View Full Version : Player Help Question - Cowl of Warding

2017-11-21, 06:50 PM
So the Cowl of Warding seems like an awesome (and expensive) item, but I am not clear about something...

How exactly does the spell turning work? Is it just unlimited spell turning, or so many levels of spells per day?

2017-11-21, 07:19 PM
6 spell levels per day IIRC

2017-11-21, 07:34 PM
Yep, I see that now. Thanks!

I'm trying to decide if it would actually be worth saving up for. Mind blank is of course awesome, and so is freedom of movement, but 6 levels of spell turning? Mehhhh...

2017-11-21, 08:05 PM
Mind Blank costs 120,000 per an item in the Expanded Psionic Handbook. Freedom of Movement is 40,000 from the standard DMG Ring. Combining them would be 180,000 by the standard guideline of 1.5x cost on the less expensive item. It's up to you if the 6 levels of Spell Turning is worth another ~20,000 GP, or if saving a ring slot is worth the premium for combining the items.

2017-11-22, 12:42 AM
Yeah, but if I wasn't combining them into the same item it would be a bit less. I have to admit the cowl does catch my eye but at this point it will be quite some time before I'd be able to afford it and there's lots of other things I need to buy / upgrade first. I can't deny it's a sweet item though... that's just a lot of money, and my will saves are pretty decent.