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2017-11-20, 09:49 PM
The Apothecary

Image: Samyaza, Angel of Pride by Peter Mohrbacher

"Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee doe go,
Rest of their bones, and souls delivery.
Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well,
And better then thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die."
- John Donne, Death Be Not Proud

The apothecary is a dealer in life, rather than death, although he retains the versatility that he had as a spellcaster prior to gaining his healing spells, and indeed being free to use the additional healing spells granted freely to apothecaries can often, ironically, lead them to have more damaging spells available. Still, an apothecary's mastery over healing is undisputed by most - in fact, even wizards and sorcerers, who normally don't have access to healing spells, can become apothecaries and thus gain the power of healing.

Adventures: Apothecaries adventure to protect their allies on their adventures, and often to heal others in need.

Characteristics: Apothecaries can heal almost any injury, and a variety of other conditions besides. Their ability to restore creatures to health is legendary. They can also repair damage to objects. That said, they are still powerful spellcasters in a more general sense.

Alignment: Any. Healing tends to be conflated with good, but the dark side needs its soldiers mended too. Many healers, though, are the tireless forces of neutrality, tasked with healing the wounds of wars they didn't care for.

Religion: Gods of life and health are common among apothecaries, perhaps unsurprisingly.

Background: An apothecary is often a cleric or druid who wishes to enhance their healing abilities or a wizard or sorcerer who wishes to be able to heal as those classes do. Sometimes, they're even a healer, whose abilities are accentuated further by the apothecary's power.

Races: Any. Most races need healing, after all, and those who don't can still grant it to those who do.

Other Classes: Members of most classes are thankful to have the apothecary on their side, and respect their healing power.

Role: Apothecaries are master healers, able to repair almost anything. They also have all the versatility of a normal spellcaster and then some, as their new spells free up options for ordinary spells.

Adaptation: The elite spell concept could easily be adapted to include other spells from sources outside of the player's handbook, or alternatively a new class could be made using elite spells around a different theme. For example, an apothecary who heals undead might have inflict spells instead of cure spells.

Spellcasting: Must be capable of casting fourth-level spells.
Skills: Heal 5 ranks

LevelBABFortRefWillSpecial 0lvl1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+0+0+0+2Elite Spellcasting1—————————

Class Skills
The apothecary's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The apothecary gains no proficiency in any kind of weapons or armour.

Elite Spellcasting
The apothecary gains an additional caster level and additional spells per day and spells known of each level as though he had continued to take levels in a class with which he met the prerequisites. If he had mutliple classes with which he met the prerequisites, he must choose one of those classes to progress.

Further, the apothecary gains elite spells from the apothecary elite spell list as additional spells known. He knows a number of each level of elite spells given on Table: The Apothecary. At first level, this means he only gains an elite cantrip (though he can cast that elite cantrip as many times per day as he has spell slots with which to cast it). If he prepares spells, like a wizard or cleric does, or if he retrieves spells - whether like a sha'ir does or like a spirit shaman does - he can cast elite spells spontaneously much like a druid casts summon nature's ally spells by expending a full or empty spell slot (but not an expended one!). If he casts spells directly like a beguiler or warmage does, he treats the elite spells as being additional spells on his list.

If he learns spells like a sorcerer, he simply gains additional spells known which do not take up ordinary spell slots. Further, an apothecary can learn an additional nonelite spell by forfeiting the nonelite version of the elite spell he is learning (if there is one), even if his class would not entitle him to do that this level or in addition to any spells he is entitled to swap out this level. For example, a sorcerer/apothecary who learns cure severe wounds (elite cure serious wounds) can swap out his cure serious wounds spell known for another third-level spell known.

Elite spells have an "E" or the word "Elite" before their spell level, for example "E3" or "Elite third". This doesn't change the actual level of the spell (for example, the elite third level spell would still take up a third-level spell slot and the DC is still that of a third-level spell). Rather, it signifies only that it's an elite spell of that level and therefore defies many of the expectations of what is possible of a spell of that level (see the next paragraph).

An apothecary can learn an elite spell even if he can't learn the nonelite version of the same spell. A wizard/apothecary can learn cure severe wounds (elite cure serious wounds), for example. An apothecary who learns an spell which uses a different ability score based on caster uses the primary ability modifier which determines their spell saving throw difficulty class if their class isn't listed in the spell. A creature with an elite spell-like ability uses charisma in this case.

