View Full Version : The Bar Of The Forgotten [IC]

2017-11-17, 11:43 PM
The bar is a cozy affair. Warm, crackling fire in the fireplace, comfortable plush stools and chairs, and the bartender standing behind the bar, washing a mug.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-19, 11:59 AM
this entertainer needs a drink and a job i got left out of yet another adventure .
so i feel like i need some love,or the job.

2017-11-19, 12:06 PM
No jobs here, and I'm afraid I can't give you any love, the bartender says as he pours a stiff drink. But I've got plenty to help you forget your woes.

2017-11-19, 12:11 PM
Kato the large orange jungle cat approaches the bar, adjusting his jewel encrusted monocle. As he speaks fiery shapes lick across his hindquarters, his voice was calm with an acent reminiscent of what folk on ancient earth might refer to as Persia.

Hello Barkeep, have you any venison or perhaps an aged variety of beer?

2017-11-19, 12:11 PM
A short human woman with messy brown hair sits at one of the tables to the side. She wears ragged, dirty clothes and a haunted look, and she slowly strokes the air beside her. To anyone with the ability to see the ephemeral, a large lion sits there with a blazing mane, shedding light across the room only those with the eyes to see it can perceive. She tilts her head at the remark and replies in a singsong voice. I have no love for jobs, nor for you, nor for any others. My love has left me. It was painful, and so I excised it.

2017-11-19, 12:35 PM
Kato the large orange jungle cat approaches the bar, adjusting his jewel encrusted monocle. As he speaks fiery shapes lick across his hindquarters, his voice was calm with an acent reminiscent of what folk on ancient earth might refer to as Persia.

Hello Barkeep, have you any venison or perhaps an aged variety of beer?

Yes, he replies as he hands the mug to the first woman. He heads to the back, bringing out a haunch of deer to begin cooking, then pours a second mug, this one of an excellent and archaic beer.

A short human woman with messy brown hair sits at one of the tables to the side. She wears ragged, dirty clothes and a haunted look, and she slowly strokes the air beside her. To anyone with the ability to see the ephemeral, a large lion sits there with a blazing mane, shedding light across the room only those with the eyes to see it can perceive. She tilts her head at the remark and replies in a singsong voice. I have no love for jobs, nor for you, nor for any others. My love has left me. It was painful, and so I excised it.

Sorry to hear about that. Anything I can get for you, or the cat?

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-19, 01:08 PM
The drow with her drink and woes decides to sob softly.saying some thing under her breath."sob"the forces that be never letting me sing damn them."sob"

2017-11-19, 02:13 PM
"They seem to be conspiring to keep me from the stage, as well, " The blue-skinned Twi'Lek was approaching the bar for a drink, and had stumbled upon the Drow's woes along the way. "But, hey, if you find the right drink you can forget any injustice - if only for a little while."

As soon as she was done delivering that brief moment of sympathy, however, it became clear Eponah wasn't heading for the drow's side. Instead, she headed for the stool next to Kato.

"I have never seen your species before, " she notes, having never really encountered any variety of cat before. "Please, tell me which world you're from..."

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-19, 02:15 PM
thank you maybe we can do a performance together

2017-11-19, 02:50 PM
Kate looks up from his drink slowly casting an eye towards this blue-skinned individual.

Truth be told I was taken from my home world, long before I had mastered the art of remembering details in that manner. The only place I ever had the chance to call a home was Sarak'ja, city of the great Bazaar, shortly before I burst from it. Now where do you hail from? I would so love to find a new story

As he speaks he raises a single claw and lightly adjusts his monocole.

2017-11-19, 02:59 PM
No jobs here, and I'm afraid I can't give you any love, the bartender says as he pours a stiff drink. But I've got plenty to help you forget your woes.

'Nay, to forget is easy, I mange it each time I sleep, and awake anew, knowing only that I am missing something-- though what I cannot tell,' Adamaro says in a dirgelike voice, his ephemeral fingers failing to close about a mug that he fixes with a wistful and rueful glare. 'Should you have any drinks to remember, now that would be most welcome.'

He walks (or does he simply remember walking? He has no substance, nor do his feet touch the ground) but he skirts around the lion-beast and its light that exist all to real to him and seem to stare judgmentally. He is before the dark elf, gaunt and translucent features fixed with the pale memory of a smile.

'I for one would hear you sing, perhaps one to remember,' he says, again failing to raise a mug as his fingers pass through it. 'What did they call you?'

2017-11-19, 03:17 PM
"Perform together? Ah, but I think we have a misunderstanding. I was an actress and you are a singer, yes? I would be little help in your type of performance..."

Then the new arrival weighed in, so Eponah went back to her conversation with Kato. "Long enough ago that you don't even know which world you're from? That's... unfortunate. Well, I can answer about mine, at least.

My homeworld is called Ryloth. It's got a surface covered in dangerous predators, many caves filled with Twi'Leks - that's my species, by the way - and many craters where humans had decided there were too many Twi'Leks and that they needed to thin our numbers out a little. And I come from one of those craters, back when it was still a cave."

She then puts on a quick imitation of Kato's accent to add, "and that's why I drink!"

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-19, 03:18 PM
my father taught me many songs bard as he was.but i dont know a song to remeber. But lest we forget we are now here rather than where we were.

2017-11-19, 03:30 PM
'Here is as good as anywhere,' he says with the same wan and wistful smile. 'I no longer remember where is anything, the term has lost all it's meaning. But perhaps not a song to remember but one that I should want to, Perhaps a song that you remember? It is such things that make us people, after all.'

Grim ranger
2017-11-19, 04:57 PM
Choosing apparently excellent moment to join the company of the oddly varied clientele gathering up at the bar in middle of nowhere, a youth wrapped in bandages (https://imgur.com/a/fOWdp) appears among the gathered oddities. His long red coat swishing about his feet with every step, he makes his way over to the bar, taking a moment to take in the sights.

