View Full Version : Civilization Building Campaign, IC

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2017-11-20, 08:38 AM
Some of you came through tornadoes, tumbling across the dusty wind swept plateau and nearly tumbling off the edge, others may have just been walking home, and some may have even been in a battle, but you all have one thing in common. You are stranded on a plateau, no idea where, and the sound of metal clashing on metal can be heard coming from the southern end of the plateau, and several grunts. However it is too dark (late dusk) to see what exactly is happening... Without heading over there that is. Suddenly there's a bright flash, and the sound of metal stops... for a moment then quickly picks back up, soon followed by a soul searing scream.

Shockfish Pond, ~750 yards south of the Plateau.
((For Mikemical))
You seem to be in a small pond, a river leading through it, one coming in from the North, and one from the south. The bush is thick here, and if someone had been planning an ambush this would be an excellent place. In the water you can see a few fish lazily swimming, although the water is not too clear, so you can't see to the bottom. Suddenly you see a burst of light to the North, followed by a scream. The north is relatively clear and offers higher ground, which would allow you to survey the surrounding area. While you glance around the sound of a twig cracking is briefly heard, but it is there, under the animal life and the gentle whispers of the wind, and it is quite clear, although it doesn't seem that anything is in sight at the moment.

2017-11-20, 08:57 AM
What? Where... where am I? This is not where I’m from... Is that fighting? But where are my manners?(turns to address the others)Kahde Avain, Elvish High Priest of what was once Asylelion. Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2017-11-20, 09:57 AM
Sigma gets up, looks around and curses

I do all of this work in exchange for a Plane Shift!? How am I supposed to get back to my shop like this?!

Seemingly unapparent of his surroundings (or even his tree-like self), Sigma stares at the ground.

2017-11-20, 10:16 AM
"Uh... Freya, where are we?" the tall man with a body of stone asks.

Not 100% sure, Gunther. Firebrand, you got any idea? the surprisingly tall dwarvish woman replies.

"Noperinos, boss!" the small, stony goblin says.

Right... You guys stick behind me. Fire, don't live up to your name-

"AW!" Firebrand lets out.

-and Gunther, don't look too scary. We'll be friendly, assuming they are too. Hello! she calls out to the rest of the people on the plateau. My name is Freya, and these are my assistants,
Firebrand and Gunther! We're not entirely sure how we just got here, but we'll figure it out.

2017-11-20, 10:42 AM
Cornelius is mostly sprawled on the ground and immobile, hardly possible to tell him apart from a corpse given the color and the smell. Until his fingers flex and he pulls himself up on a pair of arms, the other two pairs picking up his spear and rifle from nearby as he gets to his feet and looks around, taking in the noises of battle and vapid complaints of mammals and vegetation, he considers muttering out loud to get his bearings on the situation, but this plan is quickly dismissed as three minions groan to wakefulness around him.

"Names and reports, minions."

The beetle-like Gustav answers, being the first to his feet.

"Gustav, master. Shieldguard and mechanic. You died, we were aiding in your reanimation. Something happened after... Uh... We succeeded... Can't see the professor among all these soft-fleshs, so wherever this is, it is just the four of us."

The two other creatures groan on the ground.

"... Eleanore, magewright and technician, and Marthe, huntress. Master."

"So we are stranded in an unknown place, surrounded by mammals, with the addition of a vegetable and some constructs. The sounds of battle ring from just ahead, I am one of the unliving, and that thing over there - One of his now free hands points to Kahde. - has introduced itself as a cleric."

"It is an elf sir."

"And a male one, if you need the added information!"

"Useful to know, I suppose. We should probably be friendly."

"Begrudgingly enough, yes. Help the sleeping beauties up. I will handle the rest."

They are really not being specially quiet about this exchange.

"Kahde Avain and Freya, was it? I am Cornelius, like you, I have no idea how we got here or where this is, rather, the how is relatively known, the principles behind it are the actual mystery. Rambling. I hope we can all avoid shooting and stabbing one another for an extended and fruitful period of time."

2017-11-20, 10:49 AM
"Huuuuuuh, what?" Noticing the change in location from the dungeon he was in with his companions, to the now strange looking group in front of him, but the ovetures made by them, causes him to first look closely at them, then possibly put away his weapon. "Greetings I am Barachiel, the Saint, paladin of Sealtiel, what has brought us here?"

Detect Evil
Sense Motive:[roll1]

Urr, wondering if these are his training targets, though different from what the others had brought him to, will bide his time, keeping silent, watching and studying the others seeing what happens from this initial meeting.

2017-11-20, 10:55 AM
Shooting hostile looks at the other creatures present, Miithi turns suddenly to face south, dashing to see down over the lip of the Plateau. He stays quiet as he does so concerned that these people around him could well be foes.

2017-11-20, 11:13 AM
Shall we investigate the fighting?

2017-11-20, 11:22 AM
Cornelius clacks his side jaws in something analogous to a click of the tongue.

As a 1 HD undead, Cornelius has an aura of faint evil. Well, he is also just sort of Evil.

"Should we? Most of those in this area are still groaning themselves out of stupor. And a battle this sonorous should be relatively extensive, we can probably afford to wait. Ideally until someone with purported expertise as a scout reveals themselves."

One of Cornelius' blank eyes follows Miithi as it inches away from the group. A healthy dose of paranoia, that one, whatever it is.

2017-11-20, 11:38 AM
FREEDOM! Tabitha twirls in the air, glad to finally be free of that abyssal tyrant's throne room.

After chilling out, she resumes her ever-present guitar strumming, already trying to write a sick riff to celebrate the situation.

"Hey guys" she says, floating over to the group, but still not looking up from her guitar "anyone know where this is?"

2017-11-20, 11:53 AM
As they are spat out of the plane shifting energy, Khaldun and Shrakk are sent spinning away from each other.

The huge Githzerai manages to sit up, and promptly begins sobbing, as Khaldun runs to him and wraps him in a comforting embrace.

"Are you alright?" Khaldun asks, holding onto his friend as the painful emotion continues to boil out of Shrakk's stoic facade.

"I'm sorry, Khaldun!" Shrakk manages to say between his sobs. "I don't know what happened, I don't where we are, I don't how to fix this!"

"It's alright, hey, hey....look at me," Khaldun holds Shrakk's head up to look in his eyes. "It's not your fault. As long as we're together we can make it through."

As Shrakk tries to calm himself down, Khaldun looks around at the others who seemed to have landed with them, listening to them try to come to terms with their surroundings and introduce themselves to the others.

"I am Khaldun Sayyaf, and this is my friend, Shrakk Rrathmal. Does anyone know where we are?" Before anyone can answer, Khaldun and Shrakk are both startled by the scream to the south, and their heads turn in that direction almost involuntarily.

They look at each other, and immediately run toward the universal sound of someone in danger.

2017-11-20, 12:16 PM
Among the rocks and stone, an old and worn-looking rose-colored marble column of a woman cracks at its torso. With both hands it grasps a brutal looking pike; it clatters to the floor. The back of the column, near what would the the woman's back, spurts chunks and bits of stone, and what seems to be...yes, a small wing, extends outward. Slowly, and both with difficulty and determination, the figure seems to free herself from the rocks.

Ostensibly freed from its confines, the column actually has loose-fitting and ceremonial-looking cloth garments of blacks and greys with pictures of various humanoids all around them. There is a decent-sized pack strapped to her left side by leather bands, nearly covered under folds of the ceremonial robes. The creature holds up her hands. One hand is empty; the other holds a white cloth with an intricate ink scrawl. "What...?" She stares at the note and brings it closer to her head. She reads:
` Remember! Plink of st- `
` ring in echoing tine `

` Reminds you why you`
` soul's declined. `

`Find a cause in mock- `
` -ed life & find `

`Means to save kin, fellow`
` creators and kind. `

`With tribe that wors- `
` hips 5 you'll find`

`Hidden in stone, com-`
` petition aligned `

` By thrice-named, ex- `
` iled mastermind `
| || ||-|||||
| |
She reaches the bottom of the cloth and trails off, following the sundered threads. With a scowl and a huff she looks around. "Has...has anyone else been left with a..cryptic note?" In the ensuing silence she goes to pick up her pike and gasps. "MM-my GODS!! I...I'm STONE?!? Wha...what in abroean expanse am I going to do?"

2017-11-20, 12:24 PM
Weg des Faustficken

The metallic humanoid rights itself and looks around at his new surroundings and the people present.

"Well, that was... something."

The sounds of combat very obviously drag his attention from the group before he has the chance to identify himself, "Battle first, introduction later."

And with that he tromps off at full speed to investigate.

2017-11-20, 02:33 PM
Shockfish Pond, ~750 yards south of the Plateau.
((For Mikemical))
You seem to be in a small pond, a river leading through it, one coming in from the North, and one from the south. The bush is thick here, and if someone had been planning an ambush this would be an excellent place. In the water you can see a few fish lazily swimming, although the water is not too clear, so you can't see to the bottom. Suddenly you see a burst of light to the North, followed by a scream. The north is relatively clear and offers higher ground, which would allow you to survey the surrounding area. While you glance around the sound of a twig cracking is briefly heard, but it is there, under the animal life and the gentle whispers of the wind, and it is quite clear, although it doesn't seem that anything is in sight at the moment.

Jonathan readies his weapons (http://i.imgur.com/ShgCYcQ.png), holding them close to his body (https://pre00.deviantart.net/2250/th/pre/f/2014/188/d/0/remembercqc_by_superninjanub-d7pnu22.jpg) as he surveys the area while carefully approaching the underbrush to hide among the greenery.

With +1 BAB you can draw your weapon as part of your movement action without the Quick Draw feat. Holding them close is to keep others from disarming him easily or exposing his hands carelessly.

Rolling Spot

Rolling Hide

2017-11-20, 02:58 PM
Karatzas awakes at the clatter and slowly pulls himself to his feet. A seven foot tall draconic knight would look odd in most places, but he considers his appearance mundane compared with many assembled here.

"This is not the inn where I was sleeping, and I can see by the surprise on your faces that I am not the only one unaware of the particulars of our predicament. I might be able to figure out where we are, but first -- that scream sounded dire. I intend to see if anyone needs assistance. A true warrior cannot let befuddlement get in the way of a worthy cause."

Kar trots off in the direction of the battle.

2017-11-20, 03:27 PM
Rose, her grey-and white clothing making contrast with her rose-and-marble form, nods to the dragon-human. We are all from odd places. Perhaps...we can lend assistance? I don't suppose anyone knows WHERE we are?

She gives a look around, but isnt surprised at the general lack of knowledge.

2017-11-20, 03:31 PM
Freya sighs. We'd best figure something out. We seem to be safe for the moment, but when night falls, I wouldn't be so sure... Assuming night does fall. For now, though, let's sound off-introduce ourselves, what we can do,
and how we can work together to see us all through this.

I'll start-Freya, Midgard Dwarf of... Mixed origin. I can fight, I can craft, and I know how to handle myself under pressure, she says, loud enough for all to hear.

"Gunther-um, human, I guess? I think? I can fight too-and I'm good at picking my way around things," Gunther provides.

"FIREBRAND! I burn things!" Firebrand adds.

Firebrand has a little magic, mostly offensive in nature.

2017-11-20, 03:37 PM
Why are you guys rolling diplomacy against each other? Not to be a party pooper, but it isn't much metagaming to know who's a PC/NPC

Sigma gets up and looks at himself, then his newly-found cohort

By orcus' beard! Them hagglin druids DID get me a Staff of Druidic Revenge. My name is Sigma Aegis, and it'll be a pleasure to work with you all.

Sigma then moves off towards the fighting
Run as a full round action: 210 160 ft.

2017-11-20, 04:00 PM
With the others at a full-tilt run, Rose wastes no time on introductions and follows the others.

2017-11-20, 04:13 PM
Weg des Faustficken

Weg hears the footsteps of others running alongside him. He slows himself ever so slightly, just enough so that he might get a good look at these supposed allies.

"You may call me Weg." He announces, "I would be most pleased to work with you all. I will lend a hand at any available opportunity."

2017-11-20, 04:32 PM
Only TheArcaneCaster rolled diplomacy and everybody else promptly ignored it.

"The idea of jumping to a battle you know nothing about, when you are in a situation you know nothing about, surrounded by people you know barely anything about, is patently absurd. But it does teach us about the priorities of some of the others."

Cornelius eyes Freya as she speaks sanity, a rare trait in this assembly, by the looks of it.

"And a fellow artisan, is it? Nice to know there are sensible individuals in the area and that I am not surrounded by blood knights and plucky, heroic do-gooders. I reckon my wakeful minion has already introduced his skills and those of his unconscious fellows, they should be decently skilled mechanics as well, if that means anything to any of you all."

Behind him, Marthe and Eleanore wake up and are debriefed by Gustav.

Cornelius does not appear likely to follow those rushing to battle just yet.

2017-11-20, 06:44 PM
Only TheArcaneCaster rolled diplomacy and everybody else promptly ignored it.

Because you don't usually roll Diplomacy against other players, it doesn't usually work like that. You usually have to convince them(the player) with words before they agree with going along with what you're saying. Bluff and Sense Motive you can use usually against other players.

I say usually because it varies from DM to DM. Some don't allow for a roll on social skills between players, while some demand them, depending on context.

Also, he was introducing himself, not like there's much to be diplomatic about someone telling you their name.

2017-11-20, 06:51 PM
Hey. my name's tabitha she says, not looking up from her guitar.

So uhhh, are we gonna check out that fighting?

2017-11-20, 08:08 PM
Because you don't usually roll Diplomacy against other players, it doesn't usually work like that. You usually have to convince them(the player) with words before they agree with going along with what you're saying. Bluff and Sense Motive you can use usually against other players.

I say usually because it varies from DM to DM. Some don't allow for a roll on social skills between players, while some demand them, depending on context.

Also, he was introducing himself, not like there's much to be diplomatic about someone telling you their name.
(OOC) It was a minor joke. I am well aware that people don’t usually roll Diplomacy checks against other PCs, but my character didn’t know they were PCs, because he had only seen them for about 5 seconds. It’s not a big deal.

2017-11-20, 08:32 PM
When she reaches a change in the rocky expanse that reveals the state of the battle, Rose stops to look around and take an assesment of what's generally going on.