No ability ever entitles you to learn additional elite spells unless it mentions them in particular. For example, the Extra Spell feat does not allow you to learn an additional elite spell. Similarly, items cannot replicate elite spells, nor can an item which would replicate one (such as a wand of conflagration (elite fireball)) be created except by an ability which specifies that it can do. If you are entitled to know an elite spell, you might still not be able to cast the spell in question, for example if you enter as a bard or paladin.

A cleric cannot spontaneously cast elite spells with "Cure" in their name unless the cleric in question knows those spells, most likely because that cleric is an apothecary.

Apothecary Elite Spell List


Analyse Poison (Elite Detect Poison): You detect the exact type of all poison in a large area.
Cleanse (Elite Purify Food and Drink): Purify any object.
Cure Major Wounds (Elite Cure Minor Wounds): Heal a creature for 1 point of damage per level and of dazzling.
Repair (Elite Mending): Repairs an item to full hit points.
Temperance (Elite Virtue): Subject gains 1 temporary hp/level


Cure Heavy Wounds (Elite Cure Light Wounds): Heal a creature for 2d8+2/level points of damage and some conditions.
Detect Vitality (Elite Deathwatch): Monitors exact status of creatures.
Eternal Rest (Elite Gentle Repose): Corpse is mostly immune to damage.
Greatberry (Elite Goodberry): 2d4 berries each heal 2d6 hp.
Invigourate, Lesser (Elite Lesser Restoration): Dispels magical ability penalties and heals 2d4 ability damage.
Pacifism (Elite Sanctuary): Creatures really can't attack you and you can't attack.
Protection From Weather (Elite Endure Elements): Exist comfortably in hot, cold, wet, windy and other conditions.
Remove Terror (Elite Remove Fear): Subject is freed from and immune to fear.


Cure Extreme Wounds (Elite Cure Moderate Wounds): Heal a creature for 4d8+4/level points of damage and some conditions.
Destroy Paralysis (Elite Remove Paralysis): Removes a variety of conditions which restrict movement.
Monitor (Elite Status): Tells you a detailed report of damage and other harm to your allies.
Rebuild (Elite Make Whole): Restores an object's abilities, even magic within limitations.
Suspend Poison (Elite Delay Poison): Poison currently or later affecting the subject is delayed for 1 day/level.


Benediction (Elite Remove Curse): Removes all curses.
Create Feast (Elite Create Food and Water): Creates proper food and drink.
Cure Severe Wounds (Elite Cure Serious Wounds): Heal a creature for 6d8+6/level points of damage and many conditions.
Neutralise Toxin (Elite Neutralise Poison): Removes all poisons and protects against further poisoning.
Rejuvenate Companion (Elite Heal Mount): As rejuvenate (Elite Heal) on mount, animal companion, familiar or similar.
Remove Plague (Elite Remove Disease): Removes all deseases and protects against further disease.
Restore Senses (Elite Remove Blindness/Deafness): Restores senses and protects against further attacks against them.
Vampiric Feast (Elite Vampiric Touch): Deal more damage and heal self permanently.


Cure Mortal Wounds (Elite Cure Critical Wounds): Heal a creature for 8d8+8/level points of damage and most conditions.
Death Shield (Elite Death Ward): Protects against more effects for longer.
Invigourate (Elite Restoration): Restore levels which were lost at any time and spell is free.
Karma (Elite Reincarnate): Creature comes back as an creature of your choice, spell is free and fewer restrictions.
Obliterate Enchantment (Elite Break Enchantment): Ends most conditions.


Cure Heavy Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Light Wounds): Cures many creatures' heavy wounds.
Penitence (Elite Atonement): Fixes creature's misdeeds at no cost.
Return (Elite Raise Dead): Spell is free, fewer restrictions and no level loss.


Cure Extreme Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Moderate Wounds): Cures many creatures' extreme wounds.
Defossilise (Elite Stone to Flesh): Creature is restored from stone at no risk.
Dinner of Champions (Elite Heroes' Feast): Feast is faster and better.
Rejuvenate (Elite Heal): Fully heals a creature and removes almost all condition from it.


Cure Severe Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Serious Wounds): Cures many creatures' severe wounds.
Invigourate, Greater (Elite Greater Restoration): Removes practically any condition from creature and is quicker and free.
Regrowth (Elite Regenerate): Character's body is restored and they're healed 8d8+8/level hit points.
Rise from the Grave (Elite Resurrection): Spell is free, fewer restrictions and no level loss.