Only after that does he speak.

"Well, this is peculiar. I am quite certain I was...thoroughly dead" he murmurs, wincing slightly before looking at the bartender. "This branch of afterlife wouldn't happen to have something nice to drink? It's been...well, a long day."

2017-11-19, 05:24 PM
Then the new arrival weighed in, so Eponah went back to her conversation with Kato. "Long enough ago that you don't even know which world you're from? That's... unfortunate. Well, I can answer about mine, at least.

My homeworld is called Ryloth. It's got a surface covered in dangerous predators, many caves filled with Twi'Leks - that's my species, by the way - and many craters where humans had decided there were too many Twi'Leks and that they needed to thin our numbers out a little. And I come from one of those craters, back when it was still a cave."

She then puts on a quick imitation of Kato's accent to add, "and that's why I drink!"

"Humans, not only are they prone to cruelty, they're not even clever about it. One of there wizards purchased me gave me my investure of the fire, but was still surprised when. Almost lazily Kato surround a paw in powerful flame, the tounges dancing for a moment before collapsing back inside This happened. So what's next in your story? How did you get a portal off this Ryloth place?

2017-11-19, 05:52 PM
The summoned flame drew a somewhat shocked reaction from Eponah - it certainly wasn't the sort of thing she saw often! And the comment about portals was in the process of drawing a puzzled response from her, when another new soul arrived.

"Afterlife? ...I don't think I'm dead. My ship might be, but I'm pretty sure the sublight drives burning out didn't kill me as well..."

Still, she shouldn't let herself get so easily distracted.

"No, nothing as fancy as a portal. Turns out I lived kinda close to some other people who may or may not have been doing something the humans didn't like, and that combined with having a similar enough body to a human female to be considered 'attractive' was reason enough for their soldiers to 'arrest' me. So they shoved me into a 'police' ship and I was shipped off-world to start my exciting new life as a slave.

Then an owner or two later I ended up with one whose skills were heavy on 'not providing clothing' and 'spying on personal ablutions', but short on 'chaining your resentful slave up at night'. He came down with a bad case of 'accidentally brutally stabbed himself in the stomach while sleeping' and I might have still been laughing when I tossed his corpse out the airlock.

Shame about the bed, though. You wouldn't believe how hard it was to wash all the blood out afterwards..."

2017-11-19, 06:35 PM
Sorry to hear about that. Anything I can get for you, or the cat?

She confers with the invisible cat for a moment, then peers back at the barkeep. I've nothing to pay you with, but if that's not a problem, some milk and some meat for him would be wonderful. If you have a sandwich or something for me, that'd be nice...

Choosing apparently excellent moment to join the company of the oddly varied clientele gathering up at the bar in middle of nowhere, a youth wrapped in bandages (https://imgur.com/a/fOWdp) appears among the gathered oddities. His long red coat swishing about his feet with every step, he makes his way over to the bar, taking a moment to take in the sights.

Only after that does he speak.

"Well, this is peculiar. I am quite certain I was...thoroughly dead" he murmurs, wincing slightly before looking at the bartender. "This branch of afterlife wouldn't happen to have something nice to drink? It's been...well, a long day."

She turns to the newcomer. I don't think we're dead. I'd be lower down in the,
um. Spectrum of the Shadow, I suppose? If that was the case.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-19, 06:51 PM
i will perform for our misfit band.we all of us sing for times since lost and hearts being bought.in glad and agony

2017-11-19, 07:02 PM
“What the heck?”, a scruffy looking young cat-folk girl staggered into the tavern with a look of utter confusion on her face. She had just left the grey little town of Ravengro and had been enjoying a quick little cat-nap in a covered wagon when all of a sudden she was in this rather impressive looking tavern. How long had she been asleep? Where was she? It could be Vigil. She assumed a fortress that housed so many impressive warriors, would also have an incredible tavern. Still, the drinking establishment was not nearly as interesting as its patrons.

Along with the usual rabble, there was what appeared to be a large orange feral cat wearing a monocle. Not only did he speak, it also appeared his backside was on fire. Was this a side effect of her past wounds? Sister Nadya had given her a checkup before the group had broken up. She was fully healed and had no poisons in her system. Maybe this was simply a dream? It would make sense.

The cat passed a scruffy looking woman who would not appear out of place in the creepy old village she had just left. Nearby, a strange blue woman with twin tails on her head. Was she a mind-flayer? The cat had heard stories about such creatures, but did not know they would be so beautiful. As she pondered this, the monocle wearing cat said something that worried her. 'Home World' Did she mean 'home country' or possibly whatever jungle he would normally plant his flaming orange hinder? The blue girl who now referred to herself as a 'Twi'Lek' floated the notion of this being the afterlife. Seriously? She couldn't be dead! She would have at least liked to have gone on a second adventure before that happened. Maybe even got a chance to fall in love. And even got to spend some of the money she made during her quest.

After finding a seat at the bar, the cat glanced up at the bartender, "I'll have a glass of Syllabub if you have it...And also.", a look of utter worry fell on her face, "Could you please tell me where I'm at?"