2017-11-20, 09:02 PM
Tabitha looks up from her guitar and realises that everyone has already left.

Hey, wait up! she shouts as she floats after them

2017-11-20, 09:46 PM
Jonathan readies his weapons (http://i.imgur.com/ShgCYcQ.png), holding them close to his body (https://pre00.deviantart.net/2250/th/pre/f/2014/188/d/0/remembercqc_by_superninjanub-d7pnu22.jpg) as he surveys the area while carefully approaching the underbrush to hide among the greenery.

You see a young man in what appears to be an authentic trench coat and an old army "pot" helmet cautiously approaching the raft. He has what appears to be a Winchester Model 1897 (trench gun) and the way he handles it shows he's not a novice. ((Listen Check))

As the scattered foot race gets to the southern end of the plateau they see the remnants of what must have been a grand battle, with at least twelve score men lying amidst the fallen. The ring of steel on steel has stopped, and sitting there are two men and one woman,, who is quickly trying to stitch up the wounds, wounds that are bleeding unnaturally quick. The smaller man's face is pale, although the other looks like he'll make it. The woman doesn't bother looking up as the others approach and the smaller man nods warily at them. They've obviously been here a while.

2017-11-20, 10:03 PM
Who are you? What happened here? Would you like some magical healing?
Diplomacy Check: [roll0].

If yes to healing, then Cure Light Wounds on the most injured for [roll1].

2017-11-20, 10:32 PM
Weg des Faustficken

Weg des Faustficken slows to a stop just past the injured trio. He scans the battlefield keeping an eye out for any movement.

2017-11-20, 10:54 PM
Sigma stares at the battlefield before him, attempting to figure out what had happened
Spot for insignas
Roll for comprehension

2017-11-20, 10:57 PM
Rose bent down to a suffering person. Let me help you. I am Rose. What's your name?. As she fumbles inside her pouch, she pauses, and frantically rummages among its contents. She finds a dry patch of ground and empties her bag onto the ground. what is...pens?!?
Where did..? She looks around, searching for any stray bandages.

Her haste does not lend her anything of ready use. She puts the things away, and says instead, "I...I appear unable to help you, but let me put my fingers there to stop this bleeding... Instead of finger tips, Rose has sharp stony claws, which easily slide into the person's flesh.

She shrieks instead and puts a (now bloody) hand to her mouth. "Oh gods, im so sorry!! I didn't mean...I..." The stony person stands and hurries over to one of the impromptu surgeons.

"Excuse me miss...er...This one here's got a pretty bad set of wounds."

2017-11-21, 08:05 AM
You see a young man in what appears to be an authentic trench coat and an old army "pot" helmet cautiously approaching the raft. He has what appears to be a Winchester Model 1897 (trench gun) and the way he handles it shows he's not a novice. ((Listen Check))

Jonathan watches from his cover as the stranger approaches his makeshift camp, carefully moving around the bushes to keep himself behind the stranger's back. That gun was an old American-made shotgun, and John would much prefer to not be on the wrong end of the barrel if it went off.


Move Silently:

2017-11-21, 08:47 AM
The woman holds up a hand, stopping those talking to her and ignoring the offer of aid. "A moment, I'm trying to deal with these ones, anyone else on the plateau is most likely dead already." Her other hand never stops with the needle, swift and certain. "Now, please let me be as what I'm going to do is going to require the utmost concentration." With that she shifts towards the skinnier of the two, the worse off "This better work..." She mutters to herself then sighs, her eyes partially closing. She begins to sing, quietly, just on the edge of hearing, and in a language that sounds archaic, yet of surpassing beauty. A slight green light wraps around her hands, and she lays them to the wounds of the man, ((Spot Checks)) then suddenly there is a burst of light, and when everyone's eyes have adjusted there is a small pile of golden coins sitting where the man once had been. The woman stumbles backwards, her face a deadly pale. The other man manages to sit up slightly, holding a hand out for her "It's all right." Of course the pile of coins show that it is anything but. She shakes her head then seems to run off the cliff, and to those who have looked over the edge she actually goes down a small set of winding stairs, although she easily looses her footing and tumbles down them, leaving a sickening popping sound, then crawls into the jungle and is quickly lost to sight. (The stairs are covered in some sort of slime and are slightly tilted downwards, as if made to do exactly that). The other man sighs, then goes to get up but falls back down "Well, I'd ask you lot to go after her, but it'll be dark soon... and you don't want to be out there in the dark..." He gives a small shudder then gestures to the coins. "At least some good came out of this, I want you lot to lay those coins on the perimeter of this plateau, not sure why but the creatures (a slight shudder) seem to have some aversion to gold. There is no movement else where on the plateau, it seems that they were caught by surprise. ((Heal check for autopsy stuff)). there's also no sign of whatever did this.

Shockfish Pond
You easily avoid his notice, and slip around him. He nervously pokes through the camp, then sighs. "They musta got him..." Suddenly a voice speaks from behind you, "Forgive him, he's rather young and new to the whole jungle escapade..." There's a slight smile in the voice, and the man with the shotgun turns around looking nervously at you. He has the gun ready, not going to shoot unless he has to. "Now, you're not going to shoot me are you?" He asks, his face wary "I hate being shot." The voice behind you chuckles, "Well, in my defense you did kind of barge in on me."

2017-11-21, 09:09 AM
Shockfish Pond
You easily avoid his notice, and slip around him. He nervously pokes through the camp, then sighs. "They musta got him..." Suddenly a voice speaks from behind you, "Forgive him, he's rather young and new to the whole jungle escapade..." There's a slight smile in the voice, and the man with the shotgun turns around looking nervously at you. He has the gun ready, not going to shoot unless he has to. "Now, you're not going to shoot me are you?" He asks, his face wary "I hate being shot." The voice behind you chuckles, "Well, in my defense you did kind of barge in on me."

"On that we can agree on, being shot at sucks." Jonathan says, raising his hands as he stands up. "Do you terribly mind not shooting me? I would hate to die on an empty stomach."

2017-11-21, 09:20 AM
The man smiles, letting his gun lower. "Well, if you have no intent on going all berserker and crazy on us we've got some decent food, although its about 30 minutes walk from here." He waves behind him, and a man emerges from the undergrowth. "I'm Jack, that there's... well, I call him Tom, he doesn't speak. Behind you is Bryrel, she's rather nice... As long as you don't get on her bad side." He looks at the raft, "I'd honestly suggest taking what you want out of here, as I'd rather not drag it through the jungle." The voice from behind you replies, "If you lave it sink it. Wither way we need to get going now, as it is almost dark." There's the lightest breeze and she moves past you, not making a single sound ((Bryrel is part ghost, complicated story, but basically she can turn invisible (but not ethereal) and she makes no noise as she moves.)) She draws a small golden dagger, and offers the hilt to you. "Your going to need that tonight."

2017-11-21, 10:00 AM
Adrie Loreweaver has been sitting quietly behind the group that came in on the plaetu, trying to sort out what just happened and being a bit slow at it from exhaustion..the reason she was headed to bed in the first place.

Slowly she follows to where the others have gathered and looks around unhurriedly trying to glean what information she can of her surroundings and the people she's with.

*Does this fit any places I've heard or know of?* she wonders to herself.

Knowledge Geography:[roll0]
Knowledge Nature:[roll1]
Knowledge Local:[roll2]

2017-11-21, 10:01 AM
The man smiles, letting his gun lower. "Well, if you have no intent on going all berserker and crazy on us we've got some decent food, although its about 30 minutes walk from here." He waves behind him, and a man emerges from the undergrowth. "I'm Jack, that there's... well, I call him Tom, he doesn't speak. Behind you is Bryrel, she's rather nice... As long as you don't get on her bad side." He looks at the raft, "I'd honestly suggest taking what you want out of here, as I'd rather not drag it through the jungle." The voice from behind you replies, "If you lave it sink it. Wither way we need to get going now, as it is almost dark." There's the lightest breeze and she moves past you, not making a single sound ((Bryrel is part ghost, complicated story, but basically she can turn invisible (but not ethereal) and she makes no noise as she moves.)) She draws a small golden dagger, and offers the hilt to you. "Your going to need that tonight."

John holsters his weapons and receives the dagger. "Thanks. Just give me a moment to pack it up." he says, approaching the flat raft and starting to fold it to make it easier to carry. "Wasn't expecting to meet some Yanks in the middle of the jungle, but hey, I'm not complaining." he says as he's done with putting his stuff in his backpack and rolling up the flat mat into a more portable shape, turning to look at the group. "After you."

Jonathan has a slight Australian accent, and his codename(Devil Dragon) is a reference to the Megalania, which is an Australian cryptid.

The raft is a plastic, red and black inflatable dinghy, kinda like the one in this picture (https://guides.gamepressure.com/mgs5thephantompain/gfx/word/500407012.jpg). Since he had to make it into a tent, it's been deflated and will need some Flex Tape (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ci2hj7CSHI) before it can sail again.

2017-11-21, 10:19 AM
The place is unlike anything you've seen before, and it is rather strange, with a slight expanse of flat fields that suddenly becomes a jungle, and you can distantly see two other plateaus... which seem to be in a triangular shape. On the bright side it seems that such a place would be easy to defend, especially if you could set up some rough walls or a small outpost. From a rough glance it appears that the plateau looks around 500' by 230'... Of course that's with a rough guess as you try to think of anything similar to where you are at the moment.

Shockfish Pond
Jack sighs at the word yank, then shakes his head, and (making sure that Bryrel doesn't see) and points to her then to his ears, offering a comical wink. He straigtens his face as she turns around. "Yanks? I think I have yet to encounter one of those... What do you know of these yanks?" Jack's face turns reddish, and it is clear he's trying not too laugh. Meanwhile, "Tom" is taking his rifle apart, and begins stowing the pieces, pulling out a much small scouting rifle.

2017-11-21, 10:53 AM
Autopsy (heal) check: [roll0]

2017-11-21, 10:58 AM
And Spot/Listen checks to notice the “creatures” if they’re there.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Edit: (OOC) I do like me some natural 20s

2017-11-21, 11:04 AM
Khaldun and Shrakk both watch the woman work. They had seen magical healing before, so they were severely confused when the man turned to gold instead of being healed, only exacerbated by the other patient's nonchalance.

However, they remember their training and meditation, keeping a cool head under stress, and Shrakk begins examining the bodies around them, checking for more survivors and trying to figure out what might have done this, while Khaldun sets about trying to help the wounded man to his feet and patch up any wounds the woman might not have gotten too.

"What happened here, sir, and what do you mean about not wanting to be out there after dark?" Khaldun asks the man, trying not to bombard him with too many questions at once. These two seemed like the most pertinent.

2017-11-21, 11:17 AM
The dragon-man watches in horror as what he believes to be a spell of healing has a most awful effect. He tries to shout after the woman as she runs off the cliff, but is stunned by it all. Finally, he gathers himself enough to speak, "I am called Kar. What evil has befallen you?" He looks over the edge at the gathering darkness, "What evil has befallen all of us?"

Spellcraft [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana [roll1] (Using 1 point of inspiration to add his level to the check) What went wrong with the magic?
Knowledge Planes or Geography [roll2] Where are we?
Knowledge Nature [roll3] Natural hazards?

2017-11-21, 11:21 AM
Shockfish Pond
Jack sighs at the word yank, then shakes his head, and (making sure that Bryrel doesn't see) and points to her then to his ears, offering a comical wink. He straigtens his face as she turns around. "Yanks? I think I have yet to encounter one of those... What do you know of these yanks?" Jack's face turns reddish, and it is clear he's trying not too laugh. Meanwhile, "Tom" is taking his rifle apart, and begins stowing the pieces, pulling out a much small scouting rifle.

"They're a crazy fun lot to hang around with." John says, pointing at Jack's trench gun. "That piece you've got looks like one of theirs, so sorry for assuming, mate." he smiles under his mask before adding. "Though there could be worse you could look like, if it makes ya'll feel any better."

2017-11-21, 11:31 AM

With the sounds of battle well and done with, Cornelius thinks it is safe and well to follow after for a look, minions in tow.

Well, looks like a carnage to him. Tickles the olfact, really. He's just in time to watch the fumbling over the wounded too.

"What a lively sight."

A small gesture sends the three minions on a quest to scatter some of the gold, while Cornelius himself waits just behind Khaldum, one pair of hands crossed behind his back.

"The dark is most likely due to whatever the feared creatures that dislike gold are, a better question to ask is thus, what are they? And truly, for my own peace of mind, how do they feel about the living dead?"

2017-11-21, 11:37 AM
Khaldun and Shrakk both watch the woman work. They had seen magical healing before, so they were severely confused when the man turned to gold instead of being healed, only exacerbated by the other patient's nonchalance.

However, they remember their training and meditation, keeping a cool head under stress, and Shrakk begins examining the bodies around them, checking for more survivors and trying to figure out what might have done this, while Khaldun sets about trying to help the wounded man to his feet and patch up any wounds the woman might not have gotten too.

"What happened here, sir, and what do you mean about not wanting to be out there after dark?" Khaldun asks the man, trying not to bombard him with too many questions at once. These two seemed like the most pertinent.

Unfortunately had the woman hung around for a minute she'd have discovered that the man she'd tried to heal had actually breathed his last just before she finished the spell... and thus she didn't actually kill him.

As everyone looks around the area there is no sign of the "creatures" whatever they were, and there is also no sign of the woman who took off. Hopefully she'll be fine, but night is quickly falling. ((Could I suggest some search checks :smalltongue:)) The man looks up at you, and it is clear that his "nonchalance" attitude is more of a defense... He's in shock. Whatever attacked them is gone, and it seems that the bodies were literally torn open, just judging based off the viscera scattered around. Whatever did this wasn't your ordinary predator type, this was something big. ((Heal Check, DC 15:)) [You can tell that some of the corpses have been lying longer then others, most likely due to fighting waves or possibly ding over multiple days.] To the side is a lone body, that of an elf with a bow in one hand, and in the other is clenched a sword with some gleaming silver liquid on it ((Another Heal Check!)). The fighter sighs, "I'm not sure what they are, nor where they come from, we've managed to fight them off for three nights now, and it was Alregue over there [A gesture to the fallen elf warrior] who figured out the weakness to gold. Of course by that time they had killed too many of us to put up any sort of a defense. I don't suppose any of you has some gold on them?" He asks with a mirthless chuckle. Getting him to his feat is barely able, as it seems the left Achilles tendon has suffered some major damage, although given enough time it is clear that it'll heal. As far as wounds she may have missed it seems she covered everything except for a small scrape on his forehead, which looks fine. Some of the stitches are brand new, having been just finished before the attempted spellcasting. "I doubt I'll be much help to you." He admits with a sigh.