Body Double (Elite Clone): Spell is free and clone doesn't suffer penalties.
Cure Mortal Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Critical Wounds): Cures many creatures' mortal wounds.


Emancipate (Elite Freedom): Frees a creature from almost anything.
Even Death May Die (Elite True Resurrection): Creature is resurrected in perfect health regardless of pretty much anything.
Rejuvenate, Mass (Elite Mass Heal): Rejuvenates many creatures.

2017-11-20, 09:50 PM
Analyse Poison (Elite Detect Poison)
Level: Apothecary E0
Casting Time: 1 Swift Action
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
Target: Everything within range
You sweep a great area for poisons.

Analyse poison works like detect poison except as noted above and that the type of poison is automatically determined.

Elite spells like analyse poison are difficult to resist fully. The spell can be blocked, but it would require 10 feet of stone, 10 inches of common metal, 3 inches of lead, or 30 feet of wood or dirt. It's not blocked by any nonelite effect which blocks divination spells.

Level: Apothecary E3
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/level)
You remove even the worst curses from a creature.

Benediction works like remove curse except that all curses are removed from the target - special curses which normally need some spell other than remove curse or some special course of action (such as breaking a periapt of health over the creature cursed) are also removed by benediction. Curses on an item targeted are actually removed. If the item has no function apart from its curse, then it loses all its magic. For example, the armour of arrow attraction would work as a set of +3 full plate and the armour of rage as a set of +1 full plate. A bag of devouring is separated from the creature it is normally a part of and becomes a real bag of holding, type I.

The amulet of inescapable location, cloak of poisonousness, dust of sneezing and choking, flask of curses, helm of opposite alignment, incense of obsession, medallion of thought projection, necklace of strangulation, periapt of foul rotting, potion of poison, robe of powerlessness, scarab of death, stone of weight, -2 sword and vacuous grimoire lose all magical properties as a result of this spell, though the sword is still a functional sword and the others are still the standard items they might normally be without magic.

Players should be discouraged from using this spell to get cheap sets of magical full plate, bracers of armour +5, and even rings of feather falling - cursed items are usually more difficult to get your hands on in civilised society than their prices might suggest.

Benediction counters and dispels malediction.

Body Double (Elite Clone)
Level: Apothecary E8, Maker E8
Components: V, S
You create a body double for when the original body dies.

Body double works like clone except that there is no material or focus component and that the clone is raised without level loss, so it rises at the level at which the original died or at the level that the original was when the clone was created, whichever is higher. The duplicate grows magically over the course of 2d4 weeks and enters a state of self-preserving suspended animation, so it doesn't decay. In fact, the duplicate has hardness 20 until the soul re-enters it.

Cleanse (Elite Purify Food and Drink)
Level: Apothecary E0
Range: 20 ft.
Target: Up to 2 cu. ft./level of anything.
Saving Throw: None
You cleanse a variety of objects

Cleanse works like purify food and drink except that it works on any item by removing poison, disease and contamination from it (but not necessarily making it suitable to eat or drink!) and as noted above.

Create Feast (Elite Create Food and Water)
Level: Apothecary E3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Effect: Food and drink to sustain up to 30 humans or 10 horses/level for 24 hours
Duration: Instantaneous and permanent, see text
You create a feast fit for a king.

Create feast works a little like create food and water, but it creates more food, the food is of high quality, and it creates drink to match - for example, you could create a full roast meal with it. The food and drink created never seems to degrade even though it's constantly at the perfect temperature to serve - this effect ends if the spell is dispelled, but the food doesn't go away.

Because the food is created out of nothing, the spell is often used to make cruelty-free meat.

Cure Extreme Wounds (Elite Cure Moderate Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E2
Saving Throw: Will partial (Harmless); see text
You heal a badly wounded creature's wounds.

Cure extreme wounds works like cure moderate wounds except that the damage healed is 4d8+4/level (no level limit) and that it removes the caught on fire, confused, dazed, dazzled, fascinated, fatigued, shaken and sickened conditions from living or deathless targets.

If for whatever bizzarre reason a creature chooses to save against the beneficial version of the spell, it halves the healing and negates the removal of conditions.

Elite spells like cure extreme wounds are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire. A creature with an ability which would make them take no effect on a successful save is instead healed for a quarter of the usual amount.