2017-11-19, 08:20 PM
Getting drinks and food as appropriate for everyone coming in, the bartender smiles. The Bar of the Forgotten. Where lost and lonely souls get a little less lonely, if no less lost.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-19, 08:40 PM
Uts either a demiplane or a seperate plane of existence maybe just maybe the gods must be crazy.that or we all are important in some grand game the multiverse is playing.the drow is much more drunk than she would like to let on.bar keep i would like the wine my mother has in her tavern the drow wine imz fines enush fer naow

2017-11-19, 10:57 PM
As the door opens once more a hunched over practically ancient looking old man comes hobbling inside walking with the aid of a nearly as ancient and gnarled staff of hawthorn wood. The man himself was mostly hidden under a hooded cloak that looked more like what was a old potato sack despite some glyphs and runes sewn into the fraying edges of a silvery blue sheen. Passing by a few tables the old man makes his way over towards the fire place, the staff butt marking his progress with a ticking almost akin to a clock's. Upon finally making it to a relatively cushioned seat near the fireplace the geezer more falls onto the soft seat then sits letting out a audible groan of exhaustion accompanied by bones popping and creaking ever so slightly.
"Every journey seems to get longer then the last these last few centuries it seems... But oh what interesting places I seem to keep finding myself lately to find such a intriguing bar."
Lifting his hood the elderly man's face is finally revealed to show the what was once Caucasian skin that spent years indoors pale white, now an aged and covered in age spots much like dusty tome paper. Though that wasn't what made him interesting as from his bald crown and down his neck sky blue with hints of silver tattooed runes glistened and seemingly shifted over him. Leaning his staff against the nearest table the man brings out a pair of weathered glasses to place on his slightly droopy nose after giving them a slight cleaning. Pulling out a cascade of snow white beard from under his cloak to rest over his chest and nearly down to his waist the now sage-like man looks to the group gathered giving them all a glance with cerulean blue eyes that seem to glow with magic. Those eyes almost seemed like they could see anything hidden to the normally naked eye, even stopping on the normally 'invisible' feline creature which brings a quick smirk to his nearly hidden mouth.
"You'll have to pardon this old man and his ancient bones, tis getting to that time of the year that the weather starts messing with my aches and pains." pausing to give a wave towards the keeper of the bar he smiles, "Keep, a glass of milk if you don't mind."

2017-11-20, 12:39 AM
A few minutes later, a middle-aged elf walks in. He’s got shoulder-length silver hair, a nonmagical wooden staff, and piercing blue eyes.
Good evening, he says to the bartender. I was stopping by, and I was wondering if I could perform a craftsmanship show. I’m a Psion who specializes in creating creatures and sculptures with ectoplasm. In the meantime, I’ll get a glass of Elvish wine. White, if you have it. The elf pauses for a few minutes. I was part of an adventuring group, up until a month ago. Our party went up against a beholder and it went... badly. He stops, lost in sorrowful memories. I only escaped because I ran, and I hate myself for it.

Grim ranger
2017-11-20, 12:50 AM
She confers with the invisible cat for a moment, then peers back at the barkeep. She turns to the newcomer. [COLOR="#800080"]I don't think we're dead. I'd be lower down in the, um. Spectrum of the Shadow, I suppose? If that was the case.

Glancing towards her with his gray eyes glowing ever so slightly blue, the bandage-covered boy goes on to take his drink, idly observing the invisible cat. "Normally I would question your statement with what is clearly a spirit by your side, but... considering I have had quite the day before wandering here from literal purgatory, I have thought better of it" he answers with weak smile.

He seems less phased by cat-like humanoids, talking cats, downright aliens and the other odd things around himself than one might suspect out of normal human. Must be jaded beyond belief.

"Well, one way or the other, I consider my duty for my world done for now, so I would not mind a moment of rest myself" he says, raising his glass slightly at the woman and her cat in salute. "Yao Qiu Yu, the only person from my world to have natural, direct link to humanity's collective consciousness, at your service."

2017-11-20, 01:09 AM
She turns to the newcomer. I don't think we're dead. I'd be lower down in the,
um. Spectrum of the Shadow, I suppose? If that was the case.

"Well, this is peculiar. I am quite certain I was...thoroughly dead" he murmurs, wincing slightly before looking at the bartender. "This branch of afterlife wouldn't happen to have something nice to drink? It's been...well, a long day."

'No,' the shade says quite amicably. 'I am quite certain we are quite dead.' ah, some poltergeist activity should work! Adamaro thinks as a mug jerkily raises itself to his lips, only for its contents to pass right through him and spatter to the floor. 'And aside from that,' he says, gesturing to the spilled beer, 'it's quite liberating. Solves a lot of those existential worries, as well as the transient ones. For starters I never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.'

2017-11-20, 08:06 AM
"So much hair!" Everyone watching can now probably make a guess as to why Eponah had gone over to talk to the cat-person. And why she seems so amused to have another one join them. "I feel positively...." There's a pause as she scrambles for the unfamiliar word, "bald? I think that's the one. It's a strange concept - knowing a word for 'without hair' when you come from a species that are all that way."

"Still, now I know where I am on this planet. Working out which planet this is can wait, I guess. Certainly until after tomorrow's hangover..." Not that she seemed in any hurry to drink.

Then another performer arrived, and she couldn't help but smile as he announced his desire to perform. So she points him towards the Drow further down the bar. "Why don't you have a chat with the singer?" she suggests. "Maybe you could provide effects for her when she sings? I'm sure the two of you would compliment each other well..." Certainly she would have appreciated having access to magic props during her time in the theatre...

2017-11-20, 10:04 AM
Glancing towards her with his gray eyes glowing ever so slightly blue, the bandage-covered boy goes on to take his drink, idly observing the invisible cat. "Normally I would question your statement with what is clearly a spirit by your side, but... considering I have had quite the day before wandering here from literal purgatory, I have thought better of it" he answers with weak smile.

He seems less phased by cat-like humanoids, talking cats, downright aliens and the other odd things around himself than one might suspect out of normal human. Must be jaded beyond belief.

"Well, one way or the other, I consider my duty for my world done for now, so I would not mind a moment of rest myself" he says, raising his glass slightly at the woman and her cat in salute. "Yao Qiu Yu, the only person from my world to have natural, direct link to humanity's collective consciousness, at your service."

She perks up at the name, and then beams at the mention of the collective consciousness. Isn't it wonderful to just explore humanity's potential? I have similar abilities... oh, and you can call me Tease. Short for Socrates, it was an injoke with some old friends. I ask questions, and usually don't get answers. She smiles wistfully.

