View Full Version : Fighting Outsiders without Dimensional Anchor

2017-11-20, 02:28 PM
Are there any alternatives to Dimensional anchor for shutting down the teleporting ability that almost every outsider of moderate to high level has?

2017-11-20, 02:39 PM
Anti-magic field would be the nuclear option.

2017-11-20, 02:53 PM
Dimensional lock would work, if the outsider can't leave the area for some reason.

Counterspelling would work if they're using a spell or SLA to teleport.

Gate can be used to compel a creature to come fight you.

Bestow curse or greater bestow curse might be able to shut down a specific ability.

Miracle and wish can probably be used to force a creature to stay put for a while.

2017-11-20, 03:02 PM
Anticipate Teleportation (spellcaster)

Trace Teleport (psionic)

One-Shot Pounce Ubercharge (martial)

2017-11-20, 03:03 PM
If you don't have access to dimensional anchor you don't have access to most of those as well, I was looking for lower level spells or maybe magic items that could do it.

2017-11-20, 03:04 PM
Deal enough damage to kill it before it can act?
Deal damage while it is trying to teleport so that it have to do a concentration check?
Deal damage to all the places where it can teleport?(like hit every cubic inch of every dimension where the outsider went)
Use eward black tentacles so that the target have to do a concentration check of Dc20 or any of the other concentration triggering effects.
Use astral tracking to know where it did teleport and then use a lantern archon to follow it.

2017-11-20, 03:10 PM
Deal enough damage to kill it before it can act?
Deal damage while it is trying to teleport so that it have to do a concentration check?
Deal damage to all the places where it can teleport?(like hit every cubic inch of every dimension where the outsider went)
Use eward black tentacles so that the target have to do a concentration check of Dc20 or any of the other concentration triggering effects.
Use astral tracking to know where it did teleport and then use a lantern archon to follow it.

circle of protection against evil, if you can truck them to be in the center of it, could, theoretically be used.

2017-11-20, 03:21 PM
The most reliable way to deal with teleportation is to make them not want to use it. Find something important to them - something they have to defend, or something they need to attack at a particular time and place - and sit on it. They’ll have to come to you, and they won’t be able to flit away at will.

2017-11-20, 04:36 PM
Smoky Confinement or an Iron Flask would work too one imagines.

Heck, just spamming save or die spells should do the trick.

2017-11-20, 04:50 PM
circle of protection against evil, if you can truck them to be in the center of it, could, theoretically be used.

Magic cirlce doesn't work that way, and even if it did, you would still need to use dimensional anchor to stop them from being able to teleport out.

Anticipate Teleportation (spellcaster)

Anticipate teleportation only works if they're teleporting in, not out, which presumably would be the case, otherwise dimensional anchor wouldn't help either.

Counterspelling would work if they're using a spell or SLA to teleport.

You cannot counterspel SLAs.

If this is meant to be a low magic/low level adventure with a teleporting fiend, perhaps make the solution part of the quest itself. Maybe there's some magical poison (one that would work on fiends) that contains powdered wierdstone, and when it gets into an outsider's veins, it stops them from being able to teleport, or better yet, damages them when they try to teleport as parts of their body are discorporated while others aren't. Maybe allow them to buy oils of dimensional anchor which they could use as a thrown weapon to apply dimensional anchor that way (I'm aware that by standard lists dimensional anchor is a 4th level spell, so it cannot be put into an oil/potion... EXCEPT by a cleric with the portal domain, so that could become a side quest as well).

2017-11-20, 05:51 PM
Investiture of the Orthon works pretty well

2017-11-20, 11:24 PM
Investiture of the Orthon works pretty well

That actually works quite nicely for my character, as he will eventually be casting off the blackguard list, and has the troll-blooded feat so the acid protection is just icing on top. Can't believe I missed this. Of course then again there isn't alot stopping them from taking their move action to move 30ft then using their teleport, but its better than nothing.

2017-11-20, 11:46 PM
It's not a plug-and-play solution that anyone can do, but a Hellbreaker (FC2 pg. 86) gets several abilities that are good at dealing with enemies that tend to teleport a lot.

2017-11-21, 08:14 AM
There's the 'binding' weapon property from AEG, that's basically a 1/day dimensional anchor attempt.

You could also try preventing the outsider from using it's abilities by stunning it, and things like that.

Someone mentioned astral tracking, but one of the dragon magazine has the Planar Tracking feat, as well as a githyanki planar tracking net. It might be beneficial to let it escape and follow it, because many (if not all?) outsiders can only be permanently killed on their home plane. If killed elsewhere, they eventually reform on their home plane and pose a threat again.

2017-11-21, 08:18 AM
There's the 'binding' weapon property from AEG, that's basically a 1/day dimensional anchor attempt.

You could also try preventing the outsider from using it's abilities by stunning it, and things like that.

Someone mentioned astral tracking, but one of the dragon magazine has the Planar Tracking feat, as well as a githyanki planar tracking net. It might be beneficial to let it escape and follow it, because many (if not all?) outsiders can only be permanently killed on their home plane. If killed elsewhere, they eventually reform on their home plane and pose a threat again.

Well astral tracking is a feat from dragon compendium.
So in dragon magazine there is astral tracking and planar tracking?
Curious: my researches on google does not finds me any dnd 3.5 planar tracking.
Oh and the pose a threat again aspect is a thing only if you are a long lived character and that the campaign drags for 99 years.

2017-11-21, 11:20 AM
Well astral tracking is a feat from dragon compendium.
So in dragon magazine there is astral tracking and planar tracking?
Curious: my researches on google does not finds me any dnd 3.5 planar tracking.
Oh and the pose a threat again aspect is a thing only if you are a long lived character and that the campaign drags for 99 years.

depending on the outsider, they may have a cult that could use a sacrifice to attain a limited wish, and use that limited wish to restore their cult leader to life

2017-11-21, 11:31 AM
Well if the outsider have a cult he might as well come back even when killed while he is on his plane.(since it does not says it prevents true Resurrection)

Mr Adventurer
2017-11-21, 11:51 AM
Some mid-level Outsiders don't have Concentration skill. I remember stopping a Vrock getting away once.

EDIT: though that may be a faulty memory since Vrocks apparently have Concentration+20....

2017-11-21, 12:31 PM
Well astral tracking is a feat from dragon compendium.
So in dragon magazine there is astral tracking and planar tracking?
Curious: my researches on google does not finds me any dnd 3.5 planar tracking.
Oh and the pose a threat again aspect is a thing only if you are a long lived character and that the campaign drags for 99 years.

Found it... My notes have it in Dragon Magazine, issue 306, page 55, and I'm pretty sure the planar tracking net is in the same article.

2017-11-21, 01:55 PM
In addition to the above, forcing a concentration check can still produce a failure. Physically restraining or grappling something is a good choice for this. Forcing an attack of opportunity for attempting to teleport away might be enough to kill something. Also as said above, stunning/dazing or negating the action will stop them from teleporting.

2017-11-21, 02:08 PM
In addition to the above, forcing a concentration check can still produce a failure. Physically restraining or grappling something is a good choice for this. Forcing an attack of opportunity for attempting to teleport away might be enough to kill something. Also as said above, stunning/dazing or negating the action will stop them from teleporting.

Yeah, these are the mundane options. Forcing a concentration check is about the best you can do. You could theoretically force multiple checks....
A windy cavern(check) while grappled(check) within a stinking cloud (check) within an entangling effect(check) would probably cause someone to fail if their concentration check is low enough.
Stunning, sleeping and dazed enemies also cannot make a teleport.
So inflict status effects, grapple etc.