Cure Extreme Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Moderate Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E6
You heal many badly wounded creatures's wounds

Mass cure extreme wounds works like mass cure moderate wounds except that the spell emulated is cure extreme wonuds.

Cure Heavy Wounds (Elite Cure Light Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E1
Saving Throw: Will partial (Harmless); see text
You cure an injured creature's wounds.

Cure heavy wounds works like cure light wounds except that the damage healed is 2d8+2/level (no level limit) and that it removes the dazzled, fascinated, shaken and sickened conditions from living or deathless targets.

If for whatever bizzarre reason a creature chooses to save against the beneficial version of the spell, it halves the healing and negates the removal of conditions.

Elite spells like cure heavy wounds are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire. A creature with an ability which would make them take no effect on a successful save is instead healed for a quarter of the usual amount.

Cure Heavy Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Light Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E5
You heal many injured creatures's wounds

Mass cure heavy wounds works like mass cure light wounds except that the spell emulated is cure heavy wonuds.

Cure Major Wounds (Elite Cure Minor Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E0
Saving Throw: Will partial (Harmless); see text
You heal a somewhat injured creature's wounds.

Cure major wounds works like cure minor wounds except that it restores one hit point/level and that it removes the dazzled condition from the target (unless the target is undead).

If for whatever bizzarre reason a creature chooses to save against the beneficial version of the spell, it halves the healing and negates the removal of the dazzled condition.

Elite spells like cure major wounds are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire. A creature with an ability which would make them take no effect on a successful save is instead healed for a quarter of the usual amount.

Cure Mortal Wounds (Elite Cure Critical Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E4
Saving Throw: Will partial (Harmless); see text
You heal a near-dead creature's wounds.

Cure mortal wounds works like cure critical wounds except that the damage healed is 8d8+8/level (no level limit) and that it removes the blinded, caught on fire, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, frozen solid, nauseated, panicked, shaken, sickened, stunned and turned conditions from living or deathless targets.

If for whatever bizzarre reason a creature chooses to save against the beneficial version of the spell, it halves the healing and negates the removal of conditions.

Elite spells like cure mortal wounds are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire. A creature with an ability which would make them take no effect on a successful save is instead healed for a quarter of the usual amount.

Cure Mortal Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Critical Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E8
You heal many near-dead creatures's wounds

Mass cure mortal wounds works like mass cure critical wounds except that the spell emulated is cure mortal wonuds.

Cure Severe Wounds (Elite Cure Serious Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E3
Saving Throw: Will Partial (Harmless); see text
You heal a badly-wounded creature's wounds.

Cure severe wounds works like cure serious wounds except that the damage healed is 6d8+6/level (no level limit) and that it removes the caught on fire, confused, dazed, dazzled, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, shaken, sickened and turned conditions from living or deathless targets.

If for whatever bizzarre reason a creature chooses to save against the beneficial version of the spell, it halves the healing and negates the removal of conditions.

Elite spells like cure severe wounds are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire. A creature with an ability which would make them take no effect on a successful save is instead healed for a quarter of the usual amount.

Cure Severe Wounds, Mass (Elite Mass Cure Serious Wounds)
Level: Apothecary E7
You heal many badly wounded creatures's wounds

Mass cure severe wounds works like mass cure serious wounds except that the spell emulated is cure severe wonuds.

Death Shield
Level: Apothecary E4
Duration: 1 hour/level
You protect a creature against deadly attacks.

Death shield works like death ward except as noted above and that the creature is also immune to ability damage and drain as well as to curses and abilities which reduce their hit point maximum, ability scores or effective level.

Defossilise (Elite Stone to Flesh)
Level: Apothecary E6
Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
Target: Up to one petrified creature per level or a cylinder of stone up to 10 feet in diameter and up to 100 ft long.
Saving Throw: None
You safely restore petrified creatures

Defossilise works a little like stone to flesh, but with some key differences. Either, you restore all petrified creatures targeted and all of their equipment with no save required to survive, or you turn some objects and/or parts of objects which collectively fit in the cylinder described above from stone into flesh. Any stone golems within the area are, instead of the usual effects of flesh to stone (whatever those are), turned into inert flesh and defeated instantly.

