View Full Version : Sharingan spell copying in 3.5? Solution to all Naruto fans!

2017-11-22, 09:27 PM
So I was making a theurge build and I noticed how to make what would be the equivalent of a Sharingan for the copying aspect of things.

There are 2 ways I found.
1. Dragonwrought Kobold and take the Spellhoarder psychoses from Dragon Mag 313. Take a level in Court Herald or Mystic Theurge and take Applicable Knowledge with the feat being Epic Counterspell from MoF. Basically now you can counterspell most spells with no action required and can learn them instantly if you do so and expend a gem as detailed in Spellcatching from Spellhoarder.

2. Dragonwrought Kobold and take Spellhoarder psychoses again, but now instead of Epic Counterspell just use Battlemagic perception and or Duelward. This is the less powerful manner but works if the Mystic Theurge/Court Herald is ruled out.

2017-11-22, 09:56 PM
spell thief class and a way to deal a sneak attack form afar. preferably some occular attack. use some kind of wizard/ archivist class and master spellthief to store the spells.

2017-11-22, 10:15 PM
spell thief class and a way to deal a sneak attack form afar. preferably some occular attack. use some kind of wizard/ archivist class and master spellthief to store the spells.

Well yes, but the problem with spellthief is that the spells stolen that way are not permanently learned and IIRC, can only be used once and then dissipate.

2017-11-22, 10:27 PM
sorry i accidentally hit the submit button before i was done. i updated it.

2017-11-22, 11:18 PM
So I was making a theurge build and I noticed how to make what would be the equivalent of a Sharingan for the copying aspect of things.The replicate casting spell out of the SpC?

Also the Spellhoarder template requires a true dragon. And in case you didn't get the memo, the book you're referencing for epic feats also says kobolds are a lessor dragon, not a true dragon. This is an old debate that was laid to rest fourteen years ago but persists like the idea that people from a flat planet never visited their moon for very unhealthy reasons.

2017-11-23, 11:16 AM
Replicate Casting only lets you duplicate a spell if it was cast six seconds ago, unless that's part of the Naruto mechanic it's terrible. The original version (Alamanther's Return in Magic of Faerun) let you do any spell you'd ever seen cast, but also had an xp cost. And/or Miracle.

The Visionary Seeker PrC from Planar Handbook gets the ability to mimic any spell you've seen cast in the last 24 hours, up to 3/day and 9th level spells, but as a half-casting non-theurge class is likely not sufficient for someone willing to use dragonwrought kobold to apply dragon mag monster alterations.

But if you're using Dragon Magazine you can just be a Sha'ir and explicitly have the ability to call up any sorcerer/wiz spell you've ever seen the effects of (and identified with Spellcraft).

2017-11-24, 01:25 AM
Replicate Casting only lets you duplicate a spell if it was cast six seconds ago, unless that's part of the Naruto mechanic it's terrible.It's not limited to spells, you can copy spell-like abilities with it.

You can use it to duplicate a gold dragon's luck bonus to create a stone of good luck for free, or use it against a Balor to summon your own Balor back up. You can also get into shenanigans like spell-like abilities don't consume XP so you can copy a Djinn or Fiend of Corruption's wish, a Mirror Mephit's simulacrum, or use an Immoth's icy runes to store any number of spells you like during downtime. Interestingly it can be used to copy invocations, so if you had a breath weapon (shapechange) you can duplicate your party member's the five fold breath of Tiamat or other semi-unique class features.

2017-11-24, 04:21 AM
As can the original version, without the 6 second limit.