'No,' the shade says quite amicably. 'I am quite certain we are quite dead.' ah, some poltergeist activity should work! Adamaro thinks as a mug jerkily raises itself to his lips, only for its contents to pass right through him and spatter to the floor. 'And aside from that,' he says, gesturing to the spilled beer, 'it's quite liberating. Solves a lot of those existential worries, as well as the transient ones. For starters I never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.'

She quickly sobers. No, I can smell the Life on most of us. Call it a hunch, I think we're just someplace... weird. Also you wasted good beer on a party trick. For shame. She tuts in mock disapproval, but her eyes alight with mischief.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-20, 01:30 PM
well now is it goin tah be a duet or just me.either way i like both options bald one

Grim ranger
2017-11-20, 04:17 PM
She perks up at the name, and then beams at the mention of the collective consciousness. Isn't it wonderful to just explore humanity's potential? I have similar abilities... oh, and you can call me Tease. Short for Socrates, it was an injoke with some old friends. I ask questions, and usually don't get answers. She smiles wistfully.
"Humanity has always had great potential. I had to...nudge back the development somewhat, sadly. Wrong people, trying to gain access to too much" Qiu Yu replies somberly, shaking his head. "That is what I was doing just before this...battling in purgatory when still fully in the flesh was...an experience. As was representing the Ego of humanity of my world. But I could have done without sword to the chest before I kicked the unwanted guest back into Earth. Some people just don't take no for an answer."

Smiling somewhat to himself as he idly rubs a spot on his bandaged form just below the ribcage, the martial artist takes a slow sip from his drink before continuing. "At any rate, it is pleasant to meet you, Tease. I usually go by Autumn, among friends."

2017-11-20, 05:36 PM
The cat’s ears seemed to droop a little lower as the bartender spoke. “Lost?” The whole talk about ‘souls’ was starting to really bother her. Not to mention that there were all sorts of creepy creeps creeping about. But if they were all dead, wouldn’t she be a ghosts as well? After a quick checkup, she confirmed that she was not a zombie or specter, but just a regular fuzzy cat-folk.

As she pondered this, she caught sight of an very-very-very-very-very-very old man who smelled a bit like cabbages. Nearby was someone who was dressed as a mummy. Was he a mummy? Probably not as his face was not covered in bandages and he was not groaning and moaning about giving people 'curses'. Maybe he just received an really bad sunburn while on holiday and wisely wrapped himself with enchanted, healing bandages so his skin would heal and nobody would want to ‘poke’ him.

The cat bounced up a little as she heard the sound of ale as it hit the ground. Apparently a ghost tried drinking a mug of the stuff and it passed through. Why did he do this? You think he would have known by now. Hopefully it won’t take long for someone to come and mop that up. Silly spirit! Booze is for the living!

The pretty blue girl was the first patron to address her. “Well, fur.”, she corrected, “And you said planet? As in I’m in another planet? How is that so?”, there was mild panic in her tone, “How are we all speaking the same language? Magic?” Oh dear. Maybe it was all that grey food she had to ingest in Ravengro. Chefs there wouldn't know a spice if it was dumped on their heads.

2017-11-20, 05:56 PM
Listening into what the "young'uns" conversed about the old man can't help but chuckle a little, jostling his beard some all the while.
"My, my quite the interesting grouping to have gathered here today. It's days like this that reminds me why I started my travels several millennia ago."
Pulling his satchel from his side to his lap the old man procures his always trusted wooden mug before waving a hand over it to magically fill it with the creamy substance of milk. While doing so a small red scaled head pokes out from his beard, shortly followed by the body of a small cat-sized pseudodragon that chirps and clicks towards the cup.
"Oh how silly of me to forget about you Ixen! Of course, of course you can have a sip. And before you squack me to death, yes you can have a treat from the satchel as well."
Almost immediately the pseudodragon Ixen zips towards the flap of the bag, lifting it deftly before pulling out what looked to be dried jerky but looked crystalline like rock candy. Returning to the side of the mug the little Ixen starts crunching on his treat confirming it to be some kind of crystal like substance based on the crunches.

Turning somewhat to look back at the conversation the old man gives yet another smile.
"Humanity may have it's faults, yet that has never stopped me from trying to help them along my travels. While there are those ones that go like tomatoes and rot, it's those that blossom into gardens that always make things worth it in the end. Or at least that's how I, OrnMolikGix of Mirror Scales and Miracles, believes in any case. Ixen on the other hand is just interested in the food the little glutton."

The pretty blue girl was the first patron to address her. “Well, fur.”, she corrected, “And you said planet? As in I’m in another planet? How is that so?”, there was mild panic in her tone, “How are we all speaking the same language? Magic?” Oh dear. Maybe it was all that grey food she had to ingest in Ravengro. Chefs there wouldn't know a spice if it was dumped on their heads.

Giving a little smile and a gentle wave of his hand a illuminated series of maps come into being over Orn, some of varies series of planes of existence, some of galaxies and planets.
"Yes curious furry one. There are some planes of existence have planets upon planets spread across immensely vast distances that only with proper modes of transport can be traveled as quick as a blink of a eye, or so long beings have to freeze themselves in hibernation to awaken at a later time alive to enjoy the destination. Yet in some we have layers of planes of existence that lay nearly ontop of each other like papers in a book, that using magic or special vehicles can travel between them. As a being that has traveled a multitude of such places it can be quite the experience and culture shock."
Taking a sip from his mug before Ixen can get some, Orn winks towards the blue girl with his glowing eyes.
"I'm familiar with the experience of finding the right words for things one doesn't have. While it comes in handy to be magically able to communicate all languages and understand all writing there are just some that don't translate well. Imagine when I learned of 'Jedi' and misinterpreting it for a different word that is considered a insult to some and a praise in others."

