View Full Version : Roleplaying [3.5] Extraplanar prison adventures!

2017-11-19, 12:48 PM
Hello everyone!

Today I come with a somewhat more complex problem.See, my campaign is slowly coming to an end, to the big, flashy, epic battle with the final boss, the fame, gold and a princess. But before tht, I wanted to set the tone down a bit. Make the so far powerful, confident players feel weak, helpless, and put them in a hard situation, to create a suspense and tension, before the final battle. To make them feel like they really earned it. and what's a better way to achieve thst, than by putting them in a rigorous, extraplanar, hidden in outer space prison!

A bit of backstory first (shortened as much as possible):
PCs got a big quest from a powerful mage to find and secure a certain artifact. They fail to do so, and said artifact falls into hands of the "bad guy" (they do not fight, bad guy actually turns out to be quite good). The mage doesn't listen to they explainations, and they get betrayed by one of the PCs brother (a military general in the same town as the mage), accused of serious crime, stripped of their equipment and sent to an extraplanar prison.
-Half-dragon magic warrior (ECL 13)
-Human psion (ECL 14)
-Dwarf tank (ECL 10)

So, hereąs the question: How do I make this prison episode entertainig and quite long?

Stuff that I came up with:
I don't want to make it a literal prison, where you just sit in your cell. It will be in more of a penal colony with mines and the like. They would have more freedom (how ironic)
I think I'll situate it on a demiplane created on Limbo
The prison will be ran by Githzerai
It will not be exactly legal, and to access it from outside, one must bargain with the Githzerai
It will consist of 5 not directly connected levels, the top "floor" will be something like hub for guards and overseers, the bottom will be a huge chaos Beast nest, and the remaining 3 will be prison levels
Movement between planes will be avaliable only through a special sign and incantations posessed by guards and overseers
From the outside, only levels 1 and 5 can be directly accesed
Prisoners are equipped with anti-magic cuffs, and the rock that prison is build with, weakens anybody that is not acclimated with Limbo

What do you think about these? I'd be VERY grateful if you told me your ideas!
(mainly on how to get to the higher levels+how to escape)

(sorry for my english!)