As the dragon man looks over the edge he sees a small winding stair, and notices that she did not walk off the cliff, rather tried to take the stairs and slipped.
((Knowledge (Arcana) + Spellcraft: From what you can tell their is something strange, something unusual in the local magic. Although you are unable to pinpoint exactly what it is. The spell seemed to be going fine, until something disrupted it. You also get the general idea that most archmage's back home would probably not survive here too well.
Knowledge (Planes/Geography): You've heard of places untamed, where the wildness rules, but nothing like this... A clear area in the middle of the jungle with a plateau? Not to mention the other two that are barely within sight, which seem to form a triangular shape.
Knowledge (Nature): The jungle seems to be rather dense, and who knows what's in there (mental images of snakes and poison frogs may come to mind). The Plateau looks rather sturdy though, and it'd take something major to shift it, let alone destroy the thing. To the south the sky is has a reddish tinge, and you can see a distant, lone mountain. To the North is a large mountain range. ))

The fighter looks at Cornelius "Now see here, I don't have any problems with undead, but if you try anything with these bodies I'll rip yer damned head off, understood? As far as undead they'd rip you apart as soon as I."

Shockfish Pond
Jack sighs, "No, I'm American. He points to his ears again then tilts his head to Bryrel, and runs a finger along the top of his ear, once again tilting his head towards Bryrel. "A yank gun? I was told it is a shot gun..." Bryrel states, looking at the gun again.

2017-11-21, 11:59 AM
Search check: [roll0]
Heal check: [roll1]
Can I take 20 on either of these? I’m not threatened, right?

2017-11-21, 11:59 AM
Seeing the wounded man refer to the elf warrior, Shrakk closely examines that body particularly carefully, trying to figure out what the silver liquid might be.

Meanwhile Khaldun begins taking charge of the situation around him, emptying his pockets of all the gold he happened to have with him when he landed here.

"I do have some gold, and I'm pretty sure my friend has some too, though I can't imagine how effective coins will be as a weapon unless we melt them down and forge them." Realizing that the man's ankle seems to be severely damaged, he tries to make a splint for it with a nearby stick, though he's clearly not at all trained in first aid. He gestures around them to the bodies. "As for the fallen, is burial or pyre the proper course?"

Looking around at the others, he asks, "Can anybody see where the woman went? We cannot leave her alone to meet a fate such as this."

2017-11-21, 12:05 PM
"I'm not that kind of undead, and I am scarcely geared to treat a mass of corpses as raw materials for anything at the moment, maybe in the future."

He does stretch out a limb to the blade coated in silver blood, taking a good look at it along with Marthe, just returned from scattering the gold coins.

"And yes, I do have some gold on me, as it turns out. More than willing to part with it, given the obvious lack of merchants nearby. So, what does the enemy look like, anyway? You gave them a name yet? Stuffed a corpse?"

He is nonchalant about impending doom, it isn't a defense mechanism.

Checking the blood on the blade.
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]
Heal (Marthe): [roll2]

2017-11-21, 12:13 PM
As you examine the elf warrior you notice that he seems to not have any wounds one would consider "mortal". In fact if he was not in the surrounding area and in a bed one would think he is merely unconscious. The attempt to make a splint is wasted, as it seems there's not a single stick on the plateau (it is completely clear except for the soldiers and their equipment). The fighter waves him off, "Starting making a ring with the gold, they won't cross it for some reason. Tradition dictates they be burned with the sunrise, but [a gesture to the wind swept plateau] I doubt that'll happen anytime soon." He turns to the insectile undead "They take their dead, so we have no idea how many we have slain. I guarantee that Alregue cut down at least one [he hasn't seen the sword] the night before last, and I got one. They are strange, and some of them are different from each other. Some with six legs, some with none... Make sure you scatter some coins down the stairwell."

((On the Blood: It seems rather thick, more of a sludge then a liquid, and it would give such an animal a great resistance to any bleeding effect.))

2017-11-21, 12:14 PM
Rose looks around. Is there an encampment nearby? Do you have a smaller defensible area than this enprmous expanse? It would seem silly to expend our gold to simply cover such a massive area.

Finally, isnt gold...bendable? Couldn't you get lots of gold and hammer it into a thin line to protect your living space?

2017-11-21, 12:28 PM
"I'm no craftsman, but you'd have an easier time gilding an existing weapon instead of forging one completely from gold. It will be stronger and lighter anyway, and the gold will go farther. I don't think we have enough time to work on weapons, though. Let's focus on defense for now."

The draconic man pulls a bootlace free from one of the corpses, "My apologies." Then Karatzas removes a rolled pouch from one of his many pockets. He unrolls it and pulls from it a pin vice -- a small hand drill. He takes a coin from another pocket and sits on the ground with his heels together. Kar balances the coin atop the insoles of both boots and spins the drill between his hands. The soft metal gives way, and he is careful to catch the scrap in his pouch. When he is done, he laces the leather strap through the hole.

He offers it to anyone. "If these creatures do not like gold, we should wear it. Perhaps we can turn them back like a priest with undead. I can make more if someone will gather laces and coins"

2017-11-21, 12:29 PM
im all for camping out.

I’m confused though, didn’t that woman run into a secret cave? Couldn’t we go hide in there?

2017-11-21, 12:33 PM
"We didn't try descending, the only way down is the stair... As for hammering the problem is that there are some who seem to not be vulnerable to it, and they try to quickly come up and drag them off. Thus the more coins that are scattered makes it harder for them to get all of them off. As far as it seeming silly unless you have something better planned I suggest you hurry." He nods at Karatzas "The elf did something similar, taking gold coins and tying them off to some of our men's weapons, mostly the clubs and hammers, but it worked alright. Just watch out, these aren't everyday animals... They're rather smart... Too smart." His eyes close a little, then open back up. "Don't let me fall asleep yeah?"

((The woman went down some stairs, lost balance and was last seen crawling into the jungle... So no, not a cave :smallsmile:))

2017-11-21, 01:05 PM
Weg des Faustficken

"I feel like earthen fortifications might be in order. We can upgrade to stronger materials as time allows. I will begin with a lumber wall to reinforce the earth exterior." The tireless steel and stone man crouches at the stairs and proceeds to scrape each step clean with his large steel claws.

"Anyone care to join me?"

2017-11-21, 01:05 PM
"We didn't try descending, the only way down is the stair... As for hammering the problem is that there are some who seem to not be vulnerable to it, and they try to quickly come up and drag them off. Thus the more coins that are scattered makes it harder for them to get all of them off. As far as it seeming silly unless you have something better planned I suggest you hurry." He nods at Karatzas "The elf did something similar, taking gold coins and tying them off to some of our men's weapons, mostly the clubs and hammers, but it worked alright. Just watch out, these aren't everyday animals... They're rather smart... Too smart." His eyes close a little, then open back up. "Don't let me fall asleep yeah?"

Where do they come from? The stairs or from all directions? And when do they usually attack? (Gather Information: [roll0]). In the meantime, I have a trick that will help, I think. (OoC: Activate Protective Aura, courtesy of being a Saint. I now have a 20-foot radius circle of light around me that functions as a Lesser Globe of Invulnerability and a double-strength Protection from Evil. Lasts as long as I want. This isn’t casting a spell.) (To the man)We’re shielded now. You can rest if you wish. (to the others) If you need rest, you can sleep in the light. You’ll be shielded.

2017-11-21, 01:10 PM
Shockfish Pond
Jack sighs, "No, I'm American. He points to his ears again then tilts his head to Bryrel, and runs a finger along the top of his ear, once again tilting his head towards Bryrel. "A yank gun? I was told it is a shot gun..." Bryrel states, looking at the gun again.

"Y'know, 'Yankee'." he clarified. "It's what the Brits used to call you guys." he said, before adding. "And by Brits I mean the English. Something the matter?"

Sense Motive because I'm not quite sure what the hand signs mean:

2017-11-21, 01:19 PM
"I feel like earthen fortifications might be in order. We can upgrade to stronger materials as time allows. I will begin with a lumber wall to reinforce the earth exterior. Anyone care to join me?"

Rose, glad at least to have something to do, follows the metal goliath. I will help. Direct my aid as you will.

2017-11-21, 01:23 PM
"Most climb right up the damn sides, although the nastier ones come up the stair, it's what leaves them so slippery." He shakes his head at the mention of shielded "You don't understand, we came with a host of men, we were heading for battle at Tol-Ane, and then we found ourselves here. We weren;t some kids out playing dress up." He looks over to the metal goliath working at the stairs "We had someone with us who fled down there and into the jungle, the things stopped at the boundary... Getting out may very well be our best chance."

Shockfish Pond
Jack just shakes his head, "I know what yank means." Bryrel smiles, "Ah, so it is a way of referencing people. Alright." She looks around, we should be heading off if you are done talking about yanks."

(He seems to be telling you to look at her ears :smalltongue:))

2017-11-21, 01:28 PM
"Most climb right up the damn sides, although the nastier ones come up the stair, it's what leaves them so slippery." He shakes his head at the mention of shielded "You don't understand, we came with a host of men, we were heading for battle at Tol-Ane, and then we found ourselves here. We weren;t some kids out playing dress up." He looks over to the metal goliath working at the stairs "We had someone with us who fled down there and into the jungle, the things stopped at the boundary... Getting out may very well be our best chance."

Shall we head to the jungle at dawn, then? Or should we leave now? My companions and I can try to hold them off, if need be. (Cast Detect Evil, looking at the stairs.)

2017-11-21, 01:29 PM
While all this conversation is going on Miithi continues peering into the jungle below. Has anyone rope? Perhaps if we can get down and up these slopes it would give those of us not wishing to try and hold this ground a greater chance to escape. But not to be sealed from here should a return prove neccesary.

2017-11-21, 01:39 PM
Shockfish Pond
Jack just shakes his head, "I know what yank means." Bryrel smiles, "Ah, so it is a way of referencing people. Alright." She looks around, we should be heading off if you are done talking about yanks."

(He seems to be telling you to look at her ears :smalltongue:))

"Sure, after you, miss." John nods, all set and ready to go before looking at Jack, "Something I ought to keep an eye out along the way?" he asked.

(He will follow their lead, making a couple questions every now and then and answering what they ask him as best he can.)

2017-11-21, 01:40 PM
Cornelius is still observing the gooey, silvery blood, but does answer Mithii's query from the side.

"Give me half an hour and I can spin a spool."

2017-11-21, 01:42 PM
Weg des Faustficken

"Your assistance is welcome.
What do I call you?"

When the stairs are clear of gunk he turns back to the stone lady, "Did they just decide to move on in the morning? If we can get a direction, I'm sure you and I can create a path through the night."

2017-11-21, 02:05 PM
Seeing the others beginning to discuss fortifications and encampments, Khaldun motions to Shrakk. "Shrakk, let's go search for the woman while they're figuring out a place to sleep.

We're going to need all the help we can get," he says to the general crowd.

Shrakk nods in agreement, and then the two of them begin carefully making their way down the stairs, trying to find any trace of the woman who had run off.

Khaldun spot [roll0]
search [roll1]

Shrakk spot [roll2]
search [roll3]

2017-11-21, 02:06 PM
Shockfish Pond
Bryrel heads out into the forest, heading east. Jack smiles, and once she is a bit ahead leans over "I might be a Yank, but her? Not quite sure on that one... I don't even think she's human... Oh, watch out for snakes and other buggers, and don't touch any frogs. Seems everything in her is poisonous, so I'd eat what she gives you and nothing else unless you brought something of your own. Well, we better go now."

As Cornelius observes the blood it seems to move, ever so slightly, then stops, just enough movement to be observable to those watching very closely.

2017-11-21, 02:26 PM
Cornelius has two hands spinning rope and another two holding onto his weapons, while the last pair brings the bloody blade closer to his eyes.

"Well, look at that, it moves! Some tricky little blood is still alive after being shed. How quaint."

2017-11-21, 02:41 PM
Cornelius grabs the weapon and brings it to him... yet it seems the elf is still holding on to it. The blood is not moving at all now, except for some slight vibrations caused by moving it.

Shrakk and Khaldun manage the stairs, and after carefully descending they finally reach the plain. Of course from the bottom you can see several tunnels going into and under the plateau, making one think of an ant hill. Nobody can see these from the stair due to the curve, and no one can see them from the top due to small overhangs and the top of the plateaus lip.

2017-11-21, 02:45 PM
Hmm (He’s thinking). Perhaps the elf is not dead? (Heal check: [roll0])

2017-11-21, 02:57 PM
As far as you can tell the elf is very dead. Maybe it's just rigor mortis?

2017-11-21, 03:45 PM
Shockfish Pond
Bryrel heads out into the forest, heading east. Jack smiles, and once she is a bit ahead leans over "I might be a Yank, but her? Not quite sure on that one... I don't even think she's human... Oh, watch out for snakes and other buggers, and don't touch any frogs. Seems everything in her is poisonous, so I'd eat what she gives you and nothing else unless you brought something of your own. Well, we better go now."

"Alright, you fancy some instant noodles?" John asked humorously as they started following behind the strange woman's footsteps.

Just gonna follow her lead, then.

2017-11-21, 04:10 PM
"This better not be a zombie or some kind of puppet you little silvery ooze."

Cornelius thinks for a moment, before taking a step back and using his spear to pry the sword out of the elf's hand.

So, this is either excessive carefulness (we are level 1, being in combat is taking too big a risk) or a disarm check against a prone target, if it is a disarm check, Cornelius does have reach thanks to the longspear, and a nice bonus for doing it with a two handed weapon.

Maybe disarm? [roll0]

Edit: That should actually be a +11 rather than a +9.

2017-11-21, 04:42 PM
You manage to ply the sword out of the elf's hand, which clatters to the ground nearby him. Although, he is now watching you intently, a small smile on his face, which seems rather terrifying, due to the fact that his eyes seem to be pitch black... until he blinks becoming a gentle silver and more like a normal elven eye. "...and who are you?"

