaro fills two mugs with some mead and sets them down infront of them, Turning away to give them a little privacy.

You notice that the signet ring was slipped into the glass that he set infront of an empty seat.

Slitheins eyes and senses roam through the three as the bar but detects no evil eminating from them, she does however sense something coming up from the cellar.

As the city bells chime the midnight hour, your tranquility is suddenly interrupted by a rush of footsteps and a series of high-pitched yips and growls. This noise precedes the appearance of four small reptilian humanoids, followed by three armored men wielding scythes and a woman in dark, blood-red robes. As you quickly come to your senses and move to defend yourselves, you see that three of reptilian humanoids carry smoking wooden batons and the other one carries a small vial that emits a bright blue glow. As the creatures prepare to throw their items at you, the robed woman draws a glass vial from the folds of her robe and shouts an order: “For the glory of the Scythe Mother! Kill them all!”

Initiative Goes to the Party, Round 1 FIGHT!

2017-11-19, 08:48 PM
Amin was closest to the door, and moved instinctively to take out the torch-bearers as quickly as possible. He slipped from his stool, ducking only slightly to get under a table, and blasted a gout of yellow flame at them.

Move to D10 and draw his sword.
Standard Action: Burning Hands the four small reptilians for [roll0] damage (Reflex DC 16 for half damage)

2017-11-19, 09:18 PM
Nodding in affirmation of Vasaro's words she took the drink off the counter. Maybe things could still be turned around - she took a long draw from the tankard in silent contemplation. Then the sudden sound of footsteps followed by the familiar yelps and gibbering of strange creatures met her ear. The glass slipped from her hand to shatter on the floor just as the horde burst through the door to flood into the taproom. With practiced grace she hefted her body off to the side with a defensive step. A hand had already snapped loose the leather straps which enclosed her scabbard as she moved. The massive blade was without an edge, as rounded as a man's forearm and just as thick. The wear and fresh rust did little to distract from the artistry and beauty of the thing. It was as a relic, engraved with strange chirography and depictions of monstrous otherworldly beasts which loomed over cloud and mountain.

With a brief mental command she banished the psychokinetic image she wore, reverting it to a thin barrier above her skin, revealing the armor beneath. Like a profound allusion to the nature of truth, the illusion melted away and revealed the ugly reality. Gray plates of metal, damp and slick with clay and gore. Filth dribbled down the back of the woman's thick heavy black mantle to stain the polished wood on the floor. The mud and small bits of bloody flesh stuck on her sabaton's and cleated boots spread macabre maroon puddles underfoot, fresh from the catacombs far below. Her gauntleted hands were missing small bits of metal, revealing the chain links which covered the leather. The damage was negligible, but her pauldrons, breastplate, cuisse and greaves were battered and beyond 'well worn'. The bladescars, dents and deep riveted lacerations which crossed its mired surface were both old and new, with many other marks having been hammered out. A rough shadow of the Arabasti crest remained upon her chest, but the heraldry had been chiseled off roughly and replaced with a brass relief of King Thurzen's seal. The ragged condition and sudden horrid appearance of the woman's armor made her appear like some nightmarish knight, dug up from the hollowed graves below the city.

From the bandolier's which crossed her chest beneath the flowing mantle she produced a strange glass sphere. Its interior was compartmentalized with various liquids and iron beads or triangles of metal. Slamming down a simple metal plunger, she lifted the orb overhead. "In Thurzen's name, burn in hell scum!" She hurled the orb at a space near their front to clear the way for the others, grinning wickedly as a sharp snap and flash released a bituminous black blast of flame and death to a cacophonous chorus.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

✥ (Misc Action) 5-ft Step
✥ (Free Action) Draw shield in conjunction with movement; +1 BAB
✥ (Free Action) Dismiss Astral Suit: Astral Armor
✥ (Swift Action) Form Astral Skin
✥ (Move Action) Retrieve Iron Pellet Grenade
✥ (Standard Action) Throw Grenade @ Square (#e12, Blast from bottom left corner) - Distance (20) - Attack ([roll0]) Vs AC 5

2017-11-19, 10:20 PM
Swirling the mug of mead absentmindedly as Aethyr takes in the situation, but never actually sipping any. He needed all his wits about him, if the situation was as dire as indicated by Kas'Llyn. With her hesitation on being followed, dire shivers tingled down his spine. His eyes flickered towards the door just before the it burst in, admitting the lizardmen, armored men, and the woman in back. Eyes flickering between the apparent leader and the lizardman with the vial, Aethyr takes a step back, smoothly draws his bow and a couple arrows from the quiver at his waist, and fluidly launches them at the lizardman. Then he flickers out of sight just before stepping backwards to hide his last known location.

⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 33/33
⛨Fort 9 Ref 7 Will 10

Full round attack: Flurry of Bows: (point blank shot & deadly aim active) 2 arrows with +5 total to attack, crit on 20 for x3, damage 1d8+6 (first time, so here are all the modifiers: +2 BAB +2 Dex +1 (Competence) Favored Weapon +1 Weapon Focus +1 Masterwork +1 PBS -1 Deadly Aim -2 Flurry for attack mods. For damage mods, +2 Deadly Aim +2 Composite/Strength +1 Psionic Shot +1 PBS):
Shot 1 [roll0] (Crit confirmation if needed [roll1]) Dmg: [roll2]
Shot 2 [roll3] (Crit confirmation if needed [roll4]) Dmg: [roll5]
Swift Action: activate unseen (Shroud (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/marksman/archetypes/dreamscarred-press/shroud/) Marksman class ability)
Misc Action: 5ft step to F8

2017-11-20, 12:16 AM
Slightly forewarned, Slithein is already in motion as the cultists rush in. She picks up her greatsword and advances on the enemies. "Scythe mother? Well. I guess I've heard enough already", she thinks to herself.

"Huh. Neat trick. It takes me forever to put on my armor. Well, I guess she can block this end".

AC 22, Touch 11, CMD 17; 24/24 hp; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +9

2017-11-20, 01:39 AM
Candlekey glanced over to the loud commotion burst into the room. Working her way to stand up, she dismissed the spoon taking the bowl instead with her kinetic ability. The eastern dragon was in the sky after all, the most horrible luck abounding.

She lifted the bowl up to her lips drinking from it as she began to move to the center of the inn. Her entire posture one of someone who wasn't wanting to engage in combat.

Actions - Moving to 6E,
Using basic TK to keep my soup bowel with me so I can continue to finish my meal.

2017-11-20, 02:24 AM
Nairiyn's revere is broken as a group charges in. The elf looking up in surprise. The guards must not have been very watchful this night to let this group pass without quarrel. "Varic! Come!" There wasn't much chance for the tiger to hear her command between the rain and the noise of the ensuing combat but still, the woman had to try. In the meantime she sets about bringing about bringing more to the field of battle.

So not sure how you want to bring the tiger into this if at all. Was thinking he'd be hanging out in a nearby alleyway. For the moment 5ft step to 7C and beginning to cast Summon Nature's Ally I for a eagle (augment summoning) summoning to E10 along the roofline.

2017-11-20, 06:17 PM
Vasaro was quick to react to the danger and drops down out of sight behind the bar, popping back up with a crossbow he takes aim and shoots at one of the lizards before crouching back down behind the bar, The thud of his crossbow bolt sounds as it hits against the door. Basila having no weapons near her quickly scurries under a table hoping to stay out of the fight.

As the yellow flames vanish and the sharp snap of the grenade sounds off, three yelps are heard as three of the lizard like creatures fall to the ground, two of the creatures are still aflame as is a portion of the table from where the spell was cast. The flames lick at the wood surrounding them threatening to spread further throughout the tavern. The arrows fired into the fray thud against the wooden floor that are seared from the gout of flames. The final Lizard is smoking, his skin charred black and his eye closed with a shard of metal sticking speared into it. Screaming at the top of his lungs he tosses the vial he was holding towards the center of the tavern. The vial Shatters releasing a Bright light blinding those within the tavern for a moment. (Will Saving Throw DC20)

Players that fail their saves are stunned for 1d2 rounds if they’re in the area of bright light (blue area on map), or are confused for 1 round if in the area of dim light (Yellow are on map)

Smoke quickly starts billowing from the flaming lizards, before your vision is completely obscured by the smoke you spot the robed woman grin manically and smash the vial she was holding to the ground. Immediately you feel as if your strength is leaving your body, you can hear Vasaro and Basila start coughing and slight amounts of blood follow each cough (Fortitude Save DC20). As the oily smoke fills the void of where the lizard bodies lay you hear a thud and scratches coming from the door, the flames light the smoke up slightly as they continue to burn.

The Reaping Sickness

Everyone is infected, just to varying degrees, those who saved aren't affected by it yet but may be effected by it later.

Effect 1 point of Con damage; those who roll a natural
1 on the initial Fortitude save instead take 2d6
points of Con damage and another 1 point of Con
damage each day. The Con damage cannot be cured
while the victim is still diseased. A successful DC 20
Fort save means the victim does not lose a point of
Con that day, though they remain infected.

2017-11-20, 08:53 PM
The ranger took a step back as the sudden sickening haze loomed down upon them with the shattering of the woman's vial. "Poison!?" The thought was interrupted as a loose glass flask came hurtling out of the choking smoke and crackling flame. A blinding blue burst of luminance erupted directly in her unsuspecting face. Waves of sapphire roiled and transitioned to white, drowning out all else to leave only the pencil-sketched outline of a world quickly being erased with the intensifying blinding spectacle - until there was nothing left. Nothing save for the searing pain of scorched eyes.

The massive blade, slammed to the ground, its heavy end driving into the wood like a stake guided by sledge. Falling backwards, clutching her face howling in agony. She hit the table behind herself with a crushing thud. The force sent cracks racing across its surface with a dance of splintered shards to rain on the floor. Everything was spinning, the world thrown out of control. Rocking and keening, like a ship toppled by towering waves. She could feel her thoughts begin to slip away beneath the sensory overload; motor skills diminished and awareness dissolved, until she too was washed away in the wave of light.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4
⭍ STUNNED: 2/2 Rounds

✥ (No Action)

2017-11-20, 09:53 PM
Having cast his spell to satisfying effect, Amin tried to rush forward to lay into the enemy with his blade. But between the bewildering smoke that made him cough horribly, and the blinding light that dazed him, he ended up running smack into the table leg and cutting himself in the process.

Confusion effect rolled OOC: [roll0] damage to self.

2017-11-20, 10:30 PM
He wasn't sure if the cloak of invisibility saved him from the flash, or if it was just that his eyes were closed the instant the flash went off. But when the cloaked lady's vial hit the floor, he felt a wave of exhaustion roll over him, which he stoically ignored. If the others were affected and out of the fight, news of the resurgence of the cultists must not die in the tavern. Aethyr didn't see an easy way out without clearing more of the enemy, and if their leader was brought down, perhaps the rest would loose heart. Sighting down the arrow at the last place the lady was at while trying to keep his hands steady this time, he lets another 2 arrows fly through the smoke before blinking out of sight once again.

⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 31/31 (33 normal max)
⛨Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 10

Full Attack Action:
1st attack would have been at -2 for flurry, so 26 instead of 28, same damage: 12 (Original rolls (Crit confirmation [roll1]) Dmg:[roll2]) Concealment (I'll take low) [roll]1d100
2nd Attack: (See OOC thread for attack/dmg rolls) Attack: 23 Damage: 8 Concealment (I'll take low) 1d100
Swift Action: Activate Unseen (2/5 uses/day) to turn invisible again.
Misc Action: 5 foot step to E8

2017-11-21, 12:04 AM
In the midst of her spell Nairiyn is caught completely off-guard by the flash of light. The prayer to nature's call twisting and fragmenting in her mind even as random gibberish spills from what had previously been an ordered chant. Now reeling as the exhaustion sets in Nairyn's gaze settles on Candlekey and her bowl of food. Perhaps it is the madness that now crosses her mind, perhaps it is fury at her seeming indifference to what is happening, but with a almost feral growl the elf is stumbling around the table at her. Arms outstretched and slapping wildly.

Alrighty I believe Candlekey would be the most valid target since smoke is concealing the other. For the moment I'm assuming concentration on the summoning spell was broken.
Moving to 6D and attacking Candlekey with unarmed.
Attack [roll0]
Non-lethal damage [roll1]

2017-11-21, 05:48 AM
Slithein blinks once to clear her eyes. Through her coughing, she belts out a battlecry: "Foul creatures! We will bring. You. DOWN!!!". At same time, she barges forward through the smoke, and on the down-beat, swings her greatsword at the enemy directly in front of her.

Swift action for Encouraging Roar. If I'm injured by attacks of opportunity by the time I attack, I use Enduring Crane Strike, healing [roll0] hp if it hits and applying Guardian's Shield to myself; if not, I use a regular attack. Either way: [roll1], damage [roll2].

2017-11-21, 05:52 PM
Candlekey stumbles at the flash of light, and the smoke, a sudden pain echoing through her body as she could feel the life force trying to leave herself. Lifting her arm up she catches herself on the forehead with her special buckler.


2017-11-21, 10:28 PM
The first arrow shot from Aethyr pings off the stones behind the robed woman, but the second one finds its mark. A faint grunt escapes the womans mouth, "You worthless scum, The Scythe Mother will take pleasure in your death." Suddenly the smoke clears, the fires put out, in their place is a torrent of wind swirling around gathering up the Ashes of the burnt up wood and clothes. A wicked grin finds it place on her, "My brothers, Show them the glory of the Scythe Mother."

The kobold renewed in his will to fight takes a step forward, spinning around and slashing at Slitheins back. The attack bounces off Slitheins armor making a loud scraping sound and putting a large scratch into the armor. The attack from the kobold gave the armored men a perfect chance, a quick slash from one of their scythe easily finds purchase in Slitheins armor piercing right through it with devastating effect. As the scythe is pulled back out, Slithein crumples to the floor barely alive. The other armored men move forward to engage the rest of the party, one headed towards Amin, swinging his scythe under the table to try and hit Amin only to find it scoring a chunk from one of the tables legs. The remaining Armored man swung his scythe at Kas'Llyn thinking her an easy mark given that she seemed affected by the kobolds vial, but it was for nought as his scythe did little more that scratch the surface of her armor.

With the chaos ensuing it goes Vasaro and Basila went unnoticed, Vasaro having been affected by the vial as well had stumbled and bashed his head against the bar. Basila took action during the chaos to seek better safety and rushed behind the bar to join her father. During the chaos something can still be heard tearing at the door and pieces of it seem to be getting pressed inward from whatever force is trying to gain entry.

Robed Woman - Cast Wind Wall putting out the flames and Dispersing the smoke

Kobold - Free 5ft step to C12, Attacked Slithein and dealt 3 Damage.

Armored Man #1 - Critical hit against Slithein dealing 33 damage

Armored Man #2 - Moved to C11, Attacked and missed Amin

Armored Man #3 - Moved to F9, Attacked and missed Kas'Llyn

Round 2 Ends, Round 3 Begins - Need a Save to Stabilize from Slithein

2017-11-21, 11:34 PM
Seeing Slithein slump to the ground, Aethyr swears at the foul cultist in his mind, and promises to revenge his death, if it comes to that. Noticing the ashes being swirled violently from the fire, he guesses the lady cultist must of cast a protective wall of wind to protect most of the enemies. He takes a step back, prays to Irori silently to help guide his hand as he looses 2 arrows at the cultist that was next to him as the only enemy vulnerable to his attacks, before blinking out again.

⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 31/31 (33 normal max)
⛨Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 10

Full round attack - Flurry:
1st Attack (vs flat footed /w invisibility, deadly aim, and encouraging roar, since revision, I was 26' away instead of 45+, no PBS)[roll0] Crit confirm[roll1] Damage [roll2]
2nd Attack (vs normal AC) [roll3] Crit confirm[roll4] Damage [roll5]
Swift Action: Unseen - turn invisible (3/5 uses/day)
Misc Action: Move 5 ft to D9

2017-11-22, 02:40 AM
Amin, with his sight clear again and his focus sharpened by pain, lashed out at the foe in front of him. Even in his state, he was careful to keep his guard up and use the table's venerable leg for cover.

Flurry of Blows at the enemy in C11, fighting defensively for (with his feats and abilities) -2 to hit and +6 Dodge AC.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Slashing

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] Slashing

2017-11-22, 03:09 AM
gurgle. bleed.

2017-11-22, 10:22 PM
She could see nothing amid the clouded streets. The stink of corpse smoke billowing from the burning bodies clung to skin and cloths, permeating all things. The groan and snap of timber from collapsing supports echoed from those buildings still aflame. Despite the chaos, those simple groans and crashes were still audible beneath the screams and pleas for help. This moment, this feeling; she would never forget it. This sense of helplessness. In her hand she still clutched the blood slick hilt of her sword, it's broken blade still plunged through the breast of a young man writhing upon the cobbled path; a Sable company marine. He'd yet to die from the wound, it was a mortal injury to be sure, but he was left to drown upon his own lifeblood as his lungs flooded. The light hiss from the air escaping his chest cavity were the stolen words his lips silently mouthed, begging for mercy; pleading for death. Yet, she could only watch him, twisting and twitching upon the ground clutching at his chest with tears running down his face in a grim display. The memory would never leave her mind. It stained her, tainting her soul with regret. Just as she had watched every agonizing second of his death, until his empty eyes stared back at her eternally imploring - she was left powerless once again. Unable to make a difference...

Deflecting aside a stray blade with her armored fist, she could only watch as the plated woman was cut down by the reaving scythe of the mad cultist across the room. Violently thrashing about to regain her senses, she shook her head and tried to banish the painful memories. The rocking dizziness was beginning to fade, but she had yet to fully regain herself. She could barely keep her balance, let alone ward off a mob of madmen and heal the felled stranger. She was helpless again, but she wasn't alone. An iron finger pointed off towards the pooling blood from the critically wounded figure, "VASARO, SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP HER!" Clawing at the table for balance, she dragged herself from the wooden surface to regain her footing.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4
⭍ STUNNED: 1/2 Rounds

✥ (No Action)

2017-11-22, 11:43 PM
Candlekey reached up to rub her head, Fortunately for her she actually didn't hurt herself in the confusion at all, the energy flowing around her kept her protected enough and was starting to come back again. Taking her move to get closer to the fallen, a glow forms around her as the emblem of her shoppe blazes into existence in front of herself before fading, a gentle pulse of energy still there. "Clear the path and I shalt assist the fallen." She calls out, readying herself to do just do it on her own if no one else does.

Moving to 8C
Casting Shield.

2017-11-23, 08:28 PM
Nairilyn seems confused as she collects herself from the momentary lapse, finding herself just a bit over from where she'd been. Turning she regards the scene as the chaos continues. "We must deal with these vagrants afore aid can be rendered." The scratching at the door heartens the elf as she launches into another spell. Throwing a dart she calls out. "The door, my companion awaits without."

OOC: Magic missile damage rolled in OOC.

2017-11-25, 04:21 AM
The first arrow loosed from Aethyr soars past its intended target, the second one however finds purchase in the mans shoulder. The armored man turns his attention away from Kas'Llyn rushing at Candlekey as he assumes the attack was from her. Swinging his scythe in a wide arc he is surprised when it gets stuck in mid air only inches away from striking Candlekey, Pulling his scythe back he begins to reassess how to strike her.

Amin seemed to be fairing well under the table, his two attacks both found their mark on his target cutting deep wounds into the mans legs. The wounds hampered the man as his attack failed once again to strike the halfling that was hiding under the table. Instead of striking his mark the scythe found itself getting stuck as it pierced through the bottom of the table. The robed woman chose this moment to assist her underling, dark energy coiled around her hand forming an almost black ball that swirled unaturally. Thrusting her hand forward the ball of energy takes shape of a Bolt and flies straight into Amin causing a great deal of pain to course through his body. The remaining armored man had taken a position over Kas'Llyn strike out at her and yet finding the woman difficult to hit, his scythe just could not find its way to wound the woman.

As the kobold turned its attention to the door preparing itself for whatever was on the otherside, it suddenly felt a spike a pain before slumping over dead. The attack had came quickly and without warning as Vasaro had popped up from behind the bar and easily put a bolt through the creatures head. Immediately following its death a wave of energy washes over all those within the tavern, previous wounds begin to heal and the more serious of wounds stop bleeding. It appears that Kas'Llyns plea for help was heard as Basila could be seen standing next to her father clutching a holy symbol that radiated a golden light. As the light fades a loud roar fills the tavern followed quickly by a loud crash as a large portion of the door is ripped away. Standing in the doorway is a Large Tiger with pieces of the door still in its mouth, Nairiyn is excited as it appears that her companion had finally made it in time to assist.

Armored man#1
Moved to F9 and atked Kas'Llyn

Armored man #2
Took 14damage from Amin (Healed 5)
Attacked Amin, ended up getting scythe stuck in the table

Armored man #3
Took 10 damage from Aethyr (Healed 5)
Attacked Candlekey and missed
AoO for Aethyr, Unarmed strike only (Please list IUS/US on your sheet btw... as a monk it needs to be there, not sure why I missed it before)

Robed Woman
Takes 5 damage from Nairilyn's Magic Missile (Healed 5)
Shoots a Dread Bolt at Amin dealing 12 damage (Will Save DC 15 for Half Damage) (5 will be healed by Basila)

Killed Last Kobold

Channel Energy Healing 5 HP to all within 30ft

Stabalized from Basila's Channel

Varic Joins the battle

2017-11-25, 07:59 AM
Making a fist as she looks to the the guy who just attack her, a loud cacophony rips through the air as small bits of rock, dust, sand, and dirt begin to lift off the ground freed from the shackles of gravity as they're drawn to Candlekey. Then all at once they stop as they fall to the ground, a blade of energy forming in her gauntleted hand as she thrusts it into the man that just attacked her with a look of utter contempt in her eyes.

