View Full Version : Pathfinder my first level Ecl 20 game need build help

2017-11-20, 10:38 PM
So for the first time I'll get be in a level 20 game. A one shot.

Story is were a gathering of epic heros defending the bastion of hope a human city
The rest of the world has fallen to undead demons and other bad stuff.

My goal a Dimensional savant Horizon walker

Buy I am unsure what's the best build to take advantage of that.

The Mystic
2017-11-21, 10:28 AM
An interesting idea.

I'm in the mood to toy around with building, but be aware that this isn't tested, and is largely constructed on the fly.

Using the Astral Plane Terrain Dominance as a basis...

For this first build, I'm assuming you actually want Horizon Walker, for it's flavour and other mechanics, not just for access to dimension door. Or at least that you want to do a minimum of dipping.

The build I've come up with is Bloodrager 6 / Horizon Walker 10 / Bloodrager 4 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15-mmMinYZYMDMCL07VnjD3O0SzI63XqGFPAs51fQqW4/edit?usp=sharing). The reason for this is that it can get quite fast, allowing you to cover a larger area with Dimensional Savant.

Apart from Fast Movement, it also automatically gains the effect of Haste when raging, giving it a minimum of 140 ft of movement with Dimensional Savant (almost certainly more). Along with full BAB and such.

It uses the Urban Bloodrager archetype, so you can still activate your dervish ability and use skills and such.

It then builds on the use of Outflank and Precise Strike to take advantage of your ability to self-flank (which gets even better if your allies also take these feats).

You can distribute six +2s to your favoured terrains.

You also get
Astral Plane: The horizon walker’s fly speed increases by +30 feet on planes with no gravity or subjective gravity.
Ethereal Plane: The horizon walker ignores the 20% concealment miss chance from fog and mist, and treats total concealment from these sources as concealment.
Plains: The horizon walker’s movement is not reduced by wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load.
Underground: The horizon walker gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.

Astral Plane: The horizon walker gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls against outsiders. He gains dimension door as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the character’s Wisdom modifier (caster level equal to the character’s level).
Plains: The walker’s base speed increases by +10 feet.
Ethereal Plane: The walker gains ethereal jaunt as a spell-like ability once per day (caster level equal to the character’s level). He must be at least 7th level before selecting this power.

There are three general feats I hadn't picked anything for and the two bloodline ones. Pick up some combat feats you like.

It might not be smart, but for a one shot I'd probably pick up Power attack and Wild Flanking (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/betrayal-feats/wild-flanking-betrayal-teamwork/), so you can betray yourself. :smallbiggrin: It's a bit of a gamble, but if you can set things up so you're hitting your enemies reliably it's Power attack damage, but no attack penalty, which is awesome. It certainly feels like the sort of risk a superfast babarian might be taking.

I didn't have any particular race in mind, but if you pick a long limbed elf and put your favoured class into the racial class option you can have a base speed of 45 before you're even looking at proper class features. This build is rather MAD though, so you might want to look at something that just shores up the numbers a bit.

Final speed calculation

Base (35) + Favoured Class (10) + Fast Movement (10) + Plains Terrain Dominance (10) + Bloodraging Haste (30)

Movement Speed = 95 ft

Teleportation Distance = 190 ft


Final thoughts. I like the feel of this Arcane Bloodrager that runs from plane to plane, but it's definitely not optimised. It's MAD and would almost certainly need multiple stat boosting items, the major contribution from the Bloodrager class itself could be replaced with Boots of Speed (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/boots-of-speed/), and if you were okay with only three levels of Horizon Walker, there's probably better things those levels could be spent on too.

Still, I could see myself having fun for an evening with this. Hope you like it, even if you don't go down this path.