Shockfish Pond>>Dragon Maw Cave
Jack looks at you, "Instant noodles? How's that work? Poof! Noodles?"

2017-11-21, 05:04 PM
You, uh... you were clearly dead. (OoC: He stops, shaken) ...Anyways, I’m Kahde Avain, saint and healer. OoC (Diplomacy Check: [roll0]. Can you enlighten us about what’s going on here? Both with you and this battle. The human over there told us that strange creatures have been attacking. Do you know what they are?

2017-11-21, 05:05 PM
anyone want to be ferried down to the forest? I’ll float down the first person who wants a lift.

If no one wants to come with me to follow Shrakk, khaldun, and bryrel, then I just float down after them alone.

2017-11-21, 05:20 PM
The elf looks at Kahde, "Twerviel, nasty beasts they are. As for me being dead... Things are not always as they seem." He drops a wink then stands up, and picks up his sword. "Well, I must admit we didn't do so well last night, but with more bodies we should be able to fight them off again." At this the other survivor shakes his head, "We need to leave, I know you are convinced to hold the hill but it won't work." The elf just waves a and, then surveys the perimeter "These were fine men and it is a loss to all for them to have fallen so low." He begins pacing back and forth, thinking of ways to fortify the plateau.

2017-11-21, 05:34 PM
"Cornelius. What is so important about holding this rock, I see no resources here, unless the arrival of groups of chain-ganged individuals is a common event. The jungle should at least offer materials with which to establish a safe base of operations as well."

Still weaving rope.

"And what are those twerviel?"

2017-11-21, 05:41 PM
anyone want to be ferried down to the forest? I’ll float down the first person who wants a lift.

If no one wants to come with me to follow Shrakk, khaldun, and bryrel, then I just float down after them alone.

After a short moment of consideration, Mithii raises his voice. I'll take a look through this jungle alongside you.

2017-11-21, 06:09 PM
The elf looks at Kahde, "Twerviel, nasty beasts they are. As for me being dead... Things are not always as they seem." He drops a wink then stands up, and picks up his sword. "Well, I must admit we didn't do so well last night, but with more bodies we should be able to fight them off again." At this the other survivor shakes his head, "We need to leave, I know you are convinced to hold the hill but it won't work." The elf just waves a and, then surveys the perimeter "These were fine men and it is a loss to all for them to have fallen so low." He begins pacing back and forth, thinking
of ways to fortify the plateau.
I can create an affect akin to a Protection from Evil spell out to 20 feet if that is of any use. I shall help you defend the plateau; you’ll find I’m handy with a bow. Oh, and what’s your name?

2017-11-21, 07:48 PM
Sigma looks on at what all has happened, wades into the mass of dead soldiers and starts to build

2017-11-21, 08:29 PM
After a short moment of consideration, Mithii raises his voice. I'll take a look through this jungle alongside you.

We float down the side of the mountain.

do you want to go ahead, or should we wait for the others to descend?

Edit: I ask this as we're flying past the others on the stairs

2017-11-21, 09:17 PM
Shockfish Pond>>Dragon Maw Cave
Jack looks at you, "Instant noodles? How's that work? Poof! Noodles?"

"Well, you gotta add boiling water first and wait a couple minutes, but yeah. Tastes a lot better than regular MREs, too." Jonathan said as he looked around the cave he had been led to. "So, that your fort? Impressive."

Rolling Spot:

2017-11-21, 09:17 PM
You may call me Rose. And-.

"Did they just decide to move on in the morning? If we can get a direction, I'm sure you and I can create a path through the night."
Rose pauses to think. "From what I heard,
It sounds like these soldiers also came from mysterious origins. They haven't been here much longer than us; maybe a night at most?

What might you be called?

She perks up at helpful conversation above.
[QUOTE]"Cornelius. What is so important about holding this rock, I see no resources here, unless the arrival of groups of chain-ganged individuals is a common event. The jungle should at least offer materials with which to establish a safe base of operations as well."

She tells the robot-man she'd be right back and approaches the one weaving string. "A few of us could dig passages if its helpful; we could give safety and I doubt I or the...metal goliath would get at all tired.

2017-11-21, 09:22 PM

The tall bug-man's empty eyes turn to Rose.

"Well, I can't say I am against a nice tunnel to hide in, if you all can do the digging, do proceed to it."

2017-11-21, 09:57 PM
Weg des Faustficken

Weg makes his way to Rose's side. "You want tunnels dug? Wise idea, Rose." He takes a couple steps until he finds a good piece of terrain and begins to break ground.

"A tunnel entrance makes for a great bottleneck scenario. The material we pull out can be useful for border fortifications."

"And, Rose? I am Weg des Faustficken. Who's your friend?"

2017-11-22, 04:22 AM
We float down the side of the mountain.

do you want to go ahead, or should we wait for the others to descend?

Edit: I ask this as we're flying past the others on the stairs
Maithili replies "Lets scout it out a bit at least, if danger is there we can always wait but no need to waste time if it's safe.

2017-11-22, 10:35 AM
Tunneling is something my friends and I are excellent at, Freya says. We could make a gently sloping one, that'll be easy to get down and up.

2017-11-22, 01:34 PM
Weg des Faustficken
"You want tunnels dug? Wise idea, Rose. A tunnel entrance makes for a great bottleneck scenario. The material we pull out can be useful for border fortifications.
I am Weg des Faustficken. Who's your friend?"

Rose moved a clawed hand towards the tall bug-man.
"Ah! This one identified itself earlier as Cornelius, and that one said she was Freya before we...decided to investigate the battlefield. Is that correct?"

Tunneling is something my friends and I are excellent at. We could make a gently sloping one, that'll be easy to get down and up.
Rose nods. "Let's get to it; the sooner we begin, the faster the others can have a safe passageway. Er...Freya, was it? Could you and your companions help bring the excavated dirt to the topside? Also, if Cornelius or someone else could organize a means of holding the dirt to move it, that would absolutely increase our speed of digging.

2017-11-22, 02:05 PM
Weg des Faustficken

"Rose, Cornelius, and Freya. Let us do our part to secure this area. I appreciate the teamwork on this."

Weg smashes rock and soil with one hand while he shovels with the other, "I plan to start about twenty feet down. That'll give a strong roof and a difficult to breach barrier. That sound reasonable?"

2017-11-22, 04:26 PM

Kar realizes that no one is going to take his proffered charm, so he puts it around his own scaly neck. The man puts his tools away and winds his way to the digging site.

"I'm not sure that digging is the best idea. The description of these beasts -- many legs and none, slimy trails -- they sound like giant bugs. Many bugs prefer a subterranean environment. It is just a hypothesis, but caution seems prudent."

2017-11-22, 05:07 PM
The Elf Lord smiles at the digging, but doesn't say anything about it. "I assume you are not a general?" At this the other rolls his eyes, "Stupid high up elf." The Elf's nostrils flare, then he ignores him "Anyone knows that giving ground is bad for morale and that it will only give them more courage." At this the other fighter sits up "Fool, Can't you see they are all dead? We followed your orders, and look where it brought us!". The elf scowls, "You screwed up, I told you what to do, but you stayed in the middle of the plateau instead of picking them off the edges, otherwise we'd have driven them off, you lot were incompetent." The other's eyes narrow, "Who was it that feigned death?". The elf's sword is now in hand, and he takes a step towards him.

((Fight! Fight! Fight! :smalltongue:))

Dragon Maw Cave
The Cave is a natural formation, but it is almost scary in how it represents a dragon.... A very angry demonic dragon. The sound of meat roasting can be smelt, and a small man emerges from the cave "Ah, you lot's back. I told you, we gotta stay around here. Oh, you got someone else. He hungry?" Jack smiles, and the woman who led you there quietly slips past, heading into the cave. "Don't worry about Bryrel, she doesn't talk much." Jack says. "Well, welcome to our little hidey hole. Now, I know something better then noodles, and that's meat. Care for a bite?"

2017-11-22, 05:44 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
George comes tumbling into what appears to be a well lit room, crashing into a chest and sending clothing everywhere. He appears to be in a small curtained off area, and the smell of meat is in the air.

2017-11-22, 05:53 PM
George Adremelech

"Yep, yep everything hurts, it hurts a lot." George says rubbing his horns before he is assaulted by a ravenous terrifying beast, "Boonie no, no kisses not right now." he says trying to keep his ferocious corgi beast off of him. "Alright enough, you little monster you. We have to figure out where we are and why." picking him up and carrying him like a ball, the room is warm and comfortable but he has no clue where it is and brings its own discomfort.

"Alright girl which way is the way out."

2017-11-22, 06:17 PM
The Elf Lord smiles at the digging, but doesn't say anything about it. "I assume you are not a general?" At this the other rolls his eyes, "Stupid high up elf." The Elf's nostrils flare, then he ignores him "Anyone knows that giving ground is bad for morale and that it will only give them more courage." At this the other fighter sits up "Fool, Can't you see they are all dead? We followed your orders, and look where it brought us!". The elf scowls, "You screwed up, I told you what to do, but you stayed in the middle of the plateau instead of picking them off the edges, otherwise we'd have driven them off, you lot were incompetent." The other's eyes narrow, "Who was it that feigned death?". The elf's sword is now in hand, and he takes a step towards him.

((Fight! Fight! Fight! :smalltongue:))

Hey! Settle down! Bickering and fights aren’t going to help anyone, least of all the brave soldiers who died defending this place. (Diplomacy check: [roll0]). Human, my companions can escort you to the jungle if you so wish. Elf, I shall help you defend this plateau against further attacks. But we will get nowhere if you two fight! (Another Diplomacy check for good measure: [roll1])
lol I got the same result on both

2017-11-22, 07:57 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
The Cave is a natural formation, but it is almost scary in how it represents a dragon.... A very angry demonic dragon. The sound of meat roasting can be smelt, and a small man emerges from the cave "Ah, you lot's back. I told you, we gotta stay around here. Oh, you got someone else. He hungry?" Jack smiles, and the woman who led you there quietly slips past, heading into the cave. "Don't worry about Bryrel, she doesn't talk much." Jack says. "Well, welcome to our little hidey hole. Now, I know something better then noodles, and that's meat. Care for a bite?"

"Sure, nice change of pace from just potted meat and veggies." John says as he looks around the campsite, eyeing it's inhabitants as he follows behind Jack. "Where can I drop this?" he asks, tilting his head towards his rolled up tent-former boat.

2017-11-22, 08:19 PM
Freya, Gunther, and Firebrand join in the tunneling effort. They plow effortlessly through the thick stone, about two and a half feet long every second, with a tunnel large enough for a tall man to walk through.

2017-11-22, 09:18 PM
So Mithii and Tabitha float down to the bottom of the plateau, and set of into the forest, to scout and look for that healer woman who turned that guy into gold.

spooky forrest, huh? Anyway What do you think those things were, Mithii?

2017-11-22, 10:32 PM

Gustav and Eleanore returned to their master's side just in time for the four of them to listen to the exchange between the elf and the soldier.

The insectile once again find themselves vindicated in their belief of the insanity and stupidity of mammals. Truly, the world is lessened by creatures such as these.

Well, the human soldier is ok, but that elf is most definitely a dangerous lunatic. Cornelius is certain of such, for as a dangerous lunatic himself, he can recognize the type.

"Gustav and Marthe, you go help the digging team transport the drivel. Eleanore, help me with this rope, refrain from magic until we determine what is going on with it in this place. Ideally we will have this position fortified and survive the onslaught before taking the next step."

No attempt from any of them to stop the fight, it is not that they trust Kahde, it is that if they were in a moving train right now, one of them would probably have pushed the elf off.

2017-11-22, 10:54 PM
Cave room.

George still a bit lost pulls back the curtain to look around.

2017-11-22, 11:07 PM
Khaldun Sayyaf and Shrakk Rrathmal

Reaching the bottom of the plateau, Shrakk and Khaldun look in confusion at the tunnels in the cliffside.

"HELLO!?" Shrakk calls, hoping that the woman is nearby and can hear them.

2017-11-23, 02:21 PM
So Mithii and Tabitha float down to the bottom of the plateau, and set of into the forest, to scout and look for that healer woman who turned that guy into gold.

spooky forrest, huh? Anyway What do you think those things were, Mithii?

While casting a careful eye through the thick glades Mithii replies.
Truth be told, I had barely started the walk of four winds when I was swept off to here, and my tribe's lore master told little of terrestrial affairs. I was hoping another man here had heard of them. Still at least it seems they die to blades.

He walks slowly through the brush longbow drawn he attempts to spot any sign of the Woman

Rolling Spot [roll0]

2017-11-23, 06:18 PM
The Elf looks at the man offering his aide, his face cooling slightly. "Well, someone has some sort of sense and knows we can't let them take this area. We have the higher ground, and now we have more soldiers. As long as you follow my exact orders we should be fine." The human shakes his head, "I won't stay here to watch you lead them to slaughter, as we know how well we all fared last time under your advice." It seems that the soldier has a bit of a grudge... Which given that it seems the elf is the only elf and all the bodies are human may be understandable...

Plateau>Tunnels (?)
Our mining crew suddenly seems to hit an underground tunnel quite possible sending them tumbling into the abyss ((Reflex save 20)). An eerie hissing and scraping sound can be heard echoing through the tunnels.

Plateau, Bottom/Jungle's Edge
The caves seem to let out about 15' above the ground, although there are one or two that go all the way down. As for the woman, there's no sign of her, although there is some pushed down overgrowth at the edge of the jungle the trail is rapidly lost, except for those trained in such things. Mithii finds a scrap of bloody cloth caught in a brush, showing that the woman did at least go that way.

Dragon Maw Cave
Jack smiles, "Just bring it inside, and set it to wherever you'd like to sleep I guess." There's a muffled crash from inside, and Jack tilts his head, and the woman quickly disappears from sight, although just before she does you see the glint of steel. Whoever "dropped" in on them was clearly uninvited. Jack runs in, his gun pointed, his face baffled as he stares at George "What, am I in a fantasy book? Who the hell wears plate mail?". To George the surrounding area seems to be a decently stocked area, some medical supplies, some weapons, and in the middle a deer on a spit. Suddenly you feel very cold steel set under your ear. "May I ask why you wrecked my stuff." A soft voice whispers in your ear, although any attempt to glimpse what it is has no results. Of course another man and a much shorter one enters (Along with if John follows) shows that he may very well have fallen into the wrong crowd. ((How familiar would George be with firearms? I imagine he is from a more generic fantasy setting, so I don't think any, but I'd like to be sure.))