Gather Power as a move action
Kinetic Blast with the Kinetic Blade infusion
Attack Roll [roll0] if applicable Crit Roll [roll1]
When she is done with the attack, she'll take a step back to C7 if that doesn't drop the guy

2017-11-25, 02:11 PM
Nairiyn gives a small clap of excitement as the tiger manages to make it through the door, heart soaring as her companion joins them. The elf launches into another spell before pointing and shouting. "Attack!" Directing Varic to attack the female cultist and flinging another dart of force with the same motion.

Directing Varic at the cultist woman as I mentioned, don't think a 5ft step is viable to get around the doorframe so I'm going to treat it as normal movement.
Bite Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

And casting magic missile at the cultist woman again.
Damage [roll2]

2017-11-25, 08:09 PM
Noticing the armored man walk past him, Aethyr was tempted to kick him as he moved by, but giving away his location now would leave him trapped between enemies. Instead, he decided the cloaked woman was causing to much havoc. Nimbly moving his way while his enemies were concentrating on Kas'llyn, hoping she would be ok for a moment. Pushing through the wall of wind wiping ashes through the air until he felt his hair lie back down. Silently chearing as the tiger appeared next to the woman to distract her, he took aim carefully until he felt something snap in his mind, letting the arrow go at the very bottom of the breath, as his Sensei had taught him.

⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 31/31 (33 normal max)
⛨Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 10

Ignores AoO.
Move Action: Move E13 (Invisible, so shouldn't provoke)
Attack Action: Psionic Shot - expending psionic focus for extra 2d6 points of damage. PBS and Deadly Aim active. [roll0] crit confirm [roll1] damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
Attack Mods: +2BAB +2Dex +1PBS +1FW +1WF +2Invis +1MW -1DA
Damage Mods: +2DA +1PBS +2Str +2d6 Psionic Shot

2017-11-25, 09:17 PM
Amin took the brunt of the dark spell, but he grit his teeth with a wordless prayer and fought through it. When his attacker's weapon got stuck in the table, Amin took advantage of the opening to press the attack, jabbing again with a rapid cut and thrust.

Defensive Flurry again. If this drops the target, Amin will take a 5' step to E10 to provide flanking for Kas'Llyn'Ryel.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-11-25, 09:31 PM
With a second swat of her hand she put aside the man's follow-up swing. The dance of memories and dizzying colors finally begun to abate, but the same could not be said for the pounding in her head. A dull painful pulse behind her eyes, but that was nothing now that she had regained her senses. The unexpected save by Vasaro's daughter put the felled woman at the bottom of her list of concerns, suddenly re-arranging priorities.

A cold anger begun to simmer into an explosive fury at those who accosted them, at those who killed her friends - and most importantly, at this single annoying man who kept swinging his weapon about. That rage briefly spiraled out of control as she violently erupted from the table, eyes aflame in sapphire light. Pressing her face into the man's to brow-beat him and scream in his face like a madman "I WILL RIP OFF YOUR HEAD AND DRAG YOUR BODY THROUGH THE STREETS, KNAVE!" An incandescent wave of gloomy shadow-light yawned out to drown the man beneath the eerie dance of spectral hands. Then with a blink, it was gone with the flame in her gaze; suddenly regaining her senses.

With her armored boot, she ripped her fallen blade from the ground where it had nailed itself in place under its own weight. A strained gesture brought the thing back into her hand. It's weight was reassuring. Taking a tactical step away from the bar to draw the man away from Vasaro, she gestured where to place his next bolt; in his back.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4
⭍ STUNNED: 0/2 Rounds

✥ Standard Action - Evil Eye @9F; -2 Atk - DC12 Will Save for Partial; Fail 5 Rounds / Pass 1 Round
✥ Recover Shield (Provoke @ AC 25)
✥ Misc Action - 5 ft Step

2017-11-28, 11:20 AM
The armored man in front of Candlekey dropped low to avoid her attack, while still crouched he spun around trying to slice at Candlekey's ankles in a hope that the spell she had cast wouldn't stop it. Candlekey was already moving though and quickly took a step away to avoid the attack. As Candlekey and the armored man continued their fight, Nairiyn worked together to try and take down the robed woman. Varic had finally joined the fray and following the commands of his master he attempted to bite the robed woman, his teeth only found cloth as he bit down. Nairiyn fared better as her spell once again struck the woman causing pain to course through her body as the force of the spell collided with it.

Aethyr's decision to stay stealthed had payed off, no one had seen him move through the wall of wind nor was the robed woman ready for the arrow that struck her. Pain coursed through her mind as the psionically charged arrow pierced her skin, gritting her teeth she whispers a prayer to her goddess. White light washes over her body healing most of the damage that Aethyrs arrows had dealt to her, Taking a step back she prepares to defend herself against additional attacks.

Amin had tried his best to push through the pain of the dark spell, it's affect was enough though to throw off his attacks. Slashing quickly at the armored man, Amin found his blade colliding off the floor throwing off his follow up attack and giving the armored man a chance to free his weapon from the table. Having freed his weapon the armored man takes a defensive posture waiting for a chink to appear in Amins defense.

As Kas'Llyn shouted into the mans face she could see the steel in his eyes falter slightly, Shouting right back into Kas'Llyn's face "The Scythe mother would do worse should I fail here." The armored man put up a tough front but appeared to be affected by Kas'Llyn's sudden outburst. He attempted to strike at Kas'Llyn as she had reached for her shield only for his attack to scrape against the floor where Kas'Llyn had just been. Stepping forward with Kas'Llyn he attempts to swing once again at her only to find his attack to be easily blocked by the shield she had just picked up. Vasaro caught the gesture from the corner of his eye and quickly spun shooting the man in his back, though he hit the man it did not appear to penetrate far enough to cause much damage to him. Basila was feeling weak from having pulsed out so much healing energy, collapsing behind the bar she takes a moment to catch her breath and regain her senses.

Armored man#1
Not liking evil eye, Took 1 damage from Vasaro, both attacks missed against Kas

Armored man #2
Freed his scythe, Total Defense.

Armored man #3
Attacked Candlekey and missed

Robed Woman
Took 2 damage from Nairiyn & 14 from Aethyr.
Healed from spell she cast.

Shot Armored man 1 for 1 damage.

CasualViking - Stabalized DC 10 Constitution check to become conscious and disabled, penalty on this roll equal to negative hit point total.

2017-11-28, 11:49 AM
Aethyr smiles grimly, and thinks to himself, as long as she is healing herself, she can't use her dark magic on the rest of us. Let's give her some more wounds to dwell on! He yells out to those behind him "We have them outnumbered now! Let's let them see their righteous rewards for their devotion to such vile deeds!"

⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 31/31 (33 normal max)
⛨Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 10

Full Attack action (PBS/Deadly Aim):
Flurry of Bows:
Attack 1) [roll0] (Crit Confirm [roll1]) Damage: [roll2]
Attack 2) [roll3] (Crit Confirm [roll4]) Damage: [roll5]
Attack Mods: +2BAB +2Dex +1PBS +1FW +1WF +1MW -1DA -2Flurry
Damage Mods: +2DA +1PBS +2Str

2017-11-28, 01:25 PM
As his opponent freed his weapon and pulled back into a defensive stance, Amin took advantage of the opening to dart away and attack a different foe unawares. He felt confident enough to attract a second foe's attention to draw him away from the others.

5' step to D9 and Flurry of Blows the one currently attacking Candlekey, fighting defensively to boost AC to 28.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-11-28, 11:31 PM
She didn't bother attempting to defend herself from the man's quick quick handed swing as she ripped her blade from the wooden floorboards. The blow flailed off in a harmlessly wide arc, as her curse took hold. The wretched faceless forms of eerie malevolent spirits briefly coming into being, before vanishing just as quickly; like silently drifting quicklings. Unnatural and grim, the morbid things manifested once again as he followed with a step to lash out at the massive woman. Without effort she placed the distracted blow aside with her own dull blade. It was all she could do to barely contain herself, attempting to refrain from bursting into laughter in the madman's face. Instead, it came out as a demeaning chuckle after a snort at the man's outburst. "Somehow, I doubt that..."

Sliding back with a well practiced motion, breaking combat between them with a controlled spin away, she produced another strange glass orb from beneath the folds of her garments. "You're a fool and a madman. Your god is nothing more than a figment of your ailing-rotted mind. An excuse for your depravity. A reality you will quickly confront, in the nothingness that awaits you."

Pulling a small ringed pin with her teeth, she leaned her blade over a shoulder defensively as she tossed the device over herself in a lobbing arc. "Only death is real!" The crushing fiery gout of explosive force once again detonated within the tavern in a cacophonous chorus.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

✥ Misc Action - 5 ft Step
✥ Move Action - Draw Grenade
✥ Standard Action - 7G Throw [roll0] Vs AC5
✥ DAMAGE: (Fire/B/P) [roll1]
[Saves] DC15 Reflex for half

Evil Eye @Cultist - Duration 4/5 Rounds (-2 ATK)

2017-11-29, 09:28 AM
Candlekey took a step back and away from the man again as he swung at her. A quick twitch of her fingers causes one of the items on a nearby table to become telekinetically charged and fly at the man. She wasn't one to throw around insults during combat usually, especially when she didn't feel she had the upper hand in the combat.

[roll0] and if Crit, we'll doing [roll1] for crit confirm

Point blank shot added.

2017-11-30, 09:24 PM
Nairiyn pants softly as her gaze darts around. As much as further magic would be useful for ending this conflict there could very well be more enemies that may come should these fail. Trusting her companion to take care of the woman Nairiyn turns her attention to those closer at hand, an uttered word sending the bite of winter at the closest foe.

Did the woman provoke a aoo from Varic for casting? I'll roll a bite aoo just in case.
Bite Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Full attack from Varic
Bite Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Claw attacks from Varic
Claw Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Claw Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Nairiyn casting ray of frost at the enemy in 8D.
Ranged touch [roll8]
Cold Damage [roll9]

2017-11-30, 10:17 PM
As Aethyr yelled out to the others trying to boost their confidence he missed the subtle movements of the robed woman before him. Renewed in both body and mind she nimbly dodges his first arrow, a grin was forming on her face before the second arrow struck true embedding itself in her left shoulder. "You think you can win this battle, but you don't realize that you have already lost. The Scythe Mothers sickness will claim your souls and your bodies will be used to spread her blessing further throughout the city. There is no stopping us, we may be but a few but we aren't the only ones in this city. More will come and more will die, the SICKNESS WILL CONSUME ALL!" Raising her hand a vile looking ray of dark energy flies out of her hand striking Aethyr, as he tried to resist the energy he felt his stomach turning and his vision blurring slightly. A new sickness was trying to take hold of him and he had to resist it (Fortitude Save DC14 or Sickened). Her attention having been focused on Aethyr gave the tiger ample opportunity to take a few swipes at the woman, but unlike Aethyrs arrows they seemed to only shred her clothing. As large swaths of cloth are torn from the womans clothes it became easier to see her form, she appears to be unnaturally thin the breastplate she is wearing not quite fitting her form perfectly as if it was made for someone with more mass than her.