Destroy Paralysis (Remove Paralysis)
Level: Apothecary E2
You remove a variety of paralysis-related effects

Destroy paralysis works like remove paralysis except that, no matter how many creatures are targeted, those creatures are freed from grappling, pinning, entanglement, paralysis, being frozen solid, and effects which directly reduce the creature's mobility (rather than doing so by killing it or turning it to stone, say). This specifically doesn't include effects like fear, sickness, dazing or stunning, death or unconsciousness, and petrification but does defeat a reversed inertia surge utterance, a slow spell or even a dimensional anchor. It won't dispel a spell which grapples multiple creatures or has effects beyond entangling the creature, say, but it will remove those effects from a spell.

Detect Vitality (Elite Deathwatch)
Level: Apothecary E1
Range: 60 ft
Area: 60 ft radius emanation, centred on you
Duration: 1 hour/level
You detect the exact condition of creatures around you.

Detect vitality works a little like deathwatch. If you hadn't already, remove the [evil] descriptor. Detect vitality reports the exact hit point maximum and total of allies in the area and the hit point deficit (damage taken total) of enemies in the area (or their hit point total if they're below 0 hit points). It also reports any ability damage, ability drain, negative levels and nonlethal damage taken by each creature, including which abilities are damaged and/or drained, how much, and how many levels are drained and how much nonlethal damage is taken. It also reports which creatures in the area are dead, disabled, dying, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, stable, staggered and unconscious. Like deathwatch, it also reveals undead and constructs in the area; it also reveals deathless.

Dinner of Champions (Elite Heroes' Feast)
Level: Apothecary E6
Casting Time: 1 minute
Effect: Feast for up to 10 creatures/level
Duration: 45 minutes plus 16 hours; see text
You bring forth a massive feast for many to dine upon.

Dinner of champions works like heroes' feast except as noted above and that creatures who partake in the feast are cured of diseases, sickness, nausea, fatigue, fear effects, exhaustion, and poison and are immune to the same for the duration, and that rather than gaining temporary hit points directly, they are healed for 2d8+1/level hit points (no level limit) and any healing in excess of their maximum health is gained as temporary hit points. The morale bonus on attack rolls and will saves is +3.

Elite spells like dinner of champions are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire.

Emancipate (Elite Freedom)
Level: Apothecary E9
Target: Up to 1 creature/level
Range: Infinite; see text
You free a creature from almost anything.

Emancipate works like freedom except that it affects any creature irrespective of location, line of effect, or local conditions and that it frees a creature from anything short of death, including fear, sickness, and other effects which don't necessarily restrict movement. It shatters impediments keeping the creature from being free, including doors or manacles. Any documents or other items which legally or otherwise entitle a creature to ownership of that creature catch fire, shatter, or are otherwise destroyed.

Elite spells like emancipate are difficult to resist fully. The spell bypasses even antimagic fields and dead magic areas - it can't be cast in one, but it functions if the target and/or relevant objects are in one.

Eternal Rest (Elite Gentle Repose)
Level: Apothecary E2
Duration: Permanent
At your touch, a body becomes immune to decay and resistant to damage.

Eternal Rest works like gentle repose except that the corpse gains hardness equal to 10 plus your caster level and that, as noted above, the spell lasts forever. This particular combination has led some evil spellcasters to build out of corpses, though they do not necessarily make a particularly good building material and the particulars of the spell make it difficult to create enough hardened corpses. Still, a fallen elephant can make for a good wall if nothing else.

Even Death May Die
Level: Apothecary E9
Components: None
Casting Time: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Will see text (Potentially harmless)
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons...

Even death may die works like true resurrection except as noted above and for the following. You can bring back a creature who has been dead for whatever length of time, even if they have been utterly destroyed in some fashion, including but not limited to an unname spell, and irrespective of any effect which would normally prevent their resurrection, such as their soul being held in a thinaun weapon.

You can try to bring an undead or deathless creature back to life while they're still undead or deathless (without having to destroy them first). In this case, they recieve a will save to prevent this effect. If an undead creature passes the save, it still loses half its current hit points (a deathless creature who passes the save is fine).

You can even bring back to life a creature who has died of old age, or cast even death may die on a creature who is still alive; in either case the creature can be restored to any age down to the minimum age for their race and class (16 for a human barbarian or 120 for an elf wizard, for example), though you do not have to do this. A creature who is subject to this effect may take a will save to negate it.

Elite spells like even death may die are difficult to resist fully. An undead creature who passes the save loses one quarter of its current hit point total if it has an ability which would normally cause it to take no effect on a successful saving throw.

Greatberry (Elite Goodberry)
Level: Apothecary E1
You cause a handfull of berries to become nourishing and uplifting.