2017-11-23, 07:48 PM
Rose, engaged with a stubborn rock, realizes only too late that the ground is collapsing around her. She reaches a hand out to grab onto Wes but doesn't find sufficient purchase. She brings the pike out from where she'd pressed it against her back, but to no use; she was already falling downwards.

Rose has Darkvision 60' so she isnt totally devoid of options or awareness.

2017-11-23, 09:08 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
"I'm afraid I'm quite a bit lost, I'm not a hundred percent on which plane I'm on but from where I'm from we don't threaten folks. I do apologize for wrecking your stuff though the true culprit for that was physics." George trying to calm Boonie.

2017-11-23, 09:38 PM
The first one to break through is...


Since we aren't ALL going to pass through at the exact same moment.

Who falls, painfully.

-2 for Freya, +5 for Firebrand, no mod on Gunther.

2017-11-23, 11:28 PM
Cornelius - Plateau

Ah, the sound of a cave-in, what a lovely sound.



Marthe speaks up.

"They broke through a tunnel, doesn't look like any of them managed a decent fall."

"Wait until you hear any kind of response and get ready to climb down to help however it proves necessary. I would like a thankful team once we inevitably decide to abandon this ludicrous and obviously antagonistic piece of rock in favor of some nice, hot, wet and pestilent jungle."

2017-11-24, 08:07 AM
Dragon Maw Cave
Jack smiles, "Just bring it inside, and set it to wherever you'd like to sleep I guess." There's a muffled crash from inside, and Jack tilts his head, and the woman quickly disappears from sight, although just before she does you see the glint of steel. Whoever "dropped" in on them was clearly uninvited. Jack runs in, his gun pointed, his face baffled as he stares at George "What, am I in a fantasy book? Who the hell wears plate mail?". To George the surrounding area seems to be a decently stocked area, some medical supplies, some weapons, and in the middle a deer on a spit. Suddenly you feel very cold steel set under your ear. "May I ask why you wrecked my stuff." A soft voice whispers in your ear, although any attempt to glimpse what it is has no results. Of course another man and a much shorter one enters (Along with if John follows) shows that he may very well have fallen into the wrong crowd. ((How familiar would George be with firearms? I imagine he is from a more generic fantasy setting, so I don't think any, but I'd like to be sure.))

John followed behind Jack, leaving his 'tent' on the ground and readying his weapon as he eyes the intruder up and down. "Guy would fit right in The Lord of the Rings." he comments as he takes position next to Jack.

The last TLOR book was published in October 20th, 1955, 20 years before John got here, so very likely he's read it.

2017-11-24, 04:24 PM
darn. Hopefully we’ll get answers if we stick around long enough. As for our healer, We could follow after her, but I’m affraid we’d just get lost too

roll 13+0=13

2017-11-24, 04:30 PM
Karatzas jumps at the sound of the cave-in. But, knowing that there is nothing he can do, except offer an I told you so, he instead responds to the elf. "I don't think so. We can hold this hill, but you've had your chance at leading. A leader that feigns death while those around him fight and die is no leader. I hope the two of you stay with us, for there is strength in numbers. We can establish a perimeter of gold and then blitz strike the ones who try to destroy the perimeter."

2017-11-24, 05:13 PM
"I know not this lord of rings but I know a lord of a crown. Lower your weapons so we may speak peacefully." George slowly sets Boonie down and pets him until he sits then very slowly unclips a part of his helm and raises it off his head and horns . "I promise you on my honor that I mean you no harm, I am simply lost." George's face is a burnt crimson red with black shining hair weaving around his horns and falling past his ears, his eyes an off putting bright amber.

2017-11-24, 10:08 PM
The Elf looks at Karatzas, "Fool, you should watch your tongue. There were four left, how does one come back later if one is slain where nopriests can contact one afterward?" The elf shakes his head, "this land is strange, don;t jdge so readily." He moves nimbly to the tunnel, his face thoughtful "I thought so... Interesting."

Plateau, Tunnels
The tunnels continue a long way and are pefectly symetrical, and the walls seem to be coated in some sort of thick grease... However the floor is impeccably clean. They are approximately 15' from the opening, and the way the tunneled in shows that climbing out will be no easy task.

Plateau, Bottom/Jungle's Edge
Those that have descended have no awareness of the small mining accident, although... it sounds like something is moving around and echoing from those tunnels at the plateau's base.

Dragon Maw Cave
The blade slowly drags away from George's throat, and a rather tall woman slowly drifts into sight. Jack and Bryrel look at you when you mention lord of the rings then both shrug to themselves, staring at George. Jack takes a step forward, already trusting John to watch his back... maybe becuase he's the military type? That or it might just be he's the only "normal" person so far. "Well, I'm Jack, the knife lady's Bryrel, and the little 'un [a scowl from the cook] is Marx..." Jack stifles a smile, his thoughts on somebody else named Marx. ((:smalltongue:))

2017-11-24, 10:11 PM
Firebrand calls up, sore from the fall. "Got some other tunnels here... Weird stuff. Can I burn them?"

Not yet... Gunther, run back up, see if anyone has rope.

"Yes'm," Gunther replies, and starts heading back up.

2017-11-24, 10:16 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
Tucking his helmet under one arm and Boonie under the other George politely bows "I am known as Sir George, it is a pleasure to have stumbled into your home. Might I ask where the nearest town is or a mage if one is known."

2017-11-24, 11:48 PM
Plateau - Cornelius and crew

Gustav and Marthe look down into the dark tunnel.

"Well, it wasn't that long a fall at least. Little more than bruises if these mineral folk are as hard as they look."

"Do you think you can carry them up, Gustav?"

"... Maybe the horned female? That's a female right, given the name."

"Can't tell, I usually tell the genders of mammals by their thoracic protrusions, but that one is armored."

Rocks fly at the both of them.

"Get to work you imbeciles!"

"Yes, master!"
"Yes, master!"

Gustav climbs down after the five, while Marthe keeps watch of the hole. He wisely sticks to the walls even after arriving at almost the bottom of the tunnel, just far enough to look in.

"And to answer your question of rope, the master should be done with it shortly."

Cornelius and his ilk have Darkvision 60 ft. More importantly, they have Tremorsense 60 ft, so not a whole lot of secrets can be held from them in the tunnels!

2017-11-25, 02:13 AM
Hang on. something's funny

If Miithi consents, then Tabitha picks him up and we fly up to get a better idea as to the shape of this "plateau".

I think we might be the ones invading the bugs' home, so I want to make sure this "rock" is just that, and we haven't all been marooned on a giant hive.

Once airborne, she looks to see how porous it is, and if it's smooth and round or resembles a hive at all. Sadly, the only knowledge I gave her was religion, and I don't think that applies :smalltongue:

2017-11-25, 05:04 AM
Very well then, let us ascend.

I have ranks in Spot, Survival and Knowledge (Geography) are any of those relevant?

2017-11-25, 08:20 AM
"A network of tunnels. It may be wise to scout them and then secure them. We can't have enemies come in through the floor."

2017-11-25, 09:01 AM
Elf, what time do these “twerviel” attack?

2017-11-25, 11:53 AM
"Night, they come out when it's dark." The elf peers down the tunnels, his face interested. "Maybe we should pull out however temporrily, build up some stocks of gold come back, get a good fire going and poor molten gold down the tunnel? It'd need a lot of gold..."

((Climb Checks, DC 25))
The tremorsense is lit up, as it seems that there are mass movements within the tunnels, although they are muted, as if traveling from a distance. It seems both ends of the tunnel slightly slope downwards as they advance.

Plateau, Bottom>>>Midway Up (?)
The only thing you can tell is that these are not the effects of erosion over several years, but rather were made, although you are not too sure how. The plateau is pretty smooth, although everyonce in a while there is another hole. As or it being a hive? It looks like a normal plateau, if one were to ignore the winding stair and the occasional hole.

Dragonmaw Cave
Jack sighs a little, "Sir George? So you're a brit?" Then at the mention of mage he just shakes his head, and bryrel chuckles, quietly, the first show of any emotion besides impatience.
((Just to note, but Bryrel does everything quietly :smalltongue:))

2017-11-25, 12:31 PM
Plateau - Cornelius and co.

Gustav and Marthe clack their jaws, climbing back up as he goes.

"This tunnel slopes down, and there are things in it."
"Yes, if the elf is to be believed, these twerviel things are what is in the tunnels."

Cornelius arrives at the mouth of the hole with the rope, and throws one end down, while holding onto the other with Marthe's and Gustav's help.

"So not only is our most wise elven companion pushing us to gloriously hold our ground on a barely defendable piece of rock with no actual value to it, only for the sake of some 'morale' that does not exist, as we are not an army or really even long time acquaintances."

"Said piece of worthless rock is also THE CEILING OF THE ENEMY BASE OF OPERATIONS?!"

"We have to leave, now."

2017-11-25, 12:41 PM
Weg des Faustficken

Weg looks back at the others and clenched his massive battlefists. "I'll second that notion. Please evacuate these tunnels. I will stay here until you have all safely left." He turns back to watch both tunnels. His stance is one of a defender, preparing for combat.

2017-11-25, 02:13 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
"Do Brits have horns?And are they red? Because I've been running under the presumption that I was related to devils or demons, I'm still fuzzy on the difference. I also keep mixing up Bahamut and Baphomet and I continue to get yelled at for that." George says prattling on a bit until Boonie yips at him "Right right, so mage's are a source of humor indicating they're either outlawed, commonly foolish or my manner of speaking is bemusing due to a lack of understanding of a realm of magic. Neither situation suits me well. Alright, where are we currently located and where can I find either; a jungle, a church, or a place where people seem to mysteriously disappear."

2017-11-25, 02:33 PM
Where would you have us go, Elf? And what’s your name? I don’t want to keep calling you Elf.

2017-11-25, 05:45 PM

"Upon reflection, I think leaving quickly makes the most sense. I do believe we have inadvertently invaded the home of something. Considering the elf's words, it is likely that at least some of them are sentient."

The dragon man heads back to the stair and picks his way carefully downward.

2017-11-25, 10:06 PM
Dragon Maw Cave

"I know Brits, mate, and you ain't one. Name's John, by the way." Jonathan said as he followed behind Jack, slightly lowering his weapon, since the strange man didn't appear to be a threat, yet. "Wherever we are, seems like people from all over the worlds, times and spaces are falling here. And from the looks of it, this is the closest thing to a town you're gonna find." he says before looking at Jack. "What year are you from?" he asks under his breath so only Jack will hear it.

2017-11-25, 11:23 PM
With Miithi still on her shoulders, Tabitha Flies down to Shrakk and Khaldun at the base of the cliff.

Omfg y'all. This rock is absolutely COVERED in bug holes, and we need to GTF out of here before they come out again. I'm going up to talk to the others, so if you want to join me, or go out and look for that healer woman, or do whatever, I guess that's cool.

Edit:but point is, we need to leave this rock. Spooky woods are probably like a million times safer

2017-11-26, 08:54 PM

Now it's odd that there are already tunnels here. She looks up, clearly able to see Weg. She looks around herself, trying to think about her time studying about rock and its formations in her previous life.
Knowledge: (Geography) [roll0]

2017-11-26, 09:01 PM
Shrakk and Khaldun

Not hearing or seeing any sign of the healer woman, Shrakk and Khaldun listen to the strange floating woman's description of the plateau from a distance.

"All the more reason to find this woman so she doesn't die alone," Khaldun replies to Tabitha, as Shrakk examines the surrounding area to see any sign of where the woman might have gone.

Khaldun Search [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

Shrakk Search [roll2]
Survival [roll3]

2017-11-27, 01:51 AM
Shrakk and Khaldun

Not hearing or seeing any sign of the healer woman, Shrakk and Khaldun listen to the strange floating woman's description of the plateau from a distance.

"All the more reason to find this woman so she doesn't die alone," Khaldun replies to Tabitha, as Shrakk examines the surrounding area to see any sign of where the woman might have gone.

Tabitha points to where Miithi found the bloody cloth. We found this piece of her clothing, and the foliage is trampled down over there, but neither of us know how to track. I'm totes down to go after her, but I'm about as perceptive as a rock, so unless either of you two know how to track, then I'm going to fly up and see if anyone on the plateau can. Oh, and I'll probably warn them about the bug holes too :smalltongue:

If neither Shrakk or Khaldun can track, then I fly up to see the others on top of the plateau.

2017-11-27, 08:38 AM
Mithii catches his breath then jumps off, Tabitha's shoulders.

I know a little about tracking, if you've got my back when bad things show up I'm pretty sure I can put have a go at seeking them out.

2017-11-27, 09:43 AM
The elf smiles, "Now do you see why we can't leave? We have the enemies homeland at our fingertips, well... I guess at our boot heels..." He gives a chuckle, "My name is Alecrl." At that the fighter looks up, his face somewhat puzzled ((autohypnosis or intelligence chek if your character can't remember why he'd be :smalltongue:)) The elf sighs, "Go? I suggest we make a defense in the tunnels themselves! That way they can only come from 2 directions!"

Plateau Bottom/Jungle Edge>>>Jungle (?)
The trail is decently hidden considering the woman both left in a hurry and is obviously wounded. However those who know how to attract also knows what blood attracts, thus if there is something dangerous out there, this woman is a waking target. To those who have knowledge of such things. The path meanders, occasionally leaning against a tree, although the dark bark hides the blood stains rather well. So now comes the question, to chase after the woman into possible dangerous woods, or to wait until those still on the plateau can make up their minds as to what they are going to do?

Dragon Maw Cave
The woman sighs, "Disappearing? Like this?" She slowly fades from sight, and Jack gives a sigh. "Well, we're kind of in the middle of a jungle, as for a church? I doubt there is one, and not sure such a church would be a good thing..." he whispers to Jack, "1915, you?"

The tunnels are not natural, and seem to have been slowly carved, or possibly... eaten away at. In fact it kind of reminds Rose of how a worm would eat through dirt, leaving a small trail behind it as it went... Except it looks like someone simply cleaned said trail. There is no sign of the bug like creatures the elf is talking about, it seems that they don't come to the higher levels or outside during the day.