As Amin moved to assist Candlekey he felt a breeze of air at the base of his neck, the sound of a blade along with it. Had he not moved its possible he may have lost his head to that attack. The momentary distraction threw off Amin's first attack the blade slicing mere inches from his targets thigh, pulling his arm back he thrust forward scoring a devastating blow, the blade slicing straight through the armor and pulling back out with ease. Blood began flowing freely from the wound but it did not appear that this man would stop his attacks against Candlekey as she still had his attention. The twitch of Candlekey's fingers caused a clay plate to fling off a table just as the armored man began to swing his scythe once again at her, the blade of the scythe met the clay plate in midair shattering it sending shards of clay to bounce off the mans face distracting him for the moment.

The sharp snap of a grenade went off as the armored man moved once again to attack Kas'Llyn, shards of glass and flames flew out in all directions catching him unaware. The shards tore through the mans right side, most of the glass shattering against his armor others finding purchase where it did not cover him. The suddenness of the blast and the pain it brought with it caused him to stumble, shards of glass had found their way into the arm that had been holding his scythe causing his grip to falter. The scythe fell to the ground as the man could no longer hold onto it, his arm went limp at his side as he turned his eyes to his foe. "As you say, Death is very real, and in it I will serve the Scythe Mother as well" a grin forms on the mans face as the twang of a crossbow goes off. The mans head snaps forward suddenly as his body is thrown to the floor limp and without life, a single bolt buried halfway through the back of the mans head. Vasaro eyes met with Kas'Llyn's, nodding to her as he began to slide another bolt into his crossbow.

Nairiyn had full view of the chaos that was ensuing in the tavern, she saw the armored man fighting Kas'Llyn fall to the ground dead as well as Amin's blade pierce neatly into the man fighting Candlekey. Seeing an opportunity she began whispering a spell, pointing a finger at the armored man a thing stream of air shot out from it small shards of ice forming along the way. The super cold air and shards impacted against the mans head the shards shattering and glittering in the light of the tavern cutting up his face and causing the blood to cool against his skin.

Armored Man #1 Dead

Armored Man #2 Missed attack against Amin

Armored Man #3 9 dmg from Amin, 3 dmg from Nairiyn Missed attack on Candlekey

Robed Woman 6 damage from Aethyr, Cast ray of sickening on Aethyr

Vasaro - Killed Armored man #1

Varic - missed attacks on robed woman

2017-11-30, 11:37 PM
Amin considered drawing on the power of his blood again, but the first one had almost set the building on fire. He ducked back from his attacker and struck out again at the other man still focused on Candlekey.

5' step to E8

Fight Defensively + Flurry of Blows against Armored Man #3

Attack: [roll0] (now with flanking bonus)
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-12-01, 12:28 AM
Aethyr sees the sickly black and green bolt head towards him in slow motion. He grits his teeth, and lets the wave of nausea roll over him, then pass through his body without leaving a trace. Better him then the poor barkeeper or waitress. Not wanting to dwell on the woman's words and their implication, he draws and fires another 2 arrows.

(Going to roll in ooc thread for crit confirms if they ever happen)
⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 31/31 (33 normal max)
⛨Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 10

Full Attack action (PBS/Deadly Aim):
Flurry of Bows:
Attack 1) [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2) [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack Mods: +2BAB +2Dex +1PBS +1FW +1WF +1MW -1DA -2Flurry
Damage Mods: +2DA +1PBS +2Str

2017-12-01, 10:56 AM
Things were indeed beginning to come to a close. Nairiyn evoking more frost against the enemy keeping her from joining Varic. Said tiger in the meantime was continuing his onslaught against the spellcasting woman.

Nairiyn ray of frost
Ranged Touch [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Varic 5ft step to close gap and full attack
Bite [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Claw [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Claw [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

2017-12-01, 01:54 PM
Candlekey grew tired of the man trying to attack her, again the room shudders as engery gathers to her gauntleted hand and she thrusts it into the enemy as if the entire gauntlet was a push dagger


Critical Confirm!


2017-12-01, 10:56 PM
The woman couldn't help but grin darkly as the flames put the man to his knees just before a sharp bolt plunged through the back of his head. Pausing just long enough for the corpse to hit the floor with a dull thud, she slammed down a foot to drive the protruding fletching which stuck from the body's spine through its mouth to pin it to the floor with something of a moderately amused snort. Gesturing at the remaining scythe wielding cultists, "Fear not, boys. You two will soon find your own service to the Scythe Mother shortly..." She spoke as she stepped on the body disrespectfully, the wet crunch of bone snapping beneath her weight as she pointed her massive dull blade at the evil woman trying not to get mauled to death by the paws of the thrashing striped beast that had tore its way into the tavern. "You'd do well to still that wagging tongue, witch! Don't think I've forgotten what your ilk did to my brothers. You're going to watch your little friends die like I did, then we'll be even - and you can confess... But until then..." She trudged across the room spinning her large blade once to deflect a sidelong swing from the cultist caught in battle with her would-be allies. Gripping the thing in both hands, she coolly approached the unengaged fighter and violently lashed out to bash him with her gauntleted hand and hilt. "...Save it for the judge. I wouldn't want to miss watching you swing from the ramparts with the rest of the scum."

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

✥ Move Action - Provoke AoO
✥ Standard Action - Iron Fist Attack: [roll0]
✥ DAMAGE: [roll1]


2017-12-03, 06:27 PM
Slicing through the mans achilles send him to the ground, Amin follows through on his next swing piercing right into the mans neck. As the blade pulled back out blood begins spurting from the wound bathing those nearby in blood, reaching his hand up to the wound to try and stem the flow the mans eyes find Candlekeys. A grin forms on the mans face as the blood begins to pool around his body, as the body fully slumps to the floor the pool expands as the last of the mans life flows out a dark red pool of blood forming around the corpse. Candlekey finds herself unable to move, slightly stunned by the sudden and bloody death of the man she was fighting. The grin on the mans face disturbed her deeply for some reason, and she was not sure why. As Nairiyn whispered the words for her spell she loses her concentration at the sudden and bloody death of the man in front of her. Her stomach knotting up as bile began making its way up her throat, bending over she expels the nights meal onto the ground chunks of meat and vegetables pooling beneath her.

Having resisted the robed woman's spell, Aethyr watches as a greenish black ink drips off his person onto the floor. Every drip followed by a slight sizzle as the spell dissipates into nothingness. Drawing two more arrows he lets them fly, the feel of the bow string snapping against his arm with first shot. The first arrow hits the woman's breastplate glancing off and dropping further into the basement. The pull back on the second shot felt odd, the bowstring pulling back easier than usual. As the arrow was let loose he felt a lack of tension on the string. The arrow falling immediately to the ground barely five feet in front of him, a quick look at his bow reveals that the string had somehow came loose and would need to be restrung before he could fire again. It was not all bad though as he notices that if his arrow had struck true he would most likely have his the tiger that had joined the fight. Varic followed the orders that he had been given, lashing out to bite the woman he suddenly finds his mouth full of her cloak as she twirled away from his attack while tossing her cloak up to blind the tiger. The torrent of air in the middle of the Tavern suddenly dies the ash and soot that it had gathered up fell to the ground coating it in more grime. The woman saw her chance, raising her hand in the air a quick whisper leaves her mouth as sparks of electricity jump between each of her fingers. Thrusting her hand forward a bolt of electricity strikes the tiger in front of her singeing his flesh. Varics muscles spasm as the electricity courses through his body, his hairs standing on end as the air around him is also charged by the spell a distinct smell of lightning finding its way into the air mingling with the smell of burnt bodies and singed hair.

Kas'Llyn was determined to end these cultists, the wet crunch of the man she had just fought sounded under her feet as bones broke from her weight. Passing by as another one of the men was cut down, a spurt of blood splattered against her armor. Stepping up the the final cultist Kas'Llyn pulled back her fist and struck out hard and quick, Her fist hit the man at an upward angle the feeling of bones crunching under the force of the punch like ecstasy to Kas'Llyn. As the man fall back limply from the attack an ooze of gray can be seen leaking from the shattered nose of the man. Vasaro had quickly and nimbly made his way from behind the bar, following closely behind Kas'Llyn to provide whatever assistance might have been need. Realising that she did not need his help with the last cultist he aims his crossbow at the woman in the stairs and lets loose a bolt. The woman had already been moving around dodging attacks from both Varic and Aethyr, yet his aim was still true and the bolt easily pierced her thigh with a audible thunk.

Armored Man #2 - KIA
Armored Man #3 - KIA
Robed Woman - Took 6 damage from Vasaro, Dealt 5 damage to Varic

Nairiyn - That Nat one made you puke, Sickened for 1 round
Varic - Mouth is currently entagled in pieces of cloak, Cant Bite
Aethyr - Bowstring came loose due to dat nat 1

2017-12-03, 07:53 PM
Cursing his luck, he recalled seeing the cheaper bowstrings at the halfling merchant shop, and thought he was getting a deal. Promising to return to the halfling and give him a piece of his mind, he grabbed the tail of the knot, yanked it tight again, and loaded a single arrow. Taking a deep breath to let out the stress, he took a bead on the cloaked priestess, and smoothly let the arrow fly.

⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 31/31 (33 normal max)
⛨Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 10

Move: Fix bow
Standard: Attack (PBS/Deadly Aim) [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack Mods: +2BAB +2Dex +1PBS +1FW +1WF +1MW -1DA
Damage Mods: +2DA +1PBS +2Str

2017-12-03, 08:25 PM
With all the armored attackers dead, Amin looked back towards the door. With just the cultists' leader left, he attempted to slip past her and stop her if she tried to escape.

Assuming that's her in C16, Amin will double-move to C17, attempting Acrobatics at half speed to move past her. Since he is not fighting defensively this round his AC falls back to 22.

Acrobatics: [roll0] vs. enemy's CMD +5.

2017-12-03, 10:33 PM
Slithein tries to push herself up on her hands and knees, but slips and fails.

