View Full Version : Pathfinder Emotions

2017-11-17, 09:35 AM
So I am a gamemaster and I am going to put my party into a world I created. I want to show that magic isn't always good and great and that it can have a dark side. So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of events that could happen that may make the characters feel something like disgust or repulsivness. If any of you have seen Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood the feeling you got when Shall Tucker combined his dog and daughter is something Im looking for.

2017-11-17, 10:59 AM
This seems more like a general roleplaying/media question that something Pathfinder-specific.

I would probably look at other examples of times that a villain truly crossed the line. the Moral Event Horizon (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralEventHorizon) page seems a good place to start.

2017-11-17, 11:40 AM
In pathfinder, a lot of spells have the (emotion) descriptor. Good hope, crushing despair, waves of ecstacy, and anything that causes fear to name just a few.

Most emotion based spells prevent actions, or provide buffs/debuffs depending on if they are good or bad emotions. Crushing despair makes you so sad you take a -2 to attacks saves skills and weapon damage rolls.

Also, committing strongly aligned acts, particularly on the good/evil axis, generally evoke emotion in the person committing them and those that witness them. You don't need magic to make people feel good or bad-depending on their ethos, morals, and worldview, seeing a burning orphanage could evoke anger, grief, joy, no emotion at all, or plenty of others.

Just think of events that make people emotional(weddings, funerals, etc) and throw those in. You don't have to go shamelessly grimdark all the time or super sunshine and rainbows. I personally like to make my BBEG's a bit more tragic and believable instead of mustache twirling monsters. Maybe the find out the dragon in the cave is sick and dying, the kobolds under its command raiding to try and find rare magic to cure it or at least ease the pain. Maybe the lich was a good cleric sent to break the curse, only to become the monster they once defeated.