((Sorry for the low response rates, I was not feeling to well, and while I don't celebrate thanksgiving mi madre does so I visited her :smallsmile:. Things should pick back up now.))

2017-11-27, 01:15 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
The woman sighs, "Disappearing? Like this?" She slowly fades from sight, and Jack gives a sigh. "Well, we're kind of in the middle of a jungle, as for a church? I doubt there is one, and not sure such a church would be a good thing..." he whispers to Jack, "1915, you?"

John whispers back. "1975. Don't worry, you guys won the war. And the next one, too." he then raises his voice to speak clearly to Sir George. "So, what exactly are you, mate? 'Cause you clearly ain't human. Nor an elf, also not a dwarf, or a hobbit." he asks, looking over his weapon's iron sights.

Aiming but keeping his finger off the trigger.

[B]((Sorry for the low response rates, I was not feeling to well, and while I don't celebrate thanksgiving mi madre does so I visited her :smallsmile:. Things should pick back up now.))
Hey no problem, at least you had a great feast.

2017-11-27, 02:55 PM
Cornelius - at the Plateau

"Oh no, I have six hands and they are all tied up by the obscene, abundant corpulence of the fellows at the end of this rope, as such, I cannot wield my rifle. Someone do me the great favor of shooting that elf, preferably somewhere vital. Rectal impalement is also acceptable."

Gustav chimes in.

"Didn't the human call him Alguerre or something like that when we still through he was dead?"

And Marthe follows up.

"Alregue. Probably mispronounced or misremembered, as you did. Hardly matters right now... These people must be heavy as rocks."

"Well, they are."

2017-11-27, 03:09 PM
Well? Explain yourself, “Alecrl” or whoever you actually are. Intimidate check: [roll0].

2017-11-27, 03:12 PM
"What is a hobbit? Is that some fine combination of a hobo and a rabbit?" George becomes lost in thought wondering how a rabbit could become homeless when they could just dig a burrow. "Also I am a tiefling, a race bred between man and demon or devil. I am a paladin though a servant of a higher holier power and bound by law and justice to obey.
If my appearance gives you reason to have concern or my heritage I shall understand." George makes his way to the door to survey the area and to not bother the occupants of the cave.

2017-11-27, 04:10 PM
Rose determines quickly that these tunnels are, indeed, made by some of these tunneling animals. To Weg she calls, Weg! It is not safe here! Point me the way to the way we'd entered!

With this done, she will proceed as best she can towards the side of the Plateau and determine what best to do from there.

2017-11-28, 01:47 AM
Mithii catches his breath then jumps off, Tabitha's shoulders.

I know a little about tracking, if you've got my back when bad things show up I'm pretty sure I can put have a go at seeking them out.

If you can track, then I've I got your back! I say screw the others, and lets go save that woman before it's too late!

2017-11-28, 07:47 AM
Dragon Maw Cave

"Hairy, big-footed, about this tall." John says, holding a hand about the same level of his hips. "And no offense, but yeah, you certainly got the devil part right." he comments before looking at Jack. "So, what next? You gonna let him stay?"

2017-11-28, 08:18 AM
Dragon Maw Cave
Jack shrugs, "I don't know, Bryrel doesn't seem to mind him..." He whispers to Jack "What do you mean the next one?"

The elf looks at you lot in disdain, "Explain myself?" His hand tightens on his sword. "I think you lot make a poor excuse of any sort of person..." He scowls, "So, you are all going to run away with your tail's tucked between your legs?"

2017-11-28, 09:03 AM
And when did I say I would? I’d just like an explanation.

2017-11-28, 10:56 AM
Shrakk and Khaldun

Shrakk peers closely into the jungle, following the trail with his eyes for a few meters, then looks back at Khaldun.

"I think I can follow her, but I will need your help," he says quietly, uncomfortable with the other two near them.

Khaldun puts a hand on Shrakk's shoulder. "Always," he says, then turns to Miithi and Tabitha, "We could always use some more pairs of eyes. What say you?"

2017-11-28, 03:03 PM
The elf leans forward, "I have better things to do." He begins pacing the perimeter of the plateau, thinking.

After exiting the tunnels and surveying the area it becomes apparent that the only way down seems to be the one winding stair. Thus giving an advantage to any thing that can climb. However after a brief expanse of field the plateau is surrounded by a heavy jungle. The plateau dopes not seem defensible... maybe against a siege of normal people who couldn't fly, couldn't climb,
but with these creatures the elf describes? Any defense is doomed to fail... Especially with a lack of magic. ((So sorry for not getting this in earlier :smallredface:))

2017-11-28, 03:20 PM
Shrakk and Khaldun

Shrakk peers closely into the jungle, following the trail with his eyes for a few meters, then looks back at Khaldun.

"I think I can follow her, but I will need your help," he says quietly, uncomfortable with the other two near them.

Khaldun puts a hand on Shrakk's shoulder. "Always," he says, then turns to Miithi and Tabitha, "We could always use some more pairs of eyes. What say you?"

My eyes aren't the best, but I'll come with none the less

Edit: So that's all four of us at the jungle's edge in favour of going after the woman. Yeehaw!

2017-11-28, 03:45 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

"Freya, Firebrand, Gunther! Get q move on!" Weg picks each up in order and pushes them up to the hole they all fell through, "Somebody pulls these guys out!"

2017-11-28, 04:59 PM
The tactical options had to be considered: when you've landed on the area of an enemy, and it tries to kill you, there are a few options. First, and easiest, remove yourself from the enemy's area. This was somewhat unlikely to happen with the humanoids, since they seemed to be dead-set upon staying there for the time being.

She makes her way up the stairs.

Second, you can eliminate your enemy. Best time to do this is at an advantage. A reasonable idea, but this situation involved considerable risk, for they didn't know the layout of these creatures' tunnels. Any fight could very well be on the creature's advantage.

She reached the top of the plateau. She looks at everyone there and considers the conversation she heard some of.

Third is to reach an agreement with your enemy. If not become friends, then find a means to turn them into an ally. This was unlikely, but anything could be possible.

Cornelius, your position on this matter is excellent at this time. Especially since these...humanoids seem to be of interest to these insect-creatures, we would risk the least if we simply find a better area to organize.

2017-11-28, 05:13 PM
After a quick nod to confirm his willingness to help track down this woman, Mithi step through the jungle with upmost care, both his blades are drawn as he creeps through the brush peering constantly through the undergrowth and occasionally leaping up tree trunk for better vantage points.

So, he says addressing Shraak Can you tell me much about the region as a whole? We may need to move out soon and I'd hate to know nothing of our destinations.

2017-11-28, 05:43 PM
Cornelius, your position on this matter is excellent at this time. Especially since these...humanoids seem to be of interest to these insect-creatures, we would risk the least if we simply find a better area to organize.
(Kahde overhears this)
I would concur. The elf is a little... wild. Should we enter the jungle?

2017-11-28, 08:58 PM
"I shall trouble you no further, I am an experienced woodsman and can make fine lodging alone. " George heads out and looks for the nearest wilderness to begin preparing a temporary shelter.

2017-11-28, 09:05 PM
Dragon Maw Cave

"I'll... tell you the details later." he says to Jack before he lowers his weapon. "Look, if you're not gonna cause any trouble, and nobody has any objection to it, I guess you're free to stay for the night, Georgie." he says to the thiefling. "Just uh, don't go about summoning any demons, alright?"

2017-11-28, 10:57 PM
Cornelius, your position on this matter is excellent at this time. Especially since these...humanoids seem to be of interest to these insect-creatures, we would risk the least if we simply find a better area to organize.

"You should be ready to keep repeating those words in the future."

At least until he has time to relax and sit in front of a table with some steel.

"Also, we have not established that the enemy is insectile. I am betting on some manner of reptile."

"It is very insensitive to make such a claim, to our faces, yes."

"Well, what do you expect of those chordates? They don't even have meaningful nerve endings at the base of their meager hairs."

2017-11-29, 08:24 AM
Dragon Maw Cave
Jack turns to the retreating George "I'd stay here if I were you, the jung--" He is interrupted by the quiet sound of a bell, and looks up. "Someone's out there..." He looks at John ((sorry for mixing the names up last post :smallredface:)) "Well, not sure if they are friendly, want to go look with me?" Meanwhile the sniper (who still has not said a word) is climbing up a ladder, and Bryrel's bag she had set down disappears.

The elf shrugs, "I told you my name, and I got here just as you did... Feel free to leave, it was quieter before you and your..." A scowl of distaste "...comrades got here."

There doesn't seem to be anything dangerous about, although there is a large frog ((small size)) sitting in the middle of the path, its skin a bright orange, with small red spots. It eyes the group but doesn't move. The trail continues on the otherside of it... ((To pass... or not to pass?))

2017-11-29, 09:22 AM
Khaldun and Shrakk

Shrakk keeps his eyes sharp as Khaldun kneels to inspect the frog, curious about its size. "Big frog," he mutters to himself.

Khaldun spot (on the frog) [roll0]
search (on the frog) [roll1]
Knowledge Nature [roll2]

Shrakk spot [roll3]
listen [roll4]
survival (will it help me learn anything about the frog?) [roll5]

2017-11-29, 09:25 AM
The frog quietly croaks, but is not doing much else besides staring at the four people. However Shrakk knows that the bright colors of the frog signify that it is probably poisonous, however there are some animals that copy the colors so that predators won't eat them. The quest is, which is the frog?

2017-11-29, 09:30 AM
Shrakk and Khaldun

"Probably poisonous," Shrakk says to the others, shrugging casually and continuing on the trail.

2017-11-29, 09:49 AM
"I have not the faintest clue how to summon, I have communed with a devil but that's my father Adremelech, a very kind if not confused man. He'd like you though he's always interested in little gadgets and gizmos, I bought him a false arm where he could squeeze a trigger and grab things at a distance, never had I seen him happier." Sir George tries to sum up the jungle to gauge how alien it might be and how safe it will be to stay in. "If there's something about the jungle let me know now before I endanger myself."

2017-11-29, 10:02 AM
Dragon Maw Cave
Jack shrugs, "I take Bryrel's advice, as she seems to have been here a tad longer. The cave's safe, I don't guarantee the jungle. Especially now that we know something has entered it...

The frog hops off after a minute, as you continue deeper into the jungle. ((and my favorite, reflex save! :smallbiggrin:))

2017-11-29, 10:19 AM
It’s getting on towards night. What’s your plan? (to the elf)

2017-11-29, 10:23 AM
"If you all would shut up for a minute... No, let's go to the jungle..." With that the elf walks down the stairs, leaving everyone else there. "In battle he's a good hand, he's just a bit stuck up." The human mutters ((you know, that one survivor just kinda sitting there :smalltongue:)).

2017-11-29, 12:35 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
Jack turns to the retreating George "I'd stay here if I were you, the jung--" He is interrupted by the quiet sound of a bell, and looks up. "Someone's out there..." He looks at John ((sorry for mixing the names up last post :smallredface:)) "Well, not sure if they are friendly, want to go look with me?" Meanwhile the sniper (who still has not said a word) is climbing up a ladder, and Bryrel's bag she had set down disappears.

"Alright, I've got your six." John nods and prepares to follow behind Jack.

Since Jack's got the shotty, it would be best he's at the front, with John taking accurate shots from behind him to avoid friendly fire.

Spot(to try to see what might've triggered the alarm bell once they get close to it's location)

2017-11-29, 02:10 PM
The elf shrugs, "I told you my name, and I got here just as you did... Feel free to leave, it was quieter before you and your..." A scowl of distaste "...comrades got here."


The stone woman listened incredulously to this elf. He was...almost certainly insane. She speaks to him in fluent Elven.
This is no place to make a glorious stand, stuck on this rock!
You should live free in the forest below!

If it was quieter, then by that I'm sure the terrible, taxing and shudder-inducing battles you had prior to our arrival were done in silence? Or do voices of reason simply sound like caterwauling to you?

2017-11-29, 02:22 PM
Plateau, Stairwell
The elf stops, looks back, shrugs then continues down the stair, his words barely heard over his shoulder.

"Well, let's go then!"

He continues down the winding stairs, now out of sight. Suddenly a hollow booming sound seems to echo from the jungle.

Dragon Maw Cave -> Jungle
Jack smiles, "Great..." He turns to the tiefling, "You can wait here... I'm sure we can deal with whatever is out there..." He heads into the jungle, and to the North a hollow crashing sound can be heard echoing, at which Jack picks up the pace.

((Oh, in case it was missed, can I get reflex saves for the 4 currently tracking the healer woman :smallamused:))

2017-11-29, 03:14 PM
Can I gain a level before having to make this reflex save? I could really use my charisma bonus :small tongue:

I rolled a 14, so with +8, that's 22

2017-11-29, 05:17 PM
What in the Nine Hells was that? (Knowledge (?) check: [roll0]). Shall we investigate?

2017-11-30, 03:05 PM
Jungle + Dragon maw Cave -> Jungle
It seems most of you got off safe... although shrakk finds himself trapped under what appears to be a tree, although luckily whoever set up this nifty little domino put some effort into making sure it wouldn't kill whoever it hit. "May I ask who you are." A soft voice asks, although there is nothing to be seen.
((Spot: DC 15; Listen 13. Mikemical move silently and hide opposing other players.))

You see a man holding what appears to be a hollow tube of some sort creeping towards your location, although he's not the quietest person by far. ((For those with advance tech it is a shotgun, but I think most (all?) of you are more fantasy types :smalltongue:))

If the question was aimed at the elf it doesn't matter, he's already down the stairs.

2017-11-30, 03:50 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

The steel-and-stone behemoth confirms that he is alone before turning to the tunnel walls. His clawed battlefists find easy purchase as he pulls himself back out of the darkness.


2017-11-30, 04:46 PM
8 and 11 for my spot and listen checks, so I have no idea what's going on

2017-11-30, 06:16 PM
Sigma looks up from his work.

Wait, we're going? Why shouldn't we just ward them off with gold?

Oh well, it is what it is, I guess.

Sigma then picks up the pile of untouched gold, and scurries off to the rest of everybody else.

2017-11-30, 06:54 PM
(He’s talking to himself) *Sighs* Better go follow the mysterious crashing noise then. It’s gonna be totally safe. He goes down the stairs towards the noise.