Roll to stabilize: [roll0]

2017-12-04, 09:18 PM
Pausing briefly, the woman looked down at her own damp and weighty metal-clad hand with a raised brow. Satisfied with the crushing blow, but not with how easily she'd put down her adversary; having thought she'd make something of a show of it. Signing she wiped the cranial matter upon her etched gauntlet on the twitching corpse's garb before turning her attention towards her next target, like a feline predator which had lost interest in the mouse and instead eyed the rat. "I was hoping your man would put up more of a fight!" She leaned on the adjacent table, not bothering to look at the fool who had been skewered behind her. Aside from the pained gurgling, the slowly spreading basin of crimson inkor which was beginning to stain her tarnished boot-soles was clue enough.

She eyed the woman entangled with the beast upon the stairs keenly. "...Did you really think you were going to get away it? Get away with crossing kingsmen of Maerh-Varza? ...That your little imaginary mother would spare you justice overdue?" A fleeting moment of pause came then departed, like a gust of an august breeze that brought with it a grim grinning mask of vengeance upon the ranger's once pleasant visage. Even in the rough and tasteless micro-culture within the Rovers, Kas'Llyn had become somewhat infamous in the few short weeks she'd enlisted as being the most crass and vulgar sheittalker they'd ever had the pleasure of serving with; though the behavior was more or less solely directed at her enemies while engaged in combat. Regardless, that didn't stop her often ostentatious outbursts to often appear extreme when given an object to direct her fury; and few things irked her like those who murdered her friends, and those who did evil in some god's name. Those were two things which were... unforgivable.

A large hand grasped the edge of the table with a vice-like grip digging into the marred wooden surface. With a strained effort & powerful gesture she flipped the broken furniture over with a barbaric howl, hurling tankard and silverware with a deafening crash. "I THINK NOT!" Following her own momentum, she lumbered across the overturned dining stand like some shambling iron-clad beast. Dragging her massive weapon behind her loosely with each step, the absurd blade rasped upon the floor with a frightful grinding moan, sounding off like grating wooden teeth in the jaw of a man driven mad by rage. She stopped next to the door awkwardly, face beginning to tense as still too-fresh memories of death ran vivid standing so close to such familiar attire. Outrage turning to anger, then anger to a bitter wrath before boiling over to simple hatred for everything this creature was. Less than human. A wild, mindless beast which could no longer reason. An animal that developed a taste for the flesh of men. Cultist. She mentally spat the word in the woman's face with raw contempt. Under an unblinking empty wide-eyed gaze which spoke of violence, she whispered between the teeth of her clenched jaw. "...Where's your god now?" Not leaving even a second between the last syllable of her words, an armored fist lashed out with staggering ferocity. The metal plates glanced off the stone of the doorway throwing a spray of glinting sparks with the brutal strike.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

✥ Move Action - Move & Move table; Strength Check [21] vs DC 10
✥ Standard Action - Iron Fist Attack: [roll0]
✥ DAMAGE: [roll1]

✥ Status

2017-12-05, 11:05 AM
Finally her way cleared, Candlekey heads over to her fallen comrade, however brief their comradery was created. Braving the elements bashing against her from the winds of the wall, a she reaches out to touch him

Just a quick from work post here.
Kinetic Healer
I'm willing to take the point of burn for the heal if you don't want to.

2017-12-05, 01:58 PM
Nairiyn hunches over as she vomits out the dinner that she'd just been partaking. Even with nature some deaths are far from clean yet somehow that man managed to disturb her far more than her years had readied the elf for. Varic muffled yowling from being struck by lightning draws Nairiyn's attention back to the here and now and she starts making her way with hesitant steps towards him, trying to avoid the offal that now coats the area. "Varic come..." She wasn't sure how hurt he was but she needed to deal with that cloak.

Varic for his part shakes his head trying to dislodge the cloak but the thing that hurt him was still right there. Backing up from the woman to reach Nairiyn.

Nairiyn moving to 11C, moving Varic to 12C as I assume the woman backed up to cast the spell. Removing the cloak for whatever action that might be.

2017-12-06, 06:08 AM
"Yaaaaargg!". Getting her wounds brutally forced shut by Candlekey's kinetic magic is not a pleasant experience. Slithein gets to her feet and brings up her sword in a defensive guard as she scans the room.

I'll take the Burn. Move action to get up, full defense action. I can heal us up one the fight is done.

2017-12-06, 08:02 PM
Having restrung his bow, Aethyr knocked another arrow and drew back his bowstring. The string strong as it pulled back, as he prepares to let loose the arrow he spots Amin making his way forward, Amin's quick movement threw off his aim causing the arrow to fly wide striking the window behind the woman. The shattering of glass is heard as it breaks through, shards can be seen falling from the window clattering to the ground and adding to the destruction of the tavern. Amin is slightly thrown off by the arrow flying over his head, as he tries to slip past the woman he manages to dodge the backhand swung at him as the woman tried to prevent him from blocking her escape. Up close Amin is able to get a better look at the woman, she is nowhere near beautiful her features are marred by a long scar that runs down the middle of her forehead, her armor appearing to not be well kept as several gashes are apparent as well as the symbol of a two-headed vulture etched into her breatplate.

Kas'Llyn's taunts brought a glare from the woman, "You really think I care about fodder? Their deaths will still be useful to Maramaga as will yours once the sickness consumes you." a sickening smiles formed on the womans face as she spoke. "I have already completed what I was sent here to do, so I still win no matter what what happens." as the woman spoke Kas'Llyn made her way forward undeterred by the words spoken. Kas'Llyn's grip on the table was strong, the wood creaking under crushing grasp, as she flipped the table the sounds of silverware and the shattering of clay sounds throughout the tavern as the items previously on it are sent to the floor. The table slams against the bar, burnt pieces of wood fly off from the force of the impact as glass can be heard shattering behind the bar a scream following along with it as Basila is started by the bottles falling from the blow. Vasaro having heard the scream of his daughter quickly headed back around the bar to check and make sure she was safe. The weight of the large dull sword gouges deep into the floor boards as Kas'Llyn drags it behind her while advancing on the woman. Her fist flies out at the end of her whisper grinding against the stone, sparks fly and bits of stone follow her fist as it connects with the womans face knocking her back slightly. The woman recovers quickly from the attack even as blood now flowed from her split lip, spitting out a glob of blood a grin forms on the womans face. "My god is here with me now as she always is." Seeing no way to escape the woman's hands once again start sparking as electricity jumps between her fingers. Spinning around she thrusts her hand at Amin sending an arc of lightning to jump from her fingers having forgotten though that Amin was shorter than herself the lighting instead arcs harmlessly against the stone wall. Without waiting to see if the spell had hit Amin she quickly shoves past him trying to escape back down into the cellar.

The taste of bile still in her mouth Nairiyn moved forward as she called Varic over to herself. Varic came over immediately having heard the call, stepping on top of the corpses of the lizard like men he paws slightly at the cloth stuck in his mouth, a slight tingle finds her hand as Nairiyn removes the cloth from Varics mouth. Candlekey moved quickly to aid her fallen comrade, layering her hand down on Slithein a pulse of energy surges forth into the woman. Pain bloomed forth in Slithein's mind as a searing wave of energy flows through her body, her wounds begin to close as she finally gains consciousness. Gathering up her weapon she stand up ready to defend herself as she takes in her surroundings. It is a nasty sight for those weak of stomach, burnt bodies are immediately behind her as is a Tiger standing upon two of the corpses the smell of burnt flesh and spilt wine filling her nostrils with every breath.

Robed Woman - Lightning Arc missed Amin, Attempting to move past amin and down into the cellar. AoO for both Amin and Kas'Llyn as she moves. (If you try and stop her movement please let me know in the OOC thread and roll there as well to see if it was successful.)

Userpay - no longer sickened, succeeds in removing the cloth from Varics mouth
CasualViking - is back up and in the fight having been healed by Candlekey, Also take 1 point of non-lethal damage for burn
Athaleon - Moved twice without causing an AoO

2017-12-06, 09:29 PM
The frenzied ranger grinned cruelly as she felt the jarring blow catch the woman in the jaw. Her face suddenly turned into unexpected shock as the robbed figure turned away, as if to show her back to the lumbering warrior, throwing out a blast of humming electric energy with the motion. Though it was brief, she could see her weight shift forward, meaning to simply muscle past the halfling. A familiar sense of disgust returned, her body springing into motion without thought. "Cowardly whore!" she cured. Her massive blade came up in a grinding upward-circular motion, clawing into the floor and rising to catch the woman squarely between the legs. The blow lifted the would-be priestess up with a flurry of wooden splinters, concluding her desperate retreat as her feet parted with the ground. In a fluid gesture she followed through the assault; she grasped the back of the woman's neck with a large armored hand and slammed her down upon the ground with a concussive thud.

In a disrespectful and incongruously rough manner, she rolled the priestess over upon her back to look her in the eye. "Oh, I'm sorry. Was that the part where you were supposed to escape? ...You're a spineless wench after all. Pitty." She leaned into the lady menacingly, straddling her prone figure and casting her own nightmarish silhouette of blackened stained metal and tainted cloth like some ghoulish dread knight. "Perhaps you care nothing for your men... Perhaps you care nothing for yourself." Slowly she leaned in, until she stared down directly in the woman's face; within an arm's reach. "...But I promise, there will be nothing left of you to serve your false god, even in death. I will find all of your little friends. I will kill them. There won't be anyone left who will even remember your face. I'll leave nothing you've ever loved in this world... Then your god can vanish back into forgotten obscurity where she belongs. I'll make you pay for every dream you've ever stolen. Every hour robbed from those who once loved. Every son who will forget their father's face..." Grasping the priestess's throat, she pulled her close, whispering her words with such vehemence it came out as little more than a sinister hiss. "...And no god can stop me." With vicious fervor, she dropped the woman and brought down a white-knuckled fist upon the cultist's face with staggering fury.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

Previous Round (AoO)
✥ Trip (Iron Fist/Unarmed) (1d20+6)[17] Vs CMD (Success)
(Statistics 4 + 2 Flanking Bonus)
✥ Free Action: Smack Talk

Current Round:
✥ Free Action: More Smack Talk
✥ Standard Action - Iron Fist Attack: [roll0]
✥ DAMAGE: [roll1]
(Statistics:) 4 + 2 (Flanking) + 4 (Prone)

✥ Status

2017-12-07, 02:34 PM
"'Twould be a good idea to bring her in for questioning. While her life is surely forfeit, perhaps the royal questioners can pry something useful from her before she pays her final dues." Aethyr says loudly, hoping to calm his fellow enraged (and rightfully so) patrons, while walking towards her prone form. His soft-soled shoes swiftly descend towards her head.