2017-11-20, 07:36 PM
well now is it goin tah be a duet or just me.either way i like both options bald one

"Just you." Eponah's response was rather flatter than they usually were - it came off as a touch more unpleasant than she usually was. "Even if, somehow, I knew the same songs as someone from a species I've never even seen pictures of before, I'm neither a gifted amateur nor a true professional singer. I feel awkward enough singing in the 'fresher, I'm not about to do it in front of a crowd! I have, at points, been an actress and a dancer, neither of which required me to learn to sing, only one of which I would willingly demonstrate in public to a room full of strangers, and even then, I'd need to have practised with whoever I was going to perform with first.

Now, if you want to sing, with or without the 'Psion' assisting you, I've no objection. I simply won't be joining in."

The pretty blue girl was the first patron to address her. “Well, fur.”, she corrected, “And you said planet? As in I’m in another planet? How is that so?”, there was mild panic in her tone, “How are we all speaking the same language? Magic?” Oh dear. Maybe it was all that grey food she had to ingest in Ravengro. Chefs there wouldn't know a spice if it was dumped on their heads.

"Unless there's a machine somewhere translating for us, 'magic' seems as good an explanation as any. As for whether you're on another planet... I have no idea. I know I'm on another planet, since I'm pretty sure this isn't Ryloth... but I've no clue what you are or where you're from, so for all I know this is your homeworld."

Giving a little smile and a gentle wave of his hand a illuminated series of maps come into being over Orn, some of varies series of planes of existence, some of galaxies and planets.
"Yes curious furry one. There are some planes of existence have planets upon planets spread across immensely vast distances that only with proper modes of transport can be traveled as quick as a blink of a eye, or so long beings have to freeze themselves in hibernation to awaken at a later time alive to enjoy the destination. Yet in some we have layers of planes of existence that lay nearly ontop of each other like papers in a book, that using magic or special vehicles can travel between them. As a being that has traveled a multitude of such places it can be quite the experience and culture shock."
Taking a sip from his mug before Ixen can get some, Orn winks towards the blue girl with his glowing eyes.
"I'm familiar with the experience of finding the right words for things one doesn't have. While it comes in handy to be magically able to communicate all languages and understand all writing there are just some that don't translate well. Imagine when I learned of 'Jedi' and misinterpreting it for a different word that is considered a insult to some and a praise in others."

"Thankfully, my ship's fast enough I don't need to go into cryo-sleep to get between planets. Well... it was, anyway. Kinda broken now. Still no point rigging up a cryo chamber, though. Doesn't matter if you spend one year or a thousand, if you're not actually moving, you still won't get anywhere.

As for 'Jedi'... Well, you can mistake that for whatever you like these days. There aren't any of them left to object."

Eponah's from the gap between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back - so the order's been gone for a generation, and she doesn't know that Luke Skywalker's on the path to becoming a new one.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-20, 08:52 PM
Wee drink to our youth to days come and gone an age of agression was just about done.

2017-11-20, 10:09 PM
As for 'Jedi'... Well, you can mistake that for whatever you like these days. There aren't any of them left to object."

Almost with a knowing twinkle in his eye the old man nods his head to those words.
"Ah but a little bird has told me that even during the darkest of new moon lights eventually dawn will come. Something tells me that you can't have darkness without some form of light to contrast it."

Wee drink to our youth to days come and gone an age of agression was just about done.

Recognizing the tune Orn shifts his body over some to look more towards the young performer.
"Every performer needs a adequate stage and music to help supplement their skills..."
With a slight snap of his bony aged fingers Orn makes the magical images of space and planes disappear to be replaced with that of a mountainous landscape complete with snow fall, rivers, and forests of evergreen trees. Among the illusionary clouds to the scenery's sky winged creatures akin to dragons silhouette flapping their great wings. Silently at first the sounds of stringed instruments and some drums start to play, while Orn and even Ixen start to make an almost humming purr combination between themselves the phantom instruments start to gain strength.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-21, 01:06 PM
i didnt much know this song i just felt it.lime this place is giving me some kind of song that i know nothing about.unless.
Well drive out the stormcloaks and restore what we own,.(im getting flashes of a city a people embroiled,in a civil war,these brothers now bound in blood,and worst yet a dragon of dark with scales sharp as scythes.this bar is strange)

2017-11-21, 01:34 PM
"Humanity has always had great potential. I had to...nudge back the development somewhat, sadly. Wrong people, trying to gain access to too much" Qiu Yu replies somberly, shaking his head. "That is what I was doing just before this...battling in purgatory when still fully in the flesh was...an experience. As was representing the Ego of humanity of my world. But I could have done without sword to the chest before I kicked the unwanted guest back into Earth. Some people just don't take no for an answer."

Smiling somewhat to himself as he idly rubs a spot on his bandaged form just below the ribcage, the martial artist takes a slow sip from his drink before continuing. "At any rate, it is pleasant to meet you, Tease. I usually go by Autumn, among friends."

Ah, so you were a Seer! Or a Guardian, they do similar things on different sides of the divide after all. You appear to be in perfect health, though. She peers at where the sword went in, examining it closely with her mastery of Life.

She's maxxed out on Life, so up to you what she sees, but she sees it.

2017-11-21, 02:07 PM
She quickly sobers. No, I can smell the Life on most of us. Call it a hunch, I think we're just someplace... weird. Also you wasted good beer on a party trick. For shame. She tuts in mock disapproval, but her eyes alight with mischief.

A wan smile again, and it makes the ghost's features seem somehow young and vibrant, almost alive. "Well, to each his-- or her-- own, I suppose. I find it's quite relaxing, one you get used to it, aside from the paperwork. But we are here and now, which is not here nor there, so it feels like an irrelevant point. Pray tell, who were-- or are-- you, and how did you end up here, wherever that may be?"

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-21, 02:52 PM
this place is beyond space and time.beyond planar boundaries i know songs and see another life while i was singing.a life of dragons and vampires.

