View Full Version : quick sorc question I need help w/ pls

2017-11-21, 11:18 PM
I'm seeing in the PHB that sorcs are limited to lvl 5 slots - converting them to sorc pts or converting sorc pts to slots (I think it's lvl 5, don't have the book on me at the moment).

So say I have a lvl 8 slot ... can I not convert it to sorc points? Or is it the same as a lvl 5 slot for the conversion - i.e. you get what a lvl 5 would give you in sorc points? Or do you calculate to convert the slot to points, but you can't convert them back to a slot? I've gone through it and simply don't see how this is handled. Thanks.

Oh, also, say you convert a slot that gives you one more sorc point than you can hold - are you stopped from doing the conversion, or is the one that's too high just lost? Thx.

2017-11-21, 11:24 PM
By the book it would seem you cannot, though you could pretty reasonably ask your DM to convert as if it were a 5th (or higher if they are the generous sort), just not back again.

If you exceed your maximum points the excess is lost.

Edit: Whoops i read that the wrong way around. Slots to points are one per spell level with no limit, points to slots are as the table says capping at 5ths. Still can't go over max points though.

2017-11-21, 11:27 PM
You can convert any level slot to points at a rate of one point per spell level. For a Level 8 spell slots, that's 8 points.

Only the conversion of points to spell slots is limited up to level 5, as that's all that is listed on the table. Although the table follows the same point cost as the spell point variant in the DMG, so your DM may rule that you can convert higher level spell slots if they would like to add that to the game.

As for whether it's an all-or-none conversion - the book doesn't say. So it's up to your DM if you can just get 7 points from an 8th-level spell slots or if you simply can't convert that spell slot at all.

Hope that helps!

2017-11-22, 12:11 AM
That does help. Thanks very much, both of you!