View Full Version : Count Dooku's Name

2017-11-21, 07:04 PM
I think it's just a pun on Count Dracula. I haven't seen this proposed anywhere, though. I think that the similarity to the Japanese word doku (poison) is just a coincidence.

2017-11-21, 07:23 PM
I think it's just a pun on Count Dracula. I haven't seen this proposed anywhere, though. I think that the similarity to the Japanese word doku (poison) is just a coincidence.

How is Dooku a pun on Dracula?:smallconfused:
Just because they're both counts and played by the same actor?
The poison theory kinda makes more sense*.

I mean I could see Dooku being a count being a reference to Christopher Lee playing Drac**.
But I'm not sure if pun is the right word.

*The bad guy who is spreading poison (well, verbally at least) is named Poison***.
Using the japanese word is almost subtle by SW standards.
I mean just look at the Sith names.

**Otherwise he might've been a Baron or a Duke.

***Although it makes me wonder what the Jedi where thinking when they took him in.

2017-11-21, 10:19 PM
Except while he was "spreading poison" he was doing it as darth tyranus. I mean, its totally possible it was a play on words for some reason, just look at lucas and his wide assortment of names for background characters The drug dealer Elan Sleazebaganno for example. Yes, thats his actual credited name. Or Notluwiski Papanoida played by lucas himself. In a very vague yet undeniably awful attempt at a joke. And dont forget the john candy looking fighter pilot called PORKINS.

2017-11-21, 10:25 PM
The basic joke in the name is that he's literally "Count Duke." The fact that it's Chris Lee playing another "Count D" is definitely an intentional wink, though.

2017-11-22, 01:07 AM
How is Dooku a pun on Dracula?:smallconfused:
Just because they're both counts and played by the same actor?

My thought is that it could be a reference to the real name Dracula (which is pronounced "Drakoola" or sometimes "Drakoolia") in which case the long double O "ooh" sound could be the intended reference (Drakoo, dookoo.) Seems similar enough.

To be fair though, I have no clue if anyone working on the film's knew the pronunciation, it could be that I'm looking too deeply.

I think that the similarity to the Japanese word doku (poison) is just a coincidence.

Well in Christopher Lee's autobiography he stated that "Dooku" was based on the Japanese "doku".
Buuut the only source I could find was on wookiepedia, the citation linked me to the in website link for the biography ...Soo I'm not to sure if I can be 100% backed up without a copy of the book itself.

2017-11-22, 12:13 PM
I have a feeling this is one of those recycled names that Star Wars loves so much--one of the original names that George Lucas came up with while he was grinding out the early drafts for Star Wars, back in 1975 or so.

For instance, one early draft described the "Jedi-bendu," which was later shortened to Jedi. But in the third season of Rebels, we have a Force-using creature called the Bendu, which was clearly lifted directly from the original notes.

Most likely "Dooku" was another one of those names that Lucas kicked around, passed over, and later reused. "Padawan" is another example.

2017-11-22, 12:26 PM
For instance, one early draft described the "Jedi-bendu," which was later shortened to Jedi.

Which most likely comes from the "prana-bindu" techniques of Dune's Bene Gesserit, which are a significant inspiration for the Jedi. Star Wars very heavily draws on Dune. I'd guess Lucas dropped the "bendu" because it was getting so blatant he was afraid he'd get sued :smalltongue:

As for the main topic, I think Piedmon_Sama said it best.

2017-11-22, 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by SirKazum
Star Wars very heavily draws on Dune.

Hmm. Do you know any sources which discuss this in detail?

I just read a detailed biography (https://www.amazon.com/George-Lucas-Brian-Jay-Jones/dp/0316257427/) of George Lucas, and while it gives a number of influences, it never mentions that he'd read anything by Herbert.

2017-11-22, 12:59 PM
I didn't know Dune carved up Sanskrit for words :biggrin:

2017-11-22, 04:46 PM
Ah... This reminds me that they changed Dooku's name in Brazil because in Portuguese it sounds something like "Count I-give-ass".


2017-11-22, 05:17 PM
I like the 'Count Duke' theory personally, out makes me scope.

Which makes me wonder, is he actually a Count? If so, what's his first name? Is his name literally Count? I suppose his childhood nickname was numbers.

2017-11-22, 05:29 PM
Yes, he's an actual count. Specifically the Count of Serenno. Dooku is his family name, so weirdly his actual given name isn't known even though it shouldn't really be a mystery to the Jedi.

I've always thought it was a shame that the name Darth Tyranus doesn't get used more. It's not like it's any cornier than the other Darth names and IMO sounds way better than Dooku.

2017-11-22, 07:11 PM
Yes, he's an actual count. Specifically the Count of Serenno. Dooku is his family name, so weirdly his actual given name isn't known even though it shouldn't really be a mystery to the Jedi.

I've always thought it was a shame that the name Darth Tyranus doesn't get used more. It's not like it's any cornier than the other Darth names and IMO sounds way better than Dooku.

Yeah im not absolutely certain of all this so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the general backstory is, dooku was taken in slightly older than normal as a padawan, he was the last heir of his family so the noble title was kind of put on hiatus and his particular portion of the world he was in charge of was dealt with by retainers. He eventually got tired of the jedi order and retired from it, thus taking up his noble title again. All this was of course arranged and manipulated by palpatine and in reality he took up his true mantle as darth tyranus.

2017-11-22, 08:49 PM
I've always thought it was a shame that the name Darth Tyranus doesn't get used more. It's not like it's any cornier than the other Darth names and IMO sounds way better than Dooku.

I wouldn't be too surprised if it turned out that Palpatine became a Sith because it was the easiest way to be called something else, and then hit the jackpot when he became the Emperor and people stopped using his name altogether.

The cheesiest pun is probably Finis Valorum, "end of values", because all the good stuff from the Galactic Republic is about to fade.