Greatberry works like goodberry, except that each berry heals 2d6 points of damage (no limit per day) and removes the fatigued, shaken and sickened conditions from a creature who eats one. Just by knowing the spell, you know how to discern what berries are affected by goodberry spells, including greatberry spells, just like a druid of 3rd level or higher (if you aren't one already).

Elite spells like greatberry are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire.

Invigourate (Elite Restoration)
Level: Apothecary E4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
You restore a creature's vigour

Invigourate works like restoration except as noted above and that it not only removes all negative levels but restores up to two lost levels which were lost at any time. It also removes all ability damage, and either all ability drain from one ability score, or drain up to half the ability score from up to two, a third for three, or so forth. For example, if a creature with 18 in each ability score was targeted, you could remove 9 points of ability drain from two ability scores, or 3 from all of them, or some other combination. This spell restores even creatures who have lost levels or constitution from dying.

Elite spells like invigourate are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals ability damage, drain or negative levels that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically, like ability burn, without issue, and even restores ability score points that have been lost permanently as though they were ability drain, such as if a first-level creature was raised from the dead.

Greater Invigourate (Elite Greater Restoration)
Level: Apothecary E7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
You restore a creature to full vigour.

Greater invigourate works like greater restoration except as noted above and that the spell restores the creature's senses, frees it from paralysis, stabilises it if it's dying, and reverses even ability scores lost due to death.

Elite spells like greater invigourate are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals ability damage, drain or negative levels that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically, like ability burn, without issue, and even restores ability score points that have been lost permanently as though they were ability drain, such as if a first-level creature was raised from the dead.

Lesser Invigourate (Elite Lesser Restoration)
Level: Apothecary E1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
You restore some of a creature's vigour.

Lesser invigourate works like lesser restoration except as noted above and that it cures either 2d4 points of damage to one ability score or 1d4 to each of two (choose before rolling). Instead of restoring one of the d4s of damage, you can restore a point of ability drain instead. That is, you can remove 2 points of ability drain, 1 point of ability drain and 1d4 points of ability damage, or 2d4 points of ability damage.

Elite spells like lesser invigourate are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals ability damage or drain that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically, like ability burn, without issue, and even restores ability score points that have been lost permanently as though they were ability drain, such as if a first-level creature was raised from the dead.

Karma (Elite Reincarnate)
Level: Apothecary E4
Components: V,S
You bring back a creature as another type of creature.

Karma works like reincarnate except that you can pick a race of the same type for the creature, so long as that race has a valid level adjustment (cohort level adjustments are fine for NPCs, and no level adjustment at all is fine for monsters). The target comes back to life as a member of the new race if it accepts the reincarnation. The creature doesn't suffer loss of levels or constitution for being brought back in this way.

You can alternatively target karma at a willing living creature, in which case their race is changed as above - the process still takes an hour, and the creature cannot act or be interacted with for the hour.

Monitor (Elite Status)
Level: Apothecary E2
Targets: Up to one creature per level
You keep track of multiple creatures' status in tiny detail.

Monitor works like status except that it provides as much detail as detect vitality does.

Neutralise Toxin (Elite Neutralise Poison)
Level: Apothecary E3
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 hour/level
You cleanse a creature of toxins

This spell works like neutralise poison except that you reverse all effects of poison that the creature has suffered from and protect it against further poisoning for 1 hour/level.

Obliterate Enchantment
Level: Apothecary E4
You remove enchantments easily

Obliterate enchantment works like break enchantment except that there is no level limit and you don't need to roll at all to end an enchantment spell other than some kind of curse. You still need to roll to end transmutations and curses. The spell can end spells which can't be ended by dispel magic unless the spell level is elite fifth or higher.

Pacifism (Elite Sanctuary)
Level: Apothecary E1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
You totally protect the subject from harm.

Pacifism acts like sanctuary except as noted above except that the creature can't be harmed at all. No save is allowed to target it with an attack and if it's caught in an the area of an attack, it isn't harmed. The spell is still broken if the subject attacks.

Penitence (Elite Atonement)
Level: Apothecary E5
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
You fix a creature's misdeeds without requiring a divine appeal.

Penitence works like atonement except as noted above and that you do not need to be a cleric of the same deity to restore a cleric's power, nor a druid to restore a druid's. You can also restore class features to any class that has lost them, not just a cleric, druid or paladin.