Grim ranger
2017-11-21, 03:39 PM
Ah, so you were a Seer! Or a Guardian, they do similar things on different sides of the divide after all. You appear to be in perfect health, though. She peers at where the sword went in, examining it closely with her mastery of Life.

She's maxxed out on Life, so up to you what she sees, but she sees it.
"I am not certain if our worlds are direct parallels" he muses, idly tapping the bar counter, lost in thought. "I was little but usual farmer with martial arts training by the time someone from my family explained to me that chi should not work like mine did. I turned out to be a special case... LONE special case of my kind, as matter of fact. There were of course warlocks making pacts with spirits, magic to be had by enchantments, immortal masterminds and technology combined with the mystic...but I was still a special case. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to use it all for anything but pointless schemes and warring over power and mastery of the world. So when I got the chance to close the world off from all mysticism, I did so. I like to think I gave them more peaceful future until they will eventually learn to become better sort of people as a whole. Makes me seem so callous towards my own race, heh."

The life-sight does show the stab wound there...and it is obvious it should have been lethal. Much like number of other injuries on him, including horribly thorough surgical scars. The sort vicisection would leave, among other lovely things.

2017-11-21, 06:33 PM
A wan smile again, and it makes the ghost's features seem somehow young and vibrant, almost alive. "Well, to each his-- or her-- own, I suppose. I find it's quite relaxing, one you get used to it, aside from the paperwork. But we are here and now, which is not here nor there, so it feels like an irrelevant point. Pray tell, who were-- or are-- you, and how did you end up here, wherever that may be?"

She frowns, and tilts her head to one side, looking at you askew. I did just say my name: it's Tease. And I walked here, of course. I might be able to walk back to where home was, but I also might not be able to. And it's not there anymore, or that's my guess.

"I am not certain if our worlds are direct parallels" he muses, idly tapping the bar counter, lost in thought. "I was little but usual farmer with martial arts training by the time someone from my family explained to me that chi should not work like mine did. I turned out to be a special case... LONE special case of my kind, as matter of fact. There were of course warlocks making pacts with spirits, magic to be had by enchantments, immortal masterminds and technology combined with the mystic...but I was still a special case. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to use it all for anything but pointless schemes and warring over power and mastery of the world. So when I got the chance to close the world off from all mysticism, I did so. I like to think I gave them more peaceful future until they will eventually learn to become better sort of people as a whole. Makes me seem so callous towards my own race, heh."

The life-sight does show the stab wound there...and it is obvious it should have been lethal. Much like number of other injuries on him, including horribly thorough surgical scars. The sort vicisection would leave, among other lovely things.

She focuses back on the bandaged man, peering at him owlishly, then shrugs, her eyes sliding off to the side in memory. You notice that she only looks at people when paying full attention to them: her eyes don't appear to focus correctly, or indeed at all. That would be what a Seer or a Guardian does, yes, though a Guardian would probably eviscerate you before admitting it. I did something similar to a pack of werewolves that were killing innocents, though on a smaller scale. They made adorable service dogs.

2017-11-22, 05:25 PM
"Yes curious furry one. There are some planes of existence have planets upon planets spread across immensely vast distances that only with proper modes of transport can be traveled as quick as a blink of a eye, or so long beings have to freeze themselves in hibernation to awaken at a later time alive to enjoy the destination. Yet in some we have layers of planes of existence that lay nearly ontop of each other like papers in a book, that using magic or special vehicles can travel between them. As a being that has traveled a multitude of such places it can be quite the experience and culture shock."

The cat let out an audible gasp as the older fellow showed off his magic maps. She gave off the expression of one who only until a few moments ago probably believed she lived in the only planet that had life. But now her mind had to go over the fact that there were other planets with people to the idea that there were other dimensions that also had their own planets? Were there an infinite amount of planets in an infinite amount of dimensions out there? After taking a sip from her glass, she realized maybe she should have asked for a stronger drink.

“Oh, the name is Umana Blackmoon.” The amount of bluster and confidence she gained during the last few weeks of defeating evil and the undead, quickly poofed away. As tough as she believed herself to be, there was a good chance that nearly everyone in this pub was probably a hundred times more powerful than she. “So, if I may ask...Do you hang around here much?”

Umana nodded her head as the blue girl tried to help her figure out where they were, "Guess maybe sometimes it's better not to think too hard about this kind of stuff."

2017-11-22, 06:46 PM
Almost with a knowing twinkle in his eye the old man nods his head to those words.
"Ah but a little bird has told me that even during the darkest of new moon lights eventually dawn will come. Something tells me that you can't have darkness without some form of light to contrast it."

"Yes, I'm sure an army of fresh Jedi will be springing out of Hyperspace to rescue us any day now. Why, that whole 'Rebel Alliance' thing is just a hobby the galaxy's disaffected use to pass the time waiting for the Jedi to show up and rescue them!" As he could probably guess, Eponah wasn't a big fan of the 'wait for the Jedi to show up and make everything better' school of thought. Probably just as well she didn't know Luke Skywalker was soon to become the Jedi in question...

...Well, that and it's not hard to guess at this point that Eponah's got, at the very least, some serious rebel sympathies going on.

For the record, a large part of her apathy towards Jedi was simply that she'd never known them as 'Guardians of Peace and Justice'. She was born a year into the Clone Wars; the order was outlawed when she was 2 years old. For the most part, all she knew of Jedi was a combination of Imperial Propaganda and old aliens with a habit of going 'Oh, this wouldn't happen if the Jedi were still around!'.

The cat let out an audible gasp as the older fellow showed off his magic maps. She gave off the expression of one who only until a few moments ago probably believed she lived in the only planet that had life. But now her mind had to go over the fact that there were other planets with people to the idea that there were other dimensions that also had their own planets? Were there an infinite amount of planets in an infinite amount of dimensions out there? After taking a sip from her glass, she realized maybe she should have asked for a stronger drink.