2017-11-30, 11:06 PM
8 and 11 for my spot and listen checks, so I have no idea what's going on

Khaldun and Shrakk both startle at the sound of some deific voice booming out of the sky, speaking nonsense about spotting and listening "checks." What the hell was this world they now found themselves in?

My actual IC actions:

Shrakk and Khaldun

Shrakk hears the rustling of someone trying to sneak towards them and the voice accompanying it, but with his body trapped under a tree, he finds himself unable to turn his head enough to see where it's coming from.

Khaldun's quick reflexes save him, however, and he whips his head toward the sound, spotting the strangely dressed and equipped man. In the same motion, he draws his hand-and-a-half sword and has it pointed toward the newcomer quicker than his own mind can follow.

"We are lost travelers," he says warily, answering the man's question. "Is this your trap that has my friend in its grasp here?"

2017-12-01, 08:12 AM
Jungle + Dragon maw Cave -> Jungle
It seems most of you got off safe... although shrakk finds himself trapped under what appears to be a tree, although luckily whoever set up this nifty little domino put some effort into making sure it wouldn't kill whoever it hit. "May I ask who you are." A soft voice asks, although there is nothing to be seen.
((Spot: DC 15; Listen 13. Mikemical move silently and hide opposing other players.))

You see a man holding what appears to be a hollow tube of some sort creeping towards your location, although he's not the quietest person by far. ((For those with advance tech it is a shotgun, but I think most (all?) of you are more fantasy types :smalltongue:))

Move Silently:


2017-12-01, 08:25 AM
Plateau's Base -> Jungle
((There's no one atop the plateau besides the fighter and weg right?))
The elf is walking towrds the jungle, "Newcomers, 'Hey, let's go down here!'. Now look at 'em." He shakes his head, walking towards the sound of the crash.

The fighter looks at Weg, "Couldn't convince you to help me down could I?"

The man looks, "Eh, that's not mine..." Neither of you seem to see the other slipping along behind him, but as soon as he speaks it is obvious that the quiet voice you had head before was not his. "Lost?" The shadowy voice comes again, although it is impossible to tell where it comes from, "It seems that you are not the only one anymore." The man raises one hand off his ((gun)) pipe thing, "How about we put the weapons away? Before someone (it is obvious he is referring to whoever was speaking earlier) does something rash?"

2017-12-01, 08:34 AM
Weg des Faustfickens

"Why would you think you need to convince me? You may feel welcome to any help you would like." Weg proceeds to assist the fighter up to and including carrying him if need be. At no point does Weg portray any sign of impatience nor annoyance.

2017-12-01, 08:42 AM
The fighter seems able to walk fine, with some assistance, it is just his one leg he can't walk on. "Thanks."

((@TheArcaneCaster No, you're not close enough, Seeing that you've not yet even entered it... :smalltongue:))

2017-12-01, 09:19 AM
Weg des Faustfickens

With the somewhat hobbled fighter at his side, Weg hastens to catch up with the rest of the displaced pioneers.

"I am Weg des Faustfickens, what is your name, soldier?"

2017-12-01, 09:25 AM
"Jeremiah, nice to meet you Weg... Although I wish it were under better circumstances." he adds with a chuckle.

2017-12-01, 09:33 AM
Weg des Faustfickens

"Jeremiah, I assume you are familiar with this area, yes? What can you tell me about it? You must be from somewhere nearby unless you appeared here as we did."

2017-12-01, 09:41 AM
Jeremiah chuckles, "I got here... a week ago? Two? I was out in the jungle for a fair bit, figured that the plateau would be safer, and that turned into a nightmare..." He gestures, (incidentally the direction the crash came from) "I was with a rather strange lass, hopefully she's alright, but she refused to come to the plateaus..." So no, I did not appear on the actual plateau, I appeared in the middle of a swamp... The jungle is dangerous to those who are either stupid or with no knowledge of how to survive in such a place, and gets a fair bit worse at night, but nothing like the plateau..." He shrugs, "I honestly think we should hed north, as there seems to be some sort of mountain range there... or we could head south and there's a mountain down there... or we could head east and hit the swamps... maybe you all could make a peace treaty with them, the natives?"

2017-12-01, 09:49 AM
Weg des Faustfickens

"I will admit that the jungle doesn't sound like the safest location to fortify. A mountain range would likely afford better opportunities for that." He takes a moment to peer to the north. "As for natives in the swamp, a delegation could be sent at some point to attempt peace talks. Allies would be a boon to our survival. Let us offer this advice when we catch up to the rest properly."

With that statement made, Weg pushes forward a bit faster, taking care not to overly discomfort Jeremiah.

2017-12-01, 09:57 AM
Jeremiah hops along not having a problem with the pace, "I must warn you... they are not exactly your everyday folk..."

2017-12-01, 10:07 AM
Weg des Faustfickens

A rare chuckles escapes the living construct,
"I'm sure you've noticed that we aren't common folk ourselves. That said, your comment gives greater call to secure a base of operations."

"Rose! Cornelius!"

2017-12-01, 10:09 PM

The statue was looking for others in the tunnel that weren't going down the stairs. "Damn. Critters must have grabbed them"

She joins Weg and gets caught up. "This is the last of us that could make it. Many of us can travel tirelessly,
Weg, but I urge you to consider the pther option: we find whatever allies we can in this region. There could the others that have been brought to this world and all we need to do is find them."

2017-12-02, 02:51 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

"You make a valid point, Rose.

Weg growls quietly for half a moment, "For a group intent on survival,
we are painfully lacking in several areas. We have no reliable communication. No unity. No cohesion. Very little cooperation. This cannot continue. We are too scattered.
Before we attempt to do so many different things, what are the chances we can gather to organize ourselves?"

2017-12-02, 08:06 PM
Mithii slips his blades back into the sheaths on his hips. He looks with distaste at the man with the strange baton. So where you here already? Or did you appear from the air just before us.

2017-12-02, 08:10 PM

"Well, it is obvious that we have no cohesion, we have been together for an hour at most, and some of it wasted in the ramblings of a lunatic."

"Who isn't even our master."

"Save it for later Gustav! We first need a plan, a simple one so that even simpletons and mammals can follow. The first step is clear, we leave for the jungles, there, we must gain distance from this hive and then establish a camp, a proper, fortified position wherein I can accumulate resources and convert them to proper exploration equipment, and once so equipped, we can set about the subjugation of the local labor force!"

That last part sounds a bit different from the rest.

2017-12-03, 12:05 AM

The caryatid listens to the proceeding conversation and walks to the insectile man. "An interesting idea, Cornelius. Speaking candidly, who do you think would make the best slaves?"

2017-12-03, 12:30 AM
Weg des Faustfickens

"I'd prefer that we use terms like employees and servants rather than slaves. Pick a location and I'm sure Rose and I can clear cut the necessary lumber to give us room and material."

Weg looks ahead at the scattered individuals, "I have become eager to settle a safe location."

2017-12-03, 12:34 AM
Kahde, to Cornelius
I am perfectly willing to do some manual labor for you if it means that you won’t keep slaves. I despise slavery.

2017-12-03, 12:44 AM
Kahde, to Cornelius[/B];22627100]
I am perfectly willing to do some manual labor for you if it means that you won’t keep slaves. I despise slavery.
Sigma Aegis
That won't be necessary. After enough materials are required ((and levels :smalltongue:)), I can make slaves!

2017-12-03, 01:06 AM

Cornelius launches into a hearty tirade.

"Well, I scarcely know what the local fauna looks like, but goblins are easy to cow into service and easier to keep as a growing population of low class minions at minimal costs in food, lodging and overall hygiene. An excellent starting point for anyone in need of underlings and with low expectations. Kobolds also work, but their loyalty is too easily swayed by anything draconic. Humans are sadly a finicky bunch, but sometimes you can find groups with the right proclivities, but it takes time to breed these traits into a working populace and if we go for that long term a project, I have my minions and they are suitably gendered for it."

The three minions clack their jaws behind him.

"Please don't talk about breeding us in front of strangers, master."
"It sends the wrong message."
"It probably puts all sort of disgusting ideas in their filthy monkey brains. Ah, no offense."

"How can that not offend?"
"Well, they are ignoring master Cornelius' commentary."

"As for slavery, I have no special preference for it. Rather, paid minions are usually more useful."

"Well, not sure what we could purchase in this jungle with a salary."
"The warm feeling of knowing your efforts are appreciated, by the issuing of meaningless tokens of unuseable wealth."
"The wonderful deception of economy, without the troubling matters of inflation, offer or demand."

2017-12-03, 01:28 PM

The caryatid seems to relax a little bit after hearing what Cornelius has to say. I am all for the education of and opportunity given to a local population to find better means of living and security. Even if they are somewhat ill tempered like goblins, as long as they are subjected to methods that foster intellect, personal responsibility and a healthy sense of good community, it seems a tolerable idea.

2017-12-03, 02:37 PM
Tabitha zips to the front of the group to get all up in mystery man's business, Gesticulating wildly.

WTH? I'm not about to play Mrs. Nice with some jerk-wad who dropped a tree on my friend! Who are you people, and what in the infinite blazing Abyss is that voice?! Also, who drops trees!? Who DOES something like that?! And why?

2017-12-03, 07:12 PM
The man smiles, "Well, I did not exactly drop the tree..." When the voice intercepts him again, "No, I did." Of course now a tall elven lady slowly fades into view, perched atop the fallen tree. She hops down (and to those listening for it makes no sound) then pushes the tree off of him. "Sorry, but precautions are what keep one alive out here." Se steps through the brush, not a sound betraying her foot steps. "May I ask what you lot are doing?"

Plateau's Edge
Jeremiah sighs, "Well, those in the swamps won't be dealt with easily... I don't know what lies in the mountains, never traveled up there myself..."

2017-12-03, 07:45 PM

"Well, human, what is in the swamps, for starters? Lizardmen? Elves? Boggits? Bullywugs? Trolls? Halflings?"

"All unspeakably unpleasant, but all solvable, one way or another."

2017-12-03, 07:48 PM
Plateau's Edge
"Well, Lizardmen mostly... small ones, although I'd be more worried about the ghosts they worship... It seems that their dead don't go on to some kind of afterlife, rather they stay and help guard the swamps."

2017-12-04, 12:41 AM
Well, you deciduous dropping deviants, we were looking for our healer friend. Has anyone else fallen into your timber traps?

2017-12-04, 07:53 AM
John will maintain his position, in case a fight breaks out. Of course, this is all assuming I'm also part of the Jungle group,
unless there is another one.

2017-12-04, 10:27 AM
Cornelius' - Plateau's Edge

"Ah yes, lizardmen. The best way to deal with them is to supply a steady stream of meat. The worship of spectral ancestors is an issue we should be able to deal with one way or another. Either way, they are creatures of mediocre intellect but useable physical prowess, they will make a great addition to my host."

"You should say 'our' there, master."
"I think these people are ignoring his affectations, Eleanore."
"The mark of a good minion, back home, that is for sure."

2017-12-04, 11:20 AM
((@Mikemical: Yes, you are in the jungle with them.))
She shakes her head, "No, as they are not traps per se... I literally pushed a tree on you. Oh, you should watch out, this jungle's full of unsavory things." The man with the so called "baton" smiles, and stretches out a hand, "We did not see anyone go by this way, although we'd be glad to help, and can offer some provisions as well... You'd have to stop back by our cave as well though." To anyone paying attention it is obvious he's telling the truth, although the elven woman looks away, having a sudden urge to set the tree back up.

Plateau's Edge
The fighter shakes his head, "Not spectral spirits, I mean wraiths... shades... whatever you'd like to call them, they are pretty... dangerous. I'd honestly head to the mountains, there you can probably find some ore or something and forge some things to assist you if go down hill." A rock can be heard tumbling down the winding stair and the fighter looks over his shoulder, "Maybe we should get out of here before long discussions?"

Dragon Maw Cave
Sir George is alone in the cave, besides the midget cook that is, but he's fallen asleep off to the side, the roast set so it'll automatically turn. This might be a good time to search the cave, alternatively he could wait here and do nothing, or he could travel after them... Although if he is not trained in the wild he may lose his way. Suddenly a rather large frog jumps in front of the cave entrance, watching George intently.

2017-12-04, 12:10 PM
(He’s thinking) This is dumb. We just stand around talking when there are things to do.
((OoC: I’m splitting off from the group and finding the crashing noise))

2017-12-04, 12:16 PM
Plateau's Edge -> Jungle
Kahde quickly stumbles upon the group, who seem to be in the midst of a heated debate with another group... Which must be from somewhere else, as they weren't on the plateau.

2017-12-04, 12:47 PM
To the group he doesn’t know: I’m Kahde Avain, elf saint. And you are?

2017-12-04, 01:00 PM
Rose - Plateau's Edge

"Rose. Pleasure to meet you Kahde. Let's be off finding these lizardfolk types. Perhaps we can offer them aid with these...spirits."

2017-12-04, 01:04 PM
Plateau's Edge
((Just to note, Kahde was talking to those in the jungle))
The fighter sighs, "They work with and worship these spirits, thus any attempt to destroy them won't be met... kindly." He smiles, "Not at all..."

2017-12-04, 01:06 PM
Rose - Plateau's Edge

"Rose. Pleasure to meet you Kahde. Let's be off finding these lizardfolk types. Perhaps we can offer them aid with these...spirits."
Pleased to meet you, Rose. When were you planning on finding the lizardfolk? It might be wise to wait until dawn.

2017-12-04, 02:11 PM
Rose - Plateau's Edge

On the contrary, Kahde, I think it'd be easier to accost them in the evening. Makes for a better dramatic entrance, and if they have issues with swamp critters it gives us an edge of welcome. Nothing like a battle against a common enemy to bring disparate races together. I might be made of stone now, but I think of myself as stiil...

she gives a glance to Cornelius. "Still humanoid."

2017-12-04, 02:14 PM
Rose - Plateau's Edge

On the contrary, Kahde, I think it'd be easier to accost them in the evening. Makes for a better dramatic entrance, and if they have issues with swamp critters it gives us an edge of welcome. Nothing like a battle against a common enemy to bring disparate races together. I might be made of stone now, but I think of myself as stiil...

she gives a glance to Cornelius. "Still humanoid."
If you say so. Shall we leave now, then?