(To answer the inevitable question, this doesn't work on Righteous Desperation because it's a spell. It does work on Righteous Inspiration but only if you're casting it on yourself.)

Protection from Weather (Elite Endure Elements)
Level: Apothecary E1
You protect a creature from a lot of weather conditions

Protection from Weather works like endure elements except that it provides two levels of heat and cold protection instead of one, that it protects from one level of wind (so a large creature in a tornado is only knocked down rather than being picked up by the funnel, because they treat it as a tornado, and only needs to make a DC 20 fortitude save to prevent this). The spell protects against special storms: dust, hail and rain alike are deflected slightly past the creature. Even Protection from Weather doesn't actually improve visibility in rain or allow you to move through settled snow faster, though.

Rebuild (Elite Make Whole)
Level: Apothecary E2
You mend even the most badly-broken of items

Rebuild works like make whole except that it can restore all kinds of items. If you have even a tiny piece of the item, it can be rebuilt (though for a fixed object like a structure you must be at the place where the object properly goes) even if it was warped, burned, or so forth. Magic items can be repaired, but rebuild doesn't restore any charges or other property that has been used up. For example, it doesn't restore the charges to a staff of the magi which released them when it was broken, but it would restore a broken +2 staff of the magi's enhancement bonus, and if a wand of cure light wounds was broken while it had 25 charges left, it would be restored with 25 charges (assuming the charges weren't used by or after breaking it).

Essentially, rebuild can repair items even if they have some kind of charges, but you can't get extra charges or uses of an item by breaking and rebuilding it. Similarly, if an item can perform some kind of function once per day, you can still use it today unless you or another creature already has. Rebuild can repair broken magical ammunition, but doing so tends to take too long to be worth it.

Regrowth (Elite Regenerate)
Level: Apothecary E7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
You regenerate a creature fully.

Regrowth works like regenerate except as noted above, that the damage healed is 8d8+8/level, and that it also cures the blinded, caught on fire, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, frozen solid, nauseated, panicked, shaken, sickened, stunned and turned conditions from living or deathless targets (the latter of which it works on even though regenerate doesn't)

If targeted against a corporeal undead creature, regrowth instead causes the creature to fall apart, probably destroying it (as though you'd torn it limb from limb some other way).

Elite spells like regrowth are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire.

Rejuvenate (Elite Heal)
Level: Apothecary E6
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
You restore a creature to perfect health

Rejuvenate works like heal except as noted above and that it removes the Ability Burned, Ability Damaged, Ability Drained, Blinded, Caught on Fire, Confused, Cowering, Dazed, Dazzled, Deafened, Disabled, Dying, Energy Drained, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Frightened, Frozen Solid, Nauseated, Panicked, Paralyzed, Shaken, Sickened, Staggered, Stunned, Turned, and Unconscious conditions from the target and restores all their hit points and removes all nonlethal damage from them. It also removes the detrimental effects of any nonelite spell which influences the mind and body directly except by actually transforming it (in the sort of way that fear and nausea do but entanglement, grappling and petrification don't; the DM may need to use their best judgement here).

You may also reverse the aging of the creature by up to one tenth of the time that creature's race spends in middle age - 3.6 years for a human, which is 3 years, 219 days, 3 hours, 29 minutes and 15.648 seconds (or just 3 years 219 days if a year is considered to be exactly 365 days). The creature may resist this effect without needing to make a save, though.

If targeted against an undead creature, the creature instead immediately takes 10 points of positive energy damage per level or enough damage to destroy it immediately, whichever is more. A successful will save reduces this to half that amount.

Elite spells like rejuvenate are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage and conditions that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire or levels and constitition lost from death. An undead creature with an ability which would make them take no effect on a successful save is instead damaged for a quarter of the usual amount.

Rejuvenate Companion (Elite Heal Mount)
Level: Apothecary E3, Maker E3
You restore your companion to perfect health

Rejuvenate companion works like whichever of rejuvenate or maim heals your familiar, animal companion, special mount, undead companion, or similar companion derived from a class feature or similar ability, though not a cohort. It can only target that creature and only affects that creature.

(Maim works like rejuvenate only its effects on living and undead creatures are reversed.)

Rejuvenate, Mass (Elite Mass Heal)
Level: Apothecary E9
You restore many creatures to perfect health

Mass rejuvenate works like mass heal except that the spell emulated is rejuvenate.

