View Full Version : Player Help Wizard Spell help needed!

2017-11-17, 06:40 AM
Hey all, its been a while since I posted.
Recently on of the games I've been playing in has picked up in regularity and with the release of Xanathar's, spell choice has been more difficult than ever!

Currently a level 6 Bladesinger, I'm in a 4-player party with myself as the only source of spells.
In case it matters, the others are a Long Death Monk (Spear), Assassin Rogue (Crossbow) and a Battlemaster (TWF) Fighter.

My role so far has been to cover all of the bases which the others cannot. As a result its been difficult for me to select spells which will be used effectively and fill in the gaps, due to no other spellcaster and my lack of experience as a higher-leveled spellcaster.

So far I've been a mix of
-Melee combat (Shield, Bladesong, Green Flame Blade),
-AoE (Shatter, Sleep),
-Pure damage (Lightning Bolt, Chromatic Orb),
-Crowd control (Maximillion's Earthen Grasp, Earthbind, Counterspell),
-Healing (Cure Wounds via magic initiate, was cleared by DM to use normal spell slots but retains CHA restriction from Bard spell list) and
-Out of combat utility (Sending, Remove Curse, Ritual Spells, Invisibility).

I don't have a full list of spells at the moment, but I know that I have the above spells either prepared or in scroll form.
My main question is: what do I need to be mindful of? What spells do I need to take into consideration going forward? There are a few spells which catch my interest from Xanathar's such as Sickening Radiance, Summon Greater Demon and Thunder Step.

Any advice? At the moment my plans for spells level up are:
-Wall of Fire, Dimension Door, Arcane Eye, Thunder Step
-Steel Wind Strike, Wall of Force, Conjure Elemental, Bigby's Hand, Telekinesis, Scrying, Teleportation Circle

Any and all help is appreciated!

2017-11-18, 07:54 AM
Actually, you're good to go. Considering your party, I wouldn't even dwell too much on melee and instead focus on buffing and controlling.

2017-11-18, 08:09 AM
maybe it's the lack of sleep talking but I don't see polymorph in there, it's a staple of any caster who can get it, it's superpowerful and fun to use too, you definately should consider it

also, haste and slow are really good 3rd level choices