2017-12-04, 02:33 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

Weg looks up into the starry sky with a start,
"I'm afraid we may have asked time to get away from us already." He takes stock of the people near him, "Which of you is going to require sleep? Cornelius, can you construct some kind of sleeping cot for those who will need them?
Rose, would you stand at my side watching over our impromptu camp this night?"

2017-12-04, 02:36 PM
I need no cot. And here, let me help a little with defense. (Activate Holy Aura.) Stay within the light, and you will be protected.

2017-12-04, 03:26 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

"Good thinking, er, Kahde. I'm certain that will help a lot. On the other hand, if there is any reason to leave this protected area, please show me to step out first. I was designed to defend."

2017-12-04, 04:37 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

"Good thinking, er, Kahde. I'm certain that will help a lot. On the other hand, if there is any reason to leave this protected area, please show me to step out first. I was designed to defend."
If you so wish.

2017-12-04, 10:25 PM
Cornelius' - Probably moving away from the Plateau's Edge along with the group, there really is no reason to stay still while talking.

Cornelius groans when Kahde activates his aura, it is uncomfortable to him. Well, his own desecrated presence is probably bothersome in turn. The insectile undead steps back from the saint.

"Marthe should be more than able to prepare simple huts for those few among us who need to sleep, including herself. My own efforts are better spent elsewhere. I was thinking of preparing some bombs should the need come to blast these spirits the lizards serve, which I still hope to avoid, truthfully."

"Yes, master. There are some fairly good, large leaves around, and I can feel some grubs walking on the floor that should provide a decent adhesive."

"Yes, I could use an adhesive agent, gather the grubs."

"I mean for the camp, but of course, master."

Marthe makes a survival check to "get along in the wild" providing food and shelter for those in the party that actually need it.

Additionally, she and Gustav will also begin making weekly checks of Profession (Scavenger) to gather useful stuff from the surroundings that Cornelius can turn into things that help everyone survive better. Because they will mainly be doing this, they will not usually be available for combat. Earns them a number of gold coins (worth of stuff) equal to the check, once a week.

Eleanore is just mostly useless for the time being. Maybe once Cornelius has enough wood and bugs to make a car.

Survival [roll0]
Profession [roll1]

Profession [roll2]

2017-12-05, 12:56 AM
(I'm just going to pretend Kahde never made it at this point)

Oh wow ma'am you're pretty strong then! We need to find our friend before dark, so I'm not sure we have time to stop for provisions, although any help with the search would be appreciated (no offence, Miithi and Shrakk)

2017-12-06, 06:19 PM
Rose - Jungle

The Caryatid takes watch in a strange way: she positions herself in a clearing very near the party and seems to...meld into a comvincing and small-branches and bare tree-like statue with many browns and blacks. Her weapon seems to twist into a shrunken, thin tree beside it.

The Caryatid, unneeding of sleep, is in a state of vigilant watching.

Disguise: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2017-12-06, 06:47 PM
Sigma - Stairs

Sigma, looking out after his companion's foolish mistake, he sets down the gold and spreads it around him, and then burrows into the stone

Sigma = Groot. ALSO unneeding of sleep, I'm going to stay at the stairs ~10 ft off the ground.

2017-12-06, 07:17 PM
Kahde is trancing.

2017-12-07, 01:51 PM
Plateau (Staircase)
As the night moves on you feel something brush against you, something large, and then you see several larger bug like creatures (think massive praying mantis) wander around, carefully avoiding the gold coins yo scattered. Suddenly a rather tall humanoid creature (with four arms) came out, checked them, then went back into the caves, never paying you any mind. Soon enough a more sluggish one comes out, the gold disappearing beneath it. It seems that whatever these creatures are they don't mind plants at least...

Jungle (Draken & Co.)
From where you are you can hear sounds on the plateau, sounds like that of scuttling, although you can't see what it is. The fighter shakes his head, "Damn creatures..." Ahead you can see the other elements of your party who went after the healer woman, arguing with some elven woman about who knows what.

Jungle (Mikemical & Co.)
The elven woman shakes her head, "You won't find her, and most likely she's already dead." She looks off to the other group in the jungle, "Are they friends of yours?"

(I split the jungle title in two, hopefully making it easier to tell where everyone is? You just have to remember who you're with now. Note that at the moment, both jungle companies (groups if you prefer) are within sight and shouting distance of each other.)

2017-12-07, 05:02 PM
Sir George sets about make a map. Finding a blank piece of wall he marks the wall ten times up and ten times down before drawing a line using his blade as a straight edge. He makes an X in the top left corner and begins drawings lines back and forth still using his blade to make straight lines.

On the far left side he writes X = Cave. Then labels the four sides to their corresponding directions. It makes for a poor map but when the sun rises he might have some answers.

2017-12-07, 06:23 PM
Dragon Maw Cave
If George is paying attention he may have noticed that the large frog was joined by another...

2017-12-09, 12:18 AM
Yes, those are our best friends. They're probably looking for the healer woman too!

Hey! Tabitha shouts to the other jungle group. Have you Guys found that healer woman?!

2017-12-09, 12:48 AM
Cornelius - Jungle

Tabitha's shouting is a trigger for Cornelius to rush the way of her group, his expression... Well, he is an enormous insect, his expression is probably almost unreadable.

"The things in that hive are already leaving their nest, so don't shout unless you want to start a fight, you fool!"

He sounds angry, on the plus side, his presence is profane and thus relatively pleasant. And he's sounded angry more or less all this time, so no change there.

Two of his eyes do focus on the new batch of hominids and they look empty, dead and judgmental.

"And no, we have not found the fleeing nurse, nor have we looked, for that matter."

2017-12-09, 01:21 AM
Weg des Faustfickens

Weg waves the newcomers closer. "Hurry! It's not save out there! For that matter it's not overly safe here either, but it's better than out there!" he calls out quietly.

2017-12-09, 03:21 PM
Tabitha greets Cornelius with a cheeky smile, talking excitedly, but whispering because he's probably right.

Lighten up you chitinous cadaver! Mantids don't even have directional hearing! Besides, it's nothing a couple of undead assailants like us couldn't handle. Tabitha gives Cornelius a joking slug in the arm and throws up some mock dukes.

Anyway, we've made like 3 new friends, one of whom is like this really buff ghost girl! And they have a camp! So it's like totally safer over hear, and we should like get everyone as far away from the hive as possible!

(Note, chitin is pronounced with a hard "C" at the beginning so it totally alliterates :smalltongue: Sorry if this is condescending :smallredface:)

2017-12-09, 03:34 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

"You know what these things are?
And you have a safe haven? This is a unexpected boon! If you will lead the way, I'm sure we will follow." Weg waits for the new female to take the lead and the rest of their small group to precede him.

2017-12-09, 03:51 PM
The Elf shrugs, alright, she then begins walking in the direction of the cave, not waiting to see if they follow. Jack follows as well.

Dragon Maw Cave
Outside it seems the two toads have turned into four...

2017-12-09, 04:15 PM
Tabitha sidles up next to the elven woman
Hold on don't let us rush you! if you want to stand the tree back up we'll wait!

and more quietly, to just the etherial elf
and, uhh, if you ever want to push me down I promise I won't protest :smallredface:

Edit: a word

2017-12-09, 04:17 PM
She looks at the vampire, a smile coming to her face, "The tree'll be fine." She continues down the path, still smiling.

2017-12-09, 07:06 PM
(Cornelius himself is a pile of condescension anyway)

"Well, a ghost should be useful in handling with the lizardmen and their own spectral masters."

Cornelius steps puts any other member of the party between himself and Tabitha once she starts flirting with some other mammal, such disgusting creatures.

2017-12-09, 08:08 PM
The smile catches Tabitha a little off guard, and she stops in her tracks, flustered.

After noticing Cornelius harumph away, she a blows a raspberry at him and mutters:
So much for undead solidarity. I don’t wanna be your friend anyway!

To Weg:
not exactly, but I know that the praying mantids of the material plane only have one ear, so they can’t tell which direction sounds come from. Those giant things back there probably don’t have a lot of predators though, so The knowledge might not transfer perfectly. Anyway I’ll talk to you more about it later!

Tabitha then recomposes herself and floats over to catch up with the elf, smiling.
Anyway, thanks for all your help miss, what with taking us to your camp and all! My name is Tabitha by the way, just in case you were wondering.

2017-12-09, 10:29 PM
The elf nods, "No problem Tabitha, I'm Bryrel." Anything else she planned on was left out as you came in sight of a cave, a cave that seemed to resemble a dragon. She cursed as she saw the rows of frogs that had accumulated outside, frogs which all at once turned towards her. "If there are any undead in your party have them stay away from the frogs..." She retreats, numbly bounding up a tree.

((Nah Nah NAh!!!))

2017-12-09, 11:21 PM
Don't worry Bryrel! I'll save you!

Tabitha starts inspiring courage by playing her axe and singing a HEAVY METAL LIMERICK! then she wields the axe normally and prepares to show off her awesome martial prowess!

Stupid frogs around the cave,
Facing me is rather Brave!
I'll cut you in half!
It'll be a bloodbath!
Now come and get the death that you TOTALLY CRAVE!

(note: affects undead)

2017-12-10, 08:55 AM
Bryrel shakes her head, "I'd not get near them, as they were designed to hunt "rogue" undead. As such they can be rather annoying..." She slides a long nasty looking dagger out, a quick flick of the wrist hitting one and pinning it to the ground, body twitching slightly.

2017-12-10, 05:42 PM
Sorry, was sidetracked setting up the Roled Together thread. John'll follow Jack, introduce himself appropriately, and prepare for dinner.

2017-12-10, 08:52 PM
Sir George makes an effort to shoo the frogs out of the cave not knowing if they were their first or not he didn't want to presume. Upon exiting he notices the others." "Oh hello, you must be the people the other people had mentioned?Is this a bad time?"

2017-12-11, 01:00 AM
Rose - Jungle

Since there is no one to Guard, Rose returns to her state as a humanoid shape and finds her way to the edge of this conflict.

2017-12-11, 03:36 PM

Upon seeing Weg, she heads over to him, axe in hand. "Weg! What in the world is going on with that...ghost and those frogs?"

2017-12-11, 03:48 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

"Honestly, I'm not sure, Rose.
I just want to make sure we aren't going to lose anyone."

2017-12-11, 04:08 PM

"Good plan. We may defeat these creatures in short order, I think. Any that become hurt, stand by me!"

Rose will enter Martial Spirit stance.

2017-12-11, 04:40 PM
"Am I correct in presuming you are the occupants of this home/cave?" Sir George says confused by the sudden guests.

2017-12-11, 04:51 PM
Sigma, with an interest in the bug-like creatures, slowly gets down the stairs and hurries to fetch the others.

2017-12-11, 11:08 PM
If these frogs are here specifically to hunt undead, I will not hurt them, as they have not hurt me. If they attack me, I will retaliate, but otherwise I shall not cause them harm.

2017-12-11, 11:20 PM
If these frogs are here specifically to hunt undead, I will not hurt them, as they have not hurt me. If they attack me, I will retaliate, but otherwise I shall not cause them harm.

"Right there with you sister of peace." George says confused by the display.

2017-12-11, 11:46 PM
"Right there with you sister of peace." George says confused by the display.
I am a male, but thank you.

2017-12-11, 11:50 PM
"I think I would be more insulted about the use of frogs for such hunting if I had been in this state for more than a few hours and thus had any form of pride in it."

Cornelius nonetheless points his rifle at the creatures and pulls the trigger, keeping to a safe distance. The weapon is enormous and other users of firearms must agree that, while it certainly looks primitive, its caliber must be enormous. And it is exquisitely fancy in appearance.

2017-12-11, 11:54 PM
I am a male, but thank you.
Did you just assume my gender? :)

"My apologies, I will be inside removing my foot from my mouth." George then returns to the cave.

2017-12-11, 11:56 PM
"My apologies, I will be inside removing my foot from my mouth." George then returns to the cave.
No need to apologise; it was an honest mistake.

2017-12-12, 12:10 AM
If these frogs are here specifically to hunt undead, I will not hurt them, as they have not hurt me. If they attack me, I will retaliate, but otherwise I shall not cause them harm.

Tabitha, elbows deep in frog viscera (assuming it doesn't burn my undead skin or anything :smalltongue:)

Suit yourself, you righteous elf!

2017-12-12, 11:32 AM

The Caryatid moves forward into the way of one frog. She pivots on attacking, trying to give Weg, Cornelius and others a better means of hitting the aquatic terror. It's a wide swing, though and she grimaces at its arc. "Damn toads are squrrely!"

Leading the Attack: [roll0] d:[roll1]
Effect: On hit, allies get a +4 to attack against her target.

2017-12-12, 12:00 PM
Weg des Faustfickens

"I feel it's a shame to slay then all.
Perhaps I can keep one..."

2017-12-18, 06:32 AM
The horde of frogs are quickly mowed down, as one vanishes in a bloody burst form cornelius’s abnormally large gun, Tabitha is in the center of the horde, swinging left and right with her axe, viscera flying, Bryrel watching from above, her face amused as they “go to town”. Between her and the others they wrap up most, until the peace lovin’ hippies scoop up a few of them. Bryrel silently lands from the tree, “Come, we won’t have to worry about lizardmen until dawn, and it’d be easier to defend the cave then to confront them in the jungle.” She walks into the cave, Jack following behind quietly, and Bryrel motions, “Find somewhere to sleep, I’ll be back momentarily.” With that she slips behind a curtain that conceals the entire back of the cavern. Poor Sigma catches up just to see the party entering the cave, although some may have been alerted as he crashed through the undergrowth.

((Those who wanted to grab a frog managed to get one, and you guys destroyed the others, although some of you may now be covered in frog :smalltongue:.))

2017-12-18, 08:04 AM
Cornelius approaches Kahde and unceremoniously drops a squished frog on top of his head.

"Now, animals that prey on the living are significantly more common than those that prey on the undead, so I will remember to be similarly helpful when something comes to eat you instead."

2017-12-18, 08:45 AM
Cornelius approaches Kahde and unceremoniously drops a squished frog on top of his head.

"Now, animals that prey on the living are significantly more common than those that prey on the undead, so I will remember to be similarly helpful when something comes to eat you instead."
Do you want to fight?
I ready an action to turn undead, triggered when I extend my hand.