Remove Plague
Level: Apothecary E3
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 hour/level
You remove all disease from a subject

Remove plague works like remove disease except that it also reverses the effects of any disease the subject is suffering from or has suffered from in the past (though if the ability damage is cured in some other way, you can't use remove plague to heal ability damage which is caused somehow else, for example!) and that all diseases are cured, even ones which remove disease can't remove. Further, the creature is protected against further disease for 1 hour/level.

Remove Terror
Level: Apothecary E1
You remove fear in the subjects

Remove Terror works like remove fear except that targets are immune to fear for the duration.

Remove terror counters and dispels cause terror.

Repair (Elite Mending)
Level: Apothecary E0, Maker E0
Target: 1 object of up to 500 lbs
You repair an object fully

Repair works like mending except as noted above and that it repairs an object no matter how damaged it is. It can't restore magical properties, though.

Restore Senses (Elite Remove Blindness/Deafness)
Level: Apothecary E3
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 hour/level
You restore a creature's senses

This spell works like remove blindness/deafness except as above and that you remove blindness, dazzling and deafness in a creature, as well as restoring a creature's other senses if they have been lost, and repairing lost or damaged eyes, ears, noses, tongues and skin (even though tongues and skin have uses beyond tasting and feeling) as well as nerves and other sensory organs. This doesn't heal enough to affect a creature's actual hit point total, but does stop bleeding. The creature is freed of any ongoing effect which changes its perception, but not from illusions that exist in general. The spell also protects against further damage to the senses for 1 hour per level, though it doesn't prevent hit point damage even from attacks which strike the creature's eyes, ears, nose or tongue.

Return (Elite Raise Dead)
Level: Apothecary E5
Components: V, S
You raise a creature from the dead

Return works like raise dead except as noted above and that the creature can have been dead for any length of time and doesn't lose a level. Further, you can raise a creature who has been killed by a death effect and/or turned into an undead creature and then destroyed.

Rise from the Grave (Elite Resurrection)
Level: Apothecary E7
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 minute
You raise any creature

Rise from the grave works like resurrection except as noted above and that the creature can have been dead for any length of time and suffers no level or constitution loss. You can resurrect an elemental or outsider in this way.

Suspend Poison (Elite Delay Poison)
Level: Apothecary E1
Duration: 1 day/level
You suspend a poison's effects until later

Suspend poison works like delay poison except as noted above.

Temperance (Elite Virtue)
Level: Apothecary E0
Duration: 10 minutes/level
You grant a creature the ability to resist damage a while

Temperance works like virtue except as noted above, that the temporary hit points gained are 1/level, and that any damage the creature takes is reduced by 1 until the temporary hit points run out or the spell ends.

Vampiric Feast (Elite Vampiric Touch)
Level: Apothecary E3
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/level)
Target: One living, undead or deathless creature
You drain the energy which sustains a creature.

Vampiric feast works like vampiric touch except as noted above and that you needn't touch the creature; instead they automatically take 1d6 points of damage per level and you heal that much, with any excess becoming temporary hit points, rather than gaining temporary hit points directly.

Elite spells like vampiric feast are difficult to resist fully. The spell heals damage that would normally be difficult or impossible to heal magically without issue, and even restores hit points which have been lost to a creature such as a shape of fire.

2017-11-21, 03:30 AM
I quite find funny how low are the requirements of most elite spell-casters.

Primal Fury
2017-11-21, 03:12 PM
Okay Jorm, real talk time. What are the chances that one of these elite spellcasters will be based around the theme of "fleshwarping"?

2017-11-21, 04:46 PM
I quite find funny how low are the requirements of most elite spell-casters.

They are later-entry than most PrCs, but I don't really like feat taxes on PrCs. The price you pay for being an elite spellcaster is that you're not a member of any other prestige class.

Okay Jorm, real talk time. What are the chances that one of these elite spellcasters will be based around the theme of "fleshwarping"?

Mm, not very high. I imagine there'll be a transmuter one, but since I'm mostly eliteifying existing core spells, and very little is fleshwarpy beyond polymorphing, it probably wouldn't work so well.

Primal Fury
2017-11-21, 05:49 PM
Ah well, a man can dream. Nice work anyway.

2017-11-22, 06:05 PM
Finally finished all of the elite spell descriptions. Have a look!

Ranged Ranger
2017-12-20, 02:11 PM
Love This!!

2017-12-21, 04:30 AM
I'm not sure about apothecary himself, but potions made of his spells would definitely have great success on the market.