“Oh, the name is Umana Blackmoon.” The amount of bluster and confidence she gained during the last few weeks of defeating evil and the undead, quickly poofed away. As tough as she believed herself to be, there was a good chance that nearly everyone in this pub was probably a hundred times more powerful than she. “So, if I may ask...Do you hang around here much?”

Umana nodded her head as the blue girl tried to help her figure out where they were, "Guess maybe sometimes it's better not to think too hard about this kind of stuff."

Actually, Umana didn't have that much to be worried about, power-wise. True, she wasn't the strongest in the room... or the conversation... but Eponah - who had no mystical powers, little combat experience, and a total armament of a pistol, a concealed pistol, and a stun baton - would, at best, be shading her. And even then, only because she was using a blaster pistol against Umana's bow.

"Oh, you can't escape it forever. If you can't work out where you are, kinda hard to pick where to go next. But... well, I'm in no hurry. Trying to match the sky to a star chart can wait for tomorrow. I can get to know the odd aliens - and the odder humans - today."

With the other cat(folk?) at the bar having gone quiet on her (presumably more interested in his meal than the conversation), Eponah shifted down the bar to take the seat next to Umana. "Eponah Aven, former actress and current smuggler." she introduced herself, offering Umana a hand. Besides her head (and brain-tails, which were hanging loosely against her back), her hands were the only parts of Eponah uncovered - she was wearing a very dark grey thinsuit. To those who wouldn't recognise it for what it was (low-profile environmental protection), it just looked like she was into skin-tight silk.

"Hmm... the thought occurs that after I've received a name - and given one in turn - one person in this conversation is falling behind on the introductions. Go on, old man - introduce yourself!"

2017-11-22, 06:55 PM
As the Twilek tells it's story Kato goes still, then turns and paces away aggressively, it bares it's fangs at the various people at the bar, indiscriminantley sniffing at clothes and clambering over surfaces with a hint of suspicion in it's eye. It talks no more instead letting the growl of a wild tiger.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-22, 08:15 PM
As the once friendly conversationalist begins to growl the drow stands up and tries to find a table nearby.for defensive hide behind the table protocol.walk walk away walk to the table i walk and sway my hipz.sung in a mild tune

2017-11-22, 08:42 PM
The bartender raises his voice a little. This is a peaceful place. I have no qualms about making sure that peace is maintained.

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-23, 12:57 PM
i feel odd like i mY be getting ready to leave the bar i feel full of purpose.she begins to faze in and out slightly.(im trying to get her into a neverwinter game.can someone familiar with pathfinder help me flesh out and bring in my pathfinder character.)

Sariel Vailo
2017-11-23, 02:09 PM
(She is in the game yes)

2017-11-26, 02:41 PM
Umana could almost feel all those crazy words brush against her ears as they flew over her head. Jedi? Hyperspace? Galaxy? Rebel Alliance? What were they rebelling against, words that made sense? The cat was almost sure the next few words she would hear would be 'Bingo, bangle, bungle.' Still, she needed to be polite. She was somewhere in the middle of whozits next to whatzits and she was apparently representing her planet. What an horrible thought that was. Instead of famous heroes like Amiri or Lady Seelah standing for their lands, it was a silly little cat. Say something bad, and the Jedis and Hyerpsaces will destroy her world with their magics!

The young warrior politely took Eponah Aven's hand, "Oh right, my star chart. Where did I put that?" Oh right, she did not know what that was. A chart listing all the stars? That would be a very big book, and who gets to name the stars anyways? "I'm sure I'll find my way back home, one I figure out how I got here that is.", she tried to give off an smile of confidence, but failed miserably. The pretty blue alien was a smuggler? Guess you need to take your jobs as they come.

A question arose. What was the very very old man's name? He had to have an 'old man's name'. Chester? Amos? Theobald? Oh, he's got to be an Theobald! Maybe Theobald Chestermooth Pickleberry The forth? That would be a very good name for such a fine fellow. The cat waited to hear what the man's name was.

2017-11-27, 06:43 PM
i didnt much know this song i just felt it.lime this place is giving me some kind of song that i know nothing about.unless.
Well drive out the stormcloaks and restore what we own,.(im getting flashes of a city a people embroiled,in a civil war,these brothers now bound in blood,and worst yet a dragon of dark with scales sharp as scythes.this bar is strange)

"With our blood and our steel we will take back our home!" ushers a voice almost akin to a child's in tone and pitch, though the sound arrived not by the hear but through the mind it seemed.
"Now Ixen, it's rude to interrupt a performance. I've taught you better then that." mutters OrnMolikGix to the small red dragon sitting on his table, not in a true scolding manner so much as a reminder. "Apologies about that, Ixen tends to lose himself listening to songs he knows."

“Oh, the name is Umana Blackmoon.” The amount of bluster and confidence she gained during the last few weeks of defeating evil and the undead, quickly poofed away. As tough as she believed herself to be, there was a good chance that nearly everyone in this pub was probably a hundred times more powerful than she. “So, if I may ask...Do you hang around here much?”

Reaching his hand into his bag OrnMolikGix proceeds to pull out sticks of what look to be crystallized sticks of a variety of colors before handing one to Ixen and loudly nibbling on one himself. "Can't say that I've been here before. Been to alot more places then most mortals can dream of, but there are plenty I still have yet to visit."

"Yes, I'm sure an army of fresh Jedi will be springing out of Hyperspace to rescue us any day now. Why, that whole 'Rebel Alliance' thing is just a hobby the galaxy's disaffected use to pass the time waiting for the Jedi to show up and rescue them!" As he could probably guess, Eponah wasn't a big fan of the 'wait for the Jedi to show up and make everything better' school of thought.