⛨AC 18, FF 15, Touch 18, CMD 22
⛨HP 31/31 (33 normal max)
⛨Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 10

Move action: Move to C15
Standard action: Non-lethal unarmed strike: [roll0] (I assume you take the -4 off her AC for being prone. Want me to include it in the calculations in the future?) Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-07, 02:56 PM
"Kill her? I Shall agree we should not perform such a deed. She wants to die. Tis fates far worse than death." Candlekey was the kind who is rather vindictive. But for now she holds off on performing anything more. "We should however, gag her in order to prevent vile speech"

2017-12-07, 09:12 PM
While still evidently enthralled in battle-fury, the woman seemed to regain a measure of her composure from the words of the assassin and the unusual magician. Evidently torn by the moral dilemma of delivering the cultleader to the dues which awaited within a court, or claiming vengeance for her departed friends with her own hands... she snarled in protest before finally seeming to reach a conclusion. "You're right... The king will want to know more about this one, and where he might find the rest of this cancer." Rationality had won over emotion... this time, reminding her of her own purpose. Once not so long ago, Thurzen's assassin's had murdered every man, woman and child tainted by this foul goddess's forgotten teachings - a decision which had secured the city's prosperity for a time. Now they had crawled back up from the filth like weeds... Perhaps this woman was the key needed to reenact that history once again. The thought of such a revenge was enough to usher a malicious grin to carve itself upon her face. "We'll leave the truth to the inquisitors. She'll talk. They all talk... eventually."

Thought it would be cool to include a bit about those somewhat recent events (few years?) in the adventure's backstory for Aethyr, since he's a royal assassin and they played such a major part in purging the cultists from the city in the past. They killed almost all of the cultists and their families by the king's order and drove them from the city. That's also a large motivating factor in what persuades Kas to back down, since it's already an established matter of course that no worshiper of the Scythe Mother is welcome in the city, least they're hanging by the end of a rope.

Fortunately a few of the buggers got away, or there wouldn't be any game to play lol.
Some pretty cool RP opportunities for him. :smallwink:

2017-12-07, 09:49 PM
"Give not the gift of life in foolish haste", Slithein whispers to herself. "Secure the survivors, I am going to heal". She walks around poking at the fallen enemies. Once she is satisfied that it is safe to do so, she places a han against her breastplate, and a harsh white light radiates out, mending wounds.
OOC: Channel energy, [roll0].

2017-12-08, 02:05 AM
Amin ducked under the cultist woman's spell and took full advantage of the opening made by her hasty attempt to get away, not to mention Kas'Llyn knocking her to the floor. He doubted the woman would talk, but he wasn't about to risk losing some valuable information either—especially if it might relate to a cure. Rather than going in for the kill with his blade, he instead lashed out with a flurry of savage kicks to ensure the cultist was subdued.

All of the following are Unarmed Strikes attacking for nonlethal. If any of these should happen to knock the woman unconscious, Amin will stop attacking.

Attack of Opportunity (from target's movement): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack of Opportunity (from Kas'Llyn's Trip): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack (Flurry, Defensive): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack (Flurry, Defensive): [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2017-12-08, 12:01 PM
Nairiyn frowns as she feels the tingle but for the moment she drops it by her feet. There were more immediate things to attend to. "Go get her Varic, bring her down once and for all." Varic growls an affirmation and moves back towards where the strange woman was eager to get his payback.

Can't see where she is on the map anymore so if you could move Varic to the woman (assuming she is in range) that would be great.

Bite [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Claw [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2017-12-11, 08:04 PM
As the woman tried to move she was suddenly struck by Ka'Llyn's vicious attack, the large blade catching her right between the legs sending a sharp spike of pain through her body. As her breath escaped her from the sudden attack she finds herself being slammed face first into the stairs, a groan of pain escapes her lips as Kas'Llyn rolls her over. The woman having barely taken a breath before Kas'Llyn is on her again, fingers close around her throat cutting off her breath once more as Kas'Llyn begins to taunt the woman. Her mind is swimming barely able to understand what is going on, her body convulsing slightly as it unconsciously tries to bring in air. As her throat is release she gulps down a breath of air just as Kas'Llyns fist meets her face, the vicious punch crunches against her a spike of pain blossoms from her cheek before fading to a throbbing ache.

Amin's luck was great as the arc of lightning had struck well above his head, seizing the opportunity her struck out at the woman as she had started to move aiming to knock the woman unconscious with his attacks. His attack striking true hitting the woman in the gut as she was being lifted by Kas'Llyn, the release of air easily heard before she was slammed to the ground. As the woman tried to recover from the beating Kas'Llyn had just dealt to her, she once again finds herself being assaulted and not being given a moments rest. Amin's legs lash out striking hard against the woman's head, the blows causing her mind to remain within a fog that it just can't seem to escape. The woman begins coughing as her throat was sore from Kas'Llyns attacks, her hand moves to her head trying to protect what little of it she can. Thinking that she finally has a moment she begins drawing dark energy into herself, a slimy black film covers her form but before she can finish channeling this energy a boot fills her vision. Aethyr had made his way over to the woman watching as the energy gathered, stepping down a few of the stairs to get to her head. Once there he strikes out with his heel aiming for the woman's face, catching her by surprise his boot connects solidly with her jaw. The black film that had been gathering around her suddenly dissipates as her body goes ridged from the attack. As Aethyr takes a step back he watches as the muscles in the woman's body lose tension, her arms go slack as her head lolls back against the stone steps a slight stream of blood running from her mouth to drip upon them. Nairiyn ignored the tingling that the cloak gave off as she pulled the partially shredded cloth from the tigers mouth before sending him back at the woman, Varic moved as close as he could to the woman but was unable to find his way past Kas'Llyn and Aethyr instead he stopped just behind them ready to attack the woman should he be given the chance.

Candlekey had stayed back and voiced her opinions on what should be done with the woman, she was against killing her and made sure the others knew. Kas'Llyn agreed with her on that note, she knew that the King would want this woman interrogated as these cultists had been thought to have been eradicated once already. Slithein having finally gotten up moved around the room checking several of the bodies to ensure that they were all dead, satisfied that they were dead she places her hand against her breastplate. A familiar light blossomed forth into the room, the worth of the light mending wounds and warming the soul. Vasaro looked up from behind the bar nodding his thanks to Slithein before making his way around it to check on the others. "I've got some rope and cloth down in the cellar, someone grab it and we will bind and gag her." looking back towards the bar, "Basila be a dear and bring me the black leather bag from the Kitchen. Think there's some signal flares still left in it, should alert the guards that they are needed here. Hopefully they won't take to long getting here, the commotion may have already caught their attention. I also need everyone present to stay here till they arrive." Looking around at the mess in his tavern he sighs at the thought of how much this would cost to fix, "While we wait how about y'all help with this mess, for now just stack it all up next to the door." Vasaro points over to where Nairiyn is currently standing designating the location that he wants your help in moving the mess over to. As everyone begins winding down from the fight the stench of burn flesh and death find their nostrils, the sight of the tavern shows the chaos of battle as dark pools of blood have begun coagulating in several spots.


Robed Woman - Unconscious for the moment
Everyone cept Amin heals 5hp if needed from Casuals Channel energy, sorry Amin you were just outside the range. (Moved Casual a bit to miss the woman since he said he was checking the corpses and combat was technically going at that time.)

2017-12-12, 04:02 AM
Slithein, for all her fine features and gleaming holy symbol, seems remarkably blase about stacking the corpses. "So. What was all that about?", she asks the room. "Forgive my curiosity. I'm new in town".

2017-12-12, 09:27 AM
"Azrenar, cultist of Maramaga the Scythe mother,dedicated to spreading disease and suffering, came to petition the king 3 years ago to set up a temple here. Our good King Thurzen the XVI vehemently denied the request, gave the cultist and his followers a few days to leave his country. When they did not, he had them put to the sword, except the head cultist escaped with his life. We thought we had excised this scourge when we hadn't smelled any of their ravenous stench in 3 years, but apparently they are back." Aethyr explains as he is moping up the pools of blood.

2017-12-12, 11:07 AM
Candlekey huffs, "She hath attempted to kill us, I fear that there tis more to come for us. She hath proclaimed that her work was completed and that she may perish to meet her false god." with a rather cold expression on her face. "We should strip her bare and leave her exposed to the world, lest we find she has trickery within her sleeves."

2017-12-12, 06:10 PM
"They said there were more such cells around the city. I don't think we can count on the guards arriving any time soon," Amin speculated as he helped move the smaller bodies of the kobolds, far more manageable for him than the armored humans. "In fact we may be needed elsewhere." He suddenly froze as a thought struck him. "Dedicated to spreading disease? You don't suppose that stuff they tossed around was some kind of plague?"

2017-12-12, 10:21 PM
She didn't move from her looming position above the woman. It was all she could do to press her hands over her face, feeling the cool wet leather of her gauntlet's gloves stick to her face from the now tacky surface of her bloodsoiled hands. The blood of her friends, and now her enemies. Shutting her eyes as tight as she could didn't dismiss the specter of their faces, nor the swelling of tears which fought to surface. This wasn't over. Taking a deep breath to steady herself she wrestled with her emotions until finally managing to steer back control, burying those feelings. She hadn't known them for long, but they had been her friends... and she had lost so many in the years which past. This was her curse.

The sudden abrupt crushing thud of her massive blade's hilt nailing itself in the floor beside her as it slipped from her grasp, was the only hint she had that it had fallen away. There was no feeling in her fingers. Cold. Her gaze returned, abandoning the dark recesses which offered no sanctuary, to look down at her outstretched palms. Tainted. She didn't see the dried mud, flaking grime nor fragments of cranial matter caught between the rusting plates. Only the faces of the hundreds of souls she had led astray and left behind. Only the faces of the friends she left to die. Only every word they'd never share. Somewhere in the roiling miasma of her pained mind, she could still hear the roar of flame. Blackened hands stretched up, reaching for the sky beneath Arabasti banners. Her coming was like some prophetic sign that all she loved would die. That no matter her strength, she could never defend what mattered the most. Every arrow and blade danced away from her to take what mattered most. For every wound that would never scar her, was left something far more profane and her soul darkened.

Perhaps this was better, perhaps this was the closest she would ever come to closure. This was the first time she could say what she wanted to say. The words came slowly. Quietly. A whisper. "Farewell...". They couldn't have known their misbegotten fates. This curse was real, but she refused to give in. Refused to admit defeat. This was her war... and casualties were not such an odd thing in war. She vowed to not waste their sacrifice, but she would not stop. She could not stop, even as she piled bodies by the thousand. Sharply her hands slammed shut into fists, steeling herself. No more. She would not allow herself to feel regret anymore. A light begun to diminish in her heart. What was done had been set in stone long ago, there was no recourse, only this ceaseless battle. She'd pay any price to spit in the face of the gods and Maramaga was no different. Her debt had been settled, the rest which would follow... that would be for herself.

A grim determination seemed to reassert itself upon her face. With tight fists, she slammed down on her knee's to straddle the woman and hammer a series of crushing blows into the priestess's chest. She didn't stop until she heard the telltale sound of something shattering beneath her steel-clad knuckles. It was impossible to remove the cruel grin from her face. They might have been even now, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy putting down the insane priest a second time.