Frowning a little he wipes what remains of the crystal food he was nibbling on from his beard. "Well I wouldn't say that they would just come out of no where. It's very well that their numbers have dwindled to the the point of near extinction. I don't normally reside in that reality so what politics and wars that go on sadly don't effect me so much as meeting a variety of alien races." Almost seemingly thinking his words a little more carefully the old man falls silent before continuing, "I apologize if I said something that offended. Time flows differently for me and I've seen what your reality was during the Jedi's infancy, to their disappearance. Somewhat like a river Time can flow in one direction, and yet at times divert to another. Being a traveler of Time and Space I've seen a potential future of them coming back, and yet another of the Rebels winning alone, and another of them losing to the Empire." taking a sip of his milk he drains the glass. "My only wish is that which ever future you belong to doesn't fall into the darkest of possibilities."

"Hmm... the thought occurs that after I've received a name - and given one in turn - one person in this conversation is falling behind on the introductions. Go on, old man - introduce yourself!"

Frowning to the point of almost comical effect the old man looks to the young ones with almost dismay.
"Have I truly forgotten to introduce myself!? I could of sworn I did earlier... Has my mind become that befuddled?"
"You did introduce yourself old timer, but introduce yourself again. You mumble so much and that face fur muffles your voice even when talking normally." Ixen mocks with his mental speech so that those gathered around could hear at the same time, all the while pulling out another bit of what seemed like crystal jerky.
"Oh I see..." clearing his throat the old man shakily stands up from his seat leaning on his staff some, "OrnMolikGix of Silver Scales, Miracles, and Hourglass Sands at your service" bowing his feeble body over enough his beard tip sweeps across the floor some before straightening out again. "Though most that meet me go about calling me Orn the Old."
"And?" chides the small red dragon, flying up onto his shoulder before giving the old timer a kidding poke with a talon to his cheek.
"And Ixen the Pseudodragon, faithful companion, announcer of my faults, a pain to my rear, and eater of all my food." continues the old man who lightly pets the pseudodragon on the head.
"If you can count your attempts at making meat flavored rock candy food..." the small dragon responds despite purring to the pets seemingly ignoring all the other insult titles.

2017-11-27, 08:27 PM
Umana could almost feel all those crazy words brush against her ears as they flew over her head. Jedi? Hyperspace? Galaxy? Rebel Alliance? What were they rebelling against, words that made sense? The cat was almost sure the next few words she would hear would be 'Bingo, bangle, bungle.' Still, she needed to be polite. She was somewhere in the middle of whozits next to whatzits and she was apparently representing her planet. What an horrible thought that was. Instead of famous heroes like Amiri or Lady Seelah standing for their lands, it was a silly little cat. Say something bad, and the Jedis and Hyerpsaces will destroy her world with their magics!

The young warrior politely took Eponah Aven's hand, "Oh right, my star chart. Where did I put that?" Oh right, she did not know what that was. A chart listing all the stars? That would be a very big book, and who gets to name the stars anyways? "I'm sure I'll find my way back home, one I figure out how I got here that is.", she tried to give off an smile of confidence, but failed miserably. The pretty blue alien was a smuggler? Guess you need to take your jobs as they come.

"I'm in the same situation in many ways; My ship was sure this was empty space, yet I still managed to crash into a planet. So, first visit, I didn't intend to come here, and finding my way back will be every bit as 'interesting' for me as it will be for you..." Eponah wasn't following Umana's attempts to pretend she was confident; instead, she was busy looking annoyed with the situation and everything that came from it. Although the damage to her ship's engines was probably causing at least as much of that as her being lost was.

"Still, might as well enjoy being here while you are. We probably won't be lost forever, hm?" Even distracted, Eponah could tell her new acquaintance was feeling a touch uncomfortable here. She might as well try and alleviate that...

Frowning a little he wipes what remains of the crystal food he was nibbling on from his beard. "Well I wouldn't say that they would just come out of no where. It's very well that their numbers have dwindled to the the point of near extinction. I don't normally reside in that reality so what politics and wars that go on sadly don't effect me so much as meeting a variety of alien races." Almost seemingly thinking his words a little more carefully the old man falls silent before continuing, "I apologize if I said something that offended. Time flows differently for me and I've seen what your reality was during the Jedi's infancy, to their disappearance. Somewhat like a river Time can flow in one direction, and yet at times divert to another. Being a traveler of Time and Space I've seen a potential future of them coming back, and yet another of the Rebels winning alone, and another of them losing to the Empire." taking a sip of his milk he drains the glass. "My only wish is that which ever future you belong to doesn't fall into the darkest of possibilities."

"Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if there are still force sensitives wandering around the galaxy, " That she herself was one was something Eponah was completely unaware of. "But the order's gone, exterminated back when I was a kid. Maybe in the future something'll come back using the name. Won't be the same, though. And considering how badly the old Order messed up that whole 'protecting the galaxy from evil' thing, can't say I'm sad at the thought."

"Have I truly forgotten to introduce myself!? I could of sworn I did earlier... Has my mind become that befuddled?"
"You did introduce yourself old timer, but introduce yourself again. You mumble so much and that face fur muffles your voice even when talking normally."
Or, more accurately, Eponah had been tuning out his spiel about how he was fond of humanity despite it's flaws; and had therefore failed to notice him tacking his name onto the end of it.

"OrnMolikGix of Silver Scales, Miracles, and Hourglass Sands at your service" bowing his feeble body over enough his beard tip sweeps across the floor some before straightening out again. "Though most that meet me go about calling me Orn the Old."
"And?" chides the small red dragon, flying up onto his shoulder before giving the old timer a kidding poke with a talon to his cheek.
"And Ixen the Pseudodragon, faithful companion, announcer of my faults, a pain to my rear, and eater of all my food." continues the old man who lightly pets the pseudodragon on the head.
"If you can count your attempts at making meat flavored rock candy food..." the small dragon responds despite purring to the pets seemingly ignoring all the other insult titles.

"Right, gotcha. Ixen and Ixen's Overly-Talkative Mount. Ought to be easy enough to remember..." Tone of voice suggested Eponah may have been teasing him...