She didn't look back at the assassin as he spoke, "Heh. That's a polite way of putting it... More than just the cultists were put to the sword, if I recall." Pulling a thick black wrought-iron blade from her belt she listened to the others. The edge of the weapon had been laminated with another higher carbon steel and sharpened wickedly. "There was some kind of poison, though I have no idea what it is. Some of my friends didn't stay dead after. I would burn the bodies, just to be safe." Roughly she begun frisking the woman, taking any loose articles from her person and throwing them in her own bag. Once she was finished, she used the blade to begin savagely sawing off the unconscious priestess's garments, leaving nothing for modesty and checking for any hidden weapons. When she was satisfied she moved off retrieving Vasaro's rope. When she returned she set about to taking out sheets of her gluepaper, cutting a sheet into 6 inch wide bands a few feet long before piecing them together. Stuffing the cultist's own undergarments into the priest's mouth, she wrapped her head in the re-purposed gluepaper as if it were archaic duct-tape. She applied the 'tape' liberally around her over-stuffed mouth and head until satisfied there wouldn't be any silly magic phrases coming out of her face. Afterward, she saw to the task of securing the cultist's arms and hands behind her back then binding her feet. The ropes tightened till they pinched and very evidently were the opposite of comfortable, bordering on an improvised tourniquet.

Rising from the skyclad figure she glanced at the rest of those still left living with a shrug. "... I liked the mage's idea."

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

Out of Combat:
✥ Beat-down! (Non-Lethal)
Skipping attack rolls since there's next to no chance to miss & fumble won't make a difference.
✥ DAMAGE: [roll]1d8+2[ /roll] - (Re-Rolled OOC) [8]
✥ DAMAGE: [roll0]
✥ DAMAGE: [roll1]
✥ DAMAGE: [roll2]

✥ Search & Restrain
Take all this chick's crap and make her eat her panties ;P

✥ Status
1 point of non-lethal now exceeds her current hit points and KOs via non-lethal damage. Home girl doesn't get her normal 1/hour save to regain consciousness while stable until non-lethal is healed. Heals at a rate of 1pt/hour. (Kas: "...And Stay Down!")

2017-12-13, 01:00 AM
While listening to the local news, Slithein spots Amin's wound. "Do you require healing"", she calls out, and briefly thereafter, another pulse of healing emanates from the sword emblem on her breastplate.

OOC: Channel energy, including Amin this time: [roll0].

"My name is Slithein, by the way. Happe to lend my sword to this fight."

2017-12-13, 01:30 AM
"I did. Good as new now!" Amin put in with as much cheer as he could muster. "For all I haven't introduced myself to, I'm Amin Veraxian."

2017-12-13, 01:24 PM
Aethyr shudders slightly at Kas'Llyn's casual mention of the night 3 years ago. While he wasn't a full-fledged assassin yet, they had needed all the capable hands they could get on that fateful night. He acted as a scout and lookout, flanking the main cadre of the assassins, keeping an eye out for any signs of new cultists entering the camp, or any fleeing. Careful observation for the past 2 days pegged all the cultists as being in the camp. There was a strong magical surge that could have been a teleportation spell an hour earlier, but there wasn't likely to be a better chance at catching all the cultists at once anytime in the near future. While he kept to the shadows, his ability to disappear from sight was just starting to emerge. If he concentrated, he could maintain it for almost a minute. The sharp, high pitched scream of a child shattered that concentration like a fine glass goblet falling from a tower. He hadn't known there were going to be children in camp. Instantly his heart started thudding at a frenzied pace. Searching out the calm at the center of his mind desperately before he lost himself to panic, he repeatedly chanted the Ohm mantra under his breath over and over, let him distance himself and think through the situation. While it would be ideal to not kill the children, keeping them alive with Maramaga's teachings fed to them from birth, and a thirst for vengeance over their parent's death would breed a new generation of extremely dangerous cultists with an eye to the downfall of Maerh-Varza. So with supreme effort, he closed his ears to their screams and hardened his heart. After it was over, the head assassin Chivros saw the haunted look in his eyes, and excused him early, for hanging up the bodies along the road was grizzly business, and Aethyr needed some distance. Chivros put a hand on his shoulder and looked in his eyes. "You did well tonight. Go, talk with your sensei when you feel ready. This work is hard on the soul, but our kingdom's needs must be met."

"The cultist's leader Azrenar escaped that night. His body wasn't among those dead. Apparently he found some more recruits and is back, to make Maerh-Varza pay for his family and follower's death. I don't intend to let any of them escape the King's justice this time."

2017-12-13, 01:51 PM
"Varic come." Nairyin's voice is quiet as the combat dies down, hand reaching down idly to pet the tiger's head as he goes to stand by her. "If indeed it were the plague she bestowed upon us then I can check for traces on the morrow though I've naught the means to treat it." The thought of being infected was a chilling thought. There was so much that the elf wanted to learn but it would seem that it may yet be cut short. "My name is Nairiyn Tae'Ilarotil..." She adds as an afterthought seemingly lost in thought.

What to roll for getting more details about the plague or at least on what seems to stave it off? I'll try a few things.
Arcana [roll0]
Nature [roll1]
Heal [roll2]

2017-12-13, 03:15 PM
"Thank you for the healing earlier, by the way". Slithein looks quizzically around, until her gaze settles on Candlekey. "Could you do it again, if it's not too much trouble?"

2017-12-13, 05:24 PM
Candlekey blinks as she's asked to heal more. Normally people don't quite like her healing as forcing them to close their wounds tends to leave them or herself feeling a tad more tired. Nodding to Slithein, she reaches out to touch him once more to force his body to seal its wounds again. "I am Candlekey Bookbelle, owner of the Book Bell and Candle Shoppe. Though currently I am to partake upon myself a journey to find new wonders to sell within the confines of my shoppe. That hast changed though due to current events."

2017-12-15, 11:37 PM
Basila returned carrying a black leather bag, as she makes her way around the bar over to Vasaro she covers her mouth with a cloth while trying to not look at the corpses being stacked up. Handing the bag to Vasaro she quickly makes her way outside the tavern as Kas'Llyn begins pummeling the cultists chest. Opening the leather bag Vasaro pulls out two pistol like devices, one of them is bright red while the other is a vibrant yellow. Making his way outside Vasaro aims the red pistol into the air and pulls the trigger, a sudden snap echos throughout the streets as a bright red orb soars into the sky leaving a trail of smoke in its wake. A few seconds go by as Vasaro switches over to the yellow pistol and repeats the process sending a flashing yellow orb skyward, both orbs float silently in the sky above the tavern. Making his way back in her turns to Kas'Llyn "Sent up the flares to notify the others that we were attacked and have a prisoner, hopefully they get here soon. Even if what she said was right and other locations are being attacked right now they should still send someone to assist us. For now I suggest that you look through her things and see if there is anything note worthy. These cultists never were very smart so there might be a note or something to provide us with the location of their base." As Kas'Llyn stripped the woman down and begun pocketing the items she notices a few oddities in her possession, the first was a vial of clear liquid the next was a parchment detailing the sewers with odd marks at random intervals. The womans bare body was covered in a myriad of scars and bruises showing that her life was full of some sort of hardship possibly what had lead her to her current situation.

As Aethyr explained the history of the cultist to Slithein a frown sat upon Vasaro's face, "Tis true what you been told, damn cultists tried to setup once before in this town and the king ordered the lot of them slaughtered. Was a bloody time and no one was spared, if you had even the slightest connection to them you were slain without mercy. Hell even people who weren't associated with the cultists ended up slain, but that is a discussion really for another time. At the moment we need to figure out how they got in here and where their base of operations is located." at the mention of the disease Vasaro rubs his chest slightly "Most likely it was some sort of plague, whether it is a magical one or mundane one is something that will need to be discovered before it can be cured. Hopefully it is not the first option as those tend to be harder to deal with than the mundane." Nairyin had been pondering over the plague that had infected them, some information had come to her but she had very little idea about how to cure said disease. (Spoiler has information)

As everyone continues moving the bodies a grin forms on Vasaro's face as he watches the efficiency of the group. "So seems you all work fairly well together, how do you feel about temporarily being drafted into the Rovers? With the chaos that's ensuing in the city your most likely going to get asked to help out either way so figure you may as well get paid decently for it." nodding his head over at Kas'Llyn "Shes part of them in-case you were wondering. Think the price would be about five stacks for something this significant, for those of you who have no idea what a stack is that's five hundred gold pieces. So what say you?"

Let me know if you wanna search any of the bodies or want to make other checks of sorts.

--Knowledge Nature Information DC 20--
It is a supernatural affliction that requires powerful magic to cure. However, a skilled healer might be able to stave off its effects for a short period of time.

Effect: 1 point of Con damage; those who roll a natural
1 on the initial Fortitude save instead take 2d6
points of Con damage and another 1 point of Con
damage each day. The Con damage cannot be cured
while the victim is still diseased. A successful DC 20
Fort save means the victim does not lose a point of
Con that day, though they remain infected.

--Knowledge Arcane Information DC 20--
This disease is tied to a powerful magical artifact of some sort.

Vial of clear liquid
Parchment detailing sewers
B*tches Socks and Bra...

2017-12-16, 12:40 AM
"I'll be happy to take your money. But i will not be a party to indiscriminate slaughter."

2017-12-16, 02:39 PM
Nairyin raises her eyebrows at the price. That gold would pay for quite a bit of research... Assuming she lived that long. "I feel as though dealing with these cultists will not stray towards indiscriminate slaughter this time around, least I would assume even if they are not smart they would have learned something from the last time. Nor is this plague natural... Natural plagues are sometimes a part of nature but being of magic origin it behooves me to put a stop to it." The elf moves over to look at the paper that was found, studying it.

Linguistics [roll0]
Know Dungeoneering [roll1]
Know Geography (untrained) [roll2]

2017-12-17, 12:12 AM
"Two wrongs don't make a right; whatever was done to the cultists' associates before doesn't justify what they're trying to do now," Amin pointed out. "I for one will try to stop them, and why not get paid into the bargain? But who exactly are the Rovers?"

2017-12-17, 01:49 AM
The woman snorted offhandedly as the retired man set off his flares into the air. "...I'm surprised those things still work." Waving off the elf she haphazardly stuffed everything into her bloodied bag. "The old man's just being polite. Welcome to the Rovers. I'd call five stacks a pretty good first job." Digging out a few flasks of oil she begun biting off the wax seals before moving over towards the piled bodies and dousing them in its contents. "Old man, have the boys bring these outside and put them to a light. If they start giving you trouble before that, then toss a candle. Some of those who died in the catacombs only stayed dead for a few minutes... Also you've got an old building. Most of the older buildings were connected to the catacombs before they ran the sewers, right? Is your place linked to that? That's likely were we need to be heading. This bich's friends penned some sorta map, not sure if it's even ending in Market Hill... and I just finished crawling my arse out of there."

Glancing at Amin, she begun to speak while producing the unconscious woman's brassiere and wiping the blood and clear cerebral goo from her face. "The Rovers are a branch of the King's army, primarily made up of irregulars for the purpose of scouting and reconnaissance. We're rangers first and foremost, usually recruited or drafted from fearless fools, drunks, the straight-laced type no one wants, outsiders without citizenship, or all of the above." After cleaning her face, she cleaned a portion of her pauldrons and large blade. When the priest's bra was left as nothing better than a soggy wet dripping scummy rag, she turned away to throw the thing in the unconscious woman's face. "The work's dangerous, but those who survive their first week make great soldiers. At least that's what the Captain said, and I'm inclined to believe him."

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

2017-12-17, 04:46 PM
It goes without saying that I am in. Unfortunately, I think we all have good reason to go. I would bet my entire share that any disease being used for the Scythemother's revenge isn't going to be remotely trivial to cure. It is up to everyone though if they are in or not.

2017-12-17, 06:13 PM
"I twould join thy cause. I care not about the work, there tis no man or woman who does not escape mein wrath for grievous marks against me." Candlekey says. "The bell book and candle tis on the case."

2017-12-18, 08:26 PM
Vasaro shook his head at Slithein "No one said that in would be indiscriminate this time around, these cultists have some sort of magical plague if what Miss Tae'Ilarotil said is correct and you can bet your life that nothing good will come of that. That means they need to be found and dealt with sooner rather than later, you can choose who you slaughter but understand this, if you let one live then you leave the chance for them to come back once again." Making his way over to Ka'Llyn's side he bends down grabbing a leg from one of the bodies and starts to drag it outside at her suggestion, "Surprised a bit myself that they are still good, and it is as you thought. This place is linked to the sewer system, if they are using it to move around then they will have access to most of the city. Looks like Miss Tae'Ilarotil is interested in it maybe she can figure out where it leads to." Having moved the body outside Vasaro looks over to the rest of the group "Well stack them up here, if Kas'Llyn says to burn them then I am inclined to listen to her. We can use some of that broken table to get the fire going nice and hot... Anyways as Kas just said, we rovers are basically the eyes and ears for the kingdom. Normally we try and stay out of the fighting ourselves but there are times when the risk is to great to wait and has to be dealt with then and there." The clatter of hooves can be heard echoing in the night slowly getting louder as time passes "Looks like they got the signal, seems like their response is a bit faster than it should have been though. Might be right when it was stated that this isn't just a localized event."

@userpay: Unless its stated that everyone knows of something (like Kas'Llyns Vial/Parchment) then only the person who gets the information actually knows it, so unless Kas'Llyn lets you look at the map you won't get results for those rolls.

2017-12-19, 02:32 AM
"Well then, if you'll take someone belonging to none of the above, sign me up!" Amin replied to Kas'Llyn's explanation. "Let's find out what news the others have before we go charging off in pursuit though."

2017-12-19, 03:40 AM
"But then", Slithein says as she wipes her greatsword with an oily rag while keeping one eye on the door, "We should go charging off. See if there are more vipers in the den".

2017-12-19, 01:37 PM
Nairyin's brow furrows as Kas'Llyn waves her off. Was this such a time to be secretive? It seemed as though they would all be working together so what was with this one's dismissive attitude? "The vipers will stay in their den for where else would they go if they wish to see their plans through?" Nairyin shrugs. "Better to know more about we face afore we stick our hand into the den itself."

That's fine, was mostly including them to save time if she had let me look at the map (or at least I'd have assumed we all saw them looking at the map even if we couldn't see the details).

2017-12-20, 01:19 AM
With a shrug the woman briefly watched the man set himself to work. With a strained motion she hefted the massive blade up and sheathed the dull thing back into its scabbard. Re-affixing the dangling chain brought the sheath's end off the ground so that it was less obtrusive. She grabbed a piece of the table she had broken and tossed it outside near the place Vasaro had begun to pile the corpses. "I suppose we'll leave the rest to you. Idling here any further would be an ill use of time while we still hold the initiative." Checking her gauntlets were firmly in place, she pulled up her cowl. The heavy leather was still damp from her previous excursion below. She only glanced at the others in passing, "Make ready. It's time to hit these fools back." Making her way towards the cellar door where the priestess had attempted to flee, she spoke back out to the barkeeper one last time. "I'll see myself out, old man. Try not to get yourself killed." With that she pressed forward down the stairs looking for a familiar hatch or gate back into the sluice-way with a long sigh.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4

2017-12-20, 04:16 AM
Candlekey nods along. "I wish for them not to get their way, be it slaughtering them all or curing their disease. I fear though some of us will not be able to see the light of day for long"

2017-12-21, 06:26 AM
"We are in agreement, then" Slithein says, mostly directed at Kas'Llyn's back. She rests the greatsword over her shoulder as she follows down the stair, her other hand steadying her her against the wall as she descends the slick steps.

2017-12-21, 10:48 PM
Vasaro looked over at Amin "We take all sorts, even if you didn't fit in the listed bunch we will still use you if needed. But that is beside the point, your all now drafted into the Rovers. You will be considered a Private for now and will be under Kas'Llyn's guidance for this mission seeing as she is most likely outranks you. Although I may be mistaken on that, best to ask her... Either way she will be making sure you do nothing to sully the Rover name on this mission." Having stacked the bodies and wood into a pile infront of the Tavern, Vasaro pulls a lantern down from the doorway and tosses it into the pile. The lantern shatters on impact, the flames quickly spread through the pile the smell of burning flesh fills the air as slight pops and crackles can be heard. As Kas'Llyn begins to head down into the cellar Vasaro takes one last look at the group, "Well she is off then, best follow after her so you don't end up left behind. Wouldn't want your first mission as a Rover to be a failure due to getting lost in the sewers now would we?"

Kas'Llyn and Slithein climbed down the stone stairs into the cellar each step echoing along the way. Having reached the bottom of the stairs they find themselves in a well lit room. Sturdy wooden doors can be seen at both ends of the room as well as spare stools and tables, a film of dust covering every item as it appears that Vasaro hasn't had need to move the items in a fair amount of time. As Kas'Llyn takes in the sight she notices shards of wood litter the floor on the far side of the cellar.

Since not everyone posted they were following Kas'Llyn I present to you the previous map that most of you are still on.


Nothing special going on at the moment, Kas'Llyn and Slithein have moved ahead into the cellar leaving the rest of you being told to follow her.

If you have any questions msg them to me on discord and I will get you an answer.

2017-12-22, 04:39 PM
Amin blinked a couple of times and opened his mouth as if to protest, but decided against it and hurried to follow the others.

2017-12-23, 03:10 PM
Nairiyn grimaces. This was all happening to quickly... Not even waiting for possible news of other attacks? Still she has just as much a stake as the others in solving this matter which leads her to following along with Varic close behind.

2017-12-24, 12:05 PM
Moving into the cellar with the armored woman close behind she took a quick survey of the area, "I was hoping the entrance would be a bit more evident... Keep your eyes open for a gated entry or manhole, that's usually how they connect these places to the sewage subbasements." Moving over to the broken shards of wood on the far end she quickly investigates the incident for any clues before moving towards the nearest door. "Take a look behind the other door, just to make sure we don't miss anything."

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4
✥ Perception: Take 10 [16] - Relating to the wooden splinters & any sign of entry to the sewers.
✥ [Move Action] Open closest door.

2017-12-24, 06:28 PM
Candlekey follows the rest, her eyes glancing around the lower reaches of the place to keep herself ready, but at the moment the lady did very little to provide assistance as she was more ready to follow other people's lead at the moment.

2017-12-27, 04:31 PM
Nairyin peers about when she reaches the same room as the rest.


2017-12-29, 04:34 AM
Amin cast a warding spell on himself—something he'd had no time to do in the rush of the sudden scrap in the inn—before helping with the search.

Casting Mage Armor on himself.

Aid Another (Perception): [roll0]
Amin's trait adds +4 rather than +2.

2017-12-30, 07:47 PM
As the others made their way down into the cellar, Kas'Llyn went to investigate the shards of wood that littered the floor. Picking up a few shards of wood from the floor Kas'Llyn looks up at the remains of a destroyed door. The heavy wooden door appeared to have been broken from the outside as if something had been trying to get in and was successful considering that the door was now barely hanging onto its frame. Peering into the darkness ahead Kas'Llyn can see that the door led into another room, this one was void of any light cept that which crept in from the doorway. Nairyin had also begun searching the room, she easily spots the shards of wood littering the floor as well as footprints leading from the broken door to the stairs leading up into the Tavern.

Not much really going on in the room. Feel free to RP some as well, might learn something you didn't know.

2017-12-30, 11:33 PM
Slithein steps through the doorway, then looks back to beckon the others forward, oblivious to the darkness.

2017-12-31, 05:43 PM
Aethyr grabs a lantern hanging on the wall and holds it up high as he follows silently behind Slithein.

2018-01-02, 02:05 AM
Amin used a minor spell to mimic a lantern of his own before following the others in. "I can't see in the dark, but it looks like at least one of us can. Should we kill the lights and sneak up on 'em?"

Casting Dancing Lights.

2018-01-03, 08:52 PM
Inspecting the wooden splinters the ranger begun to piece together what might have happened. She glanced at Amin as she begun to dig through her belted pouches gesturing with her armor, "Surely you jest. We'd struggle to surprise a deaf man, let alone heretics who've made their home in the dark beneath the city." Producing a small packaged wrapped in thick burlap canvas, she unfolded the device which suddenly seemed to flicker to life. luminescent blades of trifold polychromatic light cut across the darkness in an ever shifting dance. "While I doubt most of the cultists would remain in this part of the sewers, there's other threats which call the tunnels home; so stay together." Fixing the strange crystal to her belt she grasped the hilt of her large weapon once again, taking a step back to give her self the reach necessary to pull the thing free, she drew the massive blade once again. "If everyone's ready, lets be off." Briefly pausing to hear any words of concern, she pressed on through the breach where the sundered door had once stood.

⛨ AC 30 / FF 26 / Touch 13 / CMD 16
⛨ HP 40/40
⛨ SAVES - Fort 9 / Ref 5 / Will 4
Move Action - retrieve prismatic crystal
Move Action - Don kingsblade (shield)

2018-01-03, 10:06 PM
For the time being, Candlekey followed the others. She was a shop keeper, a practitioner of the occult and a mover of things. What she was not, was a hunter, a solider, an adventurer. It was best for her to remain silent at the current time, and focus on assisting the others as they needed. Her ability to force their wounds shut would be useful after all.

2018-01-05, 11:33 AM
This was where her studies pale in comparison to experience. Nairiyn lets Kas'Llyn take the lead, while the elf and her tiger might have been able to muddle through the sewers it would